Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

851 lines
30 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "Engine/StdH.h"
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/ViewPort.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
//#include <d3dx8math.h>
//#pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib")
//#include <d3dx8tex.h>
//#pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib")
//extern "C" HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetErrorStringA( HRESULT hr, LPSTR pBuffer, UINT BufferLen);
//char acErrorString[256];
//D3DXGetErrorString( hr, acErrorString, 255);
//ASSERTALWAYS( acErrorString);
extern INDEX gap_bOptimizeStateChanges;
extern INDEX gap_iOptimizeClipping;
extern INDEX gap_iDithering;
// cached states
BOOL GFX_bDepthTest = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bDepthWrite = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bAlphaTest = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bDithering = TRUE;
BOOL GFX_bBlending = TRUE;
BOOL GFX_bClipping = TRUE;
BOOL GFX_bClipPlane = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bColorArray = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bTruform = FALSE;
BOOL GFX_bFrontFace = TRUE;
BOOL GFX_bViewMatrix = TRUE;
INDEX GFX_iActiveTexUnit = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fMinDepthRange = 0.0f;
FLOAT GFX_fMaxDepthRange = 0.0f;
GfxBlend GFX_eBlendSrc = GFX_ONE;
GfxBlend GFX_eBlendDst = GFX_ZERO;
GfxComp GFX_eDepthFunc = GFX_LESS_EQUAL;
GfxFace GFX_eCullFace = GFX_NONE;
INDEX GFX_iTexModulation[GFX_MAXTEXUNITS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// last ortho/frustum values (frustum has negative sign, because of orgho-frustum switching!)
FLOAT GFX_fLastL = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fLastR = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fLastT = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fLastB = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fLastN = 0;
FLOAT GFX_fLastF = 0;
// number of vertices currently in buffer
INDEX GFX_ctVertices = 0;
// for D3D: mark need for clipping (when wants to be disable but cannot be because of user clip plane)
//static BOOL _bWantsClipping = TRUE;
// current color mask (for Get... function)
static ULONG _ulCurrentColorMask = (CT_RMASK|CT_GMASK|CT_BMASK|CT_AMASK);
// locking state for OGL
static BOOL _bCVAReallyLocked = FALSE;
// clip plane and last view matrix for D3D
FLOAT D3D_afClipPlane[4] = {0,0,0,0};
FLOAT D3D_afViewMatrix[16] = {0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0};
//static FLOAT _afActiveClipPlane[4] = {0,0,0,0};
// Truform/N-Patches
INDEX truform_iLevel = -1;
BOOL truform_bLinear = FALSE;
// functions' pointers
void (*gfxEnableDepthWrite)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableDepthBias)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableDepthTest)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableAlphaTest)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableBlend)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableDither)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableTexture)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableClipping)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableClipPlane)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableDepthWrite)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableDepthBias)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableDepthTest)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableAlphaTest)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableBlend)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableDither)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableTexture)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableClipping)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableClipPlane)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxBlendFunc)( GfxBlend eSrc, GfxBlend eDst) = NULL;
void (*gfxDepthFunc)( GfxComp eFunc) = NULL;
void (*gfxDepthRange)( FLOAT fMin, FLOAT fMax) = NULL;
void (*gfxCullFace)( GfxFace eFace) = NULL;
void (*gfxFrontFace)( GfxFace eFace) = NULL;
void (*gfxClipPlane)( const DOUBLE *pdPlane) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetOrtho)( const FLOAT fLeft, const FLOAT fRight, const FLOAT fTop, const FLOAT fBottom, const FLOAT fNear, const FLOAT fFar, const BOOL bSubPixelAdjust) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetFrustum)( const FLOAT fLeft, const FLOAT fRight, const FLOAT fTop, const FLOAT fBottom, const FLOAT fNear, const FLOAT fFar) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetTextureMatrix)( const FLOAT *pfMatrix) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetViewMatrix)( const FLOAT *pfMatrix) = NULL;
void (*gfxPolygonMode)( GfxPolyMode ePolyMode) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetTextureWrapping)( enum GfxWrap eWrapU, enum GfxWrap eWrapV) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetTextureModulation)( INDEX iScale) = NULL;
void (*gfxGenerateTexture)( ULONG &ulTexObject) = NULL;
void (*gfxDeleteTexture)( ULONG &ulTexObject) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetVertexArray)( GFXVertex4 *pvtx, INDEX ctVtx) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetNormalArray)( GFXNormal *pnor) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetTexCoordArray)( GFXTexCoord *ptex, BOOL b4) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetColorArray)( GFXColor *pcol) = NULL;
void (*gfxDrawElements)( INDEX ctElem, INDEX *pidx) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetConstantColor)(COLOR col) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableColorArray)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableColorArray)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxFinish)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxLockArrays)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxEnableTruform)( void) = NULL;
void (*gfxDisableTruform)(void) = NULL;
void (*gfxSetColorMask)( ULONG ulColorMask) = NULL;
// dummy function (one size fits all:)
static void none_void(void)
ASSERT( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_NONE);
// error checkers (this is for debug version only)
void OGL_CheckError(void)
#ifndef NDEBUG
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) ASSERT( pglGetError()==GL_NO_ERROR);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
void D3D_CheckError(HRESULT hr)
#ifndef NDEBUG
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) ASSERT( hr==D3D_OK);
#endif // SE1_D3D
#ifdef SE1_D3D
static LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 *_ppd3dCurrentTexture;
#endif // SE1_D3D
INDEX GetTexturePixRatio_OGL( GLuint uiBindNo);
INDEX GetFormatPixRatio_OGL( GLenum eFormat);
void MimicTexParams_OGL( CTexParams &tpLocal);
void UploadTexture_OGL( ULONG *pulTexture, PIX pixSizeU, PIX pixSizeV,
GLenum eInternalFormat, BOOL bUseSubImage);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
extern INDEX GetTexturePixRatio_D3D( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 pd3dTexture);
extern INDEX GetFormatPixRatio_D3D( D3DFORMAT d3dFormat);
extern void MimicTexParams_D3D( CTexParams &tpLocal);
extern void UploadTexture_D3D( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 *ppd3dTexture, ULONG *pulTexture,
PIX pixSizeU, PIX pixSizeV, D3DFORMAT eInternalFormat, BOOL bDiscard);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// update texture LOD bias
FLOAT _fCurrentLODBias = 0; // LOD bias adjuster
void UpdateLODBias( const FLOAT fLODBias)
// check API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
// only if supported and needed
if( _fCurrentLODBias==fLODBias && _pGfx->gl_fMaxTextureLODBias==0) return;
_fCurrentLODBias = fLODBias;
// OpenGL
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL)
{ // if no multitexturing
if( _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits<2) {
// if multitexturing is active
else {
for( INDEX iUnit=0; iUnit<_pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits; iUnit++) { // loop thru units
pglActiveTexture(iUnit); // select the unit
} // reselect the original unit
// Direct3D
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D)
{ // just set it
for( INDEX iUnit=0; iUnit<_pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits; iUnit++) { // loop thru tex units
hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->SetTextureStageState( iUnit, D3DTSS_MIPMAPLODBIAS, *((DWORD*)&fLODBias));
// get current texture filtering mode
void gfxGetTextureFiltering( INDEX &iFilterType, INDEX &iAnisotropyDegree)
iFilterType = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter;
iAnisotropyDegree = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iAnisotropy;
// set texture filtering mode
void gfxSetTextureFiltering( INDEX &iFilterType, INDEX &iAnisotropyDegree)
// clamp vars
INDEX iMagTex = iFilterType /100; iMagTex = Clamp( iMagTex, 0, 2); // 0=same as iMinTex, 1=nearest, 2=linear
INDEX iMinTex = iFilterType /10 %10; iMinTex = Clamp( iMinTex, 1, 2); // 1=nearest, 2=linear
INDEX iMinMip = iFilterType %10; iMinMip = Clamp( iMinMip, 0, 2); // 0=no mipmapping, 1=nearest, 2=linear
iFilterType = iMagTex*100 + iMinTex*10 + iMinMip;
iAnisotropyDegree = Clamp( iAnisotropyDegree, 1, _pGfx->gl_iMaxTextureAnisotropy);
// skip if not changed
if( _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter==iFilterType && _tpGlobal[0].tp_iAnisotropy==iAnisotropyDegree) return;
_tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter = iFilterType;
_tpGlobal[0].tp_iAnisotropy = iAnisotropyDegree;
// for OpenGL, that's about it
#ifdef SE1_D3D
if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI!=GAT_D3D) return;
// for D3D, it's a stage state (not texture state), so change it!
_D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE eMagFilter, eMinFilter, eMipFilter;
const LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pd3dDev = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice;
extern void UnpackFilter_D3D( INDEX iFilter, _D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE &eMagFilter,
UnpackFilter_D3D( iFilterType, eMagFilter, eMinFilter, eMipFilter);
if( iAnisotropyDegree>1) { // adjust filter for anisotropy
// set filtering and anisotropy degree
for( INDEX iUnit=0; iUnit<_pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits; iUnit++) { // must loop thru all usable texture units
hr = pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState( iUnit, D3DTSS_MAXANISOTROPY, iAnisotropyDegree); D3D_CHECKERROR(hr);
hr = pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState( iUnit, D3DTSS_MAGFILTER, eMagFilter); D3D_CHECKERROR(hr);
hr = pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState( iUnit, D3DTSS_MINFILTER, eMinFilter); D3D_CHECKERROR(hr);
hr = pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState( iUnit, D3DTSS_MIPFILTER, eMipFilter); D3D_CHECKERROR(hr);
// done
// set new texture LOD biasing
void gfxSetTextureBiasing( FLOAT &fLODBias)
// adjust LOD biasing if needed
fLODBias = Clamp( fLODBias, -_pGfx->gl_fMaxTextureLODBias, +_pGfx->gl_fMaxTextureLODBias);
if( _pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias != fLODBias) {
_pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias = fLODBias;
UpdateLODBias( fLODBias);
// set texture unit as active
void gfxSetTextureUnit( INDEX iUnit)
// check API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
ASSERT( iUnit>=0 && iUnit<4); // supports 4 layers (for now)
// check consistency
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
GLint gliRet;
pglGetIntegerv( GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB, &gliRet);
ASSERT( GFX_iActiveTexUnit==(gliRet-GL_TEXTURE0_ARB));
pglGetIntegerv( GL_CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB, &gliRet);
ASSERT( GFX_iActiveTexUnit==(gliRet-GL_TEXTURE0_ARB));
// cached?
if( GFX_iActiveTexUnit==iUnit) return;
GFX_iActiveTexUnit = iUnit;
// really set only for OpenGL
if( eAPI!=GAT_OGL) return;
// set texture as current
void gfxSetTexture( ULONG &ulTexObject, CTexParams &tpLocal)
// clamp texture filtering if needed
static INDEX _iLastTextureFiltering = 0;
if( _iLastTextureFiltering != _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter) {
INDEX iMagTex = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter /100; iMagTex = Clamp( iMagTex, 0, 2); // 0=same as iMinTex, 1=nearest, 2=linear
INDEX iMinTex = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter /10 %10; iMinTex = Clamp( iMinTex, 1, 2); // 1=nearest, 2=linear
INDEX iMinMip = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter %10; iMinMip = Clamp( iMinMip, 0, 2); // 0=no mipmapping, 1=nearest, 2=linear
_tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter = iMagTex*100 + iMinTex*10 + iMinMip;
_iLastTextureFiltering = _tpGlobal[0].tp_iFilter;
// determine API and enable texturing
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) { // OpenGL
pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ulTexObject);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) { // Direct3D
_ppd3dCurrentTexture = (LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8*)&ulTexObject;
HRESULT hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( GFX_iActiveTexUnit, *_ppd3dCurrentTexture);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// done
// upload texture
void gfxUploadTexture( ULONG *pulTexture, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, ULONG ulFormat, BOOL bNoDiscard)
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) { // OpenGL
UploadTexture_OGL( pulTexture, pixWidth, pixHeight, (GLenum)ulFormat, bNoDiscard);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) { // Direct3D
const LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 _pd3dLastTexture = *_ppd3dCurrentTexture;
UploadTexture_D3D( _ppd3dCurrentTexture, pulTexture, pixWidth, pixHeight, (D3DFORMAT)ulFormat, !bNoDiscard);
// in case that texture has been changed, must re-set it as current
if( _pd3dLastTexture != *_ppd3dCurrentTexture) {
HRESULT hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->SetTexture( GFX_iActiveTexUnit, *_ppd3dCurrentTexture);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// returns size of uploaded texture
SLONG gfxGetTextureSize( ULONG ulTexObject, BOOL bHasMipmaps/*=TRUE*/)
// nothing used if nothing uploaded
if( ulTexObject==0) return 0;
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
SLONG slMipSize;
// OpenGL
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL)
// was texture compressed?
pglBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, ulTexObject);
BOOL bCompressed = FALSE;
if( _pGfx->gl_ulFlags & GLF_EXTC_ARB) {
pglGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, (BOOL*)&bCompressed);
// for compressed textures, determine size directly
if( bCompressed) {
pglGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB, (GLint*)&slMipSize);
// non-compressed textures goes thru determination of internal format
else {
PIX pixWidth, pixHeight;
pglGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, (GLint*)&pixWidth);
pglGetTexLevelParameteriv( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, (GLint*)&pixHeight);
slMipSize = pixWidth*pixHeight * gfxGetTexturePixRatio(ulTexObject);
// Direct3D
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D)
// we can determine exact size from texture surface (i.e. mipmap)
HRESULT hr = ((LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8)ulTexObject)->GetLevelDesc( 0, &d3dSurfDesc);
slMipSize = d3dSurfDesc.Size;
#endif // SE1_D3D
// eventually count in all the mipmaps (takes extra 33% of texture size)
extern INDEX gap_bAllowSingleMipmap;
const SLONG slUploadSize = (bHasMipmaps || !gap_bAllowSingleMipmap) ? slMipSize*4/3 : slMipSize;
return slUploadSize;
// returns bytes/pixels ratio for uploaded texture
INDEX gfxGetTexturePixRatio( ULONG ulTextureObject)
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) return GetTexturePixRatio_OGL( (GLuint)ulTextureObject);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) return GetTexturePixRatio_D3D( (LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8)ulTextureObject);
#endif // SE1_D3D
else return 0;
// returns bytes/pixels ratio for uploaded texture
INDEX gfxGetFormatPixRatio( ULONG ulTextureFormat)
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) return GetFormatPixRatio_OGL( (GLenum)ulTextureFormat);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) return GetFormatPixRatio_D3D( (D3DFORMAT)ulTextureFormat);
#endif // SE1_D3D
else return 0;
CTexParams _tpPattern;
ULONG _ulPatternTexture = NONE;
ULONG _ulLastUploadedPattern = 0;
// upload pattern to accelerator memory
void gfxSetPattern( ULONG ulPattern)
// set pattern to be current texture
_tpPattern.tp_bSingleMipmap = TRUE;
gfxSetTextureWrapping( GFX_REPEAT, GFX_REPEAT);
gfxSetTexture( _ulPatternTexture, _tpPattern);
// if this pattern is currently uploaded, do nothing
if( _ulLastUploadedPattern==ulPattern) return;
// convert bits to ULONGs
ULONG aulPattern[32];
for( INDEX iBit=0; iBit<32; iBit++) {
if( (0x80000000>>iBit) & ulPattern) aulPattern[iBit] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
else aulPattern[iBit] = 0x00000000;
// remember new pattern and upload
_ulLastUploadedPattern = ulPattern;
gfxUploadTexture( &aulPattern[0], 32, 1, TS.ts_tfRGBA8, FALSE);
// for D3D - (type 0=vtx, 1=nor, 2=col, 3=tex)
void SetVertexArray_D3D( INDEX iType, ULONG *pulVtx);
extern void gfxUnlockArrays(void)
// only if locked (OpenGL can lock 'em)
if( !_bCVAReallyLocked) return;
ASSERT( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_OGL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
INDEX glctRet;
pglGetIntegerv( GL_ARRAY_ELEMENT_LOCK_COUNT_EXT, (GLint*)&glctRet);
ASSERT( glctRet==GFX_ctVertices);
_bCVAReallyLocked = FALSE;
// OpenGL workarounds
// initialization of common quad elements array
void AddQuadElements( const INDEX ctQuads)
const INDEX iStart = _aiCommonQuads.Count() /6*4;
INDEX *piQuads = _aiCommonQuads.Push(ctQuads*6);
for( INDEX i=0; i<ctQuads; i++) {
piQuads[i*6 +0] = iStart+ i*4 +0;
piQuads[i*6 +1] = iStart+ i*4 +1;
piQuads[i*6 +2] = iStart+ i*4 +2;
piQuads[i*6 +3] = iStart+ i*4 +2;
piQuads[i*6 +4] = iStart+ i*4 +3;
piQuads[i*6 +5] = iStart+ i*4 +0;
// helper function for flushers
static void FlushArrays( INDEX *piElements, INDEX ctElements)
// check
const INDEX ctVertices = _avtxCommon.Count();
ASSERT( _atexCommon.Count()==ctVertices);
ASSERT( _acolCommon.Count()==ctVertices);
extern BOOL CVA_b2D;
gfxSetVertexArray( &_avtxCommon[0], ctVertices);
if(CVA_b2D) gfxLockArrays();
gfxSetTexCoordArray( &_atexCommon[0], FALSE);
gfxSetColorArray( &_acolCommon[0]);
gfxDrawElements( ctElements, piElements);
// render quad elements to screen buffer
void gfxFlushQuads(void)
// if there is something to draw
const INDEX ctElements = _avtxCommon.Count()*6/4;
if( ctElements<=0) return;
// draw thru arrays (for OGL only) or elements?
extern INDEX ogl_bAllowQuadArrays;
if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_OGL && ogl_bAllowQuadArrays) FlushArrays( NULL, _avtxCommon.Count());
else {
// make sure that enough quad elements has been initialized
const INDEX ctQuads = _aiCommonQuads.Count();
if( ctElements>ctQuads) AddQuadElements( ctElements-ctQuads); // yes, 4 times more!
FlushArrays( &_aiCommonQuads[0], ctElements);
// render elements to screen buffer
void gfxFlushElements(void)
const INDEX ctElements = _aiCommonElements.Count();
if( ctElements>0) FlushArrays( &_aiCommonElements[0], ctElements);
// set truform parameters
void gfxSetTruform( INDEX iLevel, BOOL bLinearNormals)
// skip if Truform isn't supported
if( _pGfx->gl_iMaxTessellationLevel<1) {
truform_iLevel = 0;
truform_bLinear = FALSE;
// skip if same as last time
iLevel = Clamp( iLevel, 0, _pGfx->gl_iMaxTessellationLevel);
if( truform_iLevel==iLevel && !truform_bLinear==!bLinearNormals) return;
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( GfxValidApi(eAPI) );
// OpenGL needs truform set here
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
// if disabled, Direct3D will set tessellation level at "enable" call
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( eAPI==GAT_D3D && GFX_bTruform) {
FLOAT fSegments = iLevel+1;
HRESULT hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState( D3DRS_PATCHSEGMENTS, *((DWORD*)&fSegments));
#endif // SE1_D3D
// keep current truform params
truform_iLevel = iLevel;
truform_bLinear = bLinearNormals;
// readout current colormask
extern ULONG gfxGetColorMask(void)
return _ulCurrentColorMask;
#include "Gfx_wrapper_OpenGL.cpp"
#include "Gfx_wrapper_Direct3D.cpp"
static void none_BlendFunc( GfxBlend eSrc, GfxBlend eDst) { NOTHING; }
static void none_DepthFunc( GfxComp eFunc) { NOTHING; };
static void none_DepthRange( FLOAT fMin, FLOAT fMax) { NOTHING; };
static void none_CullFace( GfxFace eFace) { NOTHING; };
static void none_ClipPlane( const DOUBLE *pdViewPlane) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetOrtho( const FLOAT fLeft, const FLOAT fRight, const FLOAT fTop, const FLOAT fBottom, const FLOAT fNear, const FLOAT fFar, const BOOL bSubPixelAdjust) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetFrustum( const FLOAT fLeft, const FLOAT fRight, const FLOAT fTop, const FLOAT fBottom, const FLOAT fNear, const FLOAT fFar) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetMatrix( const FLOAT *pfMatrix) { NOTHING; };
static void none_PolygonMode( GfxPolyMode ePolyMode) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetTextureWrapping( enum GfxWrap eWrapU, enum GfxWrap eWrapV) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetTextureModulation( INDEX iScale) { NOTHING; };
static void none_GenDelTexture( ULONG &ulTexObject) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetVertexArray( GFXVertex4 *pvtx, INDEX ctVtx) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetNormalArray( GFXNormal *pnor) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetTexCoordArray( GFXTexCoord *ptex, BOOL b4) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetColorArray( GFXColor *pcol) { NOTHING; };
static void none_DrawElements( INDEX ctElem, INDEX *pidx) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetConstantColor( COLOR col) { NOTHING; };
static void none_SetColorMask( ULONG ulColorMask) { NOTHING; };
// functions initialization for OGL, D3D or NONE (dummy)
void GFX_SetFunctionPointers( INDEX iAPI)
// OpenGL?
gfxEnableDepthWrite = &ogl_EnableDepthWrite;
gfxEnableDepthBias = &ogl_EnableDepthBias;
gfxEnableDepthTest = &ogl_EnableDepthTest;
gfxEnableAlphaTest = &ogl_EnableAlphaTest;
gfxEnableBlend = &ogl_EnableBlend;
gfxEnableDither = &ogl_EnableDither;
gfxEnableTexture = &ogl_EnableTexture;
gfxEnableClipping = &ogl_EnableClipping;
gfxEnableClipPlane = &ogl_EnableClipPlane;
gfxEnableTruform = &ogl_EnableTruform;
gfxDisableDepthWrite = &ogl_DisableDepthWrite;
gfxDisableDepthBias = &ogl_DisableDepthBias;
gfxDisableDepthTest = &ogl_DisableDepthTest;
gfxDisableAlphaTest = &ogl_DisableAlphaTest;
gfxDisableBlend = &ogl_DisableBlend;
gfxDisableDither = &ogl_DisableDither;
gfxDisableTexture = &ogl_DisableTexture;
gfxDisableClipping = &ogl_DisableClipping;
gfxDisableClipPlane = &ogl_DisableClipPlane;
gfxDisableTruform = &ogl_DisableTruform;
gfxBlendFunc = &ogl_BlendFunc;
gfxDepthFunc = &ogl_DepthFunc;
gfxDepthRange = &ogl_DepthRange;
gfxCullFace = &ogl_CullFace;
gfxFrontFace = &ogl_FrontFace;
gfxClipPlane = &ogl_ClipPlane;
gfxSetOrtho = &ogl_SetOrtho;
gfxSetFrustum = &ogl_SetFrustum;
gfxSetTextureMatrix = &ogl_SetTextureMatrix;
gfxSetViewMatrix = &ogl_SetViewMatrix;
gfxPolygonMode = &ogl_PolygonMode;
gfxSetTextureWrapping = &ogl_SetTextureWrapping;
gfxSetTextureModulation = &ogl_SetTextureModulation;
gfxGenerateTexture = &ogl_GenerateTexture;
gfxDeleteTexture = &ogl_DeleteTexture;
gfxSetVertexArray = &ogl_SetVertexArray;
gfxSetNormalArray = &ogl_SetNormalArray;
gfxSetTexCoordArray = &ogl_SetTexCoordArray;
gfxSetColorArray = &ogl_SetColorArray;
gfxDrawElements = &ogl_DrawElements;
gfxSetConstantColor = &ogl_SetConstantColor;
gfxEnableColorArray = &ogl_EnableColorArray;
gfxDisableColorArray = &ogl_DisableColorArray;
gfxFinish = &ogl_Finish;
gfxLockArrays = &ogl_LockArrays;
gfxSetColorMask = &ogl_SetColorMask;
// Direct3D?
#ifdef SE1_D3D
else if( iAPI==(INDEX)GAT_D3D)
gfxEnableDepthWrite = &d3d_EnableDepthWrite;
gfxEnableDepthBias = &d3d_EnableDepthBias;
gfxEnableDepthTest = &d3d_EnableDepthTest;
gfxEnableAlphaTest = &d3d_EnableAlphaTest;
gfxEnableBlend = &d3d_EnableBlend;
gfxEnableDither = &d3d_EnableDither;
gfxEnableTexture = &d3d_EnableTexture;
gfxEnableClipping = &d3d_EnableClipping;
gfxEnableClipPlane = &d3d_EnableClipPlane;
gfxEnableTruform = &d3d_EnableTruform;
gfxDisableDepthWrite = &d3d_DisableDepthWrite;
gfxDisableDepthBias = &d3d_DisableDepthBias;
gfxDisableDepthTest = &d3d_DisableDepthTest;
gfxDisableAlphaTest = &d3d_DisableAlphaTest;
gfxDisableBlend = &d3d_DisableBlend;
gfxDisableDither = &d3d_DisableDither;
gfxDisableTexture = &d3d_DisableTexture;
gfxDisableClipping = &d3d_DisableClipping;
gfxDisableClipPlane = &d3d_DisableClipPlane;
gfxDisableTruform = &d3d_DisableTruform;
gfxBlendFunc = &d3d_BlendFunc;
gfxDepthFunc = &d3d_DepthFunc;
gfxDepthRange = &d3d_DepthRange;
gfxCullFace = &d3d_CullFace;
gfxFrontFace = &d3d_FrontFace;
gfxClipPlane = &d3d_ClipPlane;
gfxSetOrtho = &d3d_SetOrtho;
gfxSetFrustum = &d3d_SetFrustum;
gfxSetTextureMatrix = &d3d_SetTextureMatrix;
gfxSetViewMatrix = &d3d_SetViewMatrix;
gfxPolygonMode = &d3d_PolygonMode;
gfxSetTextureWrapping = &d3d_SetTextureWrapping;
gfxSetTextureModulation = &d3d_SetTextureModulation;
gfxGenerateTexture = &d3d_GenerateTexture;
gfxDeleteTexture = &d3d_DeleteTexture;
gfxSetVertexArray = &d3d_SetVertexArray;
gfxSetNormalArray = &d3d_SetNormalArray;
gfxSetTexCoordArray = &d3d_SetTexCoordArray;
gfxSetColorArray = &d3d_SetColorArray;
gfxDrawElements = &d3d_DrawElements;
gfxSetConstantColor = &d3d_SetConstantColor;
gfxEnableColorArray = &d3d_EnableColorArray;
gfxDisableColorArray = &d3d_DisableColorArray;
gfxFinish = &d3d_Finish;
gfxLockArrays = &d3d_LockArrays;
gfxSetColorMask = &d3d_SetColorMask;
#endif // SE1_D3D
// NONE!
gfxEnableDepthWrite = &none_void;
gfxEnableDepthBias = &none_void;
gfxEnableDepthTest = &none_void;
gfxEnableAlphaTest = &none_void;
gfxEnableBlend = &none_void;
gfxEnableDither = &none_void;
gfxEnableTexture = &none_void;
gfxEnableClipping = &none_void;
gfxEnableClipPlane = &none_void;
gfxEnableTruform = &none_void;
gfxDisableDepthWrite = &none_void;
gfxDisableDepthBias = &none_void;
gfxDisableDepthTest = &none_void;
gfxDisableAlphaTest = &none_void;
gfxDisableBlend = &none_void;
gfxDisableDither = &none_void;
gfxDisableTexture = &none_void;
gfxDisableClipping = &none_void;
gfxDisableClipPlane = &none_void;
gfxDisableTruform = &none_void;
gfxBlendFunc = &none_BlendFunc;
gfxDepthFunc = &none_DepthFunc;
gfxDepthRange = &none_DepthRange;
gfxCullFace = &none_CullFace;
gfxFrontFace = &none_CullFace;
gfxClipPlane = &none_ClipPlane;
gfxSetOrtho = &none_SetOrtho;
gfxSetFrustum = &none_SetFrustum;
gfxSetTextureMatrix = &none_SetMatrix;
gfxSetViewMatrix = &none_SetMatrix;
gfxPolygonMode = &none_PolygonMode;
gfxSetTextureWrapping = &none_SetTextureWrapping;
gfxSetTextureModulation = &none_SetTextureModulation;
gfxGenerateTexture = &none_GenDelTexture;
gfxDeleteTexture = &none_GenDelTexture;
gfxSetVertexArray = &none_SetVertexArray;
gfxSetNormalArray = &none_SetNormalArray;
gfxSetTexCoordArray = &none_SetTexCoordArray;
gfxSetColorArray = &none_SetColorArray;
gfxDrawElements = &none_DrawElements;
gfxSetConstantColor = &none_SetConstantColor;
gfxEnableColorArray = &none_void;
gfxDisableColorArray = &none_void;
gfxFinish = &none_void;
gfxLockArrays = &none_void;
gfxSetColorMask = &none_SetColorMask;