/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "stdh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Terrain raycasting and colision */ extern CTerrain *_ptrTerrain; // Current terrain static FLOAT3D _vHitLocation = FLOAT3D(-100,-100,-100); CStaticStackArray _avExtVertices; CStaticStackArray _aiExtIndices; CStaticStackArray _aiExtColors; CStaticStackArray _aiHitTiles; static ULONG *_pulSharedTopMap = NULL; // Shared memory used for topmap regeneration extern SLONG _slSharedTopMapSize = 0; // Size of shared memory allocated for topmap regeneration extern INDEX _ctShadowMapUpdates; #pragma message(">> Create class with destructor to clear shared topmap memory") FLOATaabbox3D _bboxDrawOne; FLOATaabbox3D _bboxDrawTwo; #define NUMDIM 3 #define RIGHT 0 #define LEFT 1 #define MIDDLE 2 // Test AABBox agains ray static BOOL HitBoundingBox(FLOAT3D &vOrigin, FLOAT3D &vDir, FLOAT3D &vHit, FLOATaabbox3D &bbox) { BOOL bInside = TRUE; BOOL quadrant[NUMDIM]; register int i; int whichPlane; double maxT[NUMDIM]; double candidatePlane[NUMDIM]; double minB[NUMDIM], maxB[NUMDIM]; /*box */ double origin[NUMDIM], dir[NUMDIM]; /*ray */ double coord[NUMDIM]; /* hit point */ minB[0] = bbox.minvect(1); minB[1] = bbox.minvect(2); minB[2] = bbox.minvect(3); maxB[0] = bbox.maxvect(1); maxB[1] = bbox.maxvect(2); maxB[2] = bbox.maxvect(3); origin[0] = vOrigin(1); origin[1] = vOrigin(2); origin[2] = vOrigin(3); dir[0] = vDir(1); dir[1] = vDir(2); dir[2] = vDir(3); /* Find candidate planes; this loop can be avoided if rays cast all from the eye(assume perpsective view) */ for (i=0; i maxB[i]) { quadrant[i] = RIGHT; candidatePlane[i] = maxB[i]; bInside = FALSE; } else { quadrant[i] = MIDDLE; } } /* Ray origin inside bounding box */ if(bInside) { vHit = FLOAT3D(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]); return (TRUE); } /* Calculate T distances to candidate planes */ for (i = 0; i < NUMDIM; i++) if (quadrant[i] != MIDDLE && dir[i] !=0.) maxT[i] = (candidatePlane[i]-origin[i]) / dir[i]; else maxT[i] = -1.; /* Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection */ whichPlane = 0; for (i = 1; i < NUMDIM; i++) if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i]) whichPlane = i; /* Check final candidate actually inside box */ if (maxT[whichPlane] < 0.) return (FALSE); for (i = 0; i < NUMDIM; i++) { if (whichPlane != i) { coord[i] = origin[i] + maxT[whichPlane] *dir[i]; if (coord[i] < minB[i] || coord[i] > maxB[i]) { return (FALSE); } } else { coord[i] = candidatePlane[i]; } } return (TRUE); /* ray hits box */ } // Test AABBox agains ray static BOOL RayHitsAABBox(FLOAT3D &vOrigin, FLOAT3D &vDir, FLOAT3D &vHit, FLOATaabbox3D &bbox) { FLOAT minB[3]; FLOAT maxB[3]; FLOAT origin[3]; FLOAT dir[3]; FLOAT coord[3]; minB[0] = bbox.minvect(1); minB[1] = bbox.minvect(2); minB[2] = bbox.minvect(3); maxB[0] = bbox.maxvect(1); maxB[1] = bbox.maxvect(2); maxB[2] = bbox.maxvect(3); origin[0] = vOrigin(1); origin[1] = vOrigin(2); origin[2] = vOrigin(3); dir[0] = vDir(1); dir[1] = vDir(2); dir[2] = vDir(3); char inside = TRUE; char quadrant[3]; register int i; int whichPlane; FLOAT maxT[3]; FLOAT candidatePlane[3]; /* Find candidate planes; this loop can be avoided if rays cast all from the eye(assume perpsective view) */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) if(origin[i] < minB[i]) { quadrant[i] = LEFT; candidatePlane[i] = minB[i]; inside = FALSE; }else if (origin[i] > maxB[i]) { quadrant[i] = RIGHT; candidatePlane[i] = maxB[i]; inside = FALSE; }else { quadrant[i] = MIDDLE; } /* Ray origin inside bounding box */ if(inside) { vHit = FLOAT3D(origin[0],origin[1],origin[2]); return TRUE; } /* Calculate T distances to candidate planes */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (quadrant[i] != MIDDLE && dir[i] !=0.) { maxT[i] = (candidatePlane[i]-origin[i]) / dir[i]; } else { maxT[i] = -1.; } } /* Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection */ whichPlane = 0; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i]) whichPlane = i; /* Check final candidate actually inside box */ if (maxT[whichPlane] < 0.) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (whichPlane != i) { coord[i] = origin[i] + maxT[whichPlane] *dir[i]; if (coord[i] < minB[i] || coord[i] > maxB[i]) { return FALSE; } } else { coord[i] = candidatePlane[i]; } // ray hits box vHit = FLOAT3D(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]); return TRUE; } // Get exact hit location in tile FLOAT GetExactHitLocation(INDEX iTileIndex, FLOAT3D &vOrigin, FLOAT3D &vTarget, FLOAT3D &vHitLocation) { CTerrainTile &tt = _ptrTerrain->tr_attTiles[iTileIndex]; QuadTreeNode &qtn = _ptrTerrain->tr_aqtnQuadTreeNodes[iTileIndex]; GFXVertex *pavVertices; INDEX *paiIndices; INDEX ctVertices; INDEX ctIndices; ExtractPolygonsInBox(_ptrTerrain,qtn.qtn_aabbox,&pavVertices,&paiIndices,ctVertices,ctIndices); FLOAT fDummyDist = 100000;//(vTarget - vOrigin).Length() * 2; FLOAT fDistance = fDummyDist; // for each triangle for(INDEX iTri=0;iTri=0 && fDistance0>=fDistance1) { // calculate fraction of line before intersection FLOAT fFraction = fDistance0/(fDistance0-fDistance1); // calculate intersection coordinate FLOAT3D vHitPoint = vOrigin+(vTarget-vOrigin)*fFraction; // calculate intersection distance FLOAT fHitDistance = (vHitPoint-vOrigin).Length(); // if the hit point can not be new closest candidate if (fHitDistance>fDistance) { // skip this triangle continue; } // find major axes of the polygon plane INDEX iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2; GetMajorAxesForPlane(plTriPlane, iMajorAxis1, iMajorAxis2); // create an intersector CIntersector isIntersector(vHitPoint(iMajorAxis1), vHitPoint(iMajorAxis2)); // check intersections for all three edges of the polygon isIntersector.AddEdge( vx0(iMajorAxis1), vx0(iMajorAxis2), vx1(iMajorAxis1), vx1(iMajorAxis2)); isIntersector.AddEdge( vx1(iMajorAxis1), vx1(iMajorAxis2), vx2(iMajorAxis1), vx2(iMajorAxis2)); isIntersector.AddEdge( vx2(iMajorAxis1), vx2(iMajorAxis2), vx0(iMajorAxis1), vx0(iMajorAxis2)); // if the polygon is intersected by the ray, and it is the closest intersection so far if (isIntersector.IsIntersecting() && (fHitDistance < fDistance)) { // remember hit coordinates fDistance = fHitDistance; vHitLocation = vHitPoint; } } } if(fDistance!=fDummyDist) { _vHitLocation = vHitLocation; return fDistance; } else { return -1; } } FLOAT3D _vHitBegin;// TEMP FLOAT3D _vHitEnd; // TEMP FLOAT3D _vDirection; // TEMP FLOAT3D _vHitExact; // TEMP #pragma message(">> Remove Rect from ExtractPolygonsInBox") // Extract polygons in given box and returns clipped rectangle Rect ExtractPolygonsInBox(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, const FLOATaabbox3D &bboxExtract, GFXVertex4 **pavVtx, INDEX **paiInd, INDEX &ctVtx,INDEX &ctInd,BOOL bFixSize/*=FALSE*/) { ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); FLOATaabbox3D bbox = bboxExtract; bbox.minvect(1) /= ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1); bbox.minvect(3) /= ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3); bbox.maxvect(1) /= ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1); bbox.maxvect(3) /= ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3); _avExtVertices.PopAll(); _aiExtIndices.PopAll(); _aiExtColors.PopAll(); Rect rc; if(!bFixSize) { // max vector of bbox in incremented for one, because first vertex is at 0,0,0 in world and in heightmap is at 1,1 rc.rc_iLeft = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.minvect(1)-0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth); rc.rc_iTop = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.minvect(3)-0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight); rc.rc_iRight = Clamp((INDEX)ceil(bbox.maxvect(1)+1),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth); rc.rc_iBottom = Clamp((INDEX)ceil(bbox.maxvect(3)+1),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight); } else { // max vector of bbox in incremented for one, because first vertex is at 0,0,0 in world and in heightmap is at 1,1 rc.rc_iLeft = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.minvect(1)-0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth); rc.rc_iTop = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.minvect(3)-0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight); rc.rc_iRight = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.maxvect(1)+0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth); rc.rc_iBottom = Clamp((INDEX)(bbox.maxvect(3)+0),(INDEX)0,ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight); } INDEX iStartX = rc.rc_iLeft; INDEX iStartY = rc.rc_iTop; INDEX iWidth = rc.Width(); INDEX iHeight = rc.Height(); INDEX iFirst = iStartX + iStartY * ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth; INDEX iPitchX = ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth - iWidth; INDEX iPitchY = ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight - iHeight; // get first pixel in height map UWORD *puwHeight = &ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[iFirst]; UBYTE *pubMask = &ptrTerrain->tr_aubEdgeMap[iFirst]; INDEX ctVertices = iWidth*iHeight; INDEX ctIndices = (iWidth-1)*(iHeight-1)*6; // ASSERT(ctVertices>0 && ctIndices>0); if(ctVertices==0 || ctIndices==0) { ctVtx = 0; ctInd = 0; return Rect(0,0,0,0); } // Allocate space for vertices and indices _avExtVertices.Push(ctVertices); _aiExtIndices.Push(ctIndices); GFXVertex4 *pavVertices = &_avExtVertices[0]; INDEX *pauiIndices = &_aiExtIndices[0]; // for each row INDEX iy=0; for(;iytr_vStretch(1); vx.z = (FLOAT)(iy+iStartY)*ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3); vx.y = *puwHeight * ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(2); vx.shade = *pubMask; puwHeight++; pubMask++; pavVertices++; } puwHeight+=iPitchX; pubMask+=iPitchX; } INDEX ivx=0; INDEX ind=0; INDEX iFacing=iFirst; GFXVertex *pavExtVtx = &_avExtVertices[0]; INDEX ctVisTris = 0; // Visible tris // for each row for(iy=0;iytr_pixHeightMapWidth + rc.rc_iLeft; INDEX iStepY = ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth - iWidth; UWORD *puwHeight = &ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[iFirstHeight]; GFXVertex *pavVertices = &_avExtVertices[0]; INDEX iy=0; for(;iyx = (FLOAT)(ix+iStartX)*ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1); pavVertices->z = (FLOAT)(iy+iStartY)*ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3); pavVertices->y = *puwHeight * ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(2); puwHeight++; pavVertices++; } puwHeight+=iStepY; } INDEX *pauiIndices = &_aiExtIndices[0]; INDEX ivx=0; INDEX ind=0; INDEX iFacing=iFirstHeight; // for each row for(iy=0;iytr_ctTiles;itt++) { QuadTreeNode &qtn = _ptrTerrain->tr_aqtnQuadTreeNodes[itt]; // if it is coliding with given box if(qtn.qtn_aabbox.HasContactWith(bbox)) { // add it to array of coliding tiles INDEX &iHitTile = _aiHitTiles.Push(); iHitTile = itt; } } } // Add these flags to all tiles that have been extracted void AddFlagsToExtractedTiles(ULONG ulFlags) { ASSERT(_ptrTerrain!=NULL); // for each tile that has contact with extraction box INDEX ctht = _aiHitTiles.Count(); for(INDEX iht=0;ihttr_attTiles[iTileIndex]; tt.AddFlag(ulFlags); _ptrTerrain->AddTileToRegenQueue(iTileIndex); } } // Get value from layer at given point UBYTE GetValueFromMask(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, INDEX iLayer, FLOAT3D vHitPoint) { ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity!=NULL); CEntity *penEntity = ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity; // convert hit point to terrain space and remove terrain stretch from terrain FLOAT3D vHit = (vHitPoint - penEntity->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !penEntity->en_mRotation; vHit(1)=ceil(vHit(1)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1)); vHit(3)=ceil(vHit(3)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3)); CTerrainLayer &tl = ptrTerrain->GetLayer(iLayer); INDEX iVtx = vHit(1) + tl.tl_iMaskWidth*vHit(3); if(iVtx<0 || iVtx>=tl.tl_iMaskWidth*tl.tl_iMaskHeight) { ASSERTALWAYS("Invalid hit point"); return 0; } UBYTE ubValue = tl.tl_aubColors[iVtx]; return ubValue; } // Allocate memory of one top map void CreateTexture(CTextureData &tdTopMap, PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight,ULONG ulFlags) { // clear current top map if(tdTopMap.td_pulFrames!=NULL) { FreeMemory( tdTopMap.td_pulFrames); tdTopMap.td_pulFrames = NULL; } // Create new top map tdTopMap.td_mexWidth = pixWidth; tdTopMap.td_mexHeight = pixHeight; tdTopMap.td_ulFlags = ulFlags; // Allocate memory for top map INDEX ctMipMaps = GetNoOfMipmaps(pixWidth,pixHeight); SLONG slSize = GetMipmapOffset(ctMipMaps,pixWidth,pixHeight)*BYTES_PER_TEXEL; tdTopMap.td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize); tdTopMap.td_slFrameSize = slSize; tdTopMap.td_ctFrames = 1; tdTopMap.td_iFirstMipLevel = 0; tdTopMap.td_ctFineMipLevels = GetNoOfMipmaps(pixWidth,pixHeight); // Prepare dithering type tdTopMap.td_ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8; } // Create one topmap void CreateTopMap(CTextureData &tdTopMap, PIX pixWidth , PIX pixHeight) { ASSERT(tdTopMap.td_pulFrames==NULL); // Prepare new top map INDEX ctMipMaps = GetNoOfMipmaps(pixWidth,pixHeight); SLONG slSize = GetMipmapOffset(ctMipMaps,pixWidth,pixHeight)*BYTES_PER_TEXEL; tdTopMap.td_mexWidth = pixWidth; tdTopMap.td_mexHeight = pixHeight; tdTopMap.td_ulFlags = TEX_ALPHACHANNEL|TEX_STATIC; // Pretend this texture is static tdTopMap.td_pulFrames = NULL; // This will be shared memory tdTopMap.td_slFrameSize = slSize; tdTopMap.td_ctFrames = 1; tdTopMap.td_iFirstMipLevel = 0; tdTopMap.td_ctFineMipLevels = GetNoOfMipmaps(pixWidth,pixHeight); tdTopMap.td_ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1; } // Set topmap frames pointer to shared memory void PrepareSharedTopMapMemory(CTextureData *ptdTopMap, INDEX iTileIndex) { SLONG slSize = ptdTopMap->td_slFrameSize; // if this is global top map if(iTileIndex==(-1)) { // if shared memory is larger then global top map if(slSize<=_slSharedTopMapSize && _pulSharedTopMap!=NULL) { // assign pointer of global top map to shared memory ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames = _pulSharedTopMap; return; // else } else { // Allocate new memory for global top map ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize); } // else this is normal top map } else { // if required memory is larger than currently allocated one if(slSize>_slSharedTopMapSize) { // if shared memory exists if(_pulSharedTopMap!=NULL) { // free current shared memory FreeMemory(_pulSharedTopMap); _pulSharedTopMap = NULL; } // allocate new shared memory for top maps _pulSharedTopMap = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(slSize); // remember new memory size _slSharedTopMapSize = slSize; } // assign pointer of top map to shared memory ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames = _pulSharedTopMap; } } void FreeSharedTopMapMemory(CTextureData *ptdTopMap, INDEX iTileIndex) { // if this is global top map if(iTileIndex==(-1)) { // if global top map isn't using shared memory if(ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames!=_pulSharedTopMap) { // free memory global top map is using FreeMemory(ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames); } } // Just clear pointer to memory ptdTopMap->td_pulFrames = NULL; } static FLOAT3D CalculateNormalFromPoint(FLOAT fPosX, FLOAT fPosZ, FLOAT3D *pvStrPos=NULL) { FLOAT3D vNormal; INDEX iPosX = (INDEX)fPosX; INDEX iPosZ = (INDEX)fPosZ; FLOAT fLerpX = fPosX - iPosX; FLOAT fLerpZ = fPosZ - iPosZ; FLOAT3D avVtx[4]; INDEX iHMapWidth = _ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth; FLOAT3D vStretch = _ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch; avVtx[0](1) = (FLOAT)(iPosX ) * vStretch(1); avVtx[1](1) = (FLOAT)(iPosX+1) * vStretch(1); avVtx[2](1) = (FLOAT)(iPosX ) * vStretch(1); avVtx[3](1) = (FLOAT)(iPosX+1) * vStretch(1); avVtx[0](3) = (FLOAT)(iPosZ ) * vStretch(3); avVtx[1](3) = (FLOAT)(iPosZ ) * vStretch(3); avVtx[2](3) = (FLOAT)(iPosZ+1) * vStretch(3); avVtx[3](3) = (FLOAT)(iPosZ+1) * vStretch(3); avVtx[0](2) = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[ (iPosX ) + (iPosZ )*iHMapWidth ] * vStretch(2); avVtx[1](2) = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[ (iPosX+1) + (iPosZ )*iHMapWidth ] * vStretch(2); avVtx[2](2) = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[ (iPosX ) + (iPosZ+1)*iHMapWidth ] * vStretch(2); avVtx[3](2) = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_auwHeightMap[ (iPosX+1) + (iPosZ+1)*iHMapWidth ] * vStretch(2); FLOAT fHDeltaX = Lerp(avVtx[1](2)-avVtx[0](2), avVtx[3](2)-avVtx[2](2), fLerpZ); FLOAT fHDeltaZ = Lerp(avVtx[0](2)-avVtx[2](2), avVtx[1](2)-avVtx[3](2), fLerpX); FLOAT fDeltaX = avVtx[1](1) - avVtx[0](1); FLOAT fDeltaZ = avVtx[0](3) - avVtx[2](3); vNormal(2) = sqrt(1 / (((fHDeltaX*fHDeltaX)/(fDeltaX*fDeltaX)) + ((fHDeltaZ*fHDeltaZ)/(fDeltaZ*fDeltaZ)) + 1)); vNormal(1) = sqrt(vNormal(2)*vNormal(2) * ((fHDeltaX*fHDeltaX) / (fDeltaX*fDeltaX))); vNormal(3) = sqrt(vNormal(2)*vNormal(2) * ((fHDeltaZ*fHDeltaZ) / (fDeltaZ*fDeltaZ))); if (fHDeltaX>0) { vNormal(1) = -vNormal(1); } if (fHDeltaZ<0) { vNormal(3) = -vNormal(3); } ASSERT(Abs(vNormal.Length()-1)<0.01); if(pvStrPos!=NULL) { FLOAT fResX1 = Lerp(avVtx[0](2),avVtx[1](2),fLerpX); FLOAT fResX2 = Lerp(avVtx[2](2),avVtx[3](2),fLerpX); FLOAT fPosY = Lerp(fResX1,fResX2,fLerpZ); (*pvStrPos)(1) = fPosX * vStretch(1); (*pvStrPos)(2) = fPosY; // * vStretch(2); (*pvStrPos)(3) = fPosZ * vStretch(3); } return vNormal; } static void CalcPointLight(CPlacement3D &plLight, CLightSource *plsLight, Rect &rcUpdate) { FLOAT fSHDiffX = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth / _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); FLOAT fSHDiffZ = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight / _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapHeight(); PIX pixLeft = rcUpdate.rc_iLeft; PIX pixRight = rcUpdate.rc_iRight; PIX pixTop = rcUpdate.rc_iTop; PIX pixBottom = rcUpdate.rc_iBottom; PIX pixWidth = pixRight - pixLeft; PIX pixStepX = _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth() - pixWidth; // Get color pointer in shadow map PIX pixFirst = pixLeft + pixTop*_ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); GFXColor *pacolData = (GFXColor*)&_ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames[pixFirst]; // for each row in shadow map for(PIX pixY=pixTop;pixYGetLightColor(); // Calculate light intensity FLOAT fIntensity = 1.0f; FLOAT fFallOff = plsLight->ls_rFallOff; FLOAT fHotSpot = plsLight->ls_rHotSpot; if(fDistance>fFallOff) { fIntensity = 0; } else if(fDistance>fHotSpot) { fIntensity = CalculateRatio(fDistance, fHotSpot, fFallOff, 0.0f, 1.0f); } ULONG ulIntensity = NormFloatToByte(fIntensity); ulIntensity = (ulIntensity<r = ClampUp(pacolData->r + ((colLight.r*slDot)>>8),255L); pacolData->g = ClampUp(pacolData->g + ((colLight.g*slDot)>>8),255L); pacolData->b = ClampUp(pacolData->b + ((colLight.b*slDot)>>8),255L); pacolData->a = 255; pacolData++; } pacolData+=pixStepX; } } static void CalcDirectionalLight(CPlacement3D &plLight, CLightSource *plsLight, Rect &rcUpdate) { FLOAT fSHDiffX = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth / _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); FLOAT fSHDiffZ = (FLOAT)_ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight / _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapHeight(); PIX pixLeft = rcUpdate.rc_iLeft; PIX pixRight = rcUpdate.rc_iRight; PIX pixTop = rcUpdate.rc_iTop; PIX pixBottom = rcUpdate.rc_iBottom; PIX pixWidth = pixRight - pixLeft; PIX pixStepX = _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth() - pixWidth; // Get color pointer in shadow map PIX pixFirst = pixLeft + pixTop*_ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); GFXColor *pacolData = (GFXColor*)&_ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames[pixFirst]; FLOAT3D vLightNormal; GFXColor colLight = plsLight->GetLightColor(); GFXColor colAmbient = plsLight->GetLightAmbient(); UBYTE ubColShift = 8; SLONG slar = colAmbient.r; SLONG slag = colAmbient.g; SLONG slab = colAmbient.b; extern INDEX mdl_bAllowOverbright; BOOL bOverBrightning = mdl_bAllowOverbright && _pGfx->gl_ctTextureUnits>1; // is overbrightning enabled if(bOverBrightning) { slar = ClampUp(slar,127L); slag = ClampUp(slag,127L); slab = ClampUp(slab,127L); ubColShift = 8; } else { slar*=2; slag*=2; slab*=2; ubColShift = 7; } // Calculate light normal AnglesToDirectionVector(plLight.pl_OrientationAngle,vLightNormal); vLightNormal *= !_ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity->en_mRotation; vLightNormal = -vLightNormal.Normalize(); // for each row in shadow map for(PIX pixY=pixTop;pixYr = ClampUp(pacolData->r + slar + ((colLight.r*slDot)>>ubColShift),255L); pacolData->g = ClampUp(pacolData->g + slag + ((colLight.g*slDot)>>ubColShift),255L); pacolData->b = ClampUp(pacolData->b + slab + ((colLight.b*slDot)>>ubColShift),255L); pacolData->a = 255; pacolData++; } pacolData+=pixStepX; } } static void ClearPartOfShadowMap(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, Rect &rcUpdate) { PIX pixLeft = rcUpdate.rc_iLeft; PIX pixRight = rcUpdate.rc_iRight; PIX pixTop = rcUpdate.rc_iTop; PIX pixBottom = rcUpdate.rc_iBottom; PIX pixWidth = pixRight - pixLeft; PIX pixStepX = _ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth() - pixWidth; // Get color pointer in shadow map PIX pixFirst = rcUpdate.rc_iLeft + rcUpdate.rc_iTop * ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); GFXColor *pacolData = (GFXColor*)&_ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames[pixFirst]; // for each row in shadow map for(PIX pixY=pixTop;pixYtr_pixHeightMapWidth / ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); FLOAT fSHDiffZ = (FLOAT)ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight / ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapHeight(); rcUpdate.rc_iLeft = (INDEX)floor((boxUpdate.minvect(1)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1)) / fSHDiffX); rcUpdate.rc_iRight = (INDEX)ceil ((boxUpdate.maxvect(1)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1)) / fSHDiffX); rcUpdate.rc_iTop = (INDEX)floor((boxUpdate.minvect(3)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3)) / fSHDiffZ); rcUpdate.rc_iBottom = (INDEX)ceil ((boxUpdate.maxvect(3)/ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3)) / fSHDiffZ); return rcUpdate; } static FLOATaabbox3D AbsoluteToRelative(const CTerrain *ptrTerrain, const FLOATaabbox3D &bbox) { ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity!=NULL); FLOATaabbox3D bboxRelative; CEntity *pen = ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity; #define TRANSPT(x) (x-pen->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !pen->en_mRotation bboxRelative = TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.minvect(1),bbox.minvect(2),bbox.minvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.minvect(1),bbox.minvect(2),bbox.maxvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.maxvect(1),bbox.minvect(2),bbox.minvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.maxvect(1),bbox.minvect(2),bbox.maxvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.minvect(1),bbox.maxvect(2),bbox.minvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.minvect(1),bbox.maxvect(2),bbox.maxvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.maxvect(1),bbox.maxvect(2),bbox.minvect(3))); bboxRelative |= TRANSPT(FLOAT3D(bbox.maxvect(1),bbox.maxvect(2),bbox.maxvect(3))); return bboxRelative; } static ULONG ulTemp = 0xFFFFFFFF; void UpdateTerrainShadowMap(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, FLOATaabbox3D *pboxUpdate/*=NULL*/, BOOL bAbsoluteSpace/*=FALSE*/) { // if this is not world editor app extern BOOL _bWorldEditorApp; if(!_bWorldEditorApp) { ASSERTALWAYS("Terrain shadow map can only be updated from world editor!"); return; } ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity->en_pwoWorld!=NULL); FLOATaabbox3D boxUpdate; FLOATaabbox3D boxAllTerrain; CEntity *penEntity = ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity; ptrTerrain->GetAllTerrainBBox(boxAllTerrain); // if request to update whole terrain is given if(pboxUpdate==NULL) { // take all terrain bbox as update box boxUpdate = boxAllTerrain; } else { // use given bbox as update box boxUpdate = *pboxUpdate; if(bAbsoluteSpace) { boxUpdate = AbsoluteToRelative(ptrTerrain, boxUpdate); } // do not update terrain if update box isn't in terrain box if(!boxUpdate.HasContactWith(boxAllTerrain)) { return; } boxUpdate.minvect(1) = Clamp(boxUpdate.minvect(1),boxAllTerrain.minvect(1),boxAllTerrain.maxvect(1)); boxUpdate.minvect(3) = Clamp(boxUpdate.minvect(3),boxAllTerrain.minvect(3),boxAllTerrain.maxvect(3)); boxUpdate.maxvect(1) = Clamp(boxUpdate.maxvect(1),boxAllTerrain.minvect(1),boxAllTerrain.maxvect(1)); boxUpdate.maxvect(3) = Clamp(boxUpdate.maxvect(3),boxAllTerrain.minvect(3),boxAllTerrain.maxvect(3)); boxUpdate.minvect(2) = boxAllTerrain.minvect(2); boxUpdate.maxvect(2) = boxAllTerrain.maxvect(2); } _ptrTerrain = ptrTerrain; // Get pointer to world that holds this terrain CWorld *pwldWorld = penEntity->en_pwoWorld; PIX pixWidth = ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(); PIX pixHeight = ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapHeight(); CTextureData &tdShadowMap = ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap; ASSERT(tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames!=NULL); Rect rcUpdate = GetUpdateRectFromBox(ptrTerrain, boxUpdate); // Clear part of shadow map that will be updated ClearPartOfShadowMap(ptrTerrain,rcUpdate); // for each entity in the world FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(pwldWorld->wo_cenEntities, CEntity, iten) { // if it is light entity and it influences the given range CLightSource *pls = iten->GetLightSource(); CPlacement3D plLight = iten->en_plPlacement; // Translate light placement to terrain space plLight.pl_PositionVector = (plLight.pl_PositionVector - penEntity->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !penEntity->en_mRotation; if (pls!=NULL) { // Get light bounding box FLOATaabbox3D boxLight(plLight.pl_PositionVector, pls->ls_rFallOff); // if light is directional if(pls->ls_ulFlags &LSF_DIRECTIONAL) { // Calculate lightning CalcDirectionalLight(plLight,pls,rcUpdate); // if it is point light } else { _bboxDrawOne = boxLight; _bboxDrawTwo = boxUpdate; // if point light box have contact with update box if(boxLight.HasContactWith(boxUpdate)) { _ctShadowMapUpdates++; // if light box is inside update box if(boxLight.minvect(1)>=boxUpdate.minvect(1) && boxLight.minvect(3)>boxUpdate.minvect(3) && boxLight.maxvect(1)<=boxUpdate.maxvect(1) && boxLight.maxvect(3)<=boxUpdate.maxvect(3)) { // Recalculate only light box Rect rcLightUpdate = GetUpdateRectFromBox(ptrTerrain,boxLight); CalcPointLight(plLight,pls,rcLightUpdate); // else } else { // Recalculate update box CalcPointLight(plLight,pls,rcUpdate); } } } } } // Create shadow map mipmaps INDEX ctMipMaps = GetNoOfMipmaps(tdShadowMap.td_mexWidth,tdShadowMap.td_mexHeight); MakeMipmaps(ctMipMaps, tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames, tdShadowMap.td_mexWidth, tdShadowMap.td_mexHeight); // Update shading map from one mip of shadow map INDEX iMipOffset = GetMipmapOffset(ptrTerrain->tr_iShadingMapSizeAspect,ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapWidth(),ptrTerrain->GetShadowMapHeight()); UWORD *puwShade = &ptrTerrain->tr_auwShadingMap[0]; ULONG *ppixShadowMip = &ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap.td_pulFrames[iMipOffset]; INDEX ctpixs = ptrTerrain->GetShadingMapWidth()*ptrTerrain->GetShadingMapHeight(); for(PIX ipix=0;ipix>27)&0x001F)<<10) | (((ulPixel>>19)&0x001F)<< 5) | (((ulPixel>>11)&0x001F)<< 0); puwShade++; ppixShadowMip++; } // discard cached model info ptrTerrain->DiscardShadingInfos(); ptrTerrain->tr_tdShadowMap.SetAsCurrent(0,TRUE); } // Calculate 2d relative point in terrain from absolute 3d point in world Point Calculate2dHitPoint(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, FLOAT3D &vHitPoint) { ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity!=NULL); // Get entity that holds this terrain CEntity *penEntity = ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity; // Get relative hit point FLOAT3D vRelHitPoint = (vHitPoint - penEntity->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !penEntity->en_mRotation; // Unstretch hit point and convert it to 2d Point pt; pt.pt_iX = ceil(vRelHitPoint(1) / ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1) - 0.5f); pt.pt_iY = ceil(vRelHitPoint(3) / ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3) - 0.5f); return pt; } // Calculate tex coords on shading map from absolute 3d point in world FLOAT2D CalculateShadingTexCoords(CTerrain *ptrTerrain, FLOAT3D &vPoint) { ASSERT(ptrTerrain!=NULL); ASSERT(ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity!=NULL); // Get entity that holds this terrain CEntity *penEntity = ptrTerrain->tr_penEntity; // Get relative hit point FLOAT3D vRelPoint = (vPoint - penEntity->en_plPlacement.pl_PositionVector) * !penEntity->en_mRotation; // Unstretch hit point and convert it to 2d point in shading map FLOAT fX = vRelPoint(1) / ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(1); FLOAT fY = vRelPoint(3) / ptrTerrain->tr_vStretch(3); FLOAT fU = fX / ((FLOAT)(ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapWidth) / ptrTerrain->GetShadingMapWidth()); FLOAT fV = fY / ((FLOAT)(ptrTerrain->tr_pixHeightMapHeight) / ptrTerrain->GetShadingMapHeight()); ASSERT(fU>0.0f && fUGetShadingMapWidth()); ASSERT(fV>0.0f && fVGetShadingMapHeight()); return FLOAT2D(fU,fV); }