
350 lines
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2022-02-27 20:00:49 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env bats
load ../test_helper
load "${BASH_IT}/vendor/"
load ../../completion/available/bash-it.completion
function local_setup {
@test "completion bash-it: ensure that the _bash-it-comp function is available" {
type -a _bash-it-comp &> /dev/null
function __check_completion () {
# Get the parameters as a single value
# Get the parameters as an array
eval set -- "$@"
# Index of the cursor in the line
# Get the last character of the line that was entered
# If the last character was a space...
if [[ ${COMP_LINE:$COMP_LAST} = ' ' ]]; then
# ...then add an empty array item
# Word index of the last word
COMP_CWORD=$(( ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1 ))
# Run the Bash-it completion function
# Return the completion output
echo "${COMPREPLY[@]}"
@test "completion bash-it: doctor - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it doctor '
assert_line -n 0 "errors warnings all"
@test "completion bash-it: help - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it help '
assert_line -n 0 "aliases completions migrate plugins update"
@test "completion bash-it: help - aliases v" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it help aliases v'
assert_line -n 0 "vagrant vault vim"
@test "completion bash-it: update - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it update '
assert_line -n 0 "stable dev"
@test "completion bash-it: update - show optional flags" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it update -'
assert_line -n 0 "-s --silent"
@test "completion bash-it: search - show no options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it search '
assert_line -n 0 ""
@test "completion bash-it: migrate - show no options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it migrate '
assert_line -n 0 ""
@test "completion bash-it: show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: bash-ti - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-ti '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: shit - show options" {
run __check_completion 'shit '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: bashit - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bashit '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: batshit - show options" {
run __check_completion 'batshit '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: bash_it - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash_it '
assert_line -n 0 "disable enable help migrate reload restart doctor search show update version"
@test "completion bash-it: show - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it show '
assert_line -n 0 "aliases completions plugins"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable '
assert_line -n 0 "alias completion plugin"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - show options a" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable a'
assert_line -n 0 "alias"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - show options" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable '
assert_line -n 0 "alias completion plugin"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - show options a" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable a'
assert_line -n 0 "alias"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide nothing when atom is not enabled" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias ato'
assert_line -n 0 ""
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide all when atom is not enabled" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/atom.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/completion/available/apm.completion.bash $BASH_IT/completion/enabled/apm.completion.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/completion/enabled/apm.completion.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all atom"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/completion/available/apm.completion.bash $BASH_IT/completion/enabled/350---apm.completion.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/completion/enabled/350---apm.completion.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all atom"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/completion/available/apm.completion.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/350---apm.completion.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/350---apm.completion.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all atom"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the docker-machine plugin when docker-machine is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/docker-machine.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/docker-machine.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/docker-machine.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the docker-machine plugin when docker-machine is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/docker-machine.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---docker-machine.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---docker-machine.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the docker-machine plugin when docker-machine is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/docker-machine.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/350---docker-machine.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/350---docker-machine.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"
@test "completion bash-it: disable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---todo.txt-cli.aliases.bash"
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it disable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the atom aliases when not enabled" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias ato'
assert_line -n 0 "atom"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the a* aliases when not enabled" {
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all ag ansible apt atom"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/atom.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all ag ansible apt"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all ag ansible apt"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the a* aliases when atom is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/atom.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---atom.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias a'
assert_line -n 0 "all ag ansible apt"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* plugins when nothing is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-compose docker-machine docker"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* plugins when nothing is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-compose docker-machine docker"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* plugins when nothing is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable plugin docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker-compose docker-machine docker"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* completions when nothing is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable completion docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker docker-compose docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* completions when nothing is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/aliases/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable completion docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker docker-compose docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the docker-* completions when nothing is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/aliases/available/docker-compose.aliases.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/150---docker-compose.aliases.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable completion docker'
assert_line -n 0 "docker docker-compose docker-machine"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the old location and name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the old location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/plugins/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"
@test "completion bash-it: enable - provide the todo.txt-cli aliases when todo plugin is enabled with the new location and priority-based name" {
ln -s $BASH_IT/plugins/available/todo.plugin.bash $BASH_IT/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash
assert_link_exist "$BASH_IT/enabled/350---todo.plugin.bash"
run __check_completion 'bash-it enable alias to'
assert_line -n 0 "todo.txt-cli"