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/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
// Game.cpp : Defines the initialization routines for the DLL.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "GameMP/Game.h"
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <direct.h> // for _mkdir()
#include <io.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Profiling.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics.h>
#include <Engine/CurrentVersion.h>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "LCDDrawing.h"
FLOAT con_fHeightFactor = 0.5f;
FLOAT con_tmLastLines = 5.0f;
INDEX con_bTalk = 0;
CTimerValue _tvMenuQuickSave((__int64) 0);
// used filenames
CTFileName fnmPersistentSymbols = CTString("Scripts\\PersistentSymbols.ini");
CTFileName fnmStartupScript = CTString("Scripts\\Game_startup.ini");
CTFileName fnmConsoleHistory = CTString("Temp\\ConsoleHistory.txt");
CTFileName fnmCommonControls = CTString("Controls\\System\\Common.ctl");
// force dependency for player class
DECLARE_CTFILENAME( fnmPlayerClass, "Classes\\Player.ecl");
// controls used for all commands not belonging to any particular player
static CControls _ctrlCommonControls;
// array for keeping all frames' times
static CStaticStackArray<TIME> _atmFrameTimes;
static CStaticStackArray<INDEX> _actTriangles; // world, model, particle, total
// one and only Game object
// rcg11162001 This will resolve to the main binary under Linux, so it's
// okay. It's just another copy of the same otherwise.
extern CGame *_pGame;
CGame *_pGame = NULL;
extern "C"
#define EXPORTABLE __declspec (dllexport)
EXPORTABLE CGame *GAME_Create(void)
_pGame = new CGame;
return _pGame;
} // extern "C"
// Just working around a symbol reference in a shared library that isn't
// available in SeriousSam by turning gm_ctrlControlsExtra into a pointer
// instead of a full object. Messy; sorry! --ryan.
CGame::CGame() : gm_ctrlControlsExtra(new CControls) {}
CGame::~CGame() { delete gm_ctrlControlsExtra; }
// recorded profiling stats
static CTimerValue _tvDemoStarted;
static CTimerValue _tvLastFrame;
static CTString _strProfile;
static BOOL _bDumpNextTime = FALSE;
static BOOL _bStartProfilingNextTime = FALSE;
static BOOL _bProfiling = FALSE;
static INDEX _ctProfileRecording = 0;
static FLOAT gam_iRecordHighScore = -1.0f;
FLOAT gam_afAmmoQuantity[5] = {2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f , 2.0f };
FLOAT gam_afDamageStrength[5] = {0.25f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.5f , 2.0f };
FLOAT gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed[5] = {0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f, 2.0f , 2.0f };
FLOAT gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed[5] = {1.0f , 1.0f , 1.0f, 1.25f, 1.25f};
FLOAT gam_fManaTransferFactor = 0.5f;
FLOAT gam_fExtraEnemyStrength = 0;
FLOAT gam_fExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0;
INDEX gam_iCredits = -1; // number of credits for respawning
FLOAT gam_tmSpawnInvulnerability = 3;
INDEX gam_iScoreLimit = 100000;
INDEX gam_iFragLimit = 20;
INDEX gam_iTimeLimit = 0;
INDEX gam_bWeaponsStay = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bAmmoStays = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bHealthArmorStays = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bAllowHealth = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bAllowArmor = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bInfiniteAmmo = FALSE;
INDEX gam_bRespawnInPlace = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bPlayEntireGame = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bFriendlyFire = FALSE;
INDEX gam_ctMaxPlayers = 8;
INDEX gam_bWaitAllPlayers = FALSE;
INDEX gam_iInitialMana = 100;
INDEX gam_bQuickLoad = FALSE;
INDEX gam_bQuickSave = FALSE;
INDEX gam_iQuickSaveSlots = 8;
INDEX gam_iQuickStartDifficulty = 1;
INDEX gam_iQuickStartMode = 0;
INDEX gam_bQuickStartMP = 0;
INDEX gam_bEnableAdvancedObserving = 0;
INDEX gam_iObserverConfig = 0;
INDEX gam_iObserverOffset = 0;
INDEX gam_iStartDifficulty = 1;
INDEX gam_iStartMode = 0;
CTString gam_strGameAgentExtras = "";
INDEX gam_iBlood = 2; // 0=none, 1=green, 2=red, 3=hippie
INDEX gam_bGibs = TRUE;
INDEX gam_bUseExtraEnemies = TRUE;
static INDEX hud_iEnableStats = 1;
static FLOAT hud_fEnableFPS = 1;
static INDEX hud_iStats = 0;
static INDEX hud_bShowTime = FALSE;
static INDEX hud_bShowClock = FALSE;
static INDEX hud_bShowNetGraph = FALSE;
static INDEX hud_bShowResolution = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_bOSD = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_bPlay = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_bPlayByName = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_bProfile = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_iProfileRate = 5;
static CTString dem_strPostExec = "";
static INDEX ctl_iCurrentPlayerLocal = -1;
static INDEX ctl_iCurrentPlayer = -1;
static FLOAT gam_fChatSoundVolume = 0.25f;
BOOL map_bIsFirstEncounter = FALSE;
BOOL _bUserBreakEnabled = FALSE;
// make sure that console doesn't show last lines if not playing in network
void MaybeDiscardLastLines(void)
// if not in network
if (!_pNetwork->IsNetworkEnabled()) {
// don't show last lines on screen after exiting console
class CEnableUserBreak {
BOOL bOld;
CEnableUserBreak::CEnableUserBreak() {
bOld = _bUserBreakEnabled;
_bUserBreakEnabled = TRUE;
CEnableUserBreak::~CEnableUserBreak() {
_bUserBreakEnabled = bOld;
// wrapper function for dump and printout of extensive demo profile report
static void DumpDemoProfile(void)
CTString strFragment, strAnalyzed;
dem_iProfileRate = Clamp( dem_iProfileRate, 0L, 60L);
strFragment = _pGame->DemoReportFragmentsProfile( dem_iProfileRate);
strAnalyzed = _pGame->DemoReportAnalyzedProfile();
try {
// create file
CTFileStream strm;
CTString strFileName = CTString( "temp\\DemoProfile.lst");
strm.Create_t( strFileName, CTStream::CM_TEXT);
// dump results
strm.FPrintF_t( strFragment);
strm.FPrintF_t( strAnalyzed);
// done!
CPrintF( TRANS("Demo profile data dumped to '%s'.\n"), (const char *) strFileName);
catch (char *strError) {
// something went wrong :(
CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot dump demo profile data: %s\n"), strError);
static void ReportDemoProfile(void)
CTString strFragment, strAnalyzed;
dem_iProfileRate = Clamp( dem_iProfileRate, 0L, 60L);
strFragment = _pGame->DemoReportFragmentsProfile( dem_iProfileRate);
strAnalyzed = _pGame->DemoReportAnalyzedProfile();
CPrintF( strFragment);
CPrintF( strAnalyzed);
CPrintF( "-\n");
static CSoundObject *_apsoScriptChannels[MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS] = {0};
static void PlayScriptSound(INDEX iChannel, const CTString &strSound, FLOAT fVolume, FLOAT fPitch, BOOL bLooping)
if (iChannel<0 || iChannel>=MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS) {
if (_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]==NULL) {
_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel] = new CSoundObject;
_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]->SetVolume(fVolume, fVolume);
try {
_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]->Play_t(strSound, SOF_NONGAME|(bLooping?SOF_LOOP:0));
} catch (char *strError) {
CPrintF("%s\n", strError);
static void PlayScriptSoundCfunc(void* pArgs)
CTString strSound = *NEXTARGUMENT(CTString*);
PlayScriptSound(iChannel, strSound, fVolume, fPitch, bLooping);
static void StopScriptSound(void* pArgs)
if (iChannel<0 || iChannel>=MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS||_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]==NULL) {
static INDEX IsScriptSoundPlaying(INDEX iChannel)
if (iChannel<0 || iChannel>=MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS||_apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]==NULL) {
return 0;
return _apsoScriptChannels[iChannel]->IsPlaying();
// Dump recorded profiling stats to file.
static void DumpProfileToFile(void)
_bDumpNextTime = TRUE;
// Dump recorded profiling stats to console.
static void DumpProfileToConsole(void)
// Record profiling stats.
static void RecordProfile(void)
_bStartProfilingNextTime = TRUE;
// screen shot saving feature in console
static BOOL bSaveScreenShot = FALSE;
static INDEX dem_iAnimFrame = -1;
static void SaveScreenShot(void)
static void Say(void* pArgs)
CTString strText = *NEXTARGUMENT(CTString*);
_pNetwork->SendChat(-1, -1, strText);
static void SayFromTo(void* pArgs)
CTString strText = *NEXTARGUMENT(CTString*);
_pNetwork->SendChat(ulFrom, ulTo, strText);
// create name for a new screenshot
static CTFileName MakeScreenShotName(void)
// create base name from the world name
CTFileName fnmBase = CTString("ScreenShots\\")+_pNetwork->GetCurrentWorld().FileName();
// start at counter of zero
INDEX iShot = 0;
// repeat forever
// create number for the file
CTString strNumber;
strNumber.PrintF("_shot%04d", iShot);
// create the full filename
CTFileName fnmFullTGA = fnmBase+strNumber+".tga";
CTFileName fnmFullJPG = fnmBase+strNumber+".jpg";
// if the file doesn't exist
if (!FileExistsForWriting(fnmFullTGA) && !FileExistsForWriting(fnmFullJPG)) {
// that is the right filename
return fnmFullTGA;
// if it exists, increment the number and retry
ba_iFirstKey = KID_NONE;
ba_iSecondKey = KID_NONE;
ba_bFirstKeyDown = FALSE;
ba_bSecondKeyDown = FALSE;
// Assignment operator.
CButtonAction &CButtonAction ::operator=(const CButtonAction &baOriginal)
ba_iFirstKey = baOriginal.ba_iFirstKey;
ba_iSecondKey = baOriginal.ba_iSecondKey;
ba_strName = baOriginal.ba_strName;
ba_strCommandLineWhenPressed = baOriginal.ba_strCommandLineWhenPressed;
ba_strCommandLineWhenReleased = baOriginal.ba_strCommandLineWhenReleased;
ba_bFirstKeyDown = FALSE;
ba_bSecondKeyDown = FALSE;
return *this;
void CButtonAction::Read_t( CTStream &istrm)
void CButtonAction::Write_t( CTStream &ostrm)
void CControls::DoButtonActions(void)
// for all button actions
FOREACHINLIST( CButtonAction, ba_lnNode, ctrl_lhButtonActions, itButtonAction)
// test if first button is pressed
BOOL bFirstPressed = _pInput->GetButtonState( itButtonAction->ba_iFirstKey);
// if it was just pressed
if (bFirstPressed && !itButtonAction->ba_bFirstKeyDown) {
// call pressed command
// if it was just released
} else if (!bFirstPressed && itButtonAction->ba_bFirstKeyDown) {
// call released command
// remember pressed state
itButtonAction->ba_bFirstKeyDown = bFirstPressed;
// test if second button is pressed
BOOL bSecondPressed = _pInput->GetButtonState( itButtonAction->ba_iSecondKey);
// if it was just pressed
if (bSecondPressed && !itButtonAction->ba_bSecondKeyDown) {
// call pressed command
// if it was just released
} else if (!bSecondPressed && itButtonAction->ba_bSecondKeyDown) {
// call released command
// remember pressed state
itButtonAction->ba_bSecondKeyDown = bSecondPressed;
// get current reading of an axis
FLOAT CControls::GetAxisValue(INDEX iAxis)
CAxisAction &aa = ctrl_aaAxisActions[iAxis];
FLOAT fReading = 0.0f;
if (aa.aa_iAxisAction!=AXIS_NONE) {
// get the reading
fReading = _pInput->GetAxisValue(aa.aa_iAxisAction);
// smooth the reading if needed
if ( ctrl_bSmoothAxes || aa.aa_bSmooth) {
FLOAT fSmoothed = (aa.aa_fLastReading+fReading)/2.0f;
aa.aa_fLastReading = fReading;
fReading = fSmoothed;
// integrate to get the absolute reading
// get relative or absolute reading
if (!aa.aa_bRelativeControler) {
fReading = aa.aa_fAbsolute;
// compensate for the deadzone
if (aa.aa_fDeadZone>0) {
FLOAT fDeadZone = aa.aa_fDeadZone/100.0f;
if (fReading<-fDeadZone) {
fReading = (fReading+fDeadZone)/(1-fDeadZone);
} else if (fReading>fDeadZone) {
fReading = (fReading-fDeadZone)/(1-fDeadZone);
} else {
fReading = 0.0f;
// apply sensitivity and inversion
return fReading*aa.aa_fAxisInfluence;
void CControls::CreateAction(const CPlayerCharacter &pc, CPlayerAction &paAction, BOOL bPreScan)
// set axis-controlled moving
paAction.pa_vTranslation(1) = -GetAxisValue( AXIS_MOVE_LR);
paAction.pa_vTranslation(2) = GetAxisValue( AXIS_MOVE_UD);
paAction.pa_vTranslation(3) = -GetAxisValue( AXIS_MOVE_FB);
// set axis-controlled rotation
paAction.pa_aRotation(1) = (ANGLE)-GetAxisValue( AXIS_TURN_LR);
paAction.pa_aRotation(2) = (ANGLE)GetAxisValue( AXIS_TURN_UD);
paAction.pa_aRotation(3) = (ANGLE)GetAxisValue( AXIS_TURN_BK);
// set axis-controlled view rotation
paAction.pa_aViewRotation(1) = (ANGLE)GetAxisValue( AXIS_LOOK_LR);
paAction.pa_aViewRotation(2) = (ANGLE)GetAxisValue( AXIS_LOOK_UD);
paAction.pa_aViewRotation(3) = (ANGLE)GetAxisValue( AXIS_LOOK_BK);
// execute all button-action shell commands
if (!bPreScan) {
//CPrintF("creating: prescan %d, x:%g\n", bPreScan, paAction.pa_aRotation(1));
// make the player class create the action packet
ctl_ComposeActionPacket(pc, paAction, bPreScan);
CButtonAction &CControls::AddButtonAction(void)
// create a new action
CButtonAction *pbaNew = new CButtonAction;
// add it to end of list
return *pbaNew;
void CControls::RemoveButtonAction( CButtonAction &baButtonAction)
// remove from list
// free it
delete &baButtonAction;
void CControls::DeleteAllButtonActions()
FORDELETELIST(CButtonAction, ba_lnNode, this->ctrl_lhButtonActions, itAct) {
delete &itAct.Current();
// calculate some useful demo vars
static void CalcDemoProfile( INDEX ctFrames, INDEX &ctFramesNoPeaks,
DOUBLE &dTimeSum, DOUBLE &dTimeSumNoPeaks, TIME &tmAverage, TIME &tmAverageNoPeaks,
TIME &tmSigma, TIME &tmHighLimit, TIME &tmLowLimit, TIME &tmHighPeak, TIME &tmLowPeak,
FLOAT &fAvgWTris, FLOAT &fAvgMTris, FLOAT &fAvgPTris, FLOAT &fAvgTTris,
FLOAT &fAvgWTrisNoPeaks, FLOAT &fAvgMTrisNoPeaks, FLOAT &fAvgPTrisNoPeaks, FLOAT &fAvgTTrisNoPeaks)
// calculate raw average
TIME tmCurrent;
dTimeSum = 0;
DOUBLE dWTriSum=0, dMTriSum=0, dPTriSum=0, dTTriSum=0;
DOUBLE dWTriSumNoPeaks=0, dMTriSumNoPeaks=0, dPTriSumNoPeaks=0, dTTriSumNoPeaks=0;
for( i=0; i<ctFrames; i++) {
dTimeSum += _atmFrameTimes[i];
dWTriSum += _actTriangles[i*4 +0]; // world
dMTriSum += _actTriangles[i*4 +1]; // model
dPTriSum += _actTriangles[i*4 +2]; // particle
dTTriSum += _actTriangles[i*4 +3]; // total
tmAverage = dTimeSum / ctFrames;
fAvgWTris = dWTriSum / ctFrames;
fAvgMTris = dMTriSum / ctFrames;
fAvgPTris = dPTriSum / ctFrames;
fAvgTTris = dTTriSum / ctFrames;
// calc raw sigma and limits
DOUBLE dSigmaSum=0;
for( i=0; i<ctFrames; i++) {
tmCurrent = _atmFrameTimes[i];
TIME tmDelta = tmCurrent-tmAverage;
dSigmaSum += tmDelta*tmDelta;
tmSigma = Sqrt(dSigmaSum/ctFrames);
tmHighLimit = (tmAverage-tmSigma*2);
tmLowLimit = (tmAverage+tmSigma*2);
// eliminate low peaks
ctFramesNoPeaks = ctFrames;
dTimeSumNoPeaks = dTimeSum;
dWTriSumNoPeaks = dWTriSum;
dMTriSumNoPeaks = dMTriSum;
dPTriSumNoPeaks = dPTriSum;
dTTriSumNoPeaks = dTTriSum;
for( i=0; i<ctFrames; i++) {
tmCurrent = _atmFrameTimes[i];
if( tmHighLimit>tmCurrent || tmLowLimit<tmCurrent) {
dTimeSumNoPeaks -= tmCurrent;
dWTriSumNoPeaks -= _actTriangles[i*4 +0];
dMTriSumNoPeaks -= _actTriangles[i*4 +1];
dPTriSumNoPeaks -= _actTriangles[i*4 +2];
dTTriSumNoPeaks -= _actTriangles[i*4 +3];
// calculate peaks, new averages and sigma (without peaks)
tmAverageNoPeaks = dTimeSumNoPeaks / ctFramesNoPeaks;
fAvgWTrisNoPeaks = dWTriSumNoPeaks / ctFramesNoPeaks;
fAvgMTrisNoPeaks = dMTriSumNoPeaks / ctFramesNoPeaks;
fAvgPTrisNoPeaks = dPTriSumNoPeaks / ctFramesNoPeaks;
fAvgTTrisNoPeaks = dTTriSumNoPeaks / ctFramesNoPeaks;
tmHighPeak=99999, tmLowPeak=0;
for( i=0; i<ctFrames; i++) {
tmCurrent = _atmFrameTimes[i];
if( tmHighLimit>tmCurrent || tmLowLimit<tmCurrent) continue;
TIME tmDelta = tmCurrent-tmAverageNoPeaks;
dSigmaSum += tmDelta*tmDelta;
if( tmHighPeak > tmCurrent) tmHighPeak = tmCurrent;
if( tmLowPeak < tmCurrent) tmLowPeak = tmCurrent;
tmSigma = Sqrt( dSigmaSum/ctFramesNoPeaks);
// dump demo profile to file
CTString CGame::DemoReportFragmentsProfile( INDEX iRate)
CTString strRes="";
CTString strTmp;
INDEX ctFrames = _atmFrameTimes.Count();
// if report is not required
if( dem_iProfileRate==0) {
strRes.PrintF( TRANS("\nFragments report disabled.\n"));
return strRes;
// if not enough frames
if( ctFrames<20) {
strRes.PrintF( TRANS("\nNot enough recorded frames to make fragments report.\n"));
return strRes;
// enough frames - calc almost everything
strRes.PrintF( TRANS("\nDemo performance results (fragment time = %d seconds):\n"), dem_iProfileRate);
strTmp.PrintF( "------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
strRes += strTmp;
DOUBLE dTimeSum, dTimeSumNoPeaks;
INDEX ctFramesNoPeaks;
TIME tmAverage, tmAverageNoPeaks;
TIME tmSigma, tmHighLimit, tmLowLimit, tmHighPeak, tmLowPeak;
FLOAT fAvgWTris, fAvgMTris, fAvgPTris, fAvgTTris;
FLOAT fAvgWTrisNoPeaks, fAvgMTrisNoPeaks, fAvgPTrisNoPeaks, fAvgTTrisNoPeaks;
CalcDemoProfile( ctFrames, ctFramesNoPeaks, dTimeSum, dTimeSumNoPeaks, tmAverage, tmAverageNoPeaks,
tmSigma, tmHighLimit, tmLowLimit, tmHighPeak, tmLowPeak,
fAvgWTris, fAvgMTris, fAvgPTris, fAvgTTris,
fAvgWTrisNoPeaks, fAvgMTrisNoPeaks, fAvgPTrisNoPeaks, fAvgTTrisNoPeaks);
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" # average FPS average FPS (W/O peaks)\n"));
strRes += strTmp;
// loop thru frames and create output of time fragmens
dTimeSum = 0;
dTimeSumNoPeaks = 0;
ctFramesNoPeaks = 0;
FLOAT fFrameCounter = 0;
FLOAT fFrameCounterNoPeaks = 0;
TIME tmRate = dem_iProfileRate;
INDEX iFragment=1;
for( INDEX i=0; i<ctFrames; i++)
{ // get current frame time and calc sums
TIME tmCurrent = _atmFrameTimes[i];
dTimeSum += tmCurrent;
if( tmHighLimit<=tmCurrent && tmLowLimit>=tmCurrent) {
dTimeSumNoPeaks += tmCurrent;
// enough data for one time fragment
if( dTimeSum>=tmRate) {
FLOAT fTimeOver = dTimeSum - tmRate;
FLOAT fFrameOver = fTimeOver/tmCurrent;
FLOAT fFragmentAverage = tmRate / (fFrameCounter-fFrameOver);
FLOAT fFragmentNoPeaks = (tmRate-(dTimeSum-dTimeSumNoPeaks)) / (fFrameCounterNoPeaks-fFrameOver);
strTmp.PrintF( "%4d %6.1f %6.1f", iFragment, 1.0f/fFragmentAverage, 1.0f/fFragmentNoPeaks);
strRes += strTmp;
INDEX iFragmentAverage10 = FloatToInt(5.0f/fFragmentAverage);
INDEX iFragmentNoPeaks10 = FloatToInt(5.0f/fFragmentNoPeaks);
if( iFragmentAverage10 != iFragmentNoPeaks10) strTmp.PrintF( " !\n");
else strTmp.PrintF( "\n");
strRes += strTmp;
// restart time and frames
dTimeSum = fTimeOver;
dTimeSumNoPeaks = fTimeOver;
fFrameCounter = fFrameOver;
fFrameCounterNoPeaks = fFrameOver;
// all done
return strRes;
// printout extensive demo profile report
CTString CGame::DemoReportAnalyzedProfile(void)
CTString strRes="";
INDEX ctFrames = _atmFrameTimes.Count();
// nothing kept?
if( ctFrames<20) {
strRes.PrintF( TRANS("\nNot enough recorded frames to analyze.\n"));
return strRes;
// calc almost everything
DOUBLE dTimeSum, dTimeSumNoPeaks;
INDEX ctFramesNoPeaks;
TIME tmAverage, tmAverageNoPeaks;
TIME tmSigma, tmHighLimit, tmLowLimit, tmHighPeak, tmLowPeak;
FLOAT fAvgWTris, fAvgMTris, fAvgPTris, fAvgTTris;
FLOAT fAvgWTrisNoPeaks, fAvgMTrisNoPeaks, fAvgPTrisNoPeaks, fAvgTTrisNoPeaks;
CalcDemoProfile( ctFrames, ctFramesNoPeaks, dTimeSum, dTimeSumNoPeaks, tmAverage, tmAverageNoPeaks,
tmSigma, tmHighLimit, tmLowLimit, tmHighPeak, tmLowPeak,
fAvgWTris, fAvgMTris, fAvgPTris, fAvgTTris,
fAvgWTrisNoPeaks, fAvgMTrisNoPeaks, fAvgPTrisNoPeaks, fAvgTTrisNoPeaks);
// calc sustains
DOUBLE dHighSum=0, dLowSum=0;
DOUBLE dCurrentHighSum=0, dCurrentLowSum=0;
INDEX ctHighFrames=0, ctLowFrames=0;
INDEX ctCurrentHighFrames=0, ctCurrentLowFrames=0;
for( INDEX i=0; i<ctFrames; i++)
{ // skip low peaks
TIME tmCurrent = _atmFrameTimes[i];
if( tmHighLimit>tmCurrent || tmLowLimit<tmCurrent) continue;
// high?
if( (tmAverageNoPeaks-tmSigma) > tmCurrent) {
// keep high sustain
dCurrentHighSum += tmCurrent;
} else {
// new high sustain found?
if( ctHighFrames < ctCurrentHighFrames) {
ctHighFrames = ctCurrentHighFrames;
dHighSum = dCurrentHighSum;
// reset high sustain
ctCurrentHighFrames = 0;
dCurrentHighSum = 0;
// low?
if( (tmAverageNoPeaks+tmSigma) < tmCurrent) {
// keep low sustain
dCurrentLowSum += tmCurrent;
} else {
// new low sustain found?
if( ctLowFrames < ctCurrentLowFrames) {
ctLowFrames = ctCurrentLowFrames;
dLowSum = dCurrentLowSum;
// reset low sustain
ctCurrentLowFrames = 0;
dCurrentLowSum = 0;
// and results are ...
TIME tmHighSustained = ctHighFrames / dHighSum;
TIME tmLowSustained = ctLowFrames / dLowSum;
// printout
CTString strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS("\n%.1f KB used for demo profile:\n"), 1+ ctFrames*5*sizeof(FLOAT)/1024.0f);
strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" Originally recorded: %d frames in %.1f seconds => %5.1f FPS average.\n"),
ctFrames, dTimeSum, 1.0f/tmAverage);
strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS("Without excessive peaks: %d frames in %.1f seconds => %5.1f FPS average.\n"),
ctFramesNoPeaks, dTimeSumNoPeaks, 1.0f/tmAverageNoPeaks);
strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" High peak: %5.1f FPS\n"), 1.0f/tmHighPeak);
strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" Low peak: %5.1f FPS\n"), 1.0f/tmLowPeak);
strRes += strTmp;
// enough values recorder for high sustain?
if( ctHighFrames > (ctFrames/1024+5)) {
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" High sustained: %5.1f FPS (%d frames in %.1f seconds)\n"),
tmHighSustained, ctHighFrames, dHighSum);
strRes += strTmp;
// enough values recorder for low sustain?
if( ctLowFrames > (ctFrames/1024+5)) {
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" Low sustained: %5.1f FPS (%d frames in %.1f seconds)\n"),
tmLowSustained, ctLowFrames, dLowSum);
strRes += strTmp;
// do triangle profile output (hidden - maybe not so wise idea)
if( dem_bProfile==217) {
const FLOAT fAvgRTris = fAvgTTris - (fAvgWTris+fAvgMTris+fAvgPTris);
const FLOAT fAvgRTrisNoPeaks = fAvgTTrisNoPeaks - (fAvgWTrisNoPeaks+fAvgMTrisNoPeaks+fAvgPTrisNoPeaks);
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS("Triangles per frame (with and without excessive peaks):\n")); strRes += "\n"+strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" World: %7.1f / %.1f\n"), fAvgWTris, fAvgWTrisNoPeaks); strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" Model: %7.1f / %.1f\n"), fAvgMTris, fAvgMTrisNoPeaks); strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" Particle: %7.1f / %.1f\n"), fAvgPTris, fAvgPTrisNoPeaks); strRes += strTmp;
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" rest (2D): %7.1f / %.1f\n"), fAvgRTris, fAvgRTrisNoPeaks); strRes += strTmp;
strRes += " --------------------\n";
strTmp.PrintF( TRANS(" TOTAL: %7.1f / %.1f\n"), fAvgTTris, fAvgTTrisNoPeaks); strRes += strTmp;
// all done
return strRes;
/* This is called every TickQuantum seconds. */
void CGameTimerHandler::HandleTimer(void)
// call game's timer routine
void CGame::GameHandleTimer(void)
// if direct input is active
if( _pInput->IsInputEnabled() && !gm_bMenuOn)
// check if any active control uses joystick
BOOL bAnyJoy = _ctrlCommonControls.UsesJoystick();
for( INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<4; iPlayer++) {
if( gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource != NULL) {
INDEX iCurrentPlayer = gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_iPlayer;
CControls &ctrls = gm_actrlControls[ iCurrentPlayer];
if (ctrls.UsesJoystick()) {
bAnyJoy = TRUE;
// read input devices
// if game is currently active, and not paused
if (gm_bGameOn && !_pNetwork->IsPaused() && !_pNetwork->GetLocalPause())
// for all possible local players
for( INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<4; iPlayer++)
// if this player exist
if( gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource != NULL)
// publish player index to console
ctl_iCurrentPlayerLocal = iPlayer;
ctl_iCurrentPlayer = gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource->pls_Index;
// copy its local controls to current controls
gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_ubPlayerControlsState,
// create action for it for this tick
CPlayerAction paAction;
INDEX iCurrentPlayer = gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_iPlayer;
CControls &ctrls = gm_actrlControls[ iCurrentPlayer];
ctrls.CreateAction(gm_apcPlayers[iCurrentPlayer], paAction, FALSE);
// set the action in the client source object
gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource->SetAction(paAction);
// copy the local controls back
gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_ubPlayerControlsState,
// clear player indices
ctl_iCurrentPlayerLocal = -1;
ctl_iCurrentPlayer = -1;
// execute all button-action shell commands for common controls
if (gm_bGameOn) {
// if DirectInput is disabled, and game is currently active
else if (gm_bGameOn)
// for all possible local players
for( INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<4; iPlayer++)
{ // if this player exist
if( gm_lpLocalPlayers[iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource != NULL)
CPlayerSource &pls = *gm_lpLocalPlayers[iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource;
// create dummy action for the player for this tick
CPlayerAction paClearAction;
// clear actions
paClearAction = pls.pls_paAction;
paClearAction.pa_vTranslation = FLOAT3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
// paClearAction.pa_aRotation = ANGLE3D(0,0,0);
// paClearAction.pa_aViewRotation = ANGLE3D(0,0,0);
paClearAction.pa_ulButtons = 0;
// clear the action in the client source object
* Global game object (in our case Flesh) initialization function
void CGame::InitInternal( void)
gam_strCustomLevel = ""; // filename of custom level chosen
gam_strSessionName = TRANS("Unnamed session"); // name of multiplayer network session
gam_strJoinAddress = TRANS("serveraddress"); // join address
gm_MenuSplitScreenCfg = SSC_PLAY1;
gm_StartSplitScreenCfg = SSC_PLAY1;
gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg = SSC_PLAY1;
gm_iLastSetHighScore = 0;
gm_iSinglePlayer = 0;
gm_iWEDSinglePlayer = 0;
gm_bGameOn = FALSE;
gm_bMenuOn = FALSE;
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
gm_bProfileDemo = FALSE;
gm_slPlayerControlsSize = 0;
gm_pvGlobalPlayerControls = NULL;
memset(gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers, 0, sizeof(gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers));
memset(gm_aiStartLocalPlayers, 0, sizeof(gm_aiStartLocalPlayers));
// first assign translated to make dependcy catcher extract the translations
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_UD] = TRANS("move u/d");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_LR] = TRANS("move l/r");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_FB] = TRANS("move f/b");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_UD] = TRANS("look u/d");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_LR] = TRANS("turn l/r");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_BK] = TRANS("banking");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_UD] = TRANS("view u/d");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_LR] = TRANS("view l/r");
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_BK] = TRANS("view banking");
// but we must not really use the translation for loading
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_UD] = "move u/d"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_LR] = "move l/r"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_MOVE_FB] = "move f/b"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_UD] = "look u/d"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_LR] = "turn l/r"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_TURN_BK] = "banking"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_UD] = "view u/d"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_LR] = "view l/r"; //
gm_astrAxisNames[AXIS_LOOK_BK] = "view banking"; //
gm_csConsoleState = CS_OFF;
gm_csComputerState = CS_OFF;
gm_bGameOn = FALSE;
gm_bMenuOn = FALSE;
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[0] = 0;
gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[1] = -1;
gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[2] = -1;
gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[3] = -1;
gm_MenuSplitScreenCfg = SSC_PLAY1;
gm_iWEDSinglePlayer = 0;
gm_iSinglePlayer = 0;
// add game timer handler
// add shell variables
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void RecordProfile(void);", (void *)&RecordProfile);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void SaveScreenShot(void);", (void *)&SaveScreenShot);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void DumpProfileToConsole(void);", (void *)&DumpProfileToConsole);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void DumpProfileToFile(void);", (void *)&DumpProfileToFile);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX hud_iStats;", (void *)&hud_iStats);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX hud_bShowResolution;", (void *)&hud_bShowResolution);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX hud_bShowTime;", (void *)&hud_bShowTime);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX hud_bShowClock;", (void *)&hud_bShowClock);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX dem_bOnScreenDisplay;", (void *)&dem_bOSD);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX dem_bPlay;", (void *)&dem_bPlay);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX dem_bPlayByName;", (void *)&dem_bPlayByName);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX dem_bProfile;", (void *)&dem_bProfile);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX dem_iAnimFrame;", (void *)&dem_iAnimFrame);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString dem_strPostExec;", (void *)&dem_strPostExec);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX dem_iProfileRate;", (void *)&dem_iProfileRate);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX hud_bShowNetGraph;", (void *)&hud_bShowNetGraph);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("FLOAT gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed[5];", (void *)&gam_afEnemyMovementSpeed);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("FLOAT gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed[5];", (void *)&gam_afEnemyAttackSpeed);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("FLOAT gam_afDamageStrength[5];", (void *)&gam_afDamageStrength);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("FLOAT gam_afAmmoQuantity[5];", (void *)&gam_afAmmoQuantity);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT gam_fManaTransferFactor;", (void *)&gam_fManaTransferFactor);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT gam_fExtraEnemyStrength ;", (void *)&gam_fExtraEnemyStrength );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT gam_fExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer;", (void *)&gam_fExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iInitialMana;", (void *)&gam_iInitialMana);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iScoreLimit;", (void *)&gam_iScoreLimit);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iFragLimit;", (void *)&gam_iFragLimit);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iTimeLimit;", (void *)&gam_iTimeLimit);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_ctMaxPlayers;", (void *)&gam_ctMaxPlayers);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bWaitAllPlayers;", (void *)&gam_bWaitAllPlayers);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bFriendlyFire;", (void *)&gam_bFriendlyFire);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bPlayEntireGame;", (void *)&gam_bPlayEntireGame);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bWeaponsStay;", (void *)&gam_bWeaponsStay);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bAmmoStays ;", (void *)&gam_bAmmoStays );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bHealthArmorStays;", (void *)&gam_bHealthArmorStays);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bAllowHealth ;", (void *)&gam_bAllowHealth );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bAllowArmor ;", (void *)&gam_bAllowArmor );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bInfiniteAmmo ;", (void *)&gam_bInfiniteAmmo );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bRespawnInPlace ;", (void *)&gam_bRespawnInPlace );
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iCredits;", (void *)&gam_iCredits);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT gam_tmSpawnInvulnerability;", (void *)&gam_tmSpawnInvulnerability);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iBlood;", (void *)&gam_iBlood);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bGibs;", (void *)&gam_bGibs);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bUseExtraEnemies;", (void *)&gam_bUseExtraEnemies);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_bQuickLoad;", (void *)&gam_bQuickLoad);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_bQuickSave;", (void *)&gam_bQuickSave);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_iQuickSaveSlots;", (void *)&gam_iQuickSaveSlots);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_iQuickStartDifficulty;", (void *)&gam_iQuickStartDifficulty);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_iQuickStartMode;", (void *)&gam_iQuickStartMode);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_bQuickStartMP;", (void *)&gam_bQuickStartMP);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iStartDifficulty;", (void *)&gam_iStartDifficulty);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_iStartMode;", (void *)&gam_iStartMode);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString gam_strGameAgentExtras;", (void *)&gam_strGameAgentExtras);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString gam_strCustomLevel;", (void *)&gam_strCustomLevel);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString gam_strSessionName;", (void *)&gam_strSessionName);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString gam_strJoinAddress;", (void *)&gam_strJoinAddress);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX gam_bEnableAdvancedObserving;", (void *)&gam_bEnableAdvancedObserving);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_iObserverConfig;", (void *)&gam_iObserverConfig);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX gam_iObserverOffset;", (void *)&gam_iObserverOffset);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("INDEX gam_iRecordHighScore;", (void *)&gam_iRecordHighScore);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT con_fHeightFactor;", (void *)&con_fHeightFactor);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user FLOAT con_tmLastLines;", (void *)&con_tmLastLines);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX con_bTalk;", (void *)&con_bTalk);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void ReportDemoProfile(void);", (void *)&ReportDemoProfile);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void DumpDemoProfile(void);", (void *)&DumpDemoProfile);
extern CTString GetGameAgentRulesInfo(void);
extern CTString GetGameTypeName(INDEX);
extern CTString GetGameTypeNameCfunc(void* pArgs);
extern CTString GetCurrentGameTypeName(void);
extern ULONG GetSpawnFlagsForGameType(INDEX);
extern ULONG GetSpawnFlagsForGameTypeCfunc(void* pArgs);
extern BOOL IsMenuEnabled(const CTString &);
extern BOOL IsMenuEnabledCfunc(void* pArgs);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString GetGameAgentRulesInfo(void);", (void *)&GetGameAgentRulesInfo);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString GetGameTypeName(INDEX);", (void *)&GetGameTypeNameCfunc);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString GetCurrentGameTypeName(void);", (void *)&GetCurrentGameTypeName);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX GetSpawnFlagsForGameType(INDEX);", (void *)&GetSpawnFlagsForGameTypeCfunc);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX IsMenuEnabled(CTString);", (void *)&IsMenuEnabledCfunc);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void Say(CTString);", (void *)&Say);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void SayFromTo(INDEX, INDEX, CTString);", (void *)&SayFromTo);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("CTString GetGameTypeNameSS(INDEX);", (void *)&GetGameTypeName);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("INDEX GetSpawnFlagsForGameTypeSS(INDEX);", (void *)&GetSpawnFlagsForGameType);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("INDEX IsMenuEnabledSS(CTString);", (void *)&IsMenuEnabled);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX ctl_iCurrentPlayerLocal;", (void *)&ctl_iCurrentPlayerLocal);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user const INDEX ctl_iCurrentPlayer;", (void *)&ctl_iCurrentPlayer);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user FLOAT gam_fChatSoundVolume;", (void *)&gam_fChatSoundVolume);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void PlaySound(INDEX, CTString, FLOAT, FLOAT, INDEX);", (void *)&PlayScriptSound);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void StopSound(INDEX);", (void *)&StopScriptSound);
_pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX IsSoundPlaying(INDEX);", (void *)&IsScriptSoundPlaying);
// load persistent symbols
if (!_bDedicatedServer) {
_pShell->Execute(CTString("include \"")+fnmPersistentSymbols+"\";");
// execute the startup script
_pShell->Execute(CTString("include \"")+fnmStartupScript+"\";");
// check the size and pointer of player control variables that are local to each player
if (ctl_slPlayerControlsSize<=0
||ctl_pvPlayerControls==NULL) {
FatalError(TRANS("Current player controls are invalid."));
// load common controls
try {
} catch (char * /*strError*/) {
//FatalError(TRANS("Cannot load common controls: %s\n"), strError);
// init LCD textures/fonts
// load console history
CTString strConsole;
try {
gam_strConsoleInputBuffer = strConsole;
} catch (char *strError) {
(void)strError; // must ignore if there is no history file
// load game shell settings
try {
} catch (char *strError) {
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot load game settings:\n%s\n Using defaults\n"), strError);
// provide URL to the engine
_strModURL = "http://www.croteam.com/mods/TheSecondEncounter";
// internal cleanup
void CGame::EndInternal(void)
// stop game if eventually started
// remove game timer handler
_pTimer->RemHandler( &m_gthGameTimerHandler);
// save persistent symbols
if (!_bDedicatedServer) {
// stop and delete any playing sound
for( INDEX i=0; i<MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS; i++) {
if( _apsoScriptChannels[i]==NULL) continue;
delete _apsoScriptChannels[i];
// save console history
CTString strConsole = gam_strConsoleInputBuffer;
try {
} catch (char *strError) {
WarningMessage(TRANS("Cannot save console history:\n%s"), strError);
// save game shell settings
try {
} catch (char *strError) {
WarningMessage("Cannot load game settings:\n%s\nUsing defaults!", strError);
BOOL CGame::NewGame(const CTString &strSessionName, const CTFileName &fnWorld,
CSessionProperties &sp)
gam_iObserverConfig = 0;
gam_iObserverOffset = 0;
// stop eventually running game
CEnableUserBreak eub;
if (!gm_bFirstLoading) {
_bUserBreakEnabled = FALSE;
// try to start current network provider
if( !StartProviderFromName()) {
return FALSE;
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
// clear profile array and start game
gm_bProfileDemo = FALSE;
// start the new session
try {
if( dem_bPlay) {
gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[0] = -2;
CTFileName fnmDemo = CTString("Temp\\Play.dem");
if( dem_bPlayByName) {
fnmDemo = fnWorld;
} else {
BOOL bWaitAllPlayers = sp.sp_bWaitAllPlayers && _pNetwork->IsNetworkEnabled();
_pNetwork->StartPeerToPeer_t( strSessionName, fnWorld,
sp.sp_ulSpawnFlags, sp.sp_ctMaxPlayers, bWaitAllPlayers, &sp);
} catch (char *strError) {
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
// stop network provider
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot start game:\n%s\n"), strError);
return FALSE;
// setup players from given indices
if( !dem_bPlay && !AddPlayers()) {
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
return FALSE;
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
gm_bGameOn = TRUE;
gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg = gm_StartSplitScreenCfg;
// clear last set highscore
gm_iLastSetHighScore = -1;
return TRUE;
BOOL CGame::JoinGame(const CNetworkSession &session)
CEnableUserBreak eub;
gam_iObserverConfig = 0;
gam_iObserverOffset = 0;
// stop eventually running game
// try to start current network provider
if( !StartProviderFromName()) return FALSE;
// start the new session
try {
INDEX ctLocalPlayers = 0;
if (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg>=SSC_PLAY1 && gm_StartSplitScreenCfg<=SSC_PLAY4) {
ctLocalPlayers = (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg-SSC_PLAY1)+1;
_pNetwork->JoinSession_t(session, ctLocalPlayers);
} catch (char *strError) {
// stop network provider
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot join game:\n%s\n"), strError);
return FALSE;
// setup players from given indices
if( !AddPlayers())
return FALSE;
gm_bGameOn = TRUE;
gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg = gm_StartSplitScreenCfg;
return TRUE;
BOOL CGame::LoadGame(const CTFileName &fnGame)
gam_iObserverConfig = 0;
gam_iObserverOffset = 0;
// stop eventually running game
// try to start current network provider
if( !StartProviderFromName()) return FALSE;
// start the new session
try {
_pNetwork->Load_t( fnGame);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Loaded game: %s\n"), (const char *) fnGame);
} catch (char *strError) {
// stop network provider
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot load game: %s\n"), strError);
return FALSE;
// setup players from given indices
if( !AddPlayers())
return FALSE;
gm_bGameOn = TRUE;
gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg = gm_StartSplitScreenCfg;
// clear last set highscore
gm_iLastSetHighScore = -1;
// if it was a quicksave, and not the newest one
if (fnGame.Matches("*\\QuickSave*") && fnGame!=GetQuickSaveName(FALSE)) {
// mark that it should be resaved as newest
gam_bQuickSave = TRUE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CGame::StartDemoPlay(const CTFileName &fnDemo)
CEnableUserBreak eub;
// stop eventually running game
// try to start current network provider
if( !StartProviderFromName()) {
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
return FALSE;
// start the new session
try {
_pNetwork->StartDemoPlay_t( fnDemo);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Started playing demo: %s\n"), (const char *) fnDemo);
} catch (char *strError) {
// stop network provider
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot play demo: %s\n"), strError);
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
return FALSE;
gm_bFirstLoading = FALSE;
// setup players from given indices
gm_StartSplitScreenCfg = CGame::SSC_OBSERVER;
gm_bGameOn = TRUE;
gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg = gm_StartSplitScreenCfg;
// prepare array for eventual profiling
gm_bProfileDemo = FALSE;
if( dem_bProfile) gm_bProfileDemo = TRUE;
_tvDemoStarted = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
_tvLastFrame = _tvDemoStarted;
CTFileName fnmScript = fnDemo.NoExt()+".ini";
if (!FileExists(fnmScript)) {
fnmScript = CTString("Demos\\Default.ini");
CTString strCmd;
strCmd.PrintF("include \"%s\"", (const char*)fnmScript);
// all done
return TRUE;
BOOL CGame::StartDemoRec(const CTFileName &fnDemo)
// save demo recording
try {
_pNetwork->StartDemoRec_t( fnDemo);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Started recording demo: %s\n"), (const char *) fnDemo);
// save a thumbnail
return TRUE;
} catch (char *strError) {
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot start recording: %s\n"), strError);
return FALSE;
void CGame::StopDemoRec(void)
// if no game is currently running
if (!gm_bGameOn) return;
CPrintF(TRANSV("Finished recording.\n"));
BOOL CGame::SaveGame(const CTFileName &fnGame)
// if no live players
INDEX ctPlayers = GetPlayersCount();
INDEX ctLivePlayers = GetLivePlayersCount();
if (ctPlayers>0 && ctLivePlayers<=0) {
// display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Won't save game when dead!\n"));
// do not save
return FALSE;
// save new session
try {
_pNetwork->Save_t( fnGame);
CPrintF(TRANSV("Saved game: %s\n"), (const char *) fnGame);
return TRUE;
} catch (char *strError) {
// and display error
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot save game: %s\n"), (const char *) strError);
return FALSE;
void CGame::StopGame(void)
// disable computer quickly
// if no game is currently running
if (!gm_bGameOn)
// do nothing
// stop eventual camera
// disable direct input
// _pInput->DisableInput();
// and game
gm_bGameOn = FALSE;
// stop the game
// stop the provider
// for all four local players
for( INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<4; iPlayer++)
// mark that current player does not exist any more
gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_bActive = FALSE;
gm_lpLocalPlayers[ iPlayer].lp_pplsPlayerSource = NULL;
BOOL CGame::StartProviderFromName(void)
BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// list to contain available network providers
CListHead lhAvailableProviders;
// enumerate all providers
_pNetwork->EnumNetworkProviders( lhAvailableProviders);
// for each provider
FOREACHINLIST(CNetworkProvider, np_Node, lhAvailableProviders, litProviders)
// generate provider description
CTString strProviderName = litProviders->GetDescription();
// is this the provider we are searching for ?
if( strProviderName == gm_strNetworkProvider)
// it is, set it as active network provider
gm_npNetworkProvider = litProviders.Current();
bSuccess = TRUE;
// delete list of providers
FORDELETELIST(CNetworkProvider, np_Node, lhAvailableProviders, litDelete)
delete &litDelete.Current();
// try to
// start selected network provider
_pNetwork->StartProvider_t( gm_npNetworkProvider);
// catch throwed error
catch (char *strError)
// if unable, report error
CPrintF( TRANS("Can't start provider:\n%s\n"), strError);
bSuccess = FALSE;
return bSuccess;
hse_strPlayer = "";
hse_gdDifficulty = (CSessionProperties::GameDifficulty)-100;
hse_tmTime = -1.0f;
hse_ctKills = -1;
hse_ctScore = 0;
SLONG CGame::PackHighScoreTable(void)
// start at the beginning of buffer
UBYTE *pub = _aubHighScoreBuffer;
// for each entry
for (INDEX i=0; i<HIGHSCORE_COUNT; i++) {
// make its string
memset(str, 0, sizeof(str));
strncpy(str, gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_strPlayer, MAX_HIGHSCORENAME);
// copy the value and the string
memcpy(pub, str, sizeof(str));
INDEX ival;
FLOAT fval;
ival = gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_gdDifficulty;
memcpy(pub, &ival, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
fval = gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_tmTime;
memcpy(pub, &fval, sizeof(FLOAT));
pub += sizeof(FLOAT);
ival = gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctKills;
memcpy(pub, &ival, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
ival = gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctScore;
memcpy(pub, &ival, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
// just copy it for now
memcpy(_aubHighScorePacked, _aubHighScoreBuffer, MAX_HIGHSCORETABLESIZE);
void CGame::UnpackHighScoreTable(SLONG slSize)
// just copy it for now
memcpy(_aubHighScoreBuffer, _aubHighScorePacked, slSize);
// start at the beginning of buffer
UBYTE *pub = _aubHighScoreBuffer;
// for each entry
for (INDEX i=0; i<HIGHSCORE_COUNT; i++) {
gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_strPlayer = (const char*)pub;
memcpy(&gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_gdDifficulty, pub, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
memcpy(&gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_tmTime , pub, sizeof(FLOAT));
pub += sizeof(FLOAT);
memcpy(&gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctKills , pub, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
memcpy(&gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctScore , pub, sizeof(INDEX));
pub += sizeof(INDEX);
// try to
try {
CTFileStream strm;
{for (INDEX i=0; i<HIGHSCORE_COUNT; i++) {
gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_gdDifficulty = (CSessionProperties::GameDifficulty)-100;
{for (INDEX i=0; i<HIGHSCORE_COUNT; i++) {
CTString strLine;
char strName[256];
strLine.ScanF("\"%256[^\"]\" %d %g %d %d",
gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_strPlayer = strName;
} catch (char *strError) {
// remember best for player hud and statistics
plr_iHiScore = gm_ahseHighScores[0].hse_ctScore;
// no last set
gm_iLastSetHighScore = -1;
* Loads CGame from file with file name given trough SetGameSettingsSaveFileName() function
void CGame::Load_t( void)
ASSERT( gm_fnSaveFileName != "");
CTFileStream strmFile;
// open file with saved CGameObject
strmFile.Open_t( gm_fnSaveFileName,CTStream::OM_READ);
// read file ID
strmFile.ExpectID_t( CChunkID( "GAME")); // game
// check version number
if( !( CChunkID(GAME_SHELL_VER) == strmFile.GetID_t()) )
throw( TRANS("Invalid version of game shell."));
// load all of the class members
// read high-score table
strmFile.Read_t(&_aubHighScorePacked, slHSSize);
* Saves current state of CGame under file name given trough SetGameSettingsSaveFileName() function
void CGame::Save_t( void)
ASSERT( gm_fnSaveFileName != "");
CTFileStream strmFile;
// create file to save CGameObject
strmFile.Create_t( gm_fnSaveFileName);
// write file ID
strmFile.WriteID_t( CChunkID( "GAME")); // game shell
// write version number
strmFile.WriteID_t( CChunkID(GAME_SHELL_VER));
// save all of the class members
strmFile.Write_t( &gm_MenuSplitScreenCfg, sizeof( enum SplitScreenCfg));
// write high-score table
SLONG slHSSize = PackHighScoreTable();
strmFile.Write_t(&_aubHighScorePacked, slHSSize);
void LoadControls(CControls &ctrl, INDEX i)
try {
CTFileName fnm;
fnm.PrintF("Controls\\Controls%d.ctl", i);
} catch (char *strError) {
(void) strError;
try {
} catch (char *strError) {
(void) strError;
void LoadPlayer(CPlayerCharacter &pc, INDEX i)
try {
CTFileName fnm;
fnm.PrintF("Players\\Player%d.plr", i);
} catch (char *strError) {
(void) strError;
CTString strName;
if (i==0) {
LoadStringVar(CTString("Data\\Var\\DefaultPlayer.var"), strName);
if (strName=="") {
strName.PrintF("Player %d", i);
pc = CPlayerCharacter(strName);
* Loads 8 players and 8 controls
void CGame::LoadPlayersAndControls( void)
for (INDEX iControls=0; iControls<8; iControls++) {
LoadControls(gm_actrlControls[iControls], iControls);
for (INDEX iPlayer=0; iPlayer<8; iPlayer++) {
LoadPlayer(gm_apcPlayers[iPlayer], iPlayer);
* Saves 8 players and 8 controls
void CGame::SavePlayersAndControls( void)
// save players
gm_apcPlayers[0].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player0.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[1].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player1.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[2].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player2.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[3].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player3.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[4].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player4.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[5].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player5.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[6].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player6.plr"));
gm_apcPlayers[7].Save_t( CTString( "Players\\Player7.plr"));
// save controls
gm_actrlControls[0].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls0.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[1].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls1.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[2].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls2.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[3].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls3.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[4].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls4.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[5].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls5.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[6].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls6.ctl"));
gm_actrlControls[7].Save_t( CTString( "Controls\\Controls7.ctl"));
// catch throwed error
catch (char *strError)
(void) strError;
// skip checking of players if game isn't on
if( !gm_bGameOn) return;
// for each local player
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
CLocalPlayer &lp = gm_lpLocalPlayers[i];
// if active
if( lp.lp_bActive && lp.lp_pplsPlayerSource!=NULL && lp.lp_iPlayer>=0 && lp.lp_iPlayer<8) {
// if its character in game is different than the one in config
CPlayerCharacter &pcInGame = lp.lp_pplsPlayerSource->pls_pcCharacter;
CPlayerCharacter &pcConfig = gm_apcPlayers[lp.lp_iPlayer];
if( pcConfig.pc_strName!=pcInGame.pc_strName
|| pcConfig.pc_strTeam!=pcInGame.pc_strTeam
|| memcmp(pcConfig.pc_aubAppearance, pcInGame.pc_aubAppearance, sizeof(pcInGame.pc_aubAppearance))!=0 ) {
// demand change in game
void CGame::SetupLocalPlayers( void)
// setup local players and their controls
gm_lpLocalPlayers[0].lp_iPlayer = gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[0];
gm_lpLocalPlayers[1].lp_iPlayer = gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[1];
gm_lpLocalPlayers[2].lp_iPlayer = gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[2];
gm_lpLocalPlayers[3].lp_iPlayer = gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[3];
if (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg < CGame::SSC_PLAY1) {
gm_lpLocalPlayers[0].lp_iPlayer = -1;
if (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg < CGame::SSC_PLAY2) {
gm_lpLocalPlayers[1].lp_iPlayer = -1;
if (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg < CGame::SSC_PLAY3) {
gm_lpLocalPlayers[2].lp_iPlayer = -1;
if (gm_StartSplitScreenCfg < CGame::SSC_PLAY4) {
gm_lpLocalPlayers[3].lp_iPlayer = -1;
BOOL CGame::AddPlayers(void)
// add local player(s) into game
try {
for(INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
CLocalPlayer &lp = gm_lpLocalPlayers[i];
INDEX iPlayer = lp.lp_iPlayer;
if (iPlayer>=0) {
ASSERT(iPlayer>=0 && iPlayer<8);
lp.lp_pplsPlayerSource = _pNetwork->AddPlayer_t(gm_apcPlayers[iPlayer]);
lp.lp_bActive = TRUE;
} catch (char *strError) {
CPrintF(TRANSV("Cannot add player:\n%s\n"), strError);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// save thumbnail for savegame
static CTFileName _fnmThumb=CTString("");
void CGame::SaveThumbnail( const CTFileName &fnm)
// request saving of thumbnail only (need drawport)
// (saving will take place in GameRedrawView())
_fnmThumb = fnm;
// timer variables
static CTimerValue _tvLasts[FRAMES_AVERAGING_MAX];
static CTimerValue _tvDelta[FRAMES_AVERAGING_MAX];
static INDEX _iCheckNow = 0;
static INDEX _iCheckMax = 0;
// print resolution, frame rate or extensive profiling, and elapsed time
static void PrintStats( CDrawPort *pdpDrawPort)
// cache some general vars
SLONG slDPWidth = pdpDrawPort->GetWidth();
SLONG slDPHeight = pdpDrawPort->GetHeight();
// determine proper text scale for statistics display
FLOAT fTextScale = (FLOAT)slDPWidth/640.0f;
// display resolution info (if needed)
if( hud_bShowResolution) {
CTString strRes;
strRes.PrintF( "%dx%dx%s", slDPWidth, slDPHeight, (const char *) _pGfx->gl_dmCurrentDisplayMode.DepthString());
pdpDrawPort->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextScaling( fTextScale);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
pdpDrawPort->PutTextC( strRes, slDPWidth*0.5f, slDPHeight*0.15f, C_WHITE|255);
// if required, print elapsed playing time
if( hud_bShowTime) {
// set font, spacing and scale
pdpDrawPort->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextScaling( fTextScale);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
// calculate elapsed time
CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
ULONG ulTime = (ULONG)tvNow.GetSeconds();
// printout elapsed time
CTString strTime;
if( ulTime >= (60*60)) {
// print hours
strTime.PrintF( "%02d:%02d:%02d", ulTime/(60*60), (ulTime/60)%60, ulTime%60);
} else {
// skip hours
strTime.PrintF( "%2d:%02d", ulTime/60, ulTime%60);
pdpDrawPort->PutTextC( strTime, slDPWidth*0.5f, slDPHeight*0.06f, C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE);
// if required, print real time
if( hud_bShowClock) {
// set font, spacing and scale
pdpDrawPort->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
// determine time
struct tm *newtime;
time_t long_time;
newtime = localtime(&long_time);
// printout
CTString strTime;
strTime.PrintF( "%2d:%02d", newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min);
pdpDrawPort->PutTextR( strTime, slDPWidth-3, 2, C_lYELLOW|CT_OPAQUE);
// if required, draw netgraph
if( hud_bShowNetGraph)
{ // determine and clamp size
INDEX ctLines = _pNetwork->ga_angeNetGraph.Count();
ctLines = ClampUp( ctLines, (INDEX)(slDPHeight*0.7f));
FLOAT f192oLines = 192.0f / (FLOAT)ctLines;
const FLOAT fMaxWidth = slDPWidth *0.1f;
const PIX pixJ = (PIX) (slDPHeight *0.9f);
// draw canvas
pdpDrawPort->Fill( slDPWidth-1-fMaxWidth, pixJ-ctLines+1, fMaxWidth, ctLines, SE_COL_BLUE_DARK_HV|64);
pdpDrawPort->DrawBorder( slDPWidth-2-fMaxWidth, pixJ-ctLines, fMaxWidth+2, ctLines+2, C_WHITE |192);
// draw graph
for( INDEX i=0; i<ctLines; i++) {
FLOAT fValue = _pNetwork->ga_angeNetGraph[i].nge_fLatency;
enum NetGraphEntryType nge = _pNetwork->ga_angeNetGraph[i].nge_ngetType;
FLOAT fWidth = Clamp( fValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)*fMaxWidth;
COLOR colLine = C_GREEN;
if( nge==NGET_ACTION) colLine = C_GREEN; // normal action (default)
else if( nge==NGET_MISSING) colLine = C_RED; // missing sequence
else if( nge==NGET_NONACTION) colLine = C_WHITE; // non-action sequence
else if( nge==NGET_REPLICATEDACTION) colLine = C_BLUE; // duplicated action
else if( nge==NGET_SKIPPEDACTION) colLine = C_YELLOW; // skipped action
else colLine = C_BLACK; // unknown ???
ULONG ulAlpha = FloatToInt( ((FLOAT)ctLines-(i*0.3333f)) *f192oLines);
pdpDrawPort->DrawLine( slDPWidth-2, pixJ-i, slDPWidth-2-fWidth, pixJ-i, colLine|ulAlpha);
// if stats aren't required
hud_iStats = Clamp( hud_iStats, 0L, 2L);
if( hud_iStats==0 || (hud_iEnableStats==0 && hud_fEnableFPS==0)) {
// display nothing
_iCheckNow = 0;
_iCheckMax = 0;
// calculate FPS
FLOAT fFPS = 0.0f;
if( _iCheckMax >= FRAMES_AVERAGING_MAX) {
for( INDEX i=0; i<FRAMES_AVERAGING_MAX; i++) fFPS += _tvDelta[i].GetSeconds();
// determine newest time
CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
_tvDelta[_iCheckNow] = tvNow - _tvLasts[_iCheckNow];
_tvLasts[_iCheckNow] = tvNow;
_iCheckNow = (_iCheckNow+1) % FRAMES_AVERAGING_MAX;
// set display interface (proportional) font
pdpDrawPort->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextScaling( fTextScale);
// display colored FPS
if( fFPS >= 20) colFPS = C_GREEN;
if( fFPS >= 60) colFPS = C_WHITE;
if( fFPS < 10) pdpDrawPort->SetTextScaling( fTextScale*1.5); // enlarge output if FPS is extremely low
// prepare FPS string for printing
CTString strFPS = "?";
if( fFPS >= 30) strFPS.PrintF( "%3.0f", fFPS);
else if( fFPS >= 0.1f) strFPS.PrintF( "%3.1f", fFPS);
// printout FPS number (if allowed)
if( hud_fEnableFPS) pdpDrawPort->PutTextC( strFPS, slDPWidth*0.75f, slDPHeight*0.005f, colFPS|192);
// if in extensive stats mode
if( hud_iStats==2 && hud_iEnableStats)
{ // display extensive statistics
CTString strReport;
// adjust and set font
pdpDrawPort->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextScaling( 1.0f);
pdpDrawPort->SetTextLineSpacing( -1);
// put filter
pdpDrawPort->Fill( 0,0, 128,slDPHeight, C_BLACK|128, C_BLACK|0, C_BLACK|128, C_BLACK|0);
// printout statistics
strFPS.PrintF( " frame =%3.0f ms\n---------------\n", 1000.0f/fFPS);
pdpDrawPort->PutText( strFPS, 0, 40, C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE);
pdpDrawPort->PutText( strReport, 4, 65, C_GREEN|CT_OPAQUE);
// max possible drawports
CDrawPort adpDrawPorts[7];
// and ptrs to them
CDrawPort *apdpDrawPorts[7];
INDEX iFirstObserver = 0;
static void MakeSplitDrawports(enum CGame::SplitScreenCfg ssc, INDEX iCount, CDrawPort *pdp)
apdpDrawPorts[0] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[1] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[2] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[3] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[4] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[5] = NULL;
apdpDrawPorts[6] = NULL;
// if observer
if (ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER) {
// must have at least one screen
iCount = Clamp(iCount, 1L, 4L);
// starting at first drawport
iFirstObserver = 0;
// if one player or observer with one screen
if (ssc==CGame::SSC_PLAY1 || ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER && iCount==1) {
// the only drawport covers entire screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// if two players or observer with two screens
} else if (ssc==CGame::SSC_PLAY2 || ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER && iCount==2) {
// if the drawport is not dualhead
if (!pdp->IsDualHead()) {
// need two drawports for filling the empty spaces left and right
CDrawPort dpL( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
CDrawPort dpR( pdp, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
dpL.Lock(); dpL.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpL.Unlock();
dpR.Lock(); dpR.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpR.Unlock();
// first of two draw ports covers upper half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.1666, 0.0, 0.6668, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// second draw port covers lower half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.1666, 0.5, 0.6668, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// if the drawport is dualhead
} else {
// first of two draw ports covers left half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// second draw port covers right half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// if three players or observer with three screens
} else if (ssc==CGame::SSC_PLAY3 || ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER && iCount==3) {
// if the drawport is not dualhead
if (!pdp->IsDualHead()) {
// need two drawports for filling the empty spaces left and right
CDrawPort dpL( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 0.5f);
CDrawPort dpR( pdp, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 0.5f);
dpL.Lock(); dpL.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpL.Unlock();
dpR.Lock(); dpR.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpR.Unlock();
// first of three draw ports covers center upper half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.1666, 0.0, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// second draw port covers lower-left part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// third draw port covers lower-right part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[2] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[2] = &adpDrawPorts[2];
// if the drawport is dualhead
} else {
// first player uses entire left part
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// make right DH part
CDrawPort dpDHR( pdp, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
// need two drawports for filling the empty spaces left and right on the right DH part
CDrawPort dpL( &dpDHR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
CDrawPort dpR( &dpDHR, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
dpL.Lock(); dpL.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpL.Unlock();
dpR.Lock(); dpR.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpR.Unlock();
// second draw port covers upper half of the right screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( &dpDHR, 0.1666, 0.0, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// third draw port covers lower half of the right screen
adpDrawPorts[2] = CDrawPort( &dpDHR, 0.1666, 0.5, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[2] = &adpDrawPorts[2];
// if four players or observer with four screens
} else if (ssc==CGame::SSC_PLAY4 || ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER && iCount==4) {
// if the drawport is not dualhead
if (!pdp->IsDualHead()) {
// first of four draw ports covers upper-left part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// second draw port covers upper-right part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// third draw port covers lower-left part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[2] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[2] = &adpDrawPorts[2];
// fourth draw port covers lower-right part of the screen
adpDrawPorts[3] = CDrawPort( pdp, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[3] = &adpDrawPorts[3];
// if the drawport is dualhead
} else {
// make the DH parts
CDrawPort dpDHL( pdp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
CDrawPort dpDHR( pdp, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0);
// on the left part
// need two drawports for filling the empty spaces left and right
CDrawPort dpL( &dpDHL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
CDrawPort dpR( &dpDHL, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
dpL.Lock(); dpL.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpL.Unlock();
dpR.Lock(); dpR.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpR.Unlock();
// first of two draw ports covers upper half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[0] = CDrawPort( &dpDHL, 0.1666, 0.0, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[0] = &adpDrawPorts[0];
// second draw port covers lower half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[1] = CDrawPort( &dpDHL, 0.1666, 0.5, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[1] = &adpDrawPorts[1];
// on the right part
// need two drawports for filling the empty spaces left and right
CDrawPort dpL( &dpDHR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
CDrawPort dpR( &dpDHR, 0.8, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0f);
dpL.Lock(); dpL.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpL.Unlock();
dpR.Lock(); dpR.Fill(C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE); dpR.Unlock();
// first of two draw ports covers upper half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[2] = CDrawPort( &dpDHR, 0.1666, 0.0, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[2] = &adpDrawPorts[2];
// second draw port covers lower half of the screen
adpDrawPorts[3] = CDrawPort( &dpDHR, 0.1666, 0.5, 0.6667, 0.5);
apdpDrawPorts[3] = &adpDrawPorts[3];
// if observer
if (ssc==CGame::SSC_OBSERVER) {
// observing starts at first drawport
iFirstObserver = 0;
// if not observer
} else {
// observing starts after all players
iFirstObserver = INDEX(ssc)+1;
// if not observer and using more than one screen
if (ssc!=CGame::SSC_OBSERVER && iCount>=1) {
// create extra small screens
#define FREE (1/16.0)
#define FULL (4/16.0)
if (iCount==1) {
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE, FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0];
} else if (iCount==2) {
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE+0*(FULL+FREE), FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0];
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE+1*(FULL+FREE), FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1];
} else if (iCount==3) {
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE+0*(FULL+FREE), FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+0];
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE+1*(FULL+FREE), FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+1];
adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+2] = CDrawPort( pdp, 1.0-FREE-FULL, FREE+2*(FULL+FREE), FULL, FULL);
apdpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+2] = &adpDrawPorts[iFirstObserver+2];
// this is used to make sure that the thumbnail is never saved with an empty screen
static BOOL _bPlayerViewRendered = FALSE;
// redraw all game views (for case of split-screens and such)
void CGame::GameRedrawView( CDrawPort *pdpDrawPort, ULONG ulFlags)
// if thumbnail saving has been required
if( _fnmThumb!="")
{ // reset the need for saving thumbnail
CTFileName fnm = _fnmThumb;
_fnmThumb = CTString("");
// render one game view to a small cloned drawport
PIX pixSizeJ = pdpDrawPort->GetHeight();
PIXaabbox2D boxThumb( PIX2D(0,0), PIX2D(128,128));
CDrawPort dpThumb( pdpDrawPort, boxThumb);
_bPlayerViewRendered = FALSE;
GameRedrawView( &dpThumb, 0);
if (_bPlayerViewRendered) {
// grab screenshot
CImageInfo iiThumb;
CTextureData tdThumb;
dpThumb.GrabScreen( iiThumb);
// try to save thumbnail
try {
CTFileStream strmThumb;
tdThumb.Create_t( &iiThumb, 128, MAX_MEX_LOG2, FALSE);
tdThumb.Write_t( &strmThumb);
} catch( char *strError) {
// report an error to console, if failed
CPrintF( "%s\n", strError);
} else {
_fnmThumb = fnm;
if( ulFlags) {
// pretouch memory if required (only if in game mode, not screengrabbing or profiling!)
// if game is started and computer isn't on
BOOL bClientJoined = FALSE;
if( gm_bGameOn && (_pGame->gm_csComputerState==CS_OFF || pdpDrawPort->IsDualHead())
&& gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg!=SSC_DEDICATED )
INDEX ctObservers = Clamp(gam_iObserverConfig, 0L, 4L);
INDEX iObserverOffset = ClampDn(gam_iObserverOffset, 0L);
if (gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg==SSC_OBSERVER) {
ctObservers = ClampDn(ctObservers, 1L);
if (gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg!=SSC_OBSERVER) {
if (!gam_bEnableAdvancedObserving || !GetSP()->sp_bCooperative) {
ctObservers = 0;
MakeSplitDrawports(gm_CurrentSplitScreenCfg, ctObservers, pdpDrawPort);
// get number of local players
INDEX ctLocals = 0;
{for (INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
if (gm_lpLocalPlayers[i].lp_pplsPlayerSource!=NULL) {
CEntity *apenViewers[7];
apenViewers[0] = NULL;
apenViewers[1] = NULL;
apenViewers[2] = NULL;
apenViewers[3] = NULL;
apenViewers[4] = NULL;
apenViewers[5] = NULL;
apenViewers[6] = NULL;
INDEX ctViewers = 0;
// check if input is enabled
BOOL bDoPrescan = _pInput->IsInputEnabled() &&
!_pNetwork->IsPaused() && !_pNetwork->GetLocalPause() &&
// prescan input
if (bDoPrescan) {
// timer must not occur during prescanning
{ CTSingleLock csTimer(&_pTimer->tm_csHooks, TRUE);
// for each local player
for( INDEX i=0; i<4; i++) {
// if local player
CPlayerSource *ppls = gm_lpLocalPlayers[i].lp_pplsPlayerSource;
if( ppls!=NULL) {
// get local player entity
apenViewers[ctViewers++] = _pNetwork->GetLocalPlayerEntity(ppls);
// precreate action for it for this tick
if (bDoPrescan) {
// copy its local controls to current controls
// do prescanning
CPlayerAction paPreAction;
INDEX iCurrentPlayer = gm_lpLocalPlayers[i].lp_iPlayer;
CControls &ctrls = gm_actrlControls[ iCurrentPlayer];
ctrls.CreateAction(gm_apcPlayers[iCurrentPlayer], paPreAction, TRUE);
// copy the local controls back
// fill in all players that are not local
INDEX ctNonlocals = 0;
CEntity *apenNonlocals[16];
memset(apenNonlocals, 0, sizeof(apenNonlocals));
{for (INDEX i=0; i<16; i++) {
CEntity *pen = CEntity::GetPlayerEntity(i);
if (pen!=NULL && !_pNetwork->IsPlayerLocal(pen)) {
apenNonlocals[ctNonlocals++] = pen;
// if there are any non-local players
if (ctNonlocals>0) {
// for each observer
{for (INDEX i=0; i<ctObservers; i++) {
// get the given player with given offset that is not local
INDEX iPlayer = (i+iObserverOffset)%ctNonlocals;
apenViewers[ctViewers++] = apenNonlocals[iPlayer];
// for each view
BOOL bHadViewers = FALSE;
{for (INDEX i=0; i<ctViewers; i++) {
CDrawPort *pdp = apdpDrawPorts[i];
if (pdp!=NULL && pdp->Lock()) {
// if there is a viewer
if (apenViewers[i]!=NULL) {
bHadViewers = TRUE;
// if predicted
if (apenViewers[i]->IsPredicted()) {
// use predictor instead
apenViewers[i] = apenViewers[i]->GetPredictor();
if (!CAM_IsOn()) {
_bPlayerViewRendered = TRUE;
// render it
apenViewers[i]->RenderGameView(pdp, (void*)ulFlags);
} else {
CAM_Render(apenViewers[i], pdp);
} else {
pdp->Fill( C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE);
if (!bHadViewers) {
pdpDrawPort->Fill( C_BLACK|CT_OPAQUE);
// create drawport for messages (left on DH)
CDrawPort dpMsg(pdpDrawPort, TRUE);
if ((ulFlags&GRV_SHOWEXTRAS) && dpMsg.Lock())
// print pause indicators
CTString strIndicator;
if (_pNetwork->IsDisconnected()) {
strIndicator.PrintF(TRANSV("Disconnected: %s\nPress F9 to reconnect"), (const char *)_pNetwork->WhyDisconnected());
} else if (_pNetwork->IsWaitingForPlayers()) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Waiting for all players to connect");
} else if (_pNetwork->IsWaitingForServer()) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Waiting for server to continue");
} else if (!_pNetwork->IsConnectionStable()) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Trying to stabilize connection...");
} else if (_pNetwork->IsGameFinished()) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Game finished");
} else if (_pNetwork->IsPaused() || _pNetwork->GetLocalPause()) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Paused");
} else if (_tvMenuQuickSave.tv_llValue!=0 &&
(_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer()-_tvMenuQuickSave).GetSeconds()<3) {
strIndicator = TRANS("Use F6 for QuickSave during game!");
} else if (_pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_strMOTD!="") {
CTString strMotd = _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_strMOTD;
static CTString strLastMotd = "";
static CTimerValue tvLastMotd((__int64) 0);
if (strLastMotd!=strMotd) {
tvLastMotd = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
strLastMotd = strMotd;
if (tvLastMotd.tv_llValue!=((__int64) 0) && (_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer()-tvLastMotd).GetSeconds()<3) {
strIndicator = strMotd;
if (strIndicator!="") {
// setup font
dpMsg.SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
dpMsg.SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
dpMsg.PutTextCXY( strIndicator,
dpMsg.GetHeight()*0.4f, SE_COL_BLUEGREEN_LT|192);
// print recording indicator
if (_pNetwork->IsRecordingDemo()) {
// setup font
dpMsg.SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
dpMsg.SetTextScaling( 1.0f);
dpMsg.SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
dpMsg.PutText( TRANS("Recording"),
dpMsg.GetHeight()*0.1f, C_CYAN|192);
// print some statistics
PrintStats( &dpMsg);
// print last few lines from console to top of screen
if (_pGame->gm_csConsoleState==CS_OFF) ConsolePrintLastLines( &dpMsg);
// print demo OSD
if( dem_bOSD) {
CTString strMessage;
// print the message
strMessage.PrintF("%.2fs", _pNetwork->ga_fDemoTimer);
dpMsg.SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont);
dpMsg.SetTextAspect( 1.0f);
dpMsg.PutText( strMessage, 20, 20);
// keep frames' time if required
if( gm_bProfileDemo)
CTimerValue tvThisFrame = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
// if demo has been finished
if( _pNetwork->IsDemoPlayFinished()) {
// end profile
gm_bProfileDemo = FALSE;
CPrintF( DemoReportAnalyzedProfile());
CPrintF( "-\n");
} else {
// determine frame time delta
TIME tmDelta = (tvThisFrame - _tvLastFrame).GetSeconds();
_tvLastFrame = tvThisFrame;
_atmFrameTimes.Push() = tmDelta; // add new frame time stamp
INDEX *piTriangles = _actTriangles.Push(4); // and polygons count
piTriangles[0] = _pGfx->gl_ctWorldTriangles;
piTriangles[1] = _pGfx->gl_ctModelTriangles;
piTriangles[2] = _pGfx->gl_ctParticleTriangles;
piTriangles[3] = _pGfx->gl_ctTotalTriangles;
// execute cvar after demoplay
if( _pNetwork->IsDemoPlayFinished() && dem_strPostExec!="") _pShell->Execute(dem_strPostExec);
// if no game is active
// clear background
if( pdpDrawPort->Lock()) {
pdpDrawPort->FillZBuffer( ZBUF_BACK);
// check for new chat message
static INDEX ctChatMessages=0;
INDEX ctNewChatMessages = _pShell->GetINDEX("net_ctChatMessages");
if (ctNewChatMessages!=ctChatMessages) {
PlayScriptSound(MAX_SCRIPTSOUNDS-1, CTFILENAME("Sounds\\Menu\\Chat.wav"), 4.0f*gam_fChatSoundVolume, 1.0f, FALSE);
// update sounds and forbid probing
_pGfx->gl_bAllowProbing = FALSE;
if( bSaveScreenShot || dem_iAnimFrame>=0)
// make the screen shot directory if it doesn't already exist
bSaveScreenShot = FALSE;
CTFileName fnmExpanded;
ExpandFilePath(EFP_WRITE, CTString("ScreenShots"), fnmExpanded);
// rcg01052002 This is done in Stream.cpp, now. --ryan.
// create a name for screenshot
CTFileName fnmScreenShot;
if( dem_iAnimFrame<0) {
fnmScreenShot = MakeScreenShotName();
} else {
// create number for the file
CTString strNumber;
strNumber.PrintF("%05d", (INDEX)dem_iAnimFrame);
fnmScreenShot = CTString("ScreenShots\\Anim_")+strNumber+".tga";
// grab screen creating image info
CImageInfo iiImageInfo;
if( pdpDrawPort->Lock()) {
pdpDrawPort->GrabScreen( iiImageInfo, 1);
// try to
try {
// save screen shot as TGA
iiImageInfo.SaveTGA_t( fnmScreenShot);
if( dem_iAnimFrame<0) CPrintF( TRANS("screen shot: %s\n"), (const char *) (CTString&)fnmScreenShot);
// if failed
catch (char *strError) {
// report error
CPrintF( TRANS("Cannot save screenshot:\n%s\n"), strError);
void CGame::RecordHighScore(void)
// if game is not running
if (!gm_bGameOn) {
// do nothing
// find that player
INDEX ipl= Clamp(int(gam_iRecordHighScore), 0, NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS);
CPlayer *penpl = (CPlayer *)&*CEntity::GetPlayerEntity(ipl);
if (penpl==NULL) {
//CPrintF( TRANS("Warning: cannot record score for player %d!\n"), ipl);
// get its score
INDEX ctScore = penpl->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore;
// find entry with lower score
INDEX iLess;
for(iLess=0; iLess<HIGHSCORE_COUNT; iLess++) {
if (gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_ctScore<ctScore) {
// if none
// do nothing more
// move all lower entries one place down, dropping the last one
for(INDEX i=HIGHSCORE_COUNT-1; i>iLess; i--) {
gm_ahseHighScores[i] = gm_ahseHighScores[i-1];
// remember new one
gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_ctScore = ctScore;
gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_strPlayer = penpl->GetPlayerName();
gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_gdDifficulty = GetSP()->sp_gdGameDifficulty;
if (GetSP()->sp_bMental) {
(INDEX&)gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_gdDifficulty = CSessionProperties::GD_EXTREME+1;
gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_tmTime = _pTimer->CurrentTick();
gm_ahseHighScores[iLess].hse_ctKills = penpl->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills;
// remember best for player hud and statistics
plr_iHiScore = gm_ahseHighScores[0].hse_ctScore;
// remember last set
gm_iLastSetHighScore = iLess;
INDEX CGame::GetLivePlayersCount(void)
INDEX ctLive = 0;
for (INDEX ipl=0; ipl<NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS; ipl++) {
CEntity *penpl = CEntity::GetPlayerEntity(ipl);
if (penpl!=NULL && (penpl->GetFlags()&ENF_ALIVE)) {
return ctLive;
INDEX CGame::GetPlayersCount(void)
INDEX ctPlayers = 0;
for (INDEX ipl=0; ipl<NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS; ipl++) {
CEntity *penpl = CEntity::GetPlayerEntity(ipl);
if (penpl!=NULL) {
return ctPlayers;
// get default description for a game (for save games/demos)
CTString CGame::GetDefaultGameDescription(BOOL bWithInfo)
CTString strDescription;
struct tm *newtime;
time_t long_time;
newtime = localtime(&long_time);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
CTString strTimeline;
char achTimeLine[256];
strftime( achTimeLine, sizeof(achTimeLine)-1, "%a %x %H:%M", newtime);
strTimeline = achTimeLine;
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
strDescription.PrintF( "%s - %s", (const char *) TranslateConst(_pNetwork->ga_World.GetName(), 0), (const char *) strTimeline);
if (bWithInfo) {
CPlayer *penPlayer = (CPlayer *)&*CEntity::GetPlayerEntity(0);
CTString strStats;
if (penPlayer!=NULL) {
penPlayer->GetStats(strStats, CST_SHORT, 40);
strDescription += "\n"+strStats;
return strDescription;
struct QuickSave {
CListNode qs_lnNode;
CTFileName qs_fnm;
INDEX qs_iNumber;
int qsort_CompareQuickSaves_FileUp( const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
const QuickSave &qs1 = **(QuickSave **)elem1;
const QuickSave &qs2 = **(QuickSave **)elem2;
return strcmp(qs1.qs_fnm, qs2.qs_fnm);
// delete extra quicksaves and find the next free number
INDEX FixQuicksaveDir(const CTFileName &fnmDir, INDEX ctMax)
// list the directory
CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> afnmDir;
MakeDirList(afnmDir, fnmDir, CTString("*.sav"), 0);
CListHead lh;
INDEX iMaxNo = -1;
// for each file in the directory
for (INDEX i=0; i<afnmDir.Count(); i++) {
CTFileName fnmName = afnmDir[i];
// parse it
INDEX iFile = -1;
fnmName.FileName().ScanF("QuickSave%d", &iFile);
// if it can be parsed
if (iFile>=0) {
// create new info for that file
QuickSave *pqs = new QuickSave;
pqs->qs_fnm = fnmName;
pqs->qs_iNumber = iFile;
if (iFile>iMaxNo) {
iMaxNo = iFile;
// add it to list
// sort the list
lh.Sort(qsort_CompareQuickSaves_FileUp, _offsetof(QuickSave, qs_lnNode));
INDEX ctCount = lh.Count();
// delete all old ones while number of files is too large
FORDELETELIST(QuickSave, qs_lnNode, lh, itqs) {
if (ctCount>ctMax) {
delete &*itqs;
return iMaxNo;
CTFileName CGame::GetQuickSaveName(BOOL bSave)
// find out base directory
CTFileName fnmDir;
if (GetSP()->sp_ctMaxPlayers==1) {
INDEX iPlayer = gm_iSinglePlayer;
if (GetSP()->sp_bQuickTest) {
iPlayer = gm_iWEDSinglePlayer;
fnmDir.PrintF("SaveGame\\Player%d\\Quick\\", iPlayer);
} else {
if (_pNetwork->IsNetworkEnabled()) {
fnmDir = CTString("SaveGame\\Network\\Quick\\");
} else {
fnmDir = CTString("SaveGame\\SplitScreen\\Quick\\");
// load last saved number
INDEX iLast = FixQuicksaveDir(fnmDir, bSave ? gam_iQuickSaveSlots-1 : gam_iQuickSaveSlots );
if (bSave) {
// add save name to that
CTFileName fnmName;
fnmName.PrintF("QuickSave%06d.sav", iLast);
return fnmDir+fnmName;
void CGame::GameMainLoop(void)
if (gam_bQuickSave && GetSP()->sp_gmGameMode!=CSessionProperties::GM_FLYOVER) {
if (gam_bQuickSave==2) {
_tvMenuQuickSave = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer();
gam_bQuickSave = FALSE;
CTFileName fnm = GetQuickSaveName(TRUE);
CTString strDes = GetDefaultGameDescription(TRUE);
SaveStringVar(fnm.NoExt()+".des", strDes);
// if quickload invoked
if (gam_bQuickLoad && GetSP()->sp_gmGameMode!=CSessionProperties::GM_FLYOVER) {
gam_bQuickLoad = FALSE;
// if no game active, or this computer is server
if (!gm_bGameOn || _pNetwork->IsServer()) {
// do a quickload
// otherwise
} else {
// rejoin current section
if (gam_iRecordHighScore>=0) {
gam_iRecordHighScore = -1.0f;
// if server was restarted
if (gm_bGameOn && !_pNetwork->IsServer() && _pNetwork->IsGameFinished() && _pNetwork->IsDisconnected()) {
// automatically reconnect
if (_bStartProfilingNextTime) {
_bStartProfilingNextTime = FALSE;
_bProfiling = TRUE;
_ctProfileRecording = 50;
// reset the profiles
} else if (_bProfiling) {
if (_ctProfileRecording<=0) {
_bProfiling = FALSE;
_bDumpNextTime = TRUE;
_strProfile = "===========================================================\n";
/* Render profile */
CTString strRenderReport;
/* Model profile */
CTString strModelReport;
/* Gfx profile */
CTString strGfxReport;
/* Sound profile */
CTString strSoundReport;
/* Network profile */
CTString strNetworkReport;
/* Physics profile */
CTString strPhysicsReport;
CPrintF( TRANS("Profiling done.\n"));
if (_bDumpNextTime) {
_bDumpNextTime = FALSE;
try {
// create a file for profile
CTFileStream strmProfile;
strmProfile.Write_t(_strProfile, strlen(_strProfile));
} catch (char *strError) {
// if game is started
if (gm_bGameOn) {
// do main loop procesing
* S E C O N D E N C O U N T E R M E N U *
static CTextureObject _toPointer;
static CTextureObject _toBcgClouds;
static CTextureObject _toBcgGrid;
static CTextureObject _toBackdrop;
static CTextureObject _toSamU;
static CTextureObject _toSamD;
static CTextureObject _toLeftU;
static CTextureObject _toLeftD;
static PIXaabbox2D _boxScreen_SE;
static PIX _pixSizeI_SE;
static PIX _pixSizeJ_SE;
CDrawPort *_pdp_SE = NULL;
static FLOAT _tmNow_SE;
static ULONG _ulA_SE;
static BOOL _bPopup;
void TiledTextureSE( PIXaabbox2D &_boxScreen, FLOAT fStretch, const MEX2D &vScreen, MEXaabbox2D &boxTexture)
PIX pixW = _boxScreen.Size()(1);
PIX pixH = _boxScreen.Size()(2);
boxTexture = MEXaabbox2D(MEX2D(0, 0), MEX2D(pixW/fStretch, pixH/fStretch));
void CGame::LCDInit(void)
try {
// force constant textures
((CTextureData*)_toPointer .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toBcgGrid .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toBackdrop .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toSamU .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toSamD .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toLeftU .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
((CTextureData*)_toLeftD .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT);
} catch (char *strError) {
FatalError("%s\n", strError);
void CGame::LCDEnd(void)
void CGame::LCDPrepare(FLOAT fFade)
// get current time and alpha value
_tmNow_SE = (FLOAT)_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetSeconds();
_ulA_SE = NormFloatToByte(fFade);
void CGame::LCDSetDrawport(CDrawPort *pdp)
_pdp_SE = pdp;
_pixSizeI_SE = _pdp_SE->GetWidth();
_pixSizeJ_SE = _pdp_SE->GetHeight();
_boxScreen_SE = PIXaabbox2D ( PIX2D(0,0), PIX2D(_pixSizeI_SE, _pixSizeJ_SE));
if (pdp->dp_SizeIOverRasterSizeI==1.0f) {
_bPopup = FALSE;
} else {
_bPopup = TRUE;
void CGame::LCDDrawBox(PIX pixUL, PIX pixDR, const PIXaabbox2D &box, COLOR col)
::_LCDDrawBox(pixUL, pixDR, box, col);
void CGame::LCDScreenBox(COLOR col)
void CGame::LCDScreenBoxOpenLeft(COLOR col)
void CGame::LCDScreenBoxOpenRight(COLOR col)
void CGame::LCDRenderClouds1(void)
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBackdrop, _boxScreen_SE, C_WHITE|255);
if (!_bPopup) {
PIXaabbox2D box;
// right character - Sam
INDEX iSize = 170;
INDEX iYU = 120;
INDEX iYM = iYU + iSize;
INDEX iYB = iYM + iSize;
INDEX iXL = 420;
INDEX iXR = (INDEX) (iXL + iSize*_pdp_SE->dp_fWideAdjustment);
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYU*_pdp_SE->GetHeight()/480) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetHeight()/480));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toSamU, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|255);
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetHeight()/480) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYB*_pdp_SE->GetHeight()/480));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toSamD, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|255);
iSize = 120;
iYU = 0;
iYM = iYU + iSize;
iYB = iYM + iSize;
iXL = -20;
iXR = iXL + iSize;
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYU*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toLeftU, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|200);
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYB*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toLeftD, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|200);
iYU = iYB;
iYM = iYU + iSize;
iYB = iYM + iSize;
iXL = -20;
iXR = iXL + iSize;
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYU*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toLeftU, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|200);
box = PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D( iXL*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYM*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640) ,
PIX2D( iXR*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640, iYB*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640));
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toLeftD, box, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|200);
MEXaabbox2D boxBcgClouds1;
TiledTextureSE(_boxScreen_SE, 1.2f*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640.0f,
MEX2D(sin(_tmNow_SE*0.5f)*35,sin(_tmNow_SE*0.7f+1)*21), boxBcgClouds1);
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBcgClouds, _boxScreen_SE, boxBcgClouds1, C_BLACK|_ulA_SE>>2);
TiledTextureSE(_boxScreen_SE, 0.7f*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640.0f,
MEX2D(sin(_tmNow_SE*0.6f+1)*32,sin(_tmNow_SE*0.8f)*25), boxBcgClouds1);
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBcgClouds, _boxScreen_SE, boxBcgClouds1, C_BLACK|_ulA_SE>>2);
void CGame::LCDRenderCloudsForComp(void)
MEXaabbox2D boxBcgClouds1;
TiledTextureSE(_boxScreen_SE, 1.856f*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640.0f,
MEX2D(sin(_tmNow_SE*0.5f)*35,sin(_tmNow_SE*0.7f)*21), boxBcgClouds1);
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBcgClouds, _boxScreen_SE, boxBcgClouds1, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|_ulA_SE>>2);
TiledTextureSE(_boxScreen_SE, 1.323f*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/640.0f,
MEX2D(sin(_tmNow_SE*0.6f)*31,sin(_tmNow_SE*0.8f)*25), boxBcgClouds1);
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBcgClouds, _boxScreen_SE, boxBcgClouds1, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|_ulA_SE>>2);
void CGame::LCDRenderClouds2(void)
void CGame::LCDRenderGrid(void)
void CGame::LCDRenderCompGrid(void)
MEXaabbox2D boxBcgGrid;
TiledTextureSE(_boxScreen_SE, 0.5f*_pdp_SE->GetWidth()/(_pdp_SE->dp_SizeIOverRasterSizeI*640.0f), MEX2D(0,0), boxBcgGrid);
_pdp_SE->PutTexture(&_toBcgGrid, _boxScreen_SE, boxBcgGrid, SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|_ulA_SE>>1);
void CGame::LCDDrawPointer(PIX pixI, PIX pixJ)
CDisplayMode dmCurrent;
if (dmCurrent.IsFullScreen()) {
while (ShowCursor(FALSE) >= 0);
} else {
if (!_pInput->IsInputEnabled()) {
while (ShowCursor(TRUE) < 0);
PIX pixSizeI = _toPointer.GetWidth();
PIX pixSizeJ = _toPointer.GetHeight();
_pdp_SE->PutTexture( &_toPointer, PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(pixI, pixJ), PIX2D(pixI+pixSizeI, pixJ+pixSizeJ)),
//::_LCDDrawPointer(pixI, pixJ);
COLOR CGame::LCDGetColor(COLOR colDefault, const char *strName)
if (!strcmp(strName, "thumbnail border")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "no thumbnail")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "popup box")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_BLUE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "tool tip")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_LIGHT|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "unselected")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "selected")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_LIGHT|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "disabled selected")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_DARK_LT |255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "disabled unselected")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_DARK|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "label")) {
colDefault = C_WHITE|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "title")) {
colDefault = C_WHITE|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "editing")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "hilited")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_LIGHT|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "hilited rectangle")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "edit fill")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_BLUE_DARK_LT|75;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "editing cursor")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "model box")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "hiscore header")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_LIGHT|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "hiscore data")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "hiscore last set")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "slider box")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "file info")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "display mode")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_ORANGE_NEUTRAL|255;
} else if (!strcmp(strName, "bcg fill")) {
colDefault = SE_COL_BLUE_DARK|255;
return ::_LCDGetColor(colDefault, strName);
COLOR CGame::LCDFadedColor(COLOR col)
return ::_LCDFadedColor(col);
COLOR CGame::LCDBlinkingColor(COLOR col0, COLOR col1)
return ::_LCDBlinkingColor(col0, col1);
// menu interface functions
void CGame::MenuPreRenderMenu(const char *strMenuName)
void CGame::MenuPostRenderMenu(const char *strMenuName)