/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_COLOR_H #define SE_INCL_COLOR_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include // color definition constants (in CroTeam RGBA format) #define C_BLACK 0x00000000UL #define C_vdGRAY 0x1F1F1F00UL #define C_dGRAY 0x3F3F3F00UL #define C_mdGRAY 0x5F5F5F00UL #define C_GRAY 0x7F7F7F00UL #define C_mlGRAY 0x9F9F9F00UL #define C_lGRAY 0xBFBFBF00UL #define C_vlGRAY 0xDFDFDF00UL #define C_WHITE 0xFFFFFF00UL #define C_vdRED 0x3F000000UL #define C_dRED 0x7F000000UL #define C_mdRED 0xBF000000UL #define C_RED 0xFF000000UL #define C_mlRED 0xFF3F3F00UL #define C_lRED 0xFF7F7F00UL #define C_vlRED 0xFFBFBF00UL #define C_vdGREEN 0x003F0000UL #define C_dGREEN 0x007F0000UL #define C_mdGREEN 0x00BF0000UL #define C_GREEN 0x00FF0000UL #define C_mlGREEN 0x3FFF3F00UL #define C_lGREEN 0x7FFF7F00UL #define C_vlGREEN 0xBFFFBF00UL #define C_vdBLUE 0x00003F00UL #define C_dBLUE 0x00007F00UL #define C_mdBLUE 0x0000BF00UL #define C_BLUE 0x0000FF00UL #define C_mlBLUE 0x3F3FFF00UL #define C_lBLUE 0x7F7FFF00UL #define C_vlBLUE 0xBFBFFF00UL #define C_vdCYAN 0x003F3F00UL #define C_dCYAN 0x007F7F00UL #define C_mdCYAN 0x00BFBF00UL #define C_CYAN 0x00FFFF00UL #define C_mlCYAN 0x3FFFFF00UL #define C_lCYAN 0x7FFFFF00UL #define C_vlCYAN 0xBFFFFF00UL #define C_vdMAGENTA 0x3F003F00UL #define C_dMAGENTA 0x7F007F00UL #define C_mdMAGENTA 0xBF00BF00UL #define C_MAGENTA 0xFF00FF00UL #define C_mlMAGENTA 0xFF3FFF00UL #define C_lMAGENTA 0xFF7FFF00UL #define C_vlMAGENTA 0xFFBFFF00UL #define C_vdYELLOW 0x3F3F0000UL #define C_dYELLOW 0x7F7F0000UL #define C_mdYELLOW 0xBFBF0000UL #define C_YELLOW 0xFFFF0000UL #define C_mlYELLOW 0xFFFF3F00UL #define C_lYELLOW 0xFFFF7F00UL #define C_vlYELLOW 0xFFFFBF00UL #define C_vdORANGE 0x5F1F0000UL #define C_dORANGE 0x7F3F0000UL #define C_mdORANGE 0x9F5F0000UL #define C_ORANGE 0xFF7F3F00UL #define C_mlORANGE 0xFF9F5F00UL #define C_lORANGE 0xFFBF7F00UL #define C_vlORANGE 0xFFFF9F00UL #define C_vdBROWN 0x3F1F0000UL #define C_dBROWN 0x5F3F0F00UL #define C_mdBROWN 0x7F5F1F00UL #define C_BROWN 0x8C271700UL #define C_mlBROWN 0xBF3F0F00UL #define C_lBROWN 0xBF7F1F00UL #define C_vlBROWN 0xBFBF3F00UL #define C_vdPINK 0x9A545400UL #define C_dPINK 0xAA646400UL #define C_mdPINK 0xBA747400UL #define C_PINK 0xC8787800UL #define C_mlPINK 0xD67C7C00UL #define C_lPINK 0xE68C8C00UL #define C_vlPINK 0xF68C8C00UL // CT RGBA masks and shifts #define CT_RMASK 0xFF000000UL #define CT_GMASK 0x00FF0000UL #define CT_BMASK 0x0000FF00UL #define CT_AMASK 0x000000FFUL #define CT_RSHIFT 24 #define CT_GSHIFT 16 #define CT_BSHIFT 8 #define CT_ASHIFT 0 // reversed (OpenGL) RGBA masks and shifts #define CT_rRMASK 0x000000FFUL #define CT_rGMASK 0x0000FF00UL #define CT_rBMASK 0x00FF0000UL #define CT_rAMASK 0xFF000000UL #define CT_rRSHIFT 0 #define CT_rGSHIFT 8 #define CT_rBSHIFT 16 #define CT_rASHIFT 24 // global factors for saturation and stuff extern SLONG _slTexSaturation; extern SLONG _slTexHueShift; extern SLONG _slShdSaturation; extern SLONG _slShdHueShift; // COLOR FORMAT CONVERSION ROUTINES // convert separate R,G and B color components to CroTeam COLOR format (ULONG type) __forceinline COLOR RGBToColor( UBYTE const ubR, UBYTE const ubG, UBYTE const ubB) { return ((ULONG)ubR<>CT_RSHIFT; ubG = (col&CT_GMASK)>>CT_GSHIFT; ubB = (col&CT_BMASK)>>CT_BSHIFT; } // combine CroTeam COLOR format from separate R,G and B color components __forceinline COLOR RGBAToColor( UBYTE const ubR, UBYTE const ubG, UBYTE const ubB, UBYTE const ubA) { return ((ULONG)ubR<>CT_RSHIFT; ubG = (col&CT_GMASK)>>CT_GSHIFT; ubB = (col&CT_BMASK)>>CT_BSHIFT; ubA = (col&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT; } // convert HSV components to CroTeam COLOR format ENGINE_API extern COLOR HSVToColor( UBYTE const ubH, UBYTE const ubS, UBYTE const ubV); // convert CroTeam COLOR format to HSV components ENGINE_API extern void ColorToHSV( COLOR const colSrc, UBYTE &ubH, UBYTE &ubS, UBYTE &ubV); // convert HSVA components to CroTeam COLOR format __forceinline COLOR HSVAToColor( UBYTE const ubH, UBYTE const ubS, UBYTE const ubV, UBYTE const ubA) { return HSVToColor( ubH,ubS,ubV) | ((ULONG)ubA<>CT_ASHIFT; } // is color gray, black or white? ENGINE_API extern BOOL IsGray( COLOR const col); ENGINE_API extern BOOL IsBlack( COLOR const col); ENGINE_API extern BOOL IsWhite( COLOR const col); // find corresponding desaturated color (it's not same as gray!) ENGINE_API extern COLOR DesaturateColor( COLOR const col); // is color1 bigger than color2 (gray comparison) ENGINE_API extern BOOL IsBigger( COLOR const col1, COLOR const col2); // has color same hue and saturation (with little tolerance) ? ENGINE_API extern BOOL CompareChroma( COLOR col1, COLOR col2); // adjust color saturation and/or hue (hue shift in 0-255 range!) ENGINE_API extern COLOR AdjustColor( COLOR const col, SLONG const slHueShift, SLONG const slSaturation); ENGINE_API extern COLOR AdjustGamma( COLOR const col, FLOAT const fGamma); // color lerping functions ENGINE_API extern COLOR LerpColor( COLOR col0, COLOR col1, FLOAT fRatio); ENGINE_API extern void LerpColor( COLOR col0, COLOR col1, FLOAT fRatio, UBYTE &ubR, UBYTE &ubG, UBYTE &ubB); // some fast color manipulation functions ENGINE_API extern COLOR MulColors( COLOR col1, COLOR col2); // fast color multiply function - RES = 1ST * 2ND /255 ENGINE_API extern COLOR AddColors( COLOR col1, COLOR col2); // fast color additon function - RES = clamp (1ST + 2ND) // converts colors between Croteam, OpenGL and DirectX __forceinline ULONG ByteSwap( ULONG ul) { /* rcg10052001 Platform-wrappers. */ #if (defined USE_PORTABLE_C) return( ((ul << 24) ) | ((ul << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((ul >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ((ul >> 24) ) ); #elif (defined _MSC_VER) ULONG ulRet; __asm { mov eax,dword ptr [ul] bswap eax mov dword ptr [ulRet],eax } return ulRet; #elif (defined __GNUC__) __asm__ __volatile__ ( "bswapl %%eax \n\t" : "=a" (ul) : "a" (ul) ); return(ul); #else #error please define for your platform. #endif } __forceinline ULONG rgba2argb( COLOR col) { #if (defined USE_PORTABLE_C) return( (col << 24) | (col >> 8) ); #elif (defined _MSC_VER) ULONG ulRet; __asm { mov eax,dword ptr [col] ror eax,8 mov dword ptr [ulRet],eax } return ulRet; #else #error please define for your platform. #endif } __forceinline ULONG abgr2argb( ULONG ul) { #if (defined USE_PORTABLE_C) // this could be simplified, this is just a safe conversion from asm code ul = ( ((ul << 24) ) | ((ul << 8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((ul >> 8) & 0x0000FF00) | ((ul >> 24) ) ); return( (ul << 24) | (ul >> 8) ); #elif (defined _MSC_VER) ULONG ulRet; __asm { mov eax,dword ptr [ul] bswap eax ror eax,8 mov dword ptr [ulRet],eax } return ulRet; #else #error please define for your platform. #endif } // multiple conversion from OpenGL color to DirectX color extern void abgr2argb( ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, INDEX ct); // fast memory copy of ULONGs inline void CopyLongs( ULONG *pulSrc, ULONG *pulDst, INDEX ctLongs) { #if (defined _MSC_VER) __asm { cld mov esi,dword ptr [pulSrc] mov edi,dword ptr [pulDst] mov ecx,dword ptr [ctLongs] rep movsd } #else memcpy( pulDst, pulSrc, ctLongs*4); #endif } // fast memory set of ULONGs inline void StoreLongs( ULONG ulVal, ULONG *pulDst, INDEX ctLongs) { #if (defined _MSC_VER) __asm { cld mov eax,dword ptr [ulVal] mov edi,dword ptr [pulDst] mov ecx,dword ptr [ctLongs] rep stosd } #else for( INDEX i=0; i