Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

1497 lines
63 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h"
#include "GameMP/SEColors.h"
#include <Engine/Graphics/DrawPort.h>
#include <EntitiesMP/Player.h>
#include <EntitiesMP/PlayerWeapons.h>
#include <EntitiesMP/MusicHolder.h>
#include <EntitiesMP/EnemyBase.h>
#include <EntitiesMP/EnemyCounter.h>
// armor & health constants
// NOTE: these _do not_ reflect easy/tourist maxvalue adjustments. that is by design!
#define TOP_ARMOR 100
#define TOP_HEALTH 100
// cheats
extern INDEX cht_bEnable;
extern INDEX cht_bGod;
extern INDEX cht_bFly;
extern INDEX cht_bGhost;
extern INDEX cht_bInvisible;
extern FLOAT cht_fTranslationMultiplier;
// interface control
extern INDEX hud_bShowInfo;
extern INDEX hud_bShowLatency;
extern INDEX hud_bShowMessages;
extern INDEX hud_iShowPlayers;
extern INDEX hud_iSortPlayers;
extern FLOAT hud_fOpacity;
extern FLOAT hud_fScaling;
extern FLOAT hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen;
extern INDEX hud_bShowMatchInfo;
// player statistics sorting keys
enum SortKeys {
// where is the bar lowest value
enum BarOrientations {
BO_LEFT = 1,
BO_UP = 3,
BO_DOWN = 4,
extern const INDEX aiWeaponsRemap[19];
// maximal mana for master status
#define MANA_MASTER 10000
// drawing variables
static const CPlayer *_penPlayer;
static CPlayerWeapons *_penWeapons;
static CDrawPort *_pDP;
static PIX _pixDPWidth, _pixDPHeight;
static FLOAT _fResolutionScaling;
static FLOAT _fCustomScaling;
static ULONG _ulAlphaHUD;
static COLOR _colHUD;
static COLOR _colHUDText;
static TIME _tmNow = -1.0f;
static TIME _tmLast = -1.0f;
static CFontData _fdNumbersFont;
// array for pointers of all players
CPlayer *_apenPlayers[NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS] = {0};
// status bar textures
static CTextureObject _toHealth;
static CTextureObject _toOxygen;
static CTextureObject _toScore;
static CTextureObject _toHiScore;
static CTextureObject _toMessage;
static CTextureObject _toMana;
static CTextureObject _toFrags;
static CTextureObject _toDeaths;
static CTextureObject _toArmorSmall;
static CTextureObject _toArmorMedium;
static CTextureObject _toArmorLarge;
// ammo textures
static CTextureObject _toAShells;
static CTextureObject _toABullets;
static CTextureObject _toARockets;
static CTextureObject _toAGrenades;
static CTextureObject _toANapalm;
static CTextureObject _toAElectricity;
static CTextureObject _toAIronBall;
static CTextureObject _toASniperBullets;
static CTextureObject _toASeriousBomb;
// weapon textures
static CTextureObject _toWKnife;
static CTextureObject _toWColt;
static CTextureObject _toWSingleShotgun;
static CTextureObject _toWDoubleShotgun;
static CTextureObject _toWTommygun;
static CTextureObject _toWSniper;
static CTextureObject _toWChainsaw;
static CTextureObject _toWMinigun;
static CTextureObject _toWRocketLauncher;
static CTextureObject _toWGrenadeLauncher;
static CTextureObject _toWFlamer;
static CTextureObject _toWLaser;
static CTextureObject _toWIronCannon;
// powerup textures (ORDER IS THE SAME AS IN PLAYER.ES!)
#define MAX_POWERUPS 4
static CTextureObject _atoPowerups[MAX_POWERUPS];
// tile texture (one has corners, edges and center)
static CTextureObject _toTile;
// sniper mask texture
static CTextureObject _toSniperMask;
static CTextureObject _toSniperWheel;
static CTextureObject _toSniperArrow;
static CTextureObject _toSniperEye;
static CTextureObject _toSniperLed;
// all info about color transitions
struct ColorTransitionTable {
COLOR ctt_colFine; // color for values over 1.0
COLOR ctt_colHigh; // color for values from 1.0 to 'fMedium'
COLOR ctt_colMedium; // color for values from 'fMedium' to 'fLow'
COLOR ctt_colLow; // color for values under fLow
FLOAT ctt_fMediumHigh; // when to switch to high color (normalized float!)
FLOAT ctt_fLowMedium; // when to switch to medium color (normalized float!)
BOOL ctt_bSmooth; // should colors have smooth transition
static struct ColorTransitionTable _cttHUD;
// ammo's info structure
struct AmmoInfo {
CTextureObject *ai_ptoAmmo;
struct WeaponInfo *ai_pwiWeapon1;
struct WeaponInfo *ai_pwiWeapon2;
INDEX ai_iAmmoAmmount;
INDEX ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount;
INDEX ai_iLastAmmoAmmount;
TIME ai_tmAmmoChanged;
BOOL ai_bHasWeapon;
// weapons' info structure
struct WeaponInfo {
enum WeaponType wi_wtWeapon;
CTextureObject *wi_ptoWeapon;
struct AmmoInfo *wi_paiAmmo;
BOOL wi_bHasWeapon;
extern struct WeaponInfo _awiWeapons[18];
static struct AmmoInfo _aaiAmmo[8] = {
{ &_toAShells, &_awiWeapons[4], &_awiWeapons[5], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 0
{ &_toABullets, &_awiWeapons[6], &_awiWeapons[7], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 1
{ &_toARockets, &_awiWeapons[8], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 2
{ &_toAGrenades, &_awiWeapons[9], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 3
{ &_toANapalm, &_awiWeapons[11], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 4
{ &_toAElectricity, &_awiWeapons[12], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 5
{ &_toAIronBall, &_awiWeapons[14], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 6
{ &_toASniperBullets, &_awiWeapons[13], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, // 7
static const INDEX aiAmmoRemap[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6 };
struct WeaponInfo _awiWeapons[18] = {
{ WEAPON_KNIFE, &_toWKnife, NULL, FALSE }, // 1
{ WEAPON_COLT, &_toWColt, NULL, FALSE }, // 2
{ WEAPON_SINGLESHOTGUN, &_toWSingleShotgun, &_aaiAmmo[0], FALSE }, // 4
{ WEAPON_DOUBLESHOTGUN, &_toWDoubleShotgun, &_aaiAmmo[0], FALSE }, // 5
{ WEAPON_TOMMYGUN, &_toWTommygun, &_aaiAmmo[1], FALSE }, // 6
{ WEAPON_MINIGUN, &_toWMinigun, &_aaiAmmo[1], FALSE }, // 7
{ WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, &_toWRocketLauncher, &_aaiAmmo[2], FALSE }, // 8
{ WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER, &_toWGrenadeLauncher, &_aaiAmmo[3], FALSE }, // 9
{ WEAPON_CHAINSAW, &_toWChainsaw, NULL, FALSE }, // 10
{ WEAPON_FLAMER, &_toWFlamer, &_aaiAmmo[4], FALSE }, // 11
{ WEAPON_LASER, &_toWLaser, &_aaiAmmo[5], FALSE }, // 12
{ WEAPON_SNIPER, &_toWSniper, &_aaiAmmo[7], FALSE }, // 13
{ WEAPON_IRONCANNON, &_toWIronCannon, &_aaiAmmo[6], FALSE }, // 14
//{ WEAPON_PIPEBOMB, &_toWPipeBomb, &_aaiAmmo[3], FALSE }, // 15
//{ WEAPON_GHOSTBUSTER, &_toWGhostBuster, &_aaiAmmo[5], FALSE }, // 16
//{ WEAPON_NUKECANNON, &_toWNukeCannon, &_aaiAmmo[7], FALSE }, // 17
// compare functions for qsort()
static int qsort_CompareNames( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
CTString strName0 = en0.GetPlayerName();
CTString strName1 = en1.GetPlayerName();
return strnicmp( strName0, strName1, 8);
static int qsort_CompareScores( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iScore;
SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iScore;
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return 0;
static int qsort_CompareHealth( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = (SLONG)ceil(en0.GetHealth());
SLONG sl1 = (SLONG)ceil(en1.GetHealth());
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return 0;
static int qsort_CompareManas( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = en0.m_iMana;
SLONG sl1 = en1.m_iMana;
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return 0;
static int qsort_CompareDeaths( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths;
SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths;
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return 0;
static int qsort_CompareFrags( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iKills;
SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iKills;
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return -qsort_CompareDeaths(ppPEN0, ppPEN1);
#if 0 // DG: unused.
static int qsort_CompareLatencies( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) {
CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0;
CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1;
SLONG sl0 = (SLONG)ceil(en0.m_tmLatency);
SLONG sl1 = (SLONG)ceil(en1.m_tmLatency);
if( sl0<sl1) return +1;
else if( sl0>sl1) return -1;
else return 0;
#endif // 0 (unused)
// prepare color transitions
static void PrepareColorTransitions( COLOR colFine, COLOR colHigh, COLOR colMedium, COLOR colLow,
FLOAT fMediumHigh, FLOAT fLowMedium, BOOL bSmooth)
_cttHUD.ctt_colFine = colFine;
_cttHUD.ctt_colHigh = colHigh;
_cttHUD.ctt_colMedium = colMedium;
_cttHUD.ctt_colLow = colLow;
_cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh = fMediumHigh;
_cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium = fLowMedium;
_cttHUD.ctt_bSmooth = bSmooth;
// calculates shake ammount and color value depanding on value change
#define SHAKE_TIME (2.0f)
static COLOR AddShaker( PIX const pixAmmount, INDEX const iCurrentValue, INDEX &iLastValue,
TIME &tmChanged, FLOAT &fMoverX, FLOAT &fMoverY)
// update shaking if needed
fMoverX = fMoverY = 0.0f;
const TIME tmNow = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick();
if( iCurrentValue != iLastValue) {
iLastValue = iCurrentValue;
tmChanged = tmNow;
} else {
// in case of loading (timer got reseted)
tmChanged = ClampUp( tmChanged, tmNow);
// no shaker?
const TIME tmDelta = tmNow - tmChanged;
if( tmDelta > SHAKE_TIME) return NONE;
ASSERT( tmDelta>=0);
// shake, baby shake!
const FLOAT fAmmount = _fResolutionScaling * _fCustomScaling * pixAmmount;
const FLOAT fMultiplier = (SHAKE_TIME-tmDelta)/SHAKE_TIME *fAmmount;
const INDEX iRandomizer = (INDEX)((tmNow*511.0f)*fAmmount*iCurrentValue);
const FLOAT fNormRnd1 = (FLOAT)((iRandomizer ^ (iRandomizer>>9)) & 1023) * 0.0009775f; // 1/1023 - normalized
const FLOAT fNormRnd2 = (FLOAT)((iRandomizer ^ (iRandomizer>>7)) & 1023) * 0.0009775f; // 1/1023 - normalized
fMoverX = (fNormRnd1 -0.5f) * fMultiplier;
fMoverY = (fNormRnd2 -0.5f) * fMultiplier;
// clamp to adjusted ammount (pixels relative to resolution and HUD scale
fMoverX = Clamp( fMoverX, -fAmmount, fAmmount);
fMoverY = Clamp( fMoverY, -fAmmount, fAmmount);
if( tmDelta < SHAKE_TIME/3) return C_WHITE;
else return NONE;
//return FloatToInt(tmDelta*4) & 1 ? C_WHITE : NONE;
// get current color from local color transitions table
static COLOR GetCurrentColor( FLOAT fNormalizedValue)
// if value is in 'low' zone just return plain 'low' alert color
if( fNormalizedValue < _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium) return( _cttHUD.ctt_colLow & 0xFFFFFF00);
// if value is in out of 'extreme' zone just return 'extreme' color
if( fNormalizedValue > 1.0f) return( _cttHUD.ctt_colFine & 0xFFFFFF00);
COLOR col;
// should blend colors?
if( _cttHUD.ctt_bSmooth)
{ // lets do some interpolations
FLOAT fd, f1, f2;
COLOR col1, col2;
UBYTE ubH,ubS,ubV, ubH2,ubS2,ubV2;
// determine two colors for interpolation
if( fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh) {
f1 = 1.0f;
f2 = _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh;
col1 = _cttHUD.ctt_colHigh;
col2 = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium;
} else { // fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium == TRUE !
f1 = _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh;
f2 = _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium;
col1 = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium;
col2 = _cttHUD.ctt_colLow;
// determine interpolation strength
fd = (fNormalizedValue-f2) / (f1-f2);
// convert colors to HSV
ColorToHSV( col1, ubH, ubS, ubV);
ColorToHSV( col2, ubH2, ubS2, ubV2);
// interpolate H, S and V components
ubH = (UBYTE)(ubH*fd + ubH2*(1.0f-fd));
ubS = (UBYTE)(ubS*fd + ubS2*(1.0f-fd));
ubV = (UBYTE)(ubV*fd + ubV2*(1.0f-fd));
// convert HSV back to COLOR
col = HSVToColor( ubH, ubS, ubV);
{ // simple color picker
col = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium;
if( fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh) col = _cttHUD.ctt_colHigh;
// all done
return( col & 0xFFFFFF00);
// fill array with players' statistics (returns current number of players in game)
extern INDEX SetAllPlayersStats( INDEX iSortKey)
// determine maximum number of players for this session
INDEX iPlayers = 0;
INDEX iMaxPlayers = _penPlayer->GetMaxPlayers();
CPlayer *penCurrent;
// loop thru potentional players
for( INDEX i=0; i<iMaxPlayers; i++)
{ // ignore non-existent players
penCurrent = (CPlayer*)&*_penPlayer->GetPlayerEntity(i);
if( penCurrent==NULL) continue;
// fill in player parameters
_apenPlayers[iPlayers] = penCurrent;
// advance to next real player
// sort statistics by some key if needed
switch( iSortKey) {
case PSK_NAME: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareNames); break;
case PSK_SCORE: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareScores); break;
case PSK_HEALTH: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareHealth); break;
case PSK_MANA: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareManas); break;
case PSK_FRAGS: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareFrags); break;
case PSK_DEATHS: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareDeaths); break;
default: break; // invalid or NONE key specified so do nothing
// all done
return iPlayers;
// ----------------------- drawing functions
// draw border with filter
static void HUD_DrawBorder( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, FLOAT fSizeX, FLOAT fSizeY, COLOR colTiles)
// determine location
const FLOAT fCenterI = fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f;
const FLOAT fCenterJ = fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment);
const FLOAT fSizeI = _fResolutionScaling*fSizeX;
const FLOAT fSizeJ = _fResolutionScaling*fSizeY;
const FLOAT fTileSize = 8*_fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling;
// determine exact positions
const FLOAT fLeft = fCenterI - fSizeI/2 -1;
const FLOAT fRight = fCenterI + fSizeI/2 +1;
const FLOAT fUp = fCenterJ - fSizeJ/2 -1;
const FLOAT fDown = fCenterJ + fSizeJ/2 +1;
const FLOAT fLeftEnd = fLeft + fTileSize;
const FLOAT fRightBeg = fRight - fTileSize;
const FLOAT fUpEnd = fUp + fTileSize;
const FLOAT fDownBeg = fDown - fTileSize;
// prepare texture
colTiles |= _ulAlphaHUD;
// put corners
_pDP->InitTexture( &_toTile, TRUE); // clamping on!
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fUp, fLeftEnd, fUpEnd, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fRight,fUp, fRightBeg,fUpEnd, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fRight,fDown, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fDown, fLeftEnd, fDownBeg, colTiles);
// put edges
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd,fUp, fRightBeg,fUpEnd, 0.4f,0.0f, 0.6f,1.0f, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd,fDown, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, 0.4f,0.0f, 0.6f,1.0f, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fUpEnd, fLeftEnd, fDownBeg, 0.0f,0.4f, 1.0f,0.6f, colTiles);
_pDP->AddTexture( fRight, fUpEnd, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, 0.0f,0.4f, 1.0f,0.6f, colTiles);
// put center
_pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd, fUpEnd, fRightBeg, fDownBeg, 0.4f,0.4f, 0.6f,0.6f, colTiles);
// draw icon texture (if color = NONE, use colortransitions structure)
static void HUD_DrawIcon( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, CTextureObject &toIcon,
COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue, BOOL bBlink)
// determine color
COLOR col = colDefault;
if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue);
// determine blinking state
if( bBlink && fNormValue<=(_cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium/2)) {
// activate blinking only if value is <= half the low edge
INDEX iCurrentTime = (INDEX)(_tmNow*4);
if( iCurrentTime&1) col = C_vdGRAY;
// determine location
const FLOAT fCenterI = fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f;
const FLOAT fCenterJ = fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment);
// determine dimensions
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)toIcon.GetData();
const FLOAT fHalfSizeI = _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling * ptd->GetPixWidth() *0.5f;
const FLOAT fHalfSizeJ = _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling * ptd->GetPixHeight() *0.5f;
// done
_pDP->InitTexture( &toIcon);
_pDP->AddTexture( fCenterI-fHalfSizeI, fCenterJ-fHalfSizeJ,
fCenterI+fHalfSizeI, fCenterJ+fHalfSizeJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD);
// draw text (or numbers, whatever)
static void HUD_DrawText( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, const CTString &strText,
COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue)
// determine color
COLOR col = colDefault;
if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue);
// determine location
PIX pixCenterI = (PIX)(fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f);
PIX pixCenterJ = (PIX)(fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment));
// done
_pDP->SetTextScaling( _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling);
_pDP->PutTextCXY( strText, pixCenterI, pixCenterJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD);
// draw bar
static void HUD_DrawBar( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, PIX pixSizeX, PIX pixSizeY,
enum BarOrientations eBarOrientation, COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue)
// determine color
COLOR col = colDefault;
if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue);
// determine location and size
PIX pixCenterI = (PIX)(fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f);
PIX pixCenterJ = (PIX)(fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment));
PIX pixSizeI = (PIX)(_fResolutionScaling*pixSizeX);
PIX pixSizeJ = (PIX)(_fResolutionScaling*pixSizeY);
// fill bar background area
PIX pixLeft = pixCenterI-pixSizeI/2;
PIX pixUpper = pixCenterJ-pixSizeJ/2;
// determine bar position and inner size
switch( eBarOrientation) {
case BO_UP:
pixSizeJ *= (PIX) fNormValue;
case BO_DOWN:
pixUpper = pixUpper + (PIX)ceil(pixSizeJ * (1.0f-fNormValue));
pixSizeJ *= (PIX) fNormValue;
case BO_LEFT:
pixSizeI *= (PIX) fNormValue;
case BO_RIGHT:
pixLeft = pixLeft + (PIX)ceil(pixSizeI * (1.0f-fNormValue));
pixSizeI *= (PIX) fNormValue;
// done
_pDP->Fill( pixLeft, pixUpper, pixSizeI, pixSizeJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD);
static void DrawRotatedQuad( class CTextureObject *_pTO, FLOAT fX, FLOAT fY, FLOAT fSize, ANGLE aAngle, COLOR col)
FLOAT fSinA = Sin(aAngle);
FLOAT fCosA = Cos(aAngle);
FLOAT fSinPCos = fCosA*fSize+fSinA*fSize;
FLOAT fSinMCos = fSinA*fSize-fCosA*fSize;
FLOAT fI0, fJ0, fI1, fJ1, fI2, fJ2, fI3, fJ3;
fI0 = fX-fSinPCos; fJ0 = fY-fSinMCos;
fI1 = fX+fSinMCos; fJ1 = fY-fSinPCos;
fI2 = fX+fSinPCos; fJ2 = fY+fSinMCos;
fI3 = fX-fSinMCos; fJ3 = fY+fSinPCos;
_pDP->InitTexture( _pTO);
_pDP->AddTexture( fI0, fJ0, 0, 0, col, fI1, fJ1, 0, 1, col,
fI2, fJ2, 1, 1, col, fI3, fJ3, 1, 0, col);
static void DrawAspectCorrectTextureCentered( class CTextureObject *_pTO, FLOAT fX, FLOAT fY, FLOAT fWidth, COLOR col)
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)_pTO->GetData();
FLOAT fTexSizeI = ptd->GetPixWidth();
FLOAT fTexSizeJ = ptd->GetPixHeight();
FLOAT fHeight = fWidth*fTexSizeJ/fTexSizeJ; // FIXME: not fTexSizeJ/fTexSizeI ??
STUBBED("fWidth*fTexSizeJ/fTexSizeJ is most likely not intended!");
_pDP->InitTexture( _pTO);
_pDP->AddTexture( fX-fWidth*0.5f, fY-fHeight*0.5f, fX+fWidth*0.5f, fY+fHeight*0.5f, 0, 0, 1, 1, col);
// draw sniper mask
static void HUD_DrawSniperMask( void )
// determine location
const FLOAT fSizeI = _pixDPWidth;
const FLOAT fSizeJ = _pixDPHeight;
const FLOAT fCenterI = fSizeI/2;
const FLOAT fCenterJ = fSizeJ/2;
const FLOAT fBlackStrip = (fSizeI-fSizeJ)/2;
CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)_toSniperMask.GetData();
//const FLOAT fTexSizeI = ptd->GetPixWidth();
//const FLOAT fTexSizeJ = ptd->GetPixHeight();
// main sniper mask
_pDP->InitTexture( &_toSniperMask);
_pDP->AddTexture( fBlackStrip, 0, fCenterI, fCenterJ, 0.98f, 0.02f, 0, 1.0f, colMask);
_pDP->AddTexture( fCenterI, 0, fSizeI-fBlackStrip, fCenterJ, 0, 0.02f, 0.98f, 1.0f, colMask);
_pDP->AddTexture( fBlackStrip, fCenterJ, fCenterI, fSizeJ, 0.98f, 1.0f, 0, 0.02f, colMask);
_pDP->AddTexture( fCenterI, fCenterJ, fSizeI-fBlackStrip, fSizeJ, 0, 1, 0.98f, 0.02f, colMask);
_pDP->Fill( 0, 0, fBlackStrip+1, fSizeJ, C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE);
_pDP->Fill( fSizeI-fBlackStrip-1, 0, fBlackStrip+1, fSizeJ, C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE);
colMask = LerpColor(SE_COL_BLUE_LIGHT, C_WHITE, 0.25f);
FLOAT _fYResolutionScaling = (FLOAT)_pixDPHeight/480.0f;
FLOAT fDistance = _penWeapons->m_fRayHitDistance;
FLOAT aFOV = Lerp(_penWeapons->m_fSniperFOVlast, _penWeapons->m_fSniperFOV,
CTString strTmp;
// wheel
FLOAT fZoom = 1.0f/tan(RadAngle(aFOV)*0.5f); // 2.0 - 8.0
FLOAT fAFact = (Clamp(aFOV, 14.2f, 53.1f)-14.2f)/(53.1f-14.2f); // only for zooms 2x-4x !!!!!!
ANGLE aAngle = 314.0f+fAFact*292.0f;
DrawRotatedQuad(&_toSniperWheel, fCenterI, fCenterJ, 40.0f*_fYResolutionScaling,
aAngle, colMask|0x44);
FLOAT fTM = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick();
if (_penWeapons->m_tmLastSniperFire+1.25f<fTM) { // blinking
colLED = 0x44FF22BB;
} else {
colLED = 0xFF4422DD;
// reload indicator
DrawAspectCorrectTextureCentered(&_toSniperLed, fCenterI-37.0f*_fYResolutionScaling,
fCenterJ+36.0f*_fYResolutionScaling, 15.0f*_fYResolutionScaling, colLED);
if (_fResolutionScaling>=1.0f)
FLOAT _fIconSize;
FLOAT _fLeftX, _fLeftYU, _fLeftYD;
FLOAT _fRightX, _fRightYU, _fRightYD;
if (_fResolutionScaling<=1.3f) {
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont);
_pDP->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
_fIconSize = 22.8f;
_fLeftX = 159.0f;
_fLeftYU = 8.0f;
_fLeftYD = 6.0f;
_fRightX = 159.0f;
_fRightYU = 11.0f;
_fRightYD = 6.0f;
} else {
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
_pDP->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
_fIconSize = 19.0f;
_fLeftX = 162.0f;
_fLeftYU = 8.0f;
_fLeftYD = 6.0f;
_fRightX = 162.0f;
_fRightYU = 11.0f;
_fRightYD = 6.0f;
// arrow + distance
DrawAspectCorrectTextureCentered(&_toSniperArrow, fCenterI-_fLeftX*_fYResolutionScaling,
fCenterJ-_fLeftYU*_fYResolutionScaling, _fIconSize*_fYResolutionScaling, 0xFFCC3399 );
if (fDistance>9999.9f) { strTmp.PrintF("---.-"); }
else if (TRUE) { strTmp.PrintF("%.1f", fDistance); }
_pDP->PutTextC( strTmp, fCenterI-_fLeftX*_fYResolutionScaling,
fCenterJ+_fLeftYD*_fYResolutionScaling, colMask|0xaa);
// eye + zoom level
DrawAspectCorrectTextureCentered(&_toSniperEye, fCenterI+_fRightX*_fYResolutionScaling,
fCenterJ-_fRightYU*_fYResolutionScaling, _fIconSize*_fYResolutionScaling, 0xFFCC3399 ); //SE_COL_ORANGE_L
strTmp.PrintF("%.1fx", fZoom);
_pDP->PutTextC( strTmp, fCenterI+_fRightX*_fYResolutionScaling,
fCenterJ+_fRightYD*_fYResolutionScaling, colMask|0xaa);
// helper functions
// fill weapon and ammo table with current state
static void FillWeaponAmmoTables(void)
// ammo quantities
_aaiAmmo[0].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iShells;
_aaiAmmo[0].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxShells;
_aaiAmmo[1].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iBullets;
_aaiAmmo[1].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxBullets;
_aaiAmmo[2].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iRockets;
_aaiAmmo[2].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxRockets;
_aaiAmmo[3].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iGrenades;
_aaiAmmo[3].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxGrenades;
_aaiAmmo[4].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iNapalm;
_aaiAmmo[4].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxNapalm;
_aaiAmmo[5].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iElectricity;
_aaiAmmo[5].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxElectricity;
_aaiAmmo[6].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iIronBalls;
_aaiAmmo[6].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxIronBalls;
_aaiAmmo[7].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iSniperBullets;
_aaiAmmo[7].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxSniperBullets;
// prepare ammo table for weapon possesion
INDEX i, iAvailableWeapons = _penWeapons->m_iAvailableWeapons;
for( i=0; i<8; i++) _aaiAmmo[i].ai_bHasWeapon = FALSE;
// weapon possesion
for( i=WEAPON_NONE+1; i<WEAPON_LAST; i++)
if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_NONE)
// regular weapons
_awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon = (iAvailableWeapons&(1<<(_awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon-1)));
if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo!=NULL) _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo->ai_bHasWeapon |= _awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon;
//<<<<<<< DEBUG FUNCTIONS >>>>>>>
CRationalEntity *DBG_prenStackOutputEntity = NULL;
void HUD_SetEntityForStackDisplay(CRationalEntity *pren)
DBG_prenStackOutputEntity = pren;
static void HUD_DrawEntityStack()
CTString strTemp;
PIX pixFontHeight;
ULONG pixTextBottom;
if (tmp_ai[9]==12345)
if (DBG_prenStackOutputEntity!=NULL)
pixFontHeight = _pfdConsoleFont->fd_pixCharHeight;
pixTextBottom = (ULONG) (_pixDPHeight*0.83);
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont);
_pDP->SetTextScaling( 1.0f);
INDEX ctStates = DBG_prenStackOutputEntity->en_stslStateStack.Count();
strTemp.PrintF("-- stack of '%s'(%s)@%gs\n", (const char *) DBG_prenStackOutputEntity->GetName(),
(const char *) DBG_prenStackOutputEntity->en_pecClass->ec_pdecDLLClass->dec_strName,
_pDP->PutText( strTemp, 1, pixTextBottom-pixFontHeight*(ctStates+1), _colHUD|_ulAlphaHUD);
for(INDEX iState=ctStates-1; iState>=0; iState--) {
SLONG slState = DBG_prenStackOutputEntity->en_stslStateStack[iState];
strTemp.PrintF("0x%08x %s\n", slState,
_pDP->PutText( strTemp, 1, pixTextBottom-pixFontHeight*(iState+1), _colHUD|_ulAlphaHUD);
//<<<<<<< DEBUG FUNCTIONS >>>>>>>
// main
// render interface (frontend) to drawport
// (units are in pixels for 640x480 resolution - for other res HUD will be scalled automatically)
extern void DrawHUD( const CPlayer *penPlayerCurrent, CDrawPort *pdpCurrent, BOOL bSnooping, const CPlayer *penPlayerOwner)
// no player - no info, sorry
if( penPlayerCurrent==NULL || (penPlayerCurrent->GetFlags()&ENF_DELETED)) return;
// if snooping and owner player ins NULL, return
if ( bSnooping && penPlayerOwner==NULL) return;
// find last values in case of predictor
CPlayer *penLast = (CPlayer*)penPlayerCurrent;
if( penPlayerCurrent->IsPredictor()) penLast = (CPlayer*)(((CPlayer*)penPlayerCurrent)->GetPredicted());
ASSERT( penLast!=NULL);
if( penLast==NULL) return; // !!!! just in case
// cache local variables
hud_fOpacity = Clamp( hud_fOpacity, 0.1f, 1.0f);
hud_fScaling = Clamp( hud_fScaling, 0.5f, 1.2f);
_penPlayer = penPlayerCurrent;
_penWeapons = (CPlayerWeapons*)&*_penPlayer->m_penWeapons;
_pDP = pdpCurrent;
_pixDPWidth = _pDP->GetWidth();
_pixDPHeight = _pDP->GetHeight();
_fCustomScaling = hud_fScaling;
_fResolutionScaling = (FLOAT)_pixDPWidth /640.0f;
_colHUD = 0x4C80BB00;
_ulAlphaHUD = NormFloatToByte(hud_fOpacity);
_tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
// determine hud colorization;
COLOR colMid = LerpColor(colTop, C_RED, 0.5f);
// adjust borders color in case of spying mode
COLOR colBorder = _colHUD;
if( bSnooping) {
if( ((ULONG)(_tmNow*5))&1) {
//colBorder = (colBorder>>1) & 0x7F7F7F00; // darken flash and scale
_fCustomScaling *= 0.933f;
// draw sniper mask (original mask even if snooping)
if (((CPlayerWeapons*)&*penPlayerOwner->m_penWeapons)->m_iCurrentWeapon==WEAPON_SNIPER
&&((CPlayerWeapons*)&*penPlayerOwner->m_penWeapons)->m_bSniping) {
// prepare font and text dimensions
CTString strValue;
PIX pixCharWidth;
FLOAT fValue, fNormValue, fCol, fRow;
_pDP->SetFont( &_fdNumbersFont);
pixCharWidth = _fdNumbersFont.GetWidth() + _fdNumbersFont.GetCharSpacing() +1;
FLOAT fChrUnit = pixCharWidth * _fCustomScaling;
const PIX pixTopBound = 6;
const PIX pixLeftBound = 6;
const PIX pixBottomBound = (PIX) ((480 * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment) -pixTopBound);
const PIX pixRightBound = 640-pixLeftBound;
FLOAT fOneUnit = (32+0) * _fCustomScaling; // unit size
FLOAT fAdvUnit = (32+4) * _fCustomScaling; // unit advancer
FLOAT fNextUnit = (32+8) * _fCustomScaling; // unit advancer
FLOAT fHalfUnit = fOneUnit * 0.5f;
FLOAT fMoverX, fMoverY;
COLOR colDefault;
// prepare and draw health info
fValue = ClampDn( _penPlayer->GetHealth(), 0.0f); // never show negative health
fNormValue = fValue/TOP_HEALTH;
strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue));
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit;
fCol = pixLeftBound+fHalfUnit;
colDefault = AddShaker( 5, (INDEX) fValue, penLast->m_iLastHealth, penLast->m_tmHealthChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, colDefault, fNormValue);
fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toHealth, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, TRUE);
// prepare and draw armor info (eventually)
fValue = _penPlayer->m_fArmor;
if( fValue > 0.0f) {
fNormValue = fValue/TOP_ARMOR;
strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue));
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_lGRAY, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
fRow = pixBottomBound- (fNextUnit+fHalfUnit);//*_pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment;
fCol = pixLeftBound+ fHalfUnit;
colDefault = AddShaker( 3, (INDEX) fValue, penLast->m_iLastArmor, penLast->m_tmArmorChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, NONE, fNormValue);
fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
if (fValue<=50.5f) {
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toArmorSmall, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, FALSE);
} else if (fValue<=100.5f) {
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toArmorMedium, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, FALSE);
} else {
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toArmorLarge, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, FALSE);
// prepare and draw ammo and weapon info
CTextureObject *ptoCurrentAmmo=NULL, *ptoCurrentWeapon=NULL, *ptoWantedWeapon=NULL;
INDEX iCurrentWeapon = _penWeapons->m_iCurrentWeapon;
INDEX iWantedWeapon = _penWeapons->m_iWantedWeapon;
// determine corresponding ammo and weapon texture component
ptoCurrentWeapon = _awiWeapons[iCurrentWeapon].wi_ptoWeapon;
ptoWantedWeapon = _awiWeapons[iWantedWeapon].wi_ptoWeapon;
AmmoInfo *paiCurrent = _awiWeapons[iCurrentWeapon].wi_paiAmmo;
if( paiCurrent!=NULL) ptoCurrentAmmo = paiCurrent->ai_ptoAmmo;
// draw complete weapon info if knife isn't current weapon
if( ptoCurrentAmmo!=NULL && !GetSP()->sp_bInfiniteAmmo) {
// determine ammo quantities
FLOAT fMaxValue = _penWeapons->GetMaxAmmo();
fValue = _penWeapons->GetAmmo();
fNormValue = fValue / fMaxValue;
strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue));
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.30f, 0.15f, FALSE);
BOOL bDrawAmmoIcon = _fCustomScaling<=1.0f;
// draw ammo, value and weapon
fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit;
fCol = 175 + fHalfUnit;
colDefault = AddShaker( 4, (INDEX) fValue, penLast->m_iLastAmmo, penLast->m_tmAmmoChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder);
if( bDrawAmmoIcon) {
fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *ptoCurrentAmmo, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, TRUE);
fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, NONE, fNormValue);
fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, *ptoCurrentWeapon, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, !bDrawAmmoIcon);
} else if( ptoCurrentWeapon!=NULL) {
// draw only knife or colt icons (ammo is irrelevant)
fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit;
fCol = 205 + fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *ptoCurrentWeapon, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, FALSE);
// display all ammo infos
COLOR colIcon, colBar;
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
// reduce the size of icon slightly
_fCustomScaling = ClampDn( _fCustomScaling*0.8f, 0.5f);
const FLOAT fOneUnitS = fOneUnit *0.8f;
const FLOAT fAdvUnitS = fAdvUnit *0.8f;
//const FLOAT fNextUnitS = fNextUnit *0.8f;
const FLOAT fHalfUnitS = fHalfUnit *0.8f;
// prepare postition and ammo quantities
fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnitS;
fCol = pixRightBound -fHalfUnitS;
const FLOAT fBarPos = fHalfUnitS*0.7f;
FLOAT fBombCount = penPlayerCurrent->m_iSeriousBombCount;
BOOL bBombFiring = FALSE;
// draw serious bomb
#define BOMB_FIRE_TIME 1.5f
if (penPlayerCurrent->m_tmSeriousBombFired+BOMB_FIRE_TIME>_pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick()) {
if (fBombCount>3) { fBombCount = 3; }
bBombFiring = TRUE;
if (fBombCount>0) {
fNormValue = (FLOAT) fBombCount / 3.0f;
COLOR colBombBorder = _colHUD;
COLOR colBombIcon = C_WHITE;
COLOR colBombBar = _colHUDText; if (fBombCount==1) { colBombBar = C_RED; }
if (bBombFiring) {
FLOAT fFactor = (_pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick() - penPlayerCurrent->m_tmSeriousBombFired)/BOMB_FIRE_TIME;
colBombBorder = LerpColor(colBombBorder, C_RED, fFactor);
colBombIcon = LerpColor(colBombIcon, C_RED, fFactor);
colBombBar = LerpColor(colBombBar, C_RED, fFactor);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnitS, fOneUnitS, colBombBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toASeriousBomb, colBombIcon, fNormValue, FALSE);
HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fBarPos, fRow, (INDEX) (fOneUnitS/5), (INDEX) (fOneUnitS-2), BO_DOWN, colBombBar, fNormValue);
// make space for serious bomb
fCol -= fAdvUnitS;
// loop thru all ammo types
if (!GetSP()->sp_bInfiniteAmmo) {
for( INDEX ii=7; ii>=0; ii--) {
i = aiAmmoRemap[ii];
// if no ammo and hasn't got that weapon - just skip this ammo
AmmoInfo &ai = _aaiAmmo[i];
ASSERT( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount>=0);
if( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount==0 && !ai.ai_bHasWeapon) continue;
// display ammo info
colIcon = C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/;
if( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount==0) colIcon = C_mdGRAY;
if( ptoCurrentAmmo == ai.ai_ptoAmmo) colIcon = C_WHITE;
fNormValue = (FLOAT)ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount / ai.ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount;
colBar = AddShaker( 4, ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount, ai.ai_iLastAmmoAmmount, ai.ai_tmAmmoChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnitS, fOneUnitS, colBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow+fMoverY, *_aaiAmmo[i].ai_ptoAmmo, colIcon, fNormValue, FALSE);
HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fBarPos, fRow+fMoverY, (INDEX) (fOneUnitS/5), (INDEX) (fOneUnitS-2), BO_DOWN, colBar, fNormValue);
// advance to next position
fCol -= fAdvUnitS;
// draw powerup(s) if needed
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.66f, 0.33f, FALSE);
TIME *ptmPowerups = (TIME*)&_penPlayer->m_tmInvisibility;
TIME *ptmPowerupsMax = (TIME*)&_penPlayer->m_tmInvisibilityMax;
fRow = pixBottomBound-fOneUnitS-fAdvUnitS;
fCol = pixRightBound -fHalfUnitS;
for( i=0; i<MAX_POWERUPS; i++)
// skip if not active
const TIME tmDelta = ptmPowerups[i] - _tmNow;
if( tmDelta<=0) continue;
fNormValue = tmDelta / ptmPowerupsMax[i];
// draw icon and a little bar
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnitS, fOneUnitS, colBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _atoPowerups[i], C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, TRUE);
HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fBarPos, fRow, (INDEX) (fOneUnitS/5), (INDEX) (fOneUnitS-2), BO_DOWN, NONE, fNormValue);
// play sound if icon is flashing
if(fNormValue<=(_cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium/2)) {
// activate blinking only if value is <= half the low edge
INDEX iLastTime = (INDEX)(_tmLast*4);
INDEX iCurrentTime = (INDEX)(_tmNow*4);
if(iCurrentTime&1 & !(iLastTime&1)) {
((CPlayer *)penPlayerCurrent)->PlayPowerUpSound();
// advance to next position
fCol -= fAdvUnitS;
// if weapon change is in progress
_fCustomScaling = hud_fScaling;
hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen = Clamp( hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen, 0.0f, 10.0f);
if( (_tmNow - _penWeapons->m_tmWeaponChangeRequired) < hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen) {
// determine number of weapons that player has
INDEX ctWeapons = 0;
for( i=WEAPON_NONE+1; i<WEAPON_LAST; i++) {
if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_NONE && _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_DOUBLECOLT &&
_awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon) ctWeapons++;
// display all available weapons
fRow = pixBottomBound - fHalfUnit - 3*fNextUnit;
fCol = 320.0f - (ctWeapons*fAdvUnit-fHalfUnit)/2.0f;
// display all available weapons
for( INDEX ii=WEAPON_NONE+1; ii<WEAPON_LAST; ii++) {
i = aiWeaponsRemap[ii];
// skip if hasn't got this weapon
if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon==WEAPON_NONE || _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon==WEAPON_DOUBLECOLT
|| !_awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon) continue;
// display weapon icon
COLOR colBorder = _colHUD;
colIcon = 0xccddff00;
// weapon that is currently selected has different colors
if( ptoWantedWeapon == _awiWeapons[i].wi_ptoWeapon) {
colIcon = 0xffcc0000;
colBorder = 0xffcc0000;
// no ammo
if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo!=NULL && _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo->ai_iAmmoAmmount==0) {
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, 0x22334400);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *_awiWeapons[i].wi_ptoWeapon, 0x22334400, 1.0f, FALSE);
// yes ammo
} else {
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *_awiWeapons[i].wi_ptoWeapon, colIcon, 1.0f, FALSE);
// advance to next position
fCol += fAdvUnit;
// reduce icon sizes a bit
const FLOAT fUpperSize = ClampDn(_fCustomScaling*0.5f, 0.5f)/_fCustomScaling;
ASSERT( _fCustomScaling>=0.5f);
fChrUnit *= fUpperSize;
fOneUnit *= fUpperSize;
fHalfUnit *= fUpperSize;
fAdvUnit *= fUpperSize;
fNextUnit *= fUpperSize;
// draw oxygen info if needed
BOOL bOxygenOnScreen = FALSE;
fValue = _penPlayer->en_tmMaxHoldBreath - (_pTimer->CurrentTick() - _penPlayer->en_tmLastBreathed);
if( _penPlayer->IsConnected() && (_penPlayer->GetFlags()&ENF_ALIVE) && fValue<30.0f) {
// prepare and draw oxygen info
fRow = pixTopBound + fOneUnit + fNextUnit;
fCol = 280.0f;
fAdv = fAdvUnit + fOneUnit*4/2 - fHalfUnit;
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
fNormValue = fValue/30.0f;
fNormValue = ClampDn(fNormValue, 0.0f);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*4, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fAdv, fRow, (INDEX) (fOneUnit*4*0.975), (INDEX) (fOneUnit*0.9375), BO_LEFT, NONE, fNormValue);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toOxygen, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, TRUE);
bOxygenOnScreen = TRUE;
// draw boss energy if needed
if( _penPlayer->m_penMainMusicHolder!=NULL) {
CMusicHolder &mh = (CMusicHolder&)*_penPlayer->m_penMainMusicHolder;
fNormValue = 0;
if( mh.m_penBoss!=NULL && (mh.m_penBoss->en_ulFlags&ENF_ALIVE)) {
CEnemyBase &eb = (CEnemyBase&)*mh.m_penBoss;
ASSERT( eb.m_fMaxHealth>0);
fValue = eb.GetHealth();
fNormValue = fValue/eb.m_fMaxHealth;
if( mh.m_penCounter!=NULL) {
CEnemyCounter &ec = (CEnemyCounter&)*mh.m_penCounter;
if (ec.m_iCount>0) {
fValue = ec.m_iCount;
fNormValue = fValue/ec.m_iCountFrom;
if( fNormValue>0) {
// prepare and draw boss energy info
//PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colMax, colTop, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE);
fRow = pixTopBound + fOneUnit + fNextUnit;
fCol = 184.0f;
fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fOneUnit*16/2 -fHalfUnit;
if( bOxygenOnScreen) fRow += fNextUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*16, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fAdv, fRow, (INDEX) (fOneUnit*16*0.995), (INDEX) (fOneUnit*0.9375), BO_LEFT, NONE, fNormValue);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toHealth, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, fNormValue, FALSE);
// determine scaling of normal text and play mode
const FLOAT fTextScale = (_fResolutionScaling+1) *0.5f;
const BOOL bSinglePlay = GetSP()->sp_bSinglePlayer;
const BOOL bCooperative = GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && !bSinglePlay;
const BOOL bScoreMatch = !GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && !GetSP()->sp_bUseFrags;
const BOOL bFragMatch = !GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && GetSP()->sp_bUseFrags;
COLOR colMana, colFrags, colDeaths, colHealth, colArmor;
COLOR colScore = _colHUD;
INDEX iScoreSum = 0;
// if not in single player mode, we'll have to calc (and maybe printout) other players' info
if( !bSinglePlay)
// set font and prepare font parameters
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
_pDP->SetTextScaling( fTextScale);
FLOAT fCharHeight = (_pfdDisplayFont->GetHeight()-2)*fTextScale;
// generate and sort by mana list of active players
BOOL bMaxScore=TRUE, bMaxMana=TRUE, bMaxFrags=TRUE, bMaxDeaths=TRUE;
hud_iSortPlayers = Clamp( hud_iSortPlayers, -1, 6);
SortKeys eKey = (SortKeys)hud_iSortPlayers;
if (hud_iSortPlayers==-1) {
if (bCooperative) eKey = PSK_HEALTH;
else if (bScoreMatch) eKey = PSK_SCORE;
else if (bFragMatch) eKey = PSK_FRAGS;
else { ASSERT(FALSE); eKey = PSK_NAME; }
if( bCooperative) eKey = (SortKeys)Clamp( (INDEX)eKey, 0, 3);
if( eKey==PSK_HEALTH && (bScoreMatch || bFragMatch)) { eKey = PSK_NAME; }; // prevent health snooping in deathmatch
INDEX iPlayers = SetAllPlayersStats(eKey);
// loop thru players
for( INDEX i=0; i<iPlayers; i++)
{ // get player name and mana
CPlayer *penPlayer = _apenPlayers[i];
const CTString strName = penPlayer->GetPlayerName();
const INDEX iScore = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore;
const INDEX iMana = penPlayer->m_iMana;
const INDEX iFrags = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills;
const INDEX iDeaths = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths;
const INDEX iHealth = ClampDn( (INDEX)ceil( penPlayer->GetHealth()), 0);
const INDEX iArmor = ClampDn( (INDEX)ceil( penPlayer->m_fArmor), 0);
CTString strScore, strMana, strFrags, strDeaths, strHealth, strArmor;
strScore.PrintF( "%d", iScore);
strMana.PrintF( "%d", iMana);
strFrags.PrintF( "%d", iFrags);
strDeaths.PrintF( "%d", iDeaths);
strHealth.PrintF( "%d", iHealth);
strArmor.PrintF( "%d", iArmor);
// detemine corresponding colors
colHealth = C_mlRED;
colMana = colScore = colFrags = colDeaths = colArmor = C_lGRAY;
if( iMana > _penPlayer->m_iMana) { bMaxMana = FALSE; colMana = C_WHITE; }
if( iScore > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore) { bMaxScore = FALSE; colScore = C_WHITE; }
if( iFrags > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills) { bMaxFrags = FALSE; colFrags = C_WHITE; }
if( iDeaths > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths) { bMaxDeaths = FALSE; colDeaths = C_WHITE; }
if( penPlayer==_penPlayer) colScore = colMana = colFrags = colDeaths = _colHUD; // current player
if( iHealth>25) colHealth = _colHUD;
if( iArmor >25) colArmor = _colHUD;
// eventually print it out
if( hud_iShowPlayers==1 || hud_iShowPlayers==-1 && !bSinglePlay) {
// printout location and info aren't the same for deathmatch and coop play
const FLOAT fCharWidth = (PIX)((_pfdDisplayFont->GetWidth()-2) *fTextScale);
if( bCooperative) {
_pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colScore |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth-4*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strHealth, _pixDPWidth-6*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colHealth|_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strArmor, _pixDPWidth-2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colArmor |_ulAlphaHUD);
} else if( bScoreMatch) {
_pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-12*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth- 5*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strScore, _pixDPWidth- 8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colScore|_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strMana, _pixDPWidth- 2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colMana |_ulAlphaHUD);
} else { // fragmatch!
_pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth-4*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strFrags, _pixDPWidth-6*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colFrags |_ulAlphaHUD);
_pDP->PutTextC( strDeaths, _pixDPWidth-2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colDeaths|_ulAlphaHUD);
// calculate summ of scores (for coop mode)
iScoreSum += iScore;
// draw remaining time if time based death- or scorematch
if ((bScoreMatch || bFragMatch) && hud_bShowMatchInfo){
CTString strLimitsInfo="";
if (GetSP()->sp_iTimeLimit>0) {
FLOAT fTimeLeft = ClampDn(GetSP()->sp_iTimeLimit*60.0f - _pNetwork->GetGameTime(), 0.0f);
strLimitsInfo.PrintF("%s^cFFFFFF%s: %s\n", (const char *) strLimitsInfo, TRANS("TIME LEFT"), (const char *) TimeToString(fTimeLeft));
extern INDEX SetAllPlayersStats( INDEX iSortKey);
// fill players table
const INDEX ctPlayers = SetAllPlayersStats(bFragMatch?5:3); // sort by frags or by score
// find maximum frags/score that one player has
INDEX iMaxFrags = LowerLimit(INDEX(0));
INDEX iMaxScore = LowerLimit(INDEX(0));
{for(INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<ctPlayers; iPlayer++) {
CPlayer *penPlayer = _apenPlayers[iPlayer];
iMaxFrags = Max(iMaxFrags, penPlayer->m_psLevelStats.ps_iKills);
iMaxScore = Max(iMaxScore, penPlayer->m_psLevelStats.ps_iScore);
if (GetSP()->sp_iFragLimit>0) {
INDEX iFragsLeft = ClampDn(GetSP()->sp_iFragLimit-iMaxFrags, INDEX(0));
strLimitsInfo.PrintF("%s^cFFFFFF%s: %d\n", (const char *) strLimitsInfo, TRANS("FRAGS LEFT"), iFragsLeft);
if (GetSP()->sp_iScoreLimit>0) {
INDEX iScoreLeft = ClampDn(GetSP()->sp_iScoreLimit-iMaxScore, INDEX(0));
strLimitsInfo.PrintF("%s^cFFFFFF%s: %d\n", (const char *) strLimitsInfo, TRANS("SCORE LEFT"), iScoreLeft);
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
_pDP->SetTextScaling( fTextScale*0.8f );
_pDP->SetTextCharSpacing( -2.0f*fTextScale);
_pDP->PutText( strLimitsInfo, 5.0f*_pixDPWidth/640.0f, 48.0f*_pixDPWidth/640.0f, C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE);
// prepare color for local player printouts
bMaxScore ? colScore = C_WHITE : colScore = C_lGRAY;
bMaxMana ? colMana = C_WHITE : colMana = C_lGRAY;
bMaxFrags ? colFrags = C_WHITE : colFrags = C_lGRAY;
bMaxDeaths ? colDeaths = C_WHITE : colDeaths = C_lGRAY;
// printout player latency if needed
if( hud_bShowLatency) {
CTString strLatency;
strLatency.PrintF( "%4.0fms", _penPlayer->m_tmLatency*1000.0f);
PIX pixFontHeight = (PIX)(_pfdDisplayFont->GetHeight() *fTextScale +fTextScale+1);
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
_pDP->SetTextScaling( fTextScale);
_pDP->SetTextCharSpacing( -2.0f*fTextScale);
_pDP->PutTextR( strLatency, _pixDPWidth, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight, C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE);
// restore font defaults
_pDP->SetFont( &_fdNumbersFont);
// prepare output strings and formats depending on game type
FLOAT fWidthAdj = 8;
INDEX iScore = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore;
INDEX iMana = _penPlayer->m_iMana;
if( bFragMatch) {
if (!hud_bShowMatchInfo) { fWidthAdj = 4; }
iScore = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills;
iMana = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths;
} else if( bCooperative) {
// in case of coop play, show squad (common) score
iScore = iScoreSum;
// prepare and draw score or frags info
strValue.PrintF( "%d", iScore);
fRow = pixTopBound +fHalfUnit;
fCol = pixLeftBound +fHalfUnit;
fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*fWidthAdj/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*fWidthAdj, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, colScore, 1.0f);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toFrags, C_WHITE /*colScore*/, 1.0f, FALSE);
// eventually draw mana info
if( bScoreMatch || bFragMatch) {
strValue.PrintF( "%d", iMana);
fRow = pixTopBound + fNextUnit+fHalfUnit;
fCol = pixLeftBound + fHalfUnit;
fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*fWidthAdj/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*fWidthAdj, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, colMana, 1.0f);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toDeaths, C_WHITE /*colMana*/, 1.0f, FALSE);
// if single player or cooperative mode
if( bSinglePlay || bCooperative)
// prepare and draw hiscore info
strValue.PrintF( "%d", Max(_penPlayer->m_iHighScore, _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore));
BOOL bBeating = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore>_penPlayer->m_iHighScore;
fRow = pixTopBound+fHalfUnit;
fCol = 320.0f-fOneUnit-fChrUnit*8/2;
fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*8/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*8, fOneUnit, colBorder);
HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, NONE, bBeating ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toHiScore, C_WHITE /*_colHUD*/, 1.0f, FALSE);
// prepare and draw unread messages
if( hud_bShowMessages && _penPlayer->m_ctUnreadMessages>0) {
strValue.PrintF( "%d", _penPlayer->m_ctUnreadMessages);
fRow = pixTopBound+fHalfUnit;
fCol = pixRightBound-fHalfUnit-fAdvUnit-fChrUnit*4;
const FLOAT tmIn = 0.5f;
const FLOAT tmOut = 0.5f;
const FLOAT tmStay = 2.0f;
FLOAT tmDelta = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick()-_penPlayer->m_tmAnimateInbox;
COLOR col = _colHUD;
if (tmDelta>0 && tmDelta<(tmIn+tmStay+tmOut) && bSinglePlay) {
FLOAT fRatio = 0.0f;
if (tmDelta<tmIn) {
fRatio = tmDelta/tmIn;
} else if (tmDelta>tmIn+tmStay) {
fRatio = (tmIn+tmStay+tmOut-tmDelta)/tmOut;
} else {
fRatio = 1.0f;
col = LerpColor(_colHUD, C_WHITE|0xFF, fRatio);
fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*4/2 -fHalfUnit;
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, col);
HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*4, fOneUnit, col);
HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, col, 1.0f);
HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toMessage, C_WHITE /*col*/, 0.0f, TRUE);
// if entity debug is on, draw entity stack
// draw cheat modes
if( GetSP()->sp_ctMaxPlayers==1) {
INDEX iLine=1;
ULONG ulAlpha = (ULONG) (sin(_tmNow*16)*96 +128);
PIX pixFontHeight = _pfdConsoleFont->fd_pixCharHeight;
const COLOR colCheat = _colHUDText;
_pDP->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont);
_pDP->SetTextScaling( 1.0f);
const FLOAT fchtTM = cht_fTranslationMultiplier; // for text formatting sake :)
if( fchtTM > 1.0f) { _pDP->PutTextR( "turbo", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; }
if( cht_bInvisible) { _pDP->PutTextR( "invisible", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; }
if( cht_bGhost) { _pDP->PutTextR( "ghost", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; }
if( cht_bFly) { _pDP->PutTextR( "fly", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; }
if( cht_bGod) { _pDP->PutTextR( "god", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; }
// in the end, remember the current time so it can be used in the next frame
_tmLast = _tmNow;
// initialize all that's needed for drawing the HUD
extern void InitHUD(void)
// try to
try {
// initialize and load HUD numbers font
DECLARE_CTFILENAME( fnFont, "Fonts\\Numbers3.fnt");
_fdNumbersFont.Load_t( fnFont);
// initialize status bar textures
_toHealth.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\HSuper.tex"));
_toOxygen.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\Oxygen-2.tex"));
_toFrags.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\IBead.tex"));
_toDeaths.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\ISkull.tex"));
_toScore.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\IScore.tex"));
_toHiScore.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\IHiScore.tex"));
_toMessage.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\IMessage.tex"));
_toMana.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\IValue.tex"));
_toArmorSmall.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\ArSmall.tex"));
_toArmorMedium.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\ArMedium.tex"));
_toArmorLarge.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\ArStrong.tex"));
// initialize ammo textures
_toAShells.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmShells.tex"));
_toABullets.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmBullets.tex"));
_toARockets.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmRockets.tex"));
_toAGrenades.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmGrenades.tex"));
_toANapalm.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmFuelReservoir.tex"));
_toAElectricity.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmElectricity.tex"));
_toAIronBall.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmCannonBall.tex"));
_toASniperBullets.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmSniperBullets.tex"));
_toASeriousBomb.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\AmSeriousBomb.tex"));
// initialize weapon textures
_toWKnife.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WKnife.tex"));
_toWColt.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WColt.tex"));
_toWSingleShotgun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WSingleShotgun.tex"));
_toWDoubleShotgun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WDoubleShotgun.tex"));
_toWTommygun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WTommygun.tex"));
_toWMinigun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WMinigun.tex"));
_toWRocketLauncher.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WRocketLauncher.tex"));
_toWGrenadeLauncher.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WGrenadeLauncher.tex"));
_toWLaser.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WLaser.tex"));
_toWIronCannon.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WCannon.tex"));
_toWChainsaw.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WChainsaw.tex"));
_toWSniper.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WSniper.tex"));
_toWFlamer.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\WFlamer.tex"));
// initialize powerup textures (DO NOT CHANGE ORDER!)
_atoPowerups[0].SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\PInvisibility.tex"));
_atoPowerups[1].SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\PInvulnerability.tex"));
_atoPowerups[2].SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\PSeriousDamage.tex"));
_atoPowerups[3].SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\PSeriousSpeed.tex"));
// initialize sniper mask texture
_toSniperMask.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\SniperMask.tex"));
_toSniperWheel.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\SniperWheel.tex"));
_toSniperArrow.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\SniperArrow.tex"));
_toSniperEye.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\SniperEye.tex"));
_toSniperLed.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("TexturesMP\\Interface\\SniperLed.tex"));
// initialize tile texture
_toTile.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\Tile.tex"));
// set all textures as constant
((CTextureData*)_toHealth .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toOxygen .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toFrags .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toDeaths .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toScore .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toMana .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toAShells .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toABullets .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toARockets .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toAGrenades .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toANapalm .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toAElectricity .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toAIronBall .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toASeriousBomb .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWKnife .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWColt .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWSingleShotgun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWDoubleShotgun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWTommygun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWRocketLauncher .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWChainsaw .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWLaser .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWIronCannon .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWSniper .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWMinigun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toWFlamer .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toTile .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
catch( char *strError) {
FatalError( strError);
// clean up
extern void EndHUD(void)