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2021-11-13 19:24:20 +01:00
*tree.txt* Neovim file explorer powered by C++.
Version: 0.1.0
Author: zgp <>
License: MIT license
Type |gO| to see the table of contents.
INTRODUCTION *tree-introduction*
*tree* is the neovim file explorer powered by C++.
INSTALL *tree-install*
Note: tree requires Neovim 0.5+.
1. Extract the files and put them in your Neovim config directory
(usually `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/`).
INTERFACE *tree-interface*
COMMANDS *tree-commands*
:Tree [{options}] {paths} *:Tree*
Creates a new Tree buffer.
FUNCTIONS *tree-functions*
tree#action({action}[, {args}]) *tree#action()*
Fire {action} action with {args} asynchronously.
See |tree-actions|.
{args} behavior depends on {action}.
Note: It is only used to define mappings.
Note: You cannot fire the next action until the previous
action is finished.
tree.call_action({action}[, {args}])
Fire {action} action with {args}. See |tree-actions|.
{args} behavior depends on {action}.
tree.call_async_action({action}[, {args}])
Fire {action} action with {args} asynchronously.
See |tree-actions|.
{args} behavior depends on {action}.
Note: You cannot fire the next action until the previous
action is finished.
tree.custom_column({column-name}, {option-name}, {value})
tree.custom_column({column-name}, {dict})
Set {column-name} column specialized variable {variable-name}
to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with the
separator "," in {column-name}. >
tree.custom_column('icon', {
root_icon=' ',
tree.custom_column('filename', {
tree.custom_column('mark', {
tree.custom_option({buffer-name}, {option-name}, {value})
tree.custom_option({buffer-name}, {dict})
Set {option-name} option to {value} in {buffer-name}
If {buffer-name} is "_", the options are used for all buffers.
If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
is {value}.
Note: The all options are in |tree-options|. However, "-" is
substituted to "_", and "-" prefix is removed. >
tree.custom_option('_', {
tree.custom_source({source-name}, {var-name}, {value})
tree.custom_source({source-name}, {dict})
Set {source-name} source specialized variable {variable-name}
to {value}. You may specify multiple sources with the
separator "," in {source-name}.
Note: Not yet implemented.
function! Root(path) abort
return fnamemodify(a:path, ':t')
call v:lua.tree.custom_source('file', {
\ 'root': 'Root',
tree.get_candidate() *tree.get_candidate()*
Returns the current cursor candidate as |Dictionary|.
tree.is_directory() *tree.is_directory()*
Returns true if the current cursor candidate is directory.
Example: >
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR>
\ v:lua.tree.is_directory() ?
\ tree#action('open') : tree#action('multi', ['drop', 'quit'])
tree.is_opened_tree() *tree.is_opened_tree()*
Returns true if the current cursor candidate is opened
directory tree.
KEY MAPPINGS *tree-key-mappings*
Tree does not provide any of default key mappings.
You need to define original key mappings by |tree#action()|.
ACTIONS *tree-actions*
add_session *tree-action-add_session*
Add the current directory in current sessions and save to
Note: You must set to |tree-option-session-file| save current
Note: Not yet implemented.
Current session feature saves below states.
* current path
* opened tree state
Action args:
0. session directory path
call *tree-action-call*
Call the function.
You can get the files path as "a:context.targets".
Action args:
0. function name
Note: It must be string. You cannot use |funcref| or
Example: >
function! Test(context) abort
echomsg string(a:context.targets)
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> f
\ tree#action('call', 'Test')
" or you can use SID hack
function! s:Test(context) abort
echomsg string(a:context.targets)
function! s:SID_PREFIX() abort
return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'),
\ '<SNR>\d\+_\zeSID_PREFIX$')
let g:sid = s:SID_PREFIX()
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> f
\ tree#action('call', g:sid.'Test')
cd *tree-action-cd*
Change the current directory.
Note: If the action args is empty, it means the home
Action args:
0. new current directory path
change_vim_cwd *change_vim_cwd*
Change current working directory to the current directory.
clear_select_all *tree-action-clear_select_all*
Clear the all candidates select.
close_tree *tree-action-close_tree*
Close the directory tree.
copy *tree-action-copy*
Copy the selected files to tree clipboard.
drop *tree-action-drop*
Open the file like |:drop| command.
Action args:
0. open command(The default is |:edit|)
execute_command *tree-action-execute_command*
Execute the command.
Action args:
0. command(The default is your input)
execute_system *tree-action-execute_system*
Execute the file by system associated command.
move *tree-action-move*
Move the selected files to tree clipboard.
multi *tree-action-multi*
Multiple actions.
Action args:
0. action 1
1. action 2
Example: >
" auto quit like behavior
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR>
\ tree#action('multi', ['drop', 'quit'])
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> s
\ tree#action('multi', [['drop', 'split'], 'quit'])
new_file *tree-action-new_file*
Create a new file or directory.
If the input ends with "/", it means new directory.
Create new files and directories if provided.
If the input ends with "/", it means new directory.
open *tree-action-open*
Open the file.
Action args:
0. open command(The default is |:edit|)
open_directory *tree-action-open_directory*
Open the directory.
Action args:
0. open file path(The default is the selected
open_or_close_tree *tree-action-open_or_close_tree*
Open the directory tree if the directory is not opened.
Close the directory tree if the directory is opened.
open_tree *tree-action-open_tree*
Open the directory tree.
open_tree_recursive *tree-action-open_tree_recursive*
Open the directory tree recursively.
Action args:
0. max recursive leavel(The default is "20")
paste *tree-action-paste*
Fire the clipboard action in the current directory.
Note: It is used after |tree-action-copy| or |tree-action-move|.
print *tree-action-print*
Print the filename.
quit *tree-action-quit*
Quit the buffer.
redraw *tree-action-redraw*
Redraw the buffer.
repeat *tree-action-repeat*
Redraw the previous action.
rename *tree-action-rename*
Rename the file/directory under cursor or from selected list.
Note: If you select multiple files, it will be buffer-rename
remove *tree-action-remove*
Delete the file/directory under cursor or from selected list
Note: You cannot undo the action.
Action args:
0. If it is "true", suppress the confirmation.
remove_trash *tree-action-remove_trash*
Delete the file/directory under cursor or from selected list
to trashbox.
Action args:
0. If it is "true", suppress the confirmation.
search *tree-action-search*
Search the path.
Action args:
0. search the path
toggle_columns *tree-action-toggle_columns*
Toggle the current columns.
Action args:
0. ":" separated tree columns.
toggle_sort *tree-action-toggle_sort*
Toggle the sort method.
Action args:
0. sort method.
toggle_ignored_files *tree-action-toggle_ignored_files*
Toggle the enable state of ignored files.
toggle_select *tree-action-toggle_select*
Toggle the cursor candidate select.
toggle_select_all *tree-action-toggle_select_all*
Toggle the all candidates select.
Toggle the visual mode selected candidates select.
yank_path *tree-action-yank_path*
Yank the all candidates path.
OPTIONS *tree-options*
Disable {option-name} flag.
Note: If you use both {option-name} and -no-{option-name} in
the same denite buffer, it is undefined.
Change the working directory while navigating with tree.
Default: false
The level to expand tree automatically.
Default: 0
Specify tree buffer name.
Default: "default"
Specify tree columns.
Default: "mark:indent:icon:filename:type"
Specify the window direction as {direction} if
|tree-option-split| is set.
You can use "topleft" or "botright".
Default: ""
Specify the ignored files pattern.
The pattern is comma separated.
Default: ".*"
Enable 'buflisted' option in tree buffer.
Default: false
Create new tree buffer.
Resume existing tree buffer by default.
Default: false
Enable profile feature.
Note: It is for debugging.
Default: false
Root marker.
Default: "[in]: "
Search the {path}.
Note: It must be full path.
Default: ""
Session file {path}.
Note: It must be full path.
Default: ""
Show ignored files by default.
Default: false
Sort method.
If the method is upper case, the order will be reversed.
"extension": file extension sort
"filename": file name sort
"size": file size sort
"time": file modified time sort
Default: "filename"
Specify the split direction.
"vertical": Split buffer vertically
"horizontal": Split buffer horizontally
"no": No split
"tab": Create the new tab
"floating": Use neovim floating window feature
Default: "no"
Close tree buffer window if this tree window exists.
Default: false
Set the column position of the Tree window if
|tree-option-split| is "floating".
Default: &columns / 4
Set the height of the window if |tree-option-split| is
Default: 30
Specify the relative position in floating window.
Default: "editor"
Set the row position of the Tree window if
|tree-option-split| is "floating".
Default: &lines / 3
Set the width of the window if |tree-option-split| is
Default: 90
COLUMNS *tree-columns*
filename File name.
min_width the minimum width of a tree buffer
(default: 40)
max_width the maximum width of a tree buffer
(default: 100)
the root marker highlight
(default: "Constant")
icon Basic icon.
directory_icon the closed directory icon
(default: "+")
opened_icon the opened directory icon
(default: "-")
root_icon the root directory icon
(default: " ")
indent Tree indentation.
Note: It depends on |tree-column-filename|.
indent the indent marker.
(default: " ")
mark File selected mark.
length the column length
(default: 1)
readonly_icon the readonly file icon
(default: "X")
selected_icon the selected file icon
(default: "*")
size File size.
time File modified time.
format the time format
(default: "%y.%m.%d %H:%M")
type File type.
types the types definition
(default: complicated)
EXTERNAL COLUMNS *tree-external-columns*
SOURCES *tree-sources*
file File
root root function name
Note: It must be string. You cannot use
|funcref| or |lambda|.
(default is v:null)
EXAMPLES *tree-examples*
Q: How to explore the folder where the current file is?
A: >
Tree `expand('%:p:h')` -search=`expand('%:p')`
Q: How to open tree window like explorer?
A: >
Tree -split=vertical -winwidth=50 -direction=topleft
Q: How to open file use drop?
A: >
nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR> tree#action('drop')
COMPATIBILITY *tree-compatibility*
* ...