mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:20:06 +01:00
Conflicts: Sources/Ecc/Parser.cpp Sources/Ecc/Scanner.cpp Sources/Engine/Base/Scanner.cpp Sources/Engine/GameAgent/GameAgent.cpp Sources/Engine/Graphics/Gfx_wrapper.h Sources/Engine/Network/Network.cpp Sources/Engine/Sound/SoundDecoder.h Sources/Engine/Templates/HashTableTemplate.cpp Sources/Engine/Terrain/Terrain.h Sources/EntitiesMP/ParticleCloudsHolder.es Sources/EntitiesMP/ParticleCloudsMarker.es Sources/SeriousSam/CDCheck.h Sources/SeriousSam/Menu.cpp Sources/SeriousSam/MenuGadgets.cpp Sources/SeriousSam/SeriousSam.cpp Sources/SeriousSam/SplashScreen.cpp Sources/SeriousSam/StdH.cpp Sources/SeriousSam/StdH.h Sources/Shaders/StdH.cpp
807 lines
31 KiB
807 lines
31 KiB
/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */
#pragma once
#include <Engine/Math/Vector.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Matrix.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Plane.h>
#include <Engine/Math/AABBox.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Placement.h>
* Geometric projection of one 3D space onto another 3D space
class ENGINE_API CProjection3D {
// implementation:
// factors set by user
CPlacement3D pr_ObjectPlacement; // placement of the projected object in absolute space
FLOAT3D pr_vObjectHandle; // handle the projected object in its own space
CPlacement3D pr_ViewerPlacement; // placement of the viewer in absolute space
FLOAT3D pr_vViewerPosition; // viewer position (possibly mirrored)
FLOAT pr_NearClipDistance; // distance of near clipping plane from viewer
FLOAT pr_FarClipDistance; // distance of far clipping plane from viewer
FLOATaabbox2D pr_ScreenBBox; // bounding box of viewing screen
FLOAT pr_AspectRatio; // aspect ratio of viewing screen
FLOAT3D pr_ObjectStretch; // stretching coeficients for target object space
BOOL pr_bFaceForward; // set if object is face-forward
BOOL pr_bHalfFaceForward; // set if object is face-forward, but only on heading
BOOL pr_bMirror; // enable mirror projection
BOOL pr_bWarp; // enable warp clip
FLOATplane3D pr_plMirror; // plane to mirror(warp) about
FLOATplane3D pr_plMirrorView; // mirror(warp) clip plane in view space
FLOAT pr_fViewStretch; // stretch of entire view
// internal variables
BOOL pr_Prepared; // set if all precalculated variables are prepared
BOOL pr_bInverted; // set if projection is inverted
FLOATmatrix3D pr_RotationMatrix; // matrix for rotating when projecting
FLOATmatrix3D pr_mDirectionRotation; // matrix for rotating direction vectors
FLOATmatrix3D pr_ViewerRotationMatrix; // viewer part of rotation matrix
FLOAT3D pr_TranslationVector; // vector for translating when projecting
FLOAT2D pr_ScreenCenter; // center of viewing screen
FLOAT pr_fDepthBufferFactor; // correction to 0..1
FLOAT pr_fDepthBufferMul; // correction to needed range
FLOAT pr_fDepthBufferAdd;
FLOAT pr_fDepthBufferNear; // depth buffer range used
FLOAT pr_fDepthBufferFar;
// clip planes (in view space)
FLOATplane3D pr_plClipL;
FLOATplane3D pr_plClipR;
FLOATplane3D pr_plClipU;
FLOATplane3D pr_plClipD;
// interface:
// construction/destruction
/* Default constructor. */
// member referencing
/* Reference object placement. */
inline CPlacement3D &ObjectPlacementL(void);
inline const CPlacement3D &ObjectPlacementR(void) const;
/* Reference object handle. */
inline FLOAT3D &ObjectHandleL(void);
inline const FLOAT3D &ObjectHandleR(void) const;
/* Reference viewer placement. */
inline CPlacement3D &ViewerPlacementL(void);
inline const CPlacement3D &ViewerPlacementR(void) const;
/* Reference clipping distances. */
inline FLOAT &FrontClipDistanceL(void); // obsolete
inline const FLOAT &FrontClipDistanceR(void) const; // obsolete
inline FLOAT &NearClipDistanceL(void);
inline const FLOAT &NearClipDistanceR(void) const;
inline FLOAT &FarClipDistanceL(void);
inline const FLOAT &FarClipDistanceR(void) const;
/* Reference screen bounding box. */
inline FLOATaabbox2D &ScreenBBoxL(void);
inline const FLOATaabbox2D &ScreenBBoxR(void) const;
/* Reference screen aspect ratio. */
inline FLOAT &AspectRatioL(void);
inline const FLOAT &AspectRatioR(void) const;
/* Reference target object stretching. */
inline FLOAT3D &ObjectStretchL(void);
inline const FLOAT3D &ObjectStretchR(void) const;
/* Reference miror plane. */
inline FLOATplane3D &MirrorPlaneL(void);
inline const FLOATplane3D &MirrorPlaneR(void) const;
inline void TurnOffMirrorPlane(void);
/* Reference warp plane. */
inline FLOATplane3D &WarpPlaneL(void);
inline const FLOATplane3D &WarpPlaneR(void) const;
inline void TurnOffWarpPlane(void);
/* Reference target object face-forward flag. */
inline BOOL &ObjectFaceForwardL(void);
inline const BOOL &ObjectFaceForwardR(void) const;
inline BOOL &ObjectHalfFaceForwardL(void);
inline const BOOL &ObjectHalfFaceForwardR(void) const;
/* Reference corrections for depth buffer factor. */
inline FLOAT &DepthBufferNearL(void);
inline const FLOAT &DepthBufferNearR(void) const;
inline FLOAT &DepthBufferFarL(void);
inline const FLOAT &DepthBufferFarR(void) const;
/* Reference view stretching. */
inline FLOAT &ViewStretchL(void);
inline const FLOAT &ViewStretchR(void) const;
/* Prepare for projecting. */
virtual void Prepare(void) = 0;
virtual BOOL IsPerspective(void) { return FALSE; };
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectCoordinate(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const = 0;
/* Get a distance of object point from the viewer. */
virtual FLOAT GetDistance(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint) const = 0;
/* Project 3D object direction vector into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectDirection(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const = 0;
/* Project 3D object axis aligned bounding box into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectAABBox(const FLOATaabbox3D &boxObject, FLOATaabbox3D &boxView) const = 0;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, before clipping. */
virtual void PreClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint) const = 0;
/* Clip a line. */
virtual ULONG ClipLine(FLOAT3D &v3dPoint0, FLOAT3D &v3dPoint1) const = 0;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, after clipping. */
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const = 0;
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT fTransformedR,
FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, FLOAT &fViewR) const = 0;
/* Test if a sphere in view space is inside view frustum. */
virtual INDEX TestSphereToFrustum(const FLOAT3D &vViewPoint, FLOAT fRadius) const = 0;
/* Test if an oriented box in view space is inside view frustum. */
virtual INDEX TestBoxToFrustum(const FLOATobbox3D &boxView) const = 0;
/* Get placement for a ray through a projected point. */
virtual void RayThroughPoint(const FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, CPlacement3D &plRay) const = 0;
/* Project 3D object plane into 3D view space. */
virtual void Project(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane, FLOATplane3D &v3dTransformedPlane) const = 0;
/* Check if an object-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsObjectPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane) const = 0;
/* Check if a viewer-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsViewerPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dViewerPlane) const = 0;
/* Calculate a mip-factor for a given object. */
// by its distance from viewer
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(FLOAT fDistance) const = 0;
// general mip-factor for target object
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(void) const = 0;
/* Calculate plane gradient for a plane in 3D view space. */
virtual void MakeOoKGradient(const FLOATplane3D &plViewerPlane, CPlanarGradients &pgOoK) const = 0;
* Perspective projection.
class ENGINE_API CPerspectiveProjection3D : public CProjection3D {
// implementation:
// factors set by user
ANGLE ppr_FOVWidth; // width of field-of-view
FLOAT ppr_fMipRatio; // for mip-factor calculation
// internal variables
FLOAT2D ppr_PerspectiveRatios; // ratios for perspective projection
// factors for shadow casting projections
FLOAT ppr_fMetersPerPixel; // meters per pixel on destination plane
FLOAT ppr_fViewerDistance; // distance between viewer and destination plane
FLOATaabbox2D ppr_boxSubScreen; // box-in-box for rendering on subdrawports
// interface:
// constructor
// member referencing
/* Reference field of view. */
inline ANGLE &FOVL(void);
inline const ANGLE &FOVR(void) const;
/* Prepare for projecting. */
virtual void Prepare(void);
virtual BOOL IsPerspective(void) { return TRUE; };
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space. */
void ProjectCoordinate(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Get a distance of object point from the viewer. */
FLOAT GetDistance(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object direction vector into 3D view space. */
void ProjectDirection(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object axis aligned bounding box into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectAABBox(const FLOATaabbox3D &boxObject, FLOATaabbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, before clipping. */
virtual void PreClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint) const;
/* Clip a line. */
virtual ULONG ClipLine(FLOAT3D &v3dPoint0, FLOAT3D &v3dPoint1) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, after clipping. */
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT fTransformedR,
FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, FLOAT &fViewR) const;
/* Test if a sphere in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestSphereToFrustum(const FLOAT3D &vViewPoint, FLOAT fRadius) const;
/* Test if an oriented box in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestBoxToFrustum(const FLOATobbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Calculate plane gradient for a plane in 3D view space. */
virtual void MakeOoKGradient(const FLOATplane3D &plViewerPlane, CPlanarGradients &pgOoK) const;
/* Get placement for a ray through a projected point. */
virtual void RayThroughPoint(const FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, CPlacement3D &plRay) const;
/* Project 3D object plane into 3D view space. */
virtual void Project(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane, FLOATplane3D &v3dTransformedPlane) const;
/* Check if an object-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsObjectPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane) const;
/* Check if a viewer-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsViewerPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dViewerPlane) const;
/* Calculate a mip-factor for a given object. */
// by its distance from viewer
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(FLOAT fDistance) const;
// general mip-factor for target object
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(void) const;
* Isometric projection.
class ENGINE_API CIsometricProjection3D : public CProjection3D {
// implementation:
// factors set by user
FLOAT ipr_ZoomFactor; // zoom factor
// internal variables
// implementation:
// member referencing
/* Reference zoom factor. */
inline FLOAT &ZoomFactorL(void);
inline const FLOAT &ZoomFactorR(void) const;
/* Prepare for projecting. */
virtual void Prepare(void);
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space. */
void ProjectCoordinate(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Get a distance of object point from the viewer. */
FLOAT GetDistance(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object direction vector into 3D view space. */
void ProjectDirection(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object axis aligned bounding box into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectAABBox(const FLOATaabbox3D &boxObject, FLOATaabbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, before clipping. */
virtual void PreClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint) const;
/* Clip a line. */
virtual ULONG ClipLine(FLOAT3D &v3dPoint0, FLOAT3D &v3dPoint1) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, after clipping. */
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT fTransformedR,
FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, FLOAT &fViewR) const;
/* Test if a sphere in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestSphereToFrustum(const FLOAT3D &vViewPoint, FLOAT fRadius) const;
/* Test if an oriented box in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestBoxToFrustum(const FLOATobbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Get placement for a ray through a projected point. */
virtual void RayThroughPoint(const FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, CPlacement3D &plRay) const;
/* Calculate plane gradient for a plane in 3D view space. */
virtual void MakeOoKGradient(const FLOATplane3D &plViewerPlane, CPlanarGradients &pgOoK) const;
/* Project 3D object plane into 3D view space. */
virtual void Project(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane, FLOATplane3D &v3dTransformedPlane) const;
/* Check if an object-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsObjectPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane) const;
/* Check if a viewer-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsViewerPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dViewerPlane) const;
/* Calculate a mip-factor for a given object. */
// by its distance from viewer
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(FLOAT fDistance) const;
// general mip-factor for target object
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(void) const;
* Isometric projection.
class ENGINE_API CParallelProjection3D : public CProjection3D {
// implementation:
// factors set by user
FLOAT2D pr_vStepFactors; // gradient of x and y along z (angle of parallel projection)
FLOAT2D pr_vZoomFactors; // zoom of x and y
// internal variables
FLOAT3D pr_vViewDirection; // heads in the direction of viewing
// implementation:
/* Prepare for projecting. */
virtual void Prepare(void);
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectCoordinate(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Get a distance of object point from the viewer. */
virtual FLOAT GetDistance(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object direction vector into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectDirection(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object axis aligned bounding box into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectAABBox(const FLOATaabbox3D &boxObject, FLOATaabbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, before clipping. */
virtual void PreClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint) const;
/* Clip a line. */
virtual ULONG ClipLine(FLOAT3D &v3dPoint0, FLOAT3D &v3dPoint1) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, after clipping. */
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT fTransformedR,
FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, FLOAT &fViewR) const;
/* Test if a sphere in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestSphereToFrustum(const FLOAT3D &vViewPoint, FLOAT fRadius) const;
/* Test if an oriented box in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestBoxToFrustum(const FLOATobbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Get placement for a ray through a projected point. */
virtual void RayThroughPoint(const FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, CPlacement3D &plRay) const;
/* Calculate plane gradient for a plane in 3D view space. */
virtual void MakeOoKGradient(const FLOATplane3D &plViewerPlane, CPlanarGradients &pgOoK) const;
/* Project 3D object plane into 3D view space. */
virtual void Project(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane, FLOATplane3D &v3dTransformedPlane) const;
/* Check if an object-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsObjectPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane) const;
/* Check if a viewer-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsViewerPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dViewerPlane) const;
/* Calculate a mip-factor for a given object. */
// by its distance from viewer
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(FLOAT fDistance) const;
// general mip-factor for target object
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(void) const;
* Simple projection.
class ENGINE_API CSimpleProjection3D : public CProjection3D {
// implementation:
// factors set by user
// internal variables
// implementation:
// member referencing
/* Prepare for projecting. */
virtual void Prepare(void);
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space. */
void ProjectCoordinate(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Get a distance of object point from the viewer. */
FLOAT GetDistance(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object direction vector into 3D view space. */
void ProjectDirection(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
/* Project 3D object placement into 3D view space. */
void ProjectPlacement(const CPlacement3D &plObject, CPlacement3D &plView) const;
void ProjectPlacementSmooth(const CPlacement3D &plObject, CPlacement3D &plView) const;
/* Project 3D object axis aligned bounding box into 3D view space. */
virtual void ProjectAABBox(const FLOATaabbox3D &boxObject, FLOATaabbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, before clipping. */
virtual void PreClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dObjectPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint) const;
/* Clip a line. */
virtual ULONG ClipLine(FLOAT3D &v3dPoint0, FLOAT3D &v3dPoint1) const;
/* Project 3D object point into 3D view space, after clipping. */
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint) const;
virtual void PostClip(const FLOAT3D &v3dTransformedPoint, FLOAT fTransformedR,
FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, FLOAT &fViewR) const;
/* Test if a sphere in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestSphereToFrustum(const FLOAT3D &vViewPoint, FLOAT fRadius) const;
/* Test if an oriented box in view space is inside view frustum. */
INDEX TestBoxToFrustum(const FLOATobbox3D &boxView) const;
/* Get placement for a ray through a projected point. */
virtual void RayThroughPoint(const FLOAT3D &v3dViewPoint, CPlacement3D &plRay) const;
/* Calculate plane gradient for a plane in 3D view space. */
virtual void MakeOoKGradient(const FLOATplane3D &plViewerPlane, CPlanarGradients &pgOoK) const;
/* Project 3D object plane into 3D view space. */
virtual void Project(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane, FLOATplane3D &v3dTransformedPlane) const;
/* Check if an object-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsObjectPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dObjectPlane) const;
/* Check if a viewer-space plane is visible. */
virtual BOOL IsViewerPlaneVisible(const FLOATplane3D &p3dViewerPlane) const;
/* Calculate a mip-factor for a given object. */
// by its distance from viewer
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(FLOAT fDistance) const;
// general mip-factor for target object
virtual FLOAT MipFactor(void) const;
* Holder for any kind of 3D projection.
class ENGINE_API CAnyProjection3D {
CSimpleProjection3D ap_Simple;
CIsometricProjection3D ap_Isometric;
CPerspectiveProjection3D ap_Perspective;
CParallelProjection3D ap_Parallel;
CProjection3D *ap_CurrentProjection;
/* Default constructor. */
inline CAnyProjection3D(void) : ap_CurrentProjection(NULL) {};
/* Copy constructor. */
inline CAnyProjection3D(const CAnyProjection3D &apOriginal) { operator=(apOriginal);}
/* Start being CSimpleProjection3D. */
inline void BeSimple(void);
/* Test if CSimpleProjection3D. */
inline BOOL IsSimple(void);
/* Start being CIsometricProjection3D. */
inline void BeIsometric(void);
/* Test if CIsometricProjection3D. */
inline BOOL IsIsometric(void);
/* Start being CPerspectiveProjection3D. */
inline void BePerspective(void);
/* Test if CPerspectiveProjection3D. */
inline BOOL IsPerspective(void);
/* Start being CParallelProjection3D. */
inline void BeParallel(void);
/* Test if CParallelProjection3D. */
inline BOOL IsParallel(void);
/* Reference currently active projection. */
inline CProjection3D *operator->(void);
/* Get the pointer to currently active projection. */
inline operator CProjection3D *(void);
/* Initialize from another any-projection. */
inline void operator=(const CAnyProjection3D &prAny);
/* Initialize from a simple projection. */
inline void operator=(const CSimpleProjection3D &prSimple);
/* Initialize from an isometric projection. */
inline void operator=(const CIsometricProjection3D &prIsometric);
/* Initialize from a perspective projection. */
inline void operator=(const CPerspectiveProjection3D &prPerspective);
/* Initialize from a parallel projection. */
inline void operator=(const CParallelProjection3D &prParallel);
// CProjection3D
// Member referencing functions
* Reference viewer placement.
ENGINE_API inline CPlacement3D &CProjection3D::ViewerPlacementL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_ViewerPlacement;
ENGINE_API inline const CPlacement3D &CProjection3D::ViewerPlacementR(void) const {
return pr_ViewerPlacement;
* Reference object placement.
ENGINE_API inline CPlacement3D &CProjection3D::ObjectPlacementL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_ObjectPlacement;
ENGINE_API inline const CPlacement3D &CProjection3D::ObjectPlacementR(void) const {
return pr_ObjectPlacement;
/* Reference object handle. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT3D &CProjection3D::ObjectHandleL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_vObjectHandle;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT3D &CProjection3D::ObjectHandleR(void) const {
return pr_vObjectHandle;
* Reference front clipping distance.
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::FrontClipDistanceL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_NearClipDistance;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::FrontClipDistanceR(void) const {
return pr_NearClipDistance;
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::NearClipDistanceL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_NearClipDistance;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::NearClipDistanceR(void) const {
return pr_NearClipDistance;
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::FarClipDistanceL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_FarClipDistance;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::FarClipDistanceR(void) const {
return pr_FarClipDistance;
* Reference screen bounding box.
ENGINE_API inline FLOATaabbox2D &CProjection3D::ScreenBBoxL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_ScreenBBox;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOATaabbox2D &CProjection3D::ScreenBBoxR(void) const {
return pr_ScreenBBox;
* Reference screen aspect ratio.
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::AspectRatioL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_AspectRatio;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::AspectRatioR(void) const {
return pr_AspectRatio;
/* Reference target object stretching. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT3D &CProjection3D::ObjectStretchL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_ObjectStretch;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT3D &CProjection3D::ObjectStretchR(void) const {
return pr_ObjectStretch;
/* Reference view stretching. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::ViewStretchL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_fViewStretch;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::ViewStretchR(void) const {
return pr_fViewStretch;
/* Reference mirror plane. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOATplane3D &CProjection3D::MirrorPlaneL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
pr_bMirror = TRUE;
return pr_plMirror;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOATplane3D &CProjection3D::MirrorPlaneR(void) const {
return pr_plMirror;
inline void CProjection3D::TurnOffMirrorPlane(void)
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
pr_bMirror = FALSE;
/* Reference warp plane. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOATplane3D &CProjection3D::WarpPlaneL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
pr_bWarp = TRUE;
return pr_plMirror;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOATplane3D &CProjection3D::WarpPlaneR(void) const {
return pr_plMirror;
inline void CProjection3D::TurnOffWarpPlane(void)
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
pr_bWarp = FALSE;
* Reference object face-forward flag.
ENGINE_API inline BOOL &CProjection3D::ObjectFaceForwardL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_bFaceForward;
ENGINE_API inline const BOOL &CProjection3D::ObjectFaceForwardR(void) const {
return pr_bFaceForward;
ENGINE_API inline BOOL &CProjection3D::ObjectHalfFaceForwardL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_bHalfFaceForward;
ENGINE_API inline const BOOL &CProjection3D::ObjectHalfFaceForwardR(void) const {
return pr_bHalfFaceForward;
/* Reference corrections for depth buffer factor. */
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::DepthBufferNearL(void)
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_fDepthBufferNear;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::DepthBufferNearR(void) const {
return pr_fDepthBufferNear;
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CProjection3D::DepthBufferFarL(void)
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return pr_fDepthBufferFar;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CProjection3D::DepthBufferFarR(void) const {
return pr_fDepthBufferFar;
// CPerspectiveProjection3D
// Member referencing functions
* Reference field of view
ENGINE_API inline ANGLE &CPerspectiveProjection3D::FOVL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return ppr_FOVWidth;
ENGINE_API inline const ANGLE &CPerspectiveProjection3D::FOVR(void) const {
return ppr_FOVWidth;
// CIsometricProjection3D
// Member referencing functions
* Reference zoom factor.
ENGINE_API inline FLOAT &CIsometricProjection3D::ZoomFactorL(void) {
IFDEBUG(pr_Prepared = FALSE); // invalidate precalculations on any non-const access
return ipr_ZoomFactor;
ENGINE_API inline const FLOAT &CIsometricProjection3D::ZoomFactorR(void) const {
return ipr_ZoomFactor;
// CAnyProjection3D
* Start being CSimpleProjection3D.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::BeSimple(void)
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Simple;
* Start being CIsometricProjection3D.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::BeIsometric(void)
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Isometric;
* Start beeing CPerspectiveProjection3D.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::BePerspective(void)
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Perspective;
* Start beeing CParallelProjection3D.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::BeParallel(void)
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Parallel;
/* Test if CSimpleProjection3D. */
ENGINE_API inline BOOL CAnyProjection3D::IsSimple(void) {
return ap_CurrentProjection == &ap_Simple;
/* Test if CIsometricProjection3D. */
ENGINE_API inline BOOL CAnyProjection3D::IsIsometric(void) {
return ap_CurrentProjection == &ap_Isometric;
/* Test if CPerspectiveProjection3D. */
ENGINE_API inline BOOL CAnyProjection3D::IsPerspective(void) {
return ap_CurrentProjection == &ap_Perspective;
/* Test if CParallelProjection3D. */
ENGINE_API inline BOOL CAnyProjection3D::IsParallel(void) {
return ap_CurrentProjection == &ap_Parallel;
* Reference currently active projection.
ENGINE_API inline CProjection3D *CAnyProjection3D::operator->(void)
return ap_CurrentProjection;
* Get the pointer to currently active projection.
ENGINE_API inline CAnyProjection3D::operator CProjection3D *(void)
return ap_CurrentProjection;
* Initialize from another any-projection.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::operator=(const CAnyProjection3D &prAny)
// if the other is perspective
if ((const CProjection3D *)prAny.ap_CurrentProjection == &prAny.ap_Perspective) {
// use perspective
ap_Perspective = prAny.ap_Perspective;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Perspective;
// if the other is parallel
} else if ((const CProjection3D *)prAny.ap_CurrentProjection == &prAny.ap_Parallel) {
// use parallel
ap_Parallel = prAny.ap_Parallel;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Parallel;
// if the other is simple
} else if ((const CProjection3D *)prAny.ap_CurrentProjection == &prAny.ap_Simple) {
// use simple
ap_Simple = prAny.ap_Simple;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Simple;
// if the other is isometric
} else if ((const CProjection3D *)prAny.ap_CurrentProjection == &prAny.ap_Isometric) {
// use isometric
ap_Isometric = prAny.ap_Isometric;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Isometric;
// otherwise
} else {
// error
ASSERTALWAYS("CAnyProjection3D::operator=() : Invalid source object");
* Initialize from a simple projection.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::operator=(const CSimpleProjection3D &prSimple)
ap_Simple = prSimple;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Simple;
* Initialize from an isometric projection.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::operator=(const CIsometricProjection3D &prIsometric)
ap_Isometric = prIsometric;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Isometric;
* Initialize from a perspective projection.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::operator=(const CPerspectiveProjection3D &prPerspective)
ap_Perspective = prPerspective;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Perspective;
* Initialize from a parallel projection.
ENGINE_API inline void CAnyProjection3D::operator=(const CParallelProjection3D &prParallel)
ap_Parallel = prParallel;
ap_CurrentProjection = &ap_Parallel;
#endif /* include-once check. */