/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ 103 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" %} uses "EntitiesMP/ShipMarker"; event EHarbor { }; %{ // adjust angular velocity ANGLE AdjustRotationSpeed(ANGLE aDiference, ANGLE aMaxSpeed) { aDiference = NormalizeAngle(aDiference); aDiference = Clamp(aDiference, -aMaxSpeed, +aMaxSpeed); return aDiference; } %} class CShip : CMovableBrushEntity { name "Ship"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\Ship.tbn"; features "HasName", "IsTargetable"; properties: 1 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Ship", 2 CTString m_strDescription = "", 3 CEntityPointer m_penTarget "Target" 'T', 4 FLOAT m_fSpeed "Speed [m/s]" 'S' = 10.0f, 5 FLOAT m_fRotation "Rotation [deg/s]" 'R' = 30.0f, 6 FLOAT m_fRockingV "Rocking V" 'V' = 10.0f, 7 FLOAT m_fRockingA "Rocking A" 'A' = 10.0f, 8 FLOAT m_fAcceleration "Acceleration" 'C' = 10.0f, 10 BOOL m_bMoving = TRUE, 11 FLOAT m_fRockSign = 1.0f, 12 FLOAT m_fLastTargetDistance = UpperLimit(0.0f), 20 CEntityPointer m_penSail "Sail" 'L', 21 ANIMATION m_iSailUpAnim "Sail roll-up anim"=0, 22 ANIMATION m_iSailDownAnim "Sail roll-down anim"=0, 23 ANIMATION m_iSailSailAnim "Sail sailing anim"=0, 24 ANIMATION m_iSailWaveingAnim "Sail wawing anim"=0, 30 FLOAT m_fOriginalRockingV = 0.0f, 31 FLOAT m_fOriginalRockingA = 0.0f, 32 FLOAT m_fNextRockingV = 0.0f, 33 FLOAT m_fNextRockingA = 0.0f, 34 FLOAT m_tmRockingChange=1, // how many second to change rocking parameters 35 FLOAT m_tmRockingChangeStart=-1, // when changing of rocking parameters has started components: functions: /* Check if entity is moved on a route set up by its targets. */ BOOL MovesByTargetedRoute(CTString &strTargetProperty) const { strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; }; /* Check if entity can drop marker for making linked route. */ BOOL DropsMarker(CTFileName &fnmMarkerClass, CTString &strTargetProperty) const { fnmMarkerClass = CTFILENAME("Classes\\ShipMarker.ecl"); strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; } const CTString &GetDescription(void) const { ((CTString&)m_strDescription).PrintF("->"); if (m_penTarget!=NULL) { ((CTString&)m_strDescription).PrintF("->%s", (const char *) m_penTarget->GetName()); } return m_strDescription; } /* Get anim data for given animation property - return NULL for none. */ CAnimData *GetAnimData(SLONG slPropertyOffset) { if((slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CShip, m_iSailUpAnim) ||slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CShip, m_iSailDownAnim) ||slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CShip, m_iSailSailAnim) ||slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CShip, m_iSailWaveingAnim)) &&m_penSail!=NULL) { return m_penSail->GetModelObject()->GetData(); } else { return CEntity::GetAnimData(slPropertyOffset); } }; // calculate velocities towards marker void SetMovingSpeeds(void) { // if the brush should not be moving, or there is no target if (!m_bMoving || m_penTarget==NULL) { // just rock SetDesiredRotation(ANGLE3D(0,0,GetRockingSpeed())); return; } CShipMarker *penTarget = (CShipMarker *)(CEntity*)m_penTarget; const CPlacement3D &plThis = GetPlacement(); // get direction to target const FLOAT3D &vTarget = penTarget->GetPlacement().pl_PositionVector; const FLOAT3D &vNow = plThis.pl_PositionVector; FLOAT3D vDirection = vTarget-vNow; FLOAT fTargetDistance = vDirection.Length(); // if got close enough if (fTargetDistanceTickQuantum) { // switch to next marker NextMarker(); return; } vDirection/=fTargetDistance; ANGLE3D aAngle; DirectionVectorToAngles(vDirection, aAngle); aAngle-=plThis.pl_OrientationAngle; aAngle(1) = AdjustRotationSpeed(aAngle(1), m_fRotation); aAngle(2) = 0; aAngle(3) = GetRockingSpeed(); SetDesiredRotation(aAngle); // set speed SetDesiredTranslation(FLOAT3D(0,0,-m_fSpeed)); en_fAcceleration = m_fAcceleration; en_fDeceleration = m_fAcceleration; } // calculate rocking velocity ANGLE GetRockingSpeed(void) { // if rocking changing time has not passed TIME tmSinceChangeStarted = _pTimer->CurrentTick()-m_tmRockingChangeStart; if (tmSinceChangeStarted0) { m_fRockSign = -m_fRockSign; }; if (aRotation<2) { aRotation = 2; } aRotation *=m_fRockSign; return aRotation; } // switch to next marker void NextMarker(void) { // get next marker CShipMarker *penTarget = (CShipMarker *)(CEntity*)m_penTarget; CShipMarker *penNextTarget = (CShipMarker *)(CEntity*)penTarget->m_penTarget; // if this marker is harbor if (penTarget->m_bHarbor) { // stop StopSailing(); // start being in harbor SendEvent(EHarbor()); } // if got to end if (penNextTarget==NULL) { // stop StopSailing(); return; } // get properties from marker FLOAT fSpeed = penTarget->m_fSpeed; if (fSpeed>=0) { m_fSpeed = fSpeed; } FLOAT fRotation = penTarget->m_fRotation; if (fRotation>=0) { m_fRotation = fRotation; } FLOAT fAcceleration = penTarget->m_fAcceleration; if (fAcceleration>=0) { m_fAcceleration = fAcceleration; } m_fOriginalRockingV = m_fRockingV; m_fOriginalRockingA = m_fRockingA; FLOAT fRockingV = penTarget->m_fRockingV; if (fRockingV>=0) { m_fNextRockingV = fRockingV; } else { m_fNextRockingV = m_fRockingV; } FLOAT fRockingA = penTarget->m_fRockingA; if (fRockingA>=0) { m_fNextRockingA = fRockingA; } else { m_fNextRockingA = m_fRockingA; } m_tmRockingChange = penTarget->m_tmRockingChange; m_tmRockingChangeStart = _pTimer->CurrentTick(); // remember next marker as current target m_penTarget = penNextTarget; SetMovingSpeeds(); } void StartSailing() { m_bMoving = TRUE; // calculate velocities towards marker SetMovingSpeeds(); } void StopSailing(void) { m_bMoving = FALSE; SetDesiredRotation(ANGLE3D(0,0,GetDesiredRotation()(3))); SetDesiredTranslation(FLOAT3D(0,0,0)); } // do moving void PreMoving(void) { // calculate velocities towards marker SetMovingSpeeds(); CMovableBrushEntity::PreMoving(); }; procedures: Sail() { // roll the sail down m_penSail->GetModelObject()->PlayAnim(m_iSailDownAnim, 0); autowait(m_penSail->GetModelObject()->GetAnimLength(m_iSailDownAnim)); // start sail waveing m_penSail->GetModelObject()->PlayAnim(m_iSailWaveingAnim, AOF_LOOPING); // wait until touched by a player or started wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (ETouch eTouch) : { if (IsDerivedFromClass(eTouch.penOther, "PlayerEntity")) { stop; } } on (EStart) : { stop; } } // blow the sail up m_penSail->GetModelObject()->PlayAnim(m_iSailSailAnim, 0); // start moving StartSailing(); // sail until we come to harbor wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (EHarbor) : { stop; } } // stay in harbor jump Harbor(); } Harbor() { // roll the sail up m_penSail->GetModelObject()->PlayAnim(m_iSailUpAnim, 0); // stay in harbor until we are triggered wait() { on (EBegin) : { resume; } on (ETrigger) : { stop; } } // start sailing jump Sail(); } Main() { // declare yourself as a brush InitAsBrush(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_BRUSH_MOVING&~(EPF_ABSOLUTETRANSLATE|EPF_NOACCELERATION)); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_BRUSH); // stop moving brush ForceFullStop(); // assure valid target if (m_penTarget!=NULL && !IsOfClass(m_penTarget, "Ship Marker")) { WarningMessage("Target '%s' is not of ShipMarker class!", (const char *) m_penTarget->GetName()); m_penTarget = NULL; } // assure valid sail if (m_penSail!=NULL && m_penSail->GetRenderType()!=RT_MODEL) { WarningMessage("Sail '%s' is not a model!", (const char *) m_penSail->GetName()); m_penSail = NULL; } // wait until game starts autowait(0.1f); // if sail is not valid if (m_penSail==NULL) { // don't continue WarningMessage("Ship will not work without a valid sail!"); return; } // forever wait() { // on the beginning on (EBegin) : { // start sailing call Sail(); } // move is obstructed on (EBlock eBlock) : { // inflict damage to entity that block brush InflictDirectDamage(eBlock.penOther, this, DMT_BRUSH, 10.0f, FLOAT3D(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), (FLOAT3D &)eBlock.plCollision); resume; } } } };