/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX /* rcg10072001 */ #include <signal.h> #endif #include "StdAfx.h" #include <GameMP/Game.h> #define DECL_DLL // application state variables BOOL _bRunning = TRUE; static BOOL _bForceRestart = FALSE; static BOOL _bForceNextMap = FALSE; CTString _strSamVersion = "no version information"; INDEX ded_iMaxFPS = 100; CTString ded_strConfig = ""; CTString ded_strLevel = ""; INDEX ded_bRestartWhenEmpty = TRUE; FLOAT ded_tmTimeout = -1; CGame *_pGame = NULL; CTString sam_strFirstLevel = "Levels\\KarnakDemo.wld"; CTString sam_strIntroLevel = "Levels\\Intro.wld"; CTString sam_strGameName = "serioussam"; CTimerValue _tvLastLevelEnd((__int64) -1); // Not used; dummy declaration only needed by // Engine/Base/ErrorReporting.o HWND _hwndMain = NULL; void InitializeGame(void) { #ifdef STATICALLY_LINKED #define fnmExpanded NULL CPrintF(TRANSV("Loading game library '%s'...\n"), "(statically linked)"); #else CTFileName fnmDLL; #ifndef NDEBUG fnmDLL = "Bin\\Debug\\Game"+_strModExt+"D.dll"; #else fnmDLL = "Bin\\Game"+_strModExt+".dll"; #endif fnmDLL = CDynamicLoader::ConvertLibNameToPlatform(fnmDLL); CTFileName fnmExpanded; ExpandFilePath(EFP_READ | EFP_NOZIPS,fnmDLL,fnmExpanded); CPrintF(TRANSV("Loading game library '%s'...\n"), (const char *)fnmExpanded); #endif CDynamicLoader *loader = CDynamicLoader::GetInstance(fnmExpanded); CGame *(*GAME_Create)(void) = NULL; if (loader->GetError() == NULL) { GAME_Create = (CGame* (*)(void)) loader->FindSymbol("GAME_Create"); } if (GAME_Create == NULL) { FatalError("%s", loader->GetError()); } else { _pGame = GAME_Create(); // init game - this will load persistent symbols _pGame->Initialize(CTString("Data\\DedicatedServer.gms")); } } static void QuitGame(void) { _bRunning = FALSE; } static void RestartGame(void) { _bForceRestart = TRUE; } static void NextMap(void) { _bForceNextMap = TRUE; } void End(void); // limit current frame rate if neeeded void LimitFrameRate(void) { // measure passed time for each loop static CTimerValue tvLast(-1.0f); CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); TIME tmCurrentDelta = (tvNow-tvLast).GetSeconds(); // limit maximum frame rate ded_iMaxFPS = ClampDn( ded_iMaxFPS, 1); TIME tmWantedDelta = 1.0f / ded_iMaxFPS; if( tmCurrentDelta<tmWantedDelta) _pTimer->Sleep( (DWORD) ((tmWantedDelta-tmCurrentDelta)*1000.0f) ); // remember new time tvLast = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); } /* rcg10072001 win32ism. */ #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 // break/close handler BOOL WINAPI HandlerRoutine( DWORD dwCtrlType // control signal type ) { if (dwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT || dwCtrlType == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT || dwCtrlType == CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT || dwCtrlType == CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT || dwCtrlType == CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT) { _bRunning = FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_UNIX void unix_signal_catcher(int signum) { _bRunning = FALSE; } #endif #define REFRESHTIME (0.1f) static void LoadingHook_t(CProgressHookInfo *pphi) { // measure time since last call static CTimerValue tvLast((__int64) 0); CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); if (!_bRunning) { ThrowF_t(TRANS("User break!")); } // if not first or final update, and not enough time passed if (pphi->phi_fCompleted!=0 && pphi->phi_fCompleted!=1 && (tvNow-tvLast).GetSeconds() < REFRESHTIME) { // do nothing return; } tvLast = tvNow; // print status text CTString strRes; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 printf("\r "); printf("\r%s : %3.0f%%\r", (const char *) pphi->phi_strDescription, pphi->phi_fCompleted*100); #else // !!! FIXME: This isn't right, either... printf("%s : %3.0f%%\n", (const char *) pphi->phi_strDescription, pphi->phi_fCompleted*100); #endif } // loading hook functions void EnableLoadingHook(void) { printf("\n"); SetProgressHook(LoadingHook_t); } void DisableLoadingHook(void) { SetProgressHook(NULL); printf("\n"); } BOOL StartGame(CTString &strLevel) { _pGame->gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[0] = -1; _pGame->gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[1] = -1; _pGame->gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[2] = -1; _pGame->gm_aiStartLocalPlayers[3] = -1; _pGame->gam_strCustomLevel = strLevel; _pGame->gm_strNetworkProvider = "TCP/IP Server"; CUniversalSessionProperties sp; _pGame->SetMultiPlayerSession(sp); return _pGame->NewGame( _pGame->gam_strSessionName, strLevel, sp); } void ExecScript(const CTFileName &fnmScript) { CPrintF("Executing: '%s'\n", (const char *) fnmScript); CTString strCmd; strCmd.PrintF("include \"%s\"", (const char *) fnmScript); _pShell->Execute(strCmd); } #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #define DelayBeforeExit() fgetc(stdin); #else #define DelayBeforeExit() static void atexit_sdlquit(void) { static bool firsttime = true; if (firsttime) { firsttime = false; SDL_Quit(); } } #endif BOOL Init(int argc, char* argv[]) { _bDedicatedServer = TRUE; if (argc!=1+1 && argc!=2+1) { // NOTE: this cannot be translated - translations are not loaded yet printf("Usage: DedicatedServer <configname> [<modname>]\n" "This starts a server reading configs from directory 'Scripts\\Dedicated\\<configname>\\'\n"); DelayBeforeExit(); exit(0); } #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 SetConsoleTitle(argv[1]); #else if (SDL_Init(0) == -1) { // just get the basics up and running, like timers. No video, audio, input. fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init(0) failed! Aborting.\n"); _exit(1); } atexit(atexit_sdlquit); #endif ded_strConfig = CTString("Scripts\\Dedicated\\")+argv[1]+"\\"; if (argc==2+1) { _fnmMod = CTString("Mods\\")+argv[2]+"\\"; } _strLogFile = CTString("Dedicated_")+argv[1]; // initialize engine SE_InitEngine(argv[0], sam_strGameName); // ParseCommandLine(strCmdLine); // load all translation tables InitTranslation(); CTFileName fnmTransTable; try { fnmTransTable = CTFILENAME("Data\\Translations\\Engine.txt"); AddTranslationTable_t(fnmTransTable); fnmTransTable = CTFILENAME("Data\\Translations\\Game.txt"); AddTranslationTable_t(fnmTransTable); fnmTransTable = CTFILENAME("Data\\Translations\\Entities.txt"); AddTranslationTable_t(fnmTransTable); fnmTransTable = CTFILENAME("Data\\Translations\\SeriousSam.txt"); AddTranslationTable_t(fnmTransTable); fnmTransTable = CTFILENAME("Data\\Translations\\Levels.txt"); AddTranslationTable_t(fnmTransTable); FinishTranslationTable(); } catch (char *strError) { CTString str(fnmTransTable); FatalError("%s %s", (const char *) str, strError); } // always disable all warnings when in serious sam _pShell->Execute( "con_bNoWarnings=1;"); // declare shell symbols _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user INDEX ded_iMaxFPS;", (void *) &ded_iMaxFPS); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void Quit(void);", (void *) &QuitGame); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString ded_strLevel;", (void *) &ded_strLevel); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user FLOAT ded_tmTimeout;", (void *) &ded_tmTimeout); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user INDEX ded_bRestartWhenEmpty;", (void *) &ded_bRestartWhenEmpty); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void Restart(void);", (void *) &RestartGame); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user void NextMap(void);", (void *) &NextMap); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString sam_strIntroLevel;", (void *) &sam_strIntroLevel); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("persistent user CTString sam_strGameName;", (void *) &sam_strGameName); _pShell->DeclareSymbol("user CTString sam_strFirstLevel;", (void *) &sam_strFirstLevel); // init game - this will load persistent symbols InitializeGame(); _pNetwork->md_strGameID = sam_strGameName; LoadStringVar(CTString("Data\\Var\\Sam_Version.var"), _strSamVersion); CPrintF(TRANSV("Serious Sam version: %s\n"), (const char *) _strSamVersion); #if (defined PLATFORM_WIN32) SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, TRUE); #elif (defined PLATFORM_UNIX) signal(SIGINT, unix_signal_catcher); signal(SIGHUP, unix_signal_catcher); signal(SIGQUIT, unix_signal_catcher); signal(SIGTERM, unix_signal_catcher); #endif // if there is a mod if (_fnmMod!="") { // execute the mod startup script _pShell->Execute(CTString("include \"Scripts\\Mod_startup.ini\";")); } return TRUE; } void End(void) { // cleanup level-info subsystem // ClearDemosList(); // end game _pGame->End(); // end engine SE_EndEngine(); } static INDEX iRound = 1; static BOOL _bHadPlayers = 0; static BOOL _bRestart = 0; CTString strBegScript; CTString strEndScript; void RoundBegin(void) { // repeat generate script names FOREVER { strBegScript.PrintF("%s%d_begin.ini", (const char *) ded_strConfig, iRound); strEndScript.PrintF("%s%d_end.ini", (const char *) ded_strConfig, iRound); // if start script exists if (FileExists(strBegScript)) { // stop searching break; // if start script doesn't exist } else { // if this is first round if (iRound==1) { // error CPrintF(TRANSV("No scripts present!\n")); _bRunning = FALSE; return; } // try again with first round iRound = 1; } } // run start script ExecScript(strBegScript); // start the level specified there if (ded_strLevel=="") { CPrintF(TRANSV("ERROR: No next level specified!\n")); _bRunning = FALSE; } else { EnableLoadingHook(); StartGame(ded_strLevel); _bHadPlayers = 0; _bRestart = 0; DisableLoadingHook(); _tvLastLevelEnd = CTimerValue((__int64) -1); CPrintF(TRANSV("\nALL OK: Dedicated server is now running!\n")); CPrintF(TRANSV("Use Ctrl+C to shutdown the server.\n")); CPrintF(TRANSV("DO NOT use the 'Close' button, it might leave the port hanging!\n\n")); } } void ForceNextMap(void) { EnableLoadingHook(); StartGame(ded_strLevel); _bHadPlayers = 0; _bRestart = 0; DisableLoadingHook(); _tvLastLevelEnd = CTimerValue((__int64) -1); } void RoundEnd(void) { CPrintF("end of round---------------------------\n"); ExecScript(strEndScript); iRound++; } // do the main game loop and render screen void DoGame(void) { #ifdef SINGLE_THREADED _pTimer->HandleTimerHandlers(); #endif // do the main game loop if( _pGame->gm_bGameOn) { _pGame->GameMainLoop(); // if any player is connected if (_pGame->GetPlayersCount()) { if (!_bHadPlayers) { // unpause server if (_pNetwork->IsPaused()) { _pNetwork->TogglePause(); } } // remember that _bHadPlayers = 1; // if no player is connected, } else { // if was before if (_bHadPlayers) { // make it restart _bRestart = TRUE; // if never had any player yet } else { // keep the server paused if (!_pNetwork->IsPaused()) { _pNetwork->TogglePause(); } } } // if game is not started } else { // just handle broadcast messages _pNetwork->GameInactive(); } // limit current frame rate if needed LimitFrameRate(); } int SubMain(int argc, char* argv[]) { // initialize if( !Init(argc, argv)) { End(); return -1; } // initialy, application is running _bRunning = TRUE; // execute dedicated server startup script ExecScript(CTFILENAME("Scripts\\Dedicated_startup.ini")); // execute startup script for this config ExecScript(ded_strConfig+"init.ini"); // start first round RoundBegin(); // while it is still running while( _bRunning) { // do the main game loop DoGame(); // if game is finished if (_pNetwork->IsGameFinished()) { // if not yet remembered end of level if (_tvLastLevelEnd.tv_llValue<0) { // remember end of level _tvLastLevelEnd = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); // finish this round RoundEnd(); // if already remembered } else { // if time is out if ((_pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer()-_tvLastLevelEnd).GetSeconds()>ded_tmTimeout) { // start next round RoundBegin(); } } } if (_bRestart||_bForceRestart) { if (ded_bRestartWhenEmpty||_bForceRestart) { _bForceRestart = FALSE; _bRestart = FALSE; RoundEnd(); CPrintF(TRANSV("\nNOTE: Restarting server!\n\n")); RoundBegin(); } else { _bRestart = FALSE; _bHadPlayers = FALSE; } } if (_bForceNextMap) { ForceNextMap(); _bForceNextMap = FALSE; } } // end of main application loop _pGame->StopGame(); End(); return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int iResult; CTSTREAM_BEGIN { iResult = SubMain(argc, argv); } CTSTREAM_END; return iResult; }