2016-04-09 02:18:57 -04:00

843 lines
23 KiB

/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
// unzip.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "Engine/StdH.h"
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/FileName.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Translation.h>
#include <Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Synchronization.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticStackArray.cpp>
typedef unsigned char Byte; // !!! FIXME: not sure why I suddenly needed this typedef here.
#include <Engine/zlib/zlib.h>
extern CTCriticalSection zip_csLock; // critical section for access to zlib functions
#pragma pack(1)
// before each file in the zip
#define SIGNATURE_LFH 0x04034b50
struct LocalFileHeader {
SWORD lfh_swVersionToExtract;
SWORD lfh_swGPBFlag;
SWORD lfh_swCompressionMethod;
SWORD lfh_swModFileTime;
SWORD lfh_swModFileDate;
SLONG lfh_slCRC32;
SLONG lfh_slCompressedSize;
SLONG lfh_slUncompressedSize;
SWORD lfh_swFileNameLen;
SWORD lfh_swExtraFieldLen;
// follows:
// filename (variable size)
// extra field (variable size)
// after file data, only if compressed from a non-seekable stream
// this exists only if bit 3 in GPB flag is set
#define SIGNATURE_DD 0x08074b50
struct DataDescriptor {
SLONG dd_slCRC32;
SLONG dd_slCompressedSize;
SLONG dd_slUncompressedSize;
// one file in central dir
#define SIGNATURE_FH 0x02014b50
struct FileHeader {
SWORD fh_swVersionMadeBy;
SWORD fh_swVersionToExtract;
SWORD fh_swGPBFlag;
SWORD fh_swCompressionMethod;
SWORD fh_swModFileTime;
SWORD fh_swModFileDate;
SLONG fh_slCRC32;
SLONG fh_slCompressedSize;
SLONG fh_slUncompressedSize;
SWORD fh_swFileNameLen;
SWORD fh_swExtraFieldLen;
SWORD fh_swFileCommentLen;
SWORD fh_swDiskNoStart;
SWORD fh_swInternalFileAttributes;
SLONG fh_swExternalFileAttributes;
SLONG fh_slLocalHeaderOffset;
// follows:
// filename (variable size)
// extra field (variable size)
// file comment (variable size)
// at the end of entire zip file
#define SIGNATURE_EOD 0x06054b50
struct EndOfDir {
SWORD eod_swDiskNo;
SWORD eod_swDirStartDiskNo;
SWORD eod_swEntriesInDirOnThisDisk;
SWORD eod_swEntriesInDir;
SLONG eod_slSizeOfDir;
SLONG eod_slDirOffsetInFile;
SWORD eod_swCommentLength;
// follows:
// zipfile comment (variable size)
#pragma pack()
// one entry (a zipped file) in a zip archive
class CZipEntry {
CTFileName *ze_pfnmArchive; // path of the archive
CTFileName ze_fnm; // file name with path inside archive
SLONG ze_slCompressedSize; // size of file in the archive
SLONG ze_slUncompressedSize; // size when uncompressed
SLONG ze_slDataOffset; // position of compressed data inside archive
ULONG ze_ulCRC; // checksum of the file
BOOL ze_bStored; // set if file is not compressed, but stored
BOOL ze_bMod; // set if from a mod's archive
void Clear(void)
ze_pfnmArchive = NULL;
// an open instance of a file inside a zip
class CZipHandle {
BOOL zh_bOpen; // set if the handle is used
CZipEntry zh_zeEntry; // the entry itself
z_stream zh_zstream; // zlib filestream for decompression
FILE *zh_fFile; // open handle of the archive
#define BUF_SIZE 1024
UBYTE *zh_pubBufIn; // input buffer
void Clear(void);
void ThrowZLIBError_t(int ierr, const CTString &strDescription);
// get error string for a zlib error
CTString GetZlibError(int ierr)
switch(ierr) {
case Z_OK : return TRANS("Z_OK "); break;
case Z_STREAM_END : return TRANS("Z_STREAM_END "); break;
case Z_NEED_DICT : return TRANS("Z_NEED_DICT "); break;
case Z_STREAM_ERROR : return TRANS("Z_STREAM_ERROR "); break;
case Z_DATA_ERROR : return TRANS("Z_DATA_ERROR "); break;
case Z_MEM_ERROR : return TRANS("Z_MEM_ERROR "); break;
case Z_BUF_ERROR : return TRANS("Z_BUF_ERROR "); break;
case Z_ERRNO : {
CTString strError;
strError.PrintF(TRANSV("Z_ERRNO: %s"), strerror(errno));
return strError;
} break;
default: {
CTString strError;
strError.PrintF(TRANSV("Unknown ZLIB error: %d"), ierr);
return strError;
} break;
zh_bOpen = FALSE;
zh_fFile = NULL;
zh_pubBufIn = NULL;
memset(&zh_zstream, 0, sizeof(zh_zstream));
void CZipHandle::Clear(void)
zh_bOpen = FALSE;
// clear the zlib stream
CTSingleLock slZip(&zip_csLock, TRUE);
memset(&zh_zstream, 0, sizeof(zh_zstream));
// free buffers
if (zh_pubBufIn!=NULL) {
zh_pubBufIn = NULL;
// close the zip archive file
if (zh_fFile!=NULL) {
zh_fFile = NULL;
void CZipHandle::ThrowZLIBError_t(int ierr, const CTString &strDescription)
ThrowF_t(TRANS("(%s/%s) %s - ZLIB error: %s - %s"),
(const char *) (const CTString&)*zh_zeEntry.ze_pfnmArchive,
(const char *) (const CTString&)zh_zeEntry.ze_fnm,
(const char *) strDescription,
(const char *) GetZlibError(ierr),
(const char *) zh_zstream.msg);
// all files in all active zip archives
static CStaticStackArray<CZipEntry> _azeFiles;
// handles for currently open files
static CStaticStackArray<CZipHandle> _azhHandles;
// filenames of all archives
static CStaticStackArray<CTFileName> _afnmArchives;
// convert slashes to backslashes in a file path
void ConvertSlashes(char *p)
while (*p!=0) {
if (*p=='/') {
*p = '\\';
#define READ_ZIPFIELD(f, x) { fread(&x, sizeof(x), 1, f); BYTESWAP(x); }
// read directory of a zip archive and add all files in it to active set
void ReadZIPDirectory_t(CTFileName *pfnmZip)
FILE *f = fopen(*pfnmZip, "rb");
if (f==NULL) {
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Cannot open file (%s)"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip, strerror(errno));
// start at the end of file, minus expected minimum overhead
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
int iPos = ftell(f)-sizeof(SLONG)-sizeof(EndOfDir)+2;
// do not search more than 128k (should be around 65k at most)
int iMinPos = iPos-128*1024;
if (iMinPos<0) {
iMinPos = 0;
EndOfDir eod;
// while not at beginning
for(; iPos>iMinPos; iPos--) {
// read signature
fseek(f, iPos, SEEK_SET);
SLONG slSig;
fread(&slSig, sizeof(slSig), 1, f);
// if this is the sig
if (slSig==SIGNATURE_EOD) {
// read directory end
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_swDiskNo);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_swDirStartDiskNo);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_swEntriesInDirOnThisDisk);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_swEntriesInDir);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_slSizeOfDir);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_slDirOffsetInFile);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, eod.eod_swCommentLength);
// if multi-volume zip
if (eod.eod_swDiskNo!=0||eod.eod_swDirStartDiskNo!=0
||eod.eod_swEntriesInDirOnThisDisk!=eod.eod_swEntriesInDir) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Multi-volume zips are not supported"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
// check against empty zips
if (eod.eod_swEntriesInDir<=0) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Empty zip"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
// all ok
bEODFound = TRUE;
// if eod not found
if (!bEODFound) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Cannot find 'end of central directory'"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
// check if the zip is from a mod
BOOL bMod =
pfnmZip->HasPrefix(_fnmApplicationPath+"Mods\\") ||
// go to the beginning of the central dir
fseek(f, eod.eod_slDirOffsetInFile, SEEK_SET);
INDEX ctFiles = 0;
// for each file
for (INDEX iFile=0; iFile<eod.eod_swEntriesInDir; iFile++) {
// read the sig
SLONG slSig;
fread(&slSig, sizeof(slSig), 1, f);
// if this is not the expected sig
if (slSig!=SIGNATURE_FH) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Wrong signature for 'file header' number %d'"),
(const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip, iFile);
// read its header
FileHeader fh;
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swVersionMadeBy);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swVersionToExtract);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swGPBFlag);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swCompressionMethod);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swModFileTime);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swModFileDate);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_slCRC32);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_slCompressedSize);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_slUncompressedSize);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swFileNameLen);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swExtraFieldLen);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swFileCommentLen);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swDiskNoStart);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swInternalFileAttributes);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_swExternalFileAttributes);
READ_ZIPFIELD(f, fh.fh_slLocalHeaderOffset);
// read the filename
const SLONG slMaxFileName = 512;
char strBuffer[slMaxFileName+1];
memset(strBuffer, 0, sizeof(strBuffer));
if (fh.fh_swFileNameLen>slMaxFileName) {
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Too long filepath in zip"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
if (fh.fh_swFileNameLen<=0) {
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Invalid filepath length in zip"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
fread(strBuffer, fh.fh_swFileNameLen, 1, f);
// skip eventual comment and extra fields
if (fh.fh_swFileCommentLen+fh.fh_swExtraFieldLen>0) {
fseek(f, fh.fh_swFileCommentLen+fh.fh_swExtraFieldLen, SEEK_CUR);
// if the file is directory
if (strBuffer[strlen(strBuffer)-1]=='/') {
// check size
if (fh.fh_slUncompressedSize!=0
||fh.fh_slCompressedSize!=0) {
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s/%s: Invalid directory"),
(const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip, strBuffer);
// if the file is real file
} else {
// convert filename
// create a new entry
CZipEntry &ze = _azeFiles.Push();
// remember the file's data
ze.ze_fnm = CTString(strBuffer);
ze.ze_pfnmArchive = pfnmZip;
ze.ze_slCompressedSize = fh.fh_slCompressedSize;
ze.ze_slUncompressedSize = fh.fh_slUncompressedSize;
ze.ze_slDataOffset = fh.fh_slLocalHeaderOffset;
ze.ze_ulCRC = fh.fh_slCRC32;
ze.ze_bMod = bMod;
// check for compressopn
if (fh.fh_swCompressionMethod==0) {
ze.ze_bStored = TRUE;
} else if (fh.fh_swCompressionMethod==8) {
ze.ze_bStored = FALSE;
} else {
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s/%s: Only 'deflate' compression is supported"),
(const char *) (CTString&)*ze.ze_pfnmArchive,
(const char *) ze.ze_fnm);
// if error reading
if (ferror(f)) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s: Error reading central directory"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip);
// report that file was read
CPrintF(TRANSV(" %s: %d files\n"), (const char *) (CTString&)*pfnmZip, ctFiles++);
// add one zip archive to current active set
void UNZIPAddArchive(const CTFileName &fnm)
// remember its filename
CTFileName &fnmNew = _afnmArchives.Push();
fnmNew = fnm;
// read directory of an archive
void ReadOneArchiveDir_t(CTFileName &fnm)
// remember current number of files
INDEX ctOrgFiles = _azeFiles.Count();
// try to
try {
// read the directory and add all files
// if failed
} catch (char *) {
// if some files were added
if (ctOrgFiles<_azeFiles.Count()) {
// remove them
if (ctOrgFiles==0) {
} else {
// cascade the error
int qsort_ArchiveCTFileName_reverse(const void *elem1, const void *elem2 )
// get the filenames
const CTFileName &fnm1 = *(CTFileName *)elem1;
const CTFileName &fnm2 = *(CTFileName *)elem2;
// find if any is in a mod or on CD
BOOL bMod1 = fnm1.HasPrefix(_fnmApplicationPath+"Mods\\");
BOOL bCD1 = fnm1.HasPrefix(_fnmCDPath);
BOOL bModCD1 = fnm1.HasPrefix(_fnmCDPath+"Mods\\");
BOOL bMod2 = fnm2.HasPrefix(_fnmApplicationPath+"Mods\\");
BOOL bCD2 = fnm2.HasPrefix(_fnmCDPath);
BOOL bModCD2 = fnm2.HasPrefix(_fnmCDPath+"Mods\\");
// calculate priorities based on location of gro file
INDEX iPriority1 = 0;
if (bMod1) {
iPriority1 = 3;
} else if (bModCD1) {
iPriority1 = 2;
} else if (bCD1) {
iPriority1 = 0;
} else {
iPriority1 = 1;
INDEX iPriority2 = 0;
if (bMod2) {
iPriority2 = 3;
} else if (bModCD2) {
iPriority2 = 2;
} else if (bCD2) {
iPriority2 = 0;
} else {
iPriority2 = 1;
// find sorting order
if (iPriority1<iPriority2) {
return +1;
} else if (iPriority1>iPriority2) {
return -1;
} else {
return -stricmp(fnm1, fnm2);
// read directories of all currently added archives, in reverse alphabetical order
void UNZIPReadDirectoriesReverse_t(void)
// if no archives
if (_afnmArchives.Count()==0) {
// do nothing
// sort the archive filenames reversely
qsort(&_afnmArchives[0], _afnmArchives.Count(), sizeof(CTFileName),
CTString strAllErrors = "";
// for each archive
for (INDEX iArchive=0; iArchive<_afnmArchives.Count(); iArchive++) {
//try to
try {
// read its directory
// if failed
} catch (char *strError) {
// remember the error
strAllErrors += strError;
strAllErrors += "\n";
// if there were errors
if (strAllErrors!="") {
// report them
ThrowF_t("%s", (const char *) strAllErrors);
// check if a zip file entry exists
BOOL UNZIPFileExists(const CTFileName &fnm)
// for each file
for(INDEX iFile=0; iFile<_azeFiles.Count(); iFile++) {
// if it is that one
if (_azeFiles[iFile].ze_fnm == fnm) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// enumeration for all files in all zips
INDEX UNZIPGetFileCount(void)
return _azeFiles.Count();
const CTFileName &UNZIPGetFileAtIndex(INDEX i)
return _azeFiles[i].ze_fnm;
return _azeFiles[i].ze_bMod;
// get index of a file (-1 for no file)
INDEX UNZIPGetFileIndex(const CTFileName &fnm)
// for each file
for(INDEX iFile=0; iFile<_azeFiles.Count(); iFile++) {
// if it is that one
if (_azeFiles[iFile].ze_fnm == fnm) {
return iFile;
return -1;
// get info on a zip file entry
void UNZIPGetFileInfo(INDEX iHandle, CTFileName &fnmZip,
SLONG &slOffset, SLONG &slSizeCompressed, SLONG &slSizeUncompressed,
BOOL &bCompressed)
// check handle number
if(iHandle<0 || iHandle>=_azhHandles.Count()) {
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
// check the handle
if (!zh.zh_bOpen) {
// get parameters
fnmZip = *zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_pfnmArchive;
bCompressed = !zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_bStored;
slOffset = zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset;
slSizeCompressed = zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slCompressedSize;
slSizeUncompressed = zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slUncompressedSize;
// open a zip file entry for reading
INDEX UNZIPOpen_t(const CTFileName &fnm)
CZipEntry *pze = NULL;
// for each file
for(INDEX iFile=0; iFile<_azeFiles.Count(); iFile++) {
// if it is that one
if (_azeFiles[iFile].ze_fnm == fnm) {
// stop searching
pze = &_azeFiles[iFile];
// if not found
if (pze==NULL) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("File not found: %s"), (const char *) (const CTString&)fnm);
// for each existing handle
BOOL bHandleFound = FALSE;
INDEX iHandle;
for (iHandle=1; iHandle<_azhHandles.Count(); iHandle++) {
// if unused
if (!_azhHandles[iHandle].zh_bOpen) {
// use that one
bHandleFound = TRUE;
// if no free handle found
if (!bHandleFound) {
// create a new one
iHandle = _azhHandles.Count();
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
zh.zh_zeEntry = *pze;
// open zip archive for reading
zh.zh_fFile = fopen(*pze->ze_pfnmArchive, "rb");
// if failed to open it
if (zh.zh_fFile==NULL) {
// clear the handle
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("Cannot open '%s': %s"), (const char *) (const CTString&)*pze->ze_pfnmArchive,
// seek to the local header of the entry
fseek(zh.zh_fFile, zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset, SEEK_SET);
// read the sig
SLONG slSig;
fread(&slSig, sizeof(slSig), 1, zh.zh_fFile);
// if this is not the expected sig
if (slSig!=SIGNATURE_LFH) {
// fail
ThrowF_t(TRANS("%s/%s: Wrong signature for 'local file header'"),
(const char *) (CTString&)*zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_pfnmArchive, (const char *) zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_fnm);
// read the header
LocalFileHeader lfh;
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swVersionToExtract);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swGPBFlag);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swCompressionMethod);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swModFileTime);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swModFileDate);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_slCRC32);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_slCompressedSize);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_slUncompressedSize);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swFileNameLen);
READ_ZIPFIELD(zh.zh_fFile, lfh.lfh_swExtraFieldLen);
// determine exact compressed data position
zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset =
// seek there
fseek(zh.zh_fFile, zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset, SEEK_SET);
// allocate buffers
zh.zh_pubBufIn = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory(BUF_SIZE);
// initialize zlib stream
CTSingleLock slZip(&zip_csLock, TRUE);
zh.zh_zstream.next_out = NULL;
zh.zh_zstream.avail_out = 0;
zh.zh_zstream.next_in = NULL;
zh.zh_zstream.avail_in = 0;
zh.zh_zstream.zalloc = (alloc_func)Z_NULL;
zh.zh_zstream.zfree = (free_func)Z_NULL;
int err = inflateInit2(&zh.zh_zstream, -15); // 32k windows
// if failed
if (err!=Z_OK) {
// clean up what is possible
FreeMemory(zh.zh_pubBufIn );
zh.zh_pubBufIn = NULL;
zh.zh_fFile = NULL;
// throw error
zh.ThrowZLIBError_t(err, TRANS("Cannot init inflation"));
// return the handle successfully
zh.zh_bOpen = TRUE;
return iHandle;
// get uncompressed size of a file
// check handle number
if(iHandle<0 || iHandle>=_azhHandles.Count()) {
return 0;
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
// check the handle
if (!zh.zh_bOpen) {
return 0;
return zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slUncompressedSize;
// get CRC of a file
// check handle number
if(iHandle<0 || iHandle>=_azhHandles.Count()) {
return 0;
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
// check the handle
if (!zh.zh_bOpen) {
return 0;
return zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_ulCRC;
// read a block from zip file
void UNZIPReadBlock_t(INDEX iHandle, UBYTE *pub, SLONG slStart, SLONG slLen)
// check handle number
if(iHandle<0 || iHandle>=_azhHandles.Count()) {
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
// check the handle
if (!zh.zh_bOpen) {
// if behind the end of file
if (slStart>=zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slUncompressedSize) {
// do nothing
// clamp length to end of the entry data
slLen = Min(slLen, zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slUncompressedSize-slStart);
// if not compressed
if (zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_bStored) {
// just read from file
fseek(zh.zh_fFile, zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset+slStart, SEEK_SET);
fread(pub, 1, slLen, zh.zh_fFile);
CTSingleLock slZip(&zip_csLock, TRUE);
// if behind the current pointer
if (slStart<zh.zh_zstream.total_out) {
// reset the zlib stream to beginning
zh.zh_zstream.avail_in = 0;
zh.zh_zstream.next_in = NULL;
// seek to start of zip entry data inside archive
fseek(zh.zh_fFile, zh.zh_zeEntry.ze_slDataOffset, SEEK_SET);
// while ahead of the current pointer
while (slStart>zh.zh_zstream.total_out) {
// if zlib has no more input
while(zh.zh_zstream.avail_in==0) {
// read more to it
SLONG slRead = fread(zh.zh_pubBufIn, 1, BUF_SIZE, zh.zh_fFile);
if (slRead<=0) {
return; // !!!!
// tell zlib that there is more to read
zh.zh_zstream.next_in = zh.zh_pubBufIn;
zh.zh_zstream.avail_in = slRead;
// read dummy data from the output
#define DUMMY_SIZE 256
// decode to output
zh.zh_zstream.avail_out = Min(SLONG(slStart-zh.zh_zstream.total_out), SLONG(DUMMY_SIZE));
zh.zh_zstream.next_out = aubDummy;
int ierr = inflate(&zh.zh_zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (ierr!=Z_OK && ierr!=Z_STREAM_END) {
zh.ThrowZLIBError_t(ierr, TRANS("Error seeking in zip"));
// if not streaming continuously
if (slStart!=zh.zh_zstream.total_out) {
// this should not happen
// read empty
memset(pub, 0, slLen);
// set zlib for writing to the block
zh.zh_zstream.avail_out = slLen;
zh.zh_zstream.next_out = pub;
// while there is something to write to given block
while (zh.zh_zstream.avail_out>0) {
// if zlib has no more input
while(zh.zh_zstream.avail_in==0) {
// read more to it
SLONG slRead = fread(zh.zh_pubBufIn, 1, BUF_SIZE, zh.zh_fFile);
if (slRead<=0) {
return; // !!!!
// tell zlib that there is more to read
zh.zh_zstream.next_in = zh.zh_pubBufIn;
zh.zh_zstream.avail_in = slRead;
// decode to output
int ierr = inflate(&zh.zh_zstream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (ierr!=Z_OK && ierr!=Z_STREAM_END) {
zh.ThrowZLIBError_t(ierr, TRANS("Error reading from zip"));
// close a zip file entry
void UNZIPClose(INDEX iHandle)
// check handle number
if(iHandle<0 || iHandle>=_azhHandles.Count()) {
// get the handle
CZipHandle &zh = _azhHandles[iHandle];
// check the handle
if (!zh.zh_bOpen) {
// clear it