/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "Engine/StdH.h" #include <Engine/Base/Statistics.h> #include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h> #include <Engine/Templates/DynamicContainer.cpp> #include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp> template class CStaticArray<CStatCounter>; template class CStaticArray<CStatTimer>; template class CStaticArray<CStatLabel>; // one globaly used stats report CStatForm _sfStats; CStatForm::CStatForm() { sf_ascCounters.New(SCI_COUNT); sf_astTimers.New(STI_COUNT); sf_aslLabels.New(SLI_COUNT); InitCounter( SCI_SCENE_TRIANGLES, 101, "^c00DF00tris=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SCENE_TRIANGLEPASSES, 101, "\ntpas=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SECTORS, 101, "\nsecs=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_POLYGONS, 101, "\nplys=%.0f+", 1); InitCounter( SCI_DETAILPOLYGONS, 101, "%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_POLYGONEDGES, 101, "\npled=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_EDGETRANSITIONS, 101, "\nedtr=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SOUNDSMIXING, 101, "^cDFDFAF\nsnds=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SOUNDSACTIVE, 101, "/%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_CACHEDSHADOWS, 101, "^cDFDF00\n\ncsh=%3.0f+", 1); InitCounter( SCI_FLATSHADOWS, 101, "%2.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_CACHEDSHADOWBYTES, 101, "/%.0fK", 1/1024.0f); InitCounter( SCI_DYNAMICSHADOWS, 101, "\ndyn=%3.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_DYNAMICSHADOWBYTES, 101, "/%.0fK", 1/1024.0f); InitCounter( SCI_SHADOWBINDS, 101, "^cEFEF00\nshd=%3.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SHADOWBINDBYTES, 101, "/%.0fK", 1/1024.0f); InitCounter( SCI_TEXTUREBINDS, 101, "\ntex=%3.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_TEXTUREBINDBYTES, 101, "/%.0fK", 1/1024.0f); InitCounter( SCI_TEXTUREUPLOADS, 101, "\nupl=%3.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_TEXTUREUPLOADBYTES, 101, "/%.0fK", 1/1024.0f); InitCounter( SCI_PARTICLES, 101, "^c00EFEF\n\npart=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_MODELS, 101, "^c00DFDF\nmdls=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_MODELSHADOWS, 101, "\nshds=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_TRIANGLES_USEDMIP, 101, "\ntris=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_TRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, 101, "/%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_USEDMIP, 101, "\nstri=%.0f", 1); InitCounter( SCI_SHADOWTRIANGLES_FIRSTMIP, 101, "/%.0f", 1); InitTimer( STI_WORLDTRANSFORM, 101, "^C\n\nwldtra=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_WORLDVISIBILITY, 101, "\nwldvis=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_WORLDRENDERING, 101, "\nwldren=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_MODELSETUP, 101, "^c00FFFF\nmdlset=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_MODELRENDERING, 101, "\nmdlren=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_PARTICLERENDERING, 101, "\npartic=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_FLARESRENDERING, 101, "\nflares=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_SOUNDUPDATE, 101, "^cFFFFCF\nsndupd=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_SOUNDMIXING, 101, "\nsndmix=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_TIMER, 101, "\ntimer =%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_MAINLOOP, 101, "\nmainlp=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_RAYCAST, 101, "\nraycst=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_SHADOWUPDATE, 101, "^cFFFF00\nshdupd=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_EFFECTRENDER, 101, "\nefftex=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_BINDTEXTURE, 101, "\nbindtx=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_GFXAPI, 101, "^cFFFFFF\n\ngfxapi=%2.0f ms", 1000.0f); InitTimer( STI_SWAPBUFFERS, 101, "\nswpbuf=%2.0f ms^C", 1000.0f); } void CStatForm::Clear(void) { sf_ascCounters.Clear(); sf_astTimers.Clear(); sf_aslLabels.Clear(); } // make a new report void CStatForm::Report(CTString &strReport) { // clear the report initially strReport = ""; // add all entries to print to a container CDynamicContainer<CStatEntry> cse; for (INDEX iCounter = 0; iCounter<sf_ascCounters.Count(); iCounter++) { cse.Add(&sf_ascCounters[iCounter]); } for (INDEX iTimer = 0; iTimer<sf_astTimers.Count(); iTimer++) { cse.Add(&sf_astTimers[iTimer]); } for (INDEX iLabel = 0; iLabel<sf_aslLabels.Count(); iLabel++) { cse.Add(&sf_aslLabels[iLabel]); } // sort the container here !!!! // for each entry {FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(cse, CStatEntry, itse) { strReport += itse->Report(); }} } // initialize component void CStatForm::InitCounter(INDEX iCounter, INDEX iOrder, const char *strFormat, FLOAT fFactor) { CStatCounter &sc = sf_ascCounters[iCounter]; sc.se_iOrder = iOrder; sc.sc_fCount = 0; sc.sc_fFactor = fFactor; sc.sc_strFormat = strFormat; } void CStatForm::InitTimer(INDEX iTimer, INDEX iOrder, const char *strFormat, FLOAT fFactor) { CStatTimer &st = sf_astTimers[iTimer]; st.se_iOrder = iOrder; st.st_tvElapsed.Clear(); st.st_tvStarted.tv_llValue = -1; st.st_fFactor = fFactor; st.st_strFormat = strFormat; } void CStatForm::InitLabel(INDEX iLabel, INDEX iOrder, const char *strFormat) { CStatLabel &sl = sf_aslLabels[iLabel]; sl.se_iOrder = iOrder; sl.sl_strFormat = strFormat; } // Reset all profiling values void CStatForm::Reset(void) { // for each counter for (INDEX iCounter = 0; iCounter<sf_ascCounters.Count(); iCounter++) { // reset it sf_ascCounters[iCounter].sc_fCount = 0; } // for each timer for (INDEX iTimer = 0; iTimer<sf_astTimers.Count(); iTimer++) { // double-check that timer has been stopped (only for timers in main thread!) if( iTimer!=STI_TIMER && iTimer!=STI_SOUNDMIXING) { ASSERT( sf_astTimers[iTimer].st_tvStarted.tv_llValue == -1); } // reset it sf_astTimers[iTimer].st_tvElapsed.Clear(); } } CTString CStatCounter::Report(void) { CTString str( 0, sc_strFormat, sc_fCount*sc_fFactor); return str; } CTString CStatTimer::Report(void) { CTString str( 0, st_strFormat, st_tvElapsed.GetSeconds()*st_fFactor); return str; } CTString CStatLabel::Report(void) { return sl_strFormat; } // reset all values void STAT_Reset(void) { _sfStats.Reset(); } // make a new report void STAT_Report(CTString &strReport) { _sfStats.Report(strReport); } void STAT_Enable(BOOL enable) { _sfStats.sf_enabled = enable; }