Dotfiles config update (2022-05-20)
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
-- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua
Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
Please see COPYING for details
Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
conky.config = {
update_interval = 1,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
net_avg_samples = 2,
out_to_console = false,
override_utf8_locale = true,
double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = true,
text_buffer_size = 32768,
imlib_cache_size = 0,
background = true,
border_inner_margin = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
xinerama_head = 0,
alignment = 'top_right',
gap_x = 21,
gap_y = 56,
draw_shades = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = false,
use_xft = true,
font = 'UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=12',
xftalpha = 0.8,
uppercase = false,
default_color = 'aaaaaa',
own_window_colour = '#000000',
minimum_width = 300, minimum_height = 0,
maximum_width = 300,
alignment = 'top_right',
own_window = true,
own_window_argb_value = 300,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_class = "Conky",
own_window_hints = "undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager",
own_window_transparent = false,
conky.text = [[
${color 3b8af6} SYSTEM INFO ${hr 1}${color}
${color a73cd9} ${color}${color e14141}Kernel:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 60 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color c91c49} ${color}${color e14141}Time:${color}${color 379838} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color cf9c19} ${color}${color e14141}Uptime:${color}${color cf9c19} ${execi 30 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color f7d273} ${color}${color e14141}Volume:${color}${color f7d273} ${execi 1 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color e14141}Disk:${color}${color 2aabcf} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 379838} ${color}${color e14141}Memory:${color}${color de6028} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color b92258} ${color}${color e14141}CPU:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 2 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color a73cd9} ${color}${color e14141}GPU:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 2 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 298329} ${color}${color e14141}Updates:${color}${color 379838} ${execi 120 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color e86441} I3 KEYBINDINGS ${hr 1}${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Kitty${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + space ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Float Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + f ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Fullscreen${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + p ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Rofi (Run Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + o ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Rofi (Drun Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + q ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Rofi (Window Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + d ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Dmenu${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + b ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Mozilla Firefox${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + n ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= PCManFM${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + t ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Rofi Theme${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + g ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Geany${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + m ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Telegram${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + z ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Nitrogen${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + x ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= LXRandr${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + u ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Xterm${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + i ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= LXAppearance${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + s ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Screenshooter${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + h ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Set Horizontal${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + v ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Set Vertical${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱛ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Volume +5${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱜ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Volume -5${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱝ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Mute Volume${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + q ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Kill Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + j ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Left${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ; ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Right${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + l ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Up${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + k ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Down${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + e ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Logout${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + דּ + וּ + e ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Screen-off${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + r ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Resize Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + j ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Left${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + ; ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Right${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + l ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Up${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + k ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Down${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + 1-9 ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Select Workspace${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Menu Logout${color}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
-- vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet ai cindent syntax=lua
Conky, a system monitor, based on torsmo
Any original torsmo code is licensed under the BSD license
All code written since the fork of torsmo is licensed under the GPL
Please see COPYING for details
Copyright (c) 2004, Hannu Saransaari and Lauri Hakkarainen
Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Brenden Matthews, Philip Kovacs, et. al. (see AUTHORS)
All rights reserved.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
conky.config = {
update_interval = 1,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
net_avg_samples = 2,
out_to_console = false,
override_utf8_locale = true,
double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = true,
text_buffer_size = 32768,
imlib_cache_size = 0,
background = true,
border_inner_margin = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
xinerama_head = 0,
alignment = 'top_right',
gap_x = 21,
gap_y = 56,
draw_shades = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = false,
use_xft = true,
font = 'UbuntuMono Nerd Font:size=12',
xftalpha = 0.8,
uppercase = false,
default_color = 'aaaaaa',
own_window_colour = '#000000',
minimum_width = 300, minimum_height = 0,
maximum_width = 300,
alignment = 'top_right',
own_window = true,
own_window_argb_value = 300,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_class = "Conky",
own_window_hints = "undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager",
own_window_transparent = false,
conky.text = [[
${color 3b8af6} SYSTEM INFO ${hr 1}${color}
${color a73cd9} ${color}${color e14141}Kernel:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 60 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color c91c49} ${color}${color e14141}Time:${color}${color 379838} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color cf9c19} ${color}${color e14141}Uptime:${color}${color cf9c19} ${execi 30 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color f7d273} ${color}${color e14141}Volume:${color}${color f7d273} ${execi 1 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color e14141}Disk:${color}${color 2aabcf} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 379838} ${color}${color e14141}Memory:${color}${color de6028} ${execi 10 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color b92258} ${color}${color e14141}CPU:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 2 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color a73cd9} ${color}${color e14141}GPU:${color}${color e25ee6} ${execi 2 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color 298329} ${color}${color e14141}Updates:${color}${color 379838} ${execi 120 ${HOME}/.config/conky/scripts/}${color}
${color e86441} SWAY KEYBINDINGS ${hr 1}${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Kitty${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + space ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Float Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + f ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Fullscreen${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + p ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Wofi (Run Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + o ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Wofi (Drun Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + q ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Rofi (Window Mode)${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + d ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Dmenu${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + b ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Mozilla Firefox${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + n ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= PCManFM${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + t ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Wl-Screenshooter${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + g ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Geany${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + m ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Telegram${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + z ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Wf-Recorder${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + x ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Wdisplays${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + u ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Xterm${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + i ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= LXAppearance${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + c ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= NetworkManager${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + h ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Set Horizontal${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + v ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Set Vertical${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱛ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Volume +5${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱜ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Volume -5${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}ﱝ ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Mute Volume${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + q ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Kill Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + j ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Left${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ; ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Right${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + l ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Up${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + k ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Focus Down${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + e ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Logout${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + דּ + וּ + l ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Screen-off${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + r ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Resize Window${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + j ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Left${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + ; ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Right${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + l ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Up${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + וּ + k ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Switch Down${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + 1-9 ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Select Workspace${color}
${color 4b8af4} ${color}${color 379838}Super + ${color}${color 9ca8ce}= Menu Logout${color}
@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ exec --no-startup-id "sleep 3 && nitrogen --set-scaled ~/wallpapers/
# Configure screensaver
exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/i3/ &
# Clipboard (Diodon)
exec --no-startup-id diodon &
# Load Conky
exec --no-startup-id sleep 10 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc_i3 &
# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && $refresh_i3status
@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/
# Clipboard (Diodon)
exec --no-startup-id diodon &
# Load Conky
#exec --no-startup-id sleep 10 && conky -c ~/.config/conky/conkyrc_sway &
# Use pactl to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
#set $refresh_i3status killall -SIGUSR1 i3status
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% #&& $refresh_i3status
Binary file not shown.
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 403 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 505 KiB |
Reference in New Issue
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