/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by WorldEditor.rc // #define ID_LOAD_PREFERENCES 3 #define ID_SELECT_ALL 3 #define ID_SAVE_GAME_SETTINGS 3 #define ID_GENERATE_TERRAIN_BRUSH 3 #define ID_SAVE_PREFERENCES 4 #define ID_DESELECT_ALL 4 #define ID_RESTORE_GAME_SETTINGS 4 #define ID_SAVE_ANIMATION 4 #define ID_FEED_VOLUME 4 #define ID_LOAD_ANIMATION 5 #define ID_REVERT 5 #define ID_SAVE_AS_ANIMATION 6 #define ID_CLOSE 7 #define ID_ADD_ANIMATION 8 #define ID_DELETE_ANIMATION 9 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 #define CG_IDD_BROWSEDIALOGBAR 102 #define CG_IDD_PROPERTYCOMBO 105 #define IDC_CUT_LINE 105 #define IDC_MIRROR 107 #define IDC_TE_HEIGHTMAP 108 #define IDC_TE_LAYER_PAINT 109 #define IDC_TE_ERASE 110 #define IDC_TE_SMOOTH 111 #define IDC_TE_RND_NOISE 112 #define IDC_TE_MIN 113 #define IDC_TE_MAX 114 #define IDC_TE_FLATTEN 115 #define IDC_TE_POSTERIZE 116 #define IDC_TE_FILTER 117 #define IDC_TE_PICK 118 #define IDC_TE_CONTINOUS_NOISE 119 #define IDC_TE_TILE_PAINTING 120 #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128 #define IDR_WEDTYPE 129 #define IDR_SELECTION_TOOLS 129 #define IDR_WORK_TOOLS 129 #define IDR_BROWSERPOPUP 130 #define IDS_DEFAULT_FONT 130 #define IDR_ICONS_STOCK 130 #define IDD_CREATE_VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY 131 #define IDR_VTREEPOPUP 131 #define IDR_PROJECTIONS 131 #define IDS_WED_ARIAL_FONT 131 #define IDR_WED_POPUP 132 #define IDR_CSG_TOOLS 132 #define IDR_ENTITY_POPUP 132 #define IDB_DIRECTORY_ICONS 139 #define CG_IDD_INFOWINDOW 143 #define IDD_PREFERENCES 145 #define IDD_REMOVE_WORKING_TEXTURE 147 #define IDD_TEST_MODE_DIALOG 148 #define IDD_CREATE_TEXTURE 148 #define IDD_CHOOSE_COLOR 149 #define IDD_PG_PRIMITIVE 150 #define IDD_PG_POSITION 152 #define IDD_RENDERING_PREFERENCES 154 #define IDD_SELECT_BY_NAME 156 #define IDD_BACKGROUND_SETTINGS 157 #define IDD_WORLD_SETTINGS 157 #define IDD_AUTO_DELTA_CSG 158 #define IDD_PG_GLOBAL 161 #define IDD_PROGRESS_DIALOG 162 #define IDD_PG_RENDERING_STATISTICS 163 #define IDD_PG_POLYGON 164 #define IDD_GAME_SETTINGS 165 #define IDR_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY 166 #define IDR_VIEW_TOOLS 168 #define IDD_SELECT_PLAYER 177 #define IDD_DIALOG1 178 #define IDD_TREE_SHORTCUTS 180 #define IDD_PG_SECTOR 182 #define IDR_SHORTCUTS_POPUP 183 #define IDD_BROWSE_BY_CLASS 184 #define IDR_POLYGON_POPUP 184 #define IDD_FILE_REQUESTER 185 #define IDR_SECTOR_POPUP 185 #define IDD_TREE_SHORTCUTS1 186 #define IDR_CSG_PRIMITIVE_POPUP 186 #define IDD_LIGHT_ANIMATION_EDITOR 186 #define IDR_MIP_TOOLS 187 #define IDR_CSG_TEMPLATE_POPUP 187 #define IDD_PG_TEXTURE 195 #define IDR_THUMBNAIL_TEXTURE_POPUP 197 #define IDR_SHADOW_AND_TEXTURE 200 #define IDR_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE 200 #define IDR_SELECT_ENTITY 202 #define IDR_VIEW_TOOLS2 203 #define IDR_COLOR_BUTTON 204 #define IDD_NUMERIC_ALPHA 205 #define IDR_PRIMITIVE_SETTINGS 206 #define IDD_PG_SHADOW 206 #define IDR_ICON_CONUS 207 #define IDR_ICON_TORUS 208 #define IDR_ICON_SPIRAL_STAIRCASES 209 #define IDR_ICON_LINEAR_STAIRCASES 210 #define IDR_ICON_SPHERE 211 #define IDD_MIRROR_AND_STRETCH 211 #define IDR_ICON_TERRAIN 212 #define IDD_FILTER_POLYGON_SELECTION 212 #define IDR_ICON_ADD 213 #define IDR_INFO_POLYGON_POPUP 213 #define IDR_ICON_ADD_REVERSE 214 #define IDD_TIPOFTHEDAY 214 #define IDR_VERTEX_POPUP 214 #define IDR_ICON_REMOVE 215 #define IDB_TIPOFTHEDAY 215 #define IDR_ICON_REMOVE_REVERSE 216 #define IDD_DISPLACE_MAP_SIZE 216 #define IDR_ICON_SPLIT_SECTORS 217 #define IDR_ICON_SPLIT_POLYGONS 218 #define IDR_ICON_JOIN_LAYERS 219 #define IDR_ICON_ROOM 220 #define IDR_ICON_MATERIAL 221 #define IDR_ICON_INNER 222 #define IDR_ICON_OUTER 223 #define IDR_ICON_TOP_STAIRS 224 #define IDR_ICON_TOP_SLOPE 225 #define IDR_ICON_TOP_CEILING 226 #define IDR_ICON_BOTTOM_FLOOR 227 #define IDR_ICON_BOTTOM_SLOPE 228 #define IDR_ICON_BOTTOM_STAIRS 229 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_CSG 230 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_POLYGON 231 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_SECTOR 232 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_ENTITY 233 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_VERTEX 234 #define IDR_ICON_PANE_TERRAIN 235 #define IDR_STOCK 236 #define IDD_COMMENT 237 #define IDR_LINK_TREE_POPUP 237 #define IDR_TERRAIN_POPUP 238 #define IDD_LINK_TREE 241 #define IDD_FILTER_VERTEX_SELECTION 244 #define IDD_SNAP_VERTEX 245 #define IDD_ALLIGN_VERTICES 246 #define IDD_AUTO_TEXTURIZE 247 #define IDD_STRETCH_CHILD_OFFSET 248 #define IDD_DIALOG2 249 #define IDD_DIALOG3 250 #define IDD_PG_TERRAIN 251 #define IDD_EDIT_TERRAIN_BRUSH 252 #define IDD_EDIT_FLOAT 253 #define IDD_TERRAIN_SIZE 255 #define IDD_BCG_PICTURE_SIZE 255 #define IDD_TERRAIN_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE 256 #define IDD_EDIT_TERRAIN_LAYER 257 #define IDD_TE_OPTION_SETTINGS 258 #define IDD_TERRAIN_PROPERTIES 261 #define IDD_GENERATE_FBM 262 #define IDC_VIRTUALTREE 1000 #define IDC_LIST1 1000 #define IDC_BROWSEWND 1002 #define IDC_EDIT1 1003 #define IDC_TOP_VIEW_HEIGHT 1004 #define IDC_DIRECTORY_ICON_LIST 1005 #define IDC_FRONT_VIEW_HEIGHT 1005 #define IDC_RIGHT_VIEW_HEIGHT 1006 #define IDC_TOP_VIEW_CENTER_X 1007 #define IDC_TOP_VIEW_CENTER_Y 1008 #define IDW_BROWSER 1009 #define IDC_FRONT_VIEW_CENTER_X 1009 #define IDW_COLOR_PALETTE 1010 #define IDC_FRONT_VIEW_CENTER_Y 1010 #define IDC_PROPERTYCOMBO 1011 #define IDC_RIGHT_VIEW_CENTER_X 1011 #define IDW_ACTIVE_TEXTURE 1012 #define IDC_RIGHT_VIEW_CENTER_Y 1012 #define IDW_ANIMATION_FRAMES 1013 #define IDW_THUMBNAIL 1013 #define ID_OK_BUTTON 1014 #define IDW_TEST_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1014 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1015 #define IDC_BROWSE_FILE 1015 #define IDC_BROWSE_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1015 #define IDC_SETINGS_STORE 1015 #define IDC_BROWSE_HYPER_TEXTURE 1015 #define IDC_DISPLACE_BROWSE 1015 #define IDC_ALLIGN_X 1015 #define IDC_VIEW_NOISE_TEXTURE 1015 #define IDC_FBM_RANDOMIZE 1015 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1016 #define IDC_OK 1016 #define IDC_DELETE_MARKER 1016 #define IDC_SETINGS_RESTORE 1016 #define IDC_BROWSE_TOP_VIEW_PICTURE 1016 #define IDC_REMOVE_HYPER_TEXTURE 1016 #define IDC_DISPLACE_NONE 1016 #define IDC_NO_FILE 1016 #define IDC_ALLIGN_Y 1016 #define IDC_BROWSE_CONTINOUS_NOISE 1016 #define IDC_FBM_EXPORT 1016 #define IDC_BUTTON3 1017 #define IDC_BASE_VERTICES 1017 #define IDC_CANCEL 1017 #define IDC_DELETE_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1017 #define IDC_EDIT3 1017 #define IDC_BROWSE_FRONT_VIEW_PICTURE 1017 #define IDC_NO_TARGET 1017 #define IDC_ALLIGN_Z 1017 #define IDC_BROWSE_DISTRIBUTION_NOISE 1017 #define IDC_BUTTON4 1018 #define IDC_WIDTH 1018 #define IDC_SCROLL_RIGHT 1018 #define IDC_BROWSE_RIGHT_VIEW_PICTURE 1018 #define IDC_VIEW_DISTRIBUTION_NOISE_TEXTURE 1018 #define IDC_BUTTON5 1019 #define IDC_HEIGHT 1019 #define IDC_SCROLL_LEFT 1019 #define IDC_GENERATION_SETTINGS 1019 #define IDC_BUTTON6 1020 #define IDC_LENGHT 1020 #define IDC_SCROLL_PG_LEFT 1020 #define IDC_BUTTON7 1021 #define IDC_SHEARX 1021 #define IDC_SCROLL_PG_RIGHT 1021 #define IDC_BUTTON8 1022 #define IDC_SHEARZ 1022 #define IDC_EDIT2 1022 #define IDC_BUTTON9 1023 #define IDC_JOIN_ON_TOP 1023 #define IDC_BUTTON10 1024 #define IDC_CLOSED 1024 #define IDC_BUTTON11 1025 #define IDC_APPLY 1025 #define IDC_STRETCH 1025 #define IDC_STRETCH_X 1025 #define IDC_EDIT4 1025 #define IDC_STRETCH_U 1025 #define IDC_BUTTON12 1026 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS01 1026 #define IDC_STRETCH_Y 1026 #define IDC_EDIT5 1026 #define IDC_SHEAR_U 1026 #define IDC_SHEAR 1026 #define IDC_ROTATION_V 1026 #define IDC_BUTTON13 1027 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS02 1027 #define IDC_VERTEX_FILL_TYPE 1027 #define IDC_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOWS 1027 #define IDC_STRENGTH 1027 #define IDC_AUTO_CREATE_MIP_BRUSHES 1027 #define IDC_BUTTON14 1028 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS03 1028 #define IDC_EDGES_FILL_TYPE 1028 #define IDC_BUTTON15 1029 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS04 1029 #define IDC_POLYGON_FILL_TYPE 1029 #define IDC_BUTTON16 1030 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS05 1030 #define IDC_VERTEX_COLORS 1030 #define IDC_BUTTON17 1031 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS06 1031 #define IDC_BBOX 1031 #define IDC_BUTTON18 1032 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS07 1032 #define IDC_SHADOWS 1032 #define IDC_EDIT_HEADING 1032 #define IDC_BUTTON19 1033 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS08 1033 #define IDC_WIRE_FRAME 1033 #define IDC_EDIT_PITCH 1033 #define IDC_BUTTON20 1034 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS09 1034 #define IDC_HIDEN_LINES 1034 #define IDC_EDIT_BANKING 1034 #define IDC_BUTTON21 1035 #define IDC_TEXTURE_FILL_TYPE 1035 #define IDC_RENDERING_PREFS10 1035 #define IDC_STATIC_HEADING 1035 #define IDC_SELECTED_POLYGONS 1035 #define IDC_BUTTON22 1036 #define IDC_STATIC_PITCH 1036 #define IDC_SELECTED_SECTORS 1036 #define IDC_FLARE_FX 1036 #define IDC_BUTTON23 1037 #define IDC_STATIC_BANKING 1037 #define IDC_SELECTED_ENTITIES 1037 #define IDC_POLYGONS_IN_SECTORS 1037 #define IDC_APPLY_CLIP_FOR_ISOMETRIC 1037 #define IDC_BUTTON24 1038 #define IDC_EDIT_X 1038 #define IDC_EDGES_IN_SECTORS 1038 #define IDC_BUTTON25 1039 #define IDC_EDIT_Y 1039 #define IDC_VERTICES_IN_SECTORS 1039 #define IDC_BUTTON26 1040 #define IDC_EDIT_Z 1040 #define IDC_PLANES_IN_SECTORS 1040 #define IDC_BUTTON27 1041 #define IDC_STATIC_X 1041 #define IDC_API 1041 #define IDC_BUTTON28 1042 #define IDC_STATIC_Y 1042 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SELECTON_VISIBLE 1042 #define IDC_BUTTON29 1043 #define IDC_STATIC_Z 1043 #define IDC_RENDERING_RANGE 1043 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SELECTION_HIDDEN 1043 #define IDC_BUTTON30 1044 #define IDC_UNDO_LEVELS 1044 #define IDC_FAR_CLIP_PLANE 1044 #define IDC_BUTTON31 1045 #define IDC_USE_BCG_PICTURE 1045 #define IDC_CSG_PRECISSION 1045 #define IDC_BUTTON32 1046 #define IDC_CHECK1 1046 #define IDC_RENDER_EDITOR_MODELS 1046 #define IDC_IS_PORTAL 1046 #define IDC_USE_TEXTURE_FOR_BACKGROUND 1046 #define IDC_CLAMP_U 1046 #define IDC_SHOWTIPSATSTARTUP 1046 #define IDC_DISPLAY_VOLUME 1046 #define IDC_EDIT_DISPLACE_MIDPIXELSAMPLING 1046 #define IDC_LT_CLASS 1046 #define IDC_EXPAND_EDGES 1046 #define IDC_AUTO_GENERATE_LAYER_DISTRIBUTION 1046 #define IDC_ADD_NEGATIVE_VALUES 1046 #define IDC_TEXTURE_INFO 1047 #define IDC_AUTO_RENDERING_RANGE 1047 #define IDC_IS_PASSABLE 1047 #define IDC_CLAMP_V 1047 #define IDC_EDIT_DISPLACE_16BITRESOLUTION 1047 #define IDC_LT_PROPERTY 1047 #define IDC_DISPLAY_IMPORTANTS 1047 #define IDC_RANDOM_OFFSET 1047 #define ID_SECTOR_COLOR 1048 #define IDC_USE_TEXTURE_FOR_BCG 1048 #define IDC_REFLECTIVE 1048 #define IDC_STAIRS 1048 #define IDC_LT_NAME 1048 #define ID_SECTOR_COLOR2 1049 #define ID_POLYGON_COLOR 1049 #define ID_COLOR_OF_POLYGONS_IN_SECTORS 1049 #define ID_COMBINE_COLOR 1049 #define IDC_RENDER_FIELDS 1049 #define ID_VISIBILITY_FLAGS 1049 #define IDC_LT_WHO 1049 #define IDC_SHOOTTROUGH 1049 #define IDC_EASY 1050 #define IDC_IS_TRANSLUSCENT 1050 #define ID_SELECT_POLIGONS_IN_SECTORS 1050 #define IDC_AFTER_SHADOW 1050 #define IDC_RENDER_MIRRORS 1050 #define ID_CLASSIFICATION_FLAGS 1050 #define IDC_EDIT_SELECTION 1051 #define IDC_EDIT_ENUM 1051 #define IDC_INVISIBLE 1051 #define IDC_RENDER_FOG 1051 #define IDC_MEDIUM 1052 #define IDC_NORMAL 1052 #define IDC_RENDER_HAZE 1052 #define IDC_IS_RECEIVING_SHADOWS2 1052 #define IDC_DOUBLESIDED 1052 #define IDC_HARD 1053 #define IDC_HAS_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOWS2 1053 #define IDC_EXTREME 1054 #define IDC_CLAMP_TEXTURE 1054 #define IDC_SINGLE 1055 #define ID_SHADOW_COLOR 1055 #define IDC_CLAMP_U2 1055 #define IDC_COOPERATIVE 1056 #define IDC_IS_DETAIL 1056 #define IDC_DEATHMATCH 1057 #define IDC_IS_OLD_PORTAL 1057 #define IDC_EDIT_BOOL 1058 #define IDC_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS_ONLY2 1058 #define IDC_IS_OCCLUDER 1058 #define IDC_EDIT_STRING 1059 #define IDC_IF_SPIRAL 1059 #define IDC_NO_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS2 1059 #define IDC_IS_TRANSPARENT 1059 #define IDC_EDIT_FLOAT 1060 #define IDC_IF_OUTER 1060 #define IDC_HAS_PRECISE_SHADOWS2 1060 #define IDC_EDIT_FLOAT_RANGE 1061 #define IDC_EDIT_DESCRIPTION_T 1061 #define IDC_FLOAT_RANGE_T 1061 #define IDC_HAS_DIRECTIONAL_AMBIENT2 1061 #define IDC_EDIT_COLOR 1062 #define IDC_DARK_CORNERS2 1062 #define IDC_ENTITY_LIST 1063 #define IDC_CHOOSE_COLOR_T 1063 #define IDC_CLAMP_V2 1063 #define IDC_FILE_NAME_T 1064 #define IDC_REFLECTIVE2 1064 #define IDC_EASY_T 1065 #define IDC_AFTER_SHADOW2 1065 #define IDC_NORMAL_T 1066 #define IDC_HARD_T 1067 #define IDC_EXTREME_T 1068 #define IDC_SINGLE_T 1069 #define IDC_COOPERATIVE_T 1070 #define IDC_DEATHMATCH_T 1071 #define IDC_PICTURE_FILE_T 1072 #define IDC_EDIT_INDEX 1072 #define ID_REMOVE 1073 #define IDC_BACKGROUND_COLOR 1073 #define IDC_INDEX_RANGE_T 1073 #define IDC_EDIT_BBOX_MIN 1074 #define IDC_TOP_VIEW_PICTURE_T 1074 #define ID_LEAVE 1074 #define IDC_EDIT_BBOX_MAX 1075 #define IDC_FRONT_VIEW_PICTURE_T 1075 #define IDC_RENDERING_STATISTICS 1076 #define IDC_RIGHT_VIEW_PICTURE_T 1076 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_1 1076 #define IDC_EDIT_U 1077 #define IDC_ADD_TO_BROWSER 1077 #define IDC_BACKDROP_OBJECT_T 1077 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_1_T 1077 #define IDC_EDIT_V 1078 #define IDC_SOURCE_SIZE 1078 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_2 1078 #define IDC_STATIC_U 1079 #define IDC_CREATED_SIZE 1079 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_2_T 1079 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_1_T2 1079 #define IDC_STATIC_V 1080 #define IDC_STATIC_STRETCH 1080 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_3 1080 #define IDC_STATIC_ROTATION 1081 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_3_T 1081 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_2_T2 1081 #define IDC_SPIN1 1082 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_4 1082 #define IDC_NO_OF_CLONES 1083 #define IDC_STRETCH_V 1083 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_4_T 1083 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_3_T2 1083 #define IDC_STATIC_SHEAR 1084 #define IDC_STATIC_ROTATION_SHEAR 1084 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_5 1084 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_5_T 1085 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_4_T2 1085 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_1 1086 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_5B 1086 #define IDC_PROGRESS_MESSAGE 1087 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_1_T 1087 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_5_T2 1087 #define IDC_PROGRESS 1088 #define IDC_CREATED_TEXTURE_NAME_T 1088 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_2 1088 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_2_T 1089 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_1_T2 1089 #define IDC_MISSION_DESCRIPTION 1090 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_3 1090 #define IDC_MATERIAL_COMBO 1091 #define IDC_CLUSTER_SIZE_COMBO 1091 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_3_T 1091 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_2B 1091 #define IDC_STATIC_MATERIAL 1092 #define IDC_STATIC_CLUSTER_SIZE 1092 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_4 1092 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_2_T2 1092 #define IDC_FRICTION_COMBO 1093 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_4_T 1093 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_3B 1093 #define IDC_STATIC_FRICTION 1094 #define IDC_SURFACE_FRICTION 1094 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_5 1094 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_3_T2 1094 #define IDC_EFFECT_COMBO 1095 #define IDC_SURFACE_NAME_COMBO 1095 #define IDC_STATIC_SHADOW_BLEND 1095 #define IDC_STATIC_MIRROR 1095 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_5_T 1095 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_4B 1095 #define IDC_STATIC_EFFECT 1096 #define IDC_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1096 #define IDC_SHADOW_BLEND_COMBO 1096 #define IDC_MIRROR_COMBO 1096 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_6 1096 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_4_T2 1096 #define IDC_ILLUMINATION_COMBO 1097 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_6_T 1097 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_5B 1097 #define IDC_STATIC_PRETENDER_DISTANCE 1097 #define IDC_STATIC_ILLUMINATION 1098 #define IDC_EFFECT_NAME_COMBO 1098 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_5_T2 1098 #define IDC_LIGHT_ANIMATION_SPEED 1099 #define IDC_STATIC_SCROLL 1099 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_6B 1099 #define IDC_LIGHT_ANIMATION_NAME_COMBO 1100 #define IDC_SCROLL_COMBO 1100 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_6_T2 1100 #define IDC_LIGHT_ANIMATION_FRAMES 1101 #define IDC_HYPER_MAP_T 1101 #define IDC_STATIC_BLEND 1101 #define IDC_FRAMES_SPIN 1102 #define IDC_BLEND_TYPE 1102 #define IDC_ILLUMINATION_NAMES_COMBO 1103 #define IDC_LIGHT_ANIMATION_NAME 1103 #define IDC_CURRENT_FRAME 1105 #define IDC_FRAMES_AREA 1106 #define IDC_TEST_AREA 1107 #define IDC_AXIS_X 1108 #define IDC_EFFECT_TEXTURE_ANIMATION_COMBO 1109 #define IDC_AXIS_Y 1109 #define IDC_COMBO_AVAILABLE_PLAYERS 1109 #define IDC_TEST_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1110 #define IDC_AXIS_Z 1110 #define IDC_ENTITY_CLASS 1111 #define IDC_SHORTCUT01 1112 #define IDC_ENTITIES_IN_VOLUME_T 1113 #define IDC_SHORTCUT02 1113 #define IDC_SHORTCUT03 1114 #define IDC_R_OR_H 1114 #define IDC_SHORTCUT04 1115 #define IDC_G_OR_S 1115 #define IDC_SHORTCUT05 1116 #define IDC_B_OR_V 1116 #define IDC_SHORTCUT06 1117 #define IDC_ENTITY_CLASS_DESCRIPTION 1117 #define IDC_ENTITY_NAME 1117 #define IDC_SHORTCUT07 1118 #define IDC_PREFS_COPY 1118 #define IDC_ENTITY_DESCRIPTION 1118 #define IDC_SHORTCUT08 1119 #define IDC_PREFS_MAXIMIZE 1119 #define IDC_SHORTCUT09 1120 #define IDC_PREFS_UPDATE_ALLWAYS 1120 #define IDC_SHORTCUT10 1121 #define IDC_PREFS_AUTOMATIC_INFO 1121 #define IDC_PREFS_SET_DEFAULT_COLORS 1122 #define IDC_BOTTOM_SHAPE 1122 #define IDC_PAPER_COLOR 1123 #define IDC_PREFS_BINARY_GRID_BY_DEFAULT 1123 #define IDC_TOP_SHAPE 1123 #define IDC_INK_COLOR 1124 #define IDC_EDGES_COLORS 1124 #define IDC_EDIT1_T 1124 #define IDC_PREFS_SAVE_UNDO_FOR_DELETE 1124 #define IDC_POLYGON_COLORS 1125 #define IDC_EDIT2_T 1125 #define IDC_PREFS_AUTO_COLORIZE 1125 #define IDC_SELECTION_COLOR 1126 #define IDC_EDIT3_T 1126 #define IDC_PREFS_SHOW_ALL_ON_OPEN 1126 #define IDC_GRID_COLOR 1127 #define IDC_EDIT4_T 1127 #define IDC_PREFS_AUTO_UPDATE_DISPLACEMAP 1127 #define IDC_EDIT5_T 1128 #define IDC_PREFS_HIDE_SHADOWS_ON_START 1128 #define IDC_COMBO_WIN_BCG_TEXTURE 1129 #define IDC_WIDTH_T 1129 #define IDC_PREFS_AUTO_GENERATE_TD 1129 #define IDC_ADD_WORKING_TEXTURE 1130 #define IDC_LENGHT_T 1130 #define IDC_REMOVE_WORKING_TEXTURE 1131 #define IDC_HEIGHT_T 1131 #define IDC_WED_STARTUP_MODE 1132 #define IDC_CHANGE_APPLICATION_DISPLAY_MODE 1132 #define IDC_IF_ROOM 1132 #define IDC_FULL_SCREEN_MODE 1133 #define IDC_CHANGE_FULL_SCREEN_DISPLAY_MODE 1133 #define IDC_TOP_VIEW_WIDTH 1133 #define IDC_PRIMITIVE_HISTORY 1133 #define IDC_TEST_STARTUP_MODE 1134 #define IDC_FRONT_VIEW_WIDTH 1134 #define IDC_TEST_FULL_SCREEN_MODE 1135 #define IDC_RIGHT_VIEW_WIDTH 1135 #define IDC_BROWSE_BACKGROUND_PICTURE 1136 #define IDC_BROWSE_BACKDROP_OBJECT 1137 #define IDC_TEXTURE_FILE_T 1137 #define IDC_RADIO_TEXTURE 1138 #define IDC_TEXTURE_2 1139 #define IDC_TEXTURE_3 1140 #define IDC_OFFSET_U 1141 #define IDC_OFFSET_V 1142 #define IDC_ROTATION 1143 #define IDC_ROTATION_U 1143 #define IDC_BROWSE_TEXTURE 1144 #define IDC_REMOVE_TEXTURE 1145 #define IDC_STATIC_OFFSET 1146 #define IDC_PREVIEW_FRAME 1147 #define IDC_DISPLACE_FILE 1149 #define IDC_TEXTURE_DIM_T 1149 #define IDC_DISPLACE_T 1150 #define IDC_ANGLE3D_T 1151 #define ID_CENTER 1153 #define ID_DELETE_BROWSE_BY_CLASS 1153 #define IDC_STATIC_SHADOW_COLOR 1154 #define ID_SELECT_SECTORS 1154 #define IDC_ALPHA 1155 #define IDC_STATIC_CONTENT_TYPE_T 1156 #define IDC_CONTENT_TYPE_COMBO 1157 #define IDC_STATIC_SECTOR_NAME 1158 #define IDC_SECTOR_NAME 1159 #define IDC_AMBIENT_COLOR_T 1160 #define IDC_STATIC_FORCE_FIELD_T 1161 #define ID_APPLY 1161 #define IDC_FORCE_FIELD_COMBO 1162 #define IDC_MIRROR_NONE 1162 #define IDC_MIRROR_X 1163 #define IDC_STATIC_FOG_T 1163 #define IDC_FOG_COMBO 1164 #define IDC_IS_TRANSLUSCENT2 1164 #define IDC_STATIC_HAZE_T 1165 #define IDC_IS_PORTAL2 1165 #define IDC_MIRROR_Y 1166 #define IDC_HAZE_COMBO 1166 #define IDC_IS_PASSABLE2 1166 #define IDC_MIRROR_Z 1167 #define IDC_INVISIBLE2 1167 #define IDC_STATIC_GRADIENT_T 1167 #define IDC_STATIC_GRADIENT 1167 #define IDC_STATIC_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_T 1167 #define IDC_IS_DETAIL2 1168 #define IDC_GRADIENT_COMBO 1168 #define IDC_STATIC_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE 1168 #define IDC_IS_OLD_PORTAL2 1169 #define IDC_IS_LIGHT_BEAM_PASSABLLE2 1170 #define IDC_NO_SHADOW2 1171 #define IDC_NO_PLANE_DIFFUSION2 1172 #define IDC_BCG_PICTURE_T 1173 #define IDC_IS_OCCLUDER2 1173 #define IDC_BROWSE_BCG_PICTURE 1174 #define IDC_WND_STARTUP_CFG 1175 #define IDC_NEXTTIP 1176 #define IDC_FLY_MODE_SPEED 1176 #define IDC_COMBO1 1178 #define IDC_PREVTIP 1178 #define IDC_COMBO2 1179 #define IDC_TIPTEXT 1179 #define IDC_EDIT_LEVEL_NAME 1180 #define IDC_GAME_MODE_1B 1181 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_1B 1182 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_2B 1183 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_3B 1184 #define IDC_DIFFICULTY_4B 1185 #define IDC_EDIT_DISPLACE_X_SIZE 1186 #define IDC_EDIT_DISPLACE_Y_SIZE 1187 #define IDC_PRETENDER_DISTANCE 1187 #define IDC_EDIT_SS_PROJECT 1189 #define IDC_COMMENT 1190 #define IDC_MEMORY_FOR_UNDO 1190 #define IDC_STATIC_SOURCE_SAFE_PROJECT 1191 #define IDC_STATIC_SOURCE_SAFE_BORDER 1192 #define IDC_FILTER_CLUSTER_SIZE 1193 #define IDC_MISC_BORDER 1193 #define IDC_FILTER_CLUSTER_MEMORY 1194 #define ID_FLAGS_PROPERTY 1194 #define IDC_CSG_PRECISSION_T 1195 #define IDC_FILTER_POLYGON_SURFACE 1195 #define IDC_PLUGGINS 1196 #define IDC_FILTER_POLYGON_MIRROR 1196 #define IDC_PLUGGINS_T 1197 #define IDC_LINK_TREE 1198 #define IDC_SECTOR_INCLUDE 1199 #define IDC_SECTOR_EXCLUDE 1200 #define IDC_MIN_H 1200 #define IDC_MIN_P 1201 #define IDC_VTX_SNAP_X 1201 #define IDC_VTX_SNAP_Y 1202 #define IDC_MAX_H 1203 #define IDC_VTX_SNAP_Z 1203 #define IDC_MAX_P 1204 #define IDC_PRETENDER_TEXTURE_SIZE 1204 #define IDC_PRETENDER_TEXTURE_STYLE 1205 #define IDC_CHILD_STRETCH 1205 #define IDC_MIN_X 1206 #define IDC_MIN_Y 1207 #define IDC_MIN_Z 1208 #define IDC_MAX_X 1209 #define IDC_MAX_Y 1210 #define IDC_MAX_Z 1211 #define IDW_TERRAIN_INTERFACE 1212 #define IDC_FALLOFF 1212 #define IDC_HOTSPOT 1213 #define IDC_IMPORT_TERRAIN_BRUSH 1214 #define IDC_TRL_LAYER_NAME 1214 #define IDC_EDIT_FLOAT_T 1215 #define IDC_TRL_OFFSET_X 1215 #define IDC_TERRAIN_WIDTH 1216 #define IDC_TRL_OFFSET_Y 1216 #define IDC_TERRAIN_HEIGHT 1217 #define IDC_TRL_STRETCH_X 1217 #define IDC_TERRAIN_LENGTH 1218 #define IDC_TRL_STRETCH_Y 1218 #define IDC_HEIGHTMAP_WIDTH 1219 #define IDC_HEIGHTMAP_HEIGHT 1220 #define IDC_TRL_ROTATE_U 1221 #define IDC_TERRAIN_LOD_SWITCH 1221 #define IDC_TRL_ROTATE_V 1222 #define IDC_TERRAIN_FIRST_TOPMAP_LOD 1222 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MIN 1223 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MAX 1224 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MIN_FADE 1225 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MAX_FADE 1226 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MIN 1227 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MAX 1228 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MIN_FADE 1229 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MAX_FADE 1230 #define IDC_TRL_LAYER_COVERAGE 1231 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MIN_NOISE 1232 #define IDC_TRL_ALTITUDE_MAX_NOISE 1233 #define IDC_APPLY_MIN_ALTITUDE_DISTRIBUTION 1234 #define IDC_APPLY_MAX_ALTITUDE_DISTRIBUTION 1235 #define IDC_PAINT_POWER 1235 #define IDC_TRL_COVERAGE_FADE 1236 #define IDC_SMOOTH_POWER 1236 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MIN_NOISE 1237 #define IDC_EQUALIZE_VALUE 1237 #define IDC_TRL_SLOPE_MAX_NOISE 1238 #define IDC_POSTERIZE_STEP 1238 #define IDC_APPLY_MIN_SLOPE_DISTRIBUTION 1239 #define IDC_NOISE_STRENGTH 1239 #define IDC_APPLY_MAX_SLOPE_DISTRIBUTION 1240 #define IDC_FILTER_POWER 1241 #define IDC_FILTER_COMBO 1242 #define IDC_GENERATION_ALGORITHM 1243 #define IDC_CONTINOUS_NOISE_T 1245 #define IDC_DISTRIBUTION_NOISE_T 1246 #define IDC_SHADING_MAP 1246 #define IDC_SHADOW_MAP 1247 #define IDC_TERRAIN_PRETENDER 1248 #define IDC_SHADOW_MAP_T 1249 #define IDC_SHADING_MAP_T 1250 #define IDC_TERRAIN_PRETENDER_T 1251 #define IDC_HEIGHTIMAP_SIZE_T 1252 #define IDC_TERRAIN_HM_WIDTH 1253 #define IDC_TERRAIN_HM_HEIGHT 1254 #define IDC_TERRAIN_QUADS_PER_TILE 1255 #define IDC_TILE_PRETENDER 1256 #define IDC_TILE_PRETENDER_T 1257 #define IDC_FBM_OCTAVES 1257 #define IDC_TERRAIN_MEMORY_T 1258 #define IDC_FBM_OCTAVE_STEP 1258 #define IDC_LAYER_MEMORY_T 1259 #define IDC_FBM_MAX_ALTITUDE 1259 #define IDC_TERRAIN_EDGE_MEMORY_T 1260 #define IDC_FBM_OCTAVE_AMPLITUDE_DECREASE 1260 #define IDC_FBM_HIGH_FREQUENCY_STEP 1261 #define IDC_CT_OCTAVES_SPIN 1262 #define IDC_GLOBAL_PRETENDER 1263 #define IDC_BCG_PICTURE_SIZE 1264 #define IDC_FBM_PREVIEW_FRAME 1284 #define IDC_IS_LIGHT_BEAM_PASSABLLE 11048 #define IDC_NO_SHADOW 11049 #define IDC_IS_RECEIVING_SHADOWS 11050 #define IDC_HAS_DIRECTIONAL_SHADOWS 11052 #define IDC_NO_PLANE_DIFFUSION 11054 #define IDC_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS_ONLY 11056 #define IDC_NO_DYNAMIC_LIGHTS 11057 #define IDC_HAS_PRECISE_SHADOWS 11058 #define IDC_HAS_DIRECTIONAL_AMBIENT 11059 #define IDC_DARK_CORNERS 11060 #define IDC_APPLY_GRADIENT 11061 #define ID_SAVE_VIRTUAL_TREE 32771 #define ID_LOAD_VIRTUAL_TREE 32772 #define ID_DELETE_DIRECTORY 32773 #define ID_INSERT_DIRECTORY 32774 #define ID_CREATE_DIRECTORY 32775 #define ID_INSERT_OBJECTS 32777 #define ID_RENAME_DIRECTORY 32778 #define ID_VIRTUAL_TREE 32779 #define ID_INSERT_ITEMS 32780 #define ID_SMALL_ICONS 32781 #define ID_BIG_ICONS 32782 #define ID_DELETE_ITEMS 32785 #define ID_MEDIUM_ICONS 32786 #define ID_SHOW_DESCRIPTION 32787 #define ID_SHOW_FILENAME 32788 #define ID_VIEW_INFOWINDOW 32790 #define ID_FILE_PREFERENCES 32791 #define ID_CHOOSE_COLOR 32792 #define ID_LOAD_BAR_STATUSES 32793 #define ID_CREATE_PRIMITIVE 32794 #define ID_SAVE_THUMBNAIL 32801 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_TOP 32802 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_BOTTOM 32803 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_RIGHT 32804 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_LEFT 32805 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_FRONT 32806 #define ID_ISOMETRIC_BACK 32807 #define ID_PERSPECTIVE 32808 #define ID_CSG_ADD_ROOMS 32809 #define ID_CSG_ADD_MATERIAL 32810 #define ID_CSG_REMOVE_MATERIAL 32811 #define ID_CSG_SPLIT_SECTORS 32813 #define ID_CSG_DESTINATION 32814 #define ID_CSG_CANCEL 32815 #define ID_GRID_ON_OFF 32817 #define ID_VIEW_CSGTOOLS 32818 #define ID_SHOW_ORIENTATION 32820 #define ID_ZOOM_MORE 32822 #define ID_ZOOM_LESS 32823 #define ID_MOVE_RIGHT 32824 #define ID_MOVE_LEFT 32825 #define ID_MOVE_UP 32826 #define ID_MOVE_DOWN 32827 #define ID_TOP 32828 #define ID_PROJECTION_TOP 32829 #define ID_PROJECTION_BOTTOM 32830 #define ID_PROJECTION_LEFT 32831 #define ID_PROJECTION_RIGHT 32832 #define ID_PROJECTION_FRONT 32833 #define ID_PROJECTION_BACK 32834 #define ID_PROJECTION_ISOMETRIC 32835 #define ID_IMPORT_LWO 32837 #define ID_MEASUREMENT_LENT 32838 #define ID_MEASUREMENT_TAPE 32839 #define ID_FRAME_RATE 32840 #define ID_BUFFER01 32841 #define ID_BUFFER02 32842 #define ID_BUFFER03 32843 #define ID_BUFFER04 32844 #define ID_BUFFER05 32845 #define ID_BUFFER06 32846 #define ID_BUFFER07 32847 #define ID_BUFFER08 32848 #define ID_BUFFER09 32849 #define ID_BUFFER10 32850 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER01 32851 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER02 32852 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER03 32853 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER04 32854 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER05 32855 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER06 32856 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER07 32857 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER08 32858 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER09 32859 #define ID_EDIT_BUFFER10 32860 #define ID_TOGGLE_MODES 32862 #define ID_CIRCLE_MODES 32863 #define ID_SELECT_BY_NAME 32864 #define ID_VIEW_PROJECTIONS_BAR 32865 #define ID_VIEW_SELECTON_BAR 32866 #define ID_BCG_SETTINGS 32867 #define ID_VIEW_SELECTION 32868 #define ID_DELETE_ENTITY 32869 #define ID_DELETE_ENTITIES 32870 #define ID_COPY_TEXTURE 32871 #define ID_TAKE_SS 32872 #define ID_ENTITY_MODE 32873 #define ID_POLYGON_MODE 32874 #define ID_SECTOR_MODE 32875 #define ID_REMOVE_MATERIAL 32876 #define ID_JOIN_SECTORS 32877 #define ID_CSG_JOIN_SECTORS 32878 #define ID_TEST_GAME 32879 #define ID_AUTO_SNAP 32880 #define ID_CSG_ADD 32881 #define ID_CSG_REMOVE 32882 #define ID_SPLIT_POLYGONS 32883 #define ID_JOIN_POLYGONS 32884 #define ID_CSG_SPLIT_POLYGONS 32887 #define ID_CSG_JOIN_POLYGONS 32888 #define ID_AUTO_DELTA_PRIMITIVE 32890 #define ID_CLONE_CSG 32891 #define ID_CREATE_PRIMITIVE_POPUP 32892 #define ID_BUTTON32893 32893 #define ID_BUTTON32894 32894 #define ID_BUTTON32895 32895 #define ID_BUTTON32896 32896 #define ID_BUTTON32899 32899 #define ID_BUTTON32900 32900 #define ID_BUTTON32901 32901 #define ID_BUTTON32902 32902 #define ID_BUTTON32905 32905 #define ID_BUTTON32906 32906 #define ID_BUTTON32908 32908 #define ID_BUTTON32909 32909 #define ID_BUTTON32910 32910 #define ID_BUTTON32911 32911 #define ID_BUTTON32912 32912 #define ID_MEASURE_ON 32914 #define ID_BUTTON32916 32916 #define ID_BUTTON32917 32917 #define ID_WORLD_SETTINGS 32918 #define ID_SHOW_PANE_INFO 32919 #define ID_BUTTON32920 32920 #define ID_RESET_VIEWER 32921 #define ID_CREATE_TEXTURE 32922 #define ID_CALCULATESHADOWS 32923 #define ID_EDIT_COPY_MAPPING 32924 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_MAPPING 32925 #define ID_GLOBAL_SETTINGS 32926 #define ID_GAME_SETTINGS 32928 #define ID_HIDE_SELECTED_SECTORS 32930 #define ID_SHOW_ALL_SECTORS 32931 #define ID_HIDE_UNSELECTED_SECTORS 32932 #define ID_BUTTON32933 32933 #define ID_BUTTON32934 32934 #define ID_BUTTON32935 32935 #define ID_RENDER_TARGETS 32936 #define ID_CALL_MODELER 32938 #define ID_CALL_TEXMAKER 32939 #define ID_VIEW_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY_BAR 32940 #define ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR 32941 #define ID_GAME_PLAYER 32943 #define ID_GAME_AUDIO 32944 #define ID_GAME_VIDEO 32945 #define ID_GAME_SELECT_PLAYER 32946 #define ID_SHADOWS_NONE 32947 #define ID_SHADOWS_NO_FX 32948 #define ID_SHADOWS_WITH_EFFECTS 32949 #define ID_SHADOWS_CIRCLE -32586 #define ID_SAVE_AS_VIRTUAL_TREE 32952 #define ID_BUTTON32953 32953 #define ID_MOVE_ANCHORED 32954 #define ID_PASTE_TEXTURE 32957 #define ID_BUTTON32961 32961 #define ID_BUTTON32963 32963 #define ID_BUTTON32964 32964 #define ID_CENTER_ENTITY 32966 #define ID_BROWSE_ENTITIES_MODE 32968 #define ID_NEXT_SELECTED_ENTITY 32970 #define ID_PREVIOUS_SELECTED_ENTITY 32973 #define ID_SCENE_STATISTICS 32974 #define ID_SCENE_RENDERING_TIME 32975 #define ID_RECREATE_TEXTURE 32976 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_IN_VOLUME 32977 #define ID_DROP_MARKER 32979 #define ID_TEST_CONNECTIONS 32980 #define ID_JOIN_LAYERS 32981 #define ID_ALIGN_VOLUME 32983 #define ID_SHOW_TREE_SHORTCUTS 32984 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT01 32985 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT02 32986 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT03 32987 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT04 32988 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT05 32989 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT06 32990 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT07 32991 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT08 32992 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT09 32993 #define ID_MENU_SHORTCUT10 32994 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT01 32995 #define ID_TAKE_SCREEN_SHOOT 32996 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT02 32996 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT03 32997 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT04 32998 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT05 32999 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT06 33000 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT07 33001 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT08 33002 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT09 33003 #define ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT10 33004 #define ID_SELECT_BY_CLASS 33005 #define ID_CURRENT_VIEW_PROPERTIES 33007 #define ID_AUTO_MIP_LEVELING 33008 #define ID_DECADIC_GRID 33009 #define ID_ADD_MORE_PRECISE_MIP 33010 #define ID_ADD_ROUGHER_MIP_LEVEL 33011 #define ID_DELETE_MIP 33012 #define ID_CONSOLE 33015 #define ID_PREVIOUS_MIP 33016 #define ID_NEXT_MIP 33017 #define ID_PREVIOUS_MIP_BRUSH 33019 #define ID_NEXT_MIP_BRUSH 33020 #define ID_VIEW_MIP_TOOLS_BAR 33021 #define ID_WINDOW_CLOSE 33022 #define ID_TOOL_RECREATE_TEXTURE 33024 #define ID_CROSSROAD_FOR_C 33025 #define ID_SET_AS_CSG_TARGET 33027 #define ID_RECREATE_CURRENT_TEXTURE 33028 #define ID_COPY_MAPPING 33029 #define ID_KEY_COPY 33029 #define ID_PASTE_MAPPING 33030 #define ID_KEY_PASTE 33030 #define ID_CREATE_AND_ADD_TEXTURE 33031 #define ID_SELECT_POLYGONS 33033 #define ID_SELECT_POLYGONS_IN_SECTOR 33034 #define ID_SELECT_POLYGONS_IN_WORLD 33035 #define ID_FIND_TEXTURE 33036 #define ID_SELECT_BY_TEXTURE_IN_SECTOR 33037 #define ID_SELECT_BY_TEXTURE_ADJACENT 33038 #define ID_SELECT_POLYGONS_BY_TEXTURE_IN_SELECTED_SECTORS 33039 #define ID_SELECT_POLYGONS_BY_TEXTURE_IN_WORLD 33040 #define ID_SELECT_BY_TEXTURE_IN_SELECTED_SECTORS 33041 #define ID_SELECT_BY_TEXTURE_IN_WORLD 33042 #define ID_CSG_JOIN_ALL_POLYGONS 33044 #define ID_SELECT_BY_COLOR_IN_SECTOR 33045 #define ID_MAXIMIZE_VIEW 33046 #define IDS_BROWSER_TOOL_TIP 33047 #define ID_TRIANGULARIZE 33048 #define ID_CREATE_TORUS 33050 #define ID_STAIRCASE_PRIMITIVE 33051 #define ID_TERRAIN_PRIMITIVE 33052 #define ID_SPHERE_PRIMITIVE 33053 #define ID_CONUS_PRIMITIVE 33054 #define ID_TORUS_PRIMITIVE 33055 #define ID_POPOUP_CONUS 33056 #define ID_POPUP_CONUS 33057 #define ID_POPUP_TORUS 33058 #define ID_POPUP_STAIRS 33059 #define ID_POPUP_SPHERE 33060 #define ID_POPUP_TERRAIN 33061 #define ID_TOGGLE_VIEW_PICTURES 33062 #define ID_SELECT_FOR_DROP_MARKER 33063 #define ID_LIGHT_ANIMATION 33064 #define ID_VIEW_FROM_ENTITY 33065 #define ID_SET_AS_CURRENT_TEXTURE 33066 #define ID_SELECT_LIGHTS 33067 #define ID_DISCARD_SHADOWS 33068 #define ID_COPY_SECTOR_AMBIENT 33069 #define ID_PASTE_SECTOR_AMBIENT 33070 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_POLYGONS 33071 #define ID_TOGGLE_LIGHT_SIZE 33072 #define ID_COPY_SECTORS 33073 #define ID_PASTE_SECTORS 33074 #define ID_DELETE_SECTORS 33075 #define ID_CENTER_BCG_VIEWER -32460 #define ID_CONVERT_WORLDS 33078 #define ID_TOGGLE_TOOL_TIPS 33079 #define ID_BUTTON33084 33084 #define ID_TEXTURE_1 33084 #define ID_BUTTON33085 33085 #define ID_TEXTURE_2 33085 #define ID_BUTTON33086 33086 #define ID_TEXTURE_3 33086 #define ID_BUTTON33087 33087 #define ID_TOGGLE_SHADOWS 33088 #define ID_BUTTON33089 33089 #define ID_BUTTON33093 33093 #define ID_VIEW_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE_BAR 33094 #define ID_VIEW_SELECT_ENTITY_BAR 33095 #define ID_VIEW_WORK_BAR 33096 #define ID_PASTE_TEXTURE_AS_PROJECTED 33097 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_AS_PROJECTED_MAPPING 33098 #define ID_MENU_COPY_MAPPING 33099 #define ID_MENU_PASTE_MAPPING 33100 #define ID_MENU_PASTE_AS_PROJECTED_MAPPING 33101 #define ID_KEY_PASTE_AS_PROJECTED -32434 #define ID_BUTTON33104 33104 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_1 33105 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_2 -32430 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_3 -32429 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_SECTORS 33108 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_ENTITIES 33109 #define ID_LAST_PRIMITIVE 33110 #define ID_COPY_COLOR 33111 #define ID_PASTE_COLOR 33112 #define ID_NUMERIC_ALPHA 33113 #define ID_CREATE_EMPTY_ROUGHER_MIP 33114 #define ID_CREATE_EMPTY_MORE_PRECISE_MIP 33117 #define ID_CLONE_TO_MORE_PRECISE_MIP 33118 #define ID_CLONE_TO_ROUGHER_MIP_LEVEL 33119 #define ID_LOAD_PRIMITIVE_SETTINGS 33120 #define ID_SAVE_PRIMITIVE_SETTINGS 33121 #define ID_SAVE_AS_PRIMITIVE_SETTINGS 33122 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_ALTERNATIVE 33123 #define ID_CALCULATE_SHADOWS_ONOFF 33126 #define ID_BUTTON33127 33127 #define ID_VIEW_SHADOWS 33128 #define ID_VIEW_SHADOWS_ONOFF 33129 #define ID_BUTTON33130 33130 #define ID_BUTTON33131 33131 #define ID_BUTTON33132 33132 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_ENTITIES_IN_WORLD 33134 #define ID_EDIT_PASTE_INTO_LAYER 33135 #define ID_SELECT_SECTORS_WITH_SAME_NAME 33136 #define ID_SELECT_SECTORS_ARROUND_ENTITY 33137 #define ID_CHANGE_CLASS 33138 #define ID_CONVERT_CLASS 33139 #define ID_RESET_PRIMITIVE 33140 #define ID_MENU_PASTE_TEXTURE 33141 #define ID_MENU_COPY_TEXTURE 33142 #define ID_INSERT_VERTEX 33143 #define ID_DELETE_VERTEX 33144 #define ID_SELECT_TARGET 33145 #define ID_SAVE_PICTURES_FOR_ENVIRONMENT 33146 #define ID_SELECT_SECTOR 33147 #define ID_CSG_SELECT_SECTOR 33148 #define ID_UPDATE_LINKS 33154 #define ID_MENU_ALIGN_MAPPING 33155 #define ID_MENU_ALIGN_MAPPING_U -32380 #define ID_MENU_ALIGN_MAPPING_V -32379 #define ID_MICRO_ICONS 33158 #define ID_FALL_DOWN 33159 #define ID_PREVIOUS -32375 #define ID_NEXT -32374 #define ID_EXCEPT_TEXTURES_IN_WORLD 33163 #define ID_SELECT_EXCEPT_TEXTURES 33164 #define ID_REMOVE_UNUSED_TEXTURES 33165 #define ID_ROTATE 33166 #define ID_ROTATE_BACK -32369 #define ID_SELECT_VISIBLE_SECTORS 33168 #define ID_SNAPSHOT 33170 #define ID_EDIT_COPY_ALTERNATIVE 33171 #define ID_STORE_POSITION01 33172 #define ID_STORE_POSITION02 33173 #define ID_RESTORE_POSITION01 33174 #define ID_RESTORE_POSITION02 33175 #define ID_MIRROR_AND_STRETCH 33176 #define ID_DESELECT_BY_ORIENTATION 33177 #define ID_ADD_TEXTURES_FROM_WORLD 33178 #define ID_FLIP_LAYER 33179 #define ID_ROTATE_RIGHT 33180 #define ID_ROTATE_LEFT 33181 #define ID_ROTATE_UP 33182 #define ID_ROTATE_DOWN 33183 #define ID_SELECT_WHO_TARGETS 33184 #define ID_SELECT_INVALIDTRIS 33185 #define ID_FILTER_SELECTION 33186 #define ID_TEST_CONNECTIONS_BACK 33187 #define ID_SET_AS_DEFAULT 33188 #define ID_HELP_SHOWTIPOFTHEDAY 33189 #define ID_UPDATE_CLONES 33190 #define ID_EDIT_MIP_SWITCH_DISTANCE 33191 #define ID_SELECT_SECTORS_OTHER_SIDE 33192 #define ID_SELECT_LINKS_TO_SECTOR 33193 #define ID_REMAIN_SELECTEDBY_ORIENTATION 33194 #define ID_VERTEX_MODE 33195 #define ID_REOPTIMIZE_BRUSHES 33196 #define ID_MERGE_POINTS 33197 #define ID_MERGE_VERTICES 33198 #define ID_EXPORT_DISPLACE_MAP 33199 #define ID_CUT_MODE 33200 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_TARGETS 33203 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_TARGETS_ON_CONTEXT 33205 #define ID_TEST_GAME_FULLSCREEN 33206 #define ID_SELECT_CLONES 33207 #define ID_SELECT_CLONES_ON_CONTEXT 33208 #define ID_FUNCTION 33210 #define ID_SELECT_ALL_VERTICES 33212 #define ID_HIDE_UNSELECTED 33213 #define ID_HIDE_SELECTED 33214 #define ID_SHOW_ALL 33215 #define ID_SELECT_OF_SAME_CLASS 33216 #define ID_SELECT_OF_SAME_CLASS_ON_CONTEXT 33217 #define ID_ALTERNATIVE_MOVING_MODE 33218 #define ID_VIEW_AXIS 33219 #define ID_RE_TRIPLE 33220 #define ID_SELECT_WHO_TARGETS_ON_CONTEXT 33222 #define ID_SELECT_SECTORS_ARROUND_ENTITY_ON_CONTEXT 33223 #define ID_DISCARD_ALL_TARGETS 33224 #define ID_CLEAR_ALL_TARGETS 33225 #define ID_EXPORT_TEXTURES 33226 #define ID_EXPORT_TEXTURE 33227 #define ID_CHECK_EDIT 33228 #define ID_CHECK_ADD 33229 #define ID_CHECK_DELETE 33230 #define ID_UNDO_CHECK_OUT 33231 #define ID_SELECT_CSG_TARGET 33232 #define ID_REMAIN_SELECTEDBY_ORIENTATION_SINGLE 33233 #define ID_TRIANGULARIZE_POLYGON 33235 #define ID_BROWSER_HELP 33236 #define ID_BROWSER_CONTEXT_HELP 33237 #define ID_ENTITY_CONTEXT_HELP 33238 #define ID_FIT_TEXTURE 33239 #define ID_FIT_MAPPING 33240 #define ID_AUTO_FIT_MAPPING 33241 #define ID_POPUP_AUTO_FIT_MAPPING 33242 #define ID_TRIANGULARIZE_SELECTION 33243 #define ID_POPUP_AUTO_FIT_MAPPING_SMALL 33245 #define ID_POPUP_AUTO_FIT_MAPPING_BOTH 33246 #define ID_RESET_ROTATION 33247 #define ID_RESET_OFFSET 33248 #define ID_RESET_MAPPING_ROTATION 33249 #define ID_RESET_MAPPING_OFFSET 33250 #define ID_RESET_MAPPING_STRETCH 33251 #define ID_TOGGLE_ENTITY_NAMES 33252 #define ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR2 33253 #define ID_CROSSROAD_FOR_L 33254 #define ID_VIEW_TARGET_TREE 33255 #define ID_SELECT_USING_TARGET_TREE 33256 #define ID_LT_EXPAND_ALL 33257 #define ID_LT_CONTRACT_BRANCH 33258 #define ID_LT_EXPAND_BRANCH 33259 #define ID_LT_CONTRACT_LEVEL 33260 #define ID_LT_EXPAND_LEVEL 33261 #define ID_LT_CONTRACT_ALL 33262 #define ID_LT_LEAVE_BRANCH 33263 #define ID_LT_LAST_LEVEL 33264 #define ID_TARGET_LIST 33265 #define ID_TARGET_TREE 33266 #define ID_UPDATE_BRUSHES 33267 #define ID_SELECT_BY_CLASS_IMPORTANT -32268 #define ID_TOGGLE_VISIBILITY_TWEAKS 33269 #define ID_SWAP_LAYERS_12 33270 #define ID_SWAP_LAYERS_23 33271 #define ID_IMPORT_3D_SERIES 33272 #define ID_IMPORT_3D_OBJECT 33273 #define ID_INSERT_3D_OBJECT 33274 #define ID_EXPORT_3D_OBJECT 33275 #define ID_CROSSROAD_FOR_N 33276 #define ID_POPUP_VTX_NUMERIC 33277 #define ID_POPUP_VTX_ALLIGN 33278 #define ID_POPUP_VTX_FILTER 33279 #define ID_SELECT_DESCENDANTS 33280 #define ID_CROSSROAD_FOR_CTRL_F -32255 #define ID_ENABLE_VISIBILITY_TWEAKS 33284 #define ID_RESTORE_POSITION03 -32251 #define ID_STORE_POSITION03 -32250 #define ID_STORE_POSITION04 -32249 #define ID_RESTORE_POSITION04 -32248 #define ID_IMPORT_VIRTUAL_TREE 33289 #define ID_EXPORT_VIRTUAL_TREE 33290 #define ID_DUMP_VT 33291 #define ID_TARGET_ENTITY 33293 #define ID_ROTATE_TO_TARGET_ORIGIN 33294 #define ID_ROTATE_TO_TARGET_CENTER 33295 #define ID_COPY_PLACEMENT 33296 #define ID_PASTE_PLACEMENT 33297 #define ID_COPY_POSITION 33298 #define ID_PASTE_POSITION 33299 #define ID_COPY_ORIENTATION 33300 #define ID_PASTE_ORIENTATION 33301 #define ID_ALIGN_X 33302 #define ID_ALIGN_Y 33303 #define ID_ALIGN_Z 33304 #define ID_ALIGN_H 33305 #define ID_ALIGN_P 33306 #define ID_ALIGN_B 33307 #define ID_AUTOTEXTURIZE_MIPS 33309 #define ID_RANDOM_OFFSET_U 33310 #define ID_RANDOM_OFFSET_V 33311 #define ID_STRETCH_RELATIVE_OFFSET 33312 #define ID_DESELECT_HIDDEN 33313 #define ID_SELECT_HIDDEN 33314 #define ID_SECTORS_TO_BRUSH 33315 #define ID_POLYGONS_TO_BRUSH 33316 #define ID_CLONE_POLYGONS 33317 #define ID_DELETE_POLYGONS 33318 #define ID_KEY_U 33319 #define ID_KEY_D 33320 #define ID_FLIP_POLYGON 33322 #define ID_CREATE_POLYGON 33323 #define ID_TERRAIN_MODE -32211 #define ID_SELECT_TERRAIN_ENTITY 33326 #define ID_RECALCULATE_TERRAIN_SHADOWS 33327 #define ID_OPTIMIZE_TERRAIN 33328 #define ID_KEY_B -32207 #define ID_KEY_M -32206 #define ID_KEY_BACKSLASH -32204 #define ID_SELECT_BRUSH 33333 #define ID_SELECT_LAYER 33334 #define ID_PICK_LAYER 33335 #define ID_TOGGLE_EDIT_MODE 33336 #define ID_ALTITUDE_EDIT_MODE 33338 #define ID_LAYER_TEXTURE_EDIT_MODE 33339 #define ID_CHANGE_TERRAIN_SIZE 33340 #define ID_EXPORT_HEIGHTMAP 33341 #define ID_IMPORT_HEIGHTMAP 33342 #define ID_LAYER_OPTIONS 33343 #define ID_SELECT_TERRAIN 33344 #define ID_TBRUSH_HEIGHT 33345 #define ID_TBRUSH_ALTITUDE 33346 #define ID_TBRUSH_SMOOTH 33347 #define ID_TBRUSH_EQUILAZE 33348 #define ID_TBRUSH_ERASE 33349 #define ID_TBRUSH_UNERASE 33350 #define ID_TBRUSH_FLATTEN 33351 #define ID_TBRUSH_NOISE 33352 #define ID_VIEW_HEIGHTMAP 33353 #define ID_IMPORT_HEIGHTMAP16 33354 #define ID_EXPORT_HEIGHTMAP16 33355 #define ID_CHANGE_HIEGHTMAP_SIZE 33356 #define ID_CHANGE_HEIGHTMAP_SIZE 33357 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_4 -32178 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_5 -32177 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_6 -32176 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_7 -32175 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_8 -32174 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_9 -32173 #define ID_TEXTURE_MODE_10 -32172 #define ID_KEY_O -32171 #define ID_EQUILIZE 33366 #define ID_POSTERIZE 33367 #define ID_KEY_G -32168 #define ID_KEY_Y -32167 #define ID_TE_SMOOTH 33370 #define ID_APPLY_FILTER 33371 #define ID_EDIT_TERRAIN_PREFS -32164 #define ID_KEY_CTRL_G -32163 #define ID_KEY_CTRL_SHIFT_E -32162 #define ID_KEY_CTRL_SHIFT_G -32161 #define ID_TERRAIN_LAYER_OPTIONS -32160 #define ID_KEY_CTRL_SHIFT_K -32159 #define ID_APPLY_CONTINOUS_NOISE 33378 #define ID_APPLY_MINIMUM 33379 #define ID_APPLY_MAXIMUM 33380 #define ID_APPLY_FLATTEN 33381 #define ID_APPLY_POSTERIZE 33382 #define ID_OPTIMIZE_LAYERS 33383 #define ID_TBRUSH_FILTER 33384 #define ID_TBRUSH_MINIMUM 33385 #define ID_TBRUSH_MAXIMUM 33386 #define ID_TBRUSH_POSTERIZE 33387 #define ID_TBRUSH_CONTINOUS_NOISE 33388 #define ID_TERRAIN_PROPERTIES 33389 #define ID_EXPORT_PLACEMENTS 33391 #define ID_EXPORT_ENTITIES 33392 #define ID_ACCELERATOR33402 33402 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_MAIN 0xE800 #define IDW_STATUSBAR 0xE801 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_CSG 0xE802 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_WORK 0xE803 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_PROJECTIONS 0xE804 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY 0xE805 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_VIEW_TOOLS 0xE806 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_MIP 0xE807 #define ID_VIEW_BROWSEDIALOGBAR 0xE808 #define ID_VIEW_PROPERTYCOMBO 0xE809 #define IDW_TOOLBAR_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE 0xE80A #define IDW_TOOLBAR_SELECT_ENTITY 0xE80B #define IDW_TOOLBAR_VIEW_TOOLS2 0xE80C #define IDW_SHOW_TEXTURE 61216 #define IDW_FBM_PREVIEW 61217 #define ID_STATIC 65535 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 255 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 33391 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1264 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 111 #endif #endif