2016-03-11 15:57:17 +02:00

265 lines
6.7 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#include "StdH.h"
#include "LevelInfo.h"
#include <io.h>
CListHead _lhAutoDemos;
CListHead _lhAllLevels;
CListHead _lhFilteredLevels;
extern INDEX sam_bShowAllLevels;
li_fnLevel = CTString("Levels\\Default.wld");
li_strName = TRANS("<invalid level>");
li_ulSpawnFlags = 0x0;
CLevelInfo::CLevelInfo(const CLevelInfo &li)
li_fnLevel = li.li_fnLevel;
li_strName = li.li_strName;
li_ulSpawnFlags = li.li_ulSpawnFlags;
void CLevelInfo::operator=(const CLevelInfo &li)
li_fnLevel = li.li_fnLevel;
li_strName = li.li_strName;
li_ulSpawnFlags = li.li_ulSpawnFlags;
// get level info for given filename
BOOL GetLevelInfo(CLevelInfo &li, const CTFileName &fnm)
// try to
try {
// open the world file
CTFileStream strm;
// skip initial chunk ids
strm.ExpectID_t("BUIV"); // 'build version'
INDEX iDummy;
strm>>iDummy; // the version number
strm.ExpectID_t("WRLD"); // 'world'
strm.ExpectID_t("WLIF"); // 'world info'
if (strm.PeekID_t()==CChunkID("DTRS")) {
strm.ExpectID_t("DTRS"); // 'world info'
// read the name
// read the flags
// translate name
li.li_strName = TranslateConst(li.li_strName, 0);
// if dummy name
if (li.li_strName=="") {
// use filename
li.li_strName = fnm.FileName();
// remember filename
li.li_fnLevel = fnm;
// succeed
return TRUE;
// if failed
} catch (char *strError) {
(void) strError;
//CPrintF("Invalid world file '%s': %s\n", (const char*) fnm, strError);
// set dummy info
li = CLevelInfo();
// fail
return FALSE;
int qsort_CompareLevels(const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
const CLevelInfo &li1 = **(CLevelInfo **)elem1;
const CLevelInfo &li2 = **(CLevelInfo **)elem2;
return strcmp(li1.li_fnLevel, li2.li_fnLevel);
// init level-info subsystem
void LoadLevelsList(void)
CPrintF(TRANS("Reading levels directory...\n"));
// list the levels directory with subdirs
CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> afnmDir;
MakeDirList(afnmDir, CTString("Levels\\"), "*.wld", DLI_RECURSIVE|DLI_SEARCHCD);
// for each file in the directory
for (INDEX i=0; i<afnmDir.Count(); i++) {
CTFileName fnm = afnmDir[i];
CPrintF(TRANS(" file '%s' : "), (const char *)fnm);
// try to load its info, and if valid
CLevelInfo li;
if (GetLevelInfo(li, fnm)) {
CPrintF(TRANS("'%s' spawn=0x%08x\n"), li.li_strName, li.li_ulSpawnFlags);
// create new info for that file
CLevelInfo *pliNew = new CLevelInfo;
*pliNew = li;
// add it to list of all levels
} else {
CPrintF(TRANS("invalid level\n"));
// sort the list
_lhAllLevels.Sort(qsort_CompareLevels, offsetof(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode));
// cleanup level-info subsystem
void ClearLevelsList(void)
// delete list of levels
FORDELETELIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
delete &itli.Current();
// find all levels that match given flags
void FilterLevels(ULONG ulSpawnFlags)
// delete list of filtered levels
{FORDELETELIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhFilteredLevels, itli) {
delete &itli.Current();
// for each level in main list
FOREACHINLIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
CLevelInfo &li = *itli;
// initially, the level is not visible in list
BOOL bVisible = FALSE;
// if all levels are shown, it is visible
if (sam_bShowAllLevels) {
bVisible = TRUE;
// if it satisfies the spawn flags
} else if (li.li_ulSpawnFlags&ulSpawnFlags) {
// if spawn flags include single player
if (ulSpawnFlags&SPF_SINGLEPLAYER) {
// visibile only if visited already
bVisible = FileExists(li.li_fnLevel.NoExt()+".vis");
// if not single player
} else {
// it is visibile
bVisible = TRUE;
// if visible
if (bVisible) {
// make a copy
CLevelInfo *pliNew = new CLevelInfo;
*pliNew = li;
// add it to the list of filtered levels
// if level doesn't support given flags, find one that does
void ValidateLevelForFlags(CTString &fnm, ULONG ulSpawnFlags)
// for each level in main list
{FOREACHINLIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
CLevelInfo &li = *itli;
// if found
if (li.li_fnLevel == fnm) {
// if it satisfies the flags
if (li.li_ulSpawnFlags&ulSpawnFlags) {
// all ok
// for each level in main list
{FOREACHINLIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
CLevelInfo &li = *itli;
// if it satisfies the flags
if (li.li_ulSpawnFlags&ulSpawnFlags) {
// use that one
fnm = li.li_fnLevel;
// if nothing found, use default invalid level
fnm = CLevelInfo().li_fnLevel;
// get level info for its filename
CLevelInfo FindLevelByFileName(const CTFileName &fnm)
// for each level in main list
FOREACHINLIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
CLevelInfo &li = *itli;
// if found
if (li.li_fnLevel == fnm) {
// return it
return li;
// if none found, return dummy
return CLevelInfo();
int qsort_CompareDemos(const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
const CLevelInfo &li1 = **(CLevelInfo **)elem1;
const CLevelInfo &li2 = **(CLevelInfo **)elem2;
return strcmp(li1.li_fnLevel, li2.li_fnLevel);
// init list of autoplay demos
void LoadDemosList(void)
CPrintF(TRANS("Reading demos directory...\n"));
// list the levels directory with subdirs
CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> afnmDir;
MakeDirList(afnmDir, CTString("Demos\\"), "Demos\\Auto-*.dem", DLI_RECURSIVE);
// for each file in the directory
for (INDEX i=0; i<afnmDir.Count(); i++) {
CTFileName fnm = afnmDir[i];
// create new info for that file
CLevelInfo *pli = new CLevelInfo;
pli->li_fnLevel = fnm;
CPrintF(" %s\n", (const char *)pli->li_fnLevel);
// add it to list
// sort the list
_lhAutoDemos.Sort(qsort_CompareDemos, offsetof(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode));
// add the intro to the start
extern CTString sam_strIntroLevel;
if (sam_strIntroLevel!="") {
CLevelInfo *pli = new CLevelInfo;
pli->li_fnLevel = sam_strIntroLevel;
CPrintF(" %s\n", (const char *)pli->li_fnLevel);
// clear list of autoplay demos
void ClearDemosList(void)
// delete list of levels
FORDELETELIST(CLevelInfo, li_lnNode, _lhAllLevels, itli) {
delete &itli.Current();