#!/bin/bash ############################################################## # bemenu_run - bemenu script that simulates 'rofi -show run' # # # # Author: q3aql # # Last update: 03-12-2022 # ############################################################## # Configuration variables load_theme_path="${HOME}/.bemenu" load_themes="${load_theme_path}/themes" load_theme_file="${load_theme_path}/load_theme" function load_theme() { if [ -f "${load_theme_file}" ] ; then source "${load_theme_file}" else mkdir -p "${load_theme_path}" mkdir -p "${load_themes}" echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${load_theme_file} echo "" >> ${load_theme_file} echo "NFCOLOR=\"#bbbbbb\"" >> ${load_theme_file} echo "NBCOLOR=\"#1f1f35\"" >> ${load_theme_file} echo "SFCOLOR=\"#eeeeee\"" >> ${load_theme_file} echo "SBCOLOR=\"#664477\"" >> ${load_theme_file} source "${load_theme_file}" fi } function generate_spaces() { num_spaces=${1} count_spaces=1 while [ ${count_spaces} -le ${num_spaces} ] ; do echo -n " " count_spaces=$(expr ${count_spaces} + 1) done } function list_binaries() { binaries=0 path_binaries=${PATH} count_path=1 while [ ${binaries} -eq 0 ] ; do current_path=$(echo ${path_binaries} | cut -d ":" -f ${count_path}) if [ -z "${current_path}" ] ; then binaries=1 else # Extra code / When /bin is the same that /usr/bin/ bin_same=$(ls -la ${current_path} | grep "> usr/bin") if [ -z "${bin_same}" ] ; then ls -1 ${current_path}/ count_path=$(expr ${count_path} + 1) else count_path=$(expr ${count_path} + 1) fi fi done } function list_binaries_icons() { list_binaries | while read current_binary ; do echo " ${current_binary}" done #generate_spaces 75 } load_theme list_output=$(list_binaries_icons | bemenu -c -i -W 0.5 --fn 'UbuntuMono Nerd Font 14' --tb "${SBCOLOR}" --tf "${SFCOLOR}" --fb "${NBCOLOR}" --ff "${NFCOLOR}" --nb "${NBCOLOR}" --ab "${NBCOLOR}" --nf "${NFCOLOR}" --af "${NFCOLOR}" --sb "${SBCOLOR}" --sf "${SFCOLOR}" --hb "${SBCOLOR}" --hf "${SFCOLOR}" -l 18 -p " run:") run_output=$(echo "${list_output}" | cut -c4-999) ${run_output}