mirror of https://github.com/ptitSeb/Serious-Engine synced 2025-03-24 15:10:04 +01:00
Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

361 lines
12 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "Engine/StdH.h"
#include <Engine/Math/TextureMapping.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Plane.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Projection.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Projection_DOUBLE.h>
// calculate default texture mapping control points from a plane
void CMappingVectors::FromPlane(const FLOATplane3D &plPlane)
// take origin at plane reference point
mv_vO = plPlane.ReferencePoint();
// if the plane is mostly horizontal
if (Abs(plPlane(2))>0.5) {
// use cross product of +x axis and plane normal as +s axis
mv_vU = FLOAT3D(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)*(FLOAT3D&)plPlane;
// if the plane is mostly vertical
} else {
// use cross product of +y axis and plane normal as +s axis
mv_vU = FLOAT3D(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)*(FLOAT3D&)plPlane;
// make +s axis normalized
// use cross product of plane normal and +s axis as +t axis
mv_vV = mv_vU*(FLOAT3D &)plPlane;
void CMappingVectors::FromPlane_DOUBLE(const DOUBLEplane3D &plPlane)
// calculate plane from default mapping vectors
void CMappingVectors::ToPlane(FLOATplane3D &plPlane) const
plPlane = FLOATplane3D(mv_vV*mv_vU, mv_vO);
// convert to human-friendly format
void CMappingDefinition::ToUI(CMappingDefinitionUI &mdui) const
// make a copy of parameters
FLOAT fUoS = md_fUoS;
FLOAT fUoT = md_fUoT;
FLOAT fVoS = md_fVoS;
FLOAT fVoT = md_fVoT;
// find size of mapping vectors
FLOAT fUSize = FLOAT(sqrt(fUoS*fUoS+fUoT*fUoT));
FLOAT fVSize = FLOAT(sqrt(fVoS*fVoS+fVoT*fVoT));
// find rotation of both vectors
ANGLE aURot = -(ATan2(fVoT, fVoS)-90.0f);
ANGLE aVRot = -(ATan2(fUoT, fUoS));
// use the found values
Snap(aURot, 0.001f);
Snap(aVRot, 0.001f);
mdui.mdui_aURotation= NormalizeAngle(aURot);
mdui.mdui_aVRotation= NormalizeAngle(aVRot);
mdui.mdui_fUStretch = 1/fUSize;
mdui.mdui_fVStretch = 1/fVSize;
mdui.mdui_fUOffset = md_fUOffset;
mdui.mdui_fVOffset = md_fVOffset;
// convert from human-friendly format
void CMappingDefinition::FromUI(const CMappingDefinitionUI &mdui)
// extract all values from mapping definition
md_fUoS = +Cos(-(mdui.mdui_aVRotation));
md_fUoT = +Sin(-(mdui.mdui_aVRotation));
md_fVoS = +Cos(-(mdui.mdui_aURotation)+AngleDeg(90.0f));
md_fVoT = +Sin(-(mdui.mdui_aURotation)+AngleDeg(90.0f));
md_fUoS /= mdui.mdui_fUStretch;
md_fUoT /= mdui.mdui_fUStretch;
md_fVoS /= mdui.mdui_fVStretch;
md_fVoT /= mdui.mdui_fVStretch;
md_fUOffset = mdui.mdui_fUOffset;
md_fVOffset = mdui.mdui_fVOffset;
// make mapping vectors for this mapping
void CMappingDefinition::MakeMappingVectors( const CMappingVectors &mvSrc, CMappingVectors &mvDst) const
const FLOAT uos = md_fUoS;
const FLOAT uot = md_fUoT;
const FLOAT vos = md_fVoS;
const FLOAT vot = md_fVoT;
const FLOAT ood = 1.0f / (uos*vot-uot*vos);
const FLOAT sou = +vot*ood; const FLOAT sov = -uot*ood;
const FLOAT tov = +uos*ood; const FLOAT tou = -vos*ood;
mvDst.mv_vO = mvSrc.mv_vO
+ mvSrc.mv_vU * (md_fUOffset*sou + md_fVOffset*sov)
+ mvSrc.mv_vV * (md_fUOffset*tou + md_fVOffset*tov);
mvDst.mv_vU = mvSrc.mv_vU*uos + mvSrc.mv_vV*uot;
mvDst.mv_vV = mvSrc.mv_vU*vos + mvSrc.mv_vV*vot;
// transform default mapping vectors to mapping vectors for this mapping
void CMappingDefinition::TransformMappingVectors( const CMappingVectors &mvSrc, CMappingVectors &mvDst) const
const FLOAT uos = md_fUoS;
const FLOAT uot = md_fUoT;
const FLOAT vos = md_fVoS;
const FLOAT vot = md_fVoT;
mvDst.mv_vU = mvSrc.mv_vU*uos + mvSrc.mv_vV*uot;
mvDst.mv_vV = mvSrc.mv_vU*vos + mvSrc.mv_vV*vot;
FLOAT sou2 = mvDst.mv_vU%mvDst.mv_vU;
FLOAT sov2 = mvDst.mv_vV%mvDst.mv_vU;
FLOAT tou2 = mvDst.mv_vU%mvDst.mv_vV;
FLOAT tov2 = mvDst.mv_vV%mvDst.mv_vV;
FLOAT ood2 = 1/(sou2*tov2-sov2*tou2);
FLOAT uos2 = +tov2*ood2; FLOAT uot2 = -sov2*ood2;
FLOAT vot2 = +sou2*ood2; FLOAT vos2 = -tou2*ood2;
mvDst.mv_vO = mvSrc.mv_vO
+ mvDst.mv_vU * (md_fUOffset*uos2 + md_fVOffset*vos2) // FIXME: should vos2 have been uot2 here?
+ mvDst.mv_vV * (md_fUOffset*vos2 + md_fVOffset*vot2);
// convert to mapping vectors
void CMappingDefinition::ToMappingVectors( const CMappingVectors &mvDefault, CMappingVectors &mvVectors) const
const FLOAT uos = md_fUoS;
const FLOAT uot = md_fUoT;
const FLOAT vos = md_fVoS;
const FLOAT vot = md_fVoT;
const FLOAT ood = 1.0f /(uos*vot-uot*vos);
const FLOAT sou = +vot*ood; const FLOAT sov = -uot*ood;
const FLOAT tov = +uos*ood; const FLOAT tou = -vos*ood;
mvVectors.mv_vO = mvDefault.mv_vO
+ mvDefault.mv_vU * (md_fUOffset*sou + md_fVOffset*sov)
+ mvDefault.mv_vV * (md_fUOffset*tou + md_fVOffset*tov);
mvVectors.mv_vU = mvDefault.mv_vU*sou + mvDefault.mv_vV*tou;
mvVectors.mv_vV = mvDefault.mv_vU*sov + mvDefault.mv_vV*tov;
// convert from mapping vectors
void CMappingDefinition::FromMappingVectors(
const CMappingVectors &mvDefault, const CMappingVectors &mvVectors)
FLOAT sou = mvVectors.mv_vU%mvDefault.mv_vU;
FLOAT sov = mvVectors.mv_vV%mvDefault.mv_vU;
FLOAT tou = mvVectors.mv_vU%mvDefault.mv_vV;
FLOAT tov = mvVectors.mv_vV%mvDefault.mv_vV;
FLOAT ood = 1/(sou*tov-sov*tou);
FLOAT uos = +tov*ood; FLOAT uot = -sov*ood;
FLOAT vot = +sou*ood; FLOAT vos = -tou*ood;
md_fUoS = uos;
md_fUoT = uot;
md_fVoS = vos;
md_fVoT = vot;
FLOAT3D vOffset = mvVectors.mv_vO-mvDefault.mv_vO;
FLOAT s = vOffset%mvDefault.mv_vU;
FLOAT t = vOffset%mvDefault.mv_vV;
md_fUOffset = uos*s+uot*t;
md_fVOffset = vos*s+vot*t;
// convert from old version of texture mapping defintion
void CMappingDefinition::ReadOld_t(CTStream &strm) // throw char *
// old texture mapping orientation and offsets structure
// - obsolete - used only for loading old worlds
class CTextureMapping_old {
ULONG tm_ulFlags; // flags
ANGLE tm_aRotation; // angle of texture rotation
FLOAT tm_fOffsetU; // texture offsets (in meters)
FLOAT tm_fOffsetV;
} tmo;
FLOAT fSin = Sin(tmo.tm_aRotation);
FLOAT fCos = Cos(tmo.tm_aRotation);
md_fUOffset = -tmo.tm_fOffsetU;
md_fVOffset = -tmo.tm_fOffsetV;
md_fUoS = +fCos;
md_fUoT = -fSin;
md_fVoS = +fSin;
md_fVoT = +fCos;
/* Find texture coordinates for an object-space point. */
void CMappingDefinition::GetTextureCoordinates(
const CMappingVectors &mvDefault, const FLOAT3D &vSpace, MEX2D &vTexture) const
FLOAT3D vOffset = vSpace-mvDefault.mv_vO;
FLOAT s = mvDefault.mv_vU%vOffset;
FLOAT t = mvDefault.mv_vV%vOffset;
FLOAT u = s*md_fUoS+t*md_fUoT;
FLOAT v = s*md_fVoS+t*md_fVoT;
vTexture(1) = FloatToInt((u+md_fUOffset)*1024.0f);
vTexture(2) = FloatToInt((v+md_fVOffset)*1024.0f);
/* Find object-space coordinates for a texture point. */
void CMappingDefinition::GetSpaceCoordinates(
const CMappingVectors &mvDefault, const MEX2D &vTexture, FLOAT3D &vSpace) const
FLOAT uos = md_fUoS;
FLOAT uot = md_fUoT;
FLOAT vos = md_fVoS;
FLOAT vot = md_fVoT;
FLOAT ood = 1/(uos*vot-uot*vos);
FLOAT sou = +vot*ood; FLOAT sov = -uot*ood;
FLOAT tov = +uos*ood; FLOAT tou = -vos*ood;
FLOAT u = (vTexture(1)/1024.0f)+md_fUOffset;
FLOAT v = (vTexture(2)/1024.0f)+md_fVOffset;
FLOAT s = u*sou+v*sov;
FLOAT t = u*tou+v*tov;
vSpace = mvDefault.mv_vO+mvDefault.mv_vU*s+mvDefault.mv_vV*t;
// project another mapping on this one
void CMappingDefinition::ProjectMapping(const FLOATplane3D &plOriginal, const CMappingDefinition &mdOriginal,
const FLOATplane3D &pl)
// make original mapping vectors
CMappingVectors mvDefaultOrg;
CMappingVectors mvOriginal;
mdOriginal.ToMappingVectors(mvDefaultOrg, mvOriginal);
// transform them to this plane
CMappingVectors mv;
mv.mv_vO = pl.DeprojectPoint (plOriginal, mvOriginal.mv_vO);
mv.mv_vU = pl.DeprojectDirection(plOriginal, mvOriginal.mv_vU);
mv.mv_vV = pl.DeprojectDirection(plOriginal, mvOriginal.mv_vV);
//FLOAT3D vOTest = plOriginal.ProjectPoint(mv.mv_vO);
//FLOAT3D vUTest = plOriginal.ProjectDirection(mv.mv_vU);
//FLOAT3D vVTest = plOriginal.ProjectDirection(mv.mv_vV);
// make mapping on this plane
CMappingVectors mvDefault;
FromMappingVectors(mvDefault, mv);
// translate mapping in 3D
void CMappingDefinition::Translate(const CMappingVectors &mvDefault, const FLOAT3D &vTranslation)
FLOATplane3D plPlane;
// make mapping vectors
CMappingVectors mv;
ToMappingVectors(mvDefault, mv);
// translate mapping origin
// convert back from new mapping vectors
FromMappingVectors(mvDefault, mv);
// rotate mapping in 3D
void CMappingDefinition::Rotate(const CMappingVectors &mvDefault,
const FLOAT3D &vRotationOrigin, ANGLE aRotation)
FLOATplane3D plPlane;
// project rotation origin to the plane
FLOAT3D vProjectedRotationOrigin = plPlane.ProjectPoint(vRotationOrigin);
// get texture coordinates of the origin before rotation
MEX2D vmexRotationOrigin0;
GetTextureCoordinates(mvDefault, vProjectedRotationOrigin, vmexRotationOrigin0);
// rotate the mapping
CMappingDefinitionUI mdui;
// get texture coordinates of the origin after rotation
MEX2D vmexRotationOrigin1;
GetTextureCoordinates(mvDefault, vProjectedRotationOrigin, vmexRotationOrigin1);
// adjust texture offsets so that origin stays on same place in texture
md_fUOffset += (vmexRotationOrigin1(1)-vmexRotationOrigin0(1))/1024.0f;
md_fVOffset += (vmexRotationOrigin1(2)-vmexRotationOrigin0(2))/1024.0f;
// center mapping to given point in 3D
void CMappingDefinition::Center(const CMappingVectors &mvDefault,
const FLOAT3D &vNewOrigin)
FLOATplane3D plPlane;
// make mapping vectors
CMappingVectors mv;
ToMappingVectors(mvDefault, mv);
// set new mapping origin
// convert back from new mapping vectors
FromMappingVectors(mvDefault, mv);
// transform mapping from one placement to another
void CMappingDefinition::Transform(const FLOATplane3D &plSourcePlane,
const CPlacement3D &plSource, const CPlacement3D &plTarget)
CSimpleProjection3D_DOUBLE prProjection;
prProjection.ObjectPlacementL() = plSource;
prProjection.ViewerPlacementL() = plTarget;
CMappingDefinition mdTarget;
prProjection.ProjectMapping(*this, FLOATtoDOUBLE(plSourcePlane), mdTarget);
*this = mdTarget;
// stream operations
CTStream &operator>>(CTStream &strm, CMappingDefinition &md)
return strm;
CTStream &operator<<(CTStream &strm, const CMappingDefinition &md)
return strm;