/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // DlgCreateEffectTexture.cpp : implementation file // #include "EngineGui/StdH.h" #include "DlgCreateEffectTexture.h" #include <Engine/Graphics/TextureEffects.h> #include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #undef new #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgCreateEffectTexture dialog #define MAX_ALLOWED_MEX_SIZE 1024*1024 static CDlgCreateEffectTexture *pDialog; static PIX pixStartU; static PIX pixStartV; // called when user pressed LMB on preview effect window void _OnLeftMouseDown( PIX pixU, PIX pixV) { // store starting point pixStartU = pixU; pixStartV = pixV; } // called when user released LMB on preview effect window void _OnLeftMouseUp( PIX pixU, PIX pixV) { // obtain currently selected effect source type ULONG ulEffectSourceType = pDialog->m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.GetCurSel(); // add new effect source pDialog->m_tdCreated.td_ptegEffect->AddEffectSource( ulEffectSourceType, pixStartU, pixStartV, pixU, pixV); } // called when user pressed RMB on preview effect window void _OnRightMouseDown( PIX pixU, PIX pixV) { // obtain currently selected effect source type ULONG ulEffectSourceType = pDialog->m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.GetCurSel(); // add new effect source pDialog->m_tdCreated.td_ptegEffect->AddEffectSource( ulEffectSourceType, pixU, pixV, pixU, pixV); } // called when user pressed RMB and move mouse on preview effect window void _OnRightMouseMove( PIX pixU, PIX pixV) { // obtain currently selected effect source type ULONG ulEffectSourceType = pDialog->m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.GetCurSel(); // add new effect source pDialog->m_tdCreated.td_ptegEffect->AddEffectSource( ulEffectSourceType, pixU, pixV, pixU, pixV); } CDlgCreateEffectTexture::CDlgCreateEffectTexture(CTFileName fnInputFile/*=""*/, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CDlgCreateEffectTexture::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CDlgCreateEffectTexture) m_strCreatedTextureName = _T(""); m_strBaseTextureName = _T(""); m_strRendSpeed = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT // set dialog ptr pDialog = this; // register left mouse button call back function m_wndViewCreatedTexture.SetLeftMouseButtonClicked( _OnLeftMouseDown); // register left mouse release button call back function m_wndViewCreatedTexture.SetLeftMouseButtonReleased( _OnLeftMouseUp); // register right mouse button call back function m_wndViewCreatedTexture.SetRightMouseButtonClicked( _OnRightMouseDown); // register right mouse button move call back function m_wndViewCreatedTexture.SetRightMouseButtonMoved( _OnRightMouseMove); // set invalid initial mip level and size for created texture m_mexInitialCreatedWidth = 2048; m_pixInitialCreatedWidth = 256; m_pixInitialCreatedHeight = 256; BOOL bCreateNew = TRUE; if( fnInputFile != "") { m_fnCreatedTextureName = fnInputFile; try { // load texture with the same name (if allready exists) m_tdCreated.Load_t( m_fnCreatedTextureName); // remember existing texture's width in mexels m_mexInitialCreatedWidth = m_tdCreated.GetWidth(); m_pixInitialCreatedWidth = m_tdCreated.GetPixWidth(); m_pixInitialCreatedHeight = m_tdCreated.GetPixHeight(); bCreateNew = FALSE; } // if texture can't be obtained catch( char *err_str) { // never mind (void) err_str; } } else { // set texture name to unnamed m_fnCreatedTextureName = CTString("Unnamed"); } // if we should create a new texture if( bCreateNew) { CTextureData *pBaseTexture; try { // obtain default texture as base pBaseTexture = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Editor\\Default.tex")); } // if texture can't be obtained catch( char *err_str) { // stop executing program FatalError( "%s", err_str); } // create empty effect texture m_tdCreated.CreateEffectTexture(m_pixInitialCreatedWidth, m_pixInitialCreatedHeight, m_mexInitialCreatedWidth, pBaseTexture, 0); // release default texture _pTextureStock->Release(pBaseTexture); } m_wndViewCreatedTexture.m_toTexture.SetData( &m_tdCreated); // copy texture name to text control m_strCreatedTextureName = m_fnCreatedTextureName; m_bPreviewWindowsCreated = FALSE; } CDlgCreateEffectTexture::~CDlgCreateEffectTexture() { m_tdCreated.MarkUsed(); m_wndViewCreatedTexture.m_toTexture.SetData( NULL); m_tdCreated.MarkUnused(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::SetNewBaseTexture( CTFileName fnNewBase) { if( fnNewBase != "") { // try to try { // obtain texture with the same name (if allready exists) CTextureData *pTD = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( fnNewBase); pTD->Reload(); if( pTD->td_ptegEffect != NULL) { _pTextureStock->Release( pTD); ThrowF_t( "Texture '%s' is an effect texture.", (CTString&)fnNewBase); } // if there is base texture obtained, release it if( m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture!= NULL) { _pTextureStock->Release( m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture); // reset base texture ptr m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture = NULL; } // set new base texture ptr m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture = pTD; m_pixInitialCreatedWidth = pTD->GetPixWidth(); m_pixInitialCreatedHeight = pTD->GetPixHeight(); UpdateData( FALSE); SelectPixSizeCombo(); } catch(char *err_str) { AfxMessageBox( CString(err_str)); return; } } } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); // if dialog is receiving data if(pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate == FALSE) { m_strBaseTextureName = "None"; CTFileName fnNewBase; // if there is base texture obtained, get name if( m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) { PIX pixBaseTextureWidth = m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixWidth(); PIX pixBaseTextureHeight = m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixHeight(); char achrBaseTextureName[ 256]; sprintf( achrBaseTextureName, "%s (%d x %d)", (CTString&)m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName(), pixBaseTextureWidth, pixBaseTextureHeight); m_strBaseTextureName = achrBaseTextureName; } } //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CDlgCreateEffectTexture) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHEQUERED_ALPHA, m_ctrlCheckButton); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_MEX_SIZE, m_ctrlMexSizeCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PIX_WIDTH, m_ctrlPixWidthCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PIX_HEIGHT, m_ctrlPixHeightCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EFFECT_CLASS, m_ctrlEffectClassCombo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EFFECT_TYPE, m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_CREATED_TEXTURE_NAME, m_strCreatedTextureName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_BASE_TEXTURE_NAME, m_strBaseTextureName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_REND_SPEED, m_strRendSpeed); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP // if dialog is giving data if(pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate != FALSE) { } } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CDlgCreateEffectTexture, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CDlgCreateEffectTexture) ON_WM_PAINT() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHEQUERED_ALPHA, OnChequeredAlpha) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_BROWSE_BASE, OnBrowseBase) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_CREATE_AS, OnCreateAs) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_REMOVE_ALL_EFFECTS, OnRemoveAllEffects) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_PIX_HEIGHT, OnSelchangePixHeight) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_PIX_WIDTH, OnSelchangePixWidth) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_MEX_SIZE, OnSelchangeMexSize) ON_BN_CLICKED(ID_CREATE, OnCreate) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EFFECT_CLASS, OnSelchangeEffectClass) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EFFECT_TYPE, OnSelchangeEffectType) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDlgCreateEffectTexture message handlers void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // if texture preview windows are not yet created if( !m_bPreviewWindowsCreated) { // ---------------- Create custom window that will show how created texture will look like CWnd *pWndCreatedTexturePreview = GetDlgItem(IDC_TEXTURE_PREVIEW_WINDOW); ASSERT(pWndCreatedTexturePreview != NULL); CRect rectPreviewCreatedTextureWnd; // get rectangle occupied by preview texture window pWndCreatedTexturePreview->GetWindowRect( &rectPreviewCreatedTextureWnd); ScreenToClient( &rectPreviewCreatedTextureWnd); // create window for for showing created texture m_wndViewCreatedTexture.Create( NULL, NULL, WS_BORDER|WS_VISIBLE, rectPreviewCreatedTextureWnd, this, IDW_VIEW_CREATED_TEXTURE); // mark that custom windows are created m_bPreviewWindowsCreated = TRUE; } } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnChequeredAlpha() { // toggle chequered alpha on/off m_wndViewCreatedTexture.m_bChequeredAlpha = !m_wndViewCreatedTexture.m_bChequeredAlpha; } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::InitializeSizeCombo(void) { // clear combo box m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.ResetContent(); INDEX iSelectedWidth = m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCurSel(); INDEX iSelectedHeight = m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.GetCurSel(); // obtain selected size in pixels m_pixInitialCreatedWidth = 1<<iSelectedWidth; m_pixInitialCreatedHeight = 1<<iSelectedHeight; // obtain all available potentions of source picture's dimensions INDEX iPotention = 0; // set default created texture's size INDEX iInitialSelectedSize = 0; FOREVER { char strSize[ 64]; MEX mexPotentionWidth = m_pixInitialCreatedWidth * (1 << iPotention); MEX mexPotentionHeight = m_pixInitialCreatedHeight * (1 << iPotention); if( (mexPotentionWidth > MAX_ALLOWED_MEX_SIZE) || (mexPotentionHeight > MAX_ALLOWED_MEX_SIZE)) break; sprintf( strSize, "%.2f x %.2f", METERS_MEX( mexPotentionWidth), METERS_MEX( mexPotentionHeight)); INDEX iAddedAs = m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.AddString( CString(strSize)); // connect item and represented mex value m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.SetItemData( iAddedAs, mexPotentionWidth); // try to select consistent size if( mexPotentionWidth == m_mexInitialCreatedWidth) { iInitialSelectedSize = iPotention; } // next potention iPotention ++; } // select size m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.SetCurSel( iInitialSelectedSize); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::InitializeEffectTypeCombo( void) { // get selected effect class INDEX iClass = m_ctrlEffectClassCombo.GetCurSel(); // obtain effect source table for current effect class struct TextureEffectSourceType *patestSourceEffectTypes = _ategtTextureEffectGlobalPresets[ iClass].tet_atestEffectSourceTypes; INDEX ctSourceEffectTypes = _ategtTextureEffectGlobalPresets[ iClass].tet_ctEffectSourceTypes; // initialize effect groups combo m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.ResetContent(); for( INDEX iEffectType=0; iEffectType<ctSourceEffectTypes; iEffectType++) { m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.AddString( CString(patestSourceEffectTypes[ iEffectType].test_strName)); } m_ctrlEffectTypeCombo.SetCurSel( 0); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::SelectPixSizeCombo(void) { m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.SetCurSel( 0); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.SetCurSel( 0); for( INDEX iWidthItem=0; iWidthItem<m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCount(); iWidthItem++) { if( (1<<iWidthItem) == m_pixInitialCreatedWidth) { m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.SetCurSel( iWidthItem); } } for( INDEX iHeightItem=0; iHeightItem<m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCount(); iHeightItem++) { if( (1<<iHeightItem) == m_pixInitialCreatedHeight) { m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.SetCurSel( iHeightItem); } } InitializeSizeCombo(); } BOOL CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // set default created texture's size INDEX iInitialSelectedSize = 0; // first combo entry is selected by default (requesting maximum mip maps to be created) INDEX iInitialSelectedMipMapCombo = 0; // fill width combo m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.ResetContent(); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"1"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"2"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"4"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"8"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"16"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"32"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"64"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"128"); m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.AddString(L"256"); // fill height combo m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.ResetContent(); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"1"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"2"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"4"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"8"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"16"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"32"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"64"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"128"); m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.AddString(L"256"); // initialize effect groups combo m_ctrlEffectClassCombo.ResetContent(); for( INDEX iEffectClass=0; iEffectClass<_ctTextureEffectGlobalPresets; iEffectClass++) { m_ctrlEffectClassCombo.AddString( CString(_ategtTextureEffectGlobalPresets[ iEffectClass].tegt_strName)); } INDEX iSelectedEffectClass = m_tdCreated.td_ptegEffect->teg_ulEffectType; m_ctrlEffectClassCombo.SetCurSel( iSelectedEffectClass); // initialize sub effects InitializeEffectTypeCombo(); m_ctrlCheckButton.SetCheck( 1); SelectPixSizeCombo(); return TRUE; } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnBrowseBase() { CTFileName fnNewBase; // if there is base texture obtained, release it if( m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) { fnNewBase = _EngineGUI.BrowseTexture( m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName(), KEY_NAME_BASE_TEXTURE_DIR, "Browse base texture"); } else { fnNewBase = _EngineGUI.BrowseTexture( CTString(""), KEY_NAME_BASE_TEXTURE_DIR, "Browse base texture"); } SetNewBaseTexture( fnNewBase); CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnRemoveAllEffects() { CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnSelchangeMexSize() { CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnSelchangePixHeight() { INDEX iSelectedWidth = m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCurSel(); INDEX iSelectedHeight = m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.GetCurSel(); InitializeSizeCombo(); CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnSelchangePixWidth() { INDEX iSelectedWidth = m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCurSel(); INDEX iSelectedHeight = m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.GetCurSel(); InitializeSizeCombo(); CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::CreateTexture( void) { // obtain selected sizes m_pixInitialCreatedWidth = 1<<m_ctrlPixWidthCombo.GetCurSel(); m_pixInitialCreatedHeight = 1<<m_ctrlPixHeightCombo.GetCurSel(); m_mexInitialCreatedWidth = m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.GetItemData( m_ctrlMexSizeCombo.GetCurSel()); // get selected effect class INDEX iClass = m_ctrlEffectClassCombo.GetCurSel(); // create empty effect texture m_tdCreated.CreateEffectTexture( m_pixInitialCreatedWidth, m_pixInitialCreatedHeight, m_mexInitialCreatedWidth, m_tdCreated.td_ptdBaseTexture, iClass); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnCreateAs() { // call save texture file requester CTFileName fnNewTexName = _EngineGUI.BrowseTexture( CTString(CStringA(m_strCreatedTextureName)), KEY_NAME_CREATE_TEXTURE_DIR, "Create texture as", FALSE); // if picked valid name if( fnNewTexName != "") { // save as final texture try { m_tdCreated.Save_t( fnNewTexName); } catch(char *err_str) { AfxMessageBox( CString(err_str)); return; } // remember new name m_strCreatedTextureName = fnNewTexName; m_fnCreatedTextureName = fnNewTexName; // show the change UpdateData( FALSE); } } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnCreate() { if( m_strCreatedTextureName == "Unnamed") { OnCreateAs(); } else { // save as final texture try { m_fnCreatedTextureName = CTString( CStringA(m_strCreatedTextureName)); m_tdCreated.Save_t( m_fnCreatedTextureName); } catch(char *err_str) { AfxMessageBox( CString(err_str)); return; } } if( m_strCreatedTextureName != "Unnamed") { EndDialog( IDOK); } } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnSelchangeEffectClass() { // initialize sub effects InitializeEffectTypeCombo(); CreateTexture(); } void CDlgCreateEffectTexture::OnSelchangeEffectType() { }