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# Composure: don't fear the Unix chainsaw
These light-hearted functions make programming the shell easier and
more intuitive:
* Transition organically from command, to function, to script
* Use an unobtrusive help system with arbitrary shell metadata
* Automatically version and store your shell functions with Git
static analysis and automated tests: [](https://travis-ci.org/erichs/composure)
## Demo!
[Composing a simple network monitoring script](http://asciinema.org/a/476) (4 minutes)
## Compatibility
Composure is POSIX-compliant, and is known to work on ksh93, zsh, and
bash, on osx and linux.
Please feel free to open an issue if you have any difficulties on your system.
## Installing
Put composure.sh where you'd like it to live and source it from your
shell's profile or rc file.
On Bash:
cd /your/favorite/directory
curl -L http://git.io/composure > composure.sh
chmod +x composure.sh
echo "source $(pwd)/composure.sh" >> ~/.bashrc # or, ~/.bash_profile on osx
Users upgrading from a version prior to 1.1.0 need to execute the following commands, as the directory for composure's local repo has changed:
mkdir ~/.local 2>/dev/null
mv ~/.composure ~/.local/composure
## Craft - Draft - Revise - Write
<img src="http://yuml.me/47fcf7e2" />
### Crafting the command line
[REPL environments](http://repl.it) are great for trying out programming ideas
and crafting snippets of working code, aren't they? Composure helps you make
better use of the REPL environment constantly at your fingertips: the shell.
Many Unix users I know like to iteratively build up complex commands by trying
something out, hitting the up arrow and perhaps adding a filter with a pipe:
$ cat servers.txt
bashful: up
doc: down
$ cat servers.txt | grep down
doc: down
$ cat servers.txt | grep down | mail -s "down server(s)" admin@here.com
Composure helps by letting you quickly draft simple shell functions, breaking down
your long pipe filters and complex commands into readable and reusable chunks.
### Draft first, ask questions later
Once you've crafted your gem of a command, don't throw it away! Use 'draft ()'
and give it a [good name](http://martinfowler.com/bliki/TwoHardThings.html).
This stores your last command as a function you can reuse later. Think of it
like a rough draft.
$ cat servers.txt
bashful: up
doc: down
$ cat servers.txt | grep down
doc: down
$ draft finddown
$ finddown | mail -s "down server(s)" admin@here.com
### Revise, revise, revise!
Now that you've got a minimal shell function, you may want to make it better
through refactoring and revision. Use the 'revise ()' command to revise your
shell function in your favorite editor.
* generalize functions with input parameters
* add or remove functionality
* add supporting metadata for documentation
$ revise finddown
finddown ()
about finds servers marked 'down' in text file
group admin
cat $1 | grep down
$ finddown servers.txt
doc: down
### Get it in Writing
When it is time to put your function or functions to use in a shell script, just call write:
$ write finddown > finddown.sh
Edit the main() function, chmod +x, and you're ready to go!
## Arbitrary shell metadata!
Composure uses a simple system of dynamic keywords that allow you to add
metadata to your functions. Just call 'cite ()' to initialize your new
keyword(s), and use them freely in your functions:
cite about
about perform mad script-foo
echo 'foo'
Retrieve your metadata later by calling 'metafor ()':
typeset -f foo | metafor about # displays:
perform mad script-foo
By default, composure knows the keywords: about, param, group, author, and example.
These default keywords are used by the help system:
## Intuitive help system
The 'glossary ()' function will automatically summarize all functions with
'about' metadata. If called with a 'group' name as a parameter, it will
summarize functions belonging to that group.
To display apidoc-style help for a function, use 'reference ()'.
$ glossary # displays:
cite creates a new meta keyword for use in your functions
draft wraps last command into a new function
finddown finds servers marked 'down' in text file
foo perform mad script-foo
glossary displays help summary for all functions, or summary for a group of functions
metafor prints function metadata associated with keyword
reference displays apidoc help for a specific function
revise loads function into editor for revision
write writes one or more composed function definitions to stdout
$ glossary admin # displays:
finddown finds servers marked 'down' in text file
$ reference draft # displays:
draft wraps last command into a new function
1: name to give function
$ ls
$ draft list
$ list
## Git integration
If you already use git, installing composure will initialize a ~/.local/composure
repository, and store and version your functions there. Just use 'draft ()' and
'revise ()', they automatically version for you.
Composure supports the [XDG Base Directory](http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html)
specification, and will respect your local XDG_DATA_HOME environment variable.
Why do this?
* the latest version of any function you've composed may always be sourced from
your composure repo
* never throw away code--keep your one-off functions in your composure 'junk
drawer', and grep through it later for long-forgotten gems
* every version of every function you write is always
available to you via basic git commands
## Persistent access
Draft or revise a function, and the latest version is automatically sourced into your current shell environment. By default, composure automatically sources all of your composed functions when you source the composure.sh script. If you are concerned about shell startup time, have many hundreds of versioned shell functions, or otherwise want to control which functions are loaded from your composure repository, you may disable the default behavior by adding the following line to your shell's startup script:
# Credits
Composure grew out of ideas taken from from Gary Bernhardt's hilarious talk [The Unix
Chainsaw](http://www.confreaks.com/videos/615-cascadiaruby2011-the-unix-chainsaw) (31 minutes),
which refers to the Elements of Programming described in MIT's [SICP
* primitive expressions
* means of combination
* means of abstraction
## Known Issues
'glossary ()' and 'reference ()' do not support nested functions with metadata.
`revise` works well if your editor is terminal-based, like Emacs or Vim. If you use a windowed editor like Atom, VSCode, or Sublime, you will need to check to see if your editor supports a flag argument that allows it to wait for the files to be closed before returning. If this is supported, you can create a small script to launch your editor in this mode, and specify that script path in your `EDITOR` var. See https://github.com/erichs/composure/issues/10.