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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#ifndef __GAME_H
#define __GAME_H 1
#include <Engine/Base/SDL/SDLEvents.h>
#include <GameMP/PlayerSettings.h>
#include <GameMP/SessionProperties.h>
#define GAME_SHELL_VER "V012"
// all available axis-actions are listed here
#define AXIS_MOVE_UD 0
#define AXIS_MOVE_LR 1
#define AXIS_MOVE_FB 2
#define AXIS_TURN_UD 3
#define AXIS_TURN_LR 4
#define AXIS_TURN_BK 5
#define AXIS_LOOK_UD 6
#define AXIS_LOOK_LR 7
#define AXIS_LOOK_BK 8
enum ConsoleState {
class CGameTimerHandler : public CTimerHandler
/* This is called every TickQuantum seconds. */
virtual void HandleTimer(void);
class CAxisAction {
INDEX aa_iAxisAction; // to which axis this object referes to
FLOAT aa_fSensitivity; // percentage of maximum sensitivity (0..100)
FLOAT aa_fDeadZone; // percentage of deadzone (0..100)
BOOL aa_bInvert; // if controler's axis should be inverted
BOOL aa_bRelativeControler; // if this is controler of type "relative"
BOOL aa_bSmooth; // if controler's axis should be smoothed
// this is value for applying to "angle" or "movement" and it
// is calculated from invert flag and sensitivity attributes
// (i.e. for rotation colud be: AXIS_ROTATION_SPEED*sensitivity*(-1)(if should invert axis)
FLOAT aa_fAxisInfluence;
FLOAT aa_fLastReading; // last reading of this axis (for smoothing)
FLOAT aa_fAbsolute; // absolute value of the axis (integrated from previous readings)
class CButtonAction {
// default constructor
~CButtonAction() {}
CListNode ba_lnNode;
INDEX ba_iFirstKey;
BOOL ba_bFirstKeyDown;
INDEX ba_iSecondKey;
BOOL ba_bSecondKeyDown;
CTString ba_strName;
CTString ba_strCommandLineWhenPressed;
CTString ba_strCommandLineWhenReleased;
// Assignment operator.
virtual CButtonAction &operator=(const CButtonAction &baOriginal);
virtual void Read_t( CTStream &istrm); // throw char*
virtual void Write_t( CTStream &ostrm); // throw char*
* Class containing information concerning controls system
class CControls {
// list of mounted button actions
CListHead ctrl_lhButtonActions;
// objects describing mounted controler's axis (mouse L/R, joy U/D) and their
// attributes (sensitivity, intvertness, type (relative/absolute) ...)
CAxisAction ctrl_aaAxisActions[ AXIS_ACTIONS_CT];
FLOAT ctrl_fSensitivity; // global sensitivity for all axes
BOOL ctrl_bInvertLook; // inverts up/down looking
BOOL ctrl_bSmoothAxes; // smooths axes movements
// operations
CControls(void); // default constructor
virtual ~CControls(void); // default destructor
// Assignment operator.
virtual CControls &operator=(CControls &ctrlOriginal);
// depending on axis attributes and type (rotation or translation), calculates axis
// influence factors for all axis actions
virtual void CalculateInfluencesForAllAxis(void);
// get current reading of an axis
virtual FLOAT GetAxisValue(INDEX iAxis);
// check if these controls use any joystick
virtual BOOL UsesJoystick(void);
// switches button and axis action mounters to defaults
virtual void SwitchAxesToDefaults(void);
virtual void SwitchToDefaults(void);
virtual void DoButtonActions(void);
virtual void CreateAction(const CPlayerCharacter &pc, CPlayerAction &paAction, BOOL bPreScan);
virtual CButtonAction &AddButtonAction(void);
virtual void RemoveButtonAction( CButtonAction &baButtonAction);
virtual void Load_t( CTFileName fnFile); // throw char *
virtual void Save_t( CTFileName fnFile); // throw char *
virtual void DeleteAllButtonActions();
class CLocalPlayer
// Attributes
BOOL lp_bActive;
INDEX lp_iPlayer;
CPlayerSource *lp_pplsPlayerSource;
UBYTE lp_ubPlayerControlsState[2048]; // current state of player controls that are local to the player
// Construction
CLocalPlayer( void)
lp_pplsPlayerSource = NULL;
lp_bActive = FALSE;
memset(lp_ubPlayerControlsState, 0, sizeof(lp_ubPlayerControlsState)) ;
class CHighScoreEntry {
CTString hse_strPlayer;
enum CSessionProperties::GameDifficulty hse_gdDifficulty;
TIME hse_tmTime;
INDEX hse_ctKills;
INDEX hse_ctScore;
* Class responsible for handling game interface
class CGame {
virtual ~CGame();
enum ConsoleState gm_csConsoleState;
enum ConsoleState gm_csComputerState;
CTFileName gm_fnSaveFileName;
CTString gam_strCustomLevel;
CTString gam_strSessionName;
CTString gam_strJoinAddress;
CTString gam_strConsoleInputBuffer;
CTString gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_ACTIONS_CT];
CHighScoreEntry gm_ahseHighScores[HIGHSCORE_COUNT];
INDEX gm_iLastSetHighScore;
CPlayerCharacter gm_apcPlayers[8];
CControls gm_actrlControls[8];
CControls *gm_ctrlControlsExtra;
INDEX gm_iSinglePlayer;
INDEX gm_iWEDSinglePlayer;
enum SplitScreenCfg {
SSC_PLAY1 = 0,
SSC_PLAY2 = 1,
SSC_PLAY3 = 2,
SSC_PLAY4 = 3,
enum SplitScreenCfg gm_MenuSplitScreenCfg;
enum SplitScreenCfg gm_StartSplitScreenCfg;
enum SplitScreenCfg gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg;
// Attributes
CGameTimerHandler m_gthGameTimerHandler;
BOOL gm_bGameOn;
BOOL gm_bMenuOn; // set by serioussam.exe to notify that menu is active
BOOL gm_bFirstLoading; // set by serioussam.exe to notify first loading
BOOL gm_bProfileDemo; // demo profiling required
// network provider itself
CNetworkProvider gm_npNetworkProvider;
// network provider's description
CTString gm_strNetworkProvider;
// controls that are local to each player
SLONG gm_slPlayerControlsSize;
void *gm_pvGlobalPlayerControls;
// index of local player
// (-1) if not active
INDEX gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[ 4];
INDEX gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[ 4];
// players that are currently playing on local machine (up to 4)
CLocalPlayer gm_lpLocalPlayers[ 4];
// Operations
void InitInternal(void);
void EndInternal(void);
BOOL StartProviderFromName(void);
void SetupLocalPlayers( void);
BOOL AddPlayers(void);
SLONG PackHighScoreTable(void);
void RecordHighScore(void);
void UnpackHighScoreTable(SLONG slSize);
void SaveThumbnail(const CTFileName &fnm);
CTFileName GetQuickSaveName(BOOL bSave);
void GameHandleTimer(void);
virtual void LoadPlayersAndControls(void);
virtual void SavePlayersAndControls(void);
virtual void Load_t( void);
virtual void Save_t( void);
// set properties for a quick start session
virtual void SetQuickStartSession(CSessionProperties &sp);
// set properties for a single player session
virtual void SetSinglePlayerSession(CSessionProperties &sp);
// set properties for a multiplayer session
virtual void SetMultiPlayerSession(CSessionProperties &sp);
// game loop functions
#define GRV_SHOWEXTRAS (1L<<0) // add extra stuff like console, weapon, pause
virtual void GameRedrawView(CDrawPort *pdpDrawport, ULONG ulFlags);
virtual void GameMainLoop(void);
// console functions
virtual void ConsoleKeyDown(MSG msg);
virtual void ConsoleChar(MSG msg);
virtual void ConsoleRender(CDrawPort *pdpDrawport);
virtual void ConsolePrintLastLines(CDrawPort *pdpDrawport);
// computer functions
virtual void ComputerMouseMove(PIX pixX, PIX pixY);
virtual void ComputerKeyDown(MSG msg);
virtual void ComputerRender(CDrawPort *pdpDrawport);
virtual void ComputerForceOff();
// loading hook functions
virtual void EnableLoadingHook(CDrawPort *pdpDrawport);
virtual void DisableLoadingHook(void);
// get default description for a game (for save games/demos)
virtual CTString GetDefaultGameDescription(BOOL bWithInfo);
// game start/end functions
virtual BOOL NewGame(const CTString &strSessionName, const CTFileName &fnWorld,
class CSessionProperties &sp);
virtual BOOL JoinGame(const CNetworkSession &session);
virtual BOOL LoadGame(const CTFileName &fnGame);
virtual BOOL SaveGame(const CTFileName &fnGame);
virtual void StopGame(void);
virtual BOOL StartDemoPlay(const CTFileName &fnDemo);
virtual BOOL StartDemoRec(const CTFileName &fnDemo);
virtual void StopDemoRec(void);
virtual INDEX GetPlayersCount(void);
virtual INDEX GetLivePlayersCount(void);
// printout and dump extensive demo profile report
virtual CTString DemoReportFragmentsProfile( INDEX iRate);
virtual CTString DemoReportAnalyzedProfile(void);
// functions called from world editor
virtual void Initialize(const CTFileName &fnGameSettings);
virtual void End(void);
virtual void QuickTest(const CTFileName &fnMapName,
CDrawPort *pdpDrawport, CViewPort *pvpViewport);
// interface rendering functions
virtual void LCDInit(void);
virtual void LCDEnd(void);
virtual void LCDPrepare(FLOAT fFade);
virtual void LCDSetDrawport(CDrawPort *pdp);
virtual void LCDDrawBox(PIX pixUL, PIX pixDR, const PIXaabbox2D &box, COLOR col);
virtual void LCDScreenBox(COLOR col);
virtual void LCDScreenBoxOpenLeft(COLOR col);
virtual void LCDScreenBoxOpenRight(COLOR col);
virtual void LCDRenderClouds1(void);
virtual void LCDRenderClouds2(void);
void LCDRenderCloudsForComp(void);
void LCDRenderCompGrid(void);
virtual void LCDRenderGrid(void);
virtual void LCDDrawPointer(PIX pixI, PIX pixJ);
virtual COLOR LCDGetColor(COLOR colDefault, const char *strName);
virtual COLOR LCDFadedColor(COLOR col);
virtual COLOR LCDBlinkingColor(COLOR col0, COLOR col1);
// menu interface functions
virtual void MenuPreRenderMenu(const char *strMenuName);
virtual void MenuPostRenderMenu(const char *strMenuName);