/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include <lwsurf.h> #include <lwhost.h> #include <lwserver.h> #include <lwgeneric.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "vecmat.h" #include <crtdbg.h> #include <lwserver.h> #include <lwmotion.h> #include <lwxpanel.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "base.h" static int _iFrame = 0; static int _ctFrames = 0; static int _ctBones = 0; static int ctBoneEnvelopes = 0; static int ctMorphEnvelopes = 0; static LWItemID idMasterObjID = 0; extern bool bRecordDefaultFrame; extern int ReloadGlobalObjects(); extern bool bExportAbsPositions; // export first bone absolute position typedef float Matrix12[12]; static int _ctNumBones; static FILE *_f = NULL; static char *_strFileName = NULL; static BoneInfo *_pbiFirst = NULL; // linked list of all instances static MorphInfo *_pmiFirst = NULL; // linked list of all instances static Matrix12 *_pmRootBoneAbs=NULL; /* ====================================================================== Create() Handler callback. Allocate and initialize instance data. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static LWInstance ) Create( void *priv, LWItemID item, LWError *err ) { // create the instance BoneInfo *pii = (BoneInfo*)malloc(sizeof(BoneInfo)); pii->bi_strName = strdup(_iti->name(item)); _ctBones++; // get parent bone name LWItemID pParentID = _iti->parent(item); //strdup() pii->bi_strParentName = strdup(_iti->name(pParentID)); if(pParentID == LWITEM_NULL) { // this is root bone pii->bi_strParentName = ""; } // get item type pii->bi_lwItemType = _iti->type(item); // allocate space for storing frames pii->bi_abfFrames = (BoneFrame*)malloc(sizeof(BoneFrame)*_ctFrames); // if first time here /* if(_pbiFirst==NULL) { // allocate space for storing absolute position for root bone _pmRootBoneAbs = (Matrix12*)malloc(sizeof(Matrix12)*_ctFrames); for(int ifr=0;ifr<_ctFrames;ifr++) { // reset matrices of root bone for all frames MakeIdentityMatrix(_pmRootBoneAbs[ifr]); int a=0; } } */ // link into list pii->bi_pbiNext = _pbiFirst; _pbiFirst = pii; return pii; }; /* ====================================================================== Destroy() Handler callback. Free resources allocated by Create(). ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static void ) Destroy( BoneInfo *inst) { free(inst); //free(_pmRootBoneAbs); } /* ====================================================================== Copy() Handler callback. Copy instance data. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static LWError ) Copy( BoneInfo *to, BoneInfo *from ) { *to = *from; return NULL; } /* ====================================================================== Load() Handler callback. Read instance data. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static LWError ) Load( BoneInfo *inst, const LWLoadState *ls ) { return NULL; } /* ====================================================================== Save() Handler callback. Write instance data. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static LWError ) Save( BoneInfo *inst, const LWSaveState *ss ) { return NULL; } /* ====================================================================== Describe() Handler callback. Write a short, human-readable string describing the instance data. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static const char * ) Describe( BoneInfo *inst ) { static char desc[ 80 ]; sprintf( desc, "SE Sections Motion Export Handler"); return desc; } /* ====================================================================== Flags() Handler callback. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static int ) Flags( BoneInfo *inst ) { return LWIMF_AFTERIK; } /* ====================================================================== Evaluate() Handler callback. This is where we can modify the item's motion. ====================================================================== */ XCALL_( static void ) Evaluate( BoneInfo *pii, const LWItemMotionAccess *access ) { LWItemID parentID,parentparentID; double pos[3], rot[3]; double dvParentPos[3] = {0,0,0}; double dvParentRot[3] = {0,0,0}; access->getParam( LWIP_POSITION, access->time, pos); access->getParam( LWIP_ROTATION, access->time, rot); parentID = _iti->parent(access->item); LWItemID bone = access->item; if (access->item != idMasterObjID) { parentID = _iti->parent(bone); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentID, 0); if (_pmesh != NULL) { parentparentID = _iti->parent(parentID); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentparentID, 0); if (_pmesh == NULL) { _iti->param(parentparentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); } else { _iti->param(parentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); } } else { parentparentID = _iti->parent(parentID); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentparentID, 0); if (_pmesh == NULL) { _iti->param(parentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); } } } pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[0] = (float)(pos[0] - dvParentPos[0]); pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[1] = (float)(pos[1] - dvParentPos[1]); pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[2] = (float)(pos[2] - dvParentPos[2]); pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vRot[0] = (float)(rot[0] - dvParentRot[0]); pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vRot[1] = (float)(rot[1] - dvParentRot[1]); pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vRot[2] = (float)(rot[2] - dvParentRot[2]); /*// get pivot position _iti->param(bone,LWIP_PIVOT,access->time,pivotpos); _iti->param(bone,LWIP_PIVOT_ROT,access->time,pivotrot); float fPivotPos[3], fPivotRot[3]; for(int ia=0;ia<3;ia++) { fPivotPos[ia] = (float)pivotpos[ia]; fPivotRot[ia] = (float)pivotrot[ia]; } fPivotPos[2] *=-1; pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[2] *=-1; // get object pivot matix Matrix12 mPivot,mPivotInvert; MakeRotationAndPosMatrix(mPivot,fPivotPos,fPivotRot); MatrixTranspose(mPivotInvert,mPivot); // get object matrix Matrix12 mTemp,mObject; MakeRotationAndPosMatrix(mObject,&pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[0],&pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vRot[0]); MatrixCopy(mTemp,mObject); MatrixMultiply(mObject,mTemp,mPivotInvert); //MakeIdentityMatrix(mTemp); //MatrixCopy(mTemp,mPivot); // add its position and rotation to abs matrix //MakeIdentityMatrix(mTemp); MatrixCopy(mTemp,_pmRootBoneAbs[_iFrame]); MatrixMultiply(_pmRootBoneAbs[_iFrame],mObject,mTemp);*/ pii->bi_abfFrames[_iFrame].fi_vPos[2] *=-1; }; XCALL_( int ) SectionAnimation_Handler( long version, GlobalFunc *_global, LWItemMotionHandler *local, void *serverData) { if ( version != LWITEMMOTION_VERSION ) return AFUNC_BADVERSION; _iti = (LWItemInfo *)_global(LWITEMINFO_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT); if (_iti==NULL) { return AFUNC_BADGLOBAL; } local->inst->create = Create; local->inst->destroy = (void (*)(void *))Destroy; local->inst->load = (const char *(__cdecl *)(void *,const struct st_LWLoadState *))Load; local->inst->save = (const char *(__cdecl *)(void *,const struct st_LWSaveState *))Save; local->inst->copy = (const char *(__cdecl *)(void *,void *))Copy; local->inst->descln = (const char *(__cdecl *)(void *))Describe; local->evaluate = (void (__cdecl *)(void *,const struct st_LWItemMotionAccess *))Evaluate; local->flags = (unsigned int (__cdecl *)(void *))Flags; return AFUNC_OK; } void AddBoneToCount(LWItemID objectid) { LWItemID childID; childID = _iti->firstChild(objectid); if(_iti->type(objectid) == LWI_OBJECT) { _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(objectid, 0); if((_pmesh == NULL) && (childID == LWITEM_NULL)) { return; } _ctNumBones++; while (childID != LWITEM_NULL) { AddBoneToCount(childID); childID = _iti->nextChild(objectid,childID); } } }; void WriteBoneInfo(LWItemID objectid) { LWItemID childID,parentID,parentparentID; double dvPos[3],dvRot[3]; double dvParentPos[3] = {0,0,0}; double dvParentRot[3] = {0,0,0}; float fvPos[3],fvRot[3]; Matrix12 bi_mRot; const char *strName, *strParentName; float fLength = 0.5; childID = _iti->firstChild(objectid); if(_iti->type(objectid) == LWI_OBJECT) { _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(objectid, 0); if((_pmesh == NULL) && (childID == LWITEM_NULL)) { return; } _iti->param(objectid,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvPos); _iti->param(objectid,LWIP_ROTATION,0,dvRot); strName = _iti->name(objectid); fprintf(_f, " NAME \"%s\";\n", strName); if (_ctNumBones > 0) { parentID = _iti->parent(objectid); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentID, 0); if (_pmesh != NULL) { parentparentID = _iti->parent(parentID); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentparentID, 0); if (_pmesh == NULL) { _iti->param(parentparentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); //_iti->param(parentparentID,LWIP_ROTATION,0,dvParentRot); } else { _iti->param(parentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); //_iti->param(parentID,LWIP_ROTATION,0,dvParentRot); } } else { parentparentID = _iti->parent(parentID); _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(parentparentID, 0); if (_pmesh == NULL) { _iti->param(parentID,LWIP_POSITION,0,dvParentPos); // _iti->param(parentID,LWIP_ROTATION,0,dvParentRot); } } strParentName = _iti->name(parentID); } else { strParentName = strdup(""); } fprintf(_f, " PARENT \"%s\";\n", strParentName); fprintf(_f, " LENGTH %g;\n", fLength); fprintf(_f, " {\n"); for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { fvPos[i] = (float) (dvPos[i] - dvParentPos[i]); fvRot[i] = 0;//(float) (dvRot[i] - dvParentRot[i]); } fvPos[2] = -fvPos[2]; MakeRotationAndPosMatrix(bi_mRot,fvPos,fvRot); PrintMatrix(_f,bi_mRot,4); fprintf(_f,"\n }\n"); _ctNumBones++; while (childID != LWITEM_NULL) { WriteBoneInfo(childID); childID = _iti->nextChild(objectid,childID); } } }; bool AddMotionHandler(LWItemID objectid) { LWItemID childID; childID = _iti->firstChild(objectid); if(_iti->type(objectid) == LWI_OBJECT) { _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(objectid, 0); if((_pmesh == NULL) && (childID == LWITEM_NULL)) { return false; } if (!ExecCmd("SelectItem %x", objectid)) { _msg->error("ERROR: Item selection\n", NULL); return false; } if (!ExecCmd("ApplyServer ItemMotionHandler " DEBUGEXT "internal_SESectionAnimExport")) { _msg->error("ERROR: Applying ItemMotionHandler\n", NULL); return false; } while (childID != LWITEM_NULL) { AddMotionHandler(childID); childID = _iti->nextChild(objectid,childID); } } return true; }; int RemoveMotionHandler(LWItemID objectid) { LWItemID childID; childID = _iti->firstChild(objectid); if(_iti->type(objectid) == LWI_OBJECT) { _pmesh = _obi->meshInfo(objectid, 0); if((_pmesh == NULL) && (childID == LWITEM_NULL)) { return false; } if (!ExecCmd("SelectItem %x", objectid)) { _msg->error("ERROR: Item selection\n", NULL); return false; } for(int iServer=1;;iServer++) { const char *strServer = _iti->server(objectid, "ItemMotionHandler", iServer); if (strServer==NULL) { break; } if (strcmp(strServer, DEBUGEXT "internal_SESectionAnimExport")==0) { if (!ExecCmd("RemoveServer ItemMotionHandler %d", iServer)) { _msg->error("ERROR: Applying ItemMotionHandler\n", NULL); return false; } } } while (childID != LWITEM_NULL) { RemoveMotionHandler(childID); childID = _iti->nextChild(objectid,childID); } } return true; }; int ExportBones() { LWItemID idMasterObjID; char strMessage[256]; if(!_evaluate) { // lightwave error _msg->error("Lightwave process error !\nClose plugins window and try again.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } // !!!! make it work with a selected object, not the first one in scene ReloadGlobalObjects(); bool bExportOnlySelected = false; int ctSkeletonBones=0; // find selected object - to be replaced with the master bone int ctSelected = 0; int ctMeshes=0; _objid = _iti->first(LWI_OBJECT,0); idMasterObjID = LWITEM_NULL; while(_objid != LWITEM_NULL) { if(_iti->type(_objid) == LWI_OBJECT) { if(_ifi->itemFlags(_objid) & LWITEMF_SELECTED) { ctSelected++; idMasterObjID = _objid; } ctMeshes++; } _objid = _iti->next(_objid); } if (idMasterObjID == LWITEM_NULL) { // lightwave error _msg->error("ERROR: Object for top level bone not selected.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } if (ctSelected > 1) { // lightwave error _msg->error("ERROR: More than one object selected.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } _ctNumBones = 0; AddBoneToCount(idMasterObjID); sprintf(strMessage,"Number of bones: %d",_ctNumBones); // get scene name _strFileName = strdup(_sci->filename); // open the file to print into char fnmOut[256]; strcpy(fnmOut, _strFileName); char *pchDot = strrchr(fnmOut, '.'); if (pchDot!=NULL) { strcpy(pchDot, ".as"); } _msg->info(strMessage,fnmOut); if ((_f = fopen(fnmOut,"w")) == NULL) { _msg->error("ERROR: File open.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } fprintf(_f, "SE_SKELETON %s;\n\n",SE_ANIM_VER); fprintf(_f, "BONES %d\n{\n",_ctNumBones); _ctNumBones = 0; WriteBoneInfo(idMasterObjID); fprintf(_f, "}\n\nSE_SKELETON_END;\n"); fclose(_f); return AFUNC_OK; }; int ExportSecAnim(LWXPanelID pan) { LWItemID idMasterObjID; char strMessage[256]; Matrix12 bi_mRot; _iFrame = 0; _ctFrames = 0; _ctBones = 0; ctBoneEnvelopes = 0; ctMorphEnvelopes = 0; if(!_evaluate) { // lightwave error _msg->error("Lightwave process error !\nClose plugins window and try again.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } // !!!! make it work with a selected object, not the first one in scene ReloadGlobalObjects(); bool bExportOnlySelected = false; int ctSkeletonBones=0; // find selected object - to be replaced with the master bone int ctSelected = 0; int ctMeshes=0; _objid = _iti->first(LWI_OBJECT,0); idMasterObjID = LWITEM_NULL; while(_objid != LWITEM_NULL) { if(_iti->type(_objid) == LWI_OBJECT) { if(_ifi->itemFlags(_objid) & LWITEMF_SELECTED) { ctSelected++; idMasterObjID = _objid; } ctMeshes++; } _objid = _iti->next(_objid); } if (idMasterObjID == LWITEM_NULL) { // lightwave error _msg->error("ERROR: Object for top level bone not selected.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } if (ctSelected > 1) { // lightwave error _msg->error("ERROR: More than one object selected.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } // get scene name _strFileName = strdup(_sci->filename); // open the file to print into char fnmOut[256]; strcpy(fnmOut, _strFileName); char *pchDot = strrchr(fnmOut, '.'); if (pchDot!=NULL) { strcpy(pchDot, ".aa"); } _ctNumBones = 0; AddBoneToCount(idMasterObjID); if ((_f = fopen(fnmOut,"w")) == NULL) { _msg->error("ERROR: File open.\n", NULL); return AFUNC_BADAPP; } // calculate number of frames to export _ctFrames = ((_ifi->previewEnd-_ifi->previewStart)/_ifi->previewStep)+1; if (_ctFrames<=0) { _ctFrames = 1; } // find all morph channels for the current mesh _pmiFirst = NULL; FindMorphChannels(NULL); AddMotionHandler(idMasterObjID); sprintf(strMessage,"ctBoneEnvelopes: %d",_ctBones); _msg->error(strMessage,fnmOut); bRecordDefaultFrame = true; if (!ExecCmd("GoToFrame 0")) { // goto end; } bRecordDefaultFrame = false; int bExportAnimBackward = *(int*)_xpanf->formGet( pan, ID_ANIM_ORDER); float fTime; // export normal order if(!bExportAnimBackward) { // for each frame in current preview selection for (int iFrame=_ifi->previewStart; iFrame<=_ifi->previewEnd; iFrame+=_ifi->previewStep) { // go to that frame if (!ExecCmd("GoToFrame %d", iFrame)) { // goto end; } assert(_iFrame>=0 && _iFrame<_ctFrames); // NOTE: walking all frames implicitly lets the internal itemmotion handler record all bone positions // we walk the morph maps manually _iFrame++; } // get time fTime = (float) GetCurrentTime(); // export backward } else { // remember time in last frame if (!ExecCmd("GoToFrame %d", _ifi->previewEnd)) { //goto end; return AFUNC_BADGLOBAL; } // get time fTime = (float) GetCurrentTime(); // for each frame in current preview selection going from last to first for (int iFrame=_ifi->previewEnd; iFrame>=_ifi->previewStart; iFrame-=_ifi->previewStep) { // go to that frame if (!ExecCmd("GoToFrame %d", iFrame)) { //goto end; return AFUNC_BADGLOBAL; } assert(_iFrame>=0 && _iFrame<_ctFrames); LWTimeInfo *_tmi = (LWTimeInfo *)_global( LWTIMEINFO_GLOBAL, GFUSE_TRANSIENT ); // NOTE: walking all frames implicitly lets the internal itemmotion handler record all bone positions // we walk the morph maps manually _iFrame++; } } // find the number of morph envelopes for(MorphInfo *ptmpmi=_pmiFirst;ptmpmi!=NULL; ptmpmi = ptmpmi->mi_pmiNext) ctMorphEnvelopes++; fTime = (float) GetCurrentTime(); char strAnimID[256]; strcpy(strAnimID,_strFileName); GetAnimID(strAnimID); fprintf(_f, "SE_ANIM %s;\n\n",SE_ANIM_VER); fprintf(_f, "SEC_PER_FRAME %g;\n",fTime / _ifi->previewEnd * _ifi->previewStep); fprintf(_f, "FRAMES %d;\n", _ctFrames); fprintf(_f, "ANIM_ID \"%s\";\n\n", strAnimID); fprintf(_f, "BONEENVELOPES %d\n{\n", _ctNumBones); BoneInfo *pbiLast = NULL; for (BoneInfo *pbi=_pbiFirst; pbi!=NULL; pbi = pbi->bi_pbiNext) { bool bRootBone = false; // write its info fprintf(_f, " NAME \"%s\"\n", pbi->bi_strName); // write first frame - default pose fprintf(_f, " DEFAULT_POSE {"); BoneFrame &bfDef = pbi->bi_abfFrames[0]; MakeRotationAndPosMatrix(bi_mRot,bfDef.fi_vPos,bfDef.fi_vRot); PrintMatrix(_f,bi_mRot,0); fprintf(_f, "}\n"); fprintf(_f, " {\n"); LWItemType itLast; if(!pbiLast) itLast = LWI_OBJECT; else itLast = pbiLast->bi_lwItemType; // write anim // for each frame for (int iFrame=0; iFrame<_ctFrames; iFrame++) { // Fill 3x4 matrix and store rotation and position in it BoneFrame &bf = pbi->bi_abfFrames[iFrame]; MakeRotationAndPosMatrix(bi_mRot,bf.fi_vPos,bf.fi_vRot); // write matrix to file PrintMatrix(_f,bi_mRot,4); fprintf(_f,"\n"); } pbiLast = pbi; fprintf(_f," }\n\n"); } fprintf(_f,"}\n"); fprintf(_f, "\nMORPHENVELOPES %d\n{\n", ctMorphEnvelopes); // for each morph in list {for (MorphInfo *pmi=_pmiFirst; pmi!=NULL; pmi = pmi->mi_pmiNext) { // write its info fprintf(_f, " NAME \"%s\"\n", pmi->mi_strName); fprintf(_f, " {\n"); for (int iFrame=0; iFrame<_ctFrames; iFrame++) { fprintf(_f, " %g;\n", pmi->mi_afFrames[iFrame]); } fprintf(_f," }\n\n"); } } fprintf(_f,"}\n"); // free all morph infos { MorphInfo *pmi=_pmiFirst; MorphInfo *pmiNext=NULL; for(;;) { if(pmi==NULL) { break; } pmiNext = pmi->mi_pmiNext; free(pmi->mi_strName); free(pmi->mi_afFrames); free(pmi); pmi = pmiNext; }} fprintf(_f, "SE_ANIM_END;\n"); fclose(_f); RemoveMotionHandler(idMasterObjID); _pbiFirst = NULL; return AFUNC_OK; };