101 %{ #include "Entities/StdH/StdH.h" %} uses "Entities/MovingBrushMarker"; uses "Entities/SoundHolder"; uses "Entities/MirrorMarker"; uses "Entities/Debris"; event EHit { }; event EBrushDestroyed { // sent to all children of a moving brush when it is destroyed }; enum BlockAction { 0 BA_NONE "None", // continue moving 1 BA_BOUNCE "Bounce", // bounce when obstructed 2 BA_SKIPMARKER "Skip marker", // skip moving to next marker }; enum TouchOrDamageEvent { 0 TDE_TOUCHONLY "Touch Only", 1 TDE_DAMAGEONLY "Damage Only", 2 TDE_BOTH "Both", }; %{ static const float TRANSLATION_EPSILON=0.05f; static const float ROTATION_EPSILON=0.05f; extern void GetDefaultForce(INDEX iForce, const FLOAT3D &vPoint, CForceStrength &fsGravity, CForceStrength &fsField); %} class CMovingBrush : CMovableBrushEntity { name "Moving Brush"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\MovingBrush.tbn"; features "HasName", "IsTargetable"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Moving Brush", 2 CTString m_strDescription = "", 3 CEntityPointer m_penTarget "Target" 'T' COLOR(C_BLUE|0xFF), 4 BOOL m_bAutoStart "Auto start" 'A' = FALSE, 5 FLOAT m_fSpeed "Speed" 'S' = 1.0f, 6 FLOAT m_fWaitTime "Wait time" 'W' = 0.0f, 7 BOOL m_bMoveOnTouch "Move on touch" 'M' = FALSE, 8 enum BlockAction m_ebaAction "Block action" 'B' = BA_NONE, 9 FLOAT m_fBlockDamage "Block damage" 'D' = 10.0f, 10 BOOL m_bPlayersOnly "Players Only" 'P' = TRUE, 11 BOOL m_bDynamicShadows "Dynamic shadows" = FALSE, 12 BOOL m_bVeryBigBrush "Very Big Brush" = FALSE, // send event on touch 13 enum EventEType m_eetTouchEvent "Touch Event - Type" 'U' = EET_IGNORE, // type of event to send 14 CEntityPointer m_penTouchEvent "Touch Event - Target" 'I' COLOR(C_dCYAN|0xFF), // target to send event to 19 enum TouchOrDamageEvent m_tdeSendEventOnDamage "Send touch event on damage" = TDE_TOUCHONLY, 15 CEntityPointer m_penSwitch "Switch", // for switch relaying // send event on marker 16 enum EventEType m_eetMarkerEvent = EET_IGNORE, 17 CEntityPointer m_penMarkerEvent, // rotation 18 FLOAT m_tmBankingRotation "Banking rotation speed" = 0.0f, // set if only banking rotation // class properties 20 BOOL m_bMoving = FALSE, // the brush is moving 21 FLOAT3D m_vDesiredTranslation = FLOAT3D(0,0,0), // desired translation 22 ANGLE3D m_aDesiredRotation = FLOAT3D(0,0,0), // desired rotation 23 BOOL m_bInverseRotate = FALSE, // use inverse rotation to target 24 BOOL m_bStopMoving = FALSE, // stop moving brush on next target 25 BOOL m_bMoveToMarker = FALSE, // PerMoving acknowledge od brush moving 26 BOOL m_bSkipMarker = FALSE, // when obstructed skip next marker (actually stop moving) 27 BOOL m_bValidMarker = FALSE, // internal for moving through valid markers // moving limits 30 FLOAT m_fXLimitSign = 0.0f, 31 FLOAT m_fYLimitSign = 0.0f, 32 FLOAT m_fZLimitSign = 0.0f, 33 ANGLE m_aHLimitSign = 0.0f, 34 ANGLE m_aPLimitSign = 0.0f, 35 ANGLE m_aBLimitSign = 0.0f, // continuous speed change 40 FLOAT3D m_vStartTranslation = FLOAT3D(0,0,0), // start translation 41 ANGLE3D m_aStartRotation = ANGLE3D(0,0,0), // start rotation 42 FLOAT m_fCourseLength = 0.0f, // course length 43 ANGLE m_aHeadLenght = 0.0f, // head lenght 44 ANGLE m_aPitchLenght = 0.0f, // pitch lenght 45 ANGLE m_aBankLenght = 0.0f, // bank lenght // sound target 50 CEntityPointer m_penSoundStart "Sound start entity" 'Q', // sound start entity 51 CEntityPointer m_penSoundStop "Sound stop entity" 'Z', // sound stop entity 52 CEntityPointer m_penSoundFollow "Sound follow entity" 'F', // sound follow entity 53 CSoundObject m_soStart, 54 CSoundObject m_soStop, 55 CSoundObject m_soFollow, 60 CEntityPointer m_penMirror0 "Mirror 0" 'M', 61 CEntityPointer m_penMirror1 "Mirror 1", 62 CEntityPointer m_penMirror2 "Mirror 2", 63 CEntityPointer m_penMirror3 "Mirror 3", 64 CEntityPointer m_penMirror4 "Mirror 4", 65 FLOAT m_fHealth "Health" 'H' = -1.0f, 66 BOOL m_bBlowupByBull "Blowup by Bull" = FALSE, // special feature for bull crushing doors // send event on touch 67 enum EventEType m_eetBlowupEvent "Blowup Event - Type" = EET_IGNORE, // type of event to send 68 CEntityPointer m_penBlowupEvent "Blowup Event - Target" COLOR(C_BLACK|0xFF), // target to send event to 69 BOOL m_bZoning "Zoning" 'Z' =FALSE, 70 BOOL m_bMoveOnDamage "Move on damage" = FALSE, // move when recive damage 71 FLOAT m_fTouchDamage "Touch damage" = 0.0f, 72 COLOR m_colDebrises "Color of debrises" = C_WHITE, 74 INDEX m_ctDebrises "Debris count" = 12, 75 FLOAT m_fCandyEffect "Debris blow power" = 0.0f, 76 FLOAT m_fCubeFactor "Cube factor" = 1.0f, 77 BOOL m_bBlowupByDamager "Blowup by Damager" = FALSE, // if only damager can destroy brush components: // ************** STONE PARTS ************** 14 model MODEL_STONE "Models\\Effects\\Debris\\Stone\\Stone.mdl", 15 texture TEXTURE_STONE "Models\\Effects\\Debris\\Stone\\Stone.tex", 16 class CLASS_DEBRIS "Classes\\Debris.ecl", 4 class CLASS_BASIC_EFFECT "Classes\\BasicEffect.ecl", functions: void Precache(void) { PrecacheClass(CLASS_DEBRIS); PrecacheModel(MODEL_STONE); PrecacheTexture(TEXTURE_STONE); } /* Get force in given point. */ void GetForce(INDEX iForce, const FLOAT3D &vPoint, CForceStrength &fsGravity, CForceStrength &fsField) { GetDefaultForce(iForce, vPoint, fsGravity, fsField); } /* Receive damage */ void ReceiveDamage(CEntity *penInflictor, enum DamageType dmtType, FLOAT fDamageAmmount, const FLOAT3D &vHitPoint, const FLOAT3D &vDirection) { if( m_bMoveOnDamage) { EHit eHit; SendEvent( eHit); return; } // send event on damage if(m_tdeSendEventOnDamage!=TDE_TOUCHONLY && CanReactOnEntity(penInflictor)) { SendToTarget(m_penTouchEvent, m_eetTouchEvent, penInflictor); } // if not destroyable if(m_fHealth<0) { // ignore damages return; } // if special feature for bull crushing doors if (m_bBlowupByBull) { // if impact by bull if( dmtType == DMT_IMPACT && IsOfClass(penInflictor, "Werebull")) { // recieve the damage so large to blowup CMovableBrushEntity::ReceiveDamage(penInflictor, dmtType, m_fHealth*2, vHitPoint, vDirection); // kill the bull in place, but make sure it doesn't blow up ((CLiveEntity*)penInflictor)->SetHealth(0.0f); InflictDirectDamage(penInflictor, this, DMT_IMPACT, 1.0f, GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector, FLOAT3D(0,1,0)); } } else if(m_bBlowupByDamager) { if( dmtType == DMT_DAMAGER) { CMovableBrushEntity::ReceiveDamage(penInflictor, dmtType, fDamageAmmount, vHitPoint, vDirection); } } else { // react only on explosions if( (dmtType == DMT_EXPLOSION) || (dmtType == DMT_PROJECTILE) || (dmtType == DMT_CANNONBALL) ) { CMovableBrushEntity::ReceiveDamage(penInflictor, dmtType, fDamageAmmount, vHitPoint, vDirection); } } }; // adjust angle void AdjustAngle(ANGLE &a) { if (m_bInverseRotate) { if (a>0) { a = a - 360; } else if (a<0) { a = 360 + a; } } }; /* Check if entity is moved on a route set up by its targets. */ BOOL MovesByTargetedRoute(CTString &strTargetProperty) const { strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; }; /* Check if entity can drop marker for making linked route. */ BOOL DropsMarker(CTFileName &fnmMarkerClass, CTString &strTargetProperty) const { fnmMarkerClass = CTFILENAME("Classes\\MovingBrushMarker.ecl"); strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; } const CTString &GetDescription(void) const { ((CTString&)m_strDescription).PrintF("->"); if (m_penTarget!=NULL) { ((CTString&)m_strDescription).PrintF("->%s", (const char*)m_penTarget->GetName()); } return m_strDescription; } /* Get mirror type name, return empty string if not used. */ const CTString &GetMirrorName(INDEX iMirror) { static const CTString strDummyName(""); static const CTString strMarkerUnused("Marker not set"); if (iMirror==0) { return strDummyName; } switch (iMirror) { case 1: { static const CTString str("std mirror 1"); return str; }; break; case 2: { static const CTString str("std mirror 2"); return str; }; break; case 3: { static const CTString str("std mirror 3"); return str; }; break; case 4: { static const CTString str("std mirror 4"); return str; }; break; case 5: { static const CTString str("std mirror 5"); return str; }; break; case 6: { static const CTString str("std mirror 6"); return str; }; break; case 7: { static const CTString str("std mirror 7"); return str; }; break; case 8: { static const CTString str("std mirror 8"); return str; }; break; default: { iMirror-=9; INDEX ctMirrorMarkers = &m_penMirror4-&m_penMirror0; if (iMirrorGetMirrorName(); } else { return strMarkerUnused; } } } } return strDummyName; } /* Get mirror, return FALSE for none. */ BOOL GetMirror(INDEX iMirror, class CMirrorParameters &mpMirror) { if (iMirror==0) { return FALSE; } if (iMirror>=1 && iMirror<=8) { mpMirror.mp_ulFlags = 0; return TRUE; } iMirror-=9; INDEX ctMirrorMarkers = &m_penMirror4-&m_penMirror0; if (iMirrorGetMirror(mpMirror); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // pre moving void PreMoving() { if (m_bMoveToMarker) { const FLOAT3D &vTarget = m_penTarget->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; const ANGLE3D &aTarget = m_penTarget->GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle; const FLOAT3D &vSource = GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; const ANGLE3D &aSource = GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle; // translation FLOAT3D vSpeed = (vTarget-vSource)/_pTimer->TickQuantum; // X axis if (Abs(vSpeed(1))0) { vSpeed(1) = m_vDesiredTranslation(1); } // Y axis if (Abs(vSpeed(2))0) { vSpeed(2) = m_vDesiredTranslation(2); } // Z axis if (Abs(vSpeed(3))0) { vSpeed(3) = m_vDesiredTranslation(3); } // rotation ANGLE3D aSpeed; aSpeed(1) = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(1)-aSource(1)); // normalize angle AdjustAngle(aSpeed(1)); // adjust angle (inverse rotation) aSpeed(1) = Abs(aSpeed(1)) * m_aHLimitSign; // set sign (direction) aSpeed(1) /= _pTimer->TickQuantum; // transform to tick speed aSpeed(2) = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(2)-aSource(2)); AdjustAngle(aSpeed(2)); aSpeed(2) = Abs(aSpeed(2)) * m_aPLimitSign; aSpeed(2) /= _pTimer->TickQuantum; aSpeed(3) = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(3)-aSource(3)); AdjustAngle(aSpeed(3)); aSpeed(3) = Abs(aSpeed(3)) * m_aBLimitSign; aSpeed(3) /= _pTimer->TickQuantum; // Heading if (Abs(aSpeed(1))0) { aSpeed(1) = m_aDesiredRotation(1); } // Pitch if (Abs(aSpeed(2))0) { aSpeed(2) = m_aDesiredRotation(2); } // Banking if (Abs(aSpeed(3))0) { aSpeed(3) = m_aDesiredRotation(3); } // stop moving ? if (vSpeed(1)==0.0f && vSpeed(2)==0.0f && vSpeed(3)==0.0f && aSpeed(1)==0.0f && aSpeed(2)==0.0f && aSpeed(3)==0.0f) { // stop brush ForceFullStop(); // stop PreMoving check m_bMoveToMarker = FALSE; // this EEnd event will end MoveToMarker autowait() and return to MoveBrush SendEvent(EEnd()); // move brush } else { SetDesiredTranslation(vSpeed); SetDesiredRotation(aSpeed); } } CMovableBrushEntity::PreMoving(); }; // load marker parameters BOOL LoadMarkerParameters() { if (m_penTarget==NULL) { return FALSE; } if (!IsOfClass(m_penTarget, "Moving Brush Marker")) { WarningMessage("Entity '%s' is not of Moving Brush Marker class!", (const char*)m_penTarget->GetName()); return FALSE; } CMovingBrushMarker &mbm = (CMovingBrushMarker&) *m_penTarget; if (mbm.m_penTarget==NULL) { return FALSE; } // speed if (mbm.m_fSpeed > 0.0f) { m_fSpeed = mbm.m_fSpeed; } // wait time if (mbm.m_fWaitTime >= 0.0f) { m_fWaitTime = mbm.m_fWaitTime; } // inverse rotate m_bInverseRotate = mbm.m_bInverseRotate; // move on touch SetBoolFromBoolEType(m_bMoveOnTouch, mbm.m_betMoveOnTouch); // stop moving m_bStopMoving = mbm.m_bStopMoving; // block damage if (mbm.m_fBlockDamage >= 0.0f) { m_fBlockDamage = mbm.m_fBlockDamage; } // touch event if (mbm.m_penTouchEvent != NULL) { m_penTouchEvent = mbm.m_penTouchEvent; m_eetTouchEvent = mbm.m_eetTouchEvent; } // marker event -> SEND ALWAYS (if target is valid) !!! SendToTarget(mbm.m_penMarkerEvent, mbm.m_eetMarkerEvent); // sound entity if (mbm.m_penSoundStart!=NULL) { m_penSoundStart = mbm.m_penSoundStart; } if (mbm.m_penSoundStop!=NULL) { m_penSoundStop = mbm.m_penSoundStop; } if (mbm.m_penSoundFollow!=NULL) { m_penSoundFollow = mbm.m_penSoundFollow; } return TRUE; }; // test if this door reacts on this entity BOOL CanReactOnEntity(CEntity *pen) { if (pen==NULL) { return FALSE; } // never react on non-live or dead entities if (!(pen->GetFlags()&ENF_ALIVE)) { return FALSE; } if (m_bPlayersOnly && !IsDerivedFromClass(pen, "Player")) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // play start sound void PlayStartSound(void) { // if sound entity exists if (m_penSoundStart!=NULL) { CSoundHolder &sh = (CSoundHolder&)*m_penSoundStart; m_soStart.Set3DParameters(FLOAT(sh.m_rFallOffRange), FLOAT(sh.m_rHotSpotRange), sh.m_fVolume, 1.0f); PlaySound(m_soStart, sh.m_fnSound, sh.m_iPlayType); } }; // play stop sound void PlayStopSound(void) { // if sound entity exists if (m_penSoundStop!=NULL) { CSoundHolder &sh = (CSoundHolder&)*m_penSoundStop; m_soStop.Set3DParameters(FLOAT(sh.m_rFallOffRange), FLOAT(sh.m_rHotSpotRange), sh.m_fVolume, 1.0f); PlaySound(m_soStop, sh.m_fnSound, sh.m_iPlayType); } }; // play follow sound void PlayFollowSound(void) { // if sound entity exists if (m_penSoundFollow!=NULL) { CSoundHolder &sh = (CSoundHolder&)*m_penSoundFollow; m_soFollow.Set3DParameters(FLOAT(sh.m_rFallOffRange), FLOAT(sh.m_rHotSpotRange), sh.m_fVolume, 1.0f); PlaySound(m_soFollow, sh.m_fnSound, sh.m_iPlayType); } }; // stop follow sound void StopFollowSound(void) { m_soFollow.Stop(); }; void MovingOn(void) { if (m_bMoving) { return; } if (m_bVeryBigBrush) { SetCollisionFlags(ECF_BRUSH|ECF_IGNOREMODELS); } m_bMoving = TRUE; } void MovingOff(void) { if (!m_bMoving) { return; } if (m_bVeryBigBrush) { SetCollisionFlags(ECF_BRUSH); } m_bMoving = FALSE; } procedures: MoveToMarker() { // move to target const FLOAT3D &vTarget = m_penTarget->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; const ANGLE3D &aTarget = m_penTarget->GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle; const FLOAT3D &vSource = GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; const ANGLE3D &aSource = GetPlacement().pl_OrientationAngle; // set new translation m_vDesiredTranslation = (vTarget-vSource)/m_fSpeed; m_fXLimitSign = Sgn(vTarget(1)-vSource(1)); m_fYLimitSign = Sgn(vTarget(2)-vSource(2)); m_fZLimitSign = Sgn(vTarget(3)-vSource(3)); // set new rotation // heading ANGLE aDelta = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(1)-aSource(1)); AdjustAngle(aDelta); m_aDesiredRotation(1) = aDelta/m_fSpeed; m_aHLimitSign = Sgn(aDelta); // pitch aDelta = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(2)-aSource(2)); AdjustAngle(aDelta); m_aDesiredRotation(2) = aDelta/m_fSpeed; m_aPLimitSign = Sgn(aDelta); // banking aDelta = NormalizeAngle(aTarget(3)-aSource(3)); AdjustAngle(aDelta); m_aDesiredRotation(3) = aDelta/m_fSpeed; m_aBLimitSign = Sgn(aDelta); // start moving m_bMoveToMarker = TRUE; SetDesiredTranslation(m_vDesiredTranslation); SetDesiredRotation(m_aDesiredRotation); // DoMoving will send EEnd event to end wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (EStop) : { SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); resume; } // move is obstructed on (EBlock eBlock) : { // inflict damage to entity that block brush InflictDirectDamage(eBlock.penOther, this, DMT_BRUSH, m_fBlockDamage, FLOAT3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), (FLOAT3D &)eBlock.plCollision); if (m_ebaAction == BA_BOUNCE) { // change direction for two ticks SetDesiredTranslation(-m_vDesiredTranslation); SetDesiredRotation(-m_aDesiredRotation); // wait for two ticks and reset direction call BounceObstructed(); } else if (m_ebaAction == BA_SKIPMARKER) { // stop moving brush ForceFullStop(); // stop PreMoving check m_bMoveToMarker = FALSE; // skip this marker and move to next one m_bSkipMarker = TRUE; return EEnd(); } resume; } } } BounceObstructed() { autowait(0.2f); // return to standard direction SetDesiredTranslation(m_vDesiredTranslation); SetDesiredRotation(m_aDesiredRotation); return; } Rotating() { if (m_bAutoStart) { jump RotActive(); } else { jump RotInactive(); } } RotInactive() { SetDesiredRotation(ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); wait() { on (EActivate) : { jump RotActive(); } otherwise() : { resume; } }; } RotActive() { SetDesiredRotation(ANGLE3D(0,0,360.0f/m_tmBankingRotation)); wait() { on (EDeactivate) : { jump RotInactive(); } otherwise() : { resume; } }; } // move brush MoveBrush() { if (m_penTarget==NULL) { MovingOff(); return; } MovingOn(); // move through markers do { // new moving target m_penTarget = m_penTarget->GetTarget(); if (m_penTarget==NULL) { MovingOff(); return EVoid(); } // skip this marker / ignore wait time if (m_bSkipMarker) { m_bSkipMarker = FALSE; // wait for a while } else if (m_fWaitTime > 0.0f) { autowait(m_fWaitTime); } PlayStartSound(); PlayFollowSound(); autocall MoveToMarker() EEnd; StopFollowSound(); PlayStopSound(); // load marker parameters or stop moving if there is no marker m_bValidMarker = LoadMarkerParameters(); // skip this marker / ignore stop moving if (m_bSkipMarker) { m_bStopMoving = FALSE; } } while (!m_bStopMoving && m_bValidMarker); MovingOff(); return; } TeleportToStopMarker() { MovingOn(); INDEX ctMarkers=0; // new moving target CMovingBrushMarker *pmbm = (CMovingBrushMarker *) &*m_penTarget; while( pmbm!=NULL && IsOfClass(pmbm->m_penTarget, "Moving Brush Marker") && !pmbm->m_bStopMoving && ctMarkers<50) { pmbm = (CMovingBrushMarker *) &*pmbm->m_penTarget; ctMarkers++; } if( pmbm!=NULL && IsOfClass(pmbm, "Moving Brush Marker") && ctMarkers<50) { SetPlacement(pmbm->GetPlacement()); ForceFullStop(); m_soStart.Stop(); m_soStop.Stop(); m_soFollow.Stop(); } // stop PreMoving check m_bMoveToMarker = FALSE; MovingOff(); return EReturn(); } Main() { // declare yourself as a brush InitAsBrush(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_BRUSH_MOVING); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_BRUSH); SetHealth(m_fHealth); // set zoning flag if (m_bZoning) { SetFlags(GetFlags()|ENF_ZONING); } else { SetFlags(GetFlags()&~ENF_ZONING); } // set dynamic shadows as needed if (m_bDynamicShadows) { SetFlags(GetFlags()|ENF_DYNAMICSHADOWS); } else { SetFlags(GetFlags()&~ENF_DYNAMICSHADOWS); } // stop moving brush ForceFullStop(); autowait(0.1f); // load marker parameters m_bValidMarker = LoadMarkerParameters(); if (m_tmBankingRotation!=0) { jump Rotating(); } // start moving wait() { on (EBegin) : { if (m_bAutoStart) { // if not already moving and have target if(!m_bMoving && m_bValidMarker) { call MoveBrush(); } } resume; } on (EHit eHit) : { if (!m_bMoving) { call MoveBrush(); } resume; } // move on touch on (ETouch eTouch) : { // inflict damage if required if( m_fTouchDamage != 0.0f) { InflictDirectDamage( eTouch.penOther, this, DMT_SPIKESTAB, m_fTouchDamage, eTouch.penOther->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector, eTouch.plCollision); } // send event on touch if(m_tdeSendEventOnDamage!=TDE_DAMAGEONLY && CanReactOnEntity(eTouch.penOther)) { SendToTarget(m_penTouchEvent, m_eetTouchEvent); } // if not already moving if(!m_bMoving) { // move brush if (m_bMoveOnTouch && CanReactOnEntity(eTouch.penOther) && m_bValidMarker) { call MoveBrush(); } } // if special feature for bull crushing doors if (m_bBlowupByBull) { // if hit by bull if (IsOfClass(eTouch.penOther, "Werebull")) { // calculate speed along impact normal FLOAT fImpactSpeed = ((CMovableEntity&)*eTouch.penOther).en_vCurrentTranslationAbsolute% -(FLOAT3D&)eTouch.plCollision; // if strong collision if (fImpactSpeed>m_fHealth) { // receive artificial impact damage ReceiveDamage(eTouch.penOther, DMT_IMPACT, m_fHealth*2, FLOAT3D(0,0,0), FLOAT3D(0,0,0)); } } } resume; } // move on start (usually trigger) on (EStart) : { // if not already moving and have target if(!m_bMoving && m_bValidMarker) { call MoveBrush(); } resume; } on (EStop) : { SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); resume; } on (ETeleportMovingBrush) : { call TeleportToStopMarker(); resume; } on (ETrigger) : { // if not already moving and have target if(!m_bMoving && m_bValidMarker) { call MoveBrush(); } resume; } on (EDeath eDeath) : { // get your size FLOATaabbox3D box; GetSize(box); if( m_ctDebrises<=0) { m_ctDebrises=1; } FLOAT fEntitySize = pow(box.Size()(1)*box.Size()(2)*box.Size()(3)/m_ctDebrises, 1.0f/3.0f)*m_fCubeFactor; Debris_Begin(EIBT_ROCK, DPT_NONE, BET_NONE, fEntitySize, FLOAT3D(1.0f,2.0f,3.0f), FLOAT3D(0,0,0), 1.0f+m_fCandyEffect/2.0f, m_fCandyEffect, m_colDebrises); for(INDEX iDebris = 0; iDebrisSendEvent( EBrushDestroyed()); } // send event to blowup target SendToTarget(m_penBlowupEvent, m_eetBlowupEvent, eDeath.eLastDamage.penInflictor); // make sure it doesn't loop with destroying itself m_tdeSendEventOnDamage = TDE_TOUCHONLY; m_fHealth = -1; m_bMoveOnDamage = FALSE; ForceFullStop(); SetDefaultProperties(); // notify engine to kickstart entities that are cached in stationary position, // before we turn off, so they can fall NotifyCollisionChanged(); SetFlags( GetFlags()|ENF_HIDDEN); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // for each child of this entity {FOREACHINLIST(CEntity, en_lnInParent, en_lhChildren, itenChild) { // send it destruction event itenChild->SendEvent(ERangeModelDestruction()); }} stop; } } return; } };