/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "StdH.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MSPORT 28900 #define BUFFSZ 8192 #define BUFFSZSTR 4096 #define PCK "\\gamename\\%s" \ "\\enctype\\%d" \ "\\validate\\%s" \ "\\final\\" \ "\\queryid\\1.1" \ "\\list\\cmp" \ "\\gamename\\%s" \ "\\gamever\\1.05" \ "%s%s" \ "\\final\\" #define PCKQUERY "\\gamename\\%s" \ "\\gamever\\%s" \ "\\location\\%s" \ "\\hostname\\%s" \ "\\hostport\\%hu" \ "\\mapname\\%s" \ "\\gametype\\%s" \ "\\activemod\\" \ "\\numplayers\\%d" \ "\\maxplayers\\%d" \ "\\gamemode\\openplaying" \ "\\difficulty\\Normal" \ "\\friendlyfire\\%d" \ "\\weaponsstay\\%d" \ "\\ammosstay\\%d" \ "\\healthandarmorstays\\%d" \ "\\allowhealth\\%d" \ "\\allowarmor\\%d" \ "\\infinitearmor\\%d" \ "\\respawninplace\\%d" \ "\\password\\0" \ "\\vipplayers\\1" #define PCKINFO "\\hostname\\%s" \ "\\hostport\\%hu" \ "\\mapname\\%s" \ "\\gametype\\%s" \ "\\numplayers\\%d" \ "\\maxplayers\\%d" \ "\\gamemode\\openplaying" \ "\\final\\" \ "\\queryid\\8.1" #define PCKBASIC "\\gamename\\%s" \ "\\gamever\\%s" \ "\\location\\EU" \ "\\final\\" \ "\\queryid\\1.1" #define CHK_BUFFSTRLEN if((iLen < 0) || (iLen > BUFFSZSTR)) { \ CPrintF("\n" \ "Error: the used buffer is smaller than how much needed (%d < %d)\n" \ "\n", iLen, BUFFSZSTR); \ if(cMsstring) free (cMsstring); \ closesocket(_sock); \ WSACleanup(); \ } #define CLEANMSSRUFF1 closesocket(_sock); \ WSACleanup(); #define CLEANMSSRUFF2 if(cResponse) free (cResponse); \ closesocket(_sock); \ WSACleanup(); #define SERIOUSSAMKEY "AKbna4\0" #define SERIOUSSAMSTR "serioussamse" #pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib") WSADATA* _wsaData = NULL; SOCKET _socket = NULL; sockaddr_in* _sin = NULL; sockaddr_in* _sinLocal = NULL; sockaddr_in _sinFrom; CHAR* _szBuffer = NULL; CHAR* _szIPPortBuffer = NULL; INT _iIPPortBufferLen = 0; CHAR* _szIPPortBufferLocal = NULL; INT _iIPPortBufferLocalLen = 0; BOOL _bServer = FALSE; BOOL _bInitialized = FALSE; BOOL _bActivated = FALSE; BOOL _bActivatedLocal = FALSE; TIME _tmLastHeartbeat = 0; CDynamicStackArray ga_asrRequests; //extern CTString ga_strServer = "master1.croteam.org"; extern CTString ga_strServer = "master1.42amsterdam.net"; //extern CTString ga_strMSLegacy = "master1.croteam.org"; extern CTString ga_strMSLegacy = "42amsterdam.net"; extern BOOL ga_bMSLegacy = TRUE; //BOOL ga_bMSLegacy = FALSE; void _uninitWinsock(); void _initializeWinsock(void) { if(_wsaData != NULL && _socket != NULL) { return; } _wsaData = new WSADATA; _socket = NULL; // make the buffer that we'll use for packet reading if(_szBuffer != NULL) { delete[] _szBuffer; } _szBuffer = new char[2050]; // start WSA if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), _wsaData) != 0) { CPrintF("Error initializing winsock!\n"); _uninitWinsock(); return; } // get the host IP hostent* phe; if(!ga_bMSLegacy) { phe = gethostbyname(ga_strServer); } else { phe = gethostbyname(ga_strMSLegacy); } // if we couldn't resolve the hostname if(phe == NULL) { // report and stop CPrintF("Couldn't resolve GameAgent server %s.\n", ga_strServer); _uninitWinsock(); return; } // create the socket destination address _sin = new sockaddr_in; _sin->sin_family = AF_INET; _sin->sin_addr.s_addr = *(ULONG*)phe->h_addr_list[0]; if(!ga_bMSLegacy) { _sin->sin_port = htons(9005); } else { _sin->sin_port = htons(27900); } // create the socket _socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); // if we're a server if(_bServer) { // create the local socket source address _sinLocal = new sockaddr_in; _sinLocal->sin_family = AF_INET; _sinLocal->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); _sinLocal->sin_port = htons(_pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort") + 1); // bind the socket bind(_socket, (sockaddr*)_sinLocal, sizeof(*_sinLocal)); } // set the socket to be nonblocking DWORD dwNonBlocking = 1; if(ioctlsocket(_socket, FIONBIO, &dwNonBlocking) != 0) { CPrintF("Error setting socket to nonblocking!\n"); _uninitWinsock(); return; } } void _uninitWinsock() { if(_wsaData != NULL) { closesocket(_socket); delete _wsaData; _wsaData = NULL; } _socket = NULL; } void _sendPacketTo(const char* pubBuffer, INDEX iLen, sockaddr_in* sin) { sendto(_socket, pubBuffer, iLen, 0, (sockaddr*)sin, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); } void _sendPacketTo(const char* szBuffer, sockaddr_in* addsin) { sendto(_socket, szBuffer, strlen(szBuffer), 0, (sockaddr*)addsin, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); } void _sendPacket(const char* pubBuffer, INDEX iLen) { _initializeWinsock(); _sendPacketTo(pubBuffer, iLen, _sin); } void _sendPacket(const char* szBuffer) { _initializeWinsock(); _sendPacketTo(szBuffer, _sin); } int _recvPacket() { int fromLength = sizeof(_sinFrom); return recvfrom(_socket, _szBuffer, 2048, 0, (sockaddr*)&_sinFrom, &fromLength); } CTString _getGameModeName(INDEX iGameMode) { // get function that will provide us the info about gametype CShellSymbol *pss = _pShell->GetSymbol("GetGameTypeNameSS", /*bDeclaredOnly=*/ TRUE); if(pss == NULL) { return ""; } CTString (*pFunc)(INDEX) = (CTString (*)(INDEX))pss->ss_pvValue; return pFunc(iGameMode); } const CSessionProperties* _getSP() { return ((const CSessionProperties *)_pNetwork->GetSessionProperties()); } void _sendHeartbeat(INDEX iChallenge) { CTString strPacket; if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { strPacket.PrintF("0;challenge;%d;players;%d;maxplayers;%d;level;%s;gametype;%s;version;%s;product;%s", iChallenge, _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(), _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ctMaxPlayers, _pNetwork->ga_World.wo_strName, _getGameModeName(_getSP()->sp_gmGameMode), _SE_VER_STRING, _pShell->GetString("sam_strGameName")); } else { strPacket.PrintF("\\heartbeat\\%hu\\gamename\\serioussamse", (_pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort") + 1)); } _sendPacket(strPacket); _tmLastHeartbeat = _pTimer->GetRealTimeTick(); } static void _setStatus(const CTString &strStatus) { _pNetwork->ga_bEnumerationChange = TRUE; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = strStatus; } CServerRequest::CServerRequest(void) { Clear(); } CServerRequest::~CServerRequest(void) { } void CServerRequest::Clear(void) { sr_ulAddress = 0; sr_iPort = 0; sr_tmRequestTime = 0; } /// Initialize GameAgent. extern void GameAgent_ServerInit(void) { // join _bServer = TRUE; _bInitialized = TRUE; if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { _sendPacket("q"); } else { CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("\\heartbeat\\%hu\\gamename\\serioussamse", (_pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort") + 1)); _sendPacket(strPacket); } } /// Let GameAgent know that the server has stopped. extern void GameAgent_ServerEnd(void) { if (!_bInitialized) { return; } if (ga_bMSLegacy) { CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("\\heartbeat\\%hu\\gamename\\serioussamse\\statechanged", (_pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort") + 1)); _sendPacket(strPacket); } _uninitWinsock(); _bInitialized = FALSE; } /// GameAgent server update call which responds to enumeration pings and sends pings to masterserver. extern void GameAgent_ServerUpdate(void) { if((_socket == NULL) || (!_bInitialized)) { return; } int iLen = _recvPacket(); if(iLen > 0) { if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { // check the received packet ID switch(_szBuffer[0]) { case 1: // server join response { int iChallenge = *(INDEX*)(_szBuffer + 1); // send the challenge _sendHeartbeat(iChallenge); break; } case 2: // server status request { // send the status response CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("0;players;%d;maxplayers;%d;level;%s;gametype;%s;version;%s;gamename;%s;sessionname;%s", _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(), _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ctMaxPlayers, _pNetwork->ga_World.wo_strName, _getGameModeName(_getSP()->sp_gmGameMode), _SE_VER_STRING, _pShell->GetString("sam_strGameName"), _pShell->GetString("gam_strSessionName")); _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); break; } case 3: // player status request { // send the player status response CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("\x01players\x02%d\x03", _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount()); for(INDEX i=0; i<_pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(); i++) { CPlayerBuffer &plb = _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.srv_aplbPlayers[i]; CPlayerTarget &plt = _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_apltPlayers[i]; if(plt.plt_bActive) { CTString strPlayer; plt.plt_penPlayerEntity->GetGameAgentPlayerInfo(plb.plb_Index, strPlayer); // if we don't have enough space left for the next player if(strlen(strPacket) + strlen(strPlayer) > 2048) { // send the packet _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); strPacket = ""; } strPacket += strPlayer; } } strPacket += "\x04"; _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); break; } case 4: // ping { // just send back 1 byte and the amount of players in the server (this could be useful in some cases for external scripts) CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("\x04%d", _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount()); _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); break; } } } else { _szBuffer[iLen] = 0; char *sPch1 = NULL, *sPch2 = NULL, *sPch3 = NULL, *sPch4 = NULL; sPch1 = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\status\\"); sPch2 = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\info\\"); sPch3 = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\basic\\"); sPch4 = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\players\\"); if(sPch1) { CTString strPacket; CTString strLocation; strLocation = _pShell->GetString("net_strLocalHost"); if ( strLocation == ""){ strLocation = "Heartland"; } strPacket.PrintF( PCKQUERY, _pShell->GetString("sam_strGameName"), _SE_VER_STRING, //_pShell->GetString("net_strLocalHost"), strLocation, _pShell->GetString("gam_strSessionName"), _pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort"), _pNetwork->ga_World.wo_strName, _getGameModeName(_getSP()->sp_gmGameMode), _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(), _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ctMaxPlayers, _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bFriendlyFire"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bWeaponsStay"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bAmmoStays"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bHealthArmorStays"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bAllowHealth"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bAllowArmor"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bInfiniteAmmo"), _pShell->GetINDEX("gam_bRespawnInPlace")); for(INDEX i=0; i<_pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(); i++) { CPlayerBuffer &plb = _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.srv_aplbPlayers[i]; CPlayerTarget &plt = _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_apltPlayers[i]; if(plt.plt_bActive) { CTString strPlayer; plt.plt_penPlayerEntity->GetMSLegacyPlayerInf(plb.plb_Index, strPlayer); // if we don't have enough space left for the next player if(strlen(strPacket) + strlen(strPlayer) > 2048) { // send the packet _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); strPacket = ""; } strPacket += strPlayer; } } strPacket += "\\final\\\\queryid\\333.1"; _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); } else if (sPch2){ CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF( PCKINFO, _pShell->GetString("gam_strSessionName"), _pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort"), _pNetwork->ga_World.wo_strName, _getGameModeName(_getSP()->sp_gmGameMode), _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(), _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_ctMaxPlayers); _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); } else if (sPch3){ CTString strPacket; CTString strLocation; strLocation = _pShell->GetString("net_strLocalHost"); if ( strLocation == ""){ strLocation = "Heartland"; } strPacket.PrintF( PCKBASIC, _pShell->GetString("sam_strGameName"), _SE_VER_STRING, //_pShell->GetString("net_strLocalHost")); strLocation); _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); } else if (sPch4){ // send the player status response CTString strPacket; strPacket = ""; for(INDEX i=0; i<_pNetwork->ga_srvServer.GetPlayersCount(); i++) { CPlayerBuffer &plb = _pNetwork->ga_srvServer.srv_aplbPlayers[i]; CPlayerTarget &plt = _pNetwork->ga_sesSessionState.ses_apltPlayers[i]; if(plt.plt_bActive) { CTString strPlayer; plt.plt_penPlayerEntity->GetMSLegacyPlayerInf(plb.plb_Index, strPlayer); // if we don't have enough space left for the next player if(strlen(strPacket) + strlen(strPlayer) > 2048) { // send the packet _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); strPacket = ""; } strPacket += strPlayer; } } strPacket += "\\final\\\\queryid\\6.1"; _sendPacketTo(strPacket, &_sinFrom); } else { CPrintF("Unknown query server response!\n"); return; } } } // send a heartbeat every 150 seconds if(_pTimer->GetRealTimeTick() - _tmLastHeartbeat >= 150.0f) { _sendHeartbeat(0); } } /// Notify GameAgent that the server state has changed. extern void GameAgent_ServerStateChanged(void) { if (!_bInitialized) { return; } if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { _sendPacket("u"); } else { CTString strPacket; strPacket.PrintF("\\heartbeat\\%hu\\gamename\\serioussamse\\statechanged", (_pShell->GetINDEX("net_iPort") + 1)); _sendPacket(strPacket); } } /// Request serverlist enumeration. extern void GameAgent_EnumTrigger(BOOL bInternet) { if ( _pNetwork->ga_bEnumerationChange ) { return; } if ( !bInternet && ga_bMSLegacy) { // make sure that there are no requests still stuck in buffer ga_asrRequests.Clear(); // we're not a server _bServer = FALSE; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = "."; WORD _wsaRequested; WSADATA wsaData; PHOSTENT _phHostinfo; ULONG _uIP,*_pchIP = &_uIP; USHORT _uPort,*_pchPort = &_uPort; INT _iLen; char _cName[256],*_pch,_strFinal[8] = {0}; struct in_addr addr; // make the buffer that we'll use for packet reading if(_szIPPortBufferLocal != NULL) { return; } _szIPPortBufferLocal = new char[1024]; // start WSA _wsaRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); if( WSAStartup(_wsaRequested, &wsaData) != 0) { CPrintF("Error initializing winsock!\n"); if(_szIPPortBufferLocal != NULL) { delete[] _szIPPortBufferLocal; } _szIPPortBufferLocal = NULL; _uninitWinsock(); _bInitialized = FALSE; _pNetwork->ga_bEnumerationChange = FALSE; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = ""; WSACleanup(); return; } _pch = _szIPPortBufferLocal; _iLen = 0; strcpy(_strFinal,"\\final\\"); if( gethostname ( _cName, sizeof(_cName)) == 0) { if((_phHostinfo = gethostbyname(_cName)) != NULL) { int _iCount = 0; while(_phHostinfo->h_addr_list[_iCount]) { addr.s_addr = *(u_long *) _phHostinfo->h_addr_list[_iCount]; _uIP = htonl(addr.s_addr); for (UINT uPort = 25601; uPort < 25622; ++uPort){ _uPort = htons(uPort); memcpy(_pch,_pchIP,4); _pch +=4; _iLen +=4; memcpy(_pch,_pchPort,2); _pch +=2; _iLen +=2; } ++_iCount; } memcpy(_pch,_strFinal, 7); _pch +=7; _iLen +=7; _pch[_iLen] = 0x00; } } _iIPPortBufferLocalLen = _iLen; _bActivatedLocal = TRUE; _bInitialized = TRUE; _initializeWinsock(); return; } else { if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { // make sure that there are no requests still stuck in buffer ga_asrRequests.Clear(); // we're not a server _bServer = FALSE; // Initialization _bInitialized = TRUE; // send enumeration packet to masterserver _sendPacket("e"); _setStatus("."); } else { /* MSLegacy */ // make sure that there are no requests still stuck in buffer ga_asrRequests.Clear(); // we're not a server _bServer = FALSE; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = "."; struct sockaddr_in peer; SOCKET _sock = NULL; u_int uiMSIP; int iErr, iLen, iDynsz, iEnctype = 0; u_short usMSport = MSPORT; u_char ucGamekey[] = {SERIOUSSAMKEY}, ucGamestr[] = {SERIOUSSAMSTR}, *ucSec = NULL, *ucKey = NULL; char *cFilter = "", *cWhere = "", cMS[128] = {0}, *cResponse = NULL, *cMsstring = NULL, *cSec = NULL; strcpy(cMS,ga_strMSLegacy); WSADATA wsadata; if(WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsadata) != 0) { CPrintF("Error initializing winsock!\n"); return; } /* Open a socket and connect to the Master server */ peer.sin_addr.s_addr = uiMSIP = resolv(cMS); peer.sin_port = htons(usMSport); peer.sin_family = AF_INET; _sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(_sock < 0) { CPrintF("Error creating TCP socket!\n"); WSACleanup(); return; } if(connect(_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, sizeof(peer)) < 0) { CPrintF("Error connecting to TCP socket!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } /* Allocate memory for a buffer and get a pointer to it */ cResponse = (char*) malloc(BUFFSZSTR + 1); if(!cResponse) { CPrintF("Error initializing memory buffer!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } /* Reading response from Master Server - returns the string with the secret key */ iLen = 0; iErr = recv(_sock, (char*)cResponse + iLen, BUFFSZSTR - iLen, 0); if(iErr < 0) { CPrintF("Error reading from TCP socket!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF2; return; } iLen += iErr; cResponse[iLen] = 0x00; /* Allocate memory for a buffer and get a pointer to it */ ucSec = (u_char*) malloc(BUFFSZSTR + 1); if(!ucSec) { CPrintF("Error initializing memory buffer!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF2; return; } memcpy ( ucSec, cResponse, BUFFSZSTR); ucSec[iLen] = 0x00; /* Geting the secret key from a string */ cSec = strstr(cResponse, "\\secure\\"); if(!cSec) { CPrintF("Not valid master server response!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF2; return; } else { ucSec += 15; /* Creating a key for authentication (Validate key) */ ucKey = gsseckey(ucSec, ucGamekey, iEnctype); } ucSec -= 15; if(cResponse) free (cResponse); if(ucSec) free (ucSec); /* Generate a string for the response (to Master Server) with the specified (Validate ucKey) */ cMsstring = (char*) malloc(BUFFSZSTR + 1); if(!cMsstring) { CPrintF("Not valid master server response!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } iLen = _snprintf( cMsstring, BUFFSZSTR, PCK, ucGamestr, iEnctype, ucKey, ucGamestr, cWhere, cFilter); /* Check the buffer */ CHK_BUFFSTRLEN; /* The string sent to master server */ if(send(_sock,cMsstring, iLen, 0) < 0){ CPrintF("Error reading from TCP socket!\n"); if(cMsstring) free (cMsstring); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } if(cMsstring) free (cMsstring); /* Allocate memory for a buffer and get a pointer to it */ if(_szIPPortBuffer ) { CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; }; _szIPPortBuffer = (char*) malloc(BUFFSZ + 1); if(!_szIPPortBuffer) { CPrintF("Error reading from TCP socket!\n"); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } iDynsz = BUFFSZ; /* The received encoded data after sending the string (Validate key) */ iLen = 0; while((iErr = recv(_sock, _szIPPortBuffer + iLen, iDynsz - iLen, 0)) > 0) { iLen += iErr; if(iLen >= iDynsz) { iDynsz += BUFFSZ; _szIPPortBuffer = (char*)realloc(_szIPPortBuffer, iDynsz); if(!_szIPPortBuffer) { CPrintF("Error reallocation memory buffer!\n"); if(_szIPPortBuffer) free (_szIPPortBuffer); CLEANMSSRUFF1; return; } } } CLEANMSSRUFF1; _iIPPortBufferLen = iLen; _bActivated = TRUE; _bInitialized = TRUE; _initializeWinsock(); } } } /// GameAgent client update for enumerations. extern void GameAgent_EnumUpdate(void) { if((_socket == NULL) || (!_bInitialized)) { return; } if (!ga_bMSLegacy) { int iLen = _recvPacket(); if(iLen != -1) { // null terminate the buffer _szBuffer[iLen] = 0; switch(_szBuffer[0]) { case 's': { struct sIPPort { UBYTE bFirst; UBYTE bSecond; UBYTE bThird; UBYTE bFourth; USHORT iPort; }; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = ""; sIPPort* pServers = (sIPPort*)(_szBuffer + 1); while(iLen - ((CHAR*)pServers - _szBuffer) >= sizeof(sIPPort)) { sIPPort ip = *pServers; CTString strIP; strIP.PrintF("%d.%d.%d.%d", ip.bFirst, ip.bSecond, ip.bThird, ip.bFourth); sockaddr_in sinServer; sinServer.sin_family = AF_INET; sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(strIP); sinServer.sin_port = htons(ip.iPort + 1); // insert server status request into container CServerRequest &sreq = ga_asrRequests.Push(); sreq.sr_ulAddress = sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr; sreq.sr_iPort = sinServer.sin_port; sreq.sr_tmRequestTime = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds(); // send packet to server _sendPacketTo("\x02", &sinServer); pServers++; } } break; case '0': { CTString strPlayers; CTString strMaxPlayers; CTString strLevel; CTString strGameType; CTString strVersion; CTString strGameName; CTString strSessionName; CHAR* pszPacket = _szBuffer + 2; // we do +2 because the first character is always ';', which we don't care about. BOOL bReadValue = FALSE; CTString strKey; CTString strValue; while(*pszPacket != 0) { switch(*pszPacket) { case ';': if(strKey != "sessionname") { if(bReadValue) { // we're done reading the value, check which key it was if(strKey == "players") { strPlayers = strValue; } else if(strKey == "maxplayers") { strMaxPlayers = strValue; } else if(strKey == "level") { strLevel = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gametype") { strGameType = strValue; } else if(strKey == "version") { strVersion = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gamename") { strGameName = strValue; } else { CPrintF("Unknown GameAgent parameter key '%s'!", strKey); } // reset temporary holders strKey = ""; strValue = ""; } } bReadValue = !bReadValue; break; default: // read into the value or into the key, depending where we are if(bReadValue) { strValue.InsertChar(strlen(strValue), *pszPacket); } else { strKey.InsertChar(strlen(strKey), *pszPacket); } break; } // move to next character pszPacket++; } // check if we still have a sessionname to back up if(strKey == "sessionname") { strSessionName = strValue; } // insert the server into the serverlist CNetworkSession &ns = *new CNetworkSession; _pNetwork->ga_lhEnumeratedSessions.AddTail(ns.ns_lnNode); long long tmPing = -1; // find the request in the request array for(INDEX i=0; iGetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds() - req.sr_tmRequestTime; ga_asrRequests.Delete(&req); break; } } if(tmPing == -1) { // server status was never requested break; } // add the server to the serverlist ns.ns_strSession = strSessionName; ns.ns_strAddress = inet_ntoa(_sinFrom.sin_addr) + CTString(":") + CTString(0, "%d", htons(_sinFrom.sin_port) - 1); ns.ns_tmPing = (tmPing / 1000.0f); ns.ns_strWorld = strLevel; ns.ns_ctPlayers = atoi(strPlayers); ns.ns_ctMaxPlayers = atoi(strMaxPlayers); ns.ns_strGameType = strGameType; ns.ns_strMod = strGameName; ns.ns_strVer = strVersion; } break; default: CPrintF("Unknown enum packet ID %x!\n", _szBuffer[0]); break; } } } else { /* MSLegacy */ if(_bActivated) { HANDLE _hThread; DWORD _dwThreadId; _hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, _MS_Thread, 0, 0, &_dwThreadId); if (_hThread != NULL) { CloseHandle(_hThread); } _bActivated = FALSE; } if(_bActivatedLocal) { HANDLE _hThread; DWORD _dwThreadId; _hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, _LocalNet_Thread, 0, 0, &_dwThreadId); if (_hThread != NULL) { CloseHandle(_hThread); } _bActivatedLocal = FALSE; } } } /// Cancel the GameAgent serverlist enumeration. extern void GameAgent_EnumCancel(void) { if (_bInitialized) { CPrintF("...GameAgent_EnumCancel!\n"); ga_asrRequests.Clear(); _uninitWinsock(); } } DWORD WINAPI _MS_Thread(LPVOID lpParam) { SOCKET _sockudp = NULL; struct _sIPPort { UBYTE bFirst; UBYTE bSecond; UBYTE bThird; UBYTE bFourth; USHORT iPort; }; _setStatus(""); _sockudp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (_sockudp == INVALID_SOCKET){ WSACleanup(); return -1; } _sIPPort* pServerIP = (_sIPPort*)(_szIPPortBuffer); while(_iIPPortBufferLen >= 6) { if(!strncmp((char *)pServerIP, "\\final\\", 7)) { break; } _sIPPort ip = *pServerIP; CTString strIP; strIP.PrintF("%d.%d.%d.%d", ip.bFirst, ip.bSecond, ip.bThird, ip.bFourth); sockaddr_in sinServer; sinServer.sin_family = AF_INET; sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(strIP); sinServer.sin_port = ip.iPort; // insert server status request into container CServerRequest &sreq = ga_asrRequests.Push(); sreq.sr_ulAddress = sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr; sreq.sr_iPort = sinServer.sin_port; sreq.sr_tmRequestTime = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds(); // send packet to server sendto(_sockudp,"\\status\\",8,0, (sockaddr *) &sinServer, sizeof(sinServer)); sockaddr_in _sinClient; int _iClientLength = sizeof(_sinClient); fd_set readfds_udp; // declare a read set struct timeval timeout_udp; // declare a timeval for our timer int iRet = -1; FD_ZERO(&readfds_udp); // zero out the read set FD_SET(_sockudp, &readfds_udp); // add socket to the read set timeout_udp.tv_sec = 0; // timeout = 0 seconds timeout_udp.tv_usec = 50000; // timeout += 0.05 seconds int _iN = select(_sockudp + 1, &readfds_udp, NULL, NULL, &timeout_udp); if (_iN > 0) { /** do recvfrom stuff **/ iRet = recvfrom(_sockudp, _szBuffer, 2048, 0, (sockaddr*)&_sinClient, &_iClientLength); FD_CLR(_sockudp, &readfds_udp); if(iRet != -1 && iRet > 100 && iRet != SOCKET_ERROR) { // null terminate the buffer _szBuffer[iRet] = 0; char *sPch = NULL; sPch = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\gamename\\serioussamse\\"); if(!sPch) { CPrintF("Unknown query server response!\n"); return -1; } else { CTString strPlayers; CTString strMaxPlayers; CTString strLevel; CTString strGameType; CTString strVersion; CTString strGameName; CTString strSessionName; CTString strGamePort; CTString strServerLocation; CTString strGameMode; CTString strActiveMod; CHAR* pszPacket = _szBuffer + 1; // we do +1 because the first character is always '\', which we don't care about. BOOL bReadValue = FALSE; CTString strKey; CTString strValue; while(*pszPacket != 0) { switch(*pszPacket) { case '\\': if(strKey != "gamemode") { if(bReadValue) { // we're done reading the value, check which key it was if(strKey == "gamename") { strGameName = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gamever") { strVersion = strValue; } else if(strKey == "location") { strServerLocation = strValue; } else if(strKey == "hostname") { strSessionName = strValue; } else if(strKey == "hostport") { strGamePort = strValue; } else if(strKey == "mapname") { strLevel = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gametype") { strGameType = strValue; } else if(strKey == "activemod") { strActiveMod = strValue; } else if(strKey == "numplayers") { strPlayers = strValue; } else if(strKey == "maxplayers") { strMaxPlayers = strValue; } else { //CPrintF("Unknown GameAgent parameter key '%s'!", strKey); } // reset temporary holders strKey = ""; strValue = ""; } } bReadValue = !bReadValue; break; default: // read into the value or into the key, depending where we are if(bReadValue) { strValue.InsertChar(strlen(strValue), *pszPacket); } else { strKey.InsertChar(strlen(strKey), *pszPacket); } break; } // move to next character pszPacket++; } // check if we still have a maxplayers to back up if(strKey == "gamemode") { strGameMode = strValue; } if(strActiveMod != "") { strGameName = strActiveMod; } long long tmPing = -1; // find the request in the request array for(INDEX i=0; iGetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds() - req.sr_tmRequestTime; ga_asrRequests.Delete(&req); break; } } if(tmPing > 0 && tmPing < 2500000) { // insert the server into the serverlist CNetworkSession &ns = *new CNetworkSession; _pNetwork->ga_lhEnumeratedSessions.AddTail(ns.ns_lnNode); // add the server to the serverlist ns.ns_strSession = strSessionName; ns.ns_strAddress = inet_ntoa(_sinClient.sin_addr) + CTString(":") + CTString(0, "%d", htons(_sinClient.sin_port) - 1); ns.ns_tmPing = (tmPing / 1000.0f); ns.ns_strWorld = strLevel; ns.ns_ctPlayers = atoi(strPlayers); ns.ns_ctMaxPlayers = atoi(strMaxPlayers); ns.ns_strGameType = strGameType; ns.ns_strMod = strGameName; ns.ns_strVer = strVersion; } } } else { // find the request in the request array for(INDEX i=0; iga_bEnumerationChange = FALSE; WSACleanup(); return 0; } DWORD WINAPI _LocalNet_Thread(LPVOID lpParam) { SOCKET _sockudp = NULL; struct _sIPPort { UBYTE bFirst; UBYTE bSecond; UBYTE bThird; UBYTE bFourth; USHORT iPort; }; _sockudp = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (_sockudp == INVALID_SOCKET){ WSACleanup(); _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = ""; if(_szIPPortBufferLocal != NULL) { delete[] _szIPPortBufferLocal; } _szIPPortBufferLocal = NULL; return -1; } _sIPPort* pServerIP = (_sIPPort*)(_szIPPortBufferLocal); while(_iIPPortBufferLocalLen >= 6) { if(!strncmp((char *)pServerIP, "\\final\\", 7)) { break; } _sIPPort ip = *pServerIP; CTString strIP; strIP.PrintF("%d.%d.%d.%d", ip.bFourth, ip.bThird, ip.bSecond, ip.bFirst); sockaddr_in sinServer; sinServer.sin_family = AF_INET; sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(strIP); sinServer.sin_port = ip.iPort; // insert server status request into container CServerRequest &sreq = ga_asrRequests.Push(); sreq.sr_ulAddress = sinServer.sin_addr.s_addr; sreq.sr_iPort = sinServer.sin_port; sreq.sr_tmRequestTime = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds(); // send packet to server sendto(_sockudp,"\\status\\",8,0, (sockaddr *) &sinServer, sizeof(sinServer)); sockaddr_in _sinClient; int _iClientLength = sizeof(_sinClient); fd_set readfds_udp; // declare a read set struct timeval timeout_udp; // declare a timeval for our timer int iRet = -1; FD_ZERO(&readfds_udp); // zero out the read set FD_SET(_sockudp, &readfds_udp); // add socket to the read set timeout_udp.tv_sec = 0; // timeout = 0 seconds timeout_udp.tv_usec = 50000; // timeout += 0.05 seconds int _iN = select(_sockudp + 1, &readfds_udp, NULL, NULL, &timeout_udp); if (_iN > 0) { /** do recvfrom stuff **/ iRet = recvfrom(_sockudp, _szBuffer, 2048, 0, (sockaddr*)&_sinClient, &_iClientLength); FD_CLR(_sockudp, &readfds_udp); if(iRet != -1 && iRet > 100 && iRet != SOCKET_ERROR) { // null terminate the buffer _szBuffer[iRet] = 0; char *sPch = NULL; sPch = strstr(_szBuffer, "\\gamename\\serioussamse\\"); if(!sPch) { CPrintF("Unknown query server response!\n"); if(_szIPPortBufferLocal != NULL) { delete[] _szIPPortBufferLocal; } _szIPPortBufferLocal = NULL; WSACleanup(); return -1; } else { CTString strPlayers; CTString strMaxPlayers; CTString strLevel; CTString strGameType; CTString strVersion; CTString strGameName; CTString strSessionName; CTString strGamePort; CTString strServerLocation; CTString strGameMode; CTString strActiveMod; CHAR* pszPacket = _szBuffer + 1; // we do +1 because the first character is always '\', which we don't care about. BOOL bReadValue = FALSE; CTString strKey; CTString strValue; while(*pszPacket != 0) { switch(*pszPacket) { case '\\': if(strKey != "gamemode") { if(bReadValue) { // we're done reading the value, check which key it was if(strKey == "gamename") { strGameName = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gamever") { strVersion = strValue; } else if(strKey == "location") { strServerLocation = strValue; } else if(strKey == "hostname") { strSessionName = strValue; } else if(strKey == "hostport") { strGamePort = strValue; } else if(strKey == "mapname") { strLevel = strValue; } else if(strKey == "gametype") { strGameType = strValue; } else if(strKey == "activemod") { strActiveMod = strValue; } else if(strKey == "numplayers") { strPlayers = strValue; } else if(strKey == "maxplayers") { strMaxPlayers = strValue; } else { //CPrintF("Unknown GameAgent parameter key '%s'!", strKey); } // reset temporary holders strKey = ""; strValue = ""; } } bReadValue = !bReadValue; break; default: // read into the value or into the key, depending where we are if(bReadValue) { strValue.InsertChar(strlen(strValue), *pszPacket); } else { strKey.InsertChar(strlen(strKey), *pszPacket); } break; } // move to next character pszPacket++; } // check if we still have a maxplayers to back up if(strKey == "gamemode") { strGameMode = strValue; } if(strActiveMod != "") { strGameName = strActiveMod; } long long tmPing = -1; // find the request in the request array for(INDEX i=0; iGetHighPrecisionTimer().GetMilliseconds() - req.sr_tmRequestTime; ga_asrRequests.Delete(&req); break; } } if(tmPing > 0 && tmPing < 2500000) { // insert the server into the serverlist _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = ""; CNetworkSession &ns = *new CNetworkSession; _pNetwork->ga_lhEnumeratedSessions.AddTail(ns.ns_lnNode); // add the server to the serverlist ns.ns_strSession = strSessionName; ns.ns_strAddress = inet_ntoa(_sinClient.sin_addr) + CTString(":") + CTString(0, "%d", htons(_sinClient.sin_port) - 1); ns.ns_tmPing = (tmPing / 1000.0f); ns.ns_strWorld = strLevel; ns.ns_ctPlayers = atoi(strPlayers); ns.ns_ctMaxPlayers = atoi(strMaxPlayers); ns.ns_strGameType = strGameType; ns.ns_strMod = strGameName; ns.ns_strVer = strVersion; } } } else { // find the request in the request array for(INDEX i=0; iga_bEnumerationChange = FALSE; _pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus = ""; WSACleanup(); return 0; }