/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_EDITMODEL_H #define SE_INCL_EDITMODEL_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_MODELERTEXTURES 32 #define MAPPING_VERSION_WITHOUT_POLYGONS_PER_SURFACE "0001" #define MAPPING_VERSION_WITHOUT_SOUNDS_AND_ATTACHMENTS "0002" #define MAPPING_VERSION_WITHOUT_COLLISION "0003" #define MAPPING_VERSION_WITHOUT_PATCHES "0004" #define MAPPING_WITHOUT_SURFACE_COLORS "0005" #define MAPPING_VERSION "0006" class ENGINE_API CProgressRoutines { public: CProgressRoutines(); void (*SetProgressMessage)( char *strMessage); // sets message for modeler's "new progress dialog" void (*SetProgressRange)( INDEX iProgresSteps); // sets range of modeler's "new progress dialog" void (*SetProgressState)( INDEX iCurrentStep); // sets current modeler's "new progress dialog" state }; ENGINE_API extern CProgressRoutines ProgresRoutines; class ENGINE_API CTextureDataInfo { public: CListNode tdi_ListNode; CTextureData *tdi_TextureData; CTFileName tdi_FileName; }; #define UNDO_VERTEX 0 #define UNDO_SURFACE 1 class ENGINE_API CMappingUndo { public: CListNode mu_ListNode; INDEX mu_Action; ModelTextureVertex *mu_ClosestVertex; FLOAT3D mu_UndoCoordinate; INDEX mu_iCurrentMip; INDEX mu_iCurrentSurface; FLOAT mu_Zoom; FLOAT3D mu_Center; FLOAT3D mu_HPB; }; class ENGINE_API CAttachedModel { public: BOOL am_bVisible; CModelObject am_moAttachedModel; // used as smart pointer (holds file name of attachment), never rendered CTString am_strName; INDEX am_iAnimation; CAttachedModel(void); ~CAttachedModel(void); void SetModel_t(CTFileName fnModel); void Read_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * void Write_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * void Clear(void); // clear the object. }; class ENGINE_API CAttachedSound { public: BOOL as_bLooping; BOOL as_bPlaying; FLOAT as_fDelay; CTFileName as_fnAttachedSound; CAttachedSound(void); void Read_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * void Write_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * void Clear(void) { as_fnAttachedSound = CTString("");}; }; class ENGINE_API CThumbnailSettings { public: BOOL ts_bSet; CPlacement3D ts_plLightPlacement; CPlacement3D ts_plModelPlacement; FLOAT ts_fTargetDistance; FLOAT3D ts_vTarget; ANGLE3D ts_angViewerOrientation; FLOAT ts_LightDistance; COLOR ts_LightColor; COLOR ts_colAmbientColor; COLORREF ts_PaperColor; COLORREF ts_InkColor; BOOL ts_IsWinBcgTexture; CTFileName ts_WinBcgTextureName; CModelRenderPrefs ts_RenderPrefs; CThumbnailSettings( void); void Read_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * void Write_t( CTStream *strFile); // throw char * }; class ENGINE_API CEditModel : public CSerial { private: void NewModel(CObject3D *pO3D); // creates new model, surface, vertice and polygon arrays void AddMipModel(CObject3D *pO3D); // adds one mip model // loads and converts model's animation data from script file void LoadModelAnimationData_t( CTStream *pFile, const FLOATmatrix3D &mStretch); // throw char * INDEX edm_iActiveCollisionBox; // collision box that is currently edited public: CEditModel(); // default contructor ~CEditModel(); // default destructor CModelData edm_md; // edited model data CDynamicArray edm_aamAttachedModels;// array of attached models CStaticArray edm_aasAttachedSounds;// array of attached sounds CThumbnailSettings edm_tsThumbnailSettings; // remembered parameters for taking thumbnail CListHead edm_WorkingSkins; // list of file names and texture data objects CListHead edm_UndoList; // list containing structures used for undo operation CListHead edm_RedoList; // list containing structures used for redo operation INDEX edm_Action; // type of last mapping change action (used by undo/redo) CTFileName edm_fnSpecularTexture; // names of textures saved in ini file CTFileName edm_fnReflectionTexture; CTFileName edm_fnBumpTexture; // create empty attaching sounds void CreateEmptyAttachingSounds(void); // creates default script file void CreateScriptFile_t(CTFileName &fnFile); // throw char * // creates mip-model and mapping default constructios after it loads data from script void LoadFromScript_t(CTFileName &fnFileName); // throw char * // recalculate mapping for surface after some polygon has been added to surface void RecalculateSurfaceMapping( INDEX iMipModel, INDEX iSurface); // functions for extracting texture vertex links for given mip model void CalculateSurfaceCenterOffset( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iSurface); void RemapTextureVerticesForSurface(INDEX iMip, INDEX iSurface, BOOL bJustCount); void RemapTextureVertices( INDEX iCurrentMip); // calculates mapping from three special 3D objects void CalculateUnwrappedMapping( CObject3D &o3dClosed, CObject3D &o3dOpened, CObject3D &o3dUnwrapped); // calculates mapping for mip models (except for main mip) void CalculateMappingForMips(void); // updates animations void UpdateAnimations_t(CTFileName &fnScriptName); // throw char * // updates mip models configuration, looses their mapping ! void UpdateMipModels_t(CTFileName &fnScriptName); // throw char * void CreateMipModels_t(CObject3D &objRestFrame, CObject3D &objMipSourceFrame, INDEX iVertexRemoveRate, INDEX iSurfacePreservingFactor); void DefaultMapping( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iSurface=-1);// sets default mapping for given mip-model and surface (or all surfaces -1) void CalculateMapping( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iSurfaceNo); // calculate mapping coordinates void CalculateMappingAll( INDEX iCurrentMip); void DrawWireSurface( CDrawPort *pDP, INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, FLOAT fMagnifyFactor, PIX offx, PIX offy, COLOR clrVisible, COLOR clrInvisible); // draws given surface in wire frame void DrawFilledSurface( CDrawPort *pDP, INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, FLOAT fMagnifyFactor, PIX offx, PIX offy, COLOR clrVisible, COLOR clrInvisible); // fills given surface with color void PrintSurfaceNumbers( CDrawPort *pDP, CFontData *pFont, INDEX iCurrentMip, FLOAT fMagnifyFactor, PIX offx, PIX offy, COLOR clrInk); // prints surface numbers void ExportSurfaceNumbersAndNames( CTFileName fnFile); void GetScreenSurfaceCenter( CDrawPort *pDP, INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, FLOAT fMagnifyFactor, PIX offx, PIX offy, PIX &XCenter, PIX &YCenter); // Calculates given surface's center point in view's window (in pixels) FLOATaabbox3D CalculateSurfaceBBox( INDEX iCurrentMip, // used to calculate mapping coordinate's bbox INDEX iSurfaceNo, FLOAT3D f3Position, FLOAT3D f3Angle, FLOAT fZoom); void CalculateMapping(); // used to calculate mapping coordinates BOOL ChangeSurfacePositionRelative( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, FLOAT fDZoom, FLOAT dX, FLOAT dY, PIX dTH, PIX dTV); // if it can, sets surface position with given offseted values BOOL ChangeSurfacePositionAbsolute( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, FLOAT newZoom, FLOAT3D newCenter, FLOAT3D newAngle); // if it can, sets surface position to given values void RememberSurfaceUndo( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // remember undo position ModelTextureVertex *FindClosestMappingVertex( INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface, PIX ptx, PIX pty, FLOAT fMagnifyFactor, PIX offx, PIX offy);// finds closest point and returns it void MoveVertex( ModelTextureVertex *pmtvClosestVertex, PIX dx, PIX dy, INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // try new vertex position void RememberVertexUndo( ModelTextureVertex *pmtvClosestVertex);// remember coordinate change into undo buffer // add one texture to list of working textures CTextureDataInfo *AddTexture_t(const CTFileName &fnFileName, const MEX mexWidth, const MEX mexHeight); // throw char * FLOAT3D GetSurfacePos(INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // Retrieves given surface's position FLOAT3D GetSurfaceAngles(INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // Retrieves given surface's angles FLOAT GetSurfaceZoom(INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // Retrieves given surface's zoom factor const char *GetSurfaceName(INDEX iCurrentMip, INDEX iCurrentSurface); // Retrieves given surface's name void Undo(void); // Undoes last operation void Redo(void); // Redoes last operation void RemoveTexture(char *pFileName); // removes one of working textures in modeler app void MovePatchRelative( INDEX iMaskBit, MEX2D mexOffset); void SetPatchStretch( INDEX iMaskBit, FLOAT fNewStretch); BOOL EditAddPatch( CTFileName fnPatchName, MEX2D mexPos, INDEX &iMaskBit); // Adds one patch void EditRemovePatch( INDEX iMaskBit); // Removes given patch void EditRemoveAllPatches( void); INDEX CountPatches(void); ULONG GetExistingPatchesMask(void); BOOL GetFirstEmptyPatchIndex( INDEX &iMaskBit); // Finds first empty space ready to recieve new patch BOOL GetFirstValidPatchIndex( INDEX &iMaskBit); // Finds first valid patch index void GetPreviousValidPatchIndex( INDEX &iMaskBit);// Sets previous valid patch index void GetNextValidPatchIndex( INDEX &iMaskBit); // Sets next valid patch index void CalculatePatchesPerPolygon(void); INDEX GetMipCt(){ return edm_md.md_MipCt;}; // Returns number of mip models MEX GetWidth(){ return edm_md.md_Width;}; // Returns allowed width for model's texture MEX GetHeight(){ return edm_md.md_Height;}; // Returns allowed height for model's texture // collision box handling functions FLOAT3D &GetCollisionBoxMin(void); FLOAT3D &GetCollisionBoxMax(void); void AddCollisionBox(void); void DeleteCurrentCollisionBox(void); INDEX GetActiveCollisionBoxIndex(void) { return edm_iActiveCollisionBox;}; void ActivatePreviousCollisionBox(void); void ActivateNextCollisionBox(void); void SetCollisionBox(FLOAT3D vMin, FLOAT3D vMax); CTString GetCollisionBoxName(INDEX iCollisionBox); CTString GetCollisionBoxName(void); void SetCollisionBoxName(CTString strNewName); void CorrectCollisionBoxSize(void); // returns HEIGHT_EQ_WIDTH, LENGTH_EQ_WIDTH or LENGTH_EQ_HEIGHT INDEX GetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality(); // set new collision box equality value void SetCollisionBoxDimensionEquality( INDEX iNewDimEqType); // overloaded load function void Load_t( CTFileName fnFileName); // throw char * // overloaded save function void Save_t( CTFileName fnFileName); // throw char * // exports .h file (#define ......) void SaveIncludeFile_t( CTFileName fnFileName, CTString strDefinePrefix); // throw char * // know how to load void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char * // and save modeler data (i.e. vindow positions, view prefs, texture file names...) void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile); // throw char * // load and save mapping data for whole model (iMip = -1) or just for one mip model void LoadMapping_t( CTFileName fnFileName, INDEX iMip = -1); void SaveMapping_t( CTFileName fnFileName, INDEX iMip = -1); // read and write settings for given mip void ReadMipSettings_t( CTStream *istrFile, INDEX iMip); // throw char * void WriteMipSettings_t( CTStream *ostrFile, INDEX iMip); }; #endif /* include-once check. */