Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

1154 lines
33 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include <Engine/StdH.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Anim.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Memory.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimData.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ListIterator.inl>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.cpp>
* One animation of an animateable object
class COneAnim
// copy constructor
COneAnim &operator=(const COneAnim &oaAnim);
NAME oa_Name;
TIME oa_SecsPerFrame; // speed of this animation
INDEX oa_NumberOfFrames;
INDEX *oa_FrameIndices; // array of frame indices
* Node used for linking ptrs to COneAnim objects while loading
* script file before turning them into an array
* Class is used only for loading script files
class COneAnimNode
COneAnimNode(COneAnim *AnimToInsert, CListHead *LH);
CListNode coan_Node;
COneAnim *coan_OneAnim;
ASSERT( coan_OneAnim != NULL);
delete coan_OneAnim;
* This temporary list head class is used for automatic deleting of temporary list on exit
class CTmpListHead : public CListHead
FORDELETELIST(COneAnimNode, coan_Node, *this, it)
delete &it.Current();
// Remember ptr to animation and add this node at the end of given animation list
COneAnimNode::COneAnimNode(COneAnim *AnimToInsert, CListHead *LH)
coan_OneAnim = AnimToInsert;
LH->AddTail( coan_Node);
// Constructor sets invalid data
oa_FrameIndices = NULL;
// Free allocated frame indices array for this animation
ASSERT(oa_FrameIndices != NULL);
FreeMemory( oa_FrameIndices);
oa_FrameIndices = NULL;
* Copy constructor.
COneAnim &COneAnim::operator=(const COneAnim &oaAnim)
ASSERT( oaAnim.oa_NumberOfFrames > 0);
strcpy(oa_Name, oaAnim.oa_Name);
oa_SecsPerFrame = oaAnim.oa_SecsPerFrame;
oa_NumberOfFrames = oaAnim.oa_NumberOfFrames;
if( oa_FrameIndices != NULL)
oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( sizeof(INDEX) * oa_NumberOfFrames);
for( INDEX iFrame = 0; iFrame<oa_NumberOfFrames; iFrame++)
oa_FrameIndices[ iFrame] = oaAnim.oa_FrameIndices[ iFrame];
return *this;
// Remember given file name and add this node into string list
CFileNameNode::CFileNameNode(const char *NewFileName, CListHead *LH)
ASSERT(NewFileName != NULL);
strcpy( cfnn_FileName, NewFileName);
LH->AddTail( cfnn_Node);
ad_Anims = NULL;
ad_NumberOfAnims = 0;
void CAnimData::Clear()
if(ad_Anims != NULL)
delete[] ad_Anims;
ad_Anims = NULL;
ad_NumberOfAnims = 0;
// clear serial object
// get amount of memory used by this object
SLONG CAnimData::GetUsedMemory(void)
SLONG slUsed = sizeof(*this)+sizeof(COneAnim)*ad_NumberOfAnims;
slUsed += strlen(GetName())+1;
for(INDEX iAnim=0; iAnim<ad_NumberOfAnims; iAnim++) {
slUsed += ad_Anims[iAnim].oa_NumberOfFrames*sizeof(INDEX);
return slUsed;
// check if this kind of objects is auto-freed
BOOL CAnimData::IsAutoFreed(void)
return FALSE;
// Reference counting functions
void CAnimData::AddReference(void)
if (this!=NULL) {
void CAnimData::RemReference(void)
if (this!=NULL) {
void CAnimData::RemReference_internal(void)
// creates given number of default animations (1 frame, given name and speed)
void CAnimData::CreateAnimations( INDEX ctAnimations, CTString strName/*="None"*/,
INDEX iDefaultFrame/*=0*/, TIME tmSpeed/*=0.02f*/)
// clear existing animations
// set new number of anims
ad_NumberOfAnims = ctAnimations;
// create requested number of animations
ad_Anims = new COneAnim[ctAnimations];
// set default data for aeach new animation
for( INDEX iAnimations=0; iAnimations<ctAnimations; iAnimations++)
// set default (or given) name
strcpy(ad_Anims[ iAnimations].oa_Name, strName);
// set default (or given) speed
ad_Anims[ iAnimations].oa_SecsPerFrame = tmSpeed;
// create one frame for this animation
ad_Anims[ iAnimations].oa_NumberOfFrames = 1;
ad_Anims[ iAnimations].oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( sizeof(INDEX));
ad_Anims[ iAnimations].oa_FrameIndices[0] = iDefaultFrame;
// replaces frames array with given one
void CAnimData::SetFrames( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX ctFrames, INDEX *pNewFrames)
// clear existing animation
if(ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices != NULL)
FreeMemory( ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices);
// create array for new frames
ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( sizeof(INDEX)*ctFrames);
// copy given array of frames
for( INDEX iFrames=0; iFrames<ctFrames; iFrames++)
ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices[ iFrames]=pNewFrames[iFrames];
// set new number of frames
ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_NumberOfFrames = ctFrames;
// Fill animation data to contain one animation named "OnlyAnim" with one frame
void CAnimData::DefaultAnimation()
ASSERT( ad_Anims == NULL);
ad_NumberOfAnims = 1;
ad_Anims = new COneAnim[1];
strcpy( ad_Anims->oa_Name,"OnlyAnim");
ad_Anims->oa_SecsPerFrame = (TIME) 0.02;
ad_Anims->oa_NumberOfFrames = 1;
ad_Anims->oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( sizeof(INDEX));
ad_Anims->oa_FrameIndices[0] = 0;
// Returns index of given frame name in global frame names list. If it is not found
// new CFileNameObject is added into frames list
INDEX FindFrameIndex( CListHead *pFrameFileList, const char *pFileName)
UWORD i=0;
FOREACHINLIST(CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, *pFrameFileList, it) {
if( strcmpi(it->cfnn_FileName, pFileName) == 0)
return( i);
new CFileNameNode( pFileName, pFrameFileList);
return( i);
CTString GetFrameFileName( CListHead *pFrameFileList, INDEX iMemberInList)
ASSERT( iMemberInList<pFrameFileList->Count());
UWORD iMember=0;
FOREACHINLIST(CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, *pFrameFileList, it)
if( iMember == iMemberInList) return CTString( it->cfnn_FileName);
ASSERTALWAYS( "Frame with given index is not found in list of frames");
return "";
// If found given word at the beginning of curently loaded line
#define EQUAL_SUB_STR( str) (strnicmp( ld_line, str, strlen(str)) == 0)
// Loads part of given script file until word AnimEnd is reached
// Fills ACanimData (its instance) with apropriate data (animations and their frame indices)
// and fills given list head with string nodes containing file names representing frames
// needed to be loaded by a parent object
void CAnimData::LoadFromScript_t( CTStream *File, CListHead *pFrameFileList) // throw char *
char error_str[ 256];
char key_word[ 256];
char base_path[ PATH_MAX] = "";
char file_name[ PATH_MAX];
char anim_name[ 256];
char full_path[ PATH_MAX];
char ld_line[ 128];
CTmpListHead TempAnimationList;
BOOL ret_val;
//ASSERT( ad_Anims == NULL);
// clears possible animations
ret_val = TRUE;
// Repeat reading of one line of script file until it is not empty or comment
File->GetLine_t(ld_line, 128);
while( (strlen( ld_line)== 0) || (ld_line[0]==';'));
// If key-word is "/*", search end of comment block
if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "/*"))
File->GetLine_t(ld_line, 128);
while( !EQUAL_SUB_STR( "*/"));
// If key-word is "DIRECTORY", remember it and add "\" character at the end of new path
// if it is not yet there
// !!! FIXME : rcg10092001 You can't uppercase filenames!
//_strupr( ld_line);
sscanf( ld_line, "DIRECTORY %s", base_path);
// !!! FIXME : rcg10092001 Use CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator().
if( base_path[ strlen( base_path) - 1] != '\\')
strcat( base_path,"\\");
// Key-word animation must follow its name (in same line),
// its speed and its number of frames (new lines)
if( strlen( ld_line) <= (strlen( "ANIMATION") + 1))
throw("You have to give descriptive name to every animation.");
// Create new animation
COneAnim *poaOneAnim = new COneAnim;
_strupr( ld_line);
sscanf( ld_line, "ANIMATION %s", poaOneAnim->oa_Name);
File->GetLine_t(ld_line, 128);
throw("Expecting key word \"SPEED\" after key word \"ANIMATION\".");
_strupr( ld_line);
sscanf( ld_line, "SPEED %f", &poaOneAnim->oa_SecsPerFrame);
CDynamicArray<CTString> astrFrames;
SLONG slLastPos;
slLastPos = File->GetPos_t();
File->GetLine_t(ld_line, 128);
_strupr( ld_line);
// jump over old key word "FRAMES" and comments
if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "FRAMES") || (ld_line[0]==';') ) continue;
// key words that start or end animations or empty line breaks frame reading
(strlen( ld_line)== 0) ||
(EQUAL_SUB_STR( "ANIM_END")) ) break;
sscanf( ld_line, "%s", key_word);
if( key_word == CTString( "ANIM"))
// read file name from line and add it at the end of last path string loaded
sscanf( ld_line, "%s %s", error_str, anim_name);
// search trough all allready readed animations for macro one
FOREACHINLIST(COneAnimNode, coan_Node, TempAnimationList, itOAN)
if( itOAN->coan_OneAnim->oa_Name == CTString( anim_name))
CTString *pstrMacroFrames = astrFrames.New( itOAN->coan_OneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames);
for( INDEX iMacroFrame = 0; iMacroFrame<itOAN->coan_OneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames; iMacroFrame++)
*pstrMacroFrames = GetFrameFileName( pFrameFileList, itOAN->coan_OneAnim->oa_FrameIndices[iMacroFrame]);
// read file name from line and add it at the end of last path string loaded
sscanf( ld_line, "%s", file_name);
sprintf( full_path, "%s%s", base_path, file_name);
CTString *pstrNewFile = astrFrames.New(1);
*pstrNewFile = CTString( full_path);
if( astrFrames.Count() == 0)
ThrowF_t( "Can't find any frames for animation %s.\nThere must be at least 1 frame "
"per animation.\nList of frames must start at line after line containing key"
"word SPEED.", poaOneAnim->oa_Name);
// set position before last line readed
File->SetPos_t( slLastPos);
// Allocate array of indices
poaOneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames = astrFrames.Count();
poaOneAnim->oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( poaOneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames * sizeof( INDEX));
INDEX iFrame = 0;
FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( astrFrames, CTString, itStrFrame)
// find existing index (of insert new one) for this file name into FileNameList
poaOneAnim->oa_FrameIndices[ iFrame] = FindFrameIndex( pFrameFileList, *itStrFrame);
// clear used array
// Add this new animation instance to temporary animation list
new COneAnimNode( poaOneAnim, &TempAnimationList);
ad_NumberOfAnims ++;
else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "ANIM_END"))
sprintf(error_str, "Incorrect word readed from script file.\n");
strcat(error_str, "Probable cause: missing \"ANIM_END\" key-word at end of animation list.");
lc = TempAnimationList.Count();
// create array of OneAnim object containing members as many as temporary list
ad_Anims = new COneAnim[ lc];
// copy list to array
FOREACHINLIST(COneAnimNode, coan_Node, TempAnimationList, it2)
strcpy( ad_Anims[ lc].oa_Name, it2->coan_OneAnim->oa_Name);
ad_Anims[ lc].oa_SecsPerFrame = it2->coan_OneAnim->oa_SecsPerFrame;
ad_Anims[ lc].oa_NumberOfFrames = it2->coan_OneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames;
ad_Anims[ lc].oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( ad_Anims[ lc].oa_NumberOfFrames *
for( i=0; i<it2->coan_OneAnim->oa_NumberOfFrames; i++)
ad_Anims[ lc].oa_FrameIndices[ i] = it2->coan_OneAnim->oa_FrameIndices[ i];
FORDELETELIST( COneAnimNode, coan_Node, TempAnimationList, litDel)
delete &litDel.Current();
void CAnimData::Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile) // throw char *
// First we save main ID
ostrFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID( "ADAT"));
// Then we save number of how many animations do we have and then save them all
ostrFile->Write_t( &ad_NumberOfAnims, sizeof( INDEX));
for( i=0; i<ad_NumberOfAnims; i++)
// Next block saves all data for one animation
ostrFile->Write_t( &ad_Anims[i].oa_Name, sizeof( NAME));
ostrFile->Write_t( &ad_Anims[i].oa_SecsPerFrame, sizeof( TIME));
ostrFile->Write_t( &ad_Anims[i].oa_NumberOfFrames, sizeof( INDEX));
ostrFile->Write_t( ad_Anims[i].oa_FrameIndices,
ad_Anims[i].oa_NumberOfFrames * sizeof( INDEX));
// print #define <animation name> lines for all animations into given file
void CAnimData::ExportAnimationNames_t( CTStream *ostrFile, CTString strAnimationPrefix) // throw char *
char chrLine[ 256];
// for each animation
for( INDEX iAnimation=0; iAnimation<ad_NumberOfAnims; iAnimation++)
// prepare one #define line (add prefix)
sprintf( chrLine, "#define %s%s %d", (const char *) strAnimationPrefix, ad_Anims[ iAnimation].oa_Name,
// put it into file
ostrFile->PutLine_t( chrLine);
// Get info about some animation
void CAnimData::GetAnimInfo(INDEX iAnimNo, CAnimInfo &aiInfo) const
if(iAnimNo>=ad_NumberOfAnims) {
iAnimNo = 0;
strcpy( aiInfo.ai_AnimName, ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_Name);
aiInfo.ai_SecsPerFrame = ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_SecsPerFrame;
aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames = ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_NumberOfFrames;
// Add animation
void CAnimData::AddAnimation(void)
COneAnim *pNewAnims = new COneAnim[ ad_NumberOfAnims+1];
for( INDEX iOldAnim=0; iOldAnim<ad_NumberOfAnims; iOldAnim++)
pNewAnims[ iOldAnim] = ad_Anims[ iOldAnim];
// set default values for added animation
strcpy(pNewAnims[ ad_NumberOfAnims].oa_Name, "New animation");
pNewAnims[ ad_NumberOfAnims].oa_SecsPerFrame = 0.02f;
// create one frame for this animation
pNewAnims[ ad_NumberOfAnims].oa_NumberOfFrames = 1;
pNewAnims[ ad_NumberOfAnims].oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *) AllocMemory( sizeof( INDEX));
pNewAnims[ ad_NumberOfAnims].oa_FrameIndices[0] = 0;
// release old array
delete[] ad_Anims;
// copy animations ptr
ad_Anims = pNewAnims;
// replaces requested animation's name with given one
void CAnimData::SetName( INDEX iAnimation, CTString strNewName)
strcpy( ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_Name, strNewName);
// replaces requested animation's speed with given one
void CAnimData::SetSpeed( INDEX iAnimation, TIME tmSpeed)
ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_SecsPerFrame = tmSpeed;
// obtains frame index for given place in array representing given animation
INDEX CAnimData::GetFrame( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX iFramePlace)
ASSERT( iFramePlace<ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_NumberOfFrames);
return ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices[iFramePlace];
// sets frame index for given place in array representing given animation
void CAnimData::SetFrame( INDEX iAnimation, INDEX iFramePlace, INDEX iNewFrame)
ASSERT( iFramePlace<ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_NumberOfFrames);
ad_Anims[iAnimation].oa_FrameIndices[iFramePlace] = iNewFrame;
/* Get number of animations. */
INDEX CAnimData::GetAnimsCt(void) const
return ad_NumberOfAnims;
// Delete animation
void CAnimData::DeleteAnimation(INDEX iAnim)
if( ad_NumberOfAnims <= 1) return;
COneAnim *pNewAnims = new COneAnim[ ad_NumberOfAnims-1];
INDEX iNewAnim = 0;
for( INDEX iOldAnim=0; iOldAnim<ad_NumberOfAnims; iOldAnim++)
// copy all animations except one to delete
if( iOldAnim != iAnim)
pNewAnims[ iNewAnim] = ad_Anims[ iOldAnim];
// release old array of animation
delete[] ad_Anims;
// copy animations ptr
ad_Anims = pNewAnims;
// While loading object containing DataObject and expect DataObject definition to be
// loaded, call its Load function. Then it will call this Read function to load data
// from an open file
void CAnimData::Read_t( CTStream *istrFile) // throw char *
ASSERT( ad_Anims == NULL);
// First we recognize main ID
istrFile->ExpectID_t( CChunkID( "ADAT"));
// Then we load and create number of animations
ad_Anims = new COneAnim[ ad_NumberOfAnims];
for( i=0; i<ad_NumberOfAnims; i++)
// Next block reads and allocates all data for one animation
istrFile->Read_t(ad_Anims[i].oa_Name, sizeof (ad_Anims[i].oa_Name)); // char[32]
ad_Anims[i].oa_FrameIndices = (INDEX *)
AllocMemory( ad_Anims[i].oa_NumberOfFrames * sizeof( INDEX));
for (SLONG j = 0; j < ad_Anims[i].oa_NumberOfFrames; j++)
* Default constructor.
// set invalid data for validation check
ao_AnimData = NULL;
ao_tmAnimStart = 0.0f;
ao_iCurrentAnim = -1;
ao_iLastAnim = -1;
ao_ulFlags = AOF_PAUSED;
/* Destructor. */
// copy from another object of same class
ENGINE_API void CAnimObject::Copy(CAnimObject &aoOther)
ao_tmAnimStart = aoOther.ao_tmAnimStart;
ao_iCurrentAnim = aoOther.ao_iCurrentAnim;
ao_iLastAnim = aoOther.ao_iLastAnim;
ao_ulFlags = aoOther.ao_ulFlags;
// synchronize with another animation object (set same anim and frames)
ENGINE_API void CAnimObject::Synchronize(CAnimObject &aoOther)
// copy animations, time and flags
INDEX ctAnims = GetAnimsCt();
ao_tmAnimStart = aoOther.ao_tmAnimStart;
ao_iCurrentAnim = ClampUp(aoOther.ao_iCurrentAnim, ctAnims-1);
ao_iLastAnim = ClampUp(aoOther.ao_iLastAnim, ctAnims-1);
ao_ulFlags = aoOther.ao_ulFlags;
* Get animation's length.
FLOAT CAnimObject::GetAnimLength(INDEX iAnim) const
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return 1.0f;
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
if(iAnim>=ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims) {
iAnim = 0;
ASSERT( (iAnim >= 0) && (iAnim < ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims) );
COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[iAnim];
return pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames*pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame;
FLOAT CAnimObject::GetCurrentAnimLength(void) const
return GetAnimLength(ao_iCurrentAnim);
* Calculate frame that coresponds to given time.
INDEX CAnimObject::FrameInTime(TIME time) const
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ASSERT( (ao_iCurrentAnim >= 0) && (ao_iCurrentAnim < ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims) );
INDEX iFrameInAnim;
COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
if( ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED) {
// return index of paused frame inside global frame array
iFrameInAnim = ClipFrame(pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames + ClipFrame( FloatToInt(ao_tmAnimStart/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame)));
} else {
// return index of frame inside global frame array of frames in given moment
iFrameInAnim = ClipFrame( FloatToInt((time - ao_tmAnimStart)/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
return pCOA->oa_FrameIndices[iFrameInAnim];
* Pauses animation
void CAnimObject::PauseAnim(void)
if( ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED) return; // dont pause twice
ao_ulFlags |= AOF_PAUSED;
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick() - ao_tmAnimStart; // set difference from current time as start time,
MarkChanged(); // so get frame will get correct current frame
* Continues paused animation
void CAnimObject::ContinueAnim(void)
if( !(ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED)) return;
// calculate freezed frame index inside current animation (not in global list of frames!)
COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
if (pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames<=0) {
INDEX iStoppedFrame = (pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames + (SLONG)(ao_tmAnimStart/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame)
% pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames) % pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames;
// using current frame index calculate time so animation continues from same frame
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick() - pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame * iStoppedFrame;
ao_ulFlags &= ~AOF_PAUSED;
* Offsets the animation phase
void CAnimObject::OffsetPhase(TIME tm)
ao_tmAnimStart += tm;
* Loop anims forward
void CAnimObject::NextAnim()
ASSERT( ao_iCurrentAnim != -1);
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ao_iCurrentAnim = (ao_iCurrentAnim + 1) % ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims;
ao_iLastAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
* Loop anims backward
void CAnimObject::PrevAnim()
ASSERT( ao_iCurrentAnim != -1);
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ao_iCurrentAnim = (ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims + ao_iCurrentAnim - 1) %
ao_iLastAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
* Selects frame for given time offset from animation start (0)
void CAnimObject::SelectFrameInTime(TIME tmOffset)
ao_tmAnimStart = tmOffset; // set fixed start time
void CAnimObject::FirstFrame(void)
void CAnimObject::LastFrame(void)
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
* Loop frames forward
void CAnimObject::NextFrame()
ASSERT( ao_iCurrentAnim != -1);
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ao_tmAnimStart += ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ ao_iCurrentAnim].oa_SecsPerFrame;
* Loop frames backward
void CAnimObject::PrevFrame()
ASSERT( ao_iCurrentAnim != -1);
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ao_tmAnimStart -= ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ ao_iCurrentAnim].oa_SecsPerFrame;
* Retrieves paused flag
BOOL CAnimObject::IsPaused()
return ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED;
* Test if some updateable object is up to date with this anim object.
BOOL CAnimObject::IsUpToDate(const CUpdateable &ud) const
// if the object itself has changed, or its data has changed
if (!CChangeable::IsUpToDate(ud) || !ao_AnimData->IsUpToDate(ud)) {
// something has changed
return FALSE;
// otherwise, nothing has changed
return TRUE;
* Attach data to this object.
void CAnimObject::SetData(CAnimData *pAD)
// mark new data as referenced once more
// mark old data as referenced once less
// remember new data
ao_AnimData = pAD;
if( pAD != NULL) StartAnim( 0);
// mark that something has changed
// obtain anim and set it for this object
void CAnimObject::SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmAnim) // throw char *
// if the filename is empty
if (fnmAnim=="") {
// release current anim
// if the filename is not empty
} else {
// obtain it (adds one reference)
CAnimData *pad = _pAnimStock->Obtain_t(fnmAnim);
// set it as data (adds one more reference, and remove old reference)
// release it (removes one reference)
// total reference count +1+1-1 = +1 for new data -1 for old data
* Sets new animation (but doesn't starts it).
void CAnimObject::SetAnim(INDEX iNew)
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return;
// clamp animation
if( iNew >= GetAnimsCt() )
iNew = 0;
// if new animation
if (ao_iCurrentAnim!=iNew) {
// remember starting time
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
// set new animation number
// mark that something has changed
* Start new animation.
void CAnimObject::StartAnim(INDEX iNew)
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return;
// set new animation
SetAnim( iNew);
// set pause off, looping on
ao_ulFlags = AOF_LOOPING;
/* Start playing an animation. */
void CAnimObject::PlayAnim(INDEX iNew, ULONG ulFlags)
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return;
// clamp animation
if( iNew >= GetAnimsCt() ) {
iNew = 0;
// if anim needs to be reset at start
if (!(ulFlags&AOF_NORESTART) || ao_iCurrentAnim!=iNew) {
// if smooth transition
// calculate time to end of the current anim
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
TIME tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
TIME tmLength = GetCurrentAnimLength();
FLOAT fFrame = ((tmNow - ao_tmAnimStart)/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame);
INDEX iFrame = INDEX(fFrame);
FLOAT fFract = fFrame-iFrame;
iFrame = ClipFrame(iFrame);
TIME tmPassed = (iFrame+fFract)*pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame;
TIME tmLeft = tmLength-tmPassed;
// set time ahead to end of the current animation
ao_tmAnimStart = tmNow+tmLeft;
// remember last animation
ao_iLastAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
// set new animation number
ao_iCurrentAnim = iNew;
// if normal transition
} else {
ao_iLastAnim = iNew;
ao_iCurrentAnim = iNew;
// remember starting time
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
// if anim doesn't need be reset at start
} else {
// do nothing
// set pause off, looping flag from flags
ao_ulFlags = ulFlags&(AOF_LOOPING|AOF_PAUSED);
// mark that something has changed
/* Seamlessly continue playing another animation from same point. */
void CAnimObject::SwitchToAnim(INDEX iNew)
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return;
// clamp animation
if( iNew >= GetAnimsCt() )
iNew = 0;
// set new animation number
ao_iLastAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
* Reset anim (restart)
void CAnimObject::ResetAnim()
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return;
// remember starting time
ao_tmAnimStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
// mark that something has changed
// Get info about some animation
void CAnimObject::GetAnimInfo(INDEX iAnimNo, CAnimInfo &aiInfo) const
if (iAnimNo >= ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims) {
iAnimNo = 0;
ASSERT( iAnimNo < ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims);
strcpy( aiInfo.ai_AnimName, ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_Name);
aiInfo.ai_SecsPerFrame = ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_SecsPerFrame;
aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames = ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ iAnimNo].oa_NumberOfFrames;
// clip frame index to be inside valid range (wrap around for looping anims)
INDEX CAnimObject::ClipFrame(INDEX iFrame) const
if (ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims==0) {
return 0;
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
// if looping
if (ao_ulFlags&AOF_LOOPING) {
// wrap-around
if (pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames<=0) {
return 0;
return ULONG(iFrame)%pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames;
// if not looping
} else {
// clamp
if (iFrame<0) {
return 0;
} else if (iFrame>=pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames) {
return pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames-1;
} else {
return iFrame;
// Get info about time passed until now in current animation
TIME CAnimObject::GetPassedTime(void) const
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return 0.0f;
INDEX iStoppedFrame;
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
if( !(ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED))
iStoppedFrame = ClipFrame((INDEX)((_pTimer->CurrentTick() - ao_tmAnimStart)/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
iStoppedFrame = ClipFrame((INDEX)(ao_tmAnimStart/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
return( iStoppedFrame * pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame);
* If animation is finished
BOOL CAnimObject::IsAnimFinished(void) const
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return FALSE;
if(ao_ulFlags&AOF_LOOPING) return FALSE;
INDEX iStoppedFrame;
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
if( !(ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED))
iStoppedFrame = ClipFrame((INDEX)((_pTimer->CurrentTick() - ao_tmAnimStart)/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
iStoppedFrame = ClipFrame((INDEX)(ao_tmAnimStart/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
return( iStoppedFrame == pCOA->oa_NumberOfFrames-1);
// get number of animations in curent anim data
INDEX CAnimObject::GetAnimsCt(void) const
if(ao_AnimData == NULL) return 1;
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
return( ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims);
// get index of current animation
INDEX CAnimObject::GetAnim(void) const
return( ao_iCurrentAnim);
* Gets the number of current frame.
INDEX CAnimObject::GetFrame(void) const
return FrameInTime(_pTimer->CurrentTick()); // return frame index that coresponds to current moment
/* Gets number of frames in current anim. */
INDEX CAnimObject::GetFramesInCurrentAnim(void) const
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
return ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim].oa_NumberOfFrames;
* Get information for linear interpolation beetween frames.
void CAnimObject::GetFrame( INDEX &iFrame0, INDEX &iFrame1, FLOAT &fRatio) const
if(ao_AnimData == NULL ||
ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims<=0 ||
iFrame0 = 0;
iFrame1 = 0;
fRatio =0.0f;
ASSERT( ao_AnimData != NULL);
ASSERT( (ao_iCurrentAnim >= 0) && (ao_iCurrentAnim < ao_AnimData->ad_NumberOfAnims) );
TIME tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick() + _pTimer->GetLerpFactor()*_pTimer->TickQuantum;
if( ao_ulFlags&AOF_PAUSED)
// return index of paused frame inside global frame array
class COneAnim *pCOA = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
INDEX iStoppedFrame = ClipFrame((SLONG)(ao_tmAnimStart/pCOA->oa_SecsPerFrame));
iFrame0 = iFrame1 = pCOA->oa_FrameIndices[ iStoppedFrame];
fRatio = 0.0f;
// return index of frame inside global frame array of frames in given moment
TIME tmCurrentRelative = tmNow - ao_tmAnimStart;
if (tmCurrentRelative>=0) {
class COneAnim *pOA0 = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
float fFrameNow = (tmCurrentRelative)/pOA0->oa_SecsPerFrame;
iFrame0 = pOA0->oa_FrameIndices[ ClipFrame(ULONG(fFrameNow))];
iFrame1 = pOA0->oa_FrameIndices[ ClipFrame(ULONG(fFrameNow+1))];
fRatio = fFrameNow - (float)floor(fFrameNow);
} else {
class COneAnim *pOA0 = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iLastAnim];
class COneAnim *pOA1 = &ao_AnimData->ad_Anims[ao_iCurrentAnim];
INDEX iAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
((CAnimObject*)this)->ao_iCurrentAnim = ao_iLastAnim;
float fFrameNow = tmCurrentRelative/pOA0->oa_SecsPerFrame+pOA0->oa_NumberOfFrames;
iFrame0 = pOA0->oa_FrameIndices[ Clamp(SLONG(fFrameNow), 0, pOA0->oa_NumberOfFrames-1)];
INDEX iFrameNext = SLONG(fFrameNow+1);
if (iFrameNext>=pOA0->oa_NumberOfFrames) {
iFrame1 = pOA1->oa_FrameIndices[0];
} else {
iFrame1 = pOA0->oa_FrameIndices[ Clamp(iFrameNext, 0, pOA0->oa_NumberOfFrames-1)];
((CAnimObject*)this)->ao_iCurrentAnim = iAnim;
fRatio = fFrameNow - (float)floor(fFrameNow);
void CAnimObject::Write_t( CTStream *pstr) // throw char *
void CAnimObject::Read_t( CTStream *pstr) // throw char *
if ((*pstr).PeekID_t()==CChunkID("ANOB")) {
} else {
ao_iLastAnim = ao_iCurrentAnim;
ao_ulFlags = 0;
// clamp animation
if (ao_AnimData==NULL || ao_iCurrentAnim >= GetAnimsCt() )
ao_iCurrentAnim = 0;
// clamp animation
if (ao_AnimData==NULL || ao_iLastAnim >= GetAnimsCt() )
ao_iLastAnim = 0;