/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. 
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by SeriousSkaStudio.rc
#define IDC_TB_COLHEIGHT                2
#define IDD_ABOUTBOX                    100
#define IDW_TOOLBAR_MAINFRAME           101
#define IDW_TOOLBAR_NAVIGATION          102
#define IDW_TOOLBAR_MANAGE              103
#define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
#define IDR_SERIOUTYPE                  129
#define IDR_NAVIGATION                  130
#define IDD_TREEBAR                     137
#define IDB_BITMAP1                     138
#define IDR_MANAGE                      139
#define IDD_PARENT                      141
#define IDD_COLISION                    142
#define IDD_ANIMSET                     143
#define IDD_LOD                         144
#define IDD_SHADER                      145
#define IDD_TEXTURE                     146
#define IDD_LIST_OPTIONS                147
#define IDD_ERROR_LIST                  148
#define IDD_ALL_FRAMES_BBOX             149
#define IDR_POPUP_MENU                  151
#define IDD_BONE                        152
#define IDC_TREE1                       1000
#define IDC_SELECTEDMI                  1003
#define IDC_CB_PARENTBONE               1004
#define IDC_CB_PARENTMODEL              1005
#define IDC_PBONE_LAB                   1006
#define IDC_PMODEL_LAB                  1007
#define IDC_OFF_POSX                    1008
#define IDC_OFF_POSY                    1009
#define IDC_OFF_POSZ                    1010
#define IDC_OFF_ROTH                    1011
#define IDC_OFF_ROTP                    1012
#define IDC_OFF_ROTB                    1013
#define IDC_OFF_POSLABEL                1014
#define IDC_OFF_ROTLABEL                1015
#define IDC_CB_TEXNAME                  1016
#define IDC_LB_TEX_NAME                 1017
#define IDC_MODE_SELECT_TAB             1018
#define IDC_EB_DISTANCE                 1019
#define IDC_LB_DISTANCE_FAC             1020
#define IDC_EB_TRESHOLD                 1021
#define IDC_LB_TRESHOLD                 1022
#define IDC_CB_COMPRESION               1023
#define IDC_TB_COLWIDTH                 1024
#define IDC_TB_COLPOSX                  1025
#define IDC_TB_COLLENGTH                1026
#define IDC_LB_COLNAME                  1027
#define IDC_TB_COLPOSY                  1028
#define IDC_LB_BONE_NAME                1028
#define IDC_TB_COLPOSZ                  1029
#define IDC_LB_WHL                      1030
#define IDC_LB_XYZ                      1031
#define IDC_EB_SECPERFRAME              1032
#define IDC_LB_POSX                     1032
#define IDC_LB_SECPERFRAME              1033
#define IDC_CB_SHADER                   1033
#define IDC_LB_POSY                     1033
#define IDC_TB_COLNAME                  1034
#define IDC_LB_POSZ                     1034
#define IDC_TB_WALKSPEED                1035
#define IDC_TB_ZTRANSSPEED              1035
#define IDC_LB_HEADING                  1035
#define IDC_TB_WALKLOOP                 1036
#define IDC_TB_ZTRANSLOOP               1036
#define IDC_LB_PITCH                    1036
#define IDC_LB_ZTRANSLOOP               1037
#define IDC_LB_BANKING                  1037
#define IDC_LB_ZTRANSSPEED              1038
#define IDC_CB_SECPERFRAME              1039
#define IDC_SPLITER_FRAME2              1041
#define IDC_LB_PARENTBONE               1046
#define IDC_LB_PARENT_MODEL             1047
#define IDC_LB_OFFSET_POS               1048
#define IDC_LB_OFFSET_ROT               1049
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSX              1050
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSY              1051
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_POSZ              1052
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTH              1053
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTP              1054
#define IDC_TB_OFFSET_ROTB              1055
#define IDC_LB_PARENT_MODEL2            1056
#define IDC_LB_SHADER_NAME              1061
#define IDC_LB_TEXTURE_NAME             1062
#define IDC_EB_TEXTURENAME              1063
#define IDC_TEXTURE_VIEW                1064
#define IDC_BT_DUMMYCOLOR               1065
#define IDC_BT_CONVERT                  1066
#define IDC_BT_RELOAD_TEXTURE           1067
#define IDC_BT_RECREATE_TEXTURE         1068
#define IDC_BT_CLOSE                    1068
#define IDC_BT_CLEAR                    1069
#define IDC_BT_BROWSE_TEXTURE           1069
#define IDC_LC_ERROR_LIST               1070
#define IDC_SPLITER_LOG_FRAME           1071
#define IDC_SPLITER_FRAME               1072
#define IDC_SPLITTER_TREE               1078
#define IDC_BT_RESET_COLISION           1080
#define IDC_BT_RESET_OFFSET             1081
#define IDC_TB_MI_NAME                  1082
#define IDC_BT_CALC_ALLFRAMES_BBOX      1083
#define IDC_LB_BONENAME_LABEL           1084
#define IDC_LB_HPB                      1086
#define ID_TEXTURE_OPEN                 32771
#define ID_RESET_VIEW                   32772
#define ID_IMPORT_ASCIIFILE             32774
#define ID_IMPORT_SKELETON              32775
#define ID_IMPORT_ANIMSET               32776
#define ID_SHOW_WIREFRAME               32777
#define ID_SHOW_SKELETON                32778
#define ID_SHOW_TEXTURE                 32779
#define ID_IMPORT_SMCSCRIPT             32780
#define ID_IMPORT_CONVERT               32784
#define ID_VIEW_TREEVIEW                32787
#define ID_ADD_MODEL_INSTANCE           32790
#define ID_ADD_MESHLOD                  32791
#define ID_ADD_SKELETONLOD              32792
#define ID_ADD_ANIMATION                32793
#define ID_DELETESELECTED               32794
#define ID_ADD_MESHLIST                 32795
#define ID_ADD_SKELETONLIST             32797
#define ID_ADD_ANIMSET                  32798
#define ID_ADD_TEXTURE                  32799
#define ID_SHOW_WEIGHTS                 32801
#define ID_ADD_COLISIONBOX              32802
#define ID_ANIM_STOP                    32803
#define ID_ANIM_SYNC                    32804
#define ID_AUTO_MIPING                  32806
#define ID_SHOW_GROUND                  32807
#define ID_SHOW_ANIM_QUEUE              32809
#define ID_FILE_SAVEMI                  32812
#define ID_SHOW_NORMALS                 32813
#define ID_SHOW_LIGHTS                  32814
#define ID_CHANGE_AMBIENT               32815
#define ID_CHANGE_LIGHTCOLOR            32816
#define ID_CHANGE_AMBIENTCOLOR          32817
#define ID_ANIM_LOOP                    32818
#define ID_ANIM_PAUSE                   32819
#define ID_SHOW_COLISION                32820
#define ID_FILE_CREATETEXTURE           32821
#define ID_FILE_CREATE_TEXTURE          32822
#define ID_FILE_X                       32823
#define ID_FILE_SAVEMI_AS               32824
#define ID_FILE_RECREATETEXTURE         32825
#define ID_VK_UP                        32826
#define ID_VK_DOWN                      32827
#define ID_VIEW_ERRORLIST               32828
#define ID_VK_ESCAPE                    32829
#define ID_CREATE_ADD_TEXTURE           32830
#define ID_ADD_ALLFRAMES_BBOX           32831
#define ID_ADD_TEXTURE_SPECULAR         32832
#define ID_ADD_TEXTURE_BUMP             32833
#define ID_ADD_TEXTURE_REFLECTION       32834
#define ID_SHOW_ACTIVE_SKELETON         32835
#define ID_SHOW_ALL_FRAMES_BBOX         32836
#define ID_CONVERT_SELECTED             32839
#define ID_ALL_FRAMES_RECALC            32840
#define ID_ANIMATION_PLAY               32841
#define ID_VK_LEFT                      32843
#define ID_VK_RIGHT                     32844
#define ID_VK_LEFT_WITH_CTRL            32845
#define ID_VK_RIGHT_WITH_CTRL           32846
#define ID_BBOX_RESET                   32847
#define ID_RESET_COLISIONBOX            32848
#define ID_RELOAD_TEXTURE               32849
#define ID_RECREATE_TEXTURE             32850
#define ID_BROWSE_TEXTURE               32851
#define ID_MI_STRETCH                   32853
#define ID_STATUS_BAR_TEXT              61216
#define ID_VIEW_DLG_PREFS               61217

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        153
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32854
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1087
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           104