Ryan C. Gordon 1a2ccb8f50 Merge
2016-04-02 23:56:12 -04:00

229 lines
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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#ifndef SE_INCL_ANIM_H
#define SE_INCL_ANIM_H
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Base/Serial.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
#define NAME_SIZE 32
typedef char NAME[NAME_SIZE];
#if (!defined PATH_MAX)
#define PATH_MAX 260
typedef char FILE_NAME[PATH_MAX];
* An object used for obtaining animation's information
class CAnimInfo {
NAME ai_AnimName;
TIME ai_SecsPerFrame; // speed of this animation
INDEX ai_NumberOfFrames;
* Node used for linking file names representing frames.
* Nodes of this kind are returned result of LoadFromScript function.
class ENGINE_API CFileNameNode {
FILE_NAME cfnn_FileName;
CListNode cfnn_Node;
CFileNameNode(const char *NewFileName, CListHead *LH);
* Animation data for a class of animateable objects
class CAnimData : public CSerial {
INDEX ad_NumberOfAnims;
class COneAnim *ad_Anims; // array of animations
// fill member variables with invalid data
// Free allocated data (ad_Anims array), check invalid data
ENGINE_API ~CAnimData();
// clears animation data object
ENGINE_API void Clear();
// check if this kind of objects is auto-freed
virtual BOOL IsAutoFreed(void);
// reference counting functions
virtual void RemReference_internal(void);
// get amount of memory used by this object
SLONG GetUsedMemory(void);
// reference counting functions
void AddReference(void);
void RemReference(void);
// creates given number of default animations (1 frame, given name and apeed)
ENGINE_API void CreateAnimations( INDEX ctAnimations, CTString strName="None",
INDEX iDefaultFrame=0,TIME tmSpeed=0.02f);
// replaces frames array with given one
ENGINE_API void SetFrames( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX ctFrames, INDEX *pNewFrames);
// replaces requested animation's name with given one
ENGINE_API void SetName( INDEX iAnimation, CTString strNewName);
// replaces requested animation's speed with given one
ENGINE_API void SetSpeed( INDEX iAnimation, TIME tmSpeed);
// obtains frame index for given place in array representing given animation
ENGINE_API INDEX GetFrame( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX iFramePlace);
// sets frame index for given place in array representing given animation
ENGINE_API void SetFrame( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX iFramePlace, INDEX iNewFrame);
// fill animation data object vith valid data containing one animation, one frame
ENGINE_API void DefaultAnimation();
/* Get animation's info. */
ENGINE_API void GetAnimInfo(INDEX iAnimNo, CAnimInfo &aiInfo) const;
/* Add animation */
ENGINE_API void AddAnimation(void);
/* Delete animation */
ENGINE_API void DeleteAnimation(INDEX iAnim);
/* Get number of animations. */
ENGINE_API INDEX GetAnimsCt(void) const;
// load list of frames from script file
ENGINE_API void LoadFromScript_t( CTStream *File, CListHead *FrameFileList); // throw char *
// print #define <animation name> lines for all animations into given file
void ExportAnimationNames_t( CTStream *ostrFile, CTString strAnimationPrefix); // throw char *
void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char *
void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile); // throw char *
* An instance of animateable object
#define AOF_PAUSED (1L<<0) // current animation is paused
#define AOF_LOOPING (1L<<1) // anim object is playing a looping animation
#define AOF_NORESTART (1L<<2) // don't restart anim (used for PlayAnim())
#define AOF_SMOOTHCHANGE (1L<<3) // smoothly change between anims
class CAnimObject : public CChangeable {
TIME ao_tmAnimStart; // time when current anim was started
INDEX ao_iCurrentAnim; // index of active animation
ULONG ao_ulFlags; // flags
INDEX ao_iLastAnim; // index of last animation (for smooth transition)
/* Calculate frame that coresponds to given time. */
INDEX FrameInTime(TIME time) const;
CAnimData *ao_AnimData;
// some of usual smart pointer functions are implemented, because AnimObjects
// behave as smart pointers to AnimData objects
/* Default constructor. */
ENGINE_API CAnimObject(void);
/* Destructor. */
ENGINE_API ~CAnimObject(void);
// copy from another object of same class
ENGINE_API void Copy(CAnimObject &aoOther);
// synchronize with another animation object (set same anim and frames)
ENGINE_API void Synchronize(CAnimObject &aoOther);
// copying of AnimObjects is not allowed
inline CAnimObject(const CAnimObject &aoOther) {
inline const CAnimObject &operator=(const CAnimObject &aoOther) {
ASSERT(FALSE); return *this;};
// clip frame index to be inside valid range (wrap around for looping anims)
INDEX ClipFrame(INDEX iFrame) const;
/* Loop anims forward */
ENGINE_API void NextAnim(void);
/* Loop anims backward */
ENGINE_API void PrevAnim(void);
/* Loop frames forward */
ENGINE_API void NextFrame(void);
/* Loop frames backward */
ENGINE_API void PrevFrame(void);
/* Select frame in given time offset */
ENGINE_API void SelectFrameInTime(TIME tmOffset);
/* Select first frame */
ENGINE_API void FirstFrame(void);
/* Select last frame */
ENGINE_API void LastFrame(void);
/* Test if some updateable object is up to date with this anim object. */
ENGINE_API BOOL IsUpToDate(const CUpdateable &ud) const;
void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char *
void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile); // throw char *
/* Get animation's info. */
ENGINE_API void GetAnimInfo(INDEX iAnimNo, CAnimInfo &aiInfo) const;
/* Attach data to this object. */
ENGINE_API void SetData(CAnimData *pAD);
// obtain animation and set it for this object
ENGINE_API void SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmAnim); // throw char *
/* Get current anim data ptr. */
__forceinline CAnimData *GetData() { return ao_AnimData; };
/* Get animation's length. */
ENGINE_API FLOAT GetCurrentAnimLength(void) const;
ENGINE_API FLOAT GetAnimLength(INDEX iAnim) const;
/* Get number of animations in current anim data */
ENGINE_API INDEX GetAnimsCt() const;
/* If animation has finished */
ENGINE_API BOOL IsAnimFinished(void) const;
/* Get passed time from start of animation */
ENGINE_API TIME GetPassedTime(void) const;
/* Start new animation -- obsolete. */
ENGINE_API void StartAnim(INDEX iNew);
/* Start playing an animation. */
ENGINE_API void PlayAnim(INDEX iNew, ULONG ulFlags);
/* Seamlessly continue playing another animation from same point. */
ENGINE_API void SwitchToAnim(INDEX iNew);
/* Set new animation but doesn't starts it. */
ENGINE_API void SetAnim(INDEX iNew);
/* Reset anim (restart) */
ENGINE_API void ResetAnim();
/* Pauses current animation. */
ENGINE_API void PauseAnim();
/* Continues paused animation. */
ENGINE_API void ContinueAnim();
/* Offsets the animation phase */
ENGINE_API void OffsetPhase(TIME tm);
/* Retrieves paused flag */
ENGINE_API BOOL IsPaused(void);
/* Gets the number of current animation */
ENGINE_API INDEX GetAnim(void) const;
/* Gets the number of current frame. */
ENGINE_API INDEX GetFrame(void) const;
/* Gets number of frames in current anim. */
ENGINE_API INDEX GetFramesInCurrentAnim(void) const;
/* Get information for linear interpolation beetween frames. */
ENGINE_API void GetFrame( INDEX &iFrame0, INDEX &iFrame1, FLOAT &fRatio) const;
#endif /* include-once check. */