mirror of https://github.com/ptitSeb/Serious-Engine synced 2025-03-24 06:50:05 +01:00
Daniel Gibson 72edf1c720 Commented out unused functions and variables
many unused functions and variables are now commented out

You'll still get tons of warnings, which should mostly fall in one of
the following categories:
1. Unnecessary variables or values generated from .es scripts
2. Pointers assigned to from functions with side-effects: DO NOT REMOVE!
   Like CEntity *penNew = CreateEntity_t(...); - even if penNew isn't
   used, CreateEntity() must be called there!
2016-05-09 18:51:03 +02:00

1851 lines
64 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#include "Engine/StdH.h"
#include <Engine/Graphics/Texture.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/ImageInfo.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/TextureEffects.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>
extern INDEX tex_iNormalQuality;
extern INDEX tex_iAnimationQuality;
extern INDEX tex_iNormalSize;
extern INDEX tex_iAnimationSize;
extern INDEX tex_iEffectSize;
extern INDEX tex_iDithering;
extern INDEX tex_iFiltering;
extern INDEX gap_bAllowSingleMipmap;
extern FLOAT gfx_tmProbeDecay;
// special mode flag when loading texture for exporting
static BOOL _bExport = FALSE;
// singleton object for texture settings
struct TextureSettings TS = {0};
#define TEXFMT_NONE 0
// determine (or assume) support for OpenGL and Direct3D texture internal formats
extern void DetermineSupportedTextureFormats( GfxAPIType eAPI)
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
TS.ts_tfRGB8 = GL_RGB8;
TS.ts_tfRGBA8 = GL_RGBA8;
TS.ts_tfRGB5 = GL_RGB5;
TS.ts_tfRGBA4 = GL_RGBA4;
TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = GL_RGB5_A1;
#ifdef SE1_D3D
if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) {
extern D3DFORMAT FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFORMAT d3df);
TS.ts_tfRGBA8 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8);
TS.ts_tfRGB8 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8);
TS.ts_tfRGB5 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_R5G6B5);
TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5);
TS.ts_tfRGBA4 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4);
TS.ts_tfLA8 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A8L8);
TS.ts_tfL8 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_L8);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// update all relevant texture parameters
extern void UpdateTextureSettings(void)
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
// set texture formats and compression
TS.ts_tfRGB8 = TS.ts_tfRGBA8 = NONE;
TS.ts_tfRGB5 = TS.ts_tfRGBA4 = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = NONE;
TS.ts_tfLA8 = TS.ts_tfL8 = NONE;
// clamp and adjust texture compression type
INDEX iTCType = 0;
const ULONG ulGfxFlags = _pGfx->gl_ulFlags;
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL && bHasTC)
{ // OpenGL
extern INDEX ogl_iTextureCompressionType; // 0=none, 1=default (ARB), 2=S3TC, 3=FXT1, 4=legacy S3TC
INDEX &iTC = ogl_iTextureCompressionType;
iTC = Clamp( iTC, 0, 4);
if( iTC==3 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_FXT1)) iTC = 2;
if( iTC==2 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_S3TC)) iTC = 3;
if((iTC==2 || iTC==3) && !((ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_FXT1) || (ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_S3TC))) iTC = 1;
if( iTC==1 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_ARB)) iTC = 4;
if( iTC==4 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_LEGACY)) iTC = 0; // khm ...
iTCType = iTC; // set it
// Direct3D (just force DXTC - it's the only one)
#ifdef SE1_D3D
if( eAPI==GAT_D3D && bHasTC) iTCType = 5;
#endif // SE1_D3D
// clamp and cache cvar
extern INDEX tex_bCompressAlphaChannel;
if( tex_bCompressAlphaChannel) tex_bCompressAlphaChannel = 1;
const BOOL bCAC = tex_bCompressAlphaChannel;
// set members
switch( iTCType) {
case 1: // ARB
case 2: // S3TC
case 3: // FXT1
case 4: // LEGACY
#ifdef SE1_D3D
case 5: // DXTC
extern D3DFORMAT FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFORMAT d3df);
TS.ts_tfCRGBA = bCAC ? FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_DXT5) : FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_DXT3);
#endif // SE1_D3D
default: // none
TS.ts_tfCRGB = NONE;
// adjust if need to compress opaque textures as transparent
extern INDEX tex_bAlternateCompression;
if( tex_bAlternateCompression) {
tex_bAlternateCompression = 1;
TS.ts_tfCRGB = TS.ts_tfCRGBA;
// clamp texture quality
INDEX iMinQuality = 0;
INDEX iMaxQuality = iTCType>0 ? 3 : 2;
if( !(_pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_32BITTEXTURES)) iMinQuality = iMaxQuality = 1;
TS.ts_iNormQualityO = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iNormalQuality /10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality);
TS.ts_iNormQualityA = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iNormalQuality %10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality);
TS.ts_iAnimQualityO = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iAnimationQuality/10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality);
TS.ts_iAnimQualityA = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iAnimationQuality%10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality);
tex_iNormalQuality = TS.ts_iNormQualityO*10 + TS.ts_iNormQualityA;
tex_iAnimationQuality = TS.ts_iAnimQualityO*10 + TS.ts_iAnimQualityA;
// clamp texture size
tex_iNormalSize = Clamp( tex_iNormalSize, 5, 11);
tex_iAnimationSize = Clamp( tex_iAnimationSize, 5, 9);
TS.ts_pixNormSize = 1L<<(tex_iNormalSize *2);
TS.ts_pixAnimSize = 1L<<(tex_iAnimationSize*2);
// determine maximum texel-byte ratio
INDEX iOQ = tex_iNormalQuality /10; if( iOQ==0) iOQ=2; else if( iOQ==3) iOQ=0;
INDEX iAQ = tex_iNormalQuality %10; if( iAQ==0) iAQ=2; else if( iAQ==3) iAQ=0;
INDEX iTexMul = 2 * Max(iOQ,iAQ); if( iTexMul==0) iTexMul=1;
if( tex_iNormalSize<=6 && iTexMul==1) iTexMul = 2;
if( tex_iNormalSize<=5 && iTexMul==2) iTexMul = 4;
TS.ts_iMaxBytesPerTexel = iTexMul;
* Implementation of CTextureData routines
td_ulFlags = NONE;
td_mexWidth = 0;
td_mexHeight = 0;
td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
td_iFirstMipLevel = 0;
td_ctFineMipLevels = 0;
td_ctFrames = 0;
td_slFrameSize = 0;
td_ulInternalFormat = TEXFMT_NONE;
td_ulProbeObject = NONE;
td_pulObjects = NULL;
td_ulObject = NONE;
td_pulFrames = NULL;
td_pubBuffer1 = NULL; // reset effect buffers
td_pubBuffer2 = NULL;
td_pixBufferWidth = 0;
td_pixBufferHeight = 0;
td_ptdBaseTexture = NULL; // no base texture by default
td_ptegEffect = NULL; // no effect data
td_iRenderFrame = -1;
_bExport = FALSE;
// converts mip level to the one of allowed by texture
INDEX CTextureData::ClampMipLevel( FLOAT fMipFactor) const
INDEX res = (INDEX)fMipFactor;
INDEX iLastMipLevel = GetNoOfMipmaps( GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight()) -1 +td_iFirstMipLevel;
res = Clamp( res, td_iFirstMipLevel, iLastMipLevel);
return( res);
// routine that adds one-frame to texture from one picture
void CTextureData::AddFrame_t( const CImageInfo *pII)
// check for supported image format
ASSERT( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==24 || pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32);
if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=24 && pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=32) {
throw( TRANS("Only 24-bit and 32-bit pictures can be processed."));
PIX pixWidth = pII->ii_Width;
PIX pixHeight = pII->ii_Height;
// frame that is about to be added must have the same dimensions as the texture
ASSERT( pixWidth == GetPixWidth() );
ASSERT( pixHeight == GetPixHeight() );
if( pixWidth != GetPixWidth() ) throw( TRANS("Incompatible frame width."));
if( pixHeight != GetPixHeight() ) throw( TRANS("Incompatible frame height."));
// add memory for new frame
SLONG slFramesSize = td_slFrameSize * td_ctFrames;
GrowMemory( (void**)&td_pulFrames, slFramesSize + td_slFrameSize);
// add new frame to the end of the previous texture frames
PIX pixMipmapSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + slFramesSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) {
// has alpha channel - do simple copying
memcpy( pulCurrentFrame, pII->ii_Picture, pixMipmapSize*4);
} else {
// hasn't got alpha channel - do conversion from 24-bit bitmap to 32-bit format
memcpy( pulCurrentFrame, pII->ii_Picture, pixMipmapSize*3);
AddAlphaChannel( (UBYTE*)pulCurrentFrame, (ULONG*)pulCurrentFrame, pixMipmapSize);
// make mipmaps (in place!)
MakeMipmaps( td_ctFineMipLevels, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth,pixHeight);
// increase number of frames
// routine that creates one-frame-texture from loaded picture thru image info structure
void CTextureData::Create_t( const CImageInfo *pII, MEX mexWanted, INDEX ctFineMips, BOOL bForce32bit)
// check for supported image format
_bExport = FALSE;
ASSERT( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==24 || pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32);
if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=24 && pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=32) {
throw( TRANS("Only 24-bit and 32-bit pictures can be processed."));
// get picture data
PIX pixSizeU = pII->ii_Width;
PIX pixSizeV = pII->ii_Height;
// check maximum supported texture dimension
if( pixSizeU>MAX_MEX || pixSizeV>MAX_MEX) throw( TRANS("At least one of texture dimensions is too large."));
// determine physical (maximum) number of mip-levels
INDEX iSizeULog2 = FastLog2( pixSizeU);
INDEX iSizeVLog2 = FastLog2( pixSizeV);
ASSERT( (1UL<<iSizeULog2)==pixSizeU && (1UL<<iSizeVLog2)==pixSizeV);
// dimension in mexels must not be smaller than the one in pixels
ASSERT( pixSizeU<=mexWanted);
// determine mip index from mex size
td_iFirstMipLevel = FastLog2( mexWanted/pixSizeU);
// initiate proper flags
td_ulFlags = NONE;
if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32) td_ulFlags |= TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
if( bForce32bit) td_ulFlags |= TEX_32BIT;
// initialize general TextureData members
td_ctFrames = 0;
td_mexWidth = pixSizeU<<td_iFirstMipLevel;
td_mexHeight = pixSizeV<<td_iFirstMipLevel;
// create all mip levels (either bilinear or downsampled)
INDEX ctMipLevels = GetNoOfMipmaps( pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
td_ctFineMipLevels = Min( ctFineMips, ctMipLevels);
// get frame size (includes only one mip-map)
td_slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixSizeU, pixSizeV) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
// allocate small ammount of memory just for Realloc sake
td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(16);
AddFrame_t( pII);
// returns dimension of effect buffers and size in bytes (of one, not both)
static ULONG GetEffectBufferSize( CTextureData *pTD)
ASSERT( pTD->td_ptegEffect!=NULL);
PIX pixWidth = pTD->td_pixBufferWidth;
PIX pixHeight = pTD->td_pixBufferHeight;
ULONG ulSize = pixWidth*pixHeight *sizeof(UBYTE);
// eventual adjustment for water effect type
if( pTD->td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) ulSize = pixWidth*(pixHeight+2) *sizeof(SWORD);
return ulSize;
// initializes td_pixBufferWidth & td_pixBufferHeight
static void InitEffectBufferDimensions( CTextureData *pTD)
// initialize as default
PIX pixWidth = pTD->GetPixWidth();
PIX pixHeight = pTD->GetPixHeight();
// if water effect type
if( pTD->td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) {
// adjust size for water type effect (width or height must be 64)
if( pixWidth > pixHeight) {
pixHeight = (PIX)((FLOAT)pixHeight/pixWidth *64.0f);
pixWidth = 64;
} else {
pixWidth = (PIX)((FLOAT)pixWidth /pixHeight *64.0f);
pixHeight = 64;
// set
pTD->td_pixBufferWidth = pixWidth;
pTD->td_pixBufferHeight = pixHeight;
// free effect buffers' memory
static void FreeEffectBuffers( CTextureData *pTD)
if( pTD->td_pubBuffer1 != NULL) {
FreeMemory( pTD->td_pubBuffer1);
pTD->td_pubBuffer1 = NULL;
if( pTD->td_pubBuffer2 != NULL) {
FreeMemory( pTD->td_pubBuffer2);
pTD->td_pubBuffer2 = NULL;
// allocates and resets effect buffers
static ULONG AllocEffectBuffers( CTextureData *pTD)
// free if already allocated
FreeEffectBuffers( pTD);
// determine size of effect buffers
ULONG ulSize = GetEffectBufferSize( pTD);
// allocate and reset buffers (memory walling!)
pTD->td_pubBuffer1 = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( ulSize+8);
pTD->td_pubBuffer2 = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( ulSize+8);
memset( pTD->td_pubBuffer1, 0, ulSize);
memset( pTD->td_pubBuffer2, 0, ulSize);
return ulSize;
// creates new effect texture with one frame
void CTextureData::CreateEffectTexture( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, MEX mexWidth,
CTextureData *ptdBaseTexture, ULONG ulGlobalEffect)
// determine mip index from mex size
td_iFirstMipLevel = FastLog2( mexWidth/pixWidth);
// fill some of TextureData members
td_ulFlags = TEX_STATIC;
td_mexWidth = pixWidth <<td_iFirstMipLevel;
td_mexHeight = pixHeight<<td_iFirstMipLevel;
td_ctFrames = 1;
td_pulFrames = NULL;
// remember base texture
td_ptdBaseTexture = ptdBaseTexture;
// allocate texture effect global
td_ptegEffect = new CTextureEffectGlobal( this, ulGlobalEffect);
// allocate and reset effect buffers
// this promotes 16bit internal format to corresponding 32bit
static ULONG PromoteTo32bitFormat( ULONG ulFormat)
if( ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5) return TS.ts_tfRGB8;
if( ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4 || ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5A1) return TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
return ulFormat;
// returns format in what texture will be uploaded (regarding console vars)
static ULONG DetermineInternalFormat( CTextureData *pTD)
// cache some vars
extern INDEX gap_bAllowGrayTextures;
BOOL bGrayTexture = gap_bAllowGrayTextures && (pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_GRAY);
BOOL bAlphaChannel = pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
PIX pixTexSize = pTD->GetPixWidth() * pTD->GetPixHeight();
// choose internal texture format for alpha textures
INDEX iQuality;
ULONG ulInternalFormat;
if( bAlphaChannel)
iQuality = pTD->td_ctFrames>1 ? TS.ts_iAnimQualityA : TS.ts_iNormQualityA;
ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
switch( iQuality) {
case 3: case 2: ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8; break; // uploaded as 32 bit or compressed
case 1: break; // uploaded as 16 bit (default)
case 0: if( pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8; break; // uploaded optimally
default: ASSERTALWAYS( "Unexpected texture type found."); break;
// adjust quality by size
if( pixTexSize<=32*32 && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
// do eventual adjustment of internal format for grayscale textures
if( bGrayTexture) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfLA8;
// handle case of forced internal format (for texture cration process only!)
if( _iTexForcedQuality==16) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
if( _iTexForcedQuality==32) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
// do eventual adjustment of transparent textures
if( (pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_TRANSPARENT) && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1;
// choose internal texture format for opaque textures
iQuality = pTD->td_ctFrames>1 ? TS.ts_iAnimQualityO : TS.ts_iNormQualityO;
ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
switch( iQuality) {
case 3: case 2: ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8; break; // uploaded as 32 bit or compressed
case 1: break; // uploaded as 16 bit (default)
case 0: if( pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8; break; // uploaded optimally
default: ASSERTALWAYS( "Unexpected texture type found."); break;
// adjust quality by size
if( pixTexSize<=32*32 && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;
// do eventual adjustment of internal format for grayscale textures
if( bGrayTexture) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfL8;
// handle case of forced internal format (for texture cration process only!)
if( _iTexForcedQuality==16) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
if( _iTexForcedQuality==32) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;
// adjust format to compressed if needed and allowed
if( iQuality==3 && pixTexSize>=64*64) {
if( ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB8
|| ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5
|| ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5A1) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfCRGB;
if( ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA8
|| ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfCRGBA;
// all done
return ulInternalFormat;
// routine that performs texture conversion to current texture format (version 4)
static void Convert( CTextureData *pTD)
// skip effect textures
if( pTD->td_ptegEffect != NULL) return;
// determine dimensions
PIX pixWidth = pTD->GetPixWidth();
PIX pixHeight = pTD->GetPixHeight();
PIX pixMipSize = pixWidth * pixHeight;
PIX pixFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixWidth, pixHeight);
// allocate memory for new texture
ULONG *pulFramesNew = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( pixFrameSize*pTD->td_ctFrames *BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
UWORD *puwFramesOld = (UWORD*)pTD->td_pulFrames;
ASSERT( puwFramesOld!=NULL);
// determine alpha channel presence
BOOL bHasAlphaChannel = pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
// unpack texture from 16-bit RGBA4444 or RGBA5551 format to RGBA8888 32-bit format
UBYTE r,g,b,a;
// for each frame
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<pTD->td_ctFrames; iFr++)
{ // get addresses of current frames (new and old)
PIX pixFrameOffset = iFr * pixFrameSize;
// for each pixel
for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++)
{ // read 16-bit pixel
UWORD uwPix = puwFramesOld[pixFrameOffset+iPix];
// unpack it
if( bHasAlphaChannel) {
// with alpha channel
r = (uwPix & 0xF000) >>8;
g = (uwPix & 0x0F00) >>4;
b = (uwPix & 0x00F0) >>0;
a = (uwPix & 0x000F) <<4;
// adjust strength
r |= r>>4; g |= g>>4; b |= b>>4; a |= a>>4;
} else {
// without alpha channel
r = (uwPix & 0xF800) >>8;
g = (uwPix & 0x07C0) >>3;
b = (uwPix & 0x003E) <<2;
a = 0xFF;
// adjust strength
r |= r>>5; g |= g>>5; b |= b>>5;
// pack it back to 32-bit
ULONG ulPix = RGBAToColor(r,g,b,a);
// store 32-bit pixel
pulFramesNew[pixFrameOffset+iPix] = ByteSwap(ulPix);
// free old memory
FreeMemory( pTD->td_pulFrames);
// remember new texture parameters
pTD->td_pulFrames = pulFramesNew;
pTD->td_slFrameSize = pixFrameSize *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
// remove mipmaps from texture that are not needed (exceeds maximum supported dimension)
static void RemoveOversizedMipmaps( CTextureData *pTD)
// if this is an effect texture, leave as it is
if( pTD->td_ptegEffect != NULL) return;
pTD->td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_DISPOSED;
// determine and clamp to max allowed texture dimension and size
PIX pixClampAreaSize = (pTD->td_ctFrames>1) ? TS.ts_pixAnimSize : TS.ts_pixNormSize;
// constant textures doesn't need clamping to area, but still must be clamped to max HW dimension!
if( pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_CONSTANT) pixClampAreaSize = 4096*4096;
// determine dimensions of finest mip-map
PIX pixSizeU = pTD->GetPixWidth();
PIX pixSizeV = pTD->GetPixHeight();
// determine number of mip-maps to skip
INDEX ctSkipMips = ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension,
pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
// return if no need to remove mip-maps
if( ctSkipMips==0) return;
// check for mip overhead
INDEX ctMips = GetNoOfMipmaps( pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
while( ctMips<=ctSkipMips) ctSkipMips--;
// determine memory size and allocate memory for rest mip-maps
SLONG slRemovedMipsSize = GetMipmapOffset( ctSkipMips, pixSizeU, pixSizeV) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
SLONG slNewFrameSize = pTD->td_slFrameSize-slRemovedMipsSize;
ULONG *pulNewFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slNewFrameSize * pTD->td_ctFrames);
ULONG *pulNewFrame = pulNewFrames;
ULONG *pulOldFrame = pTD->td_pulFrames + (slRemovedMipsSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
// copy only needed mip-maps from each frame
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<pTD->td_ctFrames; iFr++) {
memcpy( pulNewFrame, pulOldFrame, slNewFrameSize);
pulNewFrame += slNewFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
pulOldFrame += pTD->td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
// free old frames memory
FreeMemory( pTD->td_pulFrames);
// adjust texture parameters
pTD->td_pulFrames = pulNewFrames;
pTD->td_slFrameSize = slNewFrameSize;
pTD->td_iFirstMipLevel += ctSkipMips;
pTD->td_ctFineMipLevels = ClampDn( (INDEX)(pTD->td_ctFineMipLevels-ctSkipMips), (INDEX)1);
// mark that this texture had some mip maps disposed
pTD->td_ulFlags |= TEX_DISPOSED;
// internal routines for texture::read routine
// test mipmap if it can be equilized
static BOOL IsEqualized( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
// determine components and calc averages
COLOR col;
ULONG ulR=0, ulG=0, ulB=0;
for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
col = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
ulR += (col&CT_RMASK)>>CT_RSHIFT;
ulG += (col&CT_GMASK)>>CT_GSHIFT;
ulB += (col&CT_BMASK)>>CT_BSHIFT;
ulR /= pixMipSize;
ulG /= pixMipSize;
ulB /= pixMipSize;
BOOL bEqulized = FALSE;
if( ulR>ulLoEdge && ulR<ulHiEdge &&
ulG>ulLoEdge && ulG<ulHiEdge &&
ulB>ulLoEdge && ulB<ulHiEdge) bEqulized = TRUE;
return bEqulized;
// test mipmap if it can be transparent
static BOOL IsTransparent( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
COLOR col;
// determine transparency
for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
col = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
ulA = (col&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT;
// transparent!
return TRUE;
// test mipmap whether it is grayscaled
static BOOL IsGray( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
// loop thru texels
for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
COLOR col = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
if( !IsGray(col)) return FALSE; // colored
} // grayscaled
return TRUE;
// reads 32/24-bit texture from file and eventually converts it to 8-bit pixel format
void CTextureData::Read_t( CTStream *inFile)
//ASSERT( inFile->GetDescription() != "Textures\\Test\\BetterQuality\\FloorWS08.tex");
// reset texture (blank all except some flags)
// determine API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
// determine driver context presence (must have at least 1 texture unit!)
const BOOL bHasContext = (_pGfx->gl_ctRealTextureUnits>0);
// read version
INDEX iVersion;
inFile->ExpectID_t( "TVER");
*inFile >> iVersion;
// check currently supported versions
if( iVersion!=4 && iVersion!=3) throw( TRANS("Invalid texture format version."));
// mark if this texture was loaded form the old format
if( iVersion==3) td_ulFlags |= TEX_WASOLD;
BOOL bResetEffectBuffers = FALSE;
BOOL bFramesLoaded = FALSE;
BOOL bAlphaChannel = FALSE;
// loop trough file and react according to chunk ID
// obtain chunk id
CChunkID idChunk = inFile->GetID_t();
if( idChunk == CChunkID(" ")) {
// we should stop reading when an invalid chunk has been encountered
// if this is chunk containing texture data
if( idChunk == CChunkID("TDAT"))
// read data describing texture
ULONG ulFlags=0;
INDEX ctMipLevels;
*inFile >> ulFlags;
*inFile >> td_mexWidth;
*inFile >> td_mexHeight;
*inFile >> td_ctFineMipLevels;
if( iVersion!=4) *inFile >> ctMipLevels;
*inFile >> td_iFirstMipLevel;
if( iVersion!=4) *inFile >> td_slFrameSize;
*inFile >> td_ctFrames;
// combine flags
td_ulFlags |= ulFlags;
bAlphaChannel = td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
// determine frame size
if( iVersion==4) td_slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight())
// if this is chunk containing raw frames
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FRMS"))
// if no driver is present and texture is not static
if( !(bHasContext || td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC))
{ // determine frames' size
SLONG slSkipSize = td_slFrameSize;
if( iVersion==4) {
slSkipSize = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
if( bAlphaChannel) slSkipSize *=4;
else slSkipSize *=3;
// just seek over frames (skip it)
inFile->Seek_t( slSkipSize*td_ctFrames, CTStream::SD_CUR);
// calculate texture size for corresponding texture format and allocate memory
SLONG slTexSize = td_slFrameSize * td_ctFrames;
td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slTexSize);
// if older version
if( iVersion==3) {
// alloc memory block and read mip-maps
inFile->Read_t( td_pulFrames, slTexSize);
for (SLONG i = 0; i < slTexSize/4; i++)
// if current version
else {
PIX pixFrameSizeOnDisk = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++)
{ // loop thru frames
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
if( bAlphaChannel) {
// read texture with alpha channel from file
inFile->Read_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk *4);
for (SLONG i = 0; i < pixFrameSizeOnDisk; i++)
} else {
// read texture without alpha channel from file
inFile->Read_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk *3);
// add opaque alpha channel
AddAlphaChannel( (UBYTE*)pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk);
bFramesLoaded = TRUE;
// if this is chunk containing texture animation data
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("ANIM"))
// read corresponding animation(s)
CAnimData::Read_t( inFile);
// if this is chunk containing base texture name
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("BAST"))
CTFileName fnBaseTexture;
// read file name of base texture
*inFile >> fnBaseTexture;
// if there is base texture, obtain it
if( fnBaseTexture != "") {
// must not be the same as base texture
CTFileName fnTex = inFile->GetDescription();
if( fnTex == fnBaseTexture) {
// generate exception
ThrowF_t( TRANS("Texture \"%s\" has same name as its base texture."), (const char *) (CTString&)fnTex);
} else {
// obtain base texture
td_ptdBaseTexture = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( fnBaseTexture);
// force base to be static by default
// if this is chunk containing saved effect buffers
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXBF"))
{ // skip chunk in old versions
bResetEffectBuffers = TRUE;
if( iVersion!=4) {
inFile->Seek_t( 2* GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight() *sizeof(SWORD), CTStream::SD_CUR);
} else {
ASSERT( td_pixBufferWidth>0 && td_pixBufferHeight>0);
ULONG ulSize = AllocEffectBuffers(this);
if( td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) ulSize*=2;
inFile->Seek_t( 2*ulSize, CTStream::SD_CUR);
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXB2"))
{ // read effect buffers
ASSERT( td_pixBufferWidth>0 && td_pixBufferHeight>0);
ULONG ulSize = AllocEffectBuffers(this);
inFile->Read_t( td_pubBuffer1, ulSize);
inFile->Read_t( td_pubBuffer2, ulSize);
// if this is chunk containing effect data
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXDT"))
{ // read effect class
ULONG ulGlobalEffect;
*inFile >> ulGlobalEffect;
// read effect buffer dimensions
if( iVersion==4) *inFile >> td_pixBufferWidth;
if( iVersion==4) *inFile >> td_pixBufferHeight;
// allocate memory for texture effect struct
td_ptegEffect = new CTextureEffectGlobal(this, ulGlobalEffect);
// skip global properties for old format effect texture
if( iVersion!=4) inFile->Seek_t( 64*sizeof(char), CTStream::SD_CUR);
// read count of effect sources
INDEX ctEffectSources;
*inFile >> ctEffectSources;
// add requested number of members to effect source array
CTextureEffectSource *pEffectSources = td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources.New( ctEffectSources);
// read whole dynamic array of effect sources
FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources, CTextureEffectSource, itEffectSource)
// read type of effect source
*inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_ulEffectSourceType;
// read structure holding effect source properties
*inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_tespEffectSourceProperties;
// remember pointer to global effect
itEffectSource->tes_ptegGlobalEffect = td_ptegEffect;
// read count of effect pixels
INDEX ctEffectSourcePixels;
*inFile >> ctEffectSourcePixels;
// if there are any effect pixels
if (ctEffectSourcePixels>0) {
// alocate needed ammount of members
itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels.New( ctEffectSourcePixels);
// read all effect pixels in one block
for (INDEX i = 0; i < ctEffectSourcePixels; i++)
*inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels[i];
// allocate memory for effect frame buffer
SLONG slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight()) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slFrameSize);
// remember once again new frame size just for the sake of old effect textures
td_slFrameSize = slFrameSize;
// mark that effect texture needs to be static
td_ulFlags |= TEX_STATIC;
// if this is chunk containing data about detail texture
else if( idChunk == CChunkID("DTLT"))
{ // skip chunk (this is here only for compatibility reasons)
CTFileName fnTmp;
*inFile >> fnTmp;
ThrowF_t( TRANS("Unrecognisable chunk ID (\"%s\") found while reading texture \"%s\"."),
(char*)idChunk, (const char *) (CTString&)inFile->GetDescription() );
// until we didn't reach end of file
while( !inFile->AtEOF());
// reset effect buffers if needed
if( bResetEffectBuffers) {
// were done if frames weren't loaded or effect texture has been read
if( !bFramesLoaded || td_ptegEffect!=NULL) return;
// if texture is in old format, convert it to current format
if( iVersion==3) Convert(this);
PIX pixWidth = GetPixWidth();
PIX pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
PIX pixTexSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
PIX pixFrameSize = td_slFrameSize>>2; // /BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
INDEX iFrame;
// test first mipmap for transparency (i.e. is one bit of alpha channel enough?)
// (must test it before filtering and/or mipmap reduction gets to this texture)
if( bAlphaChannel) {
td_ulFlags |= TEX_TRANSPARENT;
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
if( !IsTransparent( pulCurrentFrame, pixTexSize)) {
// no need to test other frames if one found that isn't gray
td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_TRANSPARENT;
// generate texture mip-maps for each frame (in version 4 they're no longer kept in file)
// and eventually adjust texture saturation, do filtering and/or dithering
tex_iFiltering = Clamp( tex_iFiltering, -6, 6);
INDEX iTexFilter = tex_iFiltering;
if( _bExport || (td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) iTexFilter = 0; // don't filter constants and textures for exporting
if( iTexFilter) td_ulFlags |= TEX_FILTERED;
// eventually saturate texture
if( !_bExport && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_KEEPCOLOR) && (_slTexSaturation!=256 || _slTexHueShift!=0)) {
td_ulFlags |= TEX_SATURATED;
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
AdjustBitmapColor( pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
// make mipmaps
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
MakeMipmaps( td_ctFineMipLevels, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth,pixHeight, iTexFilter);
// remove mipmaps from texture that are not needed and update texture size
if( !_bExport) RemoveOversizedMipmaps(this);
// do some additional mipmap adjustments if needed
pixWidth = GetPixWidth();
pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
pixTexSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
pixFrameSize = td_slFrameSize>>2; // /BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
// eventually colorize mipmaps
extern INDEX tex_bColorizeMipmaps;
if( !_bExport && tex_bColorizeMipmaps && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
td_ulFlags |= TEX_COLORIZED;
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
ColorizeMipmaps( 1, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight);
} // if not colorized, test if texture is gray
else {
td_ulFlags |= TEX_GRAY;
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
if( !IsGray( pulCurrentFrame, pixTexSize)) {
// no need to test other frames if one found that isn't gray
td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_GRAY;
// test texture for equality (i.e. determine if texture could be discardable in shade mode when in lowest mipmap)
if( td_ctFrames<2 && (!gap_bAllowSingleMipmap || td_ctFineMipLevels>1))
{ // get last mipmap pointer
INDEX ctLastPixels = Max(pixWidth,pixHeight) / Min(pixWidth,pixHeight);
ULONG *pulLastMipMap = td_pulFrames + td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL - ctLastPixels;
if( IsEqualized( pulLastMipMap, ctLastPixels)) td_ulFlags |= TEX_EQUALIZED;
// prepare dithering type
td_ulInternalFormat = DetermineInternalFormat(this);
tex_iDithering = Clamp( tex_iDithering, 0, 10);
INDEX iDitherType = 0;
if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) || !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) { // only non-static-constant textures can be dithered
extern INDEX AdjustDitheringType_OGL( GLenum eFormat, INDEX iDitheringType);
if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) iDitherType = AdjustDitheringType_OGL( (GLenum)td_ulInternalFormat, tex_iDithering);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
extern INDEX AdjustDitheringType_D3D( D3DFORMAT eFormat, INDEX iDitheringType);
if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) iDitherType = AdjustDitheringType_D3D( (D3DFORMAT)td_ulInternalFormat, tex_iDithering);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// eventually dither texture
if( !_bExport && iDitherType!=0) {
td_ulFlags |= TEX_DITHERED;
for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
DitherMipmaps( iDitherType, pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight);
// upload texture if not static and API is active
// (or, in the other hand, better not - this could cause reloading due to force() after obtain())
if( !_bExport && bHasContext && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC)) SetAsCurrent();
// writes texutre to file
void CTextureData::Write_t( CTStream *outFile) // throw char *
STUBBED("Byte swapping");
// cannot write textures that have been mangled somehow
_bExport = FALSE;
if( td_ptegEffect==NULL && IsModified()) throw( TRANS("Cannot write texture that has modified frames."));
// must not have base texture with same name
if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) {
CTFileName fnTex = outFile->GetDescription();
if( fnTex == td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName()) {
ThrowF_t( TRANS("Texture \"%s\" has same name as its base texture."), (const char *) (CTString&)fnTex);
// write version
INDEX iVersion = 4;
*outFile << iVersion;
// isolate required flags
ULONG ulFlags = td_ulFlags & (TEX_ALPHACHANNEL|TEX_32BIT);
BOOL bAlphaChannel = td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
// write chunk containing texture data
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("TDAT"));
// write data describing texture
*outFile << ulFlags;
*outFile << td_mexWidth;
*outFile << td_mexHeight;
*outFile << td_ctFineMipLevels;
*outFile << td_iFirstMipLevel;
*outFile << td_ctFrames;
// if global effect struct exists in texture, don't save frames
if( td_ptegEffect==NULL)
{ // write chunk containing raw frames
ASSERT( td_ctFrames>0);
ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL);
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FRMS"));
PIX pixFrSize = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
// eventually prepare temp buffer in case of frames without alpha channel
UBYTE *pubTmp = NULL;
if( !bAlphaChannel) pubTmp = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( pixFrSize*3);
// write frames without mip-maps (just write the largest one)
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++ )
{ // determine write params
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
if( bAlphaChannel) { // write frame with alpha channel
outFile->Write_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrSize *4);
} else { // write frame without alpha channel
RemoveAlphaChannel( pulCurrentFrame, pubTmp, pixFrSize);
outFile->Write_t( pubTmp, pixFrSize *3);
// no need for temp buffer anymore
if( pubTmp!=NULL) FreeMemory(pubTmp);
// if exists global effect struct in texture
{ // write chunk containing effect data
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FXDT"));
// write effect class
*outFile << td_ptegEffect->teg_ulEffectType;
// write effect buffer dimensions
*outFile << td_pixBufferWidth;
*outFile << td_pixBufferHeight;
// write count of effect sources
*outFile << td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources.Count();
// write whole dynamic array of effect sources
FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources, CTextureEffectSource, itEffectSource)
{ // write type of effect source
*outFile << itEffectSource->tes_ulEffectSourceType;
// write structure holding effect source properties
outFile->Write_t( &itEffectSource->tes_tespEffectSourceProperties, sizeof( struct TextureEffectSourceProperties));
INDEX ctEffectSourcePixels = itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels.Count();
// write count of effect pixels
*outFile << ctEffectSourcePixels;
// if there are any effect pixels
if( ctEffectSourcePixels>0) {
// write all effect pixels in one block
outFile->Write_t( &itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels[0], sizeof(struct TextureEffectPixel)*ctEffectSourcePixels);
// if effect buffers are valid
if( td_pubBuffer1!=NULL && td_pubBuffer2!=NULL)
{ // write chunk containing effect buffers
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FXB2"));
ULONG ulSize = GetEffectBufferSize(this);
// write effect buffers
outFile->Write_t( td_pubBuffer1, ulSize);
outFile->Write_t( td_pubBuffer2, ulSize);
// write chunk containing texture animation data
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("ANIM"));
// write corresponding animation(s)
CAnimData::Write_t( outFile);
// if this texture has base texture
if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL)
{ // write chunk containing base texture file name
outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("BAST"));
// write file name of base texture
*outFile << td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName();
// export finest mipmap of one texture's frame to imageinfo
void CTextureData::Export_t( class CImageInfo &iiExportedImage, INDEX iFrame)
// check for right frame number and non-effect texture type
ASSERT( iFrame<td_ctFrames && td_ptegEffect==NULL);
if( iFrame>=td_ctFrames) throw( TRANS("Texture frame that is to be exported doesn't exist."));
// reload without modifications
_bExport = TRUE;
ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL);
// prepare miplevel and mipmap offset
PIX pixWidth = GetPixWidth();
PIX pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
// export header to image info structure
iiExportedImage.ii_Width = pixWidth;
iiExportedImage.ii_Height = pixHeight;
iiExportedImage.ii_BitsPerPixel = (td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ? 32 : 24;
// prepare the texture for exporting (with or without alpha channel)
ULONG *pulFrame = td_pulFrames + td_slFrameSize*iFrame/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
PIX pixMipSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
SLONG slMipSize = pixMipSize * iiExportedImage.ii_BitsPerPixel/8;
iiExportedImage.ii_Picture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( slMipSize);
// export frame
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) {
memcpy( iiExportedImage.ii_Picture, pulFrame, slMipSize);
} else {
RemoveAlphaChannel( pulFrame, iiExportedImage.ii_Picture, pixMipSize);
// reload as it was
_bExport = FALSE;
// force texture to be re-loaded (if needed) in corresponding manner
void CTextureData::Force( ULONG ulTexFlags)
ASSERT( td_ctFrames>0);
const BOOL bReload = (td_pulFrames==NULL && (ulTexFlags&TEX_STATIC))
|| ((td_ulFlags&TEX_DISPOSED) && (ulTexFlags&TEX_CONSTANT))
|| ((td_ulFlags&TEX_SATURATED) && (ulTexFlags&TEX_KEEPCOLOR));
if( bReload) Reload();
// set texture to be as current for accelerator and eventually upload it to accelerator's memory
void CTextureData::SetAsCurrent( INDEX iFrameNo/*=0*/, BOOL bForceUpload/*=FALSE*/)
// check API
const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
ASSERT( iFrameNo<td_ctFrames);
BOOL bNeedUpload = bForceUpload;
BOOL bNoDiscard = TRUE;
PIX pixWidth = GetPixWidth();
PIX pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
// eventually re-adjust LOD bias
extern FLOAT _fCurrentLODBias;
const FLOAT fWantedLODBias = _pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias;
extern void UpdateLODBias( const FLOAT fLODBias);
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT) {
// non-adjustable textures don't tolerate positive LOD bias
if( _fCurrentLODBias>0) UpdateLODBias(0);
else if( _fCurrentLODBias>fWantedLODBias) UpdateLODBias(fWantedLODBias);
else if( td_ulFlags&TEX_EQUALIZED) {
// equilized textures don't tolerate negative LOD bias
if( _fCurrentLODBias<0) UpdateLODBias(0);
else if( _fCurrentLODBias<fWantedLODBias) UpdateLODBias(fWantedLODBias);
else if( _fCurrentLODBias != fWantedLODBias) {
// all other textures must take LOD bias into account
UpdateLODBias( fWantedLODBias);
// determine probing
extern BOOL ProbeMode( CTimerValue tvLast);
BOOL bUseProbe = ProbeMode(td_tvLastDrawn);
// if we have an effect texture
if( td_ptegEffect!=NULL)
ASSERT( iFrameNo==0); // effect texture must have only one frame
// get max allowed effect texture dimension
PIX pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<16L;
tex_iEffectSize = Clamp( tex_iEffectSize, 4, 8);
if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<(tex_iEffectSize*2);
INDEX iWantedMipLevel = td_iFirstMipLevel
+ ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension, pixWidth, pixHeight);
// check whether wanted mip level is beyond last mip-level
iWantedMipLevel = ClampMipLevel( iWantedMipLevel);
// default adjustment for mapping
pixWidth >>= iWantedMipLevel-td_iFirstMipLevel;
pixHeight >>= iWantedMipLevel-td_iFirstMipLevel;
ASSERT( pixWidth>0 && pixHeight>0);
// eventually adjust water effect texture size (if larger than base)
if( td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) {
INDEX iMipDiff = Min( FastLog2(td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixWidth()) - FastLog2(pixWidth),
FastLog2(td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixHeight()) - FastLog2(pixHeight));
iWantedMipLevel = iMipDiff;
if( iMipDiff<0) {
pixWidth >>= (-iMipDiff);
pixHeight >>= (-iMipDiff);
iWantedMipLevel = 0;
ASSERT( pixWidth>0 && pixHeight>0);
// if current frame size differs from the previous one
SLONG slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixWidth, pixHeight) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
if( td_pulFrames==NULL || td_slFrameSize!=slFrameSize) {
// (re)allocate the frame buffer
if( td_pulFrames!=NULL) FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slFrameSize);
td_slFrameSize = slFrameSize;
bNoDiscard = FALSE;
// if not calculated for this tick (must be != to test for time rewinding)
if( td_ptegEffect->teg_updTexture.LastUpdateTime() != _pTimer->CurrentTick()) {
// discard eventual cached frame and calculate new frame
bNeedUpload = TRUE;
// make sure that effect and base textures are static
// copy some flags from base texture to effect texture
td_ulFlags |= td_ptdBaseTexture->td_ulFlags & (TEX_ALPHACHANNEL|TEX_TRANSPARENT|TEX_GRAY);
// render effect texture
td_ptegEffect->Render( iWantedMipLevel, pixWidth, pixHeight);
// determine internal format
ULONG ulNewFormat;
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_GRAY) {
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfLA8;
else ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfL8;
} else {
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_TRANSPARENT) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1;
else if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
else ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
// effect texture can be in 32-bit quality only if base texture hasn't been dithered
extern INDEX tex_bFineEffect;
if( tex_bFineEffect && (td_ptdBaseTexture->td_ulFlags&TEX_DITHERED)) {
ulNewFormat = PromoteTo32bitFormat(ulNewFormat);
// internal format changed? - must discard!
if( td_ulInternalFormat!=ulNewFormat) {
td_ulInternalFormat = ulNewFormat;
bNoDiscard = FALSE;
} // effect texture cannot have probing
bUseProbe = FALSE;
// prepare effect cvars
extern INDEX tex_bDynamicMipmaps;
extern INDEX tex_iEffectFiltering;
if( tex_bDynamicMipmaps) tex_bDynamicMipmaps = 1;
tex_iEffectFiltering = Clamp( tex_iEffectFiltering, -6, 6);
// determine whether texture has single mipmap
if( gap_bAllowSingleMipmap) {
// effect textures are treated differently
if( td_ptegEffect!=NULL) td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = !tex_bDynamicMipmaps;
else td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = (td_ctFineMipLevels<2);
} else {
// single mipmap is not allowed
td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = FALSE;
// effect texture might need dynamic mipmaps creation
if( bNeedUpload && td_ptegEffect!=NULL) {
const INDEX iTexFilter = td_ptegEffect->IsWater() ? NONE : tex_iEffectFiltering; // don't filter water textures
if( td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) { // no mipmaps?
if( iTexFilter!=NONE) FilterBitmap( iTexFilter, td_pulFrames, td_pulFrames, pixWidth, pixHeight);
} else { // mipmaps!
const INDEX ctFine = tex_bDynamicMipmaps ? 15 : 0; // whether they're fine or coarse still depends on cvar
MakeMipmaps( ctFine, td_pulFrames, pixWidth,pixHeight, iTexFilter);
} // done with effect
// if not already generated, generate bind number(s) and force upload
const PIX pixTextureSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
if((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects==NULL) || (td_ctFrames<=1 && td_ulObject==NONE))
// check whether frames are present
ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_pulFrames[0]!=0xDEADBEEF);
if( td_ctFrames>1) {
// animation textures
td_pulObjects = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( td_ctFrames *sizeof(td_ulProbeObject));
for( INDEX i=0; i<td_ctFrames; i++) gfxGenerateTexture( td_pulObjects[i]);
} else {
// single-frame textures
gfxGenerateTexture( td_ulObject);
// generate probe texture (if needed)
ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
if( td_ptegEffect==NULL && pixTextureSize>16*16) gfxGenerateTexture( td_ulProbeObject);
// must do initial uploading
bNeedUpload = TRUE;
bNoDiscard = FALSE;
// constant textures cannot be probed either
if( td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT) gfxDeleteTexture(td_ulProbeObject);
if( td_ulProbeObject==NONE) bUseProbe = FALSE;
// update statistics if not updated already for this frame
if( td_iRenderFrame != _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber) {
td_iRenderFrame = _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber;
// determine size and update
SLONG slBytes = pixWidth*pixHeight * gfxGetFormatPixRatio(td_ulInternalFormat);
if( !td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) slBytes = slBytes *4/3;
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TEXTUREBINDS, 1);
_sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TEXTUREBINDBYTES, slBytes);
// if needs to be uploaded
if( bNeedUpload)
// check whether frames are present
ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_pulFrames[0]!=0xDEADBEEF);
// must discard uploaded texture if single mipmap flag has been changed
const BOOL bLastSingleMipmap = td_ulFlags & TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;
bNoDiscard = (bNoDiscard && bLastSingleMipmap==td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap);
// update flag
if( td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) td_ulFlags |= TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;
else td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;
// upload all texture frames
ASSERT( td_ulInternalFormat!=TEXFMT_NONE);
if( td_ctFrames>1) {
// animation textures
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++)
{ // determine frame offset and upload texture frame
ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
gfxSetTexture( td_pulObjects[iFr], td_tpLocal);
gfxUploadTexture( pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight, td_ulInternalFormat, bNoDiscard);
} else {
// single-frame textures
gfxSetTexture( td_ulObject, td_tpLocal);
gfxUploadTexture( td_pulFrames, pixWidth, pixHeight, td_ulInternalFormat, bNoDiscard);
// upload probe texture if exist
if( td_ulProbeObject!=NONE) {
PIX pixProbeWidth = pixWidth;
PIX pixProbeHeight = pixHeight;
ULONG *pulProbeFrame = td_pulFrames;
GetMipmapOfSize( 16*16, pulProbeFrame, pixProbeWidth, pixProbeHeight);
gfxSetTexture( td_ulProbeObject, td_tpLocal);
gfxUploadTexture( pulProbeFrame, pixProbeWidth, pixProbeHeight, TS.ts_tfRGBA4, FALSE);
// clear local texture parameters because we need to correct later texture setting
// free frames' memory if allowed
if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC)) {
FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
td_pulFrames = NULL;
// done uploading
ASSERT((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects!=NULL) || (td_ctFrames==1 && td_ulObject!=NONE));
// do special case for animated textures when parameters re-initialization is required
if( td_ctFrames>1 && !td_tpLocal.IsEqual(_tpGlobal[0])) {
// must reset local texture parameters for each frame of animated texture
for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++) {
gfxSetTexture( td_pulObjects[iFr], td_tpLocal);
// set corresponding probe or texture frame as current
ULONG ulTexObject = (td_ctFrames>1) ? td_pulObjects[iFrameNo] : td_ulObject; // single-frame or animation
if( bUseProbe) {
// set probe if burst value doesn't allow real texture
if( _pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst<0) {
CTexParams tpTmp = td_tpLocal;
ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject!=NONE);
gfxSetTexture( td_ulProbeObject, tpTmp);
//extern INDEX _ctProbeTexs;
//CPrintF( "Probed!\n");
// reduce allowed burst value
_pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst -= pixWidth*pixHeight *4; // assume 32-bit textures (don't ask driver!)
// set real texture and mark that this texture has been drawn
gfxSetTexture( ulTexObject, td_tpLocal);
// debug check
ASSERT((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects!=NULL) || (td_ctFrames<=1 && td_ulObject!=NONE));
// unbind texture from accelerator's memory
void CTextureData::Unbind(void)
// reset mark
td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
// free frame number(s)
if( td_ctFrames>1) { // animation
// only if bound
if( td_pulObjects == NULL) {
ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
for( INDEX iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) gfxDeleteTexture( td_pulObjects[iFrame]);
FreeMemory( td_pulObjects);
td_pulObjects = NULL;
} else { // single-frame
// only if bound
if( td_ulObject==NONE) {
ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
// delete probe texture, too
// free memory allocated for texture (if any)
void CTextureData::Clear(void)
// unbind texture from OpenGL or Direct3D memory
// free allocated memory and reset pointer
if( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_slFrameSize!=0) {
FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
td_pulFrames = NULL;
td_slFrameSize = 0;
// free memory allocated for texture effect buffers
// release base texture if it exists
if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) {
_pTextureStock->Release( td_ptdBaseTexture);
td_ptdBaseTexture = NULL;
// free global effect data if it exists
if( td_ptegEffect != NULL) {
delete td_ptegEffect;
td_ptegEffect = NULL;
// reset texture parameters
// clear animation
// reset variables (but keep some flags)
td_ctFrames = 0;
td_mexWidth = 0;
td_mexHeight = 0;
td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
td_iFirstMipLevel = 0;
td_ctFineMipLevels = 0;
td_pixBufferWidth = 0;
td_pixBufferHeight = 0;
td_ulInternalFormat = TEXFMT_NONE;
td_iRenderFrame = -1;
* Implementation of CTextureObject routines
// copy from another object of same class
void CTextureObject::Copy(CTextureObject &toOther)
void CTextureObject::Read_t( CTStream *istrFile) // throw char *
CAnimObject::Read_t( istrFile);
void CTextureObject::Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile) // throw char *
CAnimObject::Write_t( ostrFile);
MEX CTextureObject::GetWidth(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetWidth(); };
MEX CTextureObject::GetHeight(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetHeight(); };
ULONG CTextureObject::GetFlags(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetFlags(); };
* Implementation of independent routines
#define EQUAL_SUB_STR( str) (strnicmp( ld_line, str, strlen(str))==0)
void ProcessScript_t( const CTFileName &inFileName) // throw char *
CTFileStream File;
char ld_line[128];
char err_str[256];
FLOAT fTextureWidthMeters = 2.0f;
INDEX TexMipmaps = MAX_MEX_LOG2;
CTextureData tex;
CListHead FrameNamesList;
INDEX NoOfDataFound = 0;
BOOL bForce32bit = FALSE;
File.Open_t( inFileName, CTStream::OM_READ); // open script file for text reading
do {
File.GetLine_t( ld_line, 128);
} while( (strlen( ld_line)==0) || (ld_line[0]==';'));
_strupr( ld_line);
// specified width of texture
sscanf( ld_line, "TEXTURE_WIDTH %g", &fTextureWidthMeters);
NoOfDataFound ++;
// how many mip-map levels will texture have
sscanf( ld_line, "TEXTURE_MIPMAPS %d", &TexMipmaps);
// should texture be forced to keep 32-bit quality even that 16-bit textures are set
else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "TEXTURE_32BIT")) {
bForce32bit = TRUE;
// Key-word "ANIM_START" starts loading of Animation Data object
else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "ANIM_START")) {
tex.LoadFromScript_t( &File, &FrameNamesList);
NoOfDataFound ++;
// Key-word "END" ends infinite loop and script loading is over
else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "END")) break;
// if none of known key-words isn't recognised, throw error
else {
sprintf( err_str,
TRANS("Unidentified key-word found (line: \"%s\") or unexpected end of file reached."), ld_line);
throw( err_str);
if( NoOfDataFound != 2)
throw( TRANS("Required key-word(s) has not been specified in script file:\nTEXTURE_WIDTH and/or ANIM_START"));
// Now we will create texture file form read script data
CImageInfo inPic;
CTFileName outFileName;
CTFileStream outFile;
// load first picture
CFileNameNode *pFirstFNN = LIST_HEAD( FrameNamesList, CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node);
inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( CTString(pFirstFNN->cfnn_FileName));
// create texture with one frame
tex.Create_t( &inPic, MEX_METERS(fTextureWidthMeters), TexMipmaps, bForce32bit);
// process rest of the frames in animation (if any)
INDEX i=0;
FOREACHINLIST( CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, FrameNamesList, it1)
if( i != 0) { // we have to skip first picture since it has already been done
inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( CTString(it1->cfnn_FileName));
// add picture as next frame in texture
tex.AddFrame_t( &inPic);
// save texture
outFileName = inFileName.FileDir() + inFileName.FileName() + ".TEX";
tex.Save_t( outFileName);
// clear list
FORDELETELIST( CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, FrameNamesList, itDel)
delete &itDel.Current();
void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName, const CTFileName &outFileName,
MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit)
if( inFileName.FileExt() == ".SCR")
// input is a script file
ProcessScript_t( inFileName);
// input is a picture file (PCX or TGA)
CAnimData anim;
CTextureData tex;
CImageInfo inPic;
// mex must be specified and valid
if( (inMex <= 0)) throw( TRANS("Invalid or unspecified mexel units."));
// load picture
inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( inFileName);
// create texture
tex.Create_t( &inPic, inMex, inMipmaps, bForce32bit);
// no more need for picture - get out!
// save texture to file
tex.Save_t( outFileName);
void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName,
MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit)
CTFileName outFileName = inFileName.FileDir() + inFileName.FileName() + ".TEX";
CreateTexture_t( inFileName, outFileName, inMex, inMipmaps, bForce32bit);
// reference counting (override from CAnimData)
void CTextureData::RemReference_internal(void)
// obtain texture and set it for this object
void CTextureObject::SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmTexture) // throw char *
// if the filename is empty
if (fnmTexture=="") {
// release current texture
// if the filename is not empty
} else {
// obtain it (adds one reference)
CTextureData *ptd = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t(fnmTexture);
// set it as data (adds one more reference, and remove old reference)
// release it (removes one reference)
// total reference count +1+1-1 = +1 for new data -1 for old data
// get filename of texture or empty string if no texture
const CTFileName &CTextureObject::GetName(void)
static const CTFileName strDummy(CTString(""));
// if there is some texture
if (ao_AnimData!=NULL) {
// get texture filename
return ao_AnimData->GetName();
// if there is no texture
} else {
// get empty string
return strDummy;
// check if this kind of objects is auto-freed
BOOL CTextureData::IsAutoFreed(void)
// cannot be
return FALSE;
// get amount of memory used by this object
SLONG CTextureData::GetUsedMemory(void)
// readout texture object
ULONG ulTexObject = (td_ctFrames>1) ? td_pulObjects[0] : td_ulObject;
// add structure size and anim block size
SLONG slUsed = sizeof(*this) + CAnimData::GetUsedMemory()-sizeof(CAnimData);
// add effect buffers and static memory if exist
if( td_pubBuffer1!=NULL) slUsed += 2* GetEffectBufferSize(this); // two buffers
if( (td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && td_pulFrames!=NULL) {
slUsed += td_ctFrames*td_slFrameSize;
// add eventual uploaded size and finito
const SLONG slUploadSize = gfxGetTextureSize( ulTexObject, !td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap);
return slUsed + td_ctFrames*slUploadSize;
// get texel from texture's largest mip-map
COLOR CTextureData::GetTexel( MEX mexU, MEX mexV)
// if the texture is not static
if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
// print warning
ASSERTALWAYS("GetTexel: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
CPrintF("GetTexel: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());
// make sure that the texture is static
// convert dimensions to pixels
PIX pixU = mexU >>td_iFirstMipLevel;
PIX pixV = mexV >>td_iFirstMipLevel;
pixU &= GetPixWidth()-1;
pixV &= GetPixHeight()-1;
ASSERT(pixU>=0 && pixU<GetPixWidth());
ASSERT(pixV>=0 && pixV<GetPixHeight());
// read texel from texture
return ByteSwap( *(ULONG*)(td_pulFrames + pixV*GetPixWidth() + pixU));
// copy (and eventually convert to floats) one row from texture to an array (iChannel is 1=R,2=G,3=B,4=A)
void CTextureData::FetchRow( PIX pixRow, void *pvDst, INDEX iChannel/*=4*/, BOOL bConvertToFloat/*=TRUE*/)
// if the texture is not static
if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
// print warning
ASSERTALWAYS("FetchRow: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
CPrintF("FetchRow: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());
// workaround: make sure that the texture is static
// determine row offset and loop thru row pixels
ULONG *pulSrc = td_pulFrames + pixRow*GetPixWidth();
for( INDEX iCol=0; iCol<GetPixWidth(); iCol++) {
const UBYTE ubPix = ((UBYTE*)pulSrc)[iCol*4 +iChannel-1];
if( bConvertToFloat) ((FLOAT*)pvDst)[iCol] = NormByteToFloat(ubPix);
else ((UBYTE*)pvDst)[iCol] = ubPix;
// get pointer to one row of texture
ULONG *CTextureData::GetRowPointer( PIX pixRow)
// if the texture is not static
if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
// print warning
ASSERTALWAYS("GetRowPointer: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
CPrintF("GetRowPointer: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());
// workaround: make sure that the texture is static
return (td_pulFrames + pixRow*GetPixWidth());
// get string description of texture size, mips and parameters
CTString CTextureData::GetDescription(void)
// get all parameters
MEX mexSizeU = GetWidth();
MEX mexSizeV = GetHeight();
PIX pixSizeU = GetPixWidth();
MEX pixSizeV = GetPixHeight();
FLOAT fSizeU = METERS_MEX( mexSizeU);
FLOAT fSizeV = METERS_MEX( mexSizeV);
INDEX ctFineMips = GetNoOfFineMips();
INDEX ctTotalMips = GetNoOfMips();
// print size and mips
CTString strSizeM;
if (fSizeU==int(fSizeU) && fSizeV==int(fSizeV)) {
strSizeM.PrintF("%dx%dm", int(fSizeU), int(fSizeV));
} else {
strSizeM.PrintF("%.2fx%.2fm", fSizeU, fSizeV);
CTString str;
str.PrintF( "%s(%dx%d) %d/%d", (const char *) strSizeM, pixSizeU, pixSizeV, ctFineMips, ctTotalMips);
// print flags
CTString strFlags = "";
if (td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) strFlags+="A";
if (td_ulFlags&TEX_EQUALIZED) strFlags+="E";
if (td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT) strFlags+="H";
if (td_ulFlags&TEX_WASOLD) strFlags+="!";
// if there are any flags, add blank before flags
if( strFlags!="") str=CTString(" ")+str;
CAnimInfo aiInfo;
GetAnimInfo( 0, aiInfo);
CTString strAnims = "";
if (ad_NumberOfAnims>1 || aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames>1) {
strAnims.PrintF(" %d(%d)anim", ad_NumberOfAnims, aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames);
// return combined string
return str+strFlags+strAnims;