Ryan C. Gordon 9820436fbe First pass at cleaning out 64-bit issues.
Touches a lot of code to remove long constants like "1L", so this patch is
large and ugly, but I think it makes all those Clamp() calls look nicer in
the long run.

Most of the game is 64-bit clean, since we can build without assembly code
now. I've marked the things that are obviously still wrong with STUBBED lines.

That being said: a 64-bit build can already run the demos mostly correctly,
so we're actually almost there!

There are a few obvious things that are obviously wrong, to be fixed.
2016-04-06 23:20:29 -04:00

692 lines
22 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include <Engine/StdH.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/ShadowMap.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Memory.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Color.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/Texture.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Brushes/Brush.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
#define SHADOWMAXBYTES (256*256*4*4/3)
extern INDEX shd_iStaticSize;
extern INDEX shd_iDynamicSize;
extern INDEX shd_bFineQuality;
extern INDEX shd_iDithering;
extern INDEX shd_bDynamicMipmaps;
extern INDEX gap_bAllowSingleMipmap;
extern FLOAT gfx_tmProbeDecay;
extern BOOL _bShadowsUpdated;
extern BOOL _bMultiPlayer;
* Routines that manipulates with shadow cluster map class
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = NULL;
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = NULL;
sm_slMemoryUsed = 0;
sm_ulObject = NONE;
sm_ulProbeObject = NONE;
sm_ulInternalFormat = NONE;
sm_iRenderFrame = -1;
sm_ulFlags = NONE;
// report shadowmap memory usage (in bytes)
ULONG CShadowMap::GetShadowSize(void)
CBrushPolygon *pbpo=((CBrushShadowMap *)this)->GetBrushPolygon();
ULONG ulFlags=pbpo->bpo_ulFlags;
BOOL bTakesShadow = !(ulFlags&BPOF_FULLBRIGHT);
BOOL bIsFlat = sm_pulCachedShadowMap==&sm_colFlat;
if( bIsTransparent || !bTakesShadow || bIsFlat) return 0; // not influenced
const PIX pixSizeU = sm_mexWidth >>sm_iFirstMipLevel;
const PIX pixSizeV = sm_mexHeight>>sm_iFirstMipLevel;
return pixSizeU*pixSizeV *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
// cache the shadow map
void CShadowMap::Cache( INDEX iWantedMipLevel)
_pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_CACHESHADOW);
_bShadowsUpdated = TRUE;
// level must be in valid range and caching has to be needed
ASSERT( iWantedMipLevel>=sm_iFirstMipLevel && iWantedMipLevel<=sm_iLastMipLevel);
ASSERT( sm_pulCachedShadowMap==NULL || iWantedMipLevel<sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel);
// dynamic layers are invalid when shadowmap is cached
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap!=NULL) {
FreeMemory( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap);
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = NULL;
// calculate (new) amount of memory
const PIX pixSizeU = sm_mexWidth >>iWantedMipLevel;
const PIX pixSizeV = sm_mexHeight>>iWantedMipLevel;
const SLONG slSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixSizeU, pixSizeV) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
const BOOL bWasFlat = sm_pulCachedShadowMap==&sm_colFlat;
const BOOL bCached = sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL;
// determine whether shadowmap is all flat (once flat - always flat!)
if( IsShadowFlat(sm_colFlat)) {
// release memory if allocated
if( bCached) {
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
if( !bWasFlat) FreeMemory( sm_pulCachedShadowMap);
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = &sm_colFlat;
sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel = iWantedMipLevel;
sm_slMemoryUsed = slSize;
// add it to shadow list
if( !sm_lnInGfx.IsLinked()) _pGfx->gl_lhCachedShadows.AddTail(sm_lnInGfx);
_pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_CACHESHADOW);
// if not yet allocated
if( !bCached || bWasFlat)
// allocate the memory
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize);
sm_slMemoryUsed = slSize;
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
// if already allocated, but too small
else if( iWantedMipLevel<sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel)
// allocate new block
ULONG *pulNew = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize);
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
if( slSize>sm_slMemoryUsed && !bWasFlat) {
// copy old shadow map at the end of buffer
memcpy( pulNew + (slSize-sm_slMemoryUsed)/BYTES_PER_TEXEL, sm_pulCachedShadowMap, sm_slMemoryUsed);
} // free old block if needed and use the new one
if( !bWasFlat) FreeMemory( sm_pulCachedShadowMap);
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = pulNew;
sm_slMemoryUsed = slSize;
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
} else {
// WHAT?
ASSERTALWAYS( "Trying to cache shadowmap again in the same mipmap!");
// let the higher level driver mix its layers
INDEX iLastMipLevelToCache = Min( sm_iLastMipLevel, sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel-1);
sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel = iWantedMipLevel;
ASSERT( iWantedMipLevel <= iLastMipLevelToCache);
// colorize shadowmap?
extern INDEX shd_bColorize;
if( _bMultiPlayer) shd_bColorize = FALSE; // don't allow in multiplayer mode!
if( shd_bColorize) {
#define GSIZE 4.0f
#define RSIZE 8.0f
FLOAT fLogSize = Log2((sm_mexWidth>>sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel) * (sm_mexHeight>>sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel)) /2;
fLogSize = Max(fLogSize,GSIZE) -GSIZE;
FLOAT fR = fLogSize / (RSIZE-GSIZE);
COLOR colSize;
if( fR>0.5f) colSize = LerpColor( C_dYELLOW, C_dRED, (fR-0.5f)*2);
else colSize = LerpColor( C_dGREEN, C_dYELLOW, fR*2);
// fill!
for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<sm_slMemoryUsed/4; iPix++) sm_pulCachedShadowMap[iPix] = ByteSwap(colSize);
// no colorization - just mix the layers in
else MixLayers( iWantedMipLevel, iLastMipLevelToCache);
// add it to shadow list
if( !sm_lnInGfx.IsLinked()) _pGfx->gl_lhCachedShadows.AddTail( sm_lnInGfx);
_pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_CACHESHADOW);
// update dynamic layers of the shadow map
// (returns mip in which shadow needs to be uploaded)
ULONG CShadowMap::UpdateDynamicLayers(void)
// call this only if needed
// if there are no dynamic layers
if( !HasDynamicLayers()) {
// free dynamic shadows if allocated
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap!=NULL) {
_bShadowsUpdated = TRUE;
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
FreeMemory( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap);
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = NULL;
return sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel;
} else return 31;
_pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_CACHESHADOW);
// allocate the memory if not yet allocated
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap==NULL) {
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(sm_slMemoryUsed);
// determine and clamp to max allowed dynamic shadow dimension
const INDEX iMinSize = Max( shd_iStaticSize-2L, 5L);
shd_iDynamicSize = Clamp( shd_iDynamicSize, iMinSize, shd_iStaticSize);
PIX pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<(shd_iDynamicSize*2);
INDEX iFinestMipLevel = sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel +
ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension,
sm_mexWidth>>sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel, sm_mexHeight>>sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel);
// check if need to generate only one mip-map
INDEX iLastMipLevel = sm_iLastMipLevel;
if( !shd_bDynamicMipmaps && gap_bAllowSingleMipmap) iLastMipLevel = iFinestMipLevel;
// let the higher level driver mix its layers
MixLayers( iFinestMipLevel, iLastMipLevel, TRUE);
_pfGfxProfile.StopTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_CACHESHADOW);
// skip if there was nothing to mix-in
if( sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICBLACK) return 31;
_bShadowsUpdated = TRUE;
return iFinestMipLevel;
// invalidate the shadow map
void CShadowMap::Invalidate( BOOL bDynamicOnly/*=FALSE*/)
// if only dynamic layers are to be uncached
if( bDynamicOnly) {
// just mark that they are not valid any more
// if static layers are to be uncached
} else {
// mark that no mipmaps are cached
sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel = 31;
// mark that shadow has been drawn
void CShadowMap::MarkDrawn(void)
// remove from list
ASSERT( sm_lnInGfx.IsLinked());
// set time stamp
sm_tvLastDrawn = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
// put at the end of the list
// uncache the shadow map (returns total ammount of memory that has been freed)
SLONG CShadowMap::Uncache( void)
_bShadowsUpdated = TRUE;
// discard uploaded portion
if( sm_ulObject!=NONE) {
sm_ulInternalFormat = NONE;
SLONG slFreed = 0;
// if dynamic allocated, release memory
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap != NULL) {
FreeMemory( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap);
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = NULL;
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
slFreed += sm_slMemoryUsed;
// if static non-flat has been allocated
if( sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL) {
// release memory
ASSERT( sm_slMemoryUsed>0 && sm_slMemoryUsed<=SHADOWMAXBYTES);
if( sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=&sm_colFlat) {
FreeMemory( sm_pulCachedShadowMap);
slFreed += sm_slMemoryUsed;
} else slFreed += sizeof(sm_colFlat);
// reset params
sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel = 31;
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = NULL;
sm_slMemoryUsed = 0;
sm_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
sm_iRenderFrame = -1;
sm_ulFlags = NONE;
// if added to list of all shadows, remove from there
if( sm_lnInGfx.IsLinked()) sm_lnInGfx.Remove();
return slFreed;
// clear the object
void CShadowMap::Clear()
// uncache the shadow map
// reset structure members
sm_pulCachedShadowMap = NULL;
sm_pulDynamicShadowMap = NULL;
sm_iFirstMipLevel = 0;
sm_slMemoryUsed = 0;
sm_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
sm_mexOffsetX = 0;
sm_mexOffsetY = 0;
sm_mexWidth = 0;
sm_mexHeight = 0;
sm_ulFlags = NONE;
// initialize the shadow map
void CShadowMap::Initialize( INDEX iMipLevel, MEX mexOffsetX, MEX mexOffsetY, MEX mexWidth, MEX mexHeight)
// clear old shadow
// just remember new values
sm_iFirstMipLevel = iMipLevel;
sm_mexOffsetX = mexOffsetX;
sm_mexOffsetY = mexOffsetY;
sm_mexWidth = mexWidth;
sm_mexHeight = mexHeight;
sm_iLastMipLevel = FastLog2( Min(mexWidth, mexHeight));
ASSERT( (mexWidth >>sm_iLastMipLevel)>=1);
ASSERT( (mexHeight>>sm_iLastMipLevel)>=1);
// skip old shadows saved in stream
void CShadowMap::Read_old_t(CTStream *pstrm) // throw char *
// read shadow map header
// pstrm->ExpectID_t( CChunkID("CTSM")); // read in Read_t()
if( pstrm->GetSize_t() != 5*4) throw( TRANS("Invalid shadow cluster map file."));
INDEX idx; // this was the only way I could coerce GCC into playing. --ryan.
*pstrm >> idx;
sm_iFirstMipLevel = idx;
INDEX iNoOfMipmaps;
*pstrm >> iNoOfMipmaps;
*pstrm >> idx;
sm_mexOffsetX = idx;
*pstrm >> idx;
sm_mexOffsetY = idx;
*pstrm >> idx;
sm_mexWidth = idx;
*pstrm >> idx;
sm_mexHeight = idx;
BOOL bStaticImagePresent, bAnimatingImagePresent;
*pstrm >> (INDEX&)bStaticImagePresent;
*pstrm >> (INDEX&)bAnimatingImagePresent;
// skip mip-map offsets
pstrm->Seek_t( MAX_MEX_LOG2*4, CTStream::SD_CUR);
// skip the shadow map data
if( bStaticImagePresent) {
SLONG slSize;
pstrm->Seek_t(slSize, CTStream::SD_CUR);
if( bAnimatingImagePresent) {
SLONG slSize;
pstrm->Seek_t(slSize, CTStream::SD_CUR);
// reads image info raw format from file
void CShadowMap::Read_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char *
// read the header chunk ID
CChunkID cidHeader = pstrm->GetID_t();
// if it is the old shadow format
if (cidHeader==CChunkID("CTSM")) {
// read shadows in old format
// if it is not the new shadow format
} else if (!(cidHeader==CChunkID("LSHM"))) { // layered shadow map
// error
FatalError(TRANS("Error loading shadow map! Wrong header chunk."));
// load the shadow map data
*pstrm >> sm_ulFlags;
*pstrm >> sm_iFirstMipLevel;
*pstrm >> sm_mexOffsetX;
*pstrm >> sm_mexOffsetY;
*pstrm >> sm_mexWidth;
*pstrm >> sm_mexHeight;
sm_iLastMipLevel = FastLog2( Min(sm_mexWidth, sm_mexHeight));
ASSERT((sm_mexWidth >>sm_iLastMipLevel)>=1);
// read the layers of the shadow
// writes shadow cluster map format to file
void CShadowMap::Write_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char *
pstrm->WriteID_t("LSHM"); // layered shadow map
// load the shadow map data
*pstrm << sm_ulFlags;
*pstrm << sm_iFirstMipLevel;
*pstrm << sm_mexOffsetX;
*pstrm << sm_mexOffsetY;
*pstrm << sm_mexWidth;
*pstrm << sm_mexHeight;
// write the layers of the shadow
// mix all layers into cached shadow map
void CShadowMap::MixLayers( INDEX iFirstMip, INDEX iLastMip, BOOL bDynamic/*=FALSE*/)
// base function is used only for testing
// just fill with white
ULONG ulValue = ByteSwap(C_WHITE);
ASSERT( sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL);
if( sm_pulCachedShadowMap==NULL || sm_pulCachedShadowMap==&sm_colFlat) return;
for( INDEX i=0; i<(sm_mexWidth>>sm_iFirstMipLevel)*(sm_mexHeight>>sm_iFirstMipLevel); i++) {
sm_pulCachedShadowMap[i] = ulValue;
// check if all layers are up to date
void CShadowMap::CheckLayersUpToDate(void)
// test if there is any dynamic layer
BOOL CShadowMap::HasDynamicLayers(void)
return FALSE;
void CShadowMap::ReadLayers_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char *
void CShadowMap::WriteLayers_t( CTStream *pstrm) // throw char *
// prepare shadow map for upload and bind (returns whether the shadowmap is flat or not)
void CShadowMap::Prepare(void)
// determine probing
extern BOOL ProbeMode( CTimerValue tvLast);
BOOL bUseProbe = ProbeMode(sm_tvLastDrawn);
// determine and clamp to max allowed shadow dimension
shd_iStaticSize = Clamp( shd_iStaticSize, 5, 8);
PIX pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<(shd_iStaticSize*2);
// determine largest allowed mip level
INDEX iFinestMipLevel = sm_iFirstMipLevel +
ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension,
sm_mexWidth>>sm_iFirstMipLevel, sm_mexHeight>>sm_iFirstMipLevel);
// make sure we didn't run out of range
INDEX iWantedMipLevel = ClampUp( iFinestMipLevel, sm_iLastMipLevel);
sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel = 31;
const PIX pixShadowSize = (sm_mexWidth>>iFinestMipLevel) * (sm_mexHeight>>iFinestMipLevel);
// see if shadowmap can be pulled out of probe mode
if( pixShadowSize<=16*16*4 || ((sm_ulFlags&SMF_PROBED) && _pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst>=0)) bUseProbe = FALSE;
if( bUseProbe) {
// adjust mip-level for probing
ULONG *pulDummy = NULL;
PIX pixProbeWidth = sm_mexWidth >>iFinestMipLevel;
PIX pixProbeHeight = sm_mexHeight>>iFinestMipLevel;
INDEX iMipOffset = GetMipmapOfSize( 16*16, pulDummy, pixProbeWidth, pixProbeHeight);
if( iMipOffset<2) bUseProbe = FALSE;
else iWantedMipLevel += iMipOffset;
// cache if it is not cached at all of not in this mip level
if( sm_pulCachedShadowMap==NULL || iWantedMipLevel<sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel) {
Cache( iWantedMipLevel);
ASSERT( sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel<31);
sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel = sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel;
// update the dynamic layers if they're invalid
if( sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICINVALID) {
INDEX iRet = UpdateDynamicLayers();
if( iRet<31) sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel = iRet;
// update statistics if not updated already for this frame
if( sm_iRenderFrame != _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber) {
sm_iRenderFrame = _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber;
// determine size and update
SLONG slBytes = pixShadowSize * gfxGetFormatPixRatio(sm_ulInternalFormat);
if( !sm_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) slBytes = slBytes *4/3;
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SHADOWBINDS, 1);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_SHADOWBINDBYTES, slBytes);
// reduce allowed burst value if upload is required in non-probe mode
if( !bUseProbe && sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel<31) {
const PIX pixWidth = sm_mexWidth >>sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel;
const PIX pixHeight = sm_mexHeight >>sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel;
const INDEX iPixSize = shd_bFineQuality ? 4 : 2;
SLONG slSize = pixWidth*pixHeight *iPixSize;
_pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst -= slSize;
// update probe requirements
if( bUseProbe) sm_ulFlags |= SMF_WANTSPROBE;
else sm_ulFlags &=~SMF_WANTSPROBE;
// provide the data for uploading
void CShadowMap::SetAsCurrent(void)
ASSERT( sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL && sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel<31);
// eventually re-adjust LOD bias
extern FLOAT _fCurrentLODBias;
extern void UpdateLODBias( const FLOAT fLODBias);
if( _fCurrentLODBias != _pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias) UpdateLODBias( _pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias);
// determine actual need for upload and eventaully colorize shadowmaps
const BOOL bFlat = IsFlat();
// done here if flat and non-dynamic
if( bFlat) {
// bind flat texture
// init use probe flag
BOOL bUseProbe = (sm_ulFlags & SMF_WANTSPROBE);
// if needs to be uploaded
if( sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel<31 || ((sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICUPLOADED) && (sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICBLACK)))
// generate bind number(s) if needed
if( sm_ulObject==NONE) {
gfxGenerateTexture( sm_ulObject);
sm_pixUploadWidth = sm_pixUploadHeight = 0;
sm_ulInternalFormat = NONE;
// determine shadow map pointer (static or dynamic shadow)
ULONG *pulShadowMap = sm_pulCachedShadowMap;
BOOL bSingleMipmap = FALSE;
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap!=NULL && !(sm_ulFlags&SMF_DYNAMICBLACK)) {
pulShadowMap = sm_pulDynamicShadowMap;
if( !shd_bDynamicMipmaps && gap_bAllowSingleMipmap) bSingleMipmap = TRUE;
bUseProbe = FALSE; // don't probe dynamic shadowmaps
// reset mapping parameters if needed
if( sm_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap != bSingleMipmap) {
sm_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = bSingleMipmap;
sm_pixUploadWidth = sm_pixUploadHeight = 0; // will not use subimage
// determine corresponding shadowmap's texture internal format, memory offset and flatness
if( sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel>30) sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel = sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel;
PIX pixWidth=1, pixHeight=1;
pixWidth = sm_mexWidth >>sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel;
pixHeight = sm_mexHeight >>sm_iFirstUploadMipLevel;
pulShadowMap += sm_slMemoryUsed/BYTES_PER_TEXEL - GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixWidth, pixHeight);
// paranoid
ASSERT( pixWidth>0 && pixHeight>0);
// determine internal shadow texture format and usage of faster glTexSubImage function instead of slow glTexImage
BOOL bUseSubImage = TRUE;
ULONG ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
if( !(_pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_32BITTEXTURES)) shd_bFineQuality = FALSE;
if( shd_bFineQuality) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;
if( _slShdSaturation<4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfL8; // better quality for grayscale shadow mode
// eventually re-adjust uploading parameters
if( sm_pixUploadWidth!=pixWidth || sm_pixUploadHeight!=pixHeight || sm_ulInternalFormat!=ulInternalFormat) {
sm_pixUploadWidth = pixWidth;
sm_pixUploadHeight = pixHeight;
sm_ulInternalFormat = ulInternalFormat;
bUseSubImage = FALSE;
// upload probe (if needed)
if( bUseProbe) {
sm_ulFlags |= SMF_PROBED;
if( sm_ulProbeObject==NONE) gfxGenerateTexture( sm_ulProbeObject);
CTexParams tpTmp = sm_tpLocal;
gfxSetTexture( sm_ulProbeObject, tpTmp);
gfxUploadTexture( pulShadowMap, pixWidth, pixHeight, TS.ts_tfRGB5, FALSE);
} else {
// upload shadow in required format and size
if( sm_ulFlags&SMF_PROBED) { // cannot subimage shadowmap that has been probed
bUseSubImage = FALSE;
sm_ulFlags &= ~SMF_PROBED;
// colorize mipmaps if needed
extern INDEX tex_bColorizeMipmaps;
if( tex_bColorizeMipmaps && pixWidth>1 && pixHeight>1) ColorizeMipmaps( 1, pulShadowMap, pixWidth, pixHeight);
MarkDrawn(); // mark that shadowmap has been referenced
gfxSetTexture( sm_ulObject, sm_tpLocal);
gfxUploadTexture( pulShadowMap, pixWidth, pixHeight, ulInternalFormat, bUseSubImage);
// paranoid android
ASSERT( sm_iFirstCachedMipLevel<31 && sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL);
// set corresponding probe or texture frame as current
if( bUseProbe && sm_ulProbeObject!=NONE && (_pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst<0 || (sm_ulFlags&SMF_PROBED))) {
CTexParams tpTmp = sm_tpLocal;
gfxSetTexture( sm_ulProbeObject, tpTmp);
// set non-probe shadowmap and mark that this shadowmap has been drawn
gfxSetTexture( sm_ulObject, sm_tpLocal);
// returns used memory - static, dynamic and uploaded size separately, slack space ratio (0-1 float)
// and whether the shadowmap is flat or not
BOOL CShadowMap::GetUsedMemory( SLONG &slStaticSize, SLONG &slDynamicSize, SLONG &slUploadSize, FLOAT &fSlackRatio)
const BOOL bFlat = (sm_pulCachedShadowMap==&sm_colFlat);
// determine static portion size
slStaticSize = 0;
if( sm_pulCachedShadowMap!=NULL) slStaticSize = sm_slMemoryUsed;
// determine dynamic portion size
slDynamicSize = 0;
if( sm_pulDynamicShadowMap!=NULL) slDynamicSize = sm_slMemoryUsed;
// determine uploaded portion size
slUploadSize = 0;
const PIX pixMemoryUsed = Max(slStaticSize,slDynamicSize)/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
if( pixMemoryUsed==0) return bFlat; // done if no memory is used
if( sm_ulObject!=NONE) {
slUploadSize = gfxGetTexturePixRatio(sm_ulObject);
if( !bFlat || slDynamicSize!=0) slUploadSize *= pixMemoryUsed;
// determine slack space
const FLOAT fPolySize = sm_pixPolygonSizeU*sm_pixPolygonSizeV;
fSlackRatio = 1.0f - ClampUp( fPolySize*4/3/pixMemoryUsed, 1.0f);
return bFlat;