2016-03-11 18:20:51 -06:00

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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
* Structure describing properties of a light source entity.
#define LSF_DIRECTIONAL (1L<<0) // rays are not emanating from point, but from direction
#define LSF_CASTSHADOWS (1L<<1) // light can cast shadows
#define LSF_DIFFUSION (1L<<2) // intensity depends on angle with polygon normal
#define LSF_DARKLIGHT (1L<<3) // darkens polygons instead of lighting them
#define LSF_SUBSTRACTSECTORAMBIENT (1L<<4) // sector ambient is substract from intensity
#define LSF_NONPERSISTENT (1L<<5) // not saved (can change during game)
#define LSF_LENSFLAREONLY (1L<<6) // no light, only lens flare
#define LSF_DYNAMIC (1L<<7) // dynamic light (fast frequent caching, no shadows)
class ENGINE_API CLightSource
// implementation:
// constructor
// destructor
CListHead ls_lhLayers; // list of shadow map layers of this light source
class CEntity *ls_penEntity; // the entity of this light source
ULONG ls_ulFlags; // various flags
RANGE ls_rHotSpot; // distance before intensity starts to fall off
RANGE ls_rFallOff; // distance before intensity reaches zero
COLOR ls_colColor; // light color
COLOR ls_colAmbient; // ambient color (for directional lights only)
UBYTE ls_ubLightAnimationObject; // light animation - 0 for non animating lights
UBYTE ls_ubPolygonalMask; // mask for casting rays only through some polygons
FLOAT ls_fNearClipDistance; // clip plane distance near light
FLOAT ls_fFarClipDistance; // clip plane distance near polygon
class CLensFlareType *ls_plftLensFlare; // type of lens flare to use or NULL for none
CAnimObject *ls_paoLightAnimation; // animobject for light animating
CAnimObject *ls_paoAmbientLightAnimation; // animobject for light animating
// test if a polygon has a layer from this light source
BOOL PolygonHasLayer(CBrushPolygon &bpo);
// set layer parameters
void SetLayerParameters(CBrushShadowLayer &bsl, CBrushPolygon &bpo, class CLightRectangle &lr);
// update layer parameters
void UpdateLayer(CBrushShadowLayer &bsl);
// add a layer to a polygon
void AddLayer(CBrushPolygon &bpo);
// update layer parameters
void UpdateLayer(CBrushPolygon &bpo);
// uncache all influenced shadow maps, but keep shadow layers
void UncacheShadowMaps(void);
// discard all linked shadow layers
void DiscardShadowLayers(void);
// find all shadow maps that should have layers from this light source
void FindShadowLayers(BOOL bSelectedOnly);
void FindShadowLayersDirectional(BOOL bSelectedOnly);
void FindShadowLayersPoint(BOOL bSelectedOnly);
// update shadow map on all terrains in world
void UpdateTerrains(CPlacement3D plOld, CPlacement3D plNew);
void UpdateTerrains(void);
// interface:
// set properties of the light source without discarding shadows
void SetLightSourceWithNoDiscarding(const CLightSource &lsOriginal);
// set properties of the light source and discard shadows if neccessary
void SetLightSource(const CLightSource &lsOriginal);
// get color of light acounting for possible animation
COLOR GetLightColor(void) const;
void GetLightColor( UBYTE &ubR, UBYTE &ubG, UBYTE &ubB) const;
COLOR GetLightAmbient(void) const;
void GetLightAmbient( UBYTE &ubAR, UBYTE &ubAG, UBYTE &ubAB) const;
inline void GetLightColorAndAmbient( COLOR &colLight, COLOR &colAmbient) const {
colLight = GetLightColor();
colAmbient = GetLightAmbient();
inline void GetLightColorAndAmbient( UBYTE &ubR, UBYTE &ubG, UBYTE &ubB,
UBYTE &ubAR, UBYTE &ubAG, UBYTE &ubAB) const {
GetLightColor( ubR, ubG, ubB);
GetLightAmbient( ubAR, ubAG, ubAB);
// read/write from a stream
void Read_t( CTStream *pstrm); // throw char *
void Write_t( CTStream *pstrm); // throw char *
#endif /* include-once check. */