ptitSeb 57cd734dbc Don't regulate Framerate on Pandora
Restrict the Eps precision change only to Pandora platform
fix Inverted Right and Middle button on certain case with SDL
Added some Failsafe. Fixed a crash in the new game intro cinematic (when Boss of TFE die and Sam goes to the UFO) on the Pandora
Some Pandora fine-tunning
Tried some asynchronus input method, but doesn't seems to works
2016-09-09 13:39:28 +02:00

471 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Base/Assert.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
* Template class for quaternion of arbitrary precision.
template<class Type>
class Quaternion {
Type q_w, q_x, q_y, q_z;
// default constructor
inline Quaternion(void);
// constructor from four scalar values
inline Quaternion(Type w, Type x, Type y, Type z);
// conversion from euler angles
void FromEuler(const Vector<Type, 3> &a);
inline Type EPS(Type orig) const;
// conversion to matrix
void ToMatrix(Matrix<Type, 3, 3> &m) const;
// conversion from matrix
void FromMatrix(Matrix<Type, 3, 3> &m);
// conversion to/from axis-angle
void FromAxisAngle(const Vector<Type, 3> &n, Type a);
void ToAxisAngle(Vector<Type, 3> &n, Type &a);
// unary minus (fliping of the quaternion)
inline Quaternion<Type> operator-(void) const;
// conjugation
inline Quaternion<Type> operator~(void) const;
// inversion
inline Quaternion<Type> Inv(void) const;
// multiplication/division by a scalar
inline Quaternion<Type> operator*(Type t) const;
inline Quaternion<Type> &operator*=(Type t);
friend Quaternion<Type> operator*(Type t, Quaternion<Type> q)
return Quaternion<Type>(q.q_w*t, q.q_x*t, q.q_y*t, q.q_z*t);
inline Quaternion<Type> operator/(Type t) const;
inline Quaternion<Type> &operator/=(Type t);
// addition/substraction
inline Quaternion<Type> operator+(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const;
inline Quaternion<Type> &operator+=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2);
inline Quaternion<Type> operator-(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const;
inline Quaternion<Type> &operator-=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2);
// multiplication
inline Quaternion<Type> operator*(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const;
inline Quaternion<Type> &operator*=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2);
// dot product
inline Type operator%(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const;
// quaternion norm (euclidian length of a 4d vector)
inline Type Norm(void) const;
friend __forceinline CTStream &operator>>(CTStream &strm, Quaternion<Type> &q) {
return strm;
friend __forceinline CTStream &operator<<(CTStream &strm, const Quaternion<Type> &q) {
return strm;
// transcendental functions
friend Quaternion<Type> Exp(const Quaternion<Type> &q)
Type tAngle = (Type)sqrt(q.q_x*q.q_x + q.q_y*q.q_y + q.q_z*q.q_z);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
Type tCos = cos(tAngle);
if (fabs(tSin)<0.001) {
return Quaternion<Type>(tCos, q.q_x, q.q_y, q.q_z);
} else {
Type tRatio = tSin/tAngle;
return Quaternion<Type>(tCos, q.q_x*tRatio, q.q_y*tRatio, q.q_z*tRatio);
friend Quaternion<Type> Log(const Quaternion<Type> &q)
if (fabs(q.q_w)<1.0) {
Type tAngle = acos(q.q_w);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
if (fabs(tSin)>=0.001) {
Type tRatio = tAngle/tSin;
return Quaternion<Type>(Type(0), q.q_x*tRatio, q.q_y*tRatio, q.q_z*tRatio);
return Quaternion<Type>(Type(0), q.q_x, q.q_y, q.q_z);
// spherical linear interpolation
friend Quaternion<Type> Slerp(Type tT,
const Quaternion<Type> &q1, const Quaternion<Type> &q2)
Type tCos = q1%q2;
Quaternion<Type> qTemp;
if (tCos<Type(0)) {
tCos = -tCos;
qTemp = -q2;
} else {
qTemp = q2;
Type tF1, tF2;
if ((Type(1)-tCos) > Type(0.001)) {
// standard case (slerp)
Type tAngle = acos(tCos);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
tF1 = sin((Type(1)-tT)*tAngle)/tSin;
tF2 = sin(tT*tAngle)/tSin;
} else {
// linear interpolation
tF1 = Type(1)-tT;
tF2 = tT;
return q1*tF1 + qTemp*tF2;
// spherical quadratic interpolation
friend Quaternion<Type> Squad(Type tT,
const Quaternion<Type> &q1, const Quaternion<Type> &q2,
const Quaternion<Type> &qa, const Quaternion<Type> &qb)
return Slerp(2*tT*(1-tT),Slerp(tT,q1,q2),Slerp(tT,qa,qb));
// inline functions implementation
* Default constructor.
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type>::Quaternion(void) {};
/* Constructor from three values. */
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type>::Quaternion(Type w, Type x, Type y, Type z)
: q_w(w), q_x(x), q_y(y), q_z(z) {};
// unary minus (additive inversion)
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator-(void) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(-q_w, -q_x, -q_y, -q_z);
// conjugation
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator~(void) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(q_w, -q_x, -q_y, -q_z);
// multiplicative inversion
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::Inv(void) const {
return (~(*this))/Norm();
// multiplication/division by a scalar
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator*(Type t) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(q_w*t, q_x*t, q_y*t, q_z*t);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> &Quaternion<Type>::operator*=(Type t) {
q_w*=t; q_x*=t; q_y*=t; q_z*=t;
return *this;
#if 0
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> operator*(Type t, Quaternion<Type> q) {
return Quaternion<Type>(q.q_w*t, q.q_x*t, q.q_y*t, q.q_z*t);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator/(Type t) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(q_w/t, q_x/t, q_y/t, q_z/t);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> &Quaternion<Type>::operator/=(Type t) {
q_w/=t; q_x/=t; q_y/=t; q_z/=t;
return *this;
// addition/substraction
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator+(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(q_w+q2.q_w, q_x+q2.q_x, q_y+q2.q_y, q_z+q2.q_z);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> &Quaternion<Type>::operator+=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) {
q_w+=q2.q_w; q_x+=q2.q_x; q_y+=q2.q_y; q_z+=q2.q_z;
return *this;
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator-(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(q_w-q2.q_w, q_x-q2.q_x, q_y-q2.q_y, q_z-q2.q_z);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> &Quaternion<Type>::operator-=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) {
q_w-=q2.q_w; q_x-=q2.q_x; q_y-=q2.q_y; q_z-=q2.q_z;
return *this;
// multiplication
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Quaternion<Type>::operator*(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const {
return Quaternion<Type>(
q_w*q2.q_w - q_x*q2.q_x - q_y*q2.q_y - q_z*q2.q_z,
q_w*q2.q_x + q_x*q2.q_w + q_y*q2.q_z - q_z*q2.q_y,
q_w*q2.q_y - q_x*q2.q_z + q_y*q2.q_w + q_z*q2.q_x,
q_w*q2.q_z + q_x*q2.q_y - q_y*q2.q_x + q_z*q2.q_w);
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> &Quaternion<Type>::operator*=(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) {
*this = (*this)*q2;
return *this;
// dot product
template<class Type>
inline Type Quaternion<Type>::operator%(const Quaternion<Type> &q2) const {
return q_w*q2.q_w + q_x*q2.q_x + q_y*q2.q_y + q_z*q2.q_z;
// quaternion norm (euclidian length of a 4d vector)
template<class Type>
inline Type Quaternion<Type>::Norm(void) const {
return (Type)sqrt(q_w*q_w + q_x*q_x + q_y*q_y + q_z*q_z);
#if 0
// transcendental functions
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Exp(const Quaternion<Type> &q)
Type tAngle = (Type)sqrt(q.q_x*q.q_x + q.q_y*q.q_y + q.q_z*q.q_z);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
Type tCos = cos(tAngle);
if (fabs(tSin)<0.001) {
return Quaternion<Type>(tCos, q.q_x, q.q_y, q.q_z);
} else {
Type tRatio = tSin/tAngle;
return Quaternion<Type>(tCos, q.q_x*tRatio, q.q_y*tRatio, q.q_z*tRatio);
// transcendental functions
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Log(const Quaternion<Type> &q)
if (fabs(q.q_w)<1.0) {
Type tAngle = acos(q.q_w);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
if (fabs(tSin)>=0.001) {
Type tRatio = tAngle/tSin;
return Quaternion<Type>(Type(0), q.q_x*tRatio, q.q_y*tRatio, q.q_z*tRatio);
return Quaternion<Type>(Type(0), q.q_x, q.q_y, q.q_z);
// spherical linear interpolation
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Slerp(Type tT,
const Quaternion<Type> &q1, const Quaternion<Type> &q2)
Type tCos = q1%q2;
Quaternion<Type> qTemp;
if (tCos<Type(0)) {
tCos = -tCos;
qTemp = -q2;
} else {
qTemp = q2;
Type tF1, tF2;
if ((Type(1)-tCos) > Type(0.001)) {
// standard case (slerp)
Type tAngle = acos(tCos);
Type tSin = sin(tAngle);
tF1 = sin((Type(1)-tT)*tAngle)/tSin;
tF2 = sin(tT*tAngle)/tSin;
} else {
// linear interpolation
tF1 = Type(1)-tT;
tF2 = tT;
return q1*tF1 + qTemp*tF2;
// spherical quadratic interpolation
template<class Type>
inline Quaternion<Type> Squad(Type tT,
const Quaternion<Type> &q1, const Quaternion<Type> &q2,
const Quaternion<Type> &qa, const Quaternion<Type> &qb)
return Slerp(2*tT*(1-tT),Slerp(tT,q1,q2),Slerp(tT,qa,qb));
// conversion from euler angles
template<class Type>
void Quaternion<Type>::FromEuler(const Vector<Type, 3> &a)
Quaternion<Type> qH;
Quaternion<Type> qP;
Quaternion<Type> qB;
qH.q_w = Cos(a(1)/2);
qH.q_x = 0;
qH.q_y = Sin(a(1)/2);
qH.q_z = 0;
qP.q_w = Cos(a(2)/2);
qP.q_x = Sin(a(2)/2);
qP.q_y = 0;
qP.q_z = 0;
qB.q_w = Cos(a(3)/2);
qB.q_x = 0;
qB.q_y = 0;
qB.q_z = Sin(a(3)/2);
(*this) = qH*qP*qB;
// Check for almost, not really, but should be 0.0 values...
template<class Type>
Type Quaternion<Type>::EPS(Type orig) const
if ((orig <= 1e-4f) && (orig >= -1e-4f))
if ((orig <= 10e-6f) && (orig >= -10e-6f))
// conversion to matrix
template<class Type>
void Quaternion<Type>::ToMatrix(Matrix<Type, 3, 3> &m) const
Type xx = 2*q_x*q_x; Type xy = 2*q_x*q_y; Type xz = 2*q_x*q_z;
Type yy = 2*q_y*q_y; Type yz = 2*q_y*q_z; Type zz = 2*q_z*q_z;
Type wx = 2*q_w*q_x; Type wy = 2*q_w*q_y; Type wz = 2*q_w*q_z;
m(1,1) = EPS(1.0f-(yy+zz));m(1,2) = EPS(xy-wz); m(1,3) = EPS(xz+wy);
m(2,1) = EPS(xy+wz); m(2,2) = EPS(1.0f-(xx+zz));m(2,3) = EPS(yz-wx);
m(3,1) = EPS(xz-wy); m(3,2) = EPS(yz+wx); m(3,3) = EPS(1.0f-(xx+yy));
// conversion from matrix
template<class Type>
void Quaternion<Type>::FromMatrix(Matrix<Type, 3, 3> &m)
Type trace = m(1,1)+m(2,2)+m(3,3);
Type root;
if ( trace > 0.0f )
// |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2
root = sqrt(trace+1.0f); // 2w
q_w = 0.5f*root;
root = 0.5f/root; // 1/(4w)
q_x = (m(3,2)-m(2,3))*root;
q_y = (m(1,3)-m(3,1))*root;
q_z = (m(2,1)-m(1,2))*root;
// |w| <= 1/2
static int next[3] = { 1, 2, 0 };
int i = 0;
if ( m(2,2) > m(1,1) )
i = 1;
if ( m(3,3) > m(i+1,i+1) )
i = 2;
int j = next[i];
int k = next[j];
root = sqrt(m(i+1,i+1)-m(j+1,j+1)-m(k+1,k+1)+1.0f);
Type* quat[3] = { &q_x, &q_y, &q_z };
*quat[i] = 0.5f*root;
root = 0.5f/root;
q_w = (m(k+1,j+1)-m(j+1,k+1))*root;
*quat[j] = (m(j+1,i+1)+m(i+1,j+1))*root;
*quat[k] = (m(k+1,i+1)+m(i+1,k+1))*root;
// conversion to/from axis-angle
template<class Type>
void Quaternion<Type>::FromAxisAngle(const Vector<Type, 3> &n, Type a)
Type tSin = sin(a/2);
Type tCos = cos(a/2);
q_x = n(1)*tSin;
q_y = n(2)*tSin;
q_z = n(3)*tSin;
q_w = tCos;
template<class Type>
void Quaternion<Type>::ToAxisAngle(Vector<Type, 3> &n, Type &a)
Type tCos = q_w;
Type tSin = sqrt(Type(1)-tCos*tCos);
a = 2*acos(tCos);
// if angle is not zero
if (Abs(tSin)>=0.001) {
n(1) = q_x / tSin;
n(2) = q_y / tSin;
n(3) = q_z / tSin;
// if angle is zero
} else {
n(1) = Type(1);
n(2) = Type(0);
n(3) = Type(0);
#endif /* include-once check. */