Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

173 lines
5.0 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "SeriousSam/StdH.h"
// list of settings data
static CListHead _lhSettings;
extern INDEX sam_iVideoSetup; // 0==speed, 1==normal, 2==quality, 3==custom
class CSettingsEntry {
CListNode se_lnNode;
CTString se_strRenderer;
CTString se_strDescription;
CTFileName se_fnmScript;
// check if this entry matches given info
BOOL Matches( const CTString &strRenderer) const;
// last valid settings info
static CTString _strLastRenderer;
CTString _strPreferencesDescription = "";
INDEX _iLastPreferences = 1;
// check if this entry matches given info
BOOL CSettingsEntry::Matches( const CTString &strRenderer) const
return strRenderer.Matches(se_strRenderer);
const char *RenderingPreferencesDescription(int iMode)
if (iMode==0) {
return TRANS("speed");
} else if (iMode==1) {
return TRANS("normal");
} else if (iMode==2) {
return TRANS("quality");
} else if (iMode==3) {
return TRANS("custom");
} else {
return TRANS("normal");
void InitGLSettings(void)
char achrLine [1024];
char achrRenderer[1024];
char achrDesc [1024];
char achrScript [1024];
CTFileStream strmFile;
strmFile.Open_t( CTString("Scripts\\GLSettings\\GLSettings.lst"), CTStream::OM_READ);
//INDEX iIndex = 0;
achrLine [0] = 0;
achrRenderer[0] = 0;
achrDesc [0] = 0;
achrScript [0] = 0;
strmFile.GetLine_t( achrLine, 1024);
sscanf( achrLine,
"\"%1024[^\"]\"%*[^\"]\"%1024[^\"]\"%*[^\"]\"%1024[^\"]\"", achrRenderer, achrDesc, achrScript);
if( achrRenderer[0]==0) continue;
CSettingsEntry &se = *new CSettingsEntry;
se.se_strRenderer = achrRenderer;
se.se_strDescription = achrDesc;
se.se_fnmScript = CTString(achrScript);
_lhSettings.AddTail( se.se_lnNode);
while( !strmFile.AtEOF());
// ignore errors
catch (char *strError) {
WarningMessage(TRANS("unable to setup OpenGL settings list: %s"), strError);
_strLastRenderer= "none";
_iLastPreferences = 1;
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent CTString sam_strLastRenderer;", (void *) &_strLastRenderer);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent INDEX sam_iLastSetup;", (void *) &_iLastPreferences);
CSettingsEntry *GetGLSettings( const CTString &strRenderer)
// for each setting
FOREACHINLIST(CSettingsEntry, se_lnNode, _lhSettings, itse)
{ // return the one that matches
CSettingsEntry &se = *itse;
if( se.Matches(strRenderer)) return &se;
// none found
return NULL;
extern void ApplyGLSettings(BOOL bForce)
CPrintF( TRANS("\nAutomatic 3D-board preferences adjustment...\n"));
CDisplayAdapter &da = _pGfx->gl_gaAPI[_pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI].ga_adaAdapter[_pGfx->gl_iCurrentAdapter];
CPrintF( TRANS("Detected: %s - %s - %s\n"), (const char *) da.da_strVendor, (const char *) da.da_strRenderer, (const char *) da.da_strVersion);
// get new settings
CSettingsEntry *pse = GetGLSettings( da.da_strRenderer);
// if none found
if (pse==NULL) {
// error
CPrintF(TRANSV("No matching preferences found! Automatic adjustment disabled!\n"));
// report
CPrintF(TRANSV("Matching: %s (%s)\n"),
(const char *) pse->se_strRenderer,
(const char *) pse->se_strDescription);
_strPreferencesDescription = pse->se_strDescription;
if (!bForce) {
// if same as last
if( pse->se_strDescription==_strLastRenderer && sam_iVideoSetup==_iLastPreferences) {
// do nothing
CPrintF(TRANSV("Similar to last, keeping same preferences.\n"));
CPrintF(TRANSV("Different than last, applying new preferences.\n"));
} else {
CPrintF(TRANSV("Applying new preferences.\n"));
// clamp rendering preferences (just to be on the safe side)
sam_iVideoSetup = Clamp( sam_iVideoSetup, 0, 3);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Mode: %s\n"), (const char *) RenderingPreferencesDescription(sam_iVideoSetup));
// if not in custom mode
if (sam_iVideoSetup<3) {
// execute the script
CTString strCmd;
strCmd.PrintF("include \"Scripts\\GLSettings\\%s\"", (const char *) (CTString(pse->se_fnmScript)));
// refresh textures
// done
// remember settings
_strLastRenderer = pse->se_strDescription;
_iLastPreferences = sam_iVideoSetup;