Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

1000 lines
32 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "StdH.h"
#include <Engine/Build.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Profiling.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Input.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Protection.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console_internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Shell.h>
#include <Engine/Base/CRC.h>
#include <Engine/Base/CRCTable.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ProgressHook.h>
#include <Engine/Base/FileSystem.h>
#include <Engine/Sound/SoundListener.h>
#include <Engine/Sound/SoundLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Font.h>
#include <Engine/Network/Network.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicContainer.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CSoundData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CModelData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CEntityClass.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CMesh.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CSkeleton.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CAnimSet.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CShader.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Base/IFeel.h>
#include "SDL.h"
// this version string can be referenced from outside the engine
ENGINE_API CTString _strEngineBuild = "";
ENGINE_API BOOL _bDedicatedServer = FALSE;
ENGINE_API CTString _strLogFile = "";
// global handle for application windows
// !!! FIXME rcg10072001 this needs to be abstracted.
static HWND _hwndMain = NULL;
static BOOL _bFullScreen = FALSE;
CTCriticalSection zip_csLock; // critical section for access to zlib functions
// to keep system gamma table
#ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 // DG: other platforms don't (currently?) use this
static UWORD auwSystemGamma[256*3];
// OS info
static CTString sys_strOS = "";
static INDEX sys_iOSMajor = 0;
static INDEX sys_iOSMinor = 0;
static INDEX sys_iOSBuild = 0;
static CTString sys_strOSMisc = "";
// CPU info
static CTString sys_strCPUVendor = "";
static INDEX sys_iCPUType = 0;
static INDEX sys_iCPUFamily = 0;
static INDEX sys_iCPUModel = 0;
static INDEX sys_iCPUStepping = 0;
static BOOL sys_bCPUHasMMX = 0;
static BOOL sys_bCPUHasCMOV = 0;
static INDEX sys_iCPUMHz = 0;
INDEX sys_iCPUMisc = 0;
// RAM info
static INDEX sys_iRAMPhys = 0;
static INDEX sys_iRAMSwap = 0;
// HDD info
static INDEX sys_iHDDSize = 0;
static INDEX sys_iHDDFree = 0;
static INDEX sys_iHDDMisc = 0;
// MOD info
static CTString sys_strModName = "";
static CTString sys_strModExt = "";
// enables paranoia checks for allocation array
BOOL _bAllocationArrayParanoiaCheck = FALSE;
// rcg10072001
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (ul_reason_for_call)
return TRUE;
static void DetectCPU(void)
char strVendor[12+1] = { 0 };
strVendor[12] = 0;
ULONG ulFeatures = 0;
#if (defined __MSVC_INLINE__)
// test MMX presence and update flag
__asm {
xor eax,eax ;// request for basic id
mov dword ptr [strVendor+0], ebx
mov dword ptr [strVendor+4], edx
mov dword ptr [strVendor+8], ecx
mov eax,1 ;// request for TFMS feature flags
mov dword ptr [ulTFMS], eax ;// remember type, family, model and stepping
mov dword ptr [ulFeatures], edx
#elif (defined __GNU_INLINE_X86__)
ULONG eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
// test MMX presence and update flag
__asm__ __volatile__ (
#if (defined __GNU_INLINE_X86_64__)
"cpuid \n\t"
: "=a" (eax), "=b" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx)
"movl %%ebx, %%esi \n\t"
"cpuid \n\t"
"xchgl %%ebx, %%esi \n\t"
: "=a" (eax), "=S" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx)
: "a" (0) // request for basic id
memcpy(strVendor + 0, &ebx, 4);
memcpy(strVendor + 4, &edx, 4);
memcpy(strVendor + 8, &ecx, 4);
__asm__ __volatile__ (
#if (defined __GNU_INLINE_X86_64__)
"cpuid \n\t"
: "=a" (eax), "=b" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx)
"movl %%ebx, %%esi \n\t"
"cpuid \n\t"
"xchgl %%ebx, %%esi \n\t"
: "=a" (eax), "=S" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx)
: "a" (1) // request for TFMS feature flags
ulTFMS = eax;
ulFeatures = edx;
if (ulTFMS == 0) {
CPrintF(TRANSV(" (No CPU detection in this binary.)\n"));
INDEX iType = (ulTFMS>>12)&0x3;
INDEX iFamily = (ulTFMS>> 8)&0xF;
INDEX iModel = (ulTFMS>> 4)&0xF;
INDEX iStepping = (ulTFMS>> 0)&0xF;
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Vendor: %s\n"), strVendor);
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Type: %d, Family: %d, Model: %d, Stepping: %d\n"),
iType, iFamily, iModel, iStepping);
BOOL bMMX = ulFeatures & (1<<23);
BOOL bCMOV = ulFeatures & (1<<15);
CTString strYes = TRANS("Yes");
CTString strNo = TRANS("No");
CPrintF(TRANSV(" MMX : %s\n"), (const char *) (bMMX ?strYes:strNo));
CPrintF(TRANSV(" CMOV: %s\n"), (const char *) (bCMOV?strYes:strNo));
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Clock: %.0fMHz\n"), _pTimer->tm_llCPUSpeedHZ/1E6);
sys_strCPUVendor = strVendor;
sys_iCPUType = iType;
sys_iCPUFamily = iFamily;
sys_iCPUModel = iModel;
sys_iCPUStepping = iStepping;
sys_bCPUHasMMX = bMMX!=0;
sys_bCPUHasCMOV = bCMOV!=0;
sys_iCPUMHz = INDEX(_pTimer->tm_llCPUSpeedHZ/1E6);
if( !bMMX) FatalError( TRANS("MMX support required but not present!"));
static void DetectCPUWrapper(void)
#ifdef _MSC_VER // rcg10072001
__try {
CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot detect CPU: exception raised.\n"));
// We just have to punt and try this. The exception we're catching here
// is really a matter of whether the CPUID instruction is missing (on a
// pre Pentium system, which can't run this game anyhow) which will raise
// SIGILL on Unix platforms, or the CPU doesn't have MMX, in which case
// FatalError will end the process. USE_PORTABLE_C users will not have
// any exception at all. Have I rationalized this enough, yet? :) --ryan.
// reverses string
void StrRev( char *str) {
char ctmp;
char *pch0 = str;
char *pch1 = str+strlen(str)-1;
while( pch1>pch0) {
ctmp = *pch0;
*pch0 = *pch1;
*pch1 = ctmp;
static char strExePath[MAX_PATH] = "";
static char strDirPath[MAX_PATH] = "";
static void AnalyzeApplicationPath(void)
// rcg10072001 rewritten with abstraction layer.
const char *_dirsep = CFileSystem::GetDirSeparator();
size_t seplen = strlen(_dirsep);
char *dirsep = new char[seplen + 1];
strcpy(dirsep, _dirsep);
char strTmpPath[MAX_PATH] = "";
_pFileSystem->GetExecutablePath(strExePath, sizeof (strExePath)-1);
strncpy(strTmpPath, strExePath, sizeof(strTmpPath)-1);
strDirPath[sizeof(strTmpPath)-1] = 0;
// remove name from application path
// find last backslash
char *pstr = strstr( strTmpPath, dirsep);
if( pstr==NULL) {
// not found - path is just "\"
strcpy( strTmpPath, dirsep);
pstr = strTmpPath;
// remove 'debug' from app path if needed
if( strnicmp( pstr, (CTString(dirsep)+"gubed"), 5+seplen)==0) pstr += (5 + seplen);
if( strncmp(pstr, dirsep, seplen) == 0) pstr += seplen;
char *pstrFin = strstr( pstr, dirsep);
if( pstrFin==NULL) {
strcpy( pstr, dirsep);
pstrFin = pstr;
// copy that to the path
strncpy( strDirPath, pstrFin, sizeof(strDirPath)-1);
strDirPath[sizeof(strDirPath)-1] = 0;
delete[] dirsep;
// rcg03242003
static void SanityCheckTypes(void)
ASSERT(sizeof (SBYTE) == 1);
ASSERT(sizeof (UBYTE) == 1);
ASSERT(sizeof (UWORD) == 2);
ASSERT(sizeof (SWORD) == 2);
ASSERT(sizeof (ULONG) == 4);
ASSERT(sizeof (SLONG) == 4);
ASSERT(sizeof (INDEX) == 4);
ASSERT(sizeof (BOOL) == 4);
ULONG val = 0x02000001;
UBYTE num = *((UBYTE *) &val);
#error uh...what?
ASSERT(num == 0x02);
#error uh...what?
ASSERT(num == 0x01);
// don't want to export this function
static void PlatformIdentification(void)
// !!! FIXME: Abstract this somehow.
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32)
memset(&osv, 0, sizeof(osv));
osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv);
if (GetVersionEx(&osv)) {
switch (osv.dwPlatformId) {
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: sys_strOS = "Win32s"; break;
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: sys_strOS = "Win9x"; break;
case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: sys_strOS = "WinNT"; break;
default: sys_strOS = "Unknown\n"; break;
sys_iOSMajor = osv.dwMajorVersion;
sys_iOSMinor = osv.dwMinorVersion;
sys_iOSBuild = osv.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF;
sys_strOSMisc = osv.szCSDVersion;
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Type: %s\n"), (const char*)sys_strOS);
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Version: %d.%d, build %d\n"),
osv.dwMajorVersion, osv.dwMinorVersion, osv.dwBuildNumber & 0xFFFF);
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Misc: %s\n"), osv.szCSDVersion);
} else {
CPrintF(TRANSV("Error getting OS info: %s\n"), GetWindowsError(GetLastError()) );
#elif (defined PLATFORM_MACOSX)
STUBBED("Use some Gestalt replacement, or whatever");
#if 0
long osver = 0x0000;
OSErr err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &osver);
if (err != noErr)
osver = 0x0000;
sys_iOSMajor = ((osver & 0x0F00) >> 8) + (((osver & 0xF000) >> 12) * 10);
sys_iOSMinor = ((osver & 0x00F0) >> 4);
sys_iOSBuild = ((osver & 0x000F) >> 0);
sys_iOSMajor = 10; // !!! FIXME: just flatly false.
sys_iOSMinor = 6;
sys_iOSBuild = 0;
sys_strOS = "Mac OS X";
sys_strOSMisc = "Mac OS";
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Type: %s\n"), (const char*)sys_strOS);
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Version: %d.%d.%d\n"),
(int)sys_iOSMajor, (int)sys_iOSMinor, (int)sys_iOSBuild);
#elif (defined PLATFORM_UNIX) // !!! FIXME: rcg10082001 what to do with this?
// FIXME: probably want to use uname function on Linux but it isn't totally applicable...hmm...
sys_iOSMajor = 1;
sys_iOSMinor = 0;
sys_iOSBuild = 0;
sys_strOS = "Unix";
sys_strOSMisc = "Unix";
CPrintF(TRANSV(" Type: %s\n"), (const char*)sys_strOS);
#error Do something with this for your platform.
static void SetupMemoryManager(void)
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32) // !!! FIXME: Abstract this somehow.
#define MB (1024*1024)
sys_iRAMPhys = ms.dwTotalPhys /MB;
sys_iRAMSwap = ms.dwTotalPageFile/MB;
#elif (defined PLATFORM_UNIX)
sys_iRAMPhys = 1; // !!! FIXME: This is bad. Bad. BAD.
sys_iRAMSwap = 1;
#error Do something with this for your platform.
static void SetupSecondaryStorage(void)
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32) // !!! FIXME: Abstract this somehow.
// get info on the first disk in system
DWORD dwSerial;
DWORD dwFreeClusters;
DWORD dwClusters;
DWORD dwSectors;
DWORD dwBytes;
char strDrive[] = "C:\\";
strDrive[0] = strExePath[0];
GetVolumeInformationA(strDrive, NULL, 0, &dwSerial, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
GetDiskFreeSpaceA(strDrive, &dwSectors, &dwBytes, &dwFreeClusters, &dwClusters);
sys_iHDDSize = ((__int64)dwSectors)*dwBytes*dwClusters/MB;
sys_iHDDFree = ((__int64)dwSectors)*dwBytes*dwFreeClusters/MB;
sys_iHDDMisc = dwSerial;
#elif (defined PLATFORM_UNIX) // !!! FIXME: Uhh...?
sys_iHDDSize = 1;
sys_iHDDFree = 1;
sys_iHDDMisc = 0xDEADBEEF;
#error Do something with this for your platform.
static void InitIFeel(void)
// !!! FIXME : rcg12072001 Move this somewhere else.
// init IFeel
HWND hwnd = NULL;//GetDesktopWindow();
HINSTANCE hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
CTString strDefaultProject = "Data\\Default.ifr";
// get project file name for this device
CTString strIFeel = IFeel_GetProjectFileName();
// if no file name is returned use default file
if(strIFeel.Length()==0) strIFeel = strDefaultProject;
static void InitSystemGammaSettings(void)
// !!! FIXME: Move this into GfxLibrary...
// readout system gamma table
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
BOOL bOK = GetDeviceGammaRamp( hdc, &auwSystemGamma[0]);
_pGfx->gl_ulFlags |= GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA;
if( !bOK) {
_pGfx->gl_ulFlags &= ~GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA;
CPrintF( TRANS("\nWARNING: Gamma, brightness and contrast are not adjustable!\n\n"));
} // done
ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc);
// !!! FIXME : rcg01072002 This CAN be done with SDL, actually. Move this somewhere.
// hacked gamma support
_pGfx->gl_ulFlags |= GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA;
CPrintF( TRANS("\nWARNING: Gamma, brightness and contrast are not adjustable!\n\n"));
// System specific platform init functions
static void PlatformSpecificInit(void)
extern SDL_EventType WM_SYSKEYDOWN;
extern SDL_EventType WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
extern SDL_EventType WM_LBUTTONUP;
extern SDL_EventType WM_RBUTTONDOWN;
extern SDL_EventType WM_RBUTTONUP;
extern SDL_EventType WM_PAINT;
WM_SYSKEYDOWN = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
WM_LBUTTONDOWN = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
WM_LBUTTONUP = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
WM_RBUTTONDOWN = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
WM_RBUTTONUP = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
WM_PAINT = (SDL_EventType) SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
// startup engine
ENGINE_API void SE_InitEngine(const char *argv0, CTString strGameID)
const char *gamename = "UnknownGame";
if (strGameID != "")
gamename = (const char *) strGameID;
_pFileSystem = CFileSystem::GetInstance(argv0, gamename); // rcg10082001
#pragma message(">> Remove this from SE_InitEngine : _bWorldEditorApp")
if(strGameID=="SeriousEditor") {
_bWorldEditorApp = TRUE;
_fnmApplicationPath = CTString(strDirPath);
_fnmApplicationExe = CTString(strExePath);
// rcg01012002 calculate user dir.
char buf[MAX_PATH];
_pFileSystem->GetUserDirectory(buf, sizeof (buf));
_fnmUserDir = CTString(buf);
try {
} catch (char *strError) {
(void) strError;
_pConsole = new CConsole;
if (_strLogFile=="") {
_strLogFile = CTFileName(CTString(strExePath)).FileName();
// chop off end of Unix executable filename... --ryan.
_strLogFile.ReplaceSubstr(CTString("-bin"), CTString(""));
_pConsole->Initialize(_fnmUserDir+_strLogFile+".log", 90, 512);
_pAnimStock = new CStock_CAnimData;
_pTextureStock = new CStock_CTextureData;
_pSoundStock = new CStock_CSoundData;
_pModelStock = new CStock_CModelData;
_pEntityClassStock = new CStock_CEntityClass;
_pMeshStock = new CStock_CMesh;
_pSkeletonStock = new CStock_CSkeleton;
_pAnimSetStock = new CStock_CAnimSet;
_pShaderStock = new CStock_CShader;
// rcg11232001 I moved this here so I can register platform-specific cvars.
// init main shell
_pShell = new CShell;
_pTimer = new CTimer;
_pGfx = new CGfxLibrary;
_pSound = new CSoundLibrary;
_pInput = new CInput;
_pNetwork = new CNetworkLibrary;
_strEngineBuild.PrintF( TRANS("SeriousEngine Build: %d.%d"), _SE_BUILD_MAJOR, _SE_BUILD_MINOR);
// print basic engine info
CPrintF(TRANSV("--- Serious Engine Startup ---\n"));
CPrintF(" %s\n\n", (const char *) _strEngineBuild);
// print info on the started application
CPrintF(TRANSV("Executable: %s\n"), strExePath);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Assumed engine directory: %s\n"), (const char *) _fnmApplicationPath);
// report os info
CPrintF(TRANSV("Examining underlying OS...\n"));
// (rcg11232001 this is where _pShell was originally created.)
// report CPU
CPrintF(TRANSV("Detecting CPU...\n"));
// report memory info
extern void ReportGlobalMemoryStatus(void);
// initialize zip semaphore
zip_csLock.cs_iIndex = -1; // not checked for locking order
// rcg10082001 Honestly, all of this is meaningless in a multitasking OS.
// That includes Windows, too.
SetupSecondaryStorage(); /// FIXME: does that name make sense
// add console variables
extern INDEX con_bNoWarnings;
extern INDEX wld_bFastObjectOptimization;
extern INDEX fil_bPreferZips;
extern FLOAT mth_fCSGEpsilon;
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX con_bNoWarnings;", (void *) &con_bNoWarnings);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX wld_bFastObjectOptimization;", (void *) &wld_bFastObjectOptimization);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user FLOAT mth_fCSGEpsilon;", (void *) &mth_fCSGEpsilon);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX fil_bPreferZips;", (void *) &fil_bPreferZips);
// OS info
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strOS ;", (void *) &sys_strOS);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSMajor ;", (void *) &sys_iOSMajor);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSMinor ;", (void *) &sys_iOSMinor);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iOSBuild ;", (void *) &sys_iOSBuild);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strOSMisc;", (void *) &sys_strOSMisc);
// CPU info
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strCPUVendor;", (void *) &sys_strCPUVendor);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUType ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUType );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUFamily ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUFamily );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUModel ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUModel );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUStepping ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUStepping);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_bCPUHasMMX ;", (void *) &sys_bCPUHasMMX );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_bCPUHasCMOV ;", (void *) &sys_bCPUHasCMOV );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iCPUMHz ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUMHz );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol(" const INDEX sys_iCPUMisc ;", (void *) &sys_iCPUMisc );
// RAM info
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iRAMPhys;", (void *) &sys_iRAMPhys);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iRAMSwap;", (void *) &sys_iRAMSwap);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iHDDSize;", (void *) &sys_iHDDSize);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX sys_iHDDFree;", (void *) &sys_iHDDFree);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol(" const INDEX sys_iHDDMisc;", (void *) &sys_iHDDMisc);
// MOD info
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strModName;", (void *) &sys_strModName);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const CTString sys_strModExt;", (void *) &sys_strModExt);
// Stock clearing
extern void FreeUnusedStock(void);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void FreeUnusedStock(void);", (void *) &FreeUnusedStock);
// Timer tick quantum
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const FLOAT fTickQuantum;", (FLOAT*)&_pTimer->TickQuantum);
// init MODs and stuff ...
extern void InitStreams(void);
// keep mod name in sys cvar
sys_strModName = _strModName;
sys_strModExt = _strModExt;
// checking of crc
#if 0
ULONG ulCRCActual = -2;
SLONG ulCRCExpected = -1;
try {
// get the checksum of engine
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define SELFFILE "Bin\\Debug\\EngineD.dll"
#define SELFCRCFILE "Bin\\Debug\\EngineD.crc"
#define SELFFILE "Bin\\Engine.dll"
#define SELFCRCFILE "Bin\\Engine.crc"
ulCRCActual = GetFileCRC32_t(CTString(SELFFILE));
// load expected checksum from the file on disk
ulCRCExpected = 0;
LoadIntVar(CTString(SELFCRCFILE), ulCRCExpected);
} catch (char *strError) {
CPrintF("%s\n", strError);
// if not same
if (ulCRCActual!=ulCRCExpected) {
// don't run
//FatalError(TRANS("Engine CRC is invalid.\nExpected %08x, but found %08x.\n"), ulCRCExpected, ulCRCActual);
if (strGameID!="") {
// just make classes declare their shell variables
try {
CEntityClass* pec = _pEntityClassStock->Obtain_t(CTString("Classes\\Player.ecl"));
ASSERT(pec != NULL);
_pEntityClassStock->Release(pec); // this must not be a dependency!
// if couldn't find player class
} catch (char *strError) {
FatalError(TRANS("Cannot initialize classes:\n%s"), strError);
} else {
_pNetwork = NULL;
// mark that default fonts aren't loaded (yet)
_pfdDisplayFont = NULL;
_pfdConsoleFont = NULL;
InitIFeel(); // on non win32 platforms this will be optimized out if we play our cards right
static void PlatformSpecificDeinit(void)
// !!! FIXME: Move this into GfxLibrary...
// restore system gamma table (if needed)
if( _pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_ADJUSTABLEGAMMA) {
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
BOOL bOK = SetDeviceGammaRamp( hdc, &auwSystemGamma[0]);
ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc);
#elif defined(PLATFORM_PANDORA)
// restore default gamma
system("sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ 0");
// shutdown entire engine
ENGINE_API void SE_EndEngine(void)
// free stocks
delete _pEntityClassStock; _pEntityClassStock = NULL;
delete _pModelStock; _pModelStock = NULL;
delete _pSoundStock; _pSoundStock = NULL;
delete _pTextureStock; _pTextureStock = NULL;
delete _pAnimStock; _pAnimStock = NULL;
delete _pMeshStock; _pMeshStock = NULL;
delete _pSkeletonStock; _pSkeletonStock = NULL;
delete _pAnimSetStock; _pAnimSetStock = NULL;
delete _pShaderStock; _pShaderStock = NULL;
// free all memory used by the crc cache
// shutdown
if( _pNetwork != NULL) { delete _pNetwork; _pNetwork=NULL; }
delete _pInput; _pInput = NULL;
delete _pSound; _pSound = NULL;
delete _pGfx; _pGfx = NULL;
delete _pTimer; _pTimer = NULL;
delete _pShell; _pShell = NULL;
delete _pConsole; _pConsole = NULL;
delete _pFileSystem; _pFileSystem = NULL;
extern void EndStreams(void);
// shutdown profilers
_pfGfxProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfGfxProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfModelProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfModelProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfSoundProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfSoundProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfNetworkProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfNetworkProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfRenderProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfRenderProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfWorldEditingProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfWorldEditingProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
_pfPhysicsProfile .pf_apcCounters.Clear();
_pfPhysicsProfile .pf_aptTimers .Clear();
// remove default fonts if needed
if( _pfdDisplayFont != NULL) { delete _pfdDisplayFont; _pfdDisplayFont=NULL; }
if( _pfdConsoleFont != NULL) { delete _pfdConsoleFont; _pfdConsoleFont=NULL; }
// deinit IFeel
// prepare and load some default fonts
ENGINE_API void SE_LoadDefaultFonts(void)
_pfdDisplayFont = new CFontData;
_pfdConsoleFont = new CFontData;
// try to load default fonts
try {
_pfdDisplayFont->Load_t( CTFILENAME( "Fonts\\Display3-narrow.fnt"));
_pfdConsoleFont->Load_t( CTFILENAME( "Fonts\\Console1.fnt"));
catch (char *strError) {
FatalError( TRANS("Error loading font: %s."), strError);
// change fonts' default spacing a bit
_pfdDisplayFont->SetCharSpacing( 0);
// updates main windows' handles for windowed mode and fullscreen
ENGINE_API void SE_UpdateWindowHandle( HWND hwndMain)
ASSERT( hwndMain!=NULL);
_hwndMain = hwndMain;
_bFullScreen = _pGfx!=NULL && (_pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_FULLSCREEN);
static BOOL TouchBlock(UBYTE *pubMemoryBlock, INDEX ctBlockSize)
#if (defined __MSC_VER)
// cannot pretouch block that are smaller than 64KB :(
ctBlockSize -= 16*0x1000;
if( ctBlockSize<4) return FALSE;
__try {
// 4 times should be just enough
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
// must do it in asm - don't know what VC will try to optimize
__asm {
// The 16-page skip is to keep Win 95 from thinking we're trying to page ourselves in
// (we are doing that, of course, but there's no reason we shouldn't) - THANX JOHN! :)
mov esi,dword ptr [pubMemoryBlock]
mov ecx,dword ptr [ctBlockSize]
shr ecx,2
mov eax,dword ptr [esi]
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+16*0x1000]
add eax,ebx // BLA, BLA, TROOCH, TRUCH
add esi,4
dec ecx
jnz touchLoop
return FALSE;
// !!! FIXME: How necessary is this on a system with a good memory manager?
// !!! More importantly, will this help if the system is paging to disk
// !!! like mad anyhow? Leaving this as a no-op for most systems seems safe
// !!! to me. --ryan.
// DG: put this into #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 because otherwise the function is not called anyway
return TRUE;
#endif // PLATFORM_WIN32
// pretouch all memory commited by process
BOOL _bNeedPretouch = FALSE;
ENGINE_API extern void SE_PretouchIfNeeded(void)
#if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32)
// only if pretouching is needed?
extern INDEX gam_bPretouch;
if( !_bNeedPretouch || !gam_bPretouch) return;
_bNeedPretouch = FALSE;
// set progress bar
SetProgressDescription( TRANS("pretouching"));
// need to do this two times - 1st for numerations, and 2nd for real (progress bar and that shit)
BOOL bPretouched = TRUE;
INDEX ctFails, ctBytes, ctBlocks;
INDEX ctPassBytes, ctTotalBlocks;
for( INDEX iPass=1; iPass<=2; iPass++)
// flush variables
ctFails=0; ctBytes=0; ctBlocks=0; ctTotalBlocks=0;
void *pvNextBlock = NULL;
// lets walk thru memory blocks
while( VirtualQuery( pvNextBlock, &mbi, sizeof(mbi)))
// don't mess with kernel's memory and zero-sized blocks
if( ((ULONG)pvNextBlock)>0x7FFF0000UL || mbi.RegionSize<1) break;
// if this region of memory belongs to our process
BOOL bCanAccess = (mbi.Protect==PAGE_READWRITE); // || (mbi.Protect==PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
if( mbi.State==MEM_COMMIT && bCanAccess && mbi.Type==MEM_PRIVATE) // && !IsBadReadPtr( mbi.BaseAddress, 1)
// increase counters
ctBytes += mbi.RegionSize;
// in first pass we only count
if( iPass==1) goto nextRegion;
// update progress bar
CallProgressHook_t( (FLOAT)ctBytes/ctPassBytes);
// pretouch
ASSERT( mbi.RegionSize>0);
BOOL bOK = TouchBlock((UBYTE *)mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.RegionSize);
if( !bOK) {
// whoops!
// for easier debugging (didn't help much, though)
// advance to next region
pvNextBlock = ((UBYTE*)mbi.BaseAddress) + mbi.RegionSize;
// done with one pass
ctPassBytes = ctBytes;
if( (ctPassBytes/1024/1024)>sys_iRAMPhys) {
// not enough RAM, sorry :(
bPretouched = FALSE;
// report
if( bPretouched) {
// success
CPrintF( TRANS("Pretouched %d KB of memory in %d blocks.\n"), ctBytes/1024, ctBlocks); //, ctTotalBlocks);
} else {
// fail
CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot pretouch due to lack of physical memory (%d KB of overflow).\n"), ctPassBytes/1024-sys_iRAMPhys*1024);
// some blocks failed?
if( ctFails>1) CPrintF( TRANS("(%d blocks were skipped)\n"), ctFails);
// See dissertation in TouchBlock(). --ryan.
_bNeedPretouch = FALSE;
#if 0
// printout block info
CTString strTmp1, strTmp2;
CPrintF("Base/Alloc Address: 0x%8X / 0x%8X - Size: %d KB\n", mbi.BaseAddress, mbi.AllocationBase, mbi.RegionSize/1024);
switch( mbi.Protect) {
case PAGE_READONLY: strTmp1 = "PAGE_READONLY"; break;
case PAGE_READWRITE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_READWRITE"; break;
case PAGE_WRITECOPY: strTmp1 = "PAGE_WRITECOPY"; break;
case PAGE_EXECUTE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_EXECUTE"; break;
case PAGE_GUARD: strTmp1 = "PAGE_GUARD"; break;
case PAGE_NOACCESS: strTmp1 = "PAGE_NOACCESS"; break;
case PAGE_NOCACHE: strTmp1 = "PAGE_NOCACHE"; break;
switch( mbi.AllocationProtect) {
case PAGE_READONLY: strTmp2 = "PAGE_READONLY"; break;
case PAGE_READWRITE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_READWRITE"; break;
case PAGE_WRITECOPY: strTmp2 = "PAGE_WRITECOPY"; break;
case PAGE_EXECUTE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_EXECUTE"; break;
case PAGE_GUARD: strTmp2 = "PAGE_GUARD"; break;
case PAGE_NOACCESS: strTmp2 = "PAGE_NOACCESS"; break;
case PAGE_NOCACHE: strTmp2 = "PAGE_NOCACHE"; break;
CPrintF("Current/Alloc protect: %s / %s\n", strTmp1, strTmp2);
switch( mbi.State) {
case MEM_COMMIT: strTmp1 = "MEM_COMMIT"; break;
case MEM_FREE: strTmp1 = "MEM_FREE"; break;
case MEM_RESERVE: strTmp1 = "MEM_RESERVE"; break;
switch( mbi.Type) {
case MEM_IMAGE: strTmp2 = "MEM_IMAGE"; break;
case MEM_MAPPED: strTmp2 = "MEM_MAPPED"; break;
case MEM_PRIVATE: strTmp2 = "MEM_PRIVATE"; break;
CPrintF("State/Type: %s / %s\n", strTmp1, strTmp2);