2016-04-09 02:18:57 -04:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#pragma once
#ifdef SE1_D3D
#include <d3d8.h>
#endif // SE1_D3D
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Base/CTString.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Adapter.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Vertex.h>
// common element arrays
extern CStaticStackArray<GFXVertex> _avtxCommon;
extern CStaticStackArray<GFXTexCoord> _atexCommon;
extern CStaticStackArray<GFXColor> _acolCommon;
extern CStaticStackArray<INDEX> _aiCommonElements;
extern CStaticStackArray<INDEX> _aiCommonQuads;
#include <Engine/Graphics/OpenGL.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Gfx_wrapper.h>
#include <Engine/Base/DynamicLoader.h>
// WARNING: Changing these constants breaks inline asm on GNU systems!
#define SQRTTABLESIZE 8192
#define GFX_MAXTEXUNITS (4) // maximum number of supported texture units for multitexturing
#define GFX_MINSTREAMS (3) // minimum number of D3D streams in order to support HW T&L
#define GFX_MAXLAYERS (5) // suggested maximum number of multi-passes per one polygon
// D3D vertex for simple draw functions
struct CTVERTEX {
FLOAT fX,fY,fZ; // position
ULONG ulColor; // color
FLOAT fU,fV; // texture coordinates
#ifdef SE1_D3D
// Gfx API type
enum GfxAPIType
GAT_NONE = -1, // no gfx API (gfx functions are disabled)
GAT_OGL = 0, // OpenGL
#ifdef SE1_D3D
GAT_D3D = 1, // Direct3D
#endif // SE1_D3D
GAT_CURRENT = 9, // current API
__forceinline bool GfxValidApi(GfxAPIType eAPI)
#ifdef SE1_D3D
return(eAPI==GAT_OGL || eAPI==GAT_D3D || eAPI==GAT_NONE);
return(eAPI==GAT_OGL || eAPI==GAT_NONE);
// vertex type (for lock/unlock function)
enum VtxType
VXT_LOC = 1, // x,y,z location
VXT_NOR = 2, // normal
VXT_TEX = 3, // texture coords
VXT_COL = 4, // color
// common flags
#define GLF_HASACCELERATION (1UL<<0) // set if current mode supports hardware acceleration
#define GLF_INITONNEXTWINDOW (1UL<<1) // initialize rendering context on next window
#define GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA (1UL<<2) // set if display allows gamma adjustment
#define GLF_TEXTURECOMPRESSION (1UL<<3) // set if texture compression is supported
#define GLF_32BITTEXTURES (1UL<<4) // 32-bit textures
#define GLF_VSYNC (1UL<<5) // supports wait for VSYNC
#define GLF_FULLSCREEN (1UL<<9) // currently in full-screen mode
// Direct3D specific
#define GLF_D3D_HASHWTNL (1UL<<10) // supports hardware T&L
#define GLF_D3D_USINGHWTNL (1UL<<11) // using hardware T&L
#define GLF_D3D_CLIPPLANE (1UL<<12) // supports at least one custom clip plane
#define GLF_D3D_COLORWRITES (1UL<<13) // supports enable/disable writes to color buffer
#define GLF_D3D_ZBIAS (1UL<<14) // supports z-biasing
// OpenGL extensions (part of flags!)
#define GLF_EXT_TBUFFER (1UL<<19) // 3DFX's T-Buffer (for partial FSAA & Motion-blur effects)
#define GLF_EXT_EDGECLAMP (1UL<<20) // GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp
#define GLF_EXT_COMPILEDVERTEXARRAY (1UL<<21) // GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
#define GLF_EXT_CLIPHINT (1UL<<22) // GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint
#define GLF_EXT_OCCLUSIONTEST (1UL<<23) // GL_HP_occlusion_test
#define GLF_EXT_OCCLUSIONQUERY (1UL<<24) // GL_NV_occlusion_query
#define GLF_EXTC_ARB (1UL<<27) // GL_ARB_texture_compression
#define GLF_EXTC_S3TC (1UL<<28) // GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
#define GLF_EXTC_FXT1 (1UL<<29) // GL_3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1
#define GLF_EXTC_LEGACY (1UL<<30) // GL_S3_s3tc
* Graphics library object.
class ENGINE_API CGfxLibrary
CGfxAPI gl_gaAPI[2];
CViewPort *gl_pvpActive; // active viewport
CDynamicLoader *gl_hiDriver; // DLL handle
GfxAPIType gl_eCurrentAPI; // (0=none, 1=OpenGL, 2=DirectX8)
CDisplayMode gl_dmCurrentDisplayMode;
INDEX gl_iCurrentAdapter;
INDEX gl_iCurrentDepth;
INDEX gl_ctDriverChanges; // count of driver changes
ULONG gl_ulFlags;
#ifdef SE1_D3D
// DirectX info
LPDIRECT3D8 gl_pD3D; // used to create the D3DDevice
LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 gl_pd3dDevice; // rendering device
D3DFORMAT gl_d3dColorFormat; // current color format
D3DFORMAT gl_d3dDepthFormat; // z-buffer depth format
// DirectX vertex/index buffers
#endif // SE1_D3D
INDEX gl_ctVertices, gl_ctIndices; // size of buffers
INDEX gl_ctColBuffers, gl_ctTexBuffers; // number of color and texture buffers (for multi-pass rendering)
INDEX gl_ctMaxStreams; // maximum number of streams
DWORD gl_dwVertexShader;
// OpenGL info
HGLRC go_hglRC; // rendering context
CTString go_strExtensions; // reported extensions
CTString go_strWinExtensions;
CTString go_strSupportedExtensions; // supported extensions
INDEX go_ctSampleBuffers; // number of rendering buffers currently on (for T-buffer's motion-blur effect) 0=not supported
INDEX go_iCurrentWriteBuffer; // current buffer enabled for writing
// common stuff
PIX gl_pixMaxTextureDimension; // maximum allowed texture dimension by driver
INDEX gl_iSwapInterval; // current swap interval (0=immediate, n=VSyncs to wait)
INDEX gl_ctTextureUnits; // maximum supported texture units (1=no multitexturing)
INDEX gl_ctRealTextureUnits; // maximum reported texture units
FLOAT gl_fTextureLODBias; // current texture lod bias
FLOAT gl_fMaxTextureLODBias; // absolute maximum possible texture lod bias (0 if biasing is not supported)
INDEX gl_iMaxTextureAnisotropy; // maximum possible texture degree of anisotropy (1 if isotropic only)
INDEX gl_iMaxTessellationLevel; // maximum possible truform tesselation level (0=no truform)
INDEX gl_iTessellationLevel; // current tesselation level
INDEX gl_iFrameNumber; // frame number currently rendering
CTimerValue gl_tvFrameTime; // time when swapbuffer occured
SLONG gl_slAllowedUploadBurst; // remain upload burst size for this frame (max texture or shadowmap size *2)
CListHead gl_lhCachedShadows; // list of all cached shadowmaps
CListHead gl_lhRenderTextures; // list of all render-textures
BOOL gl_bAllowProbing;
// for profiling
INDEX gl_ctWorldTriangles; // how many world polygons were rendered in last frame
INDEX gl_ctModelTriangles; // how many model polygons were rendered in last frame
INDEX gl_ctParticleTriangles; // how many particle polygons were rendered in last frame
INDEX gl_ctTotalTriangles; // total = (world & lensflares) + (model & shadows) + particle + 2D
void InitAPIs(void);
// start full-screen or windowed mode (pixSizeI=pixSizeJ=0 & iAdapter=0 if windowed)
BOOL StartDisplayMode( enum GfxAPIType eAPI, INDEX iAdapter, PIX pixSizeI, PIX pixSizeJ,
enum DisplayDepth eColorDepth);
void StopDisplayMode(void);
// OpenGL specific
void *OGL_GetProcAddress(const char *procname); // rcg10112001
BOOL InitDriver_OGL( BOOL b3Dfx=FALSE); // DLL init and function call adjustments
void EndDriver_OGL(void);
void PlatformEndDriver_OGL(void); // rcg10112001
void TestExtension_OGL( ULONG ulFlag, const char *strName); // if exist, add OpenGL extension to flag and list
void AddExtension_OGL( ULONG ulFlag, const char *strName); // unconditionally add OpenGL extension to flag and list
BOOL CreateContext_OGL( HDC hdc);
BOOL SetupPixelFormat_OGL( HDC hdc, BOOL bReport=FALSE);
void InitContext_OGL(void);
BOOL SetCurrentViewport_OGL( CViewPort *pvp);
void UploadPattern_OGL( ULONG ulPatternEven);
void SwapBuffers_OGL( CViewPort *pvpToSwap);
// Direct3D specific
#ifdef SE1_D3D
BOOL InitDriver_D3D(void);
void EndDriver_D3D(void);
BOOL InitDisplay_D3D( INDEX iAdapter, PIX pixSizeI, PIX pixSizeJ, enum DisplayDepth eColorDepth);
void InitContext_D3D(void);
BOOL SetCurrentViewport_D3D( CViewPort *pvp);
void UploadPattern_D3D( ULONG ulPatternEven);
void SwapBuffers_D3D( CViewPort *pvpToSwap);
// common
CGfxLibrary(); // init cvars
~CGfxLibrary(); // clean up
// optimize memory used by cached shadow maps
void ReduceShadows(void);
// pretouch all textures and cached shadowmaps
void PretouchIfNeeded(void);
// get array of all supported display modes (do not modify array!)
CDisplayMode *EnumDisplayModes( INDEX &ctModes, enum GfxAPIType eAPI=GAT_CURRENT, INDEX iAdapter=0);
// set viewport for rendering
BOOL SetCurrentViewport( CViewPort *pvp);
// swap buffers in a viewport
void SwapBuffers( CViewPort *pvpToSwap);
// return current frame number
inline INDEX GetFrameNumber(void) { return gl_iFrameNumber; };
// lock/unlock raster for drawing
BOOL LockRaster( CRaster *praToLock);
void UnlockRaster( CRaster *praToUnlock);
// lock/unlock drawport for drawing
BOOL LockDrawPort( CDrawPort *pdpToLock);
void UnlockDrawPort( CDrawPort *pdpToUnlock);
// initialize library
void Init(void);
// set new display mode
BOOL SetDisplayMode( enum GfxAPIType eAPI, INDEX iAdapter, PIX pixSizeI, PIX pixSizeJ,
enum DisplayDepth eColorDepth);
// set display mode to original desktop display mode (and eventually change API)
BOOL ResetDisplayMode( enum GfxAPIType eAPI=GAT_CURRENT);
// get current API/adapter/display mode
inline enum GfxAPIType GetCurrentAPI(void) { return gl_eCurrentAPI; };
inline INDEX GetCurrentAdapter(void) { return gl_iCurrentAdapter; };
inline void GetCurrentDisplayMode( CDisplayMode &dmCurrent) { dmCurrent = gl_dmCurrentDisplayMode; };
// check if 3D acceleration is on
inline BOOL IsCurrentModeAccelerated(void) { return (gl_ulFlags&GLF_HASACCELERATION); };
// check if DualHead is on
inline BOOL IsCurrentModeDH(void) { return gl_dmCurrentDisplayMode.IsDualHead(); };
// is API supported
inline BOOL HasAPI( enum GfxAPIType eAPI) {
if( eAPI==GAT_CURRENT) return TRUE;
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) return (gl_gaAPI[0].ga_ctAdapters>0);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) return (gl_gaAPI[1].ga_ctAdapters>0);
#endif // SE1_D3D
return FALSE;
// canvas functions
void CreateWindowCanvas( void *hWnd, CViewPort **ppvpNew, CDrawPort **ppdpNew); // Create a new window canvas
void DestroyWindowCanvas( CViewPort *pvpOld); // Destroy a window canvas
void CreateWorkCanvas( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, CDrawPort **ppdpNew); // Create a work canvas
void DestroyWorkCanvas( CDrawPort *pdpOld); // Destroy a work canvas
// simple benchmark routine
void Benchmark( CViewPort *pvp, CDrawPort *pdp);
struct MipmapTable {
INDEX mmt_ctMipmaps; // number of mip-maps
SLONG mmt_slTotalSize; // total size of all mip-maps (in pixels)
PIX mmt_pixU; // size of first mip-map
PIX mmt_pixV;
SLONG mmt_aslOffsets[MAX_MEX_LOG2]; // offsets of each mip-map (in pixels)
// returns number of mip-maps to skip from original texture depending on maximum allowed texture
// size (in pixels!) and maximum allowed texture dimension (in pixels, too!)
extern INDEX ClampTextureSize( PIX pixClampSize, PIX pixClampDimension, PIX pixSizeU, PIX pixSizeV);
// create mip-map table for texture or shadow of given dimensions
extern void MakeMipmapTable( PIX pixU, PIX pixV, MipmapTable &mmt);
// adds 8-bit opaque alpha channel to 24-bit bitmap (in place suported)
extern void AddAlphaChannel( UBYTE *pubSrcBitmap, ULONG *pulDstBitmap, PIX pixSize, UBYTE *pubAlphaBitmap=NULL);
// removes 8-bit alpha channel from 32-bit bitmap (in place suported)
extern void RemoveAlphaChannel( ULONG *pulSrcBitmap, UBYTE *pubDstBitmap, PIX pixSize);
// flips 24 or 32-bit bitmap (iType: 1-horizontal, 2-vertical, 3-diagonal) - in place supported
extern void FlipBitmap( UBYTE *pubSrc, UBYTE *pubDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, INDEX iFlipType, BOOL bAlphaChannel);
// makes ALL lower mipmaps (to size of Nx1 or 1xM) of a specified 32-bit bitmap with eventual filter appliance
// this is done in-place! - all subsequent mip-maps will be posioned just after the original, input bitmap)
// (only first ctFineMips number of mip-maps will be filtered with bilinear subsampling, while
// all others will be downsampled with nearest-neighbour method with border preservance)
extern void MakeMipmaps( INDEX ctFineMips, ULONG *pulMipmaps, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, INDEX iFilter=NONE);
// colorize mipmaps
extern void ColorizeMipmaps( INDEX i1stMipmapToColorize, ULONG *pulMipmaps, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight);
// performs dithering of a 32-bit bipmap (can be in-place)
extern void DitherBitmap( INDEX iDitherType, ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight,
PIX pixCanvasWidth=0, PIX pixCanvasHeight=0);
// performs dithering of a 32-bit mipmaps (can be in-place)
extern void DitherMipmaps( INDEX iDitherType, ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight);
// adjust bitmap's saturation and/or hue (hue 0 and saturation 256 are defaults)
extern void AdjustBitmapColor( ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight,
SLONG const slHueShift, SLONG const slSaturation);
// applies filter to 32-bit bitmap (iFilter from -6 to 6; negative=sharpen, positive=blur, 0=none)
extern void FilterBitmap( INDEX iFilter, ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight,
PIX pixCanvasWidth=0, PIX pixCanvasHeight=0);
// retrives number of mip-maps for the given bitmap size
__forceinline INDEX GetNoOfMipmaps( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight) { return( FastLog2( Min(pixWidth, pixHeight))+1); }
// retrives memory offset of a specified mip-map or a size of all mip-maps (IN PIXELS!)
// (zero offset means first, i.e. largest mip-map)
extern PIX GetMipmapOffset( INDEX iMipLevel, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight);
// return offset, pointer and dimensions of mipmap of specified size inside texture or shadowmap mipmaps
extern INDEX GetMipmapOfSize( PIX pixSize, ULONG *&pulFrame, PIX &pixProbeWidth, PIX &pixProbeHeight);
// flat white texture
ENGINE_API extern CTextureData *_ptdFlat;
// global texture parameters in engine
ENGINE_API extern CTexParams _tpGlobal[GFX_MAXTEXUNITS];
// pointer to global graphics library object
ENGINE_API extern CGfxLibrary *_pGfx;
// forced texture upload quality (0 = default, 16 = force 16-bit, 32 = force 32-bit)
ENGINE_API extern INDEX _iTexForcedQuality;
#endif /* include-once check. */