 * LWSDK Header File
 * Copyright 1999, NewTek, Inc.
 * LWENVEL.H -- LightWave Animation Envelopes and Channel Info

#include        <lwtypes.h>
#include        <lwio.h>

typedef void *                LWEnvelopeID;
typedef void *                LWChanGroupID;
typedef void *                LWEnvKeyframeID;

typedef enum {        
} LWKeyTag;

/* Envelope Type */
#define LWET_FLOAT        2
#define LWET_DISTANCE     3
#define LWET_PERCENT      4
#define LWET_ANGLE        5

typedef enum {        
} LWEnvTag;

typedef enum {
        LWCEVNT_VALUE  // Any change to channel, from channel event only
} LWEnvEvent;

typedef int        (*LWEnvEventFunc) (void *data, LWEnvelopeID env, LWEnvEvent event, void *eventData);

 * The existing EnvAccess API supported multi-valued keyframes.
 * These no longer exist. 
 * The previous syetem also left the number of channels indeterminate
 * until the UI was called, and exposed structures without accepting
 * independently created instances of these.
 * The replacement global is "Animation Envelopes". Multiple channels
 * will be organized into groups, and plugins can logically gather
 * their parameters.
#define LWENVELOPEFUNCS_GLOBAL        "Animation Envelopes"

typedef struct st_LWEnvelopeFuncs {
  LWEnvelopeID     (*create)       ( LWChanGroupID group,
                                     const char *name, int type );
  void             (*destroy)      ( LWEnvelopeID env );
  LWChanGroupID    (*createGroup)  ( LWChanGroupID parent, const char *name );
  void             (*destroyGroup) ( LWChanGroupID group);
  LWError          (*copy)         ( LWEnvelopeID to, LWEnvelopeID from);
  LWError          (*load)         ( LWEnvelopeID env, const LWLoadState *load);
  LWError          (*save)         ( LWEnvelopeID env, const LWSaveState *save);
  double           (*evaluate)     ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWTime time);
  int              (*edit)         ( LWChanGroupID group,
                                     LWEnvelopeID env, int flags, void *data);
  int              (*envAge)       ( LWEnvelopeID env );
  LWEnvKeyframeID  (*createKey)    ( LWEnvelopeID env,
                                     LWTime time, double value);
  void             (*destroyKey)   ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWEnvKeyframeID key);
  LWEnvKeyframeID  (*findKey)      ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWTime time);
  LWEnvKeyframeID  (*nextKey)      ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWEnvKeyframeID key);
  LWEnvKeyframeID  (*prevKey)      ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWEnvKeyframeID key);
  int              (*keySet)       ( LWEnvelopeID env, LWEnvKeyframeID key,
                                     LWKeyTag tag, void *value);
  int              (*keyGet)       ( LWEnvelopeID env,
                                     LWEnvKeyframeID key, LWKeyTag tag, void *value);
  int              (*setEnvEvent)  ( LWEnvelopeID env,
                                     LWEnvEventFunc  ev, void *data); 
  int              (*egSet)        ( LWEnvelopeID env,
                                     LWChanGroupID group, int tag, void *value);
  int              (*egGet)        ( LWEnvelopeID env,
                                     LWChanGroupID group, int tag, void *value); 
} LWEnvelopeFuncs;


 * The entire list of grouped envelopes can be accessed with the
 * "Channel Info" global. These envelopes may include plugin effects,
 * and are thus called channels, to distinguish them from the LWEnvelope
 * structures, which can be altered through keyframe manipulations. A
 * channel's underlying envelope data may also be read.

#define LWCHANNELINFO_GLOBAL        "Channel Info 2"

typedef void        *LWChannelID;
typedef int        (*LWChanEventFunc)(void *data, LWChannelID ch, int event, void *eventData);

typedef struct st_LWChannelInfo {
  /* next group, first on NULL in parent group or root on NULL */
  LWChanGroupID        (*nextGroup)       ( LWChanGroupID parent,
                                            LWChanGroupID group);
  /* next channel, first on NULL in parent group or root on NULL */
  LWChannelID          (*nextChannel)     ( LWChanGroupID parent,
                                            LWChannelID chan);
  const char           *(*groupName)      ( LWChanGroupID group); 
  const char           *(*channelName)    ( LWChannelID chan); 
  LWChanGroupID        (*groupParent)     ( LWChanGroupID group); 
  LWChanGroupID        (*channelParent)   ( LWChannelID chan); 
  int                  (*channelType)     ( LWChannelID chan); 
  double               (*channelEvaluate) ( LWChannelID chan, LWTime time); 
  const LWEnvelopeID   (*channelEnvelope) ( LWChannelID chan); 
  int                  (*setChannelEvent) ( LWChannelID chan,
                                            LWChanEventFunc ev, void *data ); 
  const char           *(*server)         ( LWChannelID chan,
                                            const char *cls, int idx );

  /* Version 2 additions, all index arg.s are 1-based, matching layout */
  unsigned int         (*serverFlags)     ( LWChannelID chan, 
                                                const char *cls, int idx );
  LWInstance           (*serverInstance)  ( LWChannelID chan,
                                                const char *cls, int idx );
  /*  Return 1-based index, or 0 on failure */
  int                  (*serverApply)     ( LWChannelID chan, const char *cls, 
                                                const char *name, int flags );
  void                 (*serverRemove)    ( LWChannelID chan, const char *cls, 
                                                const char *name, LWInstance inst );

} LWChannelInfo;
