Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

2607 lines
91 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include <Engine/StdH.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Projection.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Float.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Quaternion.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Geometry.inl>
#include <Engine/Math/Clipping.inl>
#include <Engine/Ska/ModelInstance.h>
#include <Engine/Ska/Render.h>
#include <Engine/Ska/Mesh.h>
#include <Engine/Ska/Skeleton.h>
#include <Engine/Ska/AnimSet.h>
#include <Engine/Ska/StringTable.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicContainer.cpp>
#include <Engine/Graphics/DrawPort.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Fog_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
static CAnyProjection3D _aprProjection;
static CDrawPort *_pdp = NULL;
static enum FPUPrecisionType _fpuOldPrecision;
static INDEX _iRenderingType = 0; // 0=none, 1=view, 2=mask
static FLOAT3D _vLightDir; // Light direction
static FLOAT3D _vLightDirInView; // Light direction transformed in view space
static COLOR _colAmbient; // Ambient color
static COLOR _colLight; // Light color
static FLOAT _fDistanceFactor; // Distance to object from viewer
static Matrix12 _mObjectToAbs; // object to absolute
static Matrix12 _mAbsToViewer; // absolute to viewer
static Matrix12 _mObjToView; // object to viewer
static Matrix12 _mObjToViewStretch; // object to viewer, stretch by root model instance stretch factor
static ULONG _ulRenFlags = 0;
static FLOAT _fCustomMlodDistance=-1; // custom distance for mesh lods
static FLOAT _fCustomSlodDistance=-1; // custom distance for skeleton lods
extern FLOAT ska_fLODMul;
extern FLOAT ska_fLODAdd;
// mask shader (for rendering models' shadows to shadowmaps)
static CShader _shMaskShader;
// temporary rendering structures
static CStaticStackArray<struct RenModel> _aRenModels;
static CStaticStackArray<struct RenBone> _aRenBones;
static CStaticStackArray<struct RenMesh> _aRenMesh;
static CStaticStackArray<struct RenMorph> _aRenMorph;
static CStaticStackArray<struct RenWeight> _aRenWeights;
static CStaticStackArray<struct MeshVertex> _aMorphedVtxs;
static CStaticStackArray<struct MeshNormal> _aMorphedNormals;
static CStaticStackArray<struct MeshVertex> _aFinalVtxs;
static CStaticStackArray<struct MeshNormal> _aFinalNormals;
static CStaticStackArray<struct GFXColor> _aMeshColors;
static CStaticStackArray<struct GFXTexCoord> _aTexMipFogy;
static CStaticStackArray<struct GFXTexCoord> _aTexMipHazey;
static MeshVertex *_pavFinalVertices = NULL; // pointer to final arrays
static MeshNormal *_panFinalNormals = NULL; // pointer to final normals
static INDEX _ctFinalVertices; // final vertices count
BOOL _bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = TRUE; // are boneless models transformed to view space
// Pointers for bone adjustment function
static void (*_pAdjustBonesCallback)(void *pData) = NULL;
static void *_pAdjustBonesData = NULL;
// Pointers for shader params adjustment function
static void (*_pAdjustShaderParams)(void *pData, INDEX iSurfaceID, CShader *pShader,ShaderParams &shParams) = NULL;
static void *_pAdjustShaderData = NULL;
static BOOL FindRenBone(RenModel &rm,int iBoneID,INDEX *piBoneIndex);
static void PrepareMeshForRendering(RenMesh &rmsh, INDEX iSkeletonlod);
static void CalculateRenderingData(CModelInstance &mi);
static void ClearRenArrays();
// load our 3x4 matrix from old-fashioned matrix+vector combination
inline void MatrixVectorToMatrix12(Matrix12 &m12,const FLOATmatrix3D &m, const FLOAT3D &v)
m12[ 0] = m(1,1); m12[ 1] = m(1,2); m12[ 2] = m(1,3); m12[ 3] = v(1);
m12[ 4] = m(2,1); m12[ 5] = m(2,2); m12[ 6] = m(2,3); m12[ 7] = v(2);
m12[ 8] = m(3,1); m12[ 9] = m(3,2); m12[10] = m(3,3); m12[11] = v(3);
// convert matrix12 to old matrix 3x3 and vector
inline void Matrix12ToMatrixVector(FLOATmatrix3D &c, FLOAT3D &v, const Matrix12 &m12)
c(1,1) = m12[ 0]; c(1,2) = m12[ 1]; c(1,3) = m12[ 2]; v(1) = m12[ 3];
c(2,1) = m12[ 4]; c(2,2) = m12[ 5]; c(2,3) = m12[ 6]; v(2) = m12[ 7];
c(3,1) = m12[ 8]; c(3,2) = m12[ 9]; c(3,3) = m12[10]; v(3) = m12[11];
// create matrix from vector without rotations
inline static void MakeStretchMatrix(Matrix12 &c, const FLOAT3D &v)
c[ 0] = v(1); c[ 1] = 0.0f; c[ 2] = 0.0f; c[ 3] = 0.0f;
c[ 4] = 0.0f; c[ 5] = v(2); c[ 6] = 0.0f; c[ 7] = 0.0f;
c[ 8] = 0.0f; c[ 9] = 0.0f; c[10] = v(3); c[11] = 0.0f;
// Remove rotation from matrix (make it front face)
inline static void RemoveRotationFromMatrix(Matrix12 &mat)
mat[ 0] = 1; mat[ 1] = 0; mat[ 2] = 0;
mat[ 4] = 0; mat[ 5] = 1; mat[ 6] = 0;
mat[ 8] = 0; mat[ 9] = 0; mat[10] = 1;
// set given matrix as identity matrix
inline static void MakeIdentityMatrix(Matrix12 &mat)
mat[0] = 1;
mat[5] = 1;
mat[10] = 1;
// transform vector with given matrix
inline static void TransformVector(FLOAT3 &v, const Matrix12 &m)
float x = v[0];
float y = v[1];
float z = v[2];
v[0] = m[0]*x + m[1]*y + m[ 2]*z + m[ 3];
v[1] = m[4]*x + m[5]*y + m[ 6]*z + m[ 7];
v[2] = m[8]*x + m[9]*y + m[10]*z + m[11];
inline void TransformVertex(GFXVertex &v, const Matrix12 &m)
float x = v.x;
float y = v.y;
float z = v.z;
v.x = m[0]*x + m[1]*y + m[ 2]*z + m[ 3];
v.y = m[4]*x + m[5]*y + m[ 6]*z + m[ 7];
v.z = m[8]*x + m[9]*y + m[10]*z + m[11];
// rotate vector with given matrix ( does not translate vector )
inline void RotateVector(FLOAT3 &v, const Matrix12 &m)
float x = v[0];
float y = v[1];
float z = v[2];
v[0] = m[0]*x + m[1]*y + m[ 2]*z;
v[1] = m[4]*x + m[5]*y + m[ 6]*z;
v[2] = m[8]*x + m[9]*y + m[10]*z;
// copy one matrix12 to another
inline void MatrixCopy(Matrix12 &c, const Matrix12 &m)
// convert 3x4 matrix to QVect
inline void Matrix12ToQVect(QVect &qv,const Matrix12 &m12)
FLOATmatrix3D m;
m(1,1) = m12[ 0]; m(1,2) = m12[ 1]; m(1,3) = m12[ 2];
m(2,1) = m12[ 4]; m(2,2) = m12[ 5]; m(2,3) = m12[ 6];
m(3,1) = m12[ 8]; m(3,2) = m12[ 9]; m(3,3) = m12[10];
qv.vPos(1) = m12[3];
qv.vPos(2) = m12[7];
qv.vPos(3) = m12[11];
// covert QVect to matrix 3x4
inline void QVectToMatrix12(Matrix12 &m12, const QVect &qv)
FLOATmatrix3D m;
// concatenate two 3x4 matrices C=(MxN)
inline void MatrixMultiply(Matrix12 &c,const Matrix12 &m, const Matrix12 &n)
c[0] = m[0]*n[0] + m[1]*n[4] + m[2]*n[8];
c[1] = m[0]*n[1] + m[1]*n[5] + m[2]*n[9];
c[2] = m[0]*n[2] + m[1]*n[6] + m[2]*n[10];
c[3] = m[0]*n[3] + m[1]*n[7] + m[2]*n[11] + m[3];
c[4] = m[4]*n[0] + m[5]*n[4] + m[6]*n[8];
c[5] = m[4]*n[1] + m[5]*n[5] + m[6]*n[9];
c[6] = m[4]*n[2] + m[5]*n[6] + m[6]*n[10];
c[7] = m[4]*n[3] + m[5]*n[7] + m[6]*n[11] + m[7];
c[8] = m[8]*n[0] + m[9]*n[4] + m[10]*n[8];
c[9] = m[8]*n[1] + m[9]*n[5] + m[10]*n[9];
c[10] = m[8]*n[2] + m[9]*n[6] + m[10]*n[10];
c[11] = m[8]*n[3] + m[9]*n[7] + m[10]*n[11] + m[11];
// multiply two matrices into first one
void MatrixMultiplyCP(Matrix12 &c,const Matrix12 &m, const Matrix12 &n)
Matrix12 mTemp;
// make transpose matrix
inline void MatrixTranspose(Matrix12 &r, const Matrix12 &m)
r[ 0] = m[ 0];
r[ 5] = m[ 5];
r[10] = m[10];
r[ 3] = m[ 3];
r[ 7] = m[ 7];
r[11] = m[11];
r[1] = m[4];
r[2] = m[8];
r[4] = m[1];
r[8] = m[2];
r[6] = m[9];
r[9] = m[6];
r[ 3] = -r[0]*m[3] - r[1]*m[7] - r[ 2]*m[11];
r[ 7] = -r[4]*m[3] - r[5]*m[7] - r[ 6]*m[11];
r[11] = -r[8]*m[3] - r[9]*m[7] - r[10]*m[11];
// viewer absolute and object space projection
static FLOAT3D _vViewer;
static FLOAT3D _vViewerObj;
static FLOAT3D _vLightObj;
// returns haze/fog value in vertex
static FLOAT3D _vZDirView, _vHDirView;
static FLOAT _fFogAddZ, _fFogAddH;
static FLOAT _fHazeAdd;
// check vertex against fog
static void GetFogMapInVertex( GFXVertex4 &vtx, GFXTexCoord &tex)
const FLOAT fD = vtx.x*_vZDirView(1) + vtx.y*_vZDirView(2) + vtx.z*_vZDirView(3);
const FLOAT fH = vtx.x*_vHDirView(1) + vtx.y*_vHDirView(2) + vtx.z*_vHDirView(3);
tex.st.s = (fD+_fFogAddZ) * _fog_fMulZ;
// tex.st.s = (vtx.z) * _fog_fMulZ;
tex.st.t = (fH+_fFogAddH) * _fog_fMulH;
// check vertex against haze
static void GetHazeMapInVertex( GFXVertex4 &vtx, FLOAT &tx1)
const FLOAT fD = vtx.x*_vViewerObj(1) + vtx.y*_vViewerObj(2) + vtx.z*_vViewerObj(3);
tx1 = (fD+_fHazeAdd) * _haze_fMul;
#if 0 // DG: unused
// check model's bounding box against fog
static BOOL IsModelInFog( FLOAT3D &vMin, FLOAT3D &vMax)
GFXTexCoord tex;
GFXVertex4 vtx;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetFogMapInVertex(vtx,tex); if(InFog(tex.st.t)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// check model's bounding box against haze
static BOOL IsModelInHaze( FLOAT3D &vMin, FLOAT3D &vMax)
GFXVertex4 vtx;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMin(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMin(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMin(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
vtx.x=vMax(1); vtx.y=vMax(2); vtx.z=vMax(3); GetHazeMapInVertex(vtx,fS); if(InHaze(fS)) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#endif // 0 (unused)
BOOL PrepareHaze(void)
ULONG &ulRenFlags = RM_GetRenderFlags();
if( ulRenFlags & SRMF_HAZE) {
_fHazeAdd = _haze_hp.hp_fNear;
_fHazeAdd += -_mObjToView[11];
// get viewer -z in viewer space
_vZDirView = FLOAT3D(0,0,-1);
// get fog direction in viewer space
// _vHDirView = _fog_vHDirAbs;
// RotateVector(_vHDirView.vector, _mAbsToViewer);
_vHDirView = _fog_vHDirView;
// get viewer offset
// _fFogAddZ = _vViewer % (rm.rm_vObjectPosition - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition); // BUG in compiler !!!!
_fFogAddZ = -_mObjToView[11];
// get fog offset
_fFogAddH = _fog_fAddH; // (
_vHDirView(1)*_mObjToView[3] +
_vHDirView(2)*_mObjToView[7] +
_vHDirView(3)*_mObjToView[11]) + _fog_fp.fp_fH3;
CPrintF("hdir:%g,%g,%g addz:%g addh:%g\n", _vHDirView(1), _vHDirView(2), _vHDirView(3), _fFogAddZ, _fFogAddH);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL PrepareFog(void)
ULONG &ulRenFlags = RM_GetRenderFlags();
if( ulRenFlags & SRMF_FOG) {
// get viewer -z in viewer space
_vZDirView = FLOAT3D(0,0,-1);
// get fog direction in viewer space
// _vHDirView = _fog_vHDirAbs;
// RotateVector(_vHDirView.vector, _mAbsToViewer);
_vHDirView = _fog_vHDirView;
// get viewer offset
// _fFogAddZ = _vViewer % (rm.rm_vObjectPosition - _aprProjection->pr_vViewerPosition); // BUG in compiler !!!!
_fFogAddZ = -_mObjToView[11];
// get fog offset
_fFogAddH = _fog_fAddH;/*(
_vHDirView(1)*_mObjToView[3] +
_vHDirView(2)*_mObjToView[7] +
_vHDirView(3)*_mObjToView[11]) + _fog_fp.fp_fH3;
CPrintF("hdir:%g,%g,%g addz:%g addh:%g\n", _vHDirView(1), _vHDirView(2), _vHDirView(3), _fFogAddZ, _fFogAddH);*/
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Update model for fog and haze
void RM_DoFogAndHaze(BOOL bOpaqueSurface)
// get current surface vertex array
GFXVertex4 *paVertices;
GFXColor *paColors;
GFXColor *paHazeColors;
INDEX ctVertices = shaGetVertexCount();
paVertices = shaGetVertexArray();
paColors = shaGetColorArray();
paHazeColors = shaGetNewColorArray();
// if this is opaque surface
if(bOpaqueSurface) {
if(PrepareFog()) {
// setup tex coords only
for( INDEX ivtx=0; ivtx<ctVertices; ivtx++) {
GetFogMapInVertex( paVertices[ivtx], _aTexMipFogy[ivtx]);
if(PrepareHaze()) {
const COLOR colH = AdjustColor( _haze_hp.hp_colColor, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
GFXColor colHaze(colH);
// setup haze tex coords and color
for( INDEX ivtx=0; ivtx<ctVertices; ivtx++) {
GetHazeMapInVertex( paVertices[ivtx], _aTexMipHazey[ivtx].st.s);
_aTexMipHazey[ivtx].st.t = 0.0f;
paHazeColors[ivtx] = colHaze;
// surface is translucent
} else {
if(PrepareFog()) {
GFXTexCoord tex;
for( INDEX ivtx=0; ivtx<ctVertices; ivtx++) {
GetFogMapInVertex( paVertices[ivtx], tex);
UBYTE ub = GetFogAlpha(tex) ^255;
paColors[ivtx].AttenuateA( ub);
if(PrepareHaze()) {
FLOAT tx1;
for( INDEX ivtx=0; ivtx<ctVertices; ivtx++) {
GetHazeMapInVertex( paVertices[ivtx], tx1);
FLOAT ub = GetHazeAlpha(tx1) ^255;
paHazeColors[ivtx] = paColors[ivtx];
paHazeColors[ivtx].AttenuateA( ub);
// LOD factor management
void RM_SetCurrentDistance(FLOAT fDistFactor)
_fCustomMlodDistance = fDistFactor;
_fCustomSlodDistance = fDistFactor;
FLOAT RM_GetMipFactor(void)
return 0;
// fill given array with array of transformed vertices
void RM_GetModelVertices( CModelInstance &mi, CStaticStackArray<FLOAT3D> &avVertices, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation,
FLOAT3D &vPosition, FLOAT fNormalOffset, FLOAT fDistance)
// Transform all vertices in view space
BOOL bTemp = _bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace;
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = TRUE;
// only root model instances
// remember parent bone ID
INDEX iOldParentBoneID = mi.mi_iParentBoneID;
// set parent bone ID as -1
mi.mi_iParentBoneID = -1;
// Reset abs to viewer matrix
// for each ren model
INDEX ctrmsh = _aRenModels.Count();
for(int irmsh=1;irmsh<ctrmsh;irmsh++) {
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irmsh];
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
// for each mesh in renmodel
for(int imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
// prepare mesh for rendering
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[imsh];
INDEX ctvtx = _ctFinalVertices;
INDEX ctvtxGiven = avVertices.Count();
// for each vertex in prepared mesh
for(INDEX ivtx=0;ivtx<ctvtx;ivtx++) {
#pragma message(">> Fix this")
FLOAT3D vVtx = FLOAT3D(_pavFinalVertices[ivtx].x,_pavFinalVertices[ivtx].y,_pavFinalVertices[ivtx].z);
FLOAT3D vNor = FLOAT3D(_panFinalNormals[ivtx].nx,_panFinalNormals[ivtx].ny,_panFinalNormals[ivtx].nz);
// add vertex to given vertex array
avVertices[ivtx+ctvtxGiven] = vVtx+(vNor*fNormalOffset);
// restore old bone parent ID
mi.mi_iParentBoneID = iOldParentBoneID;
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = bTemp;
FLOAT RM_TestRayCastHit( CModelInstance &mi, FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation, FLOAT3D &vPosition,const FLOAT3D &vOrigin,
const FLOAT3D &vTarget,FLOAT fOldDistance,INDEX *piBoneID)
FLOAT fDistance = 1E6f;
static int i=0;
BOOL bTemp = _bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace;
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = TRUE;
// ASSERT((CProjection3D *)_aprProjection!=NULL);
// Reset abs to viewer matrix
// allways use the first LOD
// for each ren model
INDEX ctrmsh = _aRenModels.Count();
for(int irmsh=1;irmsh<ctrmsh;irmsh++) {
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irmsh];
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
// for each mesh in renmodel
for(int imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
// prepare mesh for rendering
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[imsh];
MeshLOD &mshlod = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex];
INDEX ctsurf = mshlod.mlod_aSurfaces.Count();
for(int isurf=0;isurf<ctsurf;isurf++) {
MeshSurface &mshsurf = mshlod.mlod_aSurfaces[isurf];
INDEX cttri = mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles.Count();
for (int itri=0; itri<cttri;itri++) {
Vector<FLOAT,3> vVertex0(_pavFinalVertices[mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[0]].x,
Vector<FLOAT,3> vVertex1(_pavFinalVertices[mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[1]].x,
Vector<FLOAT,3> vVertex2(_pavFinalVertices[mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[2]].x,
Plane <float,3> plTriPlane(vVertex0,vVertex1,vVertex2);
FLOAT fDistance0 = plTriPlane.PointDistance(vOrigin);
FLOAT fDistance1 = plTriPlane.PointDistance(vTarget);
// if the ray hits the polygon plane
if (fDistance0>=0 && fDistance0>=fDistance1) {
// calculate fraction of line before intersection
FLOAT fFraction = fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
// calculate intersection coordinate
FLOAT3D vHitPoint = vOrigin+(vTarget-vOrigin)*fFraction;
// calculate intersection distance
FLOAT fHitDistance = (vHitPoint-vOrigin).Length();
// if the hit point can not be new closest candidate
if (fHitDistance>fOldDistance) {
// skip this triangle
// find major axes of the polygon plane
INDEX iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2;
GetMajorAxesForPlane(plTriPlane, iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2);
// create an intersector
CIntersector isIntersector(vHitPoint(iMajorAxis1), vHitPoint(iMajorAxis2));
// check intersections for all three edges of the polygon
vVertex0(iMajorAxis1), vVertex0(iMajorAxis2),
vVertex1(iMajorAxis1), vVertex1(iMajorAxis2));
vVertex1(iMajorAxis1), vVertex1(iMajorAxis2),
vVertex2(iMajorAxis1), vVertex2(iMajorAxis2));
vVertex2(iMajorAxis1), vVertex2(iMajorAxis2),
vVertex0(iMajorAxis1), vVertex0(iMajorAxis2));
// if the polygon is intersected by the ray, and it is the closest intersection so far
if (isIntersector.IsIntersecting() && (fHitDistance < fDistance)) {
// remember hit coordinates
fDistance = fHitDistance;
// do we neet to find the bone hit by the ray?
if (piBoneID != NULL) {
INDEX iClosestVertex;
// find the vertex closest to the intersection
FLOAT fDist0 = (vHitPoint - vVertex0).Length();
FLOAT fDist1 = (vHitPoint - vVertex1).Length();
FLOAT fDist2 = (vHitPoint - vVertex2).Length();
if (fDist0 < fDist1) {
if (fDist0 < fDist2) {
iClosestVertex = mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[0];
} else {
iClosestVertex = mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[2];
} else {
if (fDist1 < fDist2) {
iClosestVertex = mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[1];
} else {
iClosestVertex = mshsurf.msrf_aTriangles[itri].iVertex[2];
// now find the weightmap with the largest weight for this vertex
INDEX ctwmaps = mshlod.mlod_aWeightMaps.Count();
FLOAT fMaxVertexWeight = 0.0f;
INDEX iMaxWeightMap = -1;
for (int iwmap=0;iwmap<ctwmaps;iwmap++) {
MeshWeightMap& wtmap = mshlod.mlod_aWeightMaps[iwmap];
INDEX ctvtx = wtmap.mwm_aVertexWeight.Count();
for (int ivtx=0;ivtx<ctvtx;ivtx++) {
if ((wtmap.mwm_aVertexWeight[ivtx].mww_iVertex == iClosestVertex) && (wtmap.mwm_aVertexWeight[ivtx].mww_fWeight > fMaxVertexWeight)) {
fMaxVertexWeight = wtmap.mwm_aVertexWeight[ivtx].mww_fWeight;
iMaxWeightMap = wtmap.mwm_iID;
*piBoneID = iMaxWeightMap;
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = bTemp;
return fDistance;
// add simple model shadow
void RM_AddSimpleShadow_View(CModelInstance &mi, const FLOAT fIntensity, const FLOATplane3D &plShadowPlane)
// _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// get viewer in absolute space
FLOAT3D vViewerAbs = _aprProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector;
// if shadow destination plane is not visible, don't cast shadows
if( plShadowPlane.PointDistance(vViewerAbs)<0.01f) {
// _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
// _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
// get shadow plane in object space
FLOATmatrix3D mAbsToObj;
FLOAT3D vAbsToObj;
// Fix this
FLOATplane3D plShadowPlaneObj = (plShadowPlane-vAbsToObj) * !mAbsToObj;
// project object handle so we can calc how it is far away from viewer
FLOAT3D vRef = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(0,0,0));
plShadowPlaneObj.pl_distance += ClampDn( -vRef(3)*0.001f, 0.01f); // move plane towards the viewer a bit to avoid z-fighting
FLOATaabbox3D box;
mi.GetCurrentColisionBox( box);
// find points on plane nearest to bounding box edges
FLOAT3D vMin = box.Min() * 1.25f;
FLOAT3D vMax = box.Max() * 1.25f;
if( _ulRenFlags & SRMF_SPECTATOR) { vMin*=2; vMax*=2; } // enlarge shadow for 1st person view
FLOAT3D v00 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMin(3)));
FLOAT3D v01 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMax(3)));
FLOAT3D v10 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMin(3)));
FLOAT3D v11 = plShadowPlaneObj.ProjectPoint(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMax(3)));
// calc done
// _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_CALC);
// _pfModelProfile.StartTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
// _pfModelProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
// prepare color
ASSERT( fIntensity>=0 && fIntensity<=1);
ULONG ulAAAA = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity);
ulAAAA |= (ulAAAA<<8) | (ulAAAA<<16); // alpha isn't needed
// add to vertex arrays
GFXVertex *pvtx = _avtxCommon.Push(4);
GFXTexCoord *ptex = _atexCommon.Push(4);
GFXColor *pcol = _acolCommon.Push(4);
// vertices
pvtx[0].x = v00(1); pvtx[0].y = v00(2); pvtx[0].z = v00(3);
pvtx[2].x = v11(1); pvtx[2].y = v11(2); pvtx[2].z = v11(3);
if( _ulRenFlags & SRMF_INVERTED) { // must re-adjust order for mirrored projection
pvtx[1].x = v10(1); pvtx[1].y = v10(2); pvtx[1].z = v10(3);
pvtx[3].x = v01(1); pvtx[3].y = v01(2); pvtx[3].z = v01(3);
} else {
pvtx[1].x = v01(1); pvtx[1].y = v01(2); pvtx[1].z = v01(3);
pvtx[3].x = v10(1); pvtx[3].y = v10(2); pvtx[3].z = v10(3);
// texture coords
ptex[0].st.s = 0; ptex[0].st.t = 0;
ptex[1].st.s = 0; ptex[1].st.t = 1;
ptex[2].st.s = 1; ptex[2].st.t = 1;
ptex[3].st.s = 1; ptex[3].st.t = 0;
// colors
pcol[0].ul.abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[1].ul.abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[2].ul.abgr = ulAAAA;
pcol[3].ul.abgr = ulAAAA;
// if this model has fog
if( _ulRenFlags & SRMF_FOG)
{ // for each vertex in shadow quad
GFXTexCoord tex;
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
GFXVertex &vtx = pvtx[i];
// get distance along viewer axis and fog axis and map to texture and attenuate shadow color
const FLOAT fH = vtx.x*_fog_vHDirView(1) + vtx.y*_fog_vHDirView(2) + vtx.z*_fog_vHDirView(3);
tex.st.s = -vtx.z *_fog_fMulZ;
tex.st.t = (fH+_fog_fAddH) *_fog_fMulH;
// if this model has haze
if( _ulRenFlags & SRMF_HAZE)
{ // for each vertex in shadow quad
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
// get distance along viewer axis map to texture and attenuate shadow color
const FLOAT fS = (_haze_fAdd-pvtx[i].z) *_haze_fMul;
// one simple shadow added to rendering queue
// _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_SIMP_COPY);
// _pfModelProfile.StopTimer( CModelProfile::PTI_VIEW_RENDERSIMPLESHADOW);
// set callback function for bone adjustment
void RM_SetBoneAdjustCallback(void (*pAdjustBones)(void *pData), void *pData)
_pAdjustBonesCallback = pAdjustBones;
_pAdjustBonesData = pData;
void RM_SetShaderParamsAdjustCallback(void (*pAdjustShaderParams)(void *pData, INDEX iSurfaceID,CShader *pShader,ShaderParams &spParams),void *pData)
_pAdjustShaderParams = pAdjustShaderParams;
_pAdjustShaderData = pData;
// show gound for ska studio
void RM_RenderGround(CTextureObject &to)
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData *)to.GetData();
FLOAT3D vVtx = FLOAT3D(45,0,45);
GFXVertex vBoxVtxs[4];
GFXTexCoord tcBoxTex[4];
INDEX aiIndices[6];
// set ground vertices
vBoxVtxs[0].x = vVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[0].y = vVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[0].z = -vVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[1].x = -vVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[1].y = vVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[1].z = -vVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[2].x = -vVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[2].y = vVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[2].z = vVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[3].x = vVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[3].y = vVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[3].z = vVtx(3);
// set ground texcoords
tcBoxTex[0].uv.u = vVtx(1); tcBoxTex[0].uv.v = 0;
tcBoxTex[1].uv.u = 0; tcBoxTex[1].uv.v = 0;
tcBoxTex[2].uv.u = 0; tcBoxTex[2].uv.v = vVtx(3);
tcBoxTex[3].uv.u = vVtx(1); tcBoxTex[3].uv.v = vVtx(3);
for(INDEX ivx=0;ivx<4;ivx++) {
aiIndices[0] = 0; aiIndices[1] = 2; aiIndices[2] = 1;
aiIndices[3] = 0; aiIndices[4] = 3; aiIndices[5] = 2;
gfxSetTexCoordArray(tcBoxTex, FALSE);
// render wirerame bounding box
static void RenderWireframeBox(FLOAT3D vMinVtx, FLOAT3D vMaxVtx, COLOR col)
// prepare wireframe settings
// fill vertex array so it represents bounding box
FLOAT3D vBoxVtxs[8];
vBoxVtxs[0] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[1] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[2] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[3] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMinVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[4] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[5] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMinVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[6] = FLOAT3D( vMaxVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
vBoxVtxs[7] = FLOAT3D( vMinVtx(1), vMaxVtx(2), vMaxVtx(3));
for(INDEX iwx=0;iwx<8;iwx++) TransformVector(vBoxVtxs[iwx].vector,_mObjToViewStretch);
// connect vertices into lines of bounding box
INDEX iBoxLines[12][2];
iBoxLines[ 0][0] = 0; iBoxLines[ 0][1] = 1; iBoxLines[ 1][0] = 1; iBoxLines[ 1][1] = 2;
iBoxLines[ 2][0] = 2; iBoxLines[ 2][1] = 3; iBoxLines[ 3][0] = 3; iBoxLines[ 3][1] = 0;
iBoxLines[ 4][0] = 0; iBoxLines[ 4][1] = 4; iBoxLines[ 5][0] = 1; iBoxLines[ 5][1] = 5;
iBoxLines[ 6][0] = 2; iBoxLines[ 6][1] = 6; iBoxLines[ 7][0] = 3; iBoxLines[ 7][1] = 7;
iBoxLines[ 8][0] = 4; iBoxLines[ 8][1] = 5; iBoxLines[ 9][0] = 5; iBoxLines[ 9][1] = 6;
iBoxLines[10][0] = 6; iBoxLines[10][1] = 7; iBoxLines[11][0] = 7; iBoxLines[11][1] = 4;
// for all vertices in bounding box
for( INDEX i=0; i<12; i++) {
// get starting and ending vertices of one line
FLOAT3D &v0 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][0]];
FLOAT3D &v1 = vBoxVtxs[iBoxLines[i][1]];
// render bounding box
static void RenderBox(FLOAT3D vMinVtx, FLOAT3D vMaxVtx, COLOR col)
// prepare settings
// fill vertex array so it represents bounding box
GFXVertex vBoxVtxs[8];
vBoxVtxs[0].x = vMinVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[0].y = vMaxVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[0].z = vMinVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[1].x = vMinVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[1].y = vMaxVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[1].z = vMaxVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[2].x = vMaxVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[2].y = vMaxVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[2].z = vMinVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[3].x = vMaxVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[3].y = vMaxVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[3].z = vMaxVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[4].x = vMinVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[4].y = vMinVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[4].z = vMinVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[5].x = vMinVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[5].y = vMinVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[5].z = vMaxVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[6].x = vMaxVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[6].y = vMinVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[6].z = vMinVtx(3);
vBoxVtxs[7].x = vMaxVtx(1); vBoxVtxs[7].y = vMinVtx(2); vBoxVtxs[7].z = vMaxVtx(3);
for(INDEX iwx=0;iwx<8;iwx++) {
INDEX aiIndices[36];
aiIndices[ 0] = 0; aiIndices[ 1] = 3; aiIndices[ 2] = 1;
aiIndices[ 3] = 0; aiIndices[ 4] = 2; aiIndices[ 5] = 3;
aiIndices[ 6] = 5; aiIndices[ 7] = 1; aiIndices[ 8] = 3;
aiIndices[ 9] = 7; aiIndices[10] = 5; aiIndices[11] = 3;
aiIndices[12] = 2; aiIndices[13] = 7; aiIndices[14] = 3;
aiIndices[15] = 6; aiIndices[16] = 7; aiIndices[17] = 2;
aiIndices[18] = 4; aiIndices[19] = 2; aiIndices[20] = 0;
aiIndices[21] = 4; aiIndices[22] = 6; aiIndices[23] = 2;
aiIndices[24] = 5; aiIndices[25] = 0; aiIndices[26] = 1;
aiIndices[27] = 5; aiIndices[28] = 4; aiIndices[29] = 0;
aiIndices[30] = 4; aiIndices[31] = 5; aiIndices[32] = 7;
aiIndices[33] = 6; aiIndices[34] = 4; aiIndices[35] = 7;
// render bounding box on screen
void RM_RenderColisionBox(CModelInstance &mi,ColisionBox &cb, COLOR col)
//ColisionBox &cb = mi.GetColisionBox(icb);
if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_WIREFRAME) {
} else {
// draw wireframe mesh on screen
static void RenderMeshWireframe(RenMesh &rmsh)
MeshLOD &mlod = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex];
// count surfaces in mesh
INDEX ctsrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces.Count();
// for each surface
for(INDEX isrf=0; isrf<ctsrf; isrf++)
MeshSurface &msrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces[isrf];
COLOR colErrColor = 0xCDCDCDFF;
// surface has no shader, just show vertices
// render model wireframe
static void RenderModelWireframe(RenModel &rm)
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
// for each mesh in renmodel
for(int imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
// render mesh
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[imsh];
// render normals
static void RenderNormals()
// only if rendering to view
if( _iRenderingType!=1) return;
INDEX ctNormals = _aFinalNormals.Count();
for(INDEX ivx=0;ivx<ctNormals;ivx++)
FLOAT3D vNormal = FLOAT3D(_panFinalNormals[ivx].nx,_panFinalNormals[ivx].ny,_panFinalNormals[ivx].nz);
// vNormal.Normalize();
FLOAT3D vVtx1 = FLOAT3D(_pavFinalVertices[ivx].x,_pavFinalVertices[ivx].y,_pavFinalVertices[ivx].z);
FLOAT3D vVtx2 = vVtx1 + (vNormal/5);
// render one renbone
static void RenderBone(RenBone &rb, COLOR col)
FLOAT fSize = rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fBoneLength / 20;
FLOAT3D vBoneStart = FLOAT3D(rb.rb_mBonePlacement[3],rb.rb_mBonePlacement[7],rb.rb_mBonePlacement[11]);
FLOAT3D vBoneEnd = FLOAT3D(0,0,-rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fBoneLength);
FLOAT3D vRingPt[4];
vRingPt[0] = FLOAT3D(-fSize,-fSize,-fSize*2);
vRingPt[1] = FLOAT3D( fSize,-fSize,-fSize*2);
vRingPt[2] = FLOAT3D( fSize, fSize,-fSize*2);
vRingPt[3] = FLOAT3D(-fSize, fSize,-fSize*2);
// connect start point of bone with end point
for(il=0;il<4;il++) {
// draw ring
for(il=0;il<3;il++) {
// render one bone in model instance
void RM_RenderBone(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID)
UBYTE ubFillColor = 127;
CStaticStackArray<INDEX> aiRenModelIndices;
CStaticStackArray<INDEX> aiRenMeshIndices;
INDEX iBoneIndex = -1; // index of selected bone in renbone array
INDEX iWeightIndex = -1; // index of weight that have same id as bone
// find all renmeshes that uses this bone weightmap
INDEX ctrm = _aRenModels.Count();
// for each renmodel
for(INDEX irm=1;irm<ctrm;irm++) {
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irm];
// try to find bone in this renmodel
if(FindRenBone(rm,iBoneID,&iBoneIndex)) {
// for each renmesh in rm
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh+rm.rm_ctMeshes;
for(INDEX imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
RenMesh &rm = _aRenMesh[imsh];
// for each weightmap in this renmesh
INDEX ctwm = rm.rmsh_iFirstWeight+rm.rmsh_ctWeights;
for(INDEX iwm=rm.rmsh_iFirstWeight;iwm<ctwm;iwm++) {
RenWeight &rw = _aRenWeights[iwm];
// if weight map id is same as bone id
if(rw.rw_pwmWeightMap->mwm_iID == iBoneID) {
INDEX &irmi = aiRenModelIndices.Push();
INDEX &irmshi = aiRenMeshIndices.Push();
// rememeber this weight map
irmi = irm;
irmshi = imsh;
iWeightIndex = iwm;
// if weightmap is found
if(iWeightIndex>=0) {
// show wertex weights for each mesh that uses this bones weightmap
INDEX ctmshi=aiRenMeshIndices.Count();
for(INDEX imshi=0;imshi<ctmshi;imshi++)
INDEX iMeshIndex = aiRenMeshIndices[imshi]; // index of mesh that uses selected bone
INDEX iModelIndex = aiRenModelIndices[imshi]; // index of model in witch is mesh
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[iModelIndex];
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[iMeshIndex];
MeshLOD &mlod = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex];
// Create array of color
INDEX ctVertices = mlod.mlod_aVertices.Count();
// prepare this mesh for rendering
// all vertices by default are not visible ( have alpha set to 0 )
for(INDEX ivx=0;ivx<ctVertices;ivx++) {
_aMeshColors[ivx].ub.a = 0;
INDEX ctwm = rmsh.rmsh_iFirstWeight+rmsh.rmsh_ctWeights;
// for each weightmap in this mesh
for(INDEX irw=rmsh.rmsh_iFirstWeight;irw<ctwm;irw++) {
RenWeight &rw = _aRenWeights[irw];
if(rw.rw_iBoneIndex != iBoneIndex) continue;
INDEX ctvw = rw.rw_pwmWeightMap->mwm_aVertexWeight.Count();
// for each vertex in this veight
for(int ivw=0; ivw<ctvw; ivw++)
// modify color and alpha value of this vertex
MeshVertexWeight &vw = rw.rw_pwmWeightMap->mwm_aVertexWeight[ivw];
INDEX ivx = vw.mww_iVertex;
_aMeshColors[ivx].ub.r = 255;
_aMeshColors[ivx].ub.g = 127;
_aMeshColors[ivx].ub.b = 0;
_aMeshColors[ivx].ub.a += (UBYTE) (vw.mww_fWeight*255); // _aMeshColors[ivx].ub.a = 255;
// count surfaces in mesh
INDEX ctsrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces.Count();
// for each surface
for(INDEX isrf=0; isrf<ctsrf; isrf++) {
MeshSurface &msrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces[isrf];
GFXColor *paColors = shaGetColorArray();
// replace current color array with weight color array
// render surface
// draw bone
if(iBoneIndex>=0) {
// show bone in yellow color
// render skeleton hierarchy
static void RenderSkeleton(void)
// for each bone, except the dummy one
for(int irb=1; irb<_aRenBones.Count(); irb++)
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[irb];
RenderBone(rb,0x5A5ADCFF); // render in blue color
static void RenderActiveBones(RenModel &rm)
CModelInstance *pmi = rm.rm_pmiModel;
if(pmi==NULL) return;
// count animlists
INDEX ctal = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists.Count();
// find newes animlist that has fully faded in
INDEX iFirstAnimList = 0;
// loop from newer to older
INDEX ial;
for(ial=ctal-1;ial>=0;ial--) {
AnimList &alList = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial];
// calculate fade factor
FLOAT fFadeFactor = CalculateFadeFactor(alList);
if(fFadeFactor >= 1.0f) {
iFirstAnimList = ial;
// for each anim list after iFirstAnimList
for(ial=iFirstAnimList;ial<ctal;ial++) {
AnimList &alList = pmi->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial];
INDEX ctpa = alList.al_PlayedAnims.Count();
// for each played anim
for(INDEX ipa=0;ipa<ctpa;ipa++) {
PlayedAnim &pa = alList.al_PlayedAnims[ipa];
INDEX iAnimSet,iAnimIndex;
CAnimSet &as = pmi->mi_aAnimSet[iAnimSet];
Animation &an = as.as_Anims[iAnimIndex];
INDEX ctbe = an.an_abeBones.Count();
// for each bone envelope
for(INDEX ibe=0;ibe<ctbe;ibe++) {
BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[ibe];
INDEX iBoneIndex = 0;
// try to find renbone for this bone envelope
if(FindRenBone(rm,be.be_iBoneID,&iBoneIndex)) {
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[iBoneIndex];
// render bone
static void RenderActiveBones(void)
// for each renmodel
INDEX ctrm = _aRenModels.Count();
for(SLONG irm=0;irm<ctrm;irm++) {
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irm];
// get render flags for model
ULONG &RM_GetRenderFlags()
return _ulRenFlags;
// set new flag
void RM_SetFlags(ULONG ulNewFlags)
_ulFlags = ulNewFlags;
// get curent flags
ULONG RM_GetFlags()
return _ulFlags;
// add flag
void RM_AddFlag(ULONG ulFlag)
_ulFlags |= ulFlag;
// remove flag
void RM_RemoveFlag(ULONG ulFlag)
_ulFlags &= ~ulFlag;
// find texture data id
static void FindTextureData(CTextureObject **ptoTextures, INDEX iTextureID, MeshInstance &mshi)
// for each texture instances
INDEX ctti=mshi.mi_tiTextures.Count();
for(INDEX iti=0;iti<ctti;iti++)
TextureInstance &ti = mshi.mi_tiTextures[iti];
if(ti.GetID() == iTextureID)
*ptoTextures = &ti.ti_toTexture;
*ptoTextures = NULL;
// find frame (binary) index in compresed array of rotations, positions or opt_rotations
static INDEX FindFrame(UBYTE *pFirstMember, INDEX iFind, INDEX ctfn, UINT uiSize)
INDEX iHigh = ctfn-1;
INDEX iLow = 0;
UWORD iHighFrameNum = *(UWORD*)(pFirstMember+(uiSize*iHigh));
if(iFind == iHighFrameNum) return iHigh;
while(TRUE) {
iMid = (iHigh+iLow)/2;
UWORD iMidFrameNum = *(UWORD*)(pFirstMember+(uiSize*iMid));
UWORD iMidFrameNumPlusOne = *(UWORD*)(pFirstMember+(uiSize*(iMid+1)));
if(iFind < iMidFrameNum) iHigh = iMid;
else if((iMid == iHigh) || (iMidFrameNumPlusOne > iFind)) return iMid;
else iLow = iMid;
// Find renbone in given renmodel
static BOOL FindRenBone(RenModel &rm,int iBoneID,INDEX *piBoneIndex)
int ctb = rm.rm_iFirstBone + rm.rm_ctBones;
// for each renbone in this ren model
for(int ib=rm.rm_iFirstBone;ib<ctb;ib++) {
// if bone id's match
if(iBoneID == _aRenBones[ib].rb_psbBone->sb_iID) {
// return index of this renbone
*piBoneIndex = ib;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Find renbone in whole array on renbones
RenBone *RM_FindRenBone(INDEX iBoneID)
INDEX ctrb=_aRenBones.Count();
// for each renbone
for(INDEX irb=1;irb<ctrb;irb++) {
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[irb];
// if bone id's match
if(rb.rb_psbBone->sb_iID == iBoneID) {
// return this renbone
return &rb;
return NULL;
// Return array of renbones
RenBone *RM_GetRenBoneArray(INDEX &ctrb)
ctrb = _aRenBones.Count();
if(ctrb>0) {
return &_aRenBones[0];
} else {
return NULL;
// find renmoph in given renmodel
static BOOL FindRenMorph(RenModel &rm,int iMorphID,INDEX *piMorphIndex)
// for each renmesh in given renmodel
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
for(INDEX irmsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;irmsh<ctmsh;irmsh++) {
// for each renmorph in this renmesh
INDEX ctmm = _aRenMesh[irmsh].rmsh_iFirstMorph + _aRenMesh[irmsh].rmsh_ctMorphs;
for(INDEX imm=_aRenMesh[irmsh].rmsh_iFirstMorph;imm<ctmm;imm++) {
// if id's match
if(iMorphID == _aRenMorph[imm].rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_iID) {
// return this renmorph
*piMorphIndex = imm;
return TRUE;
// renmorph was not found
return FALSE;
// Find bone by ID (bone index must be set!)
static BOOL FindBone(int iBoneID, INDEX *piBoneIndex, CModelInstance *pmi,INDEX iSkeletonLod)
// if model instance does not have skeleton
if(pmi->mi_psklSkeleton == NULL) return FALSE;
// if current skeleton lod is invalid
if(iSkeletonLod < 0) return FALSE;
INDEX ctslods = pmi->mi_psklSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count();
// if skeleton lods count is invalid
if(ctslods<1) return FALSE;
// if skeleton lod is larger than lod count
if(iSkeletonLod >= ctslods) {
// use skeleton finest skeleton lod
#pragma message(">> Check if this is ok")
iSkeletonLod = 0;
SkeletonLOD &slod = pmi->mi_psklSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[iSkeletonLod];
// for each bone in skeleton lod
for(int i=0;i<slod.slod_aBones.Count();i++) {
// check if bone id's match
if(iBoneID == slod.slod_aBones[i].sb_iID) {
// bone index is allready set just return true
return TRUE;
*piBoneIndex += 1;
// for each child of given model instance
INDEX ctmich = pmi->mi_cmiChildren.Count();
for(INDEX imich =0;imich<ctmich;imich++) {
// try to find bone in child model instance
return TRUE;
// bone was not found
return FALSE;
// decompres axis for quaternion if animations are optimized
static void DecompressAxis(FLOAT3D &vNormal, UWORD ubH, UWORD ubP)
ANGLE h = (ubH/65535.0f)*360.0f-180.0f;
ANGLE p = (ubP/65535.0f)*360.0f-180.0f;
FLOAT &x = vNormal(1);
FLOAT &y = vNormal(2);
FLOAT &z = vNormal(3);
x = -Sin(h)*Cos(p);
y = Sin(p);
z = -Cos(h)*Cos(p);
// initialize batch model rendering
void RM_BeginRenderingView(CAnyProjection3D &apr, CDrawPort *pdp)
// remember parameters
_iRenderingType = 1;
_pdp = pdp;
// prepare and set the projection
apr->ObjectPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0));
// in case of mirror projection, move mirror clip plane a bit father from the mirrored models,
// so we have less clipping (for instance, player feet)
if( apr->pr_bMirror) apr->pr_plMirrorView.pl_distance -= 0.06f; // -0.06 is because entire projection is offseted by +0.05
_aprProjection = apr;
_pdp->SetProjection( _aprProjection);
// remember the abs to viewer transformation
// make FPU precision low
_fpuOldPrecision = GetFPUPrecision();
// cleanup after batch model rendering
void RM_EndRenderingView( BOOL bRestoreOrtho/*=TRUE*/)
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1 && _pdp!=NULL);
// assure that FPU precision was low all the model rendering time, then revert to old FPU precision
ASSERT( GetFPUPrecision()==FPT_24BIT);
// back to 2D projection?
if( bRestoreOrtho) _pdp->SetOrtho();
_iRenderingType = 0;
_pdp = NULL;
// for mark renderer
extern CAnyProjection3D _aprProjection;
extern UBYTE *_pubMask;
extern SLONG _slMaskWidth;
extern SLONG _slMaskHeight;
// begin/end model rendering to shadow mask
void RM_BeginModelRenderingMask( CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, UBYTE *pubMask, SLONG slMaskWidth, SLONG slMaskHeight)
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==0);
_iRenderingType = 2;
_aprProjection = prProjection;
_pubMask = pubMask;
_slMaskWidth = slMaskWidth;
_slMaskHeight = slMaskHeight;
// prepare and set the projection
_aprProjection->ObjectPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0));
// remember the abs to viewer transformation
// set mask shader
extern void InternalShader_Mask(void);
extern void InternalShaderDesc_Mask(ShaderDesc &shDesc);
_shMaskShader.ShaderFunc = InternalShader_Mask;
_shMaskShader.GetShaderDesc = InternalShaderDesc_Mask;
void RM_EndModelRenderingMask(void)
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==2);
_iRenderingType = 0;
// setup light parameters
void RM_SetLightColor(COLOR colAmbient, COLOR colLight)
_colAmbient = colAmbient;
_colLight = colLight;
void RM_SetLightDirection(FLOAT3D &vLightDir)
_vLightDir = vLightDir * (-1);
// calculate object matrices for givem model instance
void RM_SetObjectMatrices(CModelInstance &mi)
ULONG ulFlags = RM_GetRenderFlags();
// adjust clipping to frustum
if( ulFlags & SRMF_INSIDE) gfxDisableClipping();
else gfxEnableClipping();
// adjust clipping to mirror-plane (if any)
extern INDEX gap_iOptimizeClipping;
if((CProjection3D *)_aprProjection != NULL) {
if( gap_iOptimizeClipping>0 && (_aprProjection->pr_bMirror || _aprProjection->pr_bWarp)) {
if( ulFlags & SRMF_INMIRROR) {
gfxFrontFace( GFX_CCW);
} else {
gfxFrontFace( GFX_CW);
MatrixMultiply(_mObjToView,_mAbsToViewer, _mObjectToAbs);
Matrix12 mStretch;
MakeStretchMatrix(mStretch, mi.mi_vStretch);
// setup object position
void RM_SetObjectPlacement(const CPlacement3D &pl)
FLOATmatrix3D m;
MakeRotationMatrixFast( m, pl.pl_OrientationAngle);
MatrixVectorToMatrix12(_mObjectToAbs,m, pl.pl_PositionVector);
void RM_SetObjectPlacement(const FLOATmatrix3D &m, const FLOAT3D &v)
MatrixVectorToMatrix12(_mObjectToAbs,m, v);
// sets custom mesh lod
void RM_SetCustomMeshLodDistance(FLOAT fMeshLod)
_fCustomMlodDistance = fMeshLod;
// sets custom skeleton lod
void RM_SetCustomSkeletonLodDistance(FLOAT fSkeletonLod)
_fCustomSlodDistance = fSkeletonLod;
// Returns index of skeleton lod at given distance
INDEX GetSkeletonLOD(CSkeleton &sk, FLOAT fDistance)
FLOAT fMinDistance = 1000000.0f;
INDEX iSkeletonLod = -1;
// if custom lod distance is set
if(_fCustomSlodDistance!=-1) {
// set object distance as custom distance
fDistance = _fCustomSlodDistance;
// for each lod in skeleton
INDEX ctslods = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs.Count();
for(INDEX islod=0;islod<ctslods;islod++) {
SkeletonLOD &slod = sk.skl_aSkeletonLODs[islod];
// adjust lod distance by custom settings
FLOAT fLodMaxDistance = slod.slod_fMaxDistance*ska_fLODMul+ska_fLODAdd;
// check if this lod max distance is smaller than distance to object
if(fDistance < fLodMaxDistance && fLodMaxDistance < fMinDistance) {
// remember this lod
fMinDistance = fLodMaxDistance;
iSkeletonLod = islod;
return iSkeletonLod;
// Returns index of mesh lod at given distance
INDEX GetMeshLOD(CMesh &msh, FLOAT fDistance)
FLOAT fMinDistance = 1000000.0f;
INDEX iMeshLod = -1;
// if custom lod distance is set
if(_fCustomMlodDistance!=-1) {
// set object distance as custom distance
fDistance = _fCustomMlodDistance;
// for each lod in mesh
INDEX ctmlods = msh.msh_aMeshLODs.Count();
for(INDEX imlod=0;imlod<ctmlods;imlod++) {
MeshLOD &mlod = msh.msh_aMeshLODs[imlod];
// adjust lod distance by custom settings
FLOAT fLodMaxDistance = mlod.mlod_fMaxDistance*ska_fLODMul+ska_fLODAdd;
// check if this lod max distance is smaller than distance to object
if(fDistance<fLodMaxDistance && fLodMaxDistance<fMinDistance) {
// remember this lod
fMinDistance = fLodMaxDistance;
iMeshLod = imlod;
return iMeshLod;
// create first dummy model that serves as parent for the entire hierarchy
void MakeRootModel(void)
// create the model with one bone
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels.Push();
rm.rm_pmiModel = NULL;
rm.rm_iFirstBone = 0;
rm.rm_ctBones = 1;
rm.rm_iParentBoneIndex = -1;
rm.rm_iParentModelIndex = -1;
// add the default bone
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones.Push();
rb.rb_iParentIndex = -1;
rb.rb_psbBone = NULL;
// build model hierarchy
static INDEX BuildHierarchy(CModelInstance *pmiModel, INDEX irmParent)
INDEX ctrm = _aRenModels.Count();
// add one renmodel
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels.Push();
RenModel &rmParent = _aRenModels[irmParent];
rm.rm_pmiModel = pmiModel;
rm.rm_iParentModelIndex = irmParent;
rm.rm_iNextSiblingModel = -1;
rm.rm_iFirstBone = _aRenBones.Count();
rm.rm_ctBones = 0;
// if this model is root model
if(pmiModel->mi_iParentBoneID == (-1)) {
// set is parent bone index as 0
rm.rm_iParentBoneIndex = rmParent.rm_iFirstBone;
// model instance is attached to another model's bone
} else {
INDEX iParentBoneIndex = -1;
// does parent model insntance has a skeleton
if(rmParent.rm_pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton != NULL && rmParent.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex>=0) {
// get index of parent bone
iParentBoneIndex = rmParent.rm_pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton->FindBoneInLOD(pmiModel->mi_iParentBoneID,rmParent.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex);
// model instance does not have skeleton
} else {
// do not draw this model
return -1;
// if parent bone index was not found ( not visible in current lod)
if(iParentBoneIndex == (-1)) {
// do not draw this model
return -1;
// parent bone exists and its visible
} else {
// set this model parent bone index in array of renbones
rm.rm_iParentBoneIndex = iParentBoneIndex + rmParent.rm_iFirstBone;
// if this model instance has skeleton
if(pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton!=NULL) {
// adjust mip factor in case of dynamic stretch factor
FLOAT fDistFactor = _fDistanceFactor;
FLOAT3D &vStretch = pmiModel->mi_vStretch;
// if model is stretched
if( vStretch != FLOAT3D(1,1,1)) {
// calculate new distance factor
fDistFactor = fDistFactor / Max(vStretch(1),Max(vStretch(2),vStretch(3)));
// calulate its current skeleton lod
rm.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex = GetSkeletonLOD(*pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton,fDistFactor);
// if current skeleton lod is valid and visible
if(rm.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex > -1) {
// count all bones in this skeleton
INDEX ctsb = pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[rm.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex].slod_aBones.Count();
// for each bone in skeleton
for(INDEX irb=0;irb<ctsb;irb++) {
SkeletonBone *pSkeletonBone = &pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton->skl_aSkeletonLODs[rm.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex].slod_aBones[irb];
// add one renbone
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones.Push();
rb.rb_psbBone = pSkeletonBone;
rb.rb_iRenModelIndex = ctrm;
// add default bone position (used if no animations)
rb.rb_apPos.ap_vPos = pSkeletonBone->sb_qvRelPlacement.vPos;
rb.rb_arRot.ar_qRot = pSkeletonBone->sb_qvRelPlacement.qRot;
// if this is root bone for this model instance
if(pSkeletonBone->sb_iParentID == (-1)) {
// set its parent bone index to be parent bone of this model instance
rb.rb_iParentIndex = rm.rm_iParentBoneIndex;
// this is child bone
} else {
// get parent index in array of renbones
INDEX rb_iParentIndex = pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton->FindBoneInLOD(pSkeletonBone->sb_iParentID,rm.rm_iSkeletonLODIndex);
rb.rb_iParentIndex = rb_iParentIndex + rm.rm_iFirstBone;
rm.rm_iFirstMesh = _aRenMesh.Count();
rm.rm_ctMeshes = 0;
INDEX ctm = pmiModel->mi_aMeshInst.Count();
// for each mesh instance in this model instance
for(INDEX im=0;im<ctm;im++) {
// adjust mip factor in case of dynamic stretch factor
FLOAT fDistFactor = _fDistanceFactor;
FLOAT3D &vStretch = pmiModel->mi_vStretch;
// if model is stretched
if( vStretch != FLOAT3D(1,1,1)) {
// calculate new distance factor
fDistFactor = fDistFactor / Max(vStretch(1),Max(vStretch(2),vStretch(3)));// Log2( Max(vStretch(1),Max(vStretch(2),vStretch(3))));
// calculate current mesh lod
INDEX iMeshLodIndex = GetMeshLOD(*pmiModel->mi_aMeshInst[im].mi_pMesh,fDistFactor);
// if mesh lod is visible
if(iMeshLodIndex > -1) {
// add one ren mesh
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh.Push();
rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex = ctrm;
rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst = &pmiModel->mi_aMeshInst[im];
rmsh.rmsh_iFirstMorph = _aRenMorph.Count();
rmsh.rmsh_iFirstWeight = _aRenWeights.Count();
rmsh.rmsh_ctMorphs = 0;
rmsh.rmsh_ctWeights = 0;
rmsh.rmsh_bTransToViewSpace = FALSE;
// set mesh lod index for this ren mesh
rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex = iMeshLodIndex;
// for each morph map in this mesh lod
INDEX ctmm = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex].mlod_aMorphMaps.Count();
for(INDEX imm=0;imm<ctmm;imm++) {
// add this morph map in array of renmorphs
RenMorph &rm = _aRenMorph.Push();
rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap = &rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex].mlod_aMorphMaps[imm];
rm.rmp_fFactor = 0;
// for each weight map in this mesh lod
INDEX ctw = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex].mlod_aWeightMaps.Count();
for(INDEX iw=0;iw<ctw;iw++) {
// add this weight map in array of renweights
RenWeight &rw = _aRenWeights.Push();
MeshWeightMap &mwm = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex].mlod_aWeightMaps[iw];
rw.rw_pwmWeightMap = &mwm;
rw.rw_iBoneIndex = rm.rm_iFirstBone;
// find bone of this weight in current skeleton lod and get its index for this renweight
// if bone not found, set boneindex in renweight to -1
rw.rw_iBoneIndex = -1;
rm.rm_iFirstChildModel = -1;
// for each child in this model instance
INDEX ctmich = pmiModel->mi_cmiChildren.Count();
for(int imich=0;imich<ctmich;imich++) {
// build hierarchy for child model instance
INDEX irmChildIndex = BuildHierarchy(&pmiModel->mi_cmiChildren[imich],ctrm);
// if child is visible
if(irmChildIndex != (-1)) {
// set model sibling
_aRenModels[irmChildIndex].rm_iNextSiblingModel = rm.rm_iFirstChildModel;
rm.rm_iFirstChildModel = irmChildIndex;
return ctrm;
// calculate transformations for all bones on already built hierarchy
static void CalculateBoneTransforms()
// put basic transformation in first dummy bone
MatrixCopy(_aRenBones[0].rb_mTransform, _mObjToView);
MatrixCopy(_aRenBones[0].rb_mStrTransform, _aRenBones[0].rb_mTransform);
// if callback function was specified
if(_pAdjustBonesCallback!=NULL) {
// Call callback function
Matrix12 mStretch;
// for each renbone after first dummy one
int irb;
for(irb=1; irb<_aRenBones.Count(); irb++) {
Matrix12 mRelPlacement;
Matrix12 mOffset;
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[irb];
RenBone &rbParent = _aRenBones[rb.rb_iParentIndex];
// Convert QVect of placement to matrix12
QVect qv;
qv.vPos = rb.rb_apPos.ap_vPos;
qv.qRot = rb.rb_arRot.ar_qRot;
// if this is root bone
if(rb.rb_psbBone->sb_iParentID == (-1)) {
// stretch root bone
RenModel &rm= _aRenModels[rb.rb_iRenModelIndex];
MakeStretchMatrix(mStretch, rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_vStretch);
RenModel &rmParent = _aRenModels[rb.rb_iRenModelIndex];
// add offset to root bone
Matrix12 mStrParentBoneTrans;
// Create stretch matrix with parent bone transformations
MatrixMultiplyCP(mStrParentBoneTrans, rbParent.rb_mStrTransform,mStretch);
// transform bone using stretch parent's transform, relative placement
MatrixMultiply(rb.rb_mStrTransform, mStrParentBoneTrans, mRelPlacement);
MatrixMultiply(rb.rb_mTransform,rbParent.rb_mTransform, mRelPlacement);
} else {
// transform bone using parent's transform and relative placement
MatrixMultiply(rb.rb_mStrTransform, rbParent.rb_mStrTransform, mRelPlacement);
// remember tranform matrix of bone placement for bone rendering
// for each renmodel after first dummy one
for(int irm=1; irm<_aRenModels.Count(); irm++) {
// remember transforms for bone-less models for every renmodel, except the dummy one
Matrix12 mOffset;
Matrix12 mStretch;
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irm];
Matrix12 mInvert;
// for each renbone
for(irb=1; irb<_aRenBones.Count(); irb++) {
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[irb];
// multiply every transform with invert matrix of bone abs placement
// create two versions of transform matrices, stretch and normal for vertices and normals
// Match animations in anim queue for bones
static void MatchAnims(RenModel &rm)
const FLOAT fLerpedTick = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick();
// return if no animsets
INDEX ctas = rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aAnimSet.Count();
if(ctas == 0) return;
// count animlists
INDEX ctal = rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists.Count();
// find newes animlist that has fully faded in
INDEX iFirstAnimList = 0;
// loop from newer to older
INDEX ial;
for(ial=ctal-1;ial>=0;ial--) {
AnimList &alList = rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial];
// calculate fade factor
FLOAT fFadeFactor = CalculateFadeFactor(alList);
if(fFadeFactor >= 1.0f) {
iFirstAnimList = ial;
// for each anim list after iFirstAnimList
for(ial=iFirstAnimList;ial<ctal;ial++) {
AnimList &alList = rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial];
AnimList *palListNext=NULL;
if(ial+1<ctal) palListNext = &rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aqAnims.aq_Lists[ial+1];
// calculate fade factor
FLOAT fFadeFactor = CalculateFadeFactor(alList);
INDEX ctpa = alList.al_PlayedAnims.Count();
// for each played anim in played anim list
for(int ipa=0;ipa<ctpa;ipa++) {
FLOAT fTime = fLerpedTick;
PlayedAnim &pa = alList.al_PlayedAnims[ipa];
BOOL bAnimLooping = pa.pa_ulFlags & AN_LOOPING;
INDEX iAnimSetIndex;
INDEX iAnimIndex;
// find anim by ID in all anim sets within this model
if(rm.rm_pmiModel->FindAnimationByID(pa.pa_iAnimID,&iAnimSetIndex,&iAnimIndex)) {
// if found, animate bones
Animation &an = rm.rm_pmiModel->mi_aAnimSet[iAnimSetIndex].as_Anims[iAnimIndex];
// calculate end time for this animation list
FLOAT fFadeInEndTime = alList.al_fStartTime + alList.al_fFadeTime;
// if there is a newer anmimation list
if(palListNext!=NULL) {
// freeze time of this one to never overlap with the newer list
fTime = ClampUp(fTime, palListNext->al_fStartTime);
// calculate time passed since the animation started
FLOAT fTimeOffset = fTime - pa.pa_fStartTime;
// if this animation list is fading in
if (fLerpedTick < fFadeInEndTime) {
// offset the time so that it is paused at the end of fadein interval
fTimeOffset += fFadeInEndTime - fLerpedTick;
FLOAT f = fTimeOffset / (an.an_fSecPerFrame*pa.pa_fSpeedMul);
INDEX iCurentFrame;
INDEX iAnimFrame,iNextAnimFrame;
if(bAnimLooping) {
f = fmod(f,an.an_iFrames);
iCurentFrame = INDEX(f);
iAnimFrame = iCurentFrame % an.an_iFrames;
iNextAnimFrame = (iCurentFrame+1) % an.an_iFrames;
} else {
if(f>an.an_iFrames) f = an.an_iFrames-1;
iCurentFrame = INDEX(f);
iAnimFrame = ClampUp(iCurentFrame,an.an_iFrames-1);
iNextAnimFrame = ClampUp(iCurentFrame+1,an.an_iFrames-1);
// for each bone envelope
INDEX ctbe = an.an_abeBones.Count();
for(int ibe=0;ibe<ctbe;ibe++) {
INDEX iBoneIndex;
// find its renbone in array of renbones
if(FindRenBone(rm,an.an_abeBones[ibe].be_iBoneID, &iBoneIndex)) {
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[iBoneIndex];
BoneEnvelope &be = an.an_abeBones[ibe];
INDEX iRotFrameIndex;
INDEX iNextRotFrameIndex;
INDEX iRotFrameNum;
INDEX iNextRotFrameNum;
FLOAT fSlerpFactor;
FLOATquat3D qRot;
FLOATquat3D qRotCurrent;
FLOATquat3D qRotNext;
FLOATquat3D *pqRotCurrent;
FLOATquat3D *pqRotNext;
// if animation is not compresed
if(!an.an_bCompresed) {
AnimRot *arFirst = &be.be_arRot[0];
INDEX ctfn = be.be_arRot.Count();
// find index of closest frame
iRotFrameIndex = FindFrame((UBYTE*)arFirst,iAnimFrame,ctfn,sizeof(AnimRot));
// get index of next frame
if(bAnimLooping) {
iNextRotFrameIndex = (iRotFrameIndex+1) % be.be_arRot.Count();
} else {
iNextRotFrameIndex = ClampUp(iRotFrameIndex+1L,be.be_arRot.Count() - 1L);
iRotFrameNum = be.be_arRot[iRotFrameIndex].ar_iFrameNum;
iNextRotFrameNum = be.be_arRot[iNextRotFrameIndex].ar_iFrameNum;
pqRotCurrent = &be.be_arRot[iRotFrameIndex].ar_qRot;
pqRotNext = &be.be_arRot[iNextRotFrameIndex].ar_qRot;
// animation is not compresed
} else {
AnimRotOpt *aroFirst = &be.be_arRotOpt[0];
INDEX ctfn = be.be_arRotOpt.Count();
iRotFrameIndex = FindFrame((UBYTE*)aroFirst,iAnimFrame,ctfn,sizeof(AnimRotOpt));
// get index of next frame
if(bAnimLooping) {
iNextRotFrameIndex = (iRotFrameIndex+1L) % be.be_arRotOpt.Count();
} else {
iNextRotFrameIndex = ClampUp(iRotFrameIndex+1L,be.be_arRotOpt.Count() - 1L);
AnimRotOpt &aroRot = be.be_arRotOpt[iRotFrameIndex];
AnimRotOpt &aroRotNext = be.be_arRotOpt[iNextRotFrameIndex];
iRotFrameNum = aroRot.aro_iFrameNum;
iNextRotFrameNum = aroRotNext.aro_iFrameNum;
FLOAT3D vAxis;
ANGLE aAngle;
// decompress angle
aAngle = aroRot.aro_aAngle / ANG_COMPRESIONMUL;
aAngle = aroRotNext.aro_aAngle / ANG_COMPRESIONMUL;
pqRotCurrent = &qRotCurrent;
pqRotNext = &qRotNext;
if(iNextRotFrameNum<=iRotFrameNum) {
// calculate slerp factor for rotations
fSlerpFactor = (f-iRotFrameNum) / (an.an_iFrames-iRotFrameNum);
} else {
// calculate slerp factor for rotations
fSlerpFactor = (f-iRotFrameNum) / (iNextRotFrameNum-iRotFrameNum);
// calculate rotation for bone beetwen current and next frame in animation
qRot = Slerp(fSlerpFactor,*pqRotCurrent,*pqRotNext);
// and currently playing animation
rb.rb_arRot.ar_qRot = Slerp(fFadeFactor*pa.pa_Strength,rb.rb_arRot.ar_qRot,qRot);
AnimPos *apFirst = &be.be_apPos[0];
INDEX ctfn = be.be_apPos.Count();
INDEX iPosFrameIndex = FindFrame((UBYTE*)apFirst,iAnimFrame,ctfn,sizeof(AnimPos));
INDEX iNextPosFrameIndex;
// is animation looping
if(bAnimLooping) {
iNextPosFrameIndex = (iPosFrameIndex+1) % be.be_apPos.Count();
} else {
iNextPosFrameIndex = ClampUp(iPosFrameIndex+1L,be.be_apPos.Count()-1L);
INDEX iPosFrameNum = be.be_apPos[iPosFrameIndex].ap_iFrameNum;
INDEX iNextPosFrameNum = be.be_apPos[iNextPosFrameIndex].ap_iFrameNum;
FLOAT fLerpFactor;
if(iNextPosFrameNum<=iPosFrameNum) fLerpFactor = (f-iPosFrameNum) / (an.an_iFrames-iPosFrameNum);
else fLerpFactor = (f-iPosFrameNum) / (iNextPosFrameNum-iPosFrameNum);
FLOAT3D vBonePosCurrent = be.be_apPos[iPosFrameIndex].ap_vPos;
FLOAT3D vBonePosNext = be.be_apPos[iNextPosFrameIndex].ap_vPos;
// if bone envelope and bone have some length
if((be.be_OffSetLen > 0) && (rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fOffSetLen > 0)) {
// size bone to fit bone envelope
vBonePosCurrent *= (rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fOffSetLen / be.be_OffSetLen);
vBonePosNext *= (rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fOffSetLen / be.be_OffSetLen);
// calculate position for bone beetwen current and next frame in animation
vPos = Lerp(vBonePosCurrent,vBonePosNext,fLerpFactor);
// and currently playing animation
rb.rb_apPos.ap_vPos = Lerp(rb.rb_apPos.ap_vPos,vPos,fFadeFactor * pa.pa_Strength);
// for each morphmap
for(INDEX im=0;im<an.an_ameMorphs.Count();im++) {
INDEX iMorphIndex;
// find it in renmorph
if(FindRenMorph(rm,an.an_ameMorphs[im].me_iMorphMapID,&iMorphIndex)) {
// lerp morphs
FLOAT &fCurFactor = an.an_ameMorphs[im].me_aFactors[iAnimFrame];
FLOAT &fLastFactor = an.an_ameMorphs[im].me_aFactors[iNextAnimFrame];
FLOAT fFactor = Lerp(fCurFactor,fLastFactor,f-iAnimFrame);
_aRenMorph[iMorphIndex].rmp_fFactor = Lerp(_aRenMorph[iMorphIndex].rmp_fFactor,
fFadeFactor * pa.pa_Strength);
// array of pointers to texure data for shader
static CStaticStackArray<class CTextureObject*> _patoTextures;
static CStaticStackArray<struct GFXTexCoord*> _paTexCoords;
// draw mesh on screen
static void RenderMesh(RenMesh &rmsh,RenModel &rm)
MeshLOD &mlod = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex];
// Count surfaces in mesh
INDEX ctsrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces.Count();
// for each surface
for(INDEX isrf=0; isrf<ctsrf; isrf++)
MeshSurface &msrf = mlod.mlod_aSurfaces[isrf];
CShader *pShader = msrf.msrf_pShader;
if( _iRenderingType==2) pShader = &_shMaskShader; // force mask shader for rendering to shadowmaps
// if this surface has valid shader and show texure flag is set
if( pShader!=NULL && (RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWTEXTURE))
// Create copy of shading params
ShaderParams *pShaderParams = &msrf.msrf_ShadingParams;
ShaderParams spForAdjustment;
// if callback function was specified
if(_pAdjustShaderParams!=NULL) {
// Call callback function
spForAdjustment = msrf.msrf_ShadingParams;
_pAdjustShaderParams( _pAdjustShaderData, msrf.msrf_iSurfaceID, pShader, spForAdjustment);
pShaderParams = &spForAdjustment;
// clamp surface texture count to max number of textrues in mesh
INDEX cttx = pShaderParams->sp_aiTextureIDs.Count();
//INDEX cttxMax = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_tiTextures.Count();
// cttx = ClampUp(cttx,cttxMax);
// for each texture ID
for(INDEX itx=0;itx<cttx;itx++) {
// find texture in mesh and get pointer to texture by texture ID
FindTextureData( &_patoTextures[itx], pShaderParams->sp_aiTextureIDs[itx], *rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst);
// count uvmaps
INDEX ctuvm = pShaderParams->sp_aiTexCoordsIndex.Count();
// ctuvm = ClampUp(ctuvm,mlod.mlod_aUVMaps.Count());
// for each uvamp
for( INDEX iuvm=0; iuvm<ctuvm; iuvm++) {
// set pointer of uvmap in array of uvmaps for shader
INDEX iuvmIndex = pShaderParams->sp_aiTexCoordsIndex[iuvm];
// if mesh lod has this uv map
if(iuvmIndex<mlod.mlod_aUVMaps.Count()) {
_paTexCoords[iuvm] = (GFXTexCoord*)&mlod.mlod_aUVMaps[iuvmIndex].muv_aTexCoords[msrf.msrf_iFirstVertex];
} else {
_paTexCoords[iuvm] = NULL;
INDEX ctTextures = _patoTextures.Count();
INDEX ctTexCoords = _paTexCoords.Count();
INDEX ctColors = pShaderParams->sp_acolColors.Count();
INDEX ctFloats = pShaderParams->sp_afFloats.Count();
// begin model rendering
const BOOL bModelSetupTimer = _sfStats.CheckTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StopTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
shaBegin( _aprProjection, pShader);
// if mesh is transformed to view space
if(rmsh.rmsh_bTransToViewSpace) {
#pragma message(">> FIX THIS !!!")
// no ObjToView matrix is needed in shader so set empty matrix
Matrix12 mIdentity;
Matrix12 mInvObjToAbs;
} else {
// give shader current ObjToView matrix
// Set light parametars
// Set model color
if(ctTextures>0) shaSetTextureArray(&_patoTextures[0],ctTextures);
if(ctTexCoords>0) shaSetUVMapsArray(&_paTexCoords[0],ctTexCoords);
if(ctColors>0) shaSetColorArray(&pShaderParams->sp_acolColors[0],ctColors);
if(ctFloats>0) shaSetFloatArray(&pShaderParams->sp_afFloats[0],ctFloats);
if( bModelSetupTimer) _sfStats.StartTimer(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP);
// surface has no shader or textures are turned off
else {
COLOR colErrColor = 0xCDCDCDFF;
// surface has no shader, just show vertices using custom simple shader
// Prepare ren mesh for rendering
static void PrepareMeshForRendering(RenMesh &rmsh, INDEX iSkeletonlod)
// set curent mesh lod
MeshLOD &mlod = rmsh.rmsh_pMeshInst->mi_pMesh->msh_aMeshLODs[rmsh.rmsh_iMeshLODIndex];
// clear vertices array
_pavFinalVertices = NULL;
_panFinalNormals = NULL;
// Reset light direction
_vLightDirInView = _vLightDir;
// Get vertices count
INDEX ctVertices = mlod.mlod_aVertices.Count();
// Allocate memory for vertices
// Remember final vertex count
_ctFinalVertices = ctVertices;
// Copy original vertices and normals to _aMorphedVtxs
memcpy(&_aMorphedVtxs[0],&mlod.mlod_aVertices[0],sizeof(mlod.mlod_aVertices[0]) * ctVertices);
memcpy(&_aMorphedNormals[0],&mlod.mlod_aNormals[0],sizeof(mlod.mlod_aNormals[0]) * ctVertices);
// Set final vertices and normals to 0
INDEX ctmm = rmsh.rmsh_iFirstMorph + rmsh.rmsh_ctMorphs;
// blend vertices and normals for each RenMorph
for(int irm=rmsh.rmsh_iFirstMorph;irm<ctmm;irm++)
RenMorph &rm = _aRenMorph[irm];
// blend only if factor is > 0
if(rm.rmp_fFactor > 0.0f) {
// for each vertex and normal in morphmap
for(int ivx=0;ivx<rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_aMorphMap.Count();ivx++) {
// blend vertices and normals
if(rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_bRelative) {
// blend relative (new = cur + f*(dst-src))
INDEX vtx = rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_aMorphMap[ivx].mwm_iVxIndex;
MeshVertex &mvSrc = mlod.mlod_aVertices[vtx];
MeshNormal &mnSrc = mlod.mlod_aNormals[vtx];
MeshVertexMorph &mvmDst = rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_aMorphMap[ivx];
// blend vertices
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].x += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_x - mvSrc.x);
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].y += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_y - mvSrc.y);
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].z += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_z - mvSrc.z);
// blend normals
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].nx += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_nx - mnSrc.nx);
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].ny += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_ny - mnSrc.ny);
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].nz += rm.rmp_fFactor*(mvmDst.mwm_nz - mnSrc.nz);
} else {
// blend absolute (1-f)*cur + f*dst
INDEX vtx = rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_aMorphMap[ivx].mwm_iVxIndex;
//MeshVertex &mvSrc = mlod.mlod_aVertices[vtx];
MeshVertexMorph &mvmDst = rm.rmp_pmmmMorphMap->mmp_aMorphMap[ivx];
// blend vertices
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].x = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedVtxs[vtx].x + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_x;
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].y = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedVtxs[vtx].y + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_y;
_aMorphedVtxs[vtx].z = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedVtxs[vtx].z + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_z;
// blend normals
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].nx = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedNormals[vtx].nx + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_nx;
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].ny = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedNormals[vtx].ny + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_ny;
_aMorphedNormals[vtx].nz = (1.0f-rm.rmp_fFactor) * _aMorphedNormals[vtx].nz + rm.rmp_fFactor*mvmDst.mwm_nz;
INDEX ctrw = rmsh.rmsh_iFirstWeight + rmsh.rmsh_ctWeights;
INDEX ctbones = 0;
CSkeleton *pskl = _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_pmiModel->mi_psklSkeleton;
// if skeleton for this model exists and its currently visible
if((pskl!=NULL) && (iSkeletonlod > -1)) {
// count bones in skeleton
ctbones = pskl->skl_aSkeletonLODs[iSkeletonlod].slod_aBones.Count();
// if there is skeleton attached to this mesh transfrom all vertices
if(ctbones > 0 && ctrw>0) {
// for each renweight
for(int irw=rmsh.rmsh_iFirstWeight; irw<ctrw; irw++) {
RenWeight &rw = _aRenWeights[irw];
Matrix12 mTransform;
Matrix12 mStrTransform;
// if no bone for this weight
if(rw.rw_iBoneIndex == (-1)) {
// transform vertex using default model transform matrix (for boneless models)
MatrixCopy(mStrTransform, _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_mStrTransform);
MatrixCopy(mTransform, _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_mTransform);
} else {
// use bone transform matrix
MatrixCopy(mStrTransform, _aRenBones[rw.rw_iBoneIndex].rb_mStrTransform);
MatrixCopy(mTransform, _aRenBones[rw.rw_iBoneIndex].rb_mTransform);
// if this is front face mesh remove rotation from transfrom matrix
if(mlod.mlod_ulFlags & ML_FULL_FACE_FORWARD) {
// for each vertex in this weight
INDEX ctvw = rw.rw_pwmWeightMap->mwm_aVertexWeight.Count();
for(int ivw=0; ivw<ctvw; ivw++) {
MeshVertexWeight &vw = rw.rw_pwmWeightMap->mwm_aVertexWeight[ivw];
INDEX ivx = vw.mww_iVertex;
MeshVertex mv = _aMorphedVtxs[ivx];
MeshNormal mn = _aMorphedNormals[ivx];
// transform vertex and normal with this weight transform matrix
RotateVector((FLOAT3&)mn,mTransform); // Don't stretch normals
// Add new values to final vertices
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].x += mv.x * vw.mww_fWeight;
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].y += mv.y * vw.mww_fWeight;
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].z += mv.z * vw.mww_fWeight;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].nx += mn.nx * vw.mww_fWeight;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].ny += mn.ny * vw.mww_fWeight;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].nz += mn.nz * vw.mww_fWeight;
_pavFinalVertices = &_aFinalVtxs[0];
_panFinalNormals = &_aFinalNormals[0];
// mesh is in view space so transform light to view space
// set flag that mesh is in view space
rmsh.rmsh_bTransToViewSpace = TRUE;
// reset view matrix bacause model is allready transformed in view space
// if no skeleton
} else {
// if flag is set to transform all vertices to view space
if(_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace) {
// transform every vertex using default model transform matrix (for boneless models)
Matrix12 mTransform;
Matrix12 mStrTransform;
MatrixCopy(mTransform, _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_mTransform);
MatrixCopy(mStrTransform, _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_mStrTransform);
// if this is front face mesh remove rotation from transfrom matrix
if(mlod.mlod_ulFlags & ML_FULL_FACE_FORWARD) {
// for each vertex
for(int ivx=0;ivx<ctVertices;ivx++) {
MeshVertex &mv = _aMorphedVtxs[ivx];
MeshNormal &mn = _aMorphedNormals[ivx];
// Transform vertex
// Rotate normal
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].x = mv.x;
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].y = mv.y;
_aFinalVtxs[ivx].z = mv.z;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].nx = mn.nx;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].ny = mn.ny;
_aFinalNormals[ivx].nz = mn.nz;
_pavFinalVertices = &_aFinalVtxs[0];
_panFinalNormals = &_aFinalNormals[0];
// mesh is in view space so transform light to view space
// set flag that mesh is in view space
rmsh.rmsh_bTransToViewSpace = TRUE;
// reset view matrix bacause model is allready transformed in view space
// leave vertices in obj space
} else {
Matrix12 &m12 = _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex].rm_mStrTransform;
FLOAT gfxm[16];
#pragma message(">> Fix face forward meshes, when objects are left in object space")
// set view matrix to gfx
gfxm[ 0] = m12[ 0]; gfxm[ 1] = m12[ 4]; gfxm[ 2] = m12[ 8]; gfxm[ 3] = 0;
gfxm[ 4] = m12[ 1]; gfxm[ 5] = m12[ 5]; gfxm[ 6] = m12[ 9]; gfxm[ 7] = 0;
gfxm[ 8] = m12[ 2]; gfxm[ 9] = m12[ 6]; gfxm[10] = m12[10]; gfxm[11] = 0;
gfxm[12] = m12[ 3]; gfxm[13] = m12[ 7]; gfxm[14] = m12[11]; gfxm[15] = 1;
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[rmsh.rmsh_iRenModelIndex];
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[rm.rm_iParentBoneIndex];
_pavFinalVertices = &mlod.mlod_aVertices[0];
_panFinalNormals = &mlod.mlod_aNormals[0];
// mark this mesh as in object space
rmsh.rmsh_bTransToViewSpace = FALSE;
// render one ren model
static void RenderModel_View(RenModel &rm)
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1);
const BOOL bShowNormals = RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWNORMALS;
// for each mesh in renmodel
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
for( int imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[imsh];
// prepare mesh for rendering
// render mesh
// show normals in required
if( bShowNormals) RenderNormals();
// render one ren model to shadowmap
static void RenderModel_Mask(RenModel &rm)
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==2);
// flag to transform all vertices in view space
const BOOL bTemp = _bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace;
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = TRUE;
INDEX ctmsh = rm.rm_iFirstMesh + rm.rm_ctMeshes;
// for each mesh in renmodel
for(int imsh=rm.rm_iFirstMesh;imsh<ctmsh;imsh++) {
// render mesh
RenMesh &rmsh = _aRenMesh[imsh];
// done
_bTransformBonelessModelToViewSpace = bTemp;
// Get bone abs position
BOOL RM_GetRenBoneAbs(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID,RenBone &rb)
// do not transform to view space
INDEX ctrb = _aRenBones.Count();
// for each render bone after dummy one
for(INDEX irb=1;irb<ctrb;irb++) {
RenBone &rbone = _aRenBones[irb];
// check if this is serched bone
if(rbone.rb_psbBone->sb_iID == iBoneID) {
rb = rbone;
return TRUE;
// Clear ren arrays
return FALSE;
// Returns true if bone exists and sets two given vectors as start and end point of specified bone
BOOL RM_GetBoneAbsPosition(CModelInstance &mi,INDEX iBoneID, FLOAT3D &vStartPoint, FLOAT3D &vEndPoint)
// do not transform to view space
// use higher lod for bone finding
INDEX ctrb = _aRenBones.Count();
// for each render bone after dummy one
for(INDEX irb=1;irb<ctrb;irb++) {
RenBone &rb = _aRenBones[irb];
// check if this is serched bone
if(rb.rb_psbBone->sb_iID == iBoneID) {
vStartPoint = FLOAT3D(0,0,0);
vEndPoint = FLOAT3D(0,0,rb.rb_psbBone->sb_fBoneLength);
return TRUE;
// Clear ren arrays
return FALSE;
// Calculate complete rendering data for model instance
static void CalculateRenderingData(CModelInstance &mi)
// distance to model is z param in objtoview matrix
_fDistanceFactor = -_mObjToView[11];
// create first dummy model that serves as parent for the entire hierarchy
// build entire hierarchy with children
BuildHierarchy(&mi, 0);
INDEX ctrm = _aRenModels.Count();
// for each renmodel
for(int irm=1;irm<ctrm;irm++) {
// match model animations
// Calculate transformations for all bones on already built hierarchy
// Render one SKA model with its children
void RM_RenderSKA(CModelInstance &mi)
// Calculate all rendering data for this model instance
//if( _iRenderingType==2) CalculateRenderingData( mi, 0);
// for each renmodel
INDEX ctrmsh = _aRenModels.Count();
for(int irmsh=1;irmsh<ctrmsh;irmsh++) {
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irmsh];
// set object matrices
// render this model
if( _iRenderingType==1) RenderModel_View(rm);
else RenderModel_Mask(rm);
// done if cluster shadows were rendered
if( _iRenderingType==2) {
// reset arrays
// no cluster shadows - see if anything else needs to be rendered
ASSERT( _iRenderingType==1);
// if render wireframe is requested
if(RM_GetFlags() & RMF_WIREFRAME) {
// set polygon offset
// for each ren model
INDEX ctrmsh = _aRenModels.Count();
for(int irmsh=1;irmsh<ctrmsh;irmsh++)
RenModel &rm = _aRenModels[irmsh];
// render renmodel in wireframe
// restore polygon offset
extern INDEX ska_bShowColision;
extern INDEX ska_bShowSkeleton;
// show skeleton
if(ska_bShowSkeleton || RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWSKELETON) {
// render skeleton
#pragma message(">> Add ska_bShowActiveBones")
if(/*ska_bShowActiveBones || */ RM_GetFlags() & RMF_SHOWACTIVEBONES) {
// render only active bones
// show root model instance colision box
if(ska_bShowColision) {
if (mi.mi_cbAABox.Count()>0)
ColisionBox &cb = mi.GetCurrentColisionBox();
// reset arrays
// clear all ren arrays
static void ClearRenArrays()
_pAdjustBonesCallback = NULL;
_pAdjustBonesData = NULL;
_pAdjustShaderParams = NULL;
_pAdjustShaderData = NULL;
// clear all arrays
_fCustomMlodDistance = -1;
_fCustomSlodDistance = -1;