2016-03-11 18:20:51 -06:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
// DlgBarTreeView.h: interface for the CDlgBarTreeView class.
#if !defined(AFX_DLGBARTREEVIEW_H__97A19AEB_ACE0_11D5_8AB4_00C0262D9BFE__INCLUDED_)
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "DlgClient.h"
#include "ModelTreeCtrl.h"
#include "Textbox.h"
#include "SplitterFrame.h"
#include "DlgTemplate.h"
#include "TexView.h"
#define GR_PARENT 0
#define GR_ANIMSET 1
#define GR_COLISION 2
#define GR_LOD 3
#define GR_TEXTURE 4
#define GR_SHADERS 6
#define GR_BONE 8
class Control
FLOAT ct_fLeft; // rect
FLOAT ct_fRight;
INDEX ct_iTop;
INDEX ct_iBottom;
INDEX ct_iID; // id of control
CDialog *ct_pParentDlg; // parent dlg
class CDlgBarTreeView : public CDlgTemplate
virtual ~CDlgBarTreeView();
BOOL Create( CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nStyle, UINT nID);
CSize CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD nMode);
CSize CalcLayout(int nLength, DWORD nMode);
void AddDialogControls(CDialog *pDlg);
void RemoveDialogControls(CDialog *pDlg);
void AddControlToArray(CWnd *pChild, CDialog *pDlg);
void RemoveControlFromArray(CWnd *pChild, CDialog *pDlg);
void ResizeDlgWithChildren(CDialog *pDlg,CRect rcDlg);
NodeInfo &GetNodeInfo(HTREEITEM hItem);
NodeInfo &GetSelectedNodeInfo();
void ShowSurfaceShader(MeshSurface *pmsrf,MeshLOD *pmlod,MeshInstance *pmshi);
void ChangeShaderOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString fnNewShader);
void ChangeTextureOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,CTString strNewTexID);
void ChangeTextureCoordsOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,INDEX iNewTexCoordsIndex);
void ChangeColorOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,COLOR colNewColor);
void ChangeFloatOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,FLOAT fNewFloat);
void ChangeFlagOnSelectedSurfaces(CTString strControlID,BOOL bChecked,INDEX iFlagIndex);
BOOL IsSurfaceSelected(MeshSurface &msrf);
void ChangeColorOnSelectedModel(COLOR colNewColor);
void VScrollControls(CDialog *pDlg);
void UpdateModelInstInfo(CModelInstance *pmi);
void AddSkeleton(CModelInstance &mi, HTREEITEM hParent);
void AddMeshInstances(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent);
void AddSurfaces(CModelInstance &mi,MeshLOD &mlod,HTREEITEM hParent);
void AddColisionBoxes(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent);
void AddAllFramesBBox(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent);
HTREEITEM AddAnimSet(CModelInstance &mi,HTREEITEM hParent);
HTREEITEM AddModelInst(CModelInstance &mi, CModelInstance *pmiParent, HTREEITEM hParent);
void ExpandAllModelInstances(HTREEITEM hItem);
void ResetControls();
void SetCustomTabText(wchar_t *strText);
// select dialog to show
void ShowControlGroup(INDEX iGroup);
// for reselecting an item after refresh
BOOL RememberSelectedItem(HTREEITEM hParent,HTREEITEM hSelected);
// find previously selected item
BOOL ReselectItem(HTREEITEM hParent);
// check sec per frame control
void CheckSecPerFrameCtrl(BOOL bCheck);
void SelItemChanged(HTREEITEM hSelected);
void OnItemClick(HTREEITEM hItem,HTREEITEM hLastSelected);
void OnItemIconClick(HTREEITEM hItem);
void TogleSurfaceSelection(HTREEITEM hItem);
void SelectAllSurfaces(HTREEITEM hItem);
void DeSelectAllSurfaces(HTREEITEM hParent = NULL);
void SelectMeshSurface(HTREEITEM hItem);
void DeselectMeshSurface(HTREEITEM hItem);
void FillBonesToComboBox(CSkeleton *pskl,INDEX iSelectedIndex);
void FillParentDropDown(CModelInstance *pmi);
CModelTreeCtrl m_TreeCtrl; // tree view control
CImageList m_IconsImageList; // image lis for tree control
// dialogs
CDlgClient m_dlgParent;
CDlgClient m_dlgAnimSet;
CDlgClient m_dlgColision;
CDlgClient m_dlgAllFrames;
CDlgClient m_dlgLod;
CDlgClient m_dlgBone;
CDlgClient m_dlgTexture;
CDlgClient m_dlgListOpt;
CDlgClient m_dlgShader;
CDialog *pdlgCurrent;
CTexView m_tvTexView;
CStaticStackArray<class Control> dlg_aControls;
// controls in parent dialog
CTextBox m_tbOffPosX;
CTextBox m_tbOffPosY;
CTextBox m_tbOffPosZ;
CTextBox m_tbOffRotH;
CTextBox m_tbOffRotP;
CTextBox m_tbOffRotB;
CTextBox m_tbMiName;
// controls in animset dialog
CTextBox m_tbTreshold;
CTextBox m_tbAnimSpeed;
CTextBox m_tbWalkSpeed;
CTextBox m_tbWalkLoopSec;
// controls in colision dialog
CTextBox m_tbColName;
CTextBox m_tbColWidth;
CTextBox m_tbColHeight;
CTextBox m_tbColLength;
CTextBox m_tbColPosX;
CTextBox m_tbColPosY;
CTextBox m_tbColPosZ;
// controls in all frames bbox
CTextBox m_tbAFBBWidth;
CTextBox m_tbAFBBHeight;
CTextBox m_tbAFBBLength;
CTextBox m_tbAFBBPosX;
CTextBox m_tbAFBBPosY;
CTextBox m_tbAFBBPosZ;
// controls in lod dialog
CTextBox m_tbDistance;
// controls in texture dialog
CTextBox m_tbTextureName;
// CSize m_Size;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnSelchangeModeSelectTab(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult);
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
#endif // !defined(AFX_DLGBARTREEVIEW_H__97A19AEB_ACE0_11D5_8AB4_00C0262D9BFE__INCLUDED_)