/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "stdh.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern BOOL _bSomeDarkExists; extern INDEX d3d_bAlternateDepthReads; // general coordinate stack referenced by the scene polygons extern CStaticStackArray _avtxScene; //#pragma optimize ("gt", on) #pragma inline_depth(255) #pragma inline_recursion(on) #ifndef NDEBUG //#define ASER_EXTREME_CHECKING 1 #endif // the renderer structures used in rendering #define MAX_RENDERERS 2 static CRenderer _areRenderers[MAX_RENDERERS]; static BOOL _bMirrorDrawn = FALSE; extern INDEX wld_bAlwaysAddAll; extern INDEX wld_bRenderEmptyBrushes; extern INDEX wld_bRenderDetailPolygons; extern INDEX gfx_bRenderParticles; extern INDEX gfx_bRenderModels; extern INDEX gfx_bRenderFog; extern INDEX gfx_bRenderPredicted; extern INDEX gfx_iLensFlareQuality; extern BOOL _bMultiPlayer; // variables for selection on rendering extern CBrushVertexSelection *_pselbvxtSelectOnRender = NULL; extern CStaticStackArray *_pavpixSelectLasso = NULL; extern CEntitySelection *_pselenSelectOnRender = NULL; extern PIX2D _vpixSelectNearPoint = PIX2D(0,0); extern BOOL _bSelectAlternative = FALSE; extern PIX _pixDeltaAroundVertex = 10; // shading info for viewer of last rendered view FLOAT3D _vViewerLightDirection; COLOR _colViewerLight; COLOR _colViewerAmbient; // handy statistic helper routines static enum CStatForm::StatTimerIndex _stiLastStatsMode = (enum CStatForm::StatTimerIndex)-1; void StopStatsMode(void) { ASSERT( (INDEX)_stiLastStatsMode != -1); if( _stiLastStatsMode>=0) _sfStats.StopTimer(_stiLastStatsMode); _stiLastStatsMode = (enum CStatForm::StatTimerIndex)-1; } void StartStatsMode( enum CStatForm::StatTimerIndex sti) { ASSERT( (INDEX)sti != -1); ASSERT( (INDEX)_stiLastStatsMode == -1); if( sti>=0) _sfStats.StartTimer(sti); _stiLastStatsMode = sti; } void ChangeStatsMode( enum CStatForm::StatTimerIndex sti) { StopStatsMode(); StartStatsMode(sti); } // screen edges, polygons and trapezoids used in rasterizing CDynamicStackArray CRenderer::re_aadeAddEdges; CDynamicStackArray CRenderer::re_asedScreenEdges; // spans for current scan line CDynamicStackArray CRenderer::re_aspSpans; // vertices clipped to current clip plane CStaticStackArray CRenderer::re_aiClipBuffer; // buffers for edges of polygons CStaticStackArray CRenderer::re_aiEdgeVxClipSrc; CStaticStackArray CRenderer::re_aiEdgeVxClipDst; // add and remove lists for each scan line CStaticArray CRenderer::re_alhAddLists; CStaticArray CRenderer::re_actAddCounts; // count of edges in given add list CStaticArray CRenderer::re_apsedRemoveFirst; CStaticStackArray CRenderer::re_aaceActiveEdgesTmp; CStaticStackArray CRenderer::re_aaceActiveEdges; // container for sorting translucent polygons CDynamicStackArray CRenderer::re_atcTranslucentPolygons; // container for all light influencing current model struct ModelLight { CLightSource *ml_plsLight; // the light source FLOAT3D ml_vDirection; // direction from light to the model position (normalized) FLOAT ml_fShadowIntensity; // intensity at the model position (for shadow) FLOAT ml_fR, ml_fG, ml_fB; // light components at light source (0..255) inline void Clear(void) {}; }; static CDynamicStackArray _amlLights; static INDEX _ctMaxAddEdges=0; static INDEX _ctMaxActiveEdges=0; void RendererInfo(void) { CPrintF("Renderer information:\n"); SLONG slMem = 0; slMem += CRenderer::re_aadeAddEdges.da_Count*sizeof(CAddEdge); slMem += CRenderer::re_asedScreenEdges.da_Count*sizeof(CScreenEdge); slMem += CRenderer::re_aspSpans.da_Count*sizeof(CSpan); slMem += CRenderer::re_aiClipBuffer.sa_Count*sizeof(INDEX); slMem += CRenderer::re_aiEdgeVxClipSrc.sa_Count*sizeof(INDEX); slMem += CRenderer::re_aiEdgeVxClipDst.sa_Count*sizeof(INDEX); slMem += CRenderer::re_alhAddLists.sa_Count*sizeof(CListHead); slMem += CRenderer::re_actAddCounts.sa_Count*sizeof(INDEX); slMem += CRenderer::re_apsedRemoveFirst.sa_Count*sizeof(CScreenEdge *); slMem += CRenderer::re_atcTranslucentPolygons.da_Count*sizeof(CTranslucentPolygon); slMem += CRenderer::re_aaceActiveEdges.sa_Count*sizeof(CActiveEdge); slMem += CRenderer::re_aaceActiveEdgesTmp.sa_Count*sizeof(CActiveEdge); for (INDEX ire = 0; ireObjectPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); re_prProjection->ObjectFaceForwardL() = FALSE; re_prProjection->ObjectStretchL() = FLOAT3D(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); re_prProjection->DepthBufferNearL() = 0.0f; re_prProjection->DepthBufferFarL() = 0.9f; re_prProjection->Prepare(); re_asedScreenEdges.PopAll(); re_aadeAddEdges.PopAll(); re_aspSpans.PopAll(); re_avvxViewVertices.PopAll(); re_aiEdgeVxMain.PopAll(); // if more scan lines are needed than last time if (re_alhAddLists.Count()Count()>0) { re_ulVisExclude = VISM_INCLUDEEXCLUDE; } FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(*_pselbscVisTweaks, CBrushSector, itbsc) { if (itbsc->bsc_ulFlags2&BSCF2_VISIBILITYINCLUDE) { re_ulVisInclude = itbsc->bsc_ulVisFlags&VISM_INCLUDEEXCLUDE; } else { re_ulVisExclude &= itbsc->bsc_ulVisFlags&VISM_INCLUDEEXCLUDE; } } } // check if the background is needed re_bBackgroundEnabled = FALSE; if (!re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_bBackgroundTextureOn) { CEntity *penBackgroundViewer = re_pwoWorld->GetBackgroundViewer(); if (penBackgroundViewer!=NULL) { re_bBackgroundEnabled = TRUE; re_penBackgroundViewer = penBackgroundViewer; re_prBackgroundProjection = re_prProjection; CPlacement3D plViewer = re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementR(); plViewer.pl_PositionVector = FLOAT3D(0,0,0); CPlacement3D plBcgViewer = penBackgroundViewer->GetLerpedPlacement(); if (re_prProjection->pr_bMirror) { ReflectPositionVectorByPlane(re_prProjection->pr_plMirror, plBcgViewer.pl_PositionVector); } plViewer.RelativeToAbsoluteSmooth(plBcgViewer); re_prBackgroundProjection->ViewerPlacementL() = plViewer; re_prBackgroundProjection->ObjectPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); re_prBackgroundProjection->FarClipDistanceL() = -1.0f; re_prBackgroundProjection->DepthBufferNearL() = 0.9f; re_prBackgroundProjection->DepthBufferFarL() = 1.0f; re_prBackgroundProjection->TurnOffWarpPlane(); // background never needs warp-plane clipping re_prBackgroundProjection->Prepare(); } } // if a viewer entity is given if (re_penViewer!=NULL) { // add all zoning sectors near the entity AddZoningSectorsAroundEntity(re_penViewer, re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector); // make sure the viewer is always added (if model) if(re_penViewer->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_MODEL || re_penViewer->en_RenderType==CEntity::RT_EDITORMODEL) { AddModelEntity(re_penViewer); } // if a viewer polygons are given } else if (re_pcspoViewPolygons!=NULL) { // for each polygon FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(*re_pcspoViewPolygons, CScreenPolygon, itspo) { CBrushPolygon *pbpo = itspo->spo_pbpoBrushPolygon; // get the sector, sector's brush mip, brush and entity CBrushSector *pbsc = pbpo->bpo_pbscSector; CBrushMip *pbmBrushMip = pbsc->bsc_pbmBrushMip; CBrush3D *pbrBrush = pbmBrushMip->bm_pbrBrush; ASSERT(pbrBrush!=NULL); CEntity *penBrush = pbrBrush->br_penEntity; // if the brush is zoning if (penBrush->en_ulFlags&ENF_ZONING) { // add the sector that the polygon is in AddGivenZoningSector(pbsc); // if the brush is non-zoning } else { // add sectors around it AddZoningSectorsAroundEntity(penBrush, penBrush->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector); } } // if there is no viewer entity/polygon } else { // set up viewer bounding box as box of minimum redraw range around viewer position if (re_bRenderingShadows) { // NOTE: when rendering shadows, this is set in ::RenderShadows() //re_boxViewer = FLOATaabbox3D(re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector, // 1.0f); } else { re_boxViewer = FLOATaabbox3D(re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementR().pl_PositionVector, _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_fMinimumRenderRange); } // add all zoning sectors near viewer box AddZoningSectorsAroundBox(re_boxViewer); // NOTE: this is so entities outside of world can be edited in WEd // if editor models should be rendered if (_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsEditorModelsOn()) { // add all nonzoning entities near viewer box AddEntitiesInBox(re_boxViewer); } } if( wld_bAlwaysAddAll) { AddAllEntities(); // used for profiling } else { // NOTE: this is so that world can be viewed from the outside in game // if no brush sectors have been added so far if (!re_bRenderingShadows && re_lhActiveSectors.IsEmpty()) { // add all entities in the world AddAllEntities(); } } // add the background if needed if (re_bBackgroundEnabled) { AddZoningSectorsAroundEntity(re_penBackgroundViewer, re_penBackgroundViewer->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector); } _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_ADDINITIAL); } // scan through portals for other sectors void CRenderer::ScanForOtherSectors(void) { ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDVISIBILITY); // if shadows or polygons should be drawn if (re_bRenderingShadows ||_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { // rasterize edges into spans ScanEdges(); } // for each of models that were kept for delayed rendering for(INDEX iModel=0; iModelen_ulFlags &= ~ENF_INRENDERING; } ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDTRANSFORM); } // cleanup after scanning void CRenderer::CleanupScanning(void) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_CLEANUP); // for all active sectors {FORDELETELIST(CBrushSector, bsc_lnInActiveSectors, re_lhActiveSectors, itbsc) { // remove it from list itbsc->bsc_lnInActiveSectors.Remove(); // for all polygons in sector FOREACHINSTATICARRAY(itbsc->bsc_abpoPolygons, CBrushPolygon, itpo) { CBrushPolygon &bpo = *itpo; // clear screen polygon pointers bpo.bpo_pspoScreenPolygon = NULL; } }} ASSERT(re_lhActiveSectors.IsEmpty()); // for all active brushes {FORDELETELIST(CBrush3D, br_lnInActiveBrushes, re_lhActiveBrushes, itbr) { // remove it from list itbr->br_lnInActiveBrushes.Remove(); }} ASSERT(re_lhActiveBrushes.IsEmpty()); // for all active terrains {FORDELETELIST(CTerrain, tr_lnInActiveTerrains, re_lhActiveTerrains, ittr) { // remove it from list ittr->tr_lnInActiveTerrains.Remove(); }} ASSERT(re_lhActiveTerrains.IsEmpty()); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_CLEANUP); } // Render active terrains void CRenderer::RenderTerrains(void) { CAnyProjection3D *papr; papr = &re_prProjection; // for all active terrains {FORDELETELIST(CTerrain, tr_lnInActiveTerrains, re_lhActiveTerrains, ittr) { // render terrain ittr->Render(*papr, re_pdpDrawPort); }} } // Render active terrains in wireframe mode void CRenderer::RenderWireFrameTerrains(void) { CAnyProjection3D *papr; papr = &re_prProjection; BOOL bShowEdges = _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftEdges != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE; BOOL bShowVertices = _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftVertices != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE; // BOOL bForceRegenerate = _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons COLOR colEdges = _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_colEdges; COLOR colVertices = 0xFF0000FF; // for all active terrains {FORDELETELIST(CTerrain, tr_lnInActiveTerrains, re_lhActiveTerrains, ittr) { // render terrain if(bShowEdges) { ittr->RenderWireFrame(*papr, re_pdpDrawPort,colEdges); } if(bShowVertices) { //ittr->RenderVertices(*papr, re_pdpDrawPort,colVertices); } }} } // draw the prepared things to screen void CRenderer::DrawToScreen(void) { ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDRENDERING); //------------------------------------------------- first render background // if polygons should be drawn if (!re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); if( re_bBackgroundEnabled) { // render the polygons to screen CPerspectiveProjection3D *pprPerspective = (CPerspectiveProjection3D *)(CProjection3D *)(re_prBackgroundProjection); pprPerspective->Prepare(); RenderScene( re_pdpDrawPort, re_pspoFirstBackground, re_prBackgroundProjection, re_colSelection, FALSE); } else { // this is just for far sentinel RenderSceneBackground( re_pdpDrawPort, re_spoFarSentinel.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_cColor); } _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); } if (re_bBackgroundEnabled) { // render models that were kept for delayed rendering. ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP); RenderModels(TRUE); // render background models ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDRENDERING); } // if polygons should be drawn if (!re_bRenderingShadows && re_bBackgroundEnabled &&_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { // render translucent portals _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); CPerspectiveProjection3D *pprPerspective = (CPerspectiveProjection3D*)(CProjection3D*)(re_prBackgroundProjection); RenderScene( re_pdpDrawPort, SortTranslucentPolygons(re_pspoFirstBackgroundTranslucent), re_prBackgroundProjection, re_colSelection, TRUE); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); } if( re_bBackgroundEnabled) { ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_PARTICLERENDERING); RenderParticles(TRUE); // render background particless ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDRENDERING); } //------------------------------------------------- second render non-background // if polygons should be drawn if( !re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { // render the spans to screen re_prProjection->Prepare(); _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); CPerspectiveProjection3D *pprPerspective = (CPerspectiveProjection3D*)(CProjection3D*)re_prProjection; RenderScene( re_pdpDrawPort, re_pspoFirst, re_prProjection, re_colSelection, FALSE); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); } // Render active terrains if( !re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { RenderTerrains(); } // if wireframe should be drawn if( !re_bRenderingShadows && ( _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftEdges != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE || _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftVertices != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE || _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_stSelection == CWorldRenderPrefs::ST_VERTICES || _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.IsFieldBrushesOn())) { // render in wireframe all brushes that were added (in orthographic projection!) re_pdpDrawPort->SetOrtho(); RenderWireFrameBrushes(); RenderWireFrameTerrains(); } // render models that were kept for delayed rendering ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_MODELSETUP); RenderModels(FALSE); // render non-background models ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_PARTICLERENDERING); RenderParticles(FALSE); // render non-background particles ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDRENDERING); // if polygons should be drawn if (!re_bRenderingShadows &&_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { // render translucent portals _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); CPerspectiveProjection3D *pprPerspective = (CPerspectiveProjection3D*)(CProjection3D*)re_prProjection; pprPerspective->Prepare(); RenderScene( re_pdpDrawPort, SortTranslucentPolygons(re_pspoFirstTranslucent), re_prProjection, re_colSelection, TRUE); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERSCENE); } // render lens flares if( !re_bRenderingShadows) { ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_FLARESRENDERING); RenderLensFlares(); // (this also sets orthographic projection!) ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDRENDERING); } // if entity targets should be drawn if( !re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_bShowTargetsOn) { // render entity targets RenderEntityTargets(); } // if entity targets should be drawn if( !re_bRenderingShadows && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_bShowEntityNames) { RenderEntityNames(); } // clean all buffers after rendering re_aspoScreenPolygons.PopAll(); re_admDelayedModels.PopAll(); re_cenDrawn.PopAll(); re_avvxViewVertices.PopAll(); } // draw mirror polygons to z-buffer to enable drawing of mirror void CRenderer::FillMirrorDepth(CMirror &mi) { // create a list of scene polygons for mirror ScenePolygon *pspoFirst = NULL; // for each polygon FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(mi.mi_cspoPolygons, CScreenPolygon, itspo) { CScreenPolygon &spo = *itspo; CBrushPolygon &bpo = *spo.spo_pbpoBrushPolygon; // create a new screen polygon CScreenPolygon &spoNew = re_aspoScreenPolygons.Push(); ScenePolygon &sppoNew = spoNew.spo_spoScenePolygon; // add it to mirror list sppoNew.spo_pspoSucc = pspoFirst; pspoFirst = &sppoNew; // use same triangles sppoNew.spo_iVtx0 = spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_iVtx0; sppoNew.spo_ctVtx = spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_ctVtx; sppoNew.spo_piElements = spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_piElements; sppoNew.spo_ctElements = spo.spo_spoScenePolygon.spo_ctElements; } // render all those polygons just to clear z-buffer RenderSceneZOnly( re_pdpDrawPort, pspoFirst, re_prProjection); } // do the rendering void CRenderer::Render(void) { // if the world doesn't have all portal-sector links updated if( !re_pwoWorld->wo_bPortalLinksUpToDate) { // update the links CSetFPUPrecision FPUPrecision(FPT_53BIT); re_pwoWorld->wo_baBrushes.LinkPortalsAndSectors(); re_pwoWorld->wo_bPortalLinksUpToDate = TRUE; } StartStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDTRANSFORM); _pfRenderProfile.IncrementAveragingCounter(); _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERING); // set FPU to single precision while rendering CSetFPUPrecision FPUPrecision(FPT_24BIT); // initialize all rendering structures Initialize(); // init select-on-render functionality if not rendering shadows extern void InitSelectOnRender( PIX pixSizeI, PIX pixSizeJ); if( re_pdpDrawPort!=NULL) InitSelectOnRender( re_pdpDrawPort->GetWidth(), re_pdpDrawPort->GetHeight()); // add initial sectors to active lists AddInitialSectors(); // scan through portals for other sectors ScanForOtherSectors(); // force finishing of all OpenGL pending operations, if required ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_SWAPBUFFERS); extern INDEX ogl_iFinish; ogl_iFinish = Clamp( ogl_iFinish, 0L, 3L); extern INDEX d3d_iFinish; d3d_iFinish = Clamp( d3d_iFinish, 0L, 3L); if( (ogl_iFinish==1 && _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_OGL) #ifdef SE1_D3D || (d3d_iFinish==1 && _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_D3D) #endif // SE1_D3D ) gfxFinish(); // check any eventual delayed depth points outside the mirror (if API and time allows) if( !re_bRenderingShadows && re_iIndex==0) { // OpenGL allows us to check z-buffer from previous frame - cool deal! // Direct3D is, of course, totally different story. :( if( _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_OGL || d3d_bAlternateDepthReads) { ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_FLARESRENDERING); extern void CheckDelayedDepthPoints( const CDrawPort *pdp, INDEX iMirrorLevel=0); CheckDelayedDepthPoints(re_pdpDrawPort); } // in 1st pass - mirrors are not drawn _bMirrorDrawn = FALSE; } // if may render one more mirror recursion ChangeStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDTRANSFORM); if( !re_bRenderingShadows && re_prProjection.IsPerspective() && re_iIndex0 && !re_pdpDrawPort->IsOverlappedRendering()) { // cleanup after scanning CleanupScanning(); // take next renderer CRenderer &re = _areRenderers[re_iIndex+1]; // for each mirror for( INDEX i=0; iGetWidth(); PIX pixDPSizeJ = re_pdpDrawPort->GetHeight(); mi.mi_boxOnScreen.Expand(1); mi.mi_boxOnScreen &= PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(0,0), PIX2D(pixDPSizeI,pixDPSizeJ)); // get drawport and mirror coordinates PIX pixMirrorMinI = mi.mi_boxOnScreen.Min()(1); PIX pixMirrorMinJ = mi.mi_boxOnScreen.Min()(2); PIX pixMirrorMaxI = mi.mi_boxOnScreen.Max()(1); PIX pixMirrorMaxJ = mi.mi_boxOnScreen.Max()(2); // calculate mirror size PIX pixMirrorSizeI = pixMirrorMaxI-pixMirrorMinI; PIX pixMirrorSizeJ = pixMirrorMaxJ-pixMirrorMinJ; // clone drawport (must specify doubles here, to keep the precision) re_pdpDrawPort->Unlock(); CDrawPort dpMirror( re_pdpDrawPort, pixMirrorMinI /(DOUBLE)pixDPSizeI, pixMirrorMinJ /(DOUBLE)pixDPSizeJ, pixMirrorSizeI/(DOUBLE)pixDPSizeI, pixMirrorSizeJ/(DOUBLE)pixDPSizeJ); // skip if cannot be locked if( !dpMirror.Lock()) { // lock back the original drawport re_pdpDrawPort->Lock(); continue; } // recalculate mirror size to compensate for possible lost precision pixMirrorMinI = dpMirror.dp_MinI - re_pdpDrawPort->dp_MinI; pixMirrorMinJ = dpMirror.dp_MinJ - re_pdpDrawPort->dp_MinJ; pixMirrorMaxI = dpMirror.dp_MaxI - re_pdpDrawPort->dp_MinI +1; pixMirrorMaxJ = dpMirror.dp_MaxJ - re_pdpDrawPort->dp_MinJ +1; pixMirrorSizeI = pixMirrorMaxI-pixMirrorMinI; pixMirrorSizeJ = pixMirrorMaxJ-pixMirrorMinJ; ASSERT( pixMirrorSizeI==dpMirror.dp_Width && pixMirrorSizeJ==dpMirror.dp_Height); // set it up for rendering re.re_pwoWorld = re_pwoWorld; re.re_prProjection = re_prProjection; re.re_pdpDrawPort = &dpMirror; // initialize clipping rectangle around the mirror size re.InitClippingRectangle( 0, 0, pixMirrorSizeI, pixMirrorSizeJ); // setup projection to use the mirror drawport and keep same perspective as before re.re_prProjection->ScreenBBoxL() = FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(0,0), FLOAT2D(pixDPSizeI, pixDPSizeJ)); ((CPerspectiveProjection3D&)(*re.re_prProjection)).ppr_boxSubScreen = FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(pixMirrorMinI, pixMirrorMinJ), FLOAT2D(pixMirrorMaxI, pixMirrorMaxJ)); // warp? if( mi.mi_mp.mp_ulFlags&MPF_WARP) { // warp clip plane is parallel to view plane and contains the closest point re.re_penViewer = mi.mi_mp.mp_penWarpViewer; re.re_pcspoViewPolygons = NULL; re.re_prProjection->WarpPlaneL() = FLOATplane3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,-1), mi.mi_vClosest); // create new viewer placement CPlacement3D pl = re.re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementR(); FLOATmatrix3D m; MakeRotationMatrixFast(m, pl.pl_OrientationAngle); pl.AbsoluteToRelativeSmooth(mi.mi_mp.mp_plWarpIn); pl.RelativeToAbsoluteSmooth(mi.mi_mp.mp_plWarpOut); re.re_prProjection->ViewerPlacementL() = pl; if (re.re_prProjection.IsPerspective() && mi.mi_mp.mp_fWarpFOV>=1 && mi.mi_mp.mp_fWarpFOV<=170) { ((CPerspectiveProjection3D&)*re.re_prProjection).FOVL() = mi.mi_mp.mp_fWarpFOV; } // mirror! } else { re.re_penViewer = NULL; re.re_pcspoViewPolygons = &mi.mi_cspoPolygons; re.re_prProjection->MirrorPlaneL() = mi.mi_plPlane; re.re_prProjection->MirrorPlaneL().Offset(0.05f); // move projection towards mirror a bit, to avoid cracks } re.re_bRenderingShadows = FALSE; re.re_ubLightIllumination = 0; // just flat-fill if mirrors are disabled extern INDEX wld_bRenderMirrors; if( !wld_bRenderMirrors) dpMirror.Fill(C_GRAY|CT_OPAQUE); else { // render the view inside mirror StopStatsMode(); _pfRenderProfile.StopTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERING); re.Render(); _pfRenderProfile.StartTimer(CRenderProfile::PTI_RENDERING); StartStatsMode(CStatForm::STI_WORLDTRANSFORM); } // unlock mirror's and lock back the original drawport dpMirror.Unlock(); re_pdpDrawPort->Lock(); // clear entire buffer to back value re_pdpDrawPort->FillZBuffer(ZBUF_BACK); // fill depth buffer of the mirror, so that scene cannot be drawn through it FillMirrorDepth(mi); _bMirrorDrawn = TRUE; } // flush all mirrors re_amiMirrors.PopAll(); // fill z-buffer only if no mirrors have been drawn, not rendering second layer in world editor and not in wireframe mode if( !_bMirrorDrawn && !re_pdpDrawPort->IsOverlappedRendering() && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { re_pdpDrawPort->FillZBuffer(ZBUF_BACK); } // draw the prepared things to screen DrawToScreen(); } // no mirrors else { // if rendering a mirror // or not rendering second layer in world editor // and not in wireframe mode if( re_iIndex>0 || !re_bRenderingShadows && !re_pdpDrawPort->IsOverlappedRendering() && _wrpWorldRenderPrefs.wrp_ftPolygons != CWorldRenderPrefs::FT_NONE) { re_pdpDrawPort->FillZBuffer(ZBUF_BACK); } // draw the prepared things to screen and finish DrawToScreen(); CleanupScanning(); } // disable fog/haze StopFog(); StopHaze(); // reset vertex arrays if this is the last renderer if( re_iIndex==0) _avtxScene.PopAll(); // for D3D (or mirror) we have to check depth points now, because we need back (not depth!) buffer for it, // and D3D can't guarantee that it won't be discarded upon swapbuffers (especially if multisampling is on!) :( #ifdef SE1_D3D if( !re_bRenderingShadows && ((_pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI==GAT_D3D && !d3d_bAlternateDepthReads) || re_iIndex>0)) { extern void CheckDelayedDepthPoints( const CDrawPort *pdp, INDEX iMirrorLevel=0); CheckDelayedDepthPoints( re_pdpDrawPort, re_iIndex); } #endif // SE1_D3D // end select-on-render functionality extern void EndSelectOnRender(void); EndSelectOnRender(); // assure that FPU precision was low all the rendering time ASSERT( GetFPUPrecision()==FPT_24BIT); StopStatsMode(); } /* * Constructor. */ CRenderer::CRenderer(void) { // setup self index INDEX i = this-_areRenderers; ASSERT(i>=0 && iec_pdecDLLClass!=NULL &&woWorld.wo_pecWorldBaseClass->ec_pdecDLLClass->dec_OnWorldRender!=NULL) { woWorld.wo_pecWorldBaseClass->ec_pdecDLLClass->dec_OnWorldRender(&woWorld); } if(_wrpWorldRenderPrefs.GetShadowsType() == CWorldRenderPrefs::SHT_FULL) { // calculate all non directional shadows that are not up to date woWorld.CalculateNonDirectionalShadows(); } // take first renderer object CRenderer &re = _areRenderers[0]; // set it up for rendering re.re_penViewer = &enViewer; re.re_pcspoViewPolygons = NULL; re.re_pwoWorld = &woWorld; re.re_prProjection = prProjection; re.re_pdpDrawPort = &dpDrawport; // initialize clipping rectangle around the drawport re.InitClippingRectangle(0, 0, dpDrawport.GetWidth(), dpDrawport.GetHeight()); prProjection->ScreenBBoxL() = FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(0.0f, 0.0f), FLOAT2D((float)dpDrawport.GetWidth(), (float)dpDrawport.GetHeight()) ); re.re_bRenderingShadows = FALSE; re.re_ubLightIllumination = 0; // render the view (with eventuall t-buffer effect) extern void SetTBufferEffect( BOOL bEnable); SetTBufferEffect(TRUE); re.Render(); SetTBufferEffect(FALSE); } // Render a world with some viewer, projection and drawport. (viewer may be NULL) // internal version used for rendering shadows ULONG RenderShadows(CWorld &woWorld, CEntity &enViewer, CAnyProjection3D &prProjection, const FLOATaabbox3D &boxViewer, UBYTE *pubShadowMask, SLONG slShadowWidth, SLONG slShadowHeight, UBYTE ubIllumination) { _pfWorldEditingProfile.StartTimer(CWorldEditingProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOWS); // take a renderer object CRenderer &re = _areRenderers[0]; // set it up for rendering re.re_penViewer = &enViewer; re.re_pcspoViewPolygons = NULL; re.re_pwoWorld = &woWorld; re.re_prProjection = prProjection; re.re_pdpDrawPort = NULL; re.re_boxViewer = boxViewer; // initialize clipping rectangle around the drawport const FLOATaabbox2D &box = prProjection->ScreenBBoxR(); //re.InitClippingRectangle(box.Min()(1), box.Min()(2), box.Size()(1), box.Size()(2)); re.InitClippingRectangle(0, 0, box.Size()(1), box.Size()(2)); re.re_bRenderingShadows = TRUE; re.re_bDirectionalShadows = prProjection.IsParallel(); re.re_bSomeLightExists = FALSE; re.re_bSomeDarkExists = FALSE; _bSomeDarkExists = FALSE; re.re_pubShadow = pubShadowMask; re.re_slShadowWidth = slShadowWidth; re.re_slShadowHeight = slShadowHeight; re.re_ubLightIllumination = ubIllumination; // render the view re.Render(); ULONG ulFlags = 0; if (!re.re_bSomeLightExists) { ulFlags|=BSLF_ALLDARK; } if (!(re.re_bSomeDarkExists|_bSomeDarkExists)) { ulFlags|=BSLF_ALLLIGHT; } _pfWorldEditingProfile.StopTimer(CWorldEditingProfile::PTI_RENDERSHADOWS); return ulFlags; }