2016-03-11 18:20:51 -06:00

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44 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "StdH.H"
#include <Engine/World/World.h>
#include <Engine/World/WorldCollision.h>
#include <Engine/Entities/InternalClasses.h>
#include <Engine/World/PhysicsProfile.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ListIterator.inl>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicContainer.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Brushes/Brush.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Math/Clipping.inl>
#include <Engine/Entities/EntityCollision.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Geometry.inl>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Terrain/TerrainMisc.h>
// these are used for making projections for converting from X space to Y space this way:
// MatrixMulT(mY, mX, mXToY);
// VectMulT(mY, vX-vY, vXToY);
// C=AtxB
static inline void MatrixMulT(const FLOATmatrix3D &mA, const FLOATmatrix3D &mB, FLOATmatrix3D &mC)
mC(1,1) = mA(1,1)*mB(1,1)+mA(2,1)*mB(2,1)+mA(3,1)*mB(3,1);
mC(1,2) = mA(1,1)*mB(1,2)+mA(2,1)*mB(2,2)+mA(3,1)*mB(3,2);
mC(1,3) = mA(1,1)*mB(1,3)+mA(2,1)*mB(2,3)+mA(3,1)*mB(3,3);
mC(2,1) = mA(1,2)*mB(1,1)+mA(2,2)*mB(2,1)+mA(3,2)*mB(3,1);
mC(2,2) = mA(1,2)*mB(1,2)+mA(2,2)*mB(2,2)+mA(3,2)*mB(3,2);
mC(2,3) = mA(1,2)*mB(1,3)+mA(2,2)*mB(2,3)+mA(3,2)*mB(3,3);
mC(3,1) = mA(1,3)*mB(1,1)+mA(2,3)*mB(2,1)+mA(3,3)*mB(3,1);
mC(3,2) = mA(1,3)*mB(1,2)+mA(2,3)*mB(2,2)+mA(3,3)*mB(3,2);
mC(3,3) = mA(1,3)*mB(1,3)+mA(2,3)*mB(2,3)+mA(3,3)*mB(3,3);
// v2 = Mt*v1
static inline void VectMulT(const FLOATmatrix3D &mM, const FLOAT3D &vV1, FLOAT3D &vV2)
vV2(1) = vV1(1)*mM(1,1)+vV1(2)*mM(2,1)+vV1(3)*mM(3,1);
vV2(2) = vV1(1)*mM(1,2)+vV1(2)*mM(2,2)+vV1(3)*mM(3,2);
vV2(3) = vV1(1)*mM(1,3)+vV1(2)*mM(2,3)+vV1(3)*mM(3,3);
// CClipMove
// get start and end positions of an entity in this tick
inline void CClipMove::GetPositionsOfEntity(
CEntity *pen, FLOAT3D &v0, FLOATmatrix3D &m0, FLOAT3D &v1, FLOATmatrix3D &m1)
// start is where entity is now
v0 = pen->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector;
m0 = pen->en_mRotation;
// if entity is movable
if (pen->en_ulPhysicsFlags&EPF_MOVABLE) {
// get end position from movable entity
CMovableEntity *penMovable = (CMovableEntity*)pen;
v1 = penMovable->en_vNextPosition;
m1 = penMovable->en_mNextRotation;
// NOTE: this prevents movable entities from hanging in the air when a brush moves
// beneath their feet
// if moving entity is reference of this entity
if (penMovable->en_penReference == cm_penMoving) {
// add this entity to list of movers
// if entity is not movable
} else {
// end position is same as start
v1 = v0;
m1 = m0;
* Constructor.
CClipMove::CClipMove(CMovableEntity *penEntity)
// clear last-hit statistics
cm_penHit = NULL;
cm_pbpoHit = NULL;
cm_fMovementFraction = 2.0f;
cm_penMoving = penEntity;
// if the entity is deleted, or couldn't possible collide with anything
if ((cm_penMoving->en_ulFlags&ENF_DELETED)
||cm_penMoving->en_pciCollisionInfo==NULL) {
// do nothing
// if entity is model
if (penEntity->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_MODEL ||
penEntity->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_EDITORMODEL ||
penEntity->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_SKAMODEL ||
penEntity->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_SKAEDITORMODEL ) {
cm_bMovingBrush = FALSE;
// remember entity and placements
cm_penA = penEntity;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penA, cm_vA0, cm_mA0, cm_vA1, cm_mA1);
// create spheres for the entity
cm_pamsA = &penEntity->en_pciCollisionInfo->ci_absSpheres;
// create aabbox for entire movement path
FLOATaabbox3D box0, box1;
penEntity->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(cm_vA0, cm_mA0, box0);
penEntity->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(cm_vA1, cm_mA1, box1);
cm_boxMovementPath = box0;
cm_boxMovementPath |= box1;
// if entity is brush
} else if (penEntity->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_BRUSH) {
cm_bMovingBrush = TRUE;
// remember entity and placements
cm_penB = penEntity;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penB, cm_vB0, cm_mB0, cm_vB1, cm_mB1);
// create spheres for the entity
// create aabbox for entire movement path
FLOATaabbox3D box0, box1;
penEntity->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(cm_vB0, cm_mB0, box0);
penEntity->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(cm_vB1, cm_mB1, box1);
cm_boxMovementPath = box0;
cm_boxMovementPath |= box1;
} else {
// send pass if needed
inline BOOL CClipMove::SendPassEvent(CEntity *penTested)
if (cm_ulPassMaskA & penTested->en_ulCollisionFlags) {
EPass ePassA;
ePassA.penOther = penTested;
ePassA.bThisMoved = TRUE;
bSent = TRUE;
if (cm_ulPassMaskB & penTested->en_ulCollisionFlags) {
EPass ePassB;
ePassB.penOther = cm_penMoving;
ePassB.bThisMoved = FALSE;
bSent = TRUE;
return bSent;
* Clip a moving point to a sphere, update collision data.
inline void CClipMove::ClipMovingPointToSphere(
const FLOAT3D &vStart,
const FLOAT3D &vEnd,
const FLOAT3D &vSphereCenter,
const FLOAT fSphereRadius)
const FLOAT3D vSphereCenterToStart = vStart - vSphereCenter;
const FLOAT3D vStartToEnd = vEnd - vStart;
// calculate discriminant for intersection parameters
const FLOAT fP = ((vStartToEnd%vSphereCenterToStart)/(vStartToEnd%vStartToEnd));
const FLOAT fQ = (((vSphereCenterToStart%vSphereCenterToStart)
- (fSphereRadius*fSphereRadius))/(vStartToEnd%vStartToEnd));
const FLOAT fD = fP*fP-fQ;
// if it is less than zero
if (fD<0) {
// no collision will occur
// calculate intersection parameters
const FLOAT fSqrtD = sqrt(fD);
const FLOAT fLambda1 = -fP+fSqrtD;
const FLOAT fLambda2 = -fP-fSqrtD;
// use lower one
const FLOAT fMinLambda = Min(fLambda1, fLambda2);
// if it is betwen zero and last collision found
if (0.0f<=fMinLambda && fMinLambda<cm_fMovementFraction) {
// if cannot pass
if (!SendPassEvent(cm_penTested)) {
// mark this as the new closest found collision point
cm_fMovementFraction = fMinLambda;
cm_vClippedLine = (vStartToEnd*(1.0f-fMinLambda))*cm_mBToAbsolute;
FLOAT3D vCollisionPoint = vStartToEnd*fMinLambda + vStart;
FLOAT3D vCollisionNormal = vCollisionPoint - vSphereCenter;
FLOATplane3D plClippedPlane(vCollisionNormal, vCollisionPoint);
// project the collision plane from space B to absolute space
cm_plClippedPlane = plClippedPlane*cm_mBToAbsolute+cm_vBToAbsolute;
// remember hit entity
cm_penHit = cm_penTested;
cm_pbpoHit = cm_pbpoTested;
* Clip a moving point to a cylinder, update collision data.
inline void CClipMove::ClipMovingPointToCylinder(
const FLOAT3D &vStart,
const FLOAT3D &vEnd,
const FLOAT3D &vCylinderBottomCenter,
const FLOAT3D &vCylinderTopCenter,
const FLOAT fCylinderRadius)
const FLOAT3D vStartToEnd = vEnd - vStart;
const FLOAT3D vCylinderBottomToStart = vStart - vCylinderBottomCenter;
const FLOAT3D vCylinderBottomToTop = vCylinderTopCenter - vCylinderBottomCenter;
const FLOAT fCylinderBottomToTopLength = vCylinderBottomToTop.Length();
const FLOAT3D vCylinderDirection = vCylinderBottomToTop/fCylinderBottomToTopLength;
const FLOAT3D vB = vStartToEnd - vCylinderDirection*(vCylinderDirection%vStartToEnd);
const FLOAT3D vC = vCylinderBottomToStart - vCylinderDirection*
const FLOAT fP = (vB%vC)/(vB%vB);
const FLOAT fQ = (vC%vC-fCylinderRadius*fCylinderRadius)/(vB%vB);
const FLOAT fD = fP*fP-fQ;
// if it is less than zero
if (fD<0) {
// no collision will occur
// calculate intersection parameters
const FLOAT fSqrtD = sqrt(fD);
const FLOAT fLambda1 = -fP+fSqrtD;
const FLOAT fLambda2 = -fP-fSqrtD;
// use lower one
const FLOAT fMinLambda = Min(fLambda1, fLambda2);
// if it is betwen zero and last collision found
if (0.0f<=fMinLambda && fMinLambda<cm_fMovementFraction) {
// calculate the collision point
FLOAT3D vCollisionPoint = vStartToEnd*fMinLambda + vStart;
// create plane at cylinder bottom
FLOATplane3D plCylinderBottom(vCylinderBottomToTop, vCylinderBottomCenter);
// find distance of the collision point from the bottom plane
FLOAT fCollisionToBottomPlaneDistance = plCylinderBottom.PointDistance(vCollisionPoint);
// if the point is between bottom and top of cylinder
if (0<=fCollisionToBottomPlaneDistance
&&fCollisionToBottomPlaneDistance<fCylinderBottomToTopLength) {
// if cannot pass
if (!SendPassEvent(cm_penTested)) {
// mark this as the new closest found collision point
cm_fMovementFraction = fMinLambda;
cm_vClippedLine = (vStartToEnd*(1.0f-fMinLambda))*cm_mBToAbsolute;
FLOAT3D vCollisionNormal = plCylinderBottom.ProjectPoint(vCollisionPoint)
- vCylinderBottomCenter;
FLOATplane3D plClippedPlane(vCollisionNormal, vCollisionPoint);
// project the collision plane from space B to absolute space
cm_plClippedPlane = plClippedPlane*cm_mBToAbsolute+cm_vBToAbsolute;
// remember hit entity
cm_penHit = cm_penTested;
cm_pbpoHit = cm_pbpoTested;
* Clip a moving sphere to a standing sphere, update collision data.
void CClipMove::ClipMovingSphereToSphere(const CMovingSphere &msMoving,
const CMovingSphere &msStanding)
// use moving point to sphere collision with sum of sphere radii
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end
msStanding.ms_vCenter, // sphere center
msMoving.ms_fR + msStanding.ms_fR // sphere radius
* Clip a moving sphere to a brush polygon, update collision data.
void CClipMove::ClipMovingSphereToBrushPolygon(const CMovingSphere &msMoving,
CBrushPolygon *pbpoPolygon)
cm_pbpoTested = pbpoPolygon;
const FLOATplane3D &plPolygon = pbpoPolygon->bpo_pbplPlane->bpl_plRelative;
// calculate point distances from polygon plane
FLOAT fDistance0 = plPolygon.PointDistance(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0)-msMoving.ms_fR;
FLOAT fDistance1 = plPolygon.PointDistance(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1)-msMoving.ms_fR;
// if first point is in front and second point is behind
if (fDistance0>=0 && fDistance1<0) {
// calculate fraction of line before intersection
FLOAT fFraction = fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
ASSERT(fFraction>=0.0f && fFraction<=1.0f);
// if fraction is less than minimum found fraction
if (fFraction<cm_fMovementFraction) {
// calculate intersection coordinate, projected to the polygon plane
FLOAT3D vPosMid = msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0+(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1-msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0)*fFraction;
FLOAT3D vHitPoint = plPolygon.ProjectPoint(vPosMid);
// find major axes of the polygon plane
INDEX iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2;
GetMajorAxesForPlane(plPolygon, iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2);
// create an intersector
CIntersector isIntersector(vHitPoint(iMajorAxis1), vHitPoint(iMajorAxis2));
// for all edges in the polygon
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(pbpoPolygon->bpo_abpePolygonEdges, CBrushPolygonEdge,
itbpePolygonEdge) {
// get edge vertices (edge direction is irrelevant here!)
const FLOAT3D &vVertex0 = itbpePolygonEdge->bpe_pbedEdge->bed_pbvxVertex0->bvx_vRelative;
const FLOAT3D &vVertex1 = itbpePolygonEdge->bpe_pbedEdge->bed_pbvxVertex1->bvx_vRelative;
// pass the edge to the intersector
vVertex0(iMajorAxis1), vVertex0(iMajorAxis2),
vVertex1(iMajorAxis1), vVertex1(iMajorAxis2));
// if the polygon is intersected by the ray
if (isIntersector.IsIntersecting()) {
// if cannot pass
if (!SendPassEvent(cm_penTested)) {
// mark this as the new closest found collision point
cm_fMovementFraction = fFraction;
cm_vClippedLine = msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1 - vPosMid;
// project the collision plane from space B to absolute space
// only the normal of the plane is correct, not the distance!!!!
cm_plClippedPlane = plPolygon*cm_mBToAbsolute+cm_vBToAbsolute;
// remember hit entity
cm_penHit = cm_penTested;
cm_pbpoHit = cm_pbpoTested;
// for each edge in polygon
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(pbpoPolygon->bpo_abpePolygonEdges, CBrushPolygonEdge, itbpe) {
// get edge vertices (edge direction is important here!)
FLOAT3D vVertex0, vVertex1;
itbpe->GetVertexCoordinatesRelative(vVertex0, vVertex1);
// clip moving sphere to the edge (moving point to the edge cylinder)
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start,
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end,
vVertex0, // cylinder bottom center,
vVertex1, // cylinder top center,
msMoving.ms_fR // cylinder radius
// clip moving sphere to the first vertex
// NOTE: use moving point to sphere collision
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end
vVertex0, // sphere center
msMoving.ms_fR // sphere radius
/* Clip a moving sphere to a terrain polygon, update collision data. */
void CClipMove::ClipMovingSphereToTerrainPolygon(
const CMovingSphere &msMoving, const FLOAT3D &v0, const FLOAT3D &v1, const FLOAT3D &v2)
cm_pbpoTested = NULL;
const FLOATplane3D plPolygon = FLOATplane3D(v0,v1,v2);
// calculate point distances from polygon plane
FLOAT fDistance0 = plPolygon.PointDistance(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0)-msMoving.ms_fR;
FLOAT fDistance1 = plPolygon.PointDistance(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1)-msMoving.ms_fR;
// if first point is in front and second point is behind
if (fDistance0>=0 && fDistance1<0) {
// calculate fraction of line before intersection
FLOAT fFraction = fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1);
ASSERT(fFraction>=0.0f && fFraction<=1.0f);
// if fraction is less than minimum found fraction
if (fFraction<cm_fMovementFraction) {
// calculate intersection coordinate, projected to the polygon plane
FLOAT3D vPosMid = msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0+(msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1-msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0)*fFraction;
FLOAT3D vHitPoint = plPolygon.ProjectPoint(vPosMid);
// find major axes of the polygon plane
INDEX iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2;
GetMajorAxesForPlane(plPolygon, iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2);
// create an intersector
CIntersector isIntersector(vHitPoint(iMajorAxis1), vHitPoint(iMajorAxis2));
// for all edges in the polygon, pass the edge to the intersector
isIntersector.AddEdge(v0(iMajorAxis1), v0(iMajorAxis2), v1(iMajorAxis1), v1(iMajorAxis2));
isIntersector.AddEdge(v1(iMajorAxis1), v1(iMajorAxis2), v2(iMajorAxis1), v2(iMajorAxis2));
isIntersector.AddEdge(v2(iMajorAxis1), v2(iMajorAxis2), v0(iMajorAxis1), v0(iMajorAxis2));
// if the polygon is intersected by the ray
if (isIntersector.IsIntersecting()) {
// if cannot pass
if (!SendPassEvent(cm_penTested)) {
// mark this as the new closest found collision point
cm_fMovementFraction = fFraction;
cm_vClippedLine = msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1 - vPosMid;
// project the collision plane from space B to absolute space
// only the normal of the plane is correct, not the distance!!!!
cm_plClippedPlane = plPolygon*cm_mBToAbsolute+cm_vBToAbsolute;
// remember hit entity
cm_penHit = cm_penTested;
cm_pbpoHit = cm_pbpoTested;
// for all edges in the polygon, clip moving sphere to the edge (moving point to the edge cylinder)
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start,
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end,
v0, // cylinder bottom center,
v1, // cylinder top center,
msMoving.ms_fR // cylinder radius
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start,
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end,
v1, // cylinder bottom center,
v2, // cylinder top center,
msMoving.ms_fR // cylinder radius
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start,
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end,
v2, // cylinder bottom center,
v0, // cylinder top center,
msMoving.ms_fR // cylinder radius
// for each edge in polygon, clip moving sphere to the first vertex
// NOTE: use moving point to sphere collision
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end
v0, // sphere center
msMoving.ms_fR // sphere radius
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end
v1, // sphere center
msMoving.ms_fR // sphere radius
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter0, // start
msMoving.ms_vRelativeCenter1, // end
v2, // sphere center
msMoving.ms_fR // sphere radius
/* Clip movement to a terrain polygon. */
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToTerrainPolygon(const FLOAT3D &v0, const FLOAT3D &v1, const FLOAT3D &v2)
// for each sphere of entity A
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsA, CMovingSphere, itmsMoving) {
// clip moving sphere to the polygon
ClipMovingSphereToTerrainPolygon(*itmsMoving, v0, v1, v2);
* Clip movement to a brush polygon.
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToBrushPolygon(CBrushPolygon *pbpoPolygon)
// for each sphere of entity A
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsA, CMovingSphere, itmsMoving) {
// clip moving sphere to the polygon
ClipMovingSphereToBrushPolygon(*itmsMoving, pbpoPolygon);
* Project spheres of moving entity to standing entity space.
void CClipMove::ProjectASpheresToB(void)
// for each sphere
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsA, CMovingSphere, itmsA) {
// project it in start point
itmsA->ms_vRelativeCenter0 = itmsA->ms_vCenter*cm_mAToB0+cm_vAToB0;
// project it in end point
itmsA->ms_vRelativeCenter1 = itmsA->ms_vCenter*cm_mAToB1+cm_vAToB1;
// make bounding box
itmsA->ms_boxMovement = FLOATaabbox3D(itmsA->ms_vRelativeCenter0, itmsA->ms_vRelativeCenter1);
/* Find movement box in absolute space for A entity. */
void CClipMove::FindAbsoluteMovementBoxForA(void)
// position at beginning of movement is absolute position
FLOAT3D &vPosition0 = cm_vA0;
FLOATmatrix3D &mRotation0 = cm_mA0;
FLOATmatrix3D mB0Abs, mB1Abs;
FLOAT3D vB0Abs, vB1Abs;
// make absolute positions of B0 and B1
vB0Abs = FLOAT3D(0,0,0);
MatrixMulT(cm_mB1, cm_mB0, mB1Abs);
VectMulT(cm_mB1, cm_vB0-cm_vB1, vB1Abs);
// these are used for making projections for converting from X space to Y space this way:
// MatrixMulT(mY, mX, mXToY);
// VectMulT(mY, vX-vY, vXToY);
FLOAT3D vPosition1;
FLOATmatrix3D mRotation1;
MatrixMulT(mB1Abs, cm_mA0, mRotation1);
VectMulT(mB1Abs, cm_vA0-vB1Abs, vPosition1);
FLOATaabbox3D box0, box1;
cm_penA->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(vPosition0, mRotation0, box0);
cm_penA->en_pciCollisionInfo->MakeBoxAtPlacement(vPosition1, mRotation1, box1);
cm_boxMovementPathAbsoluteA = box0;
cm_boxMovementPathAbsoluteA |= box1;
cm_boxMovementPathAbsoluteA = FLOATaabbox3D();
// for each sphere
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsA, CMovingSphere, itmsA) {
// project it in start point
FLOAT3D v0 = (itmsA->ms_vCenter*cm_mAToB0+cm_vAToB0)*cm_mB0+cm_vB0;
// project it in end point
FLOAT3D v1 = (itmsA->ms_vCenter*cm_mAToB1+cm_vAToB1)*cm_mB0+cm_vB0;
// make bounding box
FLOATaabbox3D box = FLOATaabbox3D(v0, v1);
* Clip movement if B is a model.
void CClipMove::ClipModelMoveToModel(void)
// assumes that all spheres in one entity have same radius
FLOAT fRB = (*cm_pamsB)[0].ms_fR;
// for each sphere in entity A
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsA, CMovingSphere, itmsA) {
CMovingSphere &msA = *itmsA;
FLOATaabbox3D &boxMovingSphere = msA.ms_boxMovement;
// for each sphere in entity B
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(*cm_pamsB, CMovingSphere, itmsB) {
CMovingSphere &msB = *itmsB;
// if the sphere is too far
if (
(boxMovingSphere.Min()(1)>msB.ms_vCenter(1)+fRB) ||
(boxMovingSphere.Max()(1)<msB.ms_vCenter(1)-fRB) ||
(boxMovingSphere.Min()(2)>msB.ms_vCenter(2)+fRB) ||
(boxMovingSphere.Max()(2)<msB.ms_vCenter(2)-fRB) ||
(boxMovingSphere.Min()(3)>msB.ms_vCenter(3)+fRB) ||
(boxMovingSphere.Max()(3)<msB.ms_vCenter(3)-fRB)) {
// skip it
// clip sphere A to sphere B
ClipMovingSphereToSphere(msA, msB);
* Clip movement if B is a brush.
void CClipMove::ClipBrushMoveToModel(void)
// get first mip of the brush
CBrushMip *pbmMip = cm_penB->en_pbrBrush->GetFirstMip();
// for each sector in the brush mip
FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(pbmMip->bm_abscSectors, CBrushSector, itbsc) {
// if the sector's bbox has no contact with bbox of movement path
if ( !itbsc->bsc_boxBoundingBox.HasContactWith(cm_boxMovementPathAbsoluteA, 0.01f) ) {
// skip it
// for each polygon in the sector
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(itbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons, CBrushPolygon, itbpo) {
// if it is passable or its bbox has no contact with bbox of movement path
if ((itbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_PASSABLE)
||!itbpo->bpo_boxBoundingBox.HasContactWith(cm_boxMovementPathAbsoluteA, 0.01f) ) {
// skip it
// clip movement to the polygon
* Prepare projections and spheres for movement clipping.
void CClipMove::PrepareProjectionsAndSpheres(void)
// Formula: C=AxB --> Cij=Sum(s=1..k)(Ais*Bsj)
// make projections for converting from A space to B space
MatrixMulT(cm_mB0, cm_mA0, cm_mAToB0);
VectMulT(cm_mB0, cm_vA0-cm_vB0, cm_vAToB0);
MatrixMulT(cm_mB1, cm_mA1, cm_mAToB1);
VectMulT(cm_mB1, cm_vA1-cm_vB1, cm_vAToB1);
// projection for converting from B space to absolute space
cm_mBToAbsolute = cm_mB0;
cm_vBToAbsolute = cm_vB0;
// project spheres of entity A to space B
* Clip movement to a model entity.
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToModel(CEntity *penModel)
// if not possibly colliding
const FLOATaabbox3D &boxModel = penModel->en_pciCollisionInfo->ci_boxCurrent;
if (
(cm_boxMovementPath.Min()(1)>boxModel.Max()(1)) ||
(cm_boxMovementPath.Max()(1)<boxModel.Min()(1)) ||
(cm_boxMovementPath.Min()(2)>boxModel.Max()(2)) ||
(cm_boxMovementPath.Max()(2)<boxModel.Min()(2)) ||
(cm_boxMovementPath.Min()(3)>boxModel.Max()(3)) ||
(cm_boxMovementPath.Max()(3)<boxModel.Min()(3))) {
// do nothing
// remember tested entity
cm_penTested = penModel;
cm_pbpoTested = NULL;
// if clipping a moving model
if (!cm_bMovingBrush) {
// moving model is A and other model is B
cm_penB = penModel;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penB, cm_vB0, cm_mB0, cm_vB1, cm_mB1);
// create bounding spheres for the model
cm_pamsB = &penModel->en_pciCollisionInfo->ci_absSpheres;
// prepare new projections and spheres
// clip model to model
// if clipping a moving brush
} else {
// moving brush is B and still model is A
cm_penA = penModel;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penA, cm_vA0, cm_mA0, cm_vA1, cm_mA1);
// create bounding spheres for the model
cm_pamsA = &penModel->en_pciCollisionInfo->ci_absSpheres;
// prepare new projections and spheres
// clip brush to model
/* Cache near polygons of movable entity. */
void CClipMove::CacheNearPolygons(void)
// if movement box is still inside cached box
if (cm_boxMovementPath<=cm_penMoving->en_boxNearCached) {
// do nothing
FLOATaabbox3D &box = cm_penMoving->en_boxNearCached;
CStaticStackArray<CBrushPolygon *> &apbpo = cm_penMoving->en_apbpoNearPolygons;
// flush old cached polygons
// set new box to union of movement box and future estimate
box = cm_boxMovementPath;
box |= cm_penMoving->en_boxMovingEstimate;
// for each zoning sector that this entity is in
{FOREACHSRCOFDST(cm_penMoving->en_rdSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rsEntities, pbsc)
// add it to list of active sectors
// for each active sector
FOREACHINLIST(CBrushSector, bsc_lnInActiveSectors, cm_lhActiveSectors, itbsc) {
// for each polygon in the sector
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(itbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons, CBrushPolygon, itbpo) {
CBrushPolygon *pbpo = itbpo;
// if its bbox has no contact with bbox to cache
if (!pbpo->bpo_boxBoundingBox.HasContactWith(box) ) {
// skip it
// add it to cache
apbpo.Push() = pbpo;
// if it is passable
if (pbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_PASSABLE) {
// for each sector related to the portal
{FOREACHDSTOFSRC(pbpo->bpo_rsOtherSideSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rdOtherSidePortals, pbscRelated)
// if the sector is not active
if (!pbscRelated->bsc_lnInActiveSectors.IsLinked()) {
// add it to active list
// for non-zoning non-movable brush entities in the sector
{FOREACHDSTOFSRC(itbsc->bsc_rsEntities, CEntity, en_rdSectors, pen)
if (pen->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_TERRAIN) {
if (pen->en_RenderType!=CEntity::RT_BRUSH&&
pen->en_RenderType!=CEntity::RT_FIELDBRUSH) {
break; // brushes are sorted first in list
if(pen->en_ulPhysicsFlags&EPF_MOVABLE) {
if(!MustTest(pen)) {
// get first mip
CBrushMip *pbm = pen->en_pbrBrush->GetFirstMip();
// if brush mip exists for that mip factor
if (pbm!=NULL) {
// for each sector in the mip
{FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(pbm->bm_abscSectors, CBrushSector, itbscNonZoning) {
CBrushSector &bscNonZoning = *itbscNonZoning;
// add it to list of active sectors
if(!bscNonZoning.bsc_lnInActiveSectors.IsLinked()) {
// clear list of active sectors
{FORDELETELIST(CBrushSector, bsc_lnInActiveSectors, cm_lhActiveSectors, itbsc) {
void CClipMove::ClipToNonZoningSector(CBrushSector *pbsc)
CPhysicsProfile::PTI_CLIPTONONZONINGSECTOR, pbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons.Count());
// for each polygon in the sector
FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(pbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons, CBrushPolygon, itbpo) {
// if its bbox has no contact with bbox of movement path, or it is passable
if (!itbpo->bpo_boxBoundingBox.HasContactWith(cm_boxMovementPath)
||(itbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_PASSABLE)) {
// skip it
// clip movement to the polygon
void CClipMove::ClipToTerrain(CEntity *pen)
// _pfPhysicsProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(
// CPhysicsProfile::PTI_CLIPTONONZONINGSECTOR, pbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons.Count());
CTerrain &tr = *pen->en_ptrTerrain;
GFXVertex4 *pavVertices;
INDEX *paiIndices;
INDEX ctVertices,ctIndices;
FLOAT3D vMin = cm_boxMovementPath.Min();
FLOAT3D vMax = cm_boxMovementPath.Max();
FLOATaabbox3D boxMovementPath;
#define TRANSPT(x) (x-pen->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !pen->en_mRotation
boxMovementPath = TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMin(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMin(2),vMax(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMin(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMin(2),vMax(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMax(2),vMin(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMin(1),vMax(2),vMax(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMax(2),vMin(3)));
boxMovementPath |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(vMax(1),vMax(2),vMax(3)));
boxMovementPath.minvect(1) /= tr.tr_vStretch(1);
boxMovementPath.minvect(3) /= tr.tr_vStretch(3);
boxMovementPath.maxvect(1) /= tr.tr_vStretch(1);
boxMovementPath.maxvect(3) /= tr.tr_vStretch(3);
// for each triangle
for(INDEX iTri=0;iTri<ctIndices;iTri+=3) {
INDEX &iind1 = paiIndices[iTri+0];
INDEX &iind2 = paiIndices[iTri+1];
INDEX &iind3 = paiIndices[iTri+2];
FLOAT3D v0(pavVertices[iind1].x,pavVertices[iind1].y,pavVertices[iind1].z);
FLOAT3D v1(pavVertices[iind2].x,pavVertices[iind2].y,pavVertices[iind2].z);
FLOAT3D v2(pavVertices[iind3].x,pavVertices[iind3].y,pavVertices[iind3].z);
void CClipMove::ClipToZoningSector(CBrushSector *pbsc)
CStaticStackArray<CBrushPolygon *> &apbpo = cm_penMoving->en_apbpoNearPolygons;
CPhysicsProfile::PTI_CLIPTOZONINGSECTOR, apbpo.Count());
// for each cached polygon
for(INDEX iPolygon=0; iPolygon<apbpo.Count(); iPolygon++) {
CBrushPolygon *pbpo = apbpo[iPolygon];
// if it doesn't belong to the sector or its bbox has no contact with bbox of movement path
if (pbpo->bpo_pbscSector != pbsc ||
!pbpo->bpo_boxBoundingBox.HasContactWith(cm_boxMovementPath)) {
// skip it
// if it is not passable
if (!(pbpo->bpo_ulFlags&BPOF_PASSABLE)) {
// clip movement to the polygon
// if it is passable
} else {
// for each sector related to the portal
{FOREACHDSTOFSRC(pbpo->bpo_rsOtherSideSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rdOtherSidePortals, pbscRelated)
// if the sector is not active
if (pbscRelated->bsc_pbmBrushMip->IsFirstMip() &&
!pbscRelated->bsc_lnInActiveSectors.IsLinked()) {
// add it to active list
/* Clip movement to brush sectors near the entity. */
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToBrushes(void)
// we never clip moving brush to a brush
if (cm_bMovingBrush) {
if (cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_IGNOREBRUSHES) {
_pfPhysicsProfile.IncrementTimerAveragingCounter(CPhysicsProfile::PTI_CLIPMOVETOBRUSHES, 1);
// for each zoning sector that this entity is in
{FOREACHSRCOFDST(cm_penMoving->en_rdSectors, CBrushSector, bsc_rsEntities, pbsc)
// if it collides with this one
if (pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->IsFirstMip() &&
pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_pfsFieldSettings==NULL &&
MustTest(pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush->br_penEntity)) {
// add it to list of active sectors
// for each active sector
FOREACHINLIST(CBrushSector, bsc_lnInActiveSectors, cm_lhActiveSectors, itbsc) {
// for non-zoning brush entities in the sector
{FOREACHDSTOFSRC(itbsc->bsc_rsEntities, CEntity, en_rdSectors, pen)
if (pen->en_RenderType!=CEntity::RT_BRUSH&&
pen->en_RenderType!=CEntity::RT_TERRAIN) {
break; // brushes are sorted first in list
if(!MustTest(pen)) {
if (pen->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_TERRAIN) {
// remember currently tested entity
cm_penTested = pen;
// moving model is A and still terrain is B
cm_penB = pen;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penB, cm_vB0, cm_mB0, cm_vB1, cm_mB1);
// prepare new projections and spheres
// clip movement to the terrain
// don't process as brush
// get first mip
CBrushMip *pbm = pen->en_pbrBrush->GetFirstMip();
// if brush mip exists for that mip factor
if (pbm!=NULL) {
// for each sector in the mip
{FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(pbm->bm_abscSectors, CBrushSector, itbscNonZoning) {
CBrushSector &bscNonZoning = *itbscNonZoning;
// add it to list of active sectors
if(!bscNonZoning.bsc_lnInActiveSectors.IsLinked()) {
// get the sector's brush mip, brush and entity
CBrushMip *pbmBrushMip = itbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip;
CBrush3D *pbrBrush = pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush;
CEntity *penBrush = pbrBrush->br_penEntity;
// remember currently tested entity
cm_penTested = penBrush;
// moving model is A and still brush is B
cm_penB = penBrush;
GetPositionsOfEntity(cm_penB, cm_vB0, cm_mB0, cm_vB1, cm_mB1);
// prepare new projections and spheres
// clip movement to the sector
if (penBrush->en_ulFlags&ENF_ZONING) {
} else {
// clear list of active sectors
{FORDELETELIST(CBrushSector, bsc_lnInActiveSectors, cm_lhActiveSectors, itbsc) {
/* Clip movement to models near the entity. */
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToModels(void)
if (cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_IGNOREMODELS) {
// create mask for skipping deleted entities
// if the moving entity is predictor
if (cm_penMoving->IsPredictor()) {
// add predicted entities to the mask
ulSkipMask |= ENF_PREDICTED;
// find colliding entities near the box of movement path
static CStaticStackArray<CEntity*> apenNearEntities;
cm_pwoWorld->FindEntitiesNearBox(cm_boxMovementPath, apenNearEntities);
// for each of the found entities
{for(INDEX ienFound=0; ienFound<apenNearEntities.Count(); ienFound++) {
CEntity &enToCollide = *apenNearEntities[ienFound];
// if it is the one that is moving, or if it is skiped by the mask
if (&enToCollide == cm_penMoving || (enToCollide.en_ulFlags&ulSkipMask)) {
// skip it
// if it can collide with this entity
if (MustTest(&enToCollide)) {
// if it is model entity
if (enToCollide.en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_MODEL ||
enToCollide.en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_EDITORMODEL ||
enToCollide.en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAMODEL ||
enToCollide.en_RenderType == CEntity::RT_SKAEDITORMODEL) {
// clip movement to the model
* Clip movement to the world.
void CClipMove::ClipMoveToWorld(class CWorld *pwoWorld)
// if there is no move or if the entity is deleted, or doesn't collide with anything
// test if there is no movement !!!!
if (/*!cm_bMovingBrush&&(cm_vA0 == cm_vA1 && cm_mA0 == cm_mA1)
|| cm_bMovingBrush&&(cm_vB0 == cm_vB1 && cm_mB0 == cm_mB1)
||!(cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_TESTMASK)) {
// skip clipping
cm_pwoWorld = pwoWorld;
// prepare flags masks for testing which entities collide with this
cm_ulTestMask1 = ((cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_TESTMASK)>>ECB_TEST)<<ECB_IS;
cm_ulTestMask2 = ((cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_ISMASK )>>ECB_IS )<<ECB_TEST;
cm_ulPassMaskA = ((cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_PASSMASK)>>ECB_PASS)<<ECB_IS;
cm_ulPassMaskB = ((cm_penMoving->en_ulCollisionFlags&ECF_ISMASK )>>ECB_IS )<<ECB_PASS;
// cache near polygons of zoning brushes
// clip to brush sectors near the entity
// clip to models near the entity
* Test if a movement is clipped by something and where.
void CWorld::ClipMove(CClipMove &cmMove)