Ryan C. Gordon 24cb244d43 First attempt to hand-merge Ryan's Linux and Mac OS X port.
This was a _ton_ of changes, made 15 years ago, so there are probably some
problems to work out still.

Among others: Engine/Base/Stream.* was mostly abandoned and will need to be

Still, this is a pretty good start, and probably holds a world record for
lines of changes or something.  :)
2016-03-28 23:46:13 -04:00

420 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Base/CTString.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Plane.h>
#include <Engine/Math/TextureMapping.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Projection.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/BSP.h>
// a vertex in 3d object
class CObjectVertex : public DOUBLE3D {
CObjectVertex *ovx_Remap; // pointer for index remapping
ULONG ovx_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX ovx_Index; // index for easier conversions
// flags 0-7 are used by CObjectVertex, flags 8-31 are reserved for custom formats
ULONG ovx_ulFlags; // flags
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectVertex(void) { ovx_ulFlags = 0;};
/* Constructor from vector. */
inline CObjectVertex(const DOUBLE3D &v) : DOUBLE3D(v) { ovx_ulFlags = 0;};
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) {};
// a plane in 3d object
class CObjectPlane : public DOUBLEplane3D {
CObjectPlane *opl_Remap; // pointer for index remapping
ULONG opl_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX opl_Index; // index for easier conversions
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectPlane(void) {};
/* Constructor from plane. */
inline CObjectPlane(const DOUBLEplane3D &pl) : DOUBLEplane3D(pl) {};
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) {};
/* rcg10042001 named anonymous structs. */
// an edge in 3d object
class CObjectEdge {
ULONG oed_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX oed_Index; // index for easier conversions
union {
struct { // used in optimization
CObjectEdge *oed_Remap; // pointer for index remapping
CObjectEdge *oed_InverseEdge; // pointer to inverse edge, if exists
} optimize;
struct { // used in splitting collinear edges
CObjectEdge *oed_FirstChild; // pointer to first part of split edge
CObjectEdge *oed_NextSibling; // pointer to next part of split edge
} colinear1;
struct { // used in splitting collinear edges
class CEdgeEx *oed_pedxLine; // pointer to line information
} colinear2;
CObjectVertex *oed_Vertex0; // start vertex
CObjectVertex *oed_Vertex1; // end vertex
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectEdge(void) {};
/* Constructor from vertex references. */
inline CObjectEdge(CObjectVertex &ovxVertex0, CObjectVertex &ovxVertex1)
: oed_Vertex0(&ovxVertex0), oed_Vertex1(&ovxVertex1) {};
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) {};
// a material in 3d object
class CObjectMaterial {
ULONG omt_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX omt_Index; // index for easier conversions
CTString omt_Name; // name of this material
CTString omt_strName2;
CTString omt_strName3;
COLOR omt_Color; // color of this material (surface)
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectMaterial(void) : omt_Name("<unnamed>") {};
/* Constructor from string. */
inline CObjectMaterial(const CTString &strName) : omt_Name(strName) {};
/* Copy constructor. */
inline CObjectMaterial(const CObjectMaterial &omt) {
omt_Name = omt.omt_Name;
omt_strName2 = omt.omt_strName2;
omt_strName3 = omt.omt_strName3;
omt_Color = omt.omt_Color;
/* Destructor. */
inline ~CObjectMaterial(void) {};
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) {
/* Assignment. */
inline const CObjectMaterial &operator=(const CObjectMaterial &omt) {
omt_Name = omt.omt_Name;
omt_strName2 = omt.omt_strName2;
omt_strName3 = omt.omt_strName3;
omt_Color = omt.omt_Color;
return *this;
/* Color assignment. */
inline void SetColor(const COLOR &clrColor) { omt_Color = clrColor; };
// a reference to edge in polygon
class ENGINE_API CObjectPolygonEdge {
CObjectEdge *ope_Edge; // pointer to the edge
BOOL ope_Backward; // true if vertex0 and vertex1 must be swapped
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectPolygonEdge(void) : ope_Backward(FALSE) {};
/* Constructor from edge pointer. */
inline CObjectPolygonEdge(CObjectEdge *poed) : ope_Edge(poed), ope_Backward(FALSE) {};
/* Constructor from edge pointer and reverse marker. */
inline CObjectPolygonEdge(CObjectEdge *poed, BOOL bReverse)
: ope_Edge(poed), ope_Backward(bReverse) {};
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) {};
/* Get start and end vertices. */
inline void GetVertices(CObjectVertex *&povxStart, CObjectVertex *&povxEnd)
if (ope_Backward) {
povxStart = ope_Edge->oed_Vertex1;
povxEnd = ope_Edge->oed_Vertex0;
} else {
povxStart = ope_Edge->oed_Vertex0;
povxEnd = ope_Edge->oed_Vertex1;
// a polygon in 3d object
// Flags
// flags 0-2 are used by CObjectPolygon, flags 3-31 are reserved for custom formats
#define OPOF_PORTAL (1L<<0) // set if the polygon is portal
#define OPOF_IGNOREDBYCSG (1L<<1) // set if the polygon is ignored when doing CSG
class ENGINE_API CObjectPolygon {
ULONG opo_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX opo_Index; // index for easier conversions
UBYTE opo_ubUserData[OPO_MAXUSERDATA]; // reserved space for other data
CObjectPlane *opo_Plane; // plane of this polygon
CDynamicArray<CObjectPolygonEdge> opo_PolygonEdges; // edges in this polygon
CObjectMaterial *opo_Material; // material of this polygon
CMappingDefinition opo_amdMappings[4]; // mapping of textures on this polygon
ULONG opo_ulFlags; // various flags
COLOR opo_colorColor; // color of this polygon
void *opo_pvOriginal; // used for format conversions
/* Default constructor. */
inline CObjectPolygon(void) : opo_Material(NULL), opo_ulFlags(0), opo_pvOriginal(NULL)
{ memset(&opo_ubUserData, 0, sizeof(opo_ubUserData)); };
/* Clear the object. */
inline void Clear(void) { opo_PolygonEdges.Clear(); };
/* Join polygon edges that are collinear and continuing. */
void JoinContinuingEdges(CDynamicArray<CObjectEdge> &oedEdges);
/* Remove polygon edges that are used twice from a polygon. */
void RemoveRedundantEdges(void);
/* Remove polygon edges that are marked as unused (oed_Edge==NULL) from polygon. */
void RemoveMarkedEdges(INDEX ctNonMarkedEdges);
/* Remove polygon edges that have zero length from a polygon. */
void RemoveDummyEdgeReferences(void);
// a sector in 3d object
class CObjectSector {
/* Create a new edge with two coordinates. */
inline CObjectEdge &CreateEdge(INDEX ivx0, INDEX ivx1) {
// lock vertex array
// create edge
CObjectEdge &oeResult =
*osc_aoedEdges.New(1) = CObjectEdge(osc_aovxVertices[ivx0], osc_aovxVertices[ivx1]);
// unlock vertex array
return oeResult;
/* Create a new edge with two coordinates. */
inline CObjectEdge &CreateEdge(const DOUBLE3D &vx0, const DOUBLE3D &vx1) {
// create end vertices for the part
CObjectVertex *aovxs = osc_aovxVertices.New(2);
aovxs[0] = vx0;
aovxs[1] = vx1;
// create edge
return *osc_aoedEdges.New(1) = CObjectEdge(aovxs[0], aovxs[1]);
/* Create an edge and add it to a polygon in this sector. */
inline void CreateEdgeInPolygon(CObjectPolygon &opoPolygon,
const DOUBLE3D &vVertex0, const DOUBLE3D &vVertex1) {
*opoPolygon.opo_PolygonEdges.New(1) =
CObjectPolygonEdge( &CreateEdge(vVertex0, vVertex1));
/* Check the optimization algorithm. */
void CheckOptimizationAlgorithm(void);
/* See if all polygons in sector are valid (planar). */
BOOL ArePolygonsPlanar(void);
/* Create indices for all members of all arrays. */
void CreateIndices(void);
/* Create BSP tree for sector. */
void CreateBSP(void);
// optimization functions
/* Remap different vertices with same coordinates to use only one of each. */
void RemapClonedVertices(void);
/* Remap different edges with same or reverse vertices to use only one of each. */
void RemapClonedEdges(void);
/* Remap different planes with same coordinates to use only one of each. */
void RemapClonedPlanes(void);
/* Remove vertices that are not used by any edge. */
void RemoveUnusedVertices(void);
/* Remove edges that are not used by any polygon. */
void RemoveUnusedEdges(void);
/* Remove planes that are not used by any polygon. */
void RemoveUnusedPlanes(void);
/* Create array of extended edge infos. */
void CreateEdgeLines(CStaticArray<CEdgeEx> &aedxEdgeLines,
CStaticArray<CEdgeEx *> &apedxSortedEdgeLines, INDEX &ctEdges);
/* Join polygon edges that are collinear and continuing. */
void JoinContinuingPolygonEdges(void);
/* Find collinear edges and cross-split them with each other. */
void SplitCollinearEdges(void);
/* Split a run of collinear edges. */
void SplitCollinearEdgesRun(CStaticArray<CEdgeEx *> &apedxSortedEdgeLines,
INDEX iFirstInRun, INDEX iLastInRun);
/* Split an edge with a run of vertices. */
inline void SplitEdgeWithVertices(CObjectEdge &oedOriginal,
CStaticArray<CObjectVertex *> &apvxVertices);
/* Remove polygon edges that are used twice from all polygons. */
void RemoveRedundantPolygonEdges(void);
/* Remove polygons with less than 3 edges. */
void RemoveDummyPolygons(void);
/* Find edges that have zero length and remove them from all polygons. */
void RemoveDummyEdgeReferences(void);
/* Remove unused and replicated elements. */
void Optimize(void);
/* Turn sector inside-out. */
void Inverse(void);
/* Recalculate all planes from vertices. (used when stretching vertices) */
void RecalculatePlanes(void);
CDynamicArray<CObjectVertex> osc_aovxVertices; // vertices
CDynamicArray<CObjectPlane> osc_aoplPlanes; // planes
CDynamicArray<CObjectMaterial> osc_aomtMaterials; // material info
CDynamicArray<CObjectEdge> osc_aoedEdges; // edges
CDynamicArray<CObjectPolygon> osc_aopoPolygons; // polygons
ULONG osc_Tag; // tag for format-specific data
INDEX osc_Index; // index for easier conversions
COLOR osc_colColor; // color of this sector
COLOR osc_colAmbient; // ambient lightning of this sector
ULONG osc_ulFlags[3]; // flags (not used in CTMath)
CTString osc_strName; // name of the sector
DOUBLEbsptree3D osc_BSPTree; // BSP tree of this sector
/* Default constructor. */
ENGINE_API CObjectSector(void);
/* Destructor. */
ENGINE_API ~CObjectSector(void);
/* Clear the object. */
void Clear(void);
/* Assignment operator. */
ENGINE_API CObjectSector &operator=(CObjectSector &oscOriginal);
/* Locks all object sector dynamic arrays */
void LockAll( void);
/* Unlocks all object sector dynamic arrays */
void UnlockAll( void);
/* Create a new polygon in given sector. */
ENGINE_API CObjectPolygon *CreatePolygon(INDEX ctVertices, INDEX aivVertices[],
CObjectMaterial &omaMaterial, ULONG ulFlags, BOOL bReverse);
/* Create a new polygon in given sector. */
ENGINE_API CObjectPolygon *CreatePolygon(INDEX ctVertices, DOUBLE3D avVertices[],
CObjectMaterial &omaMaterial, ULONG ulFlags, BOOL bReverse);
/* Find bounding box of the sector. */
void GetBoundingBox(DOUBLEaabbox3D &boxSector);
// a local class that holds extended edge information for finding collinear edges.
class CEdgeEx {
CObjectEdge *edx_poedEdge; // the original edge in object
// constants of the line that the edge is on
DOUBLE3D edx_vDirection; // normalized direction vector of the line
DOUBLE3D edx_vReferencePoint; // reference point on the line
BOOL edx_bReverse; // set if the edge direction is opposite to the line direction
/* Initialize the structure for the given edge. */
inline void Initialize(CObjectEdge *poedEdge);
inline void Initialize(const DOUBLE3D *pvPoint0, const DOUBLE3D *pvPoint1);
/* Test if a point is on the edge line. */
inline BOOL PointIsOnLine(const DOUBLE3D &vPoint) const;
* A mathematical format of 3d object used for importing/exporting, CSG etc.
class ENGINE_API CObject3D {
enum LoadType {
/* Remove sectors with no polygons. */
void RemoveEmptySectors(void);
/* Create indices of all sectors (doesn't create vertex indices etc.). */
void CreateSectorIndices(void);
CDynamicArray<CObjectSector> ob_aoscSectors; // sectors
/* Default constructor. */
/* Destructor. */
/* Clear all arrays. */
void Clear(void);
/* Recognize and load any of supported 3D file formats. */
void LoadAny3DFormat_t( const CTFileName &FileName, const FLOATmatrix3D &mTransform, enum LoadType ltLoadType=LT_NORMAL); // throw (char *)
// start/end batch loading of 3d objects
static void BatchLoading_t(BOOL bOn);
/* Convert from intermediate structures into O3D */
void ConvertArraysToO3D( void);
/* Save in LightWave format. */
void SaveLWO_t( const CTFileName &FileName); // throw (char *)
/* Save in 3DStudio format. */
void SaveDXF_t( const CTFileName &FileName); // throw (char *)
/* Remove unused and replicated elements. */
void Optimize(void);
/* See if all polygons in object 3D are valid (planar). */
BOOL ArePolygonsPlanar(void);
/* Create BSP trees for all sectors. */
void CreateSectorBSPs(void);
/* Project the whole object into some other space. */
void Project(CSimpleProjection3D_DOUBLE &pr);
/* Assignment operator. */
CObject3D &operator=(CObject3D &obOriginal);
/* Turn all sectors in object inside-out. (not recommended for multi sector objects) */
void Inverse(void);
/* Recalculate all planes from vertices. (used when stretching vertices) */
void RecalculatePlanes(void);
/**** CSG operations -- they all destroy both operands! ****/
/* Add rooms. */
void CSGAddRooms(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Add material from object B to object A. (B should have only one
open sector and no closed sectors) */
void CSGAddMaterial(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
void CSGAddMaterialReverse(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Remove material of object B from object A. (B should have only one
open sector and no closed sectors) */
void CSGRemoveMaterial(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Split sectors of object A using object B. (B should have only one
closed sector and no open sectors) */
void CSGSplitSectors(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Join sectors of object A with sectors of object B. (both A and B should
have only one sector) */
void CSGJoinSectors(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Split polygons of object A with sectors of object B. (both A and B should
have only one sector) */
void CSGSplitPolygons(CObject3D &obA, CObject3D &obB);
/* Turn all portals to walls. */
void TurnPortalsToWalls(void);
/* Find bounding box of the object. */
void GetBoundingBox(DOUBLEaabbox3D &boxObject);
/* Dump the object 3D to debug window. */
void DebugDump(void);
#endif /* include-once check. */