#include "../StdH/StdH.h" #include <Engine/Graphics/DrawPort.h> #include <Entities/Player.h> #include <Entities/PlayerWeapons.h> #include <Entities/MusicHolder.h> #include <Entities/EnemyBase.h> #include <Entities/EnemyCounter.h> // armor & health constants // NOTE: these _do not_ reflect easy/tourist maxvalue adjustments. that is by design! #define TOP_ARMOR 100 #define TOP_HEALTH 100 // cheats extern INDEX cht_bEnable; extern INDEX cht_bGod; extern INDEX cht_bFly; extern INDEX cht_bGhost; extern INDEX cht_bInvisible; extern FLOAT cht_fTranslationMultiplier; // interface control extern INDEX hud_bShowInfo; extern INDEX hud_bShowLatency; extern INDEX hud_bShowMessages; extern INDEX hud_iShowPlayers; extern INDEX hud_iSortPlayers; extern FLOAT hud_fOpacity; extern FLOAT hud_fScaling; extern FLOAT hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen; // player statistics sorting keys enum SortKeys { PSK_NAME = 1, PSK_HEALTH = 2, PSK_SCORE = 3, PSK_MANA = 4, PSK_FRAGS = 5, PSK_DEATHS = 6, }; // where is the bar lowest value enum BarOrientations { BO_LEFT = 1, BO_RIGHT = 2, BO_UP = 3, BO_DOWN = 4, }; // maximal mana for master status #define MANA_MASTER 10000 // drawing variables static const CPlayer *_penPlayer; static CPlayerWeapons *_penWeapons; static CDrawPort *_pDP; static PIX _pixDPWidth, _pixDPHeight; static FLOAT _fResolutionScaling; static FLOAT _fCustomScaling; static ULONG _ulAlphaHUD; static COLOR _colHUD; static TIME _tmNow = -1.0f; static CFontData _fdNumbersFont; // array for pointers of all players CPlayer *_apenPlayers[NET_MAXGAMEPLAYERS] = {0}; // status bar textures static CTextureObject _toHealth; static CTextureObject _toArmor; static CTextureObject _toOxygen; static CTextureObject _toScore; static CTextureObject _toHiScore; static CTextureObject _toMessage; static CTextureObject _toMana; static CTextureObject _toFrags; static CTextureObject _toDeaths; // ammo textures static CTextureObject _toAShells; static CTextureObject _toABullets; static CTextureObject _toARockets; static CTextureObject _toAGrenades; static CTextureObject _toANapalm; static CTextureObject _toAElectricity; static CTextureObject _toAIronBall; // weapon textures static CTextureObject _toWKnife; static CTextureObject _toWColt; static CTextureObject _toWSingleShotgun; static CTextureObject _toWDoubleShotgun; static CTextureObject _toWTommygun; static CTextureObject _toWMinigun; static CTextureObject _toWRocketLauncher; static CTextureObject _toWGrenadeLauncher; static CTextureObject _toWPipeBomb; static CTextureObject _toWFlamer; static CTextureObject _toWGhostBuster; static CTextureObject _toWLaser; static CTextureObject _toWIronCannon; // tile texture (one has corners, edges and center) static CTextureObject _toTile; // all info about color transitions struct ColorTransitionTable { COLOR ctt_colFine; // color for values over 1.0 COLOR ctt_colHigh; // color for values from 1.0 to 'fMedium' COLOR ctt_colMedium; // color for values from 'fMedium' to 'fLow' COLOR ctt_colLow; // color for values under fLow FLOAT ctt_fMediumHigh; // when to switch to high color (normalized float!) FLOAT ctt_fLowMedium; // when to switch to medium color (normalized float!) BOOL ctt_bSmooth; // should colors have smooth transition }; static struct ColorTransitionTable _cttHUD; // ammo's info structure struct AmmoInfo { CTextureObject *ai_ptoAmmo; struct WeaponInfo *ai_pwiWeapon1; struct WeaponInfo *ai_pwiWeapon2; INDEX ai_iAmmoAmmount; INDEX ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount; INDEX ai_iLastAmmoAmmount; TIME ai_tmAmmoChanged; BOOL ai_bHasWeapon; }; // weapons' info structure struct WeaponInfo { enum WeaponType wi_wtWeapon; CTextureObject *wi_ptoWeapon; struct AmmoInfo *wi_paiAmmo; BOOL wi_bHasWeapon; }; extern struct WeaponInfo _awiWeapons[18]; static struct AmmoInfo _aaiAmmo[8] = { { &_toAShells, &_awiWeapons[4], &_awiWeapons[5], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toABullets, &_awiWeapons[6], &_awiWeapons[7], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toARockets, &_awiWeapons[8], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toAGrenades, &_awiWeapons[9], &_awiWeapons[10], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toANapalm, &_awiWeapons[12], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toAElectricity, &_awiWeapons[14], &_awiWeapons[15], 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toAIronBall, &_awiWeapons[16], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, { &_toAIronBall, &_awiWeapons[17], NULL, 0, 0, 0, -9, FALSE }, }; struct WeaponInfo _awiWeapons[18] = { { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, // 0 { WEAPON_KNIFE, &_toWKnife, NULL, FALSE }, // 1 { WEAPON_COLT, &_toWColt, NULL, FALSE }, // 2 { WEAPON_DOUBLECOLT, &_toWColt, NULL, FALSE }, // 3 { WEAPON_SINGLESHOTGUN, &_toWSingleShotgun, &_aaiAmmo[0], FALSE }, // 4 { WEAPON_DOUBLESHOTGUN, &_toWDoubleShotgun, &_aaiAmmo[0], FALSE }, // 5 { WEAPON_TOMMYGUN, &_toWTommygun, &_aaiAmmo[1], FALSE }, // 6 { WEAPON_MINIGUN, &_toWMinigun, &_aaiAmmo[1], FALSE }, // 7 { WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, &_toWRocketLauncher, &_aaiAmmo[2], FALSE }, // 8 { WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER, &_toWGrenadeLauncher, &_aaiAmmo[3], FALSE }, // 9 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, //{ WEAPON_PIPEBOMB, &_toWPipeBomb, &_aaiAmmo[3], FALSE }, // 10 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, // 11 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, //{ WEAPON_FLAMER, &_toWFlamer, &_aaiAmmo[4], FALSE }, // 12 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, // 13 { WEAPON_LASER, &_toWLaser, &_aaiAmmo[5], FALSE }, // 14 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, //{ WEAPON_GHOSTBUSTER, &_toWGhostBuster, &_aaiAmmo[5], FALSE }, // 15 { WEAPON_IRONCANNON, &_toWIronCannon, &_aaiAmmo[6], FALSE }, // 16 { WEAPON_NONE, NULL, NULL, FALSE }, //{ WEAPON_NUKECANNON, &_toWNukeCannon, &_aaiAmmo[7], FALSE }, // 17 }; // compare functions for qsort() static int qsort_CompareNames( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; CTString strName0 = en0.GetPlayerName(); CTString strName1 = en1.GetPlayerName(); return strnicmp( strName0, strName1, 8); } static int qsort_CompareScores( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iScore; SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iScore; if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } static int qsort_CompareHealth( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = (SLONG)ceil(en0.GetHealth()); SLONG sl1 = (SLONG)ceil(en1.GetHealth()); if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } static int qsort_CompareManas( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = en0.m_iMana; SLONG sl1 = en1.m_iMana; if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } static int qsort_CompareFrags( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iKills; SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iKills; if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } static int qsort_CompareDeaths( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = en0.m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths; SLONG sl1 = en1.m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths; if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } #if 0 // DG: unused static int qsort_CompareLatencies( const void *ppPEN0, const void *ppPEN1) { CPlayer &en0 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN0; CPlayer &en1 = **(CPlayer**)ppPEN1; SLONG sl0 = (SLONG)ceil(en0.m_tmLatency); SLONG sl1 = (SLONG)ceil(en1.m_tmLatency); if( sl0<sl1) return +1; else if( sl0>sl1) return -1; else return 0; } #endif // 0 (unused) // prepare color transitions static void PrepareColorTransitions( COLOR colFine, COLOR colHigh, COLOR colMedium, COLOR colLow, FLOAT fMediumHigh, FLOAT fLowMedium, BOOL bSmooth) { _cttHUD.ctt_colFine = colFine; _cttHUD.ctt_colHigh = colHigh; _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium = colMedium; _cttHUD.ctt_colLow = colLow; _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh = fMediumHigh; _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium = fLowMedium; _cttHUD.ctt_bSmooth = bSmooth; } // calculates shake ammount and color value depanding on value change #define SHAKE_TIME (2.0f) static COLOR AddShaker( PIX const pixAmmount, INDEX const iCurrentValue, INDEX &iLastValue, TIME &tmChanged, FLOAT &fMoverX, FLOAT &fMoverY) { // update shaking if needed fMoverX = fMoverY = 0.0f; const TIME tmNow = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick(); if( iCurrentValue != iLastValue) { iLastValue = iCurrentValue; tmChanged = tmNow; } else { // in case of loading (timer got reseted) tmChanged = ClampUp( tmChanged, tmNow); } // no shaker? const TIME tmDelta = tmNow - tmChanged; if( tmDelta > SHAKE_TIME) return NONE; ASSERT( tmDelta>=0); // shake, baby shake! const FLOAT fAmmount = _fResolutionScaling * _fCustomScaling * pixAmmount; const FLOAT fMultiplier = (SHAKE_TIME-tmDelta)/SHAKE_TIME *fAmmount; const INDEX iRandomizer = (INDEX)(tmNow*511.0f)*fAmmount*iCurrentValue; const FLOAT fNormRnd1 = (FLOAT)((iRandomizer ^ (iRandomizer>>9)) & 1023) * 0.0009775f; // 1/1023 - normalized const FLOAT fNormRnd2 = (FLOAT)((iRandomizer ^ (iRandomizer>>7)) & 1023) * 0.0009775f; // 1/1023 - normalized fMoverX = (fNormRnd1 -0.5f) * fMultiplier; fMoverY = (fNormRnd2 -0.5f) * fMultiplier; // clamp to adjusted ammount (pixels relative to resolution and HUD scale fMoverX = Clamp( fMoverX, -fAmmount, fAmmount); fMoverY = Clamp( fMoverY, -fAmmount, fAmmount); if( tmDelta < SHAKE_TIME/3) return C_WHITE; else return NONE; //return FloatToInt(tmDelta*4) & 1 ? C_WHITE : NONE; } // get current color from local color transitions table static COLOR GetCurrentColor( FLOAT fNormalizedValue) { // if value is in 'low' zone just return plain 'low' alert color if( fNormalizedValue < _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium) return( _cttHUD.ctt_colLow & 0xFFFFFF00); // if value is in out of 'extreme' zone just return 'extreme' color if( fNormalizedValue > 1.0f) return( _cttHUD.ctt_colFine & 0xFFFFFF00); COLOR col; // should blend colors? if( _cttHUD.ctt_bSmooth) { // lets do some interpolations FLOAT fd, f1, f2; COLOR col1, col2; UBYTE ubH,ubS,ubV, ubH2,ubS2,ubV2; // determine two colors for interpolation if( fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh) { f1 = 1.0f; f2 = _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh; col1 = _cttHUD.ctt_colHigh; col2 = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium; } else { // fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium == TRUE ! f1 = _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh; f2 = _cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium; col1 = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium; col2 = _cttHUD.ctt_colLow; } // determine interpolation strength fd = (fNormalizedValue-f2) / (f1-f2); // convert colors to HSV ColorToHSV( col1, ubH, ubS, ubV); ColorToHSV( col2, ubH2, ubS2, ubV2); // interpolate H, S and V components ubH = (UBYTE)(ubH*fd + ubH2*(1.0f-fd)); ubS = (UBYTE)(ubS*fd + ubS2*(1.0f-fd)); ubV = (UBYTE)(ubV*fd + ubV2*(1.0f-fd)); // convert HSV back to COLOR col = HSVToColor( ubH, ubS, ubV); } else { // simple color picker col = _cttHUD.ctt_colMedium; if( fNormalizedValue > _cttHUD.ctt_fMediumHigh) col = _cttHUD.ctt_colHigh; } // all done return( col & 0xFFFFFF00); } // fill array with players' statistics (returns current number of players in game) extern INDEX SetAllPlayersStats( INDEX iSortKey) { // determine maximum number of players for this session INDEX iPlayers = 0; INDEX iMaxPlayers = _penPlayer->GetMaxPlayers(); CPlayer *penCurrent; // loop thru potentional players for( INDEX i=0; i<iMaxPlayers; i++) { // ignore non-existent players penCurrent = (CPlayer*)&*_penPlayer->GetPlayerEntity(i); if( penCurrent==NULL) continue; // fill in player parameters _apenPlayers[iPlayers] = penCurrent; // advance to next real player iPlayers++; } // sort statistics by some key if needed switch( iSortKey) { case PSK_NAME: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareNames); break; case PSK_SCORE: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareScores); break; case PSK_HEALTH: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareHealth); break; case PSK_MANA: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareManas); break; case PSK_FRAGS: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareFrags); break; case PSK_DEATHS: qsort( _apenPlayers, iPlayers, sizeof(CPlayer*), qsort_CompareDeaths); break; default: break; // invalid or NONE key specified so do nothing } // all done return iPlayers; } // ----------------------- drawing functions // draw border with filter static void HUD_DrawBorder( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, FLOAT fSizeX, FLOAT fSizeY, COLOR colTiles) { // determine location const FLOAT fCenterI = fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f; const FLOAT fCenterJ = fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment); const FLOAT fSizeI = _fResolutionScaling*fSizeX; const FLOAT fSizeJ = _fResolutionScaling*fSizeY; const FLOAT fTileSize = 8*_fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling; // determine exact positions const FLOAT fLeft = fCenterI - fSizeI/2 -1; const FLOAT fRight = fCenterI + fSizeI/2 +1; const FLOAT fUp = fCenterJ - fSizeJ/2 -1; const FLOAT fDown = fCenterJ + fSizeJ/2 +1; const FLOAT fLeftEnd = fLeft + fTileSize; const FLOAT fRightBeg = fRight - fTileSize; const FLOAT fUpEnd = fUp + fTileSize; const FLOAT fDownBeg = fDown - fTileSize; // prepare texture colTiles |= _ulAlphaHUD; // put corners _pDP->InitTexture( &_toTile, TRUE); // clamping on! _pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fUp, fLeftEnd, fUpEnd, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fRight,fUp, fRightBeg,fUpEnd, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fRight,fDown, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fDown, fLeftEnd, fDownBeg, colTiles); // put edges _pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd,fUp, fRightBeg,fUpEnd, 0.4f,0.0f, 0.6f,1.0f, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd,fDown, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, 0.4f,0.0f, 0.6f,1.0f, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fLeft, fUpEnd, fLeftEnd, fDownBeg, 0.0f,0.4f, 1.0f,0.6f, colTiles); _pDP->AddTexture( fRight, fUpEnd, fRightBeg,fDownBeg, 0.0f,0.4f, 1.0f,0.6f, colTiles); // put center _pDP->AddTexture( fLeftEnd, fUpEnd, fRightBeg, fDownBeg, 0.4f,0.4f, 0.6f,0.6f, colTiles); _pDP->FlushRenderingQueue(); } // draw icon texture (if color = NONE, use colortransitions structure) static void HUD_DrawIcon( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, CTextureObject &toIcon, COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue, BOOL bBlink) { // determine color COLOR col = colDefault; if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue); // determine blinking state if( bBlink && fNormValue<=(_cttHUD.ctt_fLowMedium/2)) { // activate blinking only if value is <= half the low edge INDEX iCurrentTime = (INDEX)(_tmNow*4); if( iCurrentTime&1) col = C_vdGRAY; } // determine location const FLOAT fCenterI = fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f; const FLOAT fCenterJ = fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment); // determine dimensions CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData*)toIcon.GetData(); const FLOAT fHalfSizeI = _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling * ptd->GetPixWidth() *0.5f; const FLOAT fHalfSizeJ = _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling * ptd->GetPixHeight() *0.5f; // done _pDP->InitTexture( &toIcon); _pDP->AddTexture( fCenterI-fHalfSizeI, fCenterJ-fHalfSizeJ, fCenterI+fHalfSizeI, fCenterJ+fHalfSizeJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->FlushRenderingQueue(); } // draw text (or numbers, whatever) static void HUD_DrawText( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, const CTString &strText, COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue) { // determine color COLOR col = colDefault; if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue); // determine location PIX pixCenterI = (PIX)(fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f); PIX pixCenterJ = (PIX)(fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment)); // done _pDP->SetTextScaling( _fResolutionScaling*_fCustomScaling); _pDP->PutTextCXY( strText, pixCenterI, pixCenterJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD); } // draw bar static void HUD_DrawBar( FLOAT fCenterX, FLOAT fCenterY, PIX pixSizeX, PIX pixSizeY, enum BarOrientations eBarOrientation, COLOR colDefault, FLOAT fNormValue) { // determine color COLOR col = colDefault; if( col==NONE) col = GetCurrentColor( fNormValue); // determine location and size PIX pixCenterI = (PIX)(fCenterX*_pixDPWidth / 640.0f); PIX pixCenterJ = (PIX)(fCenterY*_pixDPHeight / (480.0f * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment)); PIX pixSizeI = (PIX)(_fResolutionScaling*pixSizeX); PIX pixSizeJ = (PIX)(_fResolutionScaling*pixSizeY); // fill bar background area PIX pixLeft = pixCenterI-pixSizeI/2; PIX pixUpper = pixCenterJ-pixSizeJ/2; // determine bar position and inner size switch( eBarOrientation) { case BO_UP: pixSizeJ *= fNormValue; break; case BO_DOWN: pixUpper = pixUpper + (PIX)ceil(pixSizeJ * (1.0f-fNormValue)); pixSizeJ *= fNormValue; break; case BO_LEFT: pixSizeI *= fNormValue; break; case BO_RIGHT: pixLeft = pixLeft + (PIX)ceil(pixSizeI * (1.0f-fNormValue)); pixSizeI *= fNormValue; break; } // done _pDP->Fill( pixLeft, pixUpper, pixSizeI, pixSizeJ, col|_ulAlphaHUD); } // helper functions // fill weapon and ammo table with current state static void FillWeaponAmmoTables(void) { // ammo quantities _aaiAmmo[0].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iShells; _aaiAmmo[0].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxShells; _aaiAmmo[1].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iBullets; _aaiAmmo[1].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxBullets; _aaiAmmo[2].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iRockets; _aaiAmmo[2].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxRockets; _aaiAmmo[3].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iGrenades; _aaiAmmo[3].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxGrenades; _aaiAmmo[4].ai_iAmmoAmmount = 0;//_penWeapons->m_iNapalm; _aaiAmmo[4].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = 0;//_penWeapons->m_iMaxNapalm; _aaiAmmo[5].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iElectricity; _aaiAmmo[5].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxElectricity; _aaiAmmo[6].ai_iAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iIronBalls; _aaiAmmo[6].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = _penWeapons->m_iMaxIronBalls; _aaiAmmo[7].ai_iAmmoAmmount = 0;//_penWeapons->m_iNukeBalls; _aaiAmmo[7].ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount = 0;//_penWeapons->m_iMaxNukeBalls; // prepare ammo table for weapon possesion INDEX i, iAvailableWeapons = _penWeapons->m_iAvailableWeapons; for( i=0; i<8; i++) _aaiAmmo[i].ai_bHasWeapon = FALSE; // weapon possesion for( i=WEAPON_NONE+1; i<WEAPON_LAST; i++) { if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_NONE) { // regular weapons _awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon = (iAvailableWeapons&(1<<(_awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon-1))); if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo!=NULL) _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo->ai_bHasWeapon |= _awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon; } } } // main // render interface (frontend) to drawport // (units are in pixels for 640x480 resolution - for other res HUD will be scalled automatically) extern void DrawHUD( const CPlayer *penPlayerCurrent, CDrawPort *pdpCurrent, BOOL bSnooping) { // no player - no info, sorry if( penPlayerCurrent==NULL || (penPlayerCurrent->GetFlags()&ENF_DELETED)) return; // find last values in case of predictor CPlayer *penLast = (CPlayer*)penPlayerCurrent; if( penPlayerCurrent->IsPredictor()) penLast = (CPlayer*)(((CPlayer*)penPlayerCurrent)->GetPredicted()); ASSERT( penLast!=NULL); if( penLast==NULL) return; // !!!! just in case // cache local variables hud_fOpacity = Clamp( hud_fOpacity, 0.1f, 1.0f); hud_fScaling = Clamp( hud_fScaling, 0.5f, 1.2f); _penPlayer = penPlayerCurrent; _penWeapons = (CPlayerWeapons*)&*_penPlayer->m_penWeapons; _pDP = pdpCurrent; _pixDPWidth = _pDP->GetWidth(); _pixDPHeight = _pDP->GetHeight(); _fCustomScaling = hud_fScaling; _fResolutionScaling = (FLOAT)_pixDPWidth /640.0f; _colHUD = C_GREEN; _ulAlphaHUD = NormFloatToByte(hud_fOpacity); _tmNow = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); // set HUD colorization; COLOR colMax = _colHUD; COLOR colTop = _colHUD; COLOR colMid = _colHUD; // adjust borders color in case of spying mode COLOR colBorder = _colHUD; if( bSnooping) { UBYTE ubR,ubG,ubB; ColorToRGB( colBorder, ubR,ubG,ubB); colBorder = RGBToColor( ubG,ubB,ubR); // shift and xor color components if( ((ULONG)(_tmNow*5))&1) { colBorder = (colBorder>>1) & 0x7F7F7F00; // darken flash and scale _fCustomScaling *= 0.933f; } } // prepare font and text dimensions CTString strValue; PIX pixCharWidth; FLOAT fValue, fNormValue, fCol, fRow; _pDP->SetFont( &_fdNumbersFont); pixCharWidth = _fdNumbersFont.GetWidth() + _fdNumbersFont.GetCharSpacing() +1; FLOAT fChrUnit = pixCharWidth * _fCustomScaling; const PIX pixTopBound = 6; const PIX pixLeftBound = 6; const PIX pixBottomBound = (480 * _pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment) -pixTopBound; const PIX pixRightBound = 640-pixLeftBound; FLOAT fOneUnit = (32+0) * _fCustomScaling; // unit size FLOAT fAdvUnit = (32+4) * _fCustomScaling; // unit advancer FLOAT fNextUnit = (32+8) * _fCustomScaling; // unit advancer FLOAT fHalfUnit = fOneUnit * 0.5f; FLOAT fMoverX, fMoverY; COLOR colDefault; // prepare and draw health info fValue = ClampDn( _penPlayer->GetHealth(), 0.0f); // never show negative health fNormValue = fValue/TOP_HEALTH; strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue)); PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit; fCol = pixLeftBound+fHalfUnit; colDefault = AddShaker( 5, fValue, penLast->m_iLastHealth, penLast->m_tmHealthChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, colDefault, fNormValue); fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toHealth, _colHUD, fNormValue, TRUE); // prepare and draw armor info (eventually) fValue = _penPlayer->m_fArmor; if( fValue > 0.0f) { fNormValue = fValue/TOP_ARMOR; strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue)); PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_lGRAY, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); fRow = pixBottomBound- (fNextUnit+fHalfUnit);//*_pDP->dp_fWideAdjustment; fCol = pixLeftBound+ fHalfUnit; colDefault = AddShaker( 3, fValue, penLast->m_iLastArmor, penLast->m_tmArmorChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, NONE, fNormValue); fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, _toArmor, _colHUD, fNormValue, FALSE); } // prepare and draw ammo and weapon info CTextureObject *ptoCurrentAmmo=NULL, *ptoCurrentWeapon=NULL, *ptoWantedWeapon=NULL; INDEX iCurrentWeapon = _penWeapons->m_iCurrentWeapon; INDEX iWantedWeapon = _penWeapons->m_iWantedWeapon; // determine corresponding ammo and weapon texture component ptoCurrentWeapon = _awiWeapons[iCurrentWeapon].wi_ptoWeapon; ptoWantedWeapon = _awiWeapons[iWantedWeapon].wi_ptoWeapon; AmmoInfo *paiCurrent = _awiWeapons[iCurrentWeapon].wi_paiAmmo; if( paiCurrent!=NULL) ptoCurrentAmmo = paiCurrent->ai_ptoAmmo; // draw complete weapon info if knife isn't current weapon if( ptoCurrentAmmo!=NULL && !GetSP()->sp_bInfiniteAmmo) { // determine ammo quantities FLOAT fMaxValue = _penWeapons->GetMaxAmmo(); fValue = _penWeapons->GetAmmo(); fNormValue = fValue / fMaxValue; strValue.PrintF( "%d", (SLONG)ceil(fValue)); PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); BOOL bDrawAmmoIcon = _fCustomScaling<=1.0f; // draw ammo, value and weapon fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit; fCol = 175 + fHalfUnit; colDefault = AddShaker( 4, fValue, penLast->m_iLastAmmo, penLast->m_tmAmmoChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fChrUnit*3, fOneUnit, colBorder); if( bDrawAmmoIcon) { fCol += fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *ptoCurrentAmmo, _colHUD, fNormValue, TRUE); fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; } HUD_DrawText( fCol, fRow, strValue, colDefault, fNormValue); fCol -= fAdvUnit+fChrUnit*3/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawIcon( fCol+fMoverX, fRow+fMoverY, *ptoCurrentWeapon, _colHUD, fNormValue, !bDrawAmmoIcon); } else if( ptoCurrentWeapon!=NULL) { // draw only knife or colt icons (ammo is irrelevant) fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnit; fCol = 205 + fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *ptoCurrentWeapon, _colHUD, fNormValue, FALSE); } // display all ammo infos INDEX i; FLOAT fAdv; COLOR colIcon, colBar; PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); // reduce the size of icon slightly _fCustomScaling = ClampDn( _fCustomScaling*0.8f, 0.5f); const FLOAT fOneUnitS = fOneUnit *0.8f; const FLOAT fAdvUnitS = fAdvUnit *0.8f; //const FLOAT fNextUnitS = fNextUnit *0.8f; const FLOAT fHalfUnitS = fHalfUnit *0.8f; // prepare postition and ammo quantities fRow = pixBottomBound-fHalfUnitS; fCol = pixRightBound -fHalfUnitS; const FLOAT fBarPos = fHalfUnitS*0.7f; FillWeaponAmmoTables(); // loop thru all ammo types if (!GetSP()->sp_bInfiniteAmmo) { for( i=7; i>=0; i--) { // if no ammo and hasn't got that weapon - just skip this ammo AmmoInfo &ai = _aaiAmmo[i]; ASSERT( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount>=0); if( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount==0 && !ai.ai_bHasWeapon) continue; // display ammo info colIcon = _colHUD; if( ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount==0) colIcon = C_GRAY; if( ptoCurrentAmmo == ai.ai_ptoAmmo) colIcon = C_WHITE; fNormValue = (FLOAT)ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount / ai.ai_iMaxAmmoAmmount; colBar = AddShaker( 4, ai.ai_iAmmoAmmount, ai.ai_iLastAmmoAmmount, ai.ai_tmAmmoChanged, fMoverX, fMoverY); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnitS, fOneUnitS, colBorder); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow+fMoverY, *_aaiAmmo[i].ai_ptoAmmo, colIcon, fNormValue, FALSE); HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fBarPos, fRow+fMoverY, fOneUnitS/5, fOneUnitS-2, BO_DOWN, colBar, fNormValue); // advance to next position fCol -= fAdvUnitS; } } // if weapon change is in progress _fCustomScaling = hud_fScaling; hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen = Clamp( hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen, 0.0f, 10.0f); if( (_tmNow - _penWeapons->m_tmWeaponChangeRequired) < hud_tmWeaponsOnScreen) { // determine number of weapons that player has INDEX ctWeapons = 0; for( i=WEAPON_NONE+1; i<WEAPON_LAST; i++) { if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_NONE && _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon!=WEAPON_DOUBLECOLT && _awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon) ctWeapons++; } // display all available weapons fRow = pixBottomBound - fHalfUnit - 3*fNextUnit; fCol = 320.0f - (ctWeapons*fAdvUnit-fHalfUnit)/2.0f; // display all available weapons for( i=WEAPON_NONE+1; i<WEAPON_LAST; i++) { // skip if hasn't got this weapon if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon==WEAPON_NONE || _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon==WEAPON_DOUBLECOLT /*|| _awiWeapons[i].wi_wtWeapon==WEAPON_NUKECANNON*/ || !_awiWeapons[i].wi_bHasWeapon) continue; // display weapon icon colIcon = _colHUD; if( _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo!=NULL && _awiWeapons[i].wi_paiAmmo->ai_iAmmoAmmount==0) colIcon = C_dGRAY; if( ptoWantedWeapon == _awiWeapons[i].wi_ptoWeapon) colIcon = C_WHITE; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colIcon); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, *_awiWeapons[i].wi_ptoWeapon, colIcon, 1.0f, FALSE); // advance to next position fCol += fAdvUnit; } } const FLOAT fUpperSize = ClampDn(_fCustomScaling*0.5f, 0.5f)/_fCustomScaling; _fCustomScaling*=fUpperSize; ASSERT( _fCustomScaling>=0.5f); fChrUnit *= fUpperSize; fOneUnit *= fUpperSize; fHalfUnit *= fUpperSize; fAdvUnit *= fUpperSize; fNextUnit *= fUpperSize; // draw oxygen info if needed BOOL bOxygenOnScreen = FALSE; fValue = _penPlayer->en_tmMaxHoldBreath - (_pTimer->CurrentTick() - _penPlayer->en_tmLastBreathed); if( _penPlayer->IsConnected() && (_penPlayer->GetFlags()&ENF_ALIVE) && fValue<30.0f) { // prepare and draw oxygen info fRow = pixTopBound + fOneUnit + fNextUnit; fCol = 280.0f; fAdv = fAdvUnit + fOneUnit*4/2 - fHalfUnit; PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); fNormValue = fValue/30.0f; fNormValue = ClampDn(fNormValue, 0.0f); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*4, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*4*0.975, fOneUnit*0.9375, BO_LEFT, NONE, fNormValue); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toOxygen, _colHUD, fNormValue, TRUE); bOxygenOnScreen = TRUE; } // draw boss energy if needed if( _penPlayer->m_penMainMusicHolder!=NULL) { CMusicHolder &mh = (CMusicHolder&)*_penPlayer->m_penMainMusicHolder; fNormValue = 0; if( mh.m_penBoss!=NULL && (mh.m_penBoss->en_ulFlags&ENF_ALIVE)) { CEnemyBase &eb = (CEnemyBase&)*mh.m_penBoss; ASSERT( eb.m_fMaxHealth>0); fValue = eb.GetHealth(); fNormValue = fValue/eb.m_fMaxHealth; } if( mh.m_penCounter!=NULL) { CEnemyCounter &ec = (CEnemyCounter&)*mh.m_penCounter; if (ec.m_iCount>0) { fValue = ec.m_iCount; fNormValue = fValue/ec.m_iCountFrom; } } if (fNormValue>0) { // prepare and draw boss energy info PrepareColorTransitions( colMax, colTop, colMid, C_RED, 0.5f, 0.25f, FALSE); fRow = pixTopBound + fOneUnit + fNextUnit; fCol = 184.0f; fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fOneUnit*16/2 -fHalfUnit; if( bOxygenOnScreen) fRow += fNextUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*16, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBar( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fOneUnit*16*0.995, fOneUnit*0.9375, BO_LEFT, NONE, fNormValue); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toHealth, _colHUD, fNormValue, FALSE); } } // determine scaling of normal text and play mode const FLOAT fTextScale = (_fResolutionScaling+1) *0.5f; const BOOL bSinglePlay = GetSP()->sp_bSinglePlayer; const BOOL bCooperative = GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && !bSinglePlay; const BOOL bScoreMatch = !GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && !GetSP()->sp_bUseFrags; const BOOL bFragMatch = !GetSP()->sp_bCooperative && GetSP()->sp_bUseFrags; COLOR colMana, colFrags, colDeaths, colHealth, colArmor; COLOR colScore = _colHUD; INDEX iScoreSum = 0; // if not in single player mode, we'll have to calc (and maybe printout) other players' info if( !bSinglePlay) { // set font and prepare font parameters _pfdDisplayFont->SetVariableWidth(); _pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont); _pDP->SetTextScaling( fTextScale); FLOAT fCharHeight = (_pfdDisplayFont->GetHeight()-2)*fTextScale; // generate and sort by mana list of active players BOOL bMaxScore=TRUE, bMaxMana=TRUE, bMaxFrags=TRUE, bMaxDeaths=TRUE; hud_iSortPlayers = Clamp( hud_iSortPlayers, -1, 6); SortKeys eKey = (SortKeys)hud_iSortPlayers; if (hud_iSortPlayers==-1) { if (bCooperative) eKey = PSK_HEALTH; else if (bScoreMatch) eKey = PSK_SCORE; else if (bFragMatch) eKey = PSK_FRAGS; else { ASSERT(FALSE); eKey = PSK_NAME; } } if( bCooperative) eKey = (SortKeys)Clamp( (INDEX)eKey, 0, 3); if( eKey==PSK_HEALTH && (bScoreMatch || bFragMatch)) { eKey = PSK_NAME; }; // prevent health snooping in deathmatch INDEX iPlayers = SetAllPlayersStats(eKey); // loop thru players for( INDEX i=0; i<iPlayers; i++) { // get player name and mana CPlayer *penPlayer = _apenPlayers[i]; const CTString strName = penPlayer->GetPlayerName(); const INDEX iScore = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore; const INDEX iMana = penPlayer->m_iMana; const INDEX iFrags = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills; const INDEX iDeaths = penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths; const INDEX iHealth = ClampDn( (INDEX)ceil( penPlayer->GetHealth()), 0); const INDEX iArmor = ClampDn( (INDEX)ceil( penPlayer->m_fArmor), 0); CTString strScore, strMana, strFrags, strDeaths, strHealth, strArmor; strScore.PrintF( "%d", iScore); strMana.PrintF( "%d", iMana); strFrags.PrintF( "%d", iFrags); strDeaths.PrintF( "%d", iDeaths); strHealth.PrintF( "%d", iHealth); strArmor.PrintF( "%d", iArmor); // detemine corresponding colors colHealth = C_mlRED; colMana = colScore = colFrags = colDeaths = colArmor = C_lGRAY; if( iMana > _penPlayer->m_iMana) { bMaxMana = FALSE; colMana = C_WHITE; } if( iScore > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore) { bMaxScore = FALSE; colScore = C_WHITE; } if( iFrags > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills) { bMaxFrags = FALSE; colFrags = C_WHITE; } if( iDeaths > _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths) { bMaxDeaths = FALSE; colDeaths = C_WHITE; } if( penPlayer==_penPlayer) colScore = colMana = colFrags = colDeaths = _colHUD; // current player if( iHealth>25) colHealth = _colHUD; if( iArmor >25) colArmor = _colHUD; // eventually print it out if( hud_iShowPlayers==1 || (hud_iShowPlayers==-1 && !bSinglePlay)) { // printout location and info aren't the same for deathmatch and coop play const FLOAT fCharWidth = (PIX)((_pfdDisplayFont->GetWidth()-2) *fTextScale); if( bCooperative) { _pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colScore |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth-4*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strHealth, _pixDPWidth-6*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colHealth|_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strArmor, _pixDPWidth-2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colArmor |_ulAlphaHUD); } else if( bScoreMatch) { _pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-12*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth- 5*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strScore, _pixDPWidth- 8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colScore|_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strMana, _pixDPWidth- 2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colMana |_ulAlphaHUD); } else { // fragmatch! _pDP->PutTextR( strName+":", _pixDPWidth-8*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutText( "/", _pixDPWidth-4*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, _colHUD |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strFrags, _pixDPWidth-6*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colFrags |_ulAlphaHUD); _pDP->PutTextC( strDeaths, _pixDPWidth-2*fCharWidth, fCharHeight*i+fOneUnit*2, colDeaths|_ulAlphaHUD); } } // calculate summ of scores (for coop mode) iScoreSum += iScore; } // prepare color for local player printouts bMaxScore ? colScore = C_WHITE : colScore = C_lGRAY; bMaxMana ? colMana = C_WHITE : colMana = C_lGRAY; bMaxFrags ? colFrags = C_WHITE : colFrags = C_lGRAY; bMaxDeaths ? colDeaths = C_WHITE : colDeaths = C_lGRAY; } // printout player latency if needed if( hud_bShowLatency) { CTString strLatency; strLatency.PrintF( "%4.0fms", _penPlayer->m_tmLatency*1000.0f); PIX pixFontHeight = (PIX)(_pfdDisplayFont->GetHeight() *fTextScale +fTextScale+1); _pfdDisplayFont->SetFixedWidth(); _pDP->SetFont( _pfdDisplayFont); _pDP->SetTextScaling( fTextScale); _pDP->SetTextCharSpacing( -2.0f*fTextScale); _pDP->PutTextR( strLatency, _pixDPWidth, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight, C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE); } // restore font defaults _pfdDisplayFont->SetVariableWidth(); _pDP->SetFont( &_fdNumbersFont); _pDP->SetTextCharSpacing(1); // prepare output strings and formats depending on game type FLOAT fWidthAdj = 8; INDEX iScore = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore; INDEX iMana = _penPlayer->m_iMana; if( bFragMatch) { fWidthAdj = 4; iScore = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iKills; iMana = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iDeaths; } else if( bCooperative) { // in case of coop play, show squad (common) score iScore = iScoreSum; } // prepare and draw score or frags info strValue.PrintF( "%d", iScore); fRow = pixTopBound +fHalfUnit; fCol = pixLeftBound +fHalfUnit; fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*fWidthAdj/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*fWidthAdj, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, colScore, 1.0f); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toFrags, colScore, 1.0f, FALSE); // eventually draw mana info if( bScoreMatch || bFragMatch) { strValue.PrintF( "%d", iMana); fRow = pixTopBound + fNextUnit+fHalfUnit; fCol = pixLeftBound + fHalfUnit; fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*fWidthAdj/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*fWidthAdj, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, colMana, 1.0f); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toDeaths, colMana, 1.0f, FALSE); } // if single player or cooperative mode if( bSinglePlay || bCooperative) { // prepare and draw hiscore info strValue.PrintF( "%d", Max(_penPlayer->m_iHighScore, _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore)); BOOL bBeating = _penPlayer->m_psGameStats.ps_iScore>_penPlayer->m_iHighScore; fRow = pixTopBound+fHalfUnit; fCol = 320.0f-fOneUnit-fChrUnit*8/2; fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*8/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*8, fOneUnit, colBorder); HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, NONE, bBeating ? 0.0f : 1.0f); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toHiScore, _colHUD, 1.0f, FALSE); // prepare and draw unread messages if( hud_bShowMessages && _penPlayer->m_ctUnreadMessages>0) { strValue.PrintF( "%d", _penPlayer->m_ctUnreadMessages); fRow = pixTopBound+fHalfUnit; fCol = pixRightBound-fHalfUnit-fAdvUnit-fChrUnit*4; const FLOAT tmIn = 0.5f; const FLOAT tmOut = 0.5f; const FLOAT tmStay = 2.0f; FLOAT tmDelta = _pTimer->GetLerpedCurrentTick()-_penPlayer->m_tmAnimateInbox; COLOR col = _colHUD; if (tmDelta>0 && tmDelta<(tmIn+tmStay+tmOut) && bSinglePlay) { FLOAT fRatio = 0.0f; if (tmDelta<tmIn) { fRatio = tmDelta/tmIn; } else if (tmDelta>tmIn+tmStay) { fRatio = (tmIn+tmStay+tmOut-tmDelta)/tmOut; } else { fRatio = 1.0f; } fRow+=fAdvUnit*5*fRatio; fCol-=fAdvUnit*15*fRatio; col = LerpColor(_colHUD, C_WHITE|0xFF, fRatio); } fAdv = fAdvUnit+ fChrUnit*4/2 -fHalfUnit; HUD_DrawBorder( fCol, fRow, fOneUnit, fOneUnit, col); HUD_DrawBorder( fCol+fAdv, fRow, fChrUnit*4, fOneUnit, col); HUD_DrawText( fCol+fAdv, fRow, strValue, col, 1.0f); HUD_DrawIcon( fCol, fRow, _toMessage, col, 0.0f, TRUE); } } // draw cheat modes if( GetSP()->sp_ctMaxPlayers==1) { INDEX iLine=1; ULONG ulAlpha = sin(_tmNow*16)*96 +128; PIX pixFontHeight = _pfdConsoleFont->fd_pixCharHeight; const COLOR colCheat = _colHUD; _pDP->SetFont( _pfdConsoleFont); _pDP->SetTextScaling( 1.0f); const FLOAT fchtTM = cht_fTranslationMultiplier; // for text formatting sake :) if( fchtTM > 1.0f) { _pDP->PutTextR( "turbo", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; } if( cht_bInvisible) { _pDP->PutTextR( "invisible", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; } if( cht_bGhost) { _pDP->PutTextR( "ghost", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; } if( cht_bFly) { _pDP->PutTextR( "fly", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; } if( cht_bGod) { _pDP->PutTextR( "god", _pixDPWidth-1, _pixDPHeight-pixFontHeight*iLine, colCheat|ulAlpha); iLine++; } } } // initialized all whats need for drawing HUD extern void InitHUD(void) { // try to try { // initialize and load HUD numbers font DECLARE_CTFILENAME( fnFont, "Fonts\\Numbers3.fnt"); _fdNumbersFont.Load_t( fnFont); //_fdNumbersFont.SetCharSpacing(0); // initialize status bar textures _toHealth.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\HSuper.tex")); _toArmor.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\ArStrong.tex")); _toOxygen.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\Oxygen-2.tex")); _toFrags.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\IBead.tex")); _toDeaths.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\ISkull.tex")); _toScore.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\IScore.tex")); _toHiScore.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\IHiScore.tex")); _toMessage.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\IMessage.tex")); _toMana.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\IValue.tex")); // initialize ammo textures _toAShells.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmShells.tex")); _toABullets.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmBullets.tex")); _toARockets.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmRockets.tex")); _toAGrenades.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmGrenades.tex")); _toANapalm.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmFuelReservoir.tex")); _toAElectricity.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmElectricity.tex")); _toAIronBall.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\AmCannon.tex")); // initialize weapon textures _toWKnife.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WKnife.tex")); _toWColt.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WColt.tex")); _toWSingleShotgun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WSingleShotgun.tex")); _toWDoubleShotgun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WDoubleShotgun.tex")); _toWTommygun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WTommygun.tex")); _toWMinigun.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WMinigun.tex")); _toWRocketLauncher.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WRocketLauncher.tex")); _toWGrenadeLauncher.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WGrenadeLauncher.tex")); _toWPipeBomb.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WPipeBomb.tex")); _toWFlamer.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WFlamer.tex")); _toWGhostBuster.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WGhostBuster.tex")); _toWLaser.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WLaser.tex")); _toWIronCannon.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\WCannon.tex")); // initialize tile texture _toTile.SetData_t( CTFILENAME("Textures\\Interface\\Tile.tex")); // set all textures as constant ((CTextureData*)_toHealth .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toArmor .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toOxygen .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toFrags .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toDeaths .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toScore .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toHiScore.GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toMessage.GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toMana .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toAShells .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toABullets .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toARockets .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toAGrenades .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toANapalm .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toAElectricity.GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toAIronBall .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWKnife .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWColt .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWSingleShotgun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWDoubleShotgun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWTommygun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWMinigun .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWRocketLauncher .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWGrenadeLauncher.GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWPipeBomb .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWFlamer .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWGhostBuster .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWLaser .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toWIronCannon .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); ((CTextureData*)_toTile .GetData())->Force(TEX_CONSTANT); } catch( char *strError) { FatalError( strError); } } // clean up extern void EndHUD(void) { }