/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef SE_INCL_TEXTURE_H #define SE_INCL_TEXTURE_H #ifdef PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #include #include #include #define BYTES_PER_TEXEL 4 // all textures in engine are 4 bytes per pixel // td_ulFlags bits // (on disk and in memory) #define TEX_ALPHACHANNEL (1UL<<0) // texture has alpha channel (for old version support) #define TEX_32BIT (1UL<<1) // texture needs to be in 32-bit quality uploaded if can // (only in memory) #define TEX_STATIC (1UL<<5) // remain loaded after being bound (i.e. uploaded - for base textures) #define TEX_CONSTANT (1UL<<6) // cannot be changed (no mip-map disposing, no LOD biasing, no colorizing, nothing!) #define TEX_TRANSPARENT (1UL<<7) // only one bit of alpha channel is enough (internal format GL_RGB5_A1) #define TEX_EQUALIZED (1UL<<8) // texture has 128-gray last mipmap (i.e. can be discarded in shade mode) #define TEX_GRAY (1UL<<9) // grayscale texture #define TEX_WHITE (1UL<<10) // completely white texture (believe me, there are some cases) #define TEX_KEEPCOLOR (1UL<<11) // don't (de)saturate (for heightmaps and such!) #define TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP (1UL<<18) // set if last uploading was in single-mipmap #define TEX_PROBED (1UL<<19) // set if last binding was as probe-texture // (flags that shows if texture mipmaps has been changed) #define TEX_DISPOSED (1UL<<20) // largest mip-map(s) has been left-out #define TEX_DITHERED (1UL<<21) // dithering has been applied on this texture #define TEX_FILTERED (1UL<<22) // flitering has been applied on this texture #define TEX_SATURATED (1UL<<23) // saturation has been adjusted on this texture #define TEX_COLORIZED (1UL<<24) // mipmaps has been colorized on this texture #define TEX_WASOLD (1UL<<30) // loaded from old format (version 3) /* * Bitmap data for a class of texture objects */ class ENGINE_API CTextureData : public CAnimData { public: // implementation: ULONG td_ulFlags; // see defines MEX td_mexWidth, td_mexHeight; // texture dimensions INDEX td_iFirstMipLevel; // the highest quality mip level INDEX td_ctFineMipLevels; // number of bilineary created mip levels SLONG td_slFrameSize; // sum of sizes of all mip-maps for one frame INDEX td_ctFrames; // number of different frames class CTexParams td_tpLocal; // local texture parameters ULONG td_ulInternalFormat; // format in which texture will be uploaded CTimerValue td_tvLastDrawn; // timer for probing ULONG td_ulProbeObject; union { ULONG td_ulObject; ULONG *td_pulObjects; }; ULONG *td_pulFrames; // all frames with their mip-maps and private palettes UBYTE *td_pubBuffer1, *td_pubBuffer2; // buffers for effect textures PIX td_pixBufferWidth, td_pixBufferHeight; // effect buffer dimensions class CTextureData *td_ptdBaseTexture; // base texure for effects (if any) class CTextureEffectGlobal *td_ptegEffect; // all data for effect textures INDEX td_iRenderFrame; // frame number currently rendering (for profiling) // constructor and destructor CTextureData(); ~CTextureData(); // reference counting (override from CAnimData) void RemReference_internal(void); // converts global mip level to the corresponding one of texture INDEX ClampMipLevel( FLOAT fMipFactor) const; // gets values from some of texture data members inline MEX GetWidth(void) const { return td_mexWidth; }; inline MEX GetHeight(void) const { return td_mexHeight; }; inline PIX GetPixWidth(void) const { return td_mexWidth >>td_iFirstMipLevel; }; inline PIX GetPixHeight(void) const { return td_mexHeight>>td_iFirstMipLevel; }; inline ULONG GetFlags(void) const { return td_ulFlags; }; inline ULONG GetNoOfMips(void) const { return GetNoOfMipmaps( GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight()); }; inline ULONG GetNoOfFineMips(void) const { return td_ctFineMipLevels; }; // mark that texture has been used inline void MarkDrawn(void) { td_tvLastDrawn = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); }; // get string description of texture size, mips and parameters CTString GetDescription(void); // sets new texture mex width and changes height remaining texture's aspect ratio inline void ChangeSize( MEX mexNewWidth) { td_mexHeight = MEX( ((FLOAT)mexNewWidth)/td_mexWidth * td_mexHeight); td_mexWidth = mexNewWidth; }; // check if texture frame(s) has been somehow altered (dithering, filtering, saturation, colorizing...) inline BOOL IsModified(void) { return td_ulFlags & (TEX_DISPOSED|TEX_DITHERED|TEX_FILTERED|TEX_SATURATED|TEX_COLORIZED); }; // export finest mipmap of one texture's frame to imageinfo void Export_t( class CImageInfo &iiExportedImage, INDEX iFrame); // set texture frame as current for accelerator (this will upload texture that needs or wants uploading) void SetAsCurrent( INDEX iFrameNo=0, BOOL bForceUpload=FALSE); // creates new effect texture with one frame void CreateEffectTexture( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, MEX mexWidth, CTextureData *ptdBaseTexture, ULONG ulGlobalEffect); // creates new texture with one frame void Create_t( const CImageInfo *pII, MEX mexWanted, INDEX ctFineMips, BOOL bForce32bit); // adds one frame to created texture void AddFrame_t( const CImageInfo *pII); // remove texture from gfx API (driver) void Unbind(void); // free memory allocated for texture void Clear(void); // read texture from file void Read_t( CTStream *inFile); // write texture to file void Write_t( CTStream *outFile); // force texture to be re-loaded (if needed) in corresponding manner void Force( ULONG ulTexFlags); // get texel from texture's largest mip-map COLOR GetTexel( MEX mexU, MEX mexV); // copy (and eventually convert to floats) one row from texture to an array (iChannel is 1=R,2=G,3=B,4=A) void FetchRow( PIX pixRow, void *pfDst, INDEX iChannel=4, BOOL bConvertToFloat=TRUE); // get pointer to one row of texture ULONG *GetRowPointer( PIX pixRow); // overridden from CSerial: // check if this kind of objects is auto-freed virtual BOOL IsAutoFreed(void); // get amount of memory used by this object virtual SLONG GetUsedMemory(void); }; /* * An instance of a texture object */ class ENGINE_API CTextureObject : public CAnimObject { // implementation: public: // interface: public: CTextureObject(void); // copy from another object of same class void Copy(CTextureObject &toOther); MEX GetWidth(void) const; MEX GetHeight(void) const; ULONG GetFlags(void) const; void Read_t( CTStream *istrFile); // throw char * // read and void Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile); // throw char * // write functions // obtain texture and set it for this object void SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmTexture); // throw char * // get filename of texture or empty string if no texture const CTFileName &GetName(void); }; ENGINE_API extern void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName, MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit); ENGINE_API extern void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName, const CTFileName &outFileName, MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit); ENGINE_API extern void ProcessScript_t( const CTFileName &inFileName); /* * Render-to-texture class */ /* class ENGINE_API CRenderTexture { // implementation: public: CListNode rt_lnInGfx // for linking in list of all renderable textures ULONG rt_ulFlags; // see defines (only alpha and 32bit, for now) PIX tt_pixWidth, rt_pixHeight; // texture dimensions ULONG td_ulInternalFormat; // format in which texture will be uploaded ULONG *rt_pulImage; // image in memory (no mipmaps for now!) class CTexParams td_tpLocal; // local texture parameters // interface: public: CRenderTexture(void); ~CRenderTexture(void); // prepare BOOL Init( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, BOOL b32bit, BOOL bAlpha=FALSE); // reset (i.e. prepare again - after display mode switch and stuff like that) void Reset(void); // set texture as current for accelerator void SetAsCurrent(void); // set texture as target for rendering void SetAsTarget(void); }; */ #endif /* include-once check. */