 * LWSDK Header File
 * Copyright 1999, NewTek, Inc.
 * LWHANDLER.H -- LightWave Instance Handlers
 * This header contains the definition of a basic handler.  A handler
 * is a special kind of server that manages a persistent instance.

#include <lwio.h>
#include <lwxpanel.h>

 * Handlers of all types have a class name of the form "*Handler", and
 * take a handler struct as the local data to the Activate function.
 * The Activate function fills in the handler fields and returns.
typedef struct st_LWInstanceFuncs {
        void             *priv;
        LWInstance      (*create)  (void *priv, void *context, LWError *);
        void            (*destroy) (LWInstance);
        LWError         (*copy)    (LWInstance, LWInstance from);
        LWError         (*load)    (LWInstance, const LWLoadState *);
        LWError         (*save)    (LWInstance, const LWSaveState *);
        const char *    (*descln)  (LWInstance);
} LWInstanceFuncs;

typedef struct st_LWHandler {
        LWInstanceFuncs  *inst;
} LWHandler;

 * User interfaces for handlers are defined as separate servers with
 * class names of the form "*Interface".  Their Activate functions take
 * an LWInterface structure which they should fill in.  The 'panel'
 * field can be set to point to the non-modal controls for one or more
 * instances.  Otherwise the 'options' function should be set to open a
 * modal dialog for a single instance.  The 'command' function can be
 * set to provide batch commands to operate on instances.
 * Technically this is version 2 of the plugin interface, but for
 * compatibility with legacy UI code, which checks against the handler
 * class API version, all versions less than LWINTERFACE_VERSION will be considered version
 * 1 API functions.  New plugins MUST return AFUNC_BADVERSION when called
 * with a version less than LWINTERFACE_VERSION.

typedef struct st_LWInterface {
        LWInstance        inst;
        LWXPanelID        panel;
        LWError         (*options) (LWInstance);
        LWError         (*command) (LWInstance, const char *);
} LWInterface;

 * Because the UI for instances can now operate in a non-modal fashion,
 * handlers need to inform the host when their instance data have changed
 * in a way that will affect the host.  They can do this by getting the
 * "Instance Update" global function.  This can be called at any point
 * with the class name of the instance and the instance pointer itself,
 * and the host will respond to any changes.
#define LWINSTUPDATE_GLOBAL     "Instance Update"

typedef void            LWInstUpdate (const char *className, LWInstance);
