/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */ #include "SeriousSam/StdH.h" #include #include "MenuPrinting.h" #include #include #include "LevelInfo.h" #include "VarList.h" extern CFontData _fdBig; extern CFontData _fdMedium; extern CFontData _fdSmall; extern CSoundData *_psdSelect; CMenuGadget *_pmgLastActivatedGadget = NULL; extern CSoundData *_psdPress; extern PIX _pixCursorPosI; extern PIX _pixCursorPosJ; extern INDEX sam_bWideScreen; BOOL _bDefiningKey = FALSE; BOOL _bEditingString = FALSE; CMenuGadget::CMenuGadget( void) { mg_pmgLeft = NULL; mg_pmgRight = NULL; mg_pmgUp = NULL; mg_pmgDown = NULL; mg_bVisible = TRUE; mg_bEnabled = TRUE; mg_bLabel = FALSE; mg_bFocused = FALSE; mg_iInList = -1; // not in list } void CMenuGadget::OnActivate( void) { NOTHING; } // return TRUE if handled BOOL CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown( int iVKey) { // if return pressed if( iVKey==VK_RETURN || iVKey==VK_LBUTTON) { // activate OnActivate(); // key is handled return TRUE; } // key is not handled return FALSE; } BOOL CMenuGadget::OnChar(MSG msg) { // key is not handled return FALSE; } void CMenuGadget::OnSetFocus( void) { mg_bFocused = TRUE; if( !IsSeparator()) { PlayMenuSound(_psdSelect); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_select"); } } void CMenuGadget::OnKillFocus( void) { mg_bFocused = FALSE; } void CMenuGadget::Appear( void) { mg_bVisible = TRUE; } void CMenuGadget::Disappear( void) { mg_bVisible = FALSE; mg_bFocused = FALSE; } void CMenuGadget::Think( void) { } void CMenuGadget::OnMouseOver(PIX pixI, PIX pixJ) { } // get current color for the gadget COLOR CMenuGadget::GetCurrentColor(void) { // use normal colors COLOR colUnselected = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN, "unselected"); COLOR colSelected = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE, "selected"); // if disabled if (!mg_bEnabled) { // use a bit darker colors colUnselected = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_dGREEN, "disabled unselected"); colSelected = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GRAY, "disabled selected"); // if label if (mg_bLabel) { // use white colUnselected = colSelected = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE, "label"); } } // use unselected color COLOR colRet = colUnselected; // if selected if( mg_bFocused) { // oscilate towards selected color FLOAT tmNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetSeconds(); colRet = LerpColor( (colUnselected>>1)&0x7F7F7F7F, colSelected, sin(tmNow*10.0f)*0.5f+0.5f); } return colRet|CT_OPAQUE; } void CMenuGadget::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { } void CMGTitle::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontTitle(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixI = box.Center()(1); PIX pixJ = box.Min()(2); pdp->PutTextC( mg_strText, pixI, pixJ, _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE|CT_OPAQUE, "title")); } CMGButton::CMGButton( void) { mg_pActivatedFunction = NULL; mg_iIndex = 0; mg_iCenterI = 0; mg_iTextMode = 1; mg_bfsFontSize = BFS_MEDIUM; mg_iCursorPos = -1; mg_bRectangle = FALSE; mg_bMental = FALSE; } void CMGButton::SetText( CTString strNew) { mg_strText = strNew; } void CMGButton::OnActivate( void) { if( mg_pActivatedFunction!=NULL && mg_bEnabled) { PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); _pmgLastActivatedGadget = this; (*mg_pActivatedFunction)(); } } BOOL CMGVarButton::IsSeparator(void) { if( mg_pvsVar==NULL) return FALSE; return mg_pvsVar->vs_bSeparator; } BOOL CMGVarButton::IsEnabled(void) { return( _gmRunningGameMode==GM_NONE || mg_pvsVar==NULL || mg_pvsVar->vs_bCanChangeInGame); } void CMGButton::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { if (mg_bfsFontSize==BFS_LARGE) { SetFontBig(pdp); } else if (mg_bfsFontSize==BFS_MEDIUM) { SetFontMedium(pdp); } else { ASSERT(mg_bfsFontSize==BFS_SMALL); SetFontSmall(pdp); } pdp->SetTextMode(mg_iTextMode); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); if(mg_bEditing) { col = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN|0xFF, "editing"); } COLOR colRectangle = col; if( mg_bHighlighted) { col = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE|0xFF, "hilited"); if( !mg_bFocused) { colRectangle = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE|0xFF, "hilited rectangle"); } } if (mg_bMental) { FLOAT tmIn = 0.2f; FLOAT tmOut = 1.0f; FLOAT tmFade = 0.1f; FLOAT tmExist = tmFade+tmIn+tmFade; FLOAT tmTotal = tmFade+tmIn+tmFade+tmOut; FLOAT tmTime = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetSeconds(); FLOAT fFactor = 1; if (tmTime>0.1f) { tmTime = fmod(tmTime, tmTotal); fFactor = CalculateRatio(tmTime, 0, tmExist, tmFade/tmExist, tmFade/tmExist); } col = (col&~0xFF)|INDEX(0xFF*fFactor); } if( mg_bRectangle) { // put border const PIX pixLeft = box.Min()(1); const PIX pixUp = box.Min()(2)-3; const PIX pixWidth = box.Size()(1)+1; const PIX pixHeight = box.Size()(2); pdp->DrawBorder( pixLeft, pixUp, pixWidth, pixHeight, colRectangle); } if( mg_bEditing) { // put border PIX pixLeft = box.Min()(1); PIX pixUp = box.Min()(2)-3; PIX pixWidth = box.Size()(1)+1; PIX pixHeight = box.Size()(2); if (mg_strLabel!="") { pixLeft = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); pixWidth = (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.45f+1); } pdp->Fill( pixLeft, pixUp, pixWidth, pixHeight, _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_dGREEN|0x40, "edit fill")); } INDEX iCursor = mg_iCursorPos; // print text if (mg_strLabel!="") { PIX pixIL = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.45f); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); pdp->PutTextR( mg_strLabel, pixIL, pixJ, col); pdp->PutText( mg_strText, pixIR, pixJ, col); } else { CTString str = mg_strText; if (pdp->dp_FontData->fd_bFixedWidth) { str = str.Undecorated(); INDEX iLen = str.Length(); INDEX iMaxLen = ClampDn(box.Size()(1)/(pdp->dp_pixTextCharSpacing+pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharWidth), 1); if (iCursor>=iMaxLen) { str.TrimRight(iCursor); str.TrimLeft(iMaxLen); iCursor = iMaxLen; } else { str.TrimRight(iMaxLen); } } if( mg_iCenterI==-1) pdp->PutText( str, box.Min()(1), box.Min()(2), col); else if( mg_iCenterI==+1) pdp->PutTextR( str, box.Max()(1), box.Min()(2), col); else pdp->PutTextC( str, box.Center()(1), box.Min()(2), col); } // put cursor if editing if( mg_bEditing && (((ULONG)(_pTimer->GetRealTimeTick()*2))&1)) { PIX pixX = box.Min()(1) + GetCharOffset( pdp, iCursor); if (mg_strLabel!="") { pixX += (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.55f); } PIX pixY = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); if (!pdp->dp_FontData->fd_bFixedWidth) { pixY -= (PIX) (pdp->dp_fTextScaling *2); } pdp->PutText( "|", pixX, pixY, _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE|0xFF, "editing cursor")); } } PIX CMGButton::GetCharOffset( CDrawPort *pdp, INDEX iCharNo) { if (pdp->dp_FontData->fd_bFixedWidth) { return ((PIX) ((pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharWidth+pdp->dp_pixTextCharSpacing)*(iCharNo-0.5f))); } CTString strCut(mg_strText); strCut.TrimLeft( strlen(mg_strText)-iCharNo); PIX pixFullWidth = pdp->GetTextWidth(mg_strText); PIX pixCutWidth = pdp->GetTextWidth(strCut); // !!!! not implemented for different centering return pixFullWidth-pixCutWidth; } CMGModel::CMGModel(void) { mg_fFloorY = 0; } void CMGModel::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { // if no model if (mg_moModel.GetData()==NULL) { // just render text mg_strText = TRANS("No model"); CMGButton::Render(pdp); return; } // get position on screen PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); CDrawPort dpModel(pdp, box); dpModel.Lock(); dpModel.FillZBuffer(1.0f); _pGame->LCDSetDrawport(&dpModel); // clear menu here dpModel.Fill(C_BLACK|255); _pGame->LCDRenderClouds1(); _pGame->LCDRenderClouds2(); // prepare projection CRenderModel rmRenderModel; CPerspectiveProjection3D pr; pr.FOVL() = sam_bWideScreen ? AngleDeg(45.0f) : AngleDeg(30.0f); pr.ScreenBBoxL() = FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(0.0f, 0.0f), FLOAT2D((float)dpModel.GetWidth(), (float)dpModel.GetHeight()) ); pr.AspectRatioL() = 1.0f; pr.FrontClipDistanceL() = 0.3f; pr.ViewerPlacementL() = CPlacement3D(FLOAT3D(0,0,0), ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); // initialize remdering CAnyProjection3D apr; apr = pr; BeginModelRenderingView(apr, &dpModel); rmRenderModel.rm_vLightDirection = FLOAT3D( 0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f); // if model needs floor if (mg_moFloor.GetData()!=NULL) { // set floor's position CPlacement3D pl = mg_plModel; pl.pl_OrientationAngle = ANGLE3D(0,0,0); pl.pl_PositionVector = mg_plModel.pl_PositionVector; pl.pl_PositionVector(2) += mg_fFloorY; rmRenderModel.SetObjectPlacement(pl); // render the floor rmRenderModel.rm_colLight = C_WHITE; rmRenderModel.rm_colAmbient = C_WHITE; mg_moFloor.SetupModelRendering( rmRenderModel); mg_moFloor.RenderModel( rmRenderModel); } // set model's position CPlacement3D pl; pl.pl_OrientationAngle = mg_plModel.pl_OrientationAngle; pl.pl_PositionVector = mg_plModel.pl_PositionVector; extern FLOAT sam_fPlayerOffset; pl.pl_PositionVector(3) += sam_fPlayerOffset; rmRenderModel.SetObjectPlacement(pl); // render the model rmRenderModel.rm_colLight = LerpColor(C_BLACK, C_WHITE, 0.4f)|CT_OPAQUE; rmRenderModel.rm_colAmbient = LerpColor(C_BLACK, C_WHITE, 0.2f)|CT_OPAQUE; mg_moModel.SetupModelRendering( rmRenderModel); FLOATplane3D plFloorPlane = FLOATplane3D( FLOAT3D( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), mg_plModel.pl_PositionVector(2)+mg_fFloorY); FLOAT3D vShadowLightDir = FLOAT3D( -0.2f, -0.4f, -0.6f); CPlacement3D plLightPlacement = CPlacement3D( mg_plModel.pl_PositionVector+ vShadowLightDir*mg_plModel.pl_PositionVector(3)*5, ANGLE3D(0,0,0)); mg_moModel.RenderShadow( rmRenderModel, plLightPlacement, 200.0f, 200.0f, 1.0f, plFloorPlane); mg_moModel.RenderModel( rmRenderModel); EndModelRenderingView(); _pGame->LCDScreenBox(_pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN, "model box")|GetCurrentColor()); dpModel.Unlock(); pdp->Unlock(); pdp->Lock(); _pGame->LCDSetDrawport(pdp); // print the model name { PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, BoxPlayerModelName()); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); PIX pixI = box.Min()(1); PIX pixJ = box.Max()(2); pdp->PutText( mg_strText, pixI, pixJ, col); } } // ------- Edit gadget implementation CMGEdit::CMGEdit(void) { mg_pstrToChange = NULL; mg_ctMaxStringLen = 70; Clear(); } void CMGEdit::Clear(void) { mg_iCursorPos = 0; mg_bEditing = FALSE; _bEditingString = FALSE; } void CMGEdit::OnActivate(void) { if (!mg_bEnabled) { return; } ASSERT( mg_pstrToChange != NULL); PlayMenuSound( _psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); SetText( mg_strText); mg_iCursorPos = strlen(mg_strText); mg_bEditing = TRUE; _bEditingString = TRUE; } // focus lost void CMGEdit::OnKillFocus(void) { // go out of editing mode if( mg_bEditing) { OnKeyDown(VK_RETURN); Clear(); } // proceed CMenuGadget::OnKillFocus(); } // helper function for deleting char(s) from string static void Key_BackDel( CTString &str, INDEX &iPos, BOOL bShift, BOOL bRight) { // do nothing if string is empty INDEX ctChars = strlen(str); if( ctChars==0) return; if( bRight && iPos0) { // BACKSPACE key if( bShift) { // delete to start of line str.TrimLeft(ctChars-iPos); iPos=0; } else { // delete only one char str.DeleteChar(iPos-1); iPos--; } } } // key/mouse button pressed BOOL CMGEdit::OnKeyDown( int iVKey) { // if not in edit mode if( !mg_bEditing) { // behave like normal gadget return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown(iVKey); } // finish editing? BOOL bShift = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; switch( iVKey) { case VK_UP: case VK_DOWN: case VK_RETURN: case VK_LBUTTON: *mg_pstrToChange = mg_strText; Clear(); OnStringChanged(); break; case VK_ESCAPE: case VK_RBUTTON: mg_strText = *mg_pstrToChange; Clear(); OnStringCanceled(); break; case VK_LEFT: if( mg_iCursorPos > 0) mg_iCursorPos--; break; case VK_RIGHT: if( mg_iCursorPos < strlen(mg_strText)) mg_iCursorPos++; break; case VK_HOME: mg_iCursorPos = 0; break; case VK_END: mg_iCursorPos = strlen(mg_strText); break; case VK_BACK: Key_BackDel( mg_strText, mg_iCursorPos, bShift, FALSE); break; case VK_DELETE: Key_BackDel( mg_strText, mg_iCursorPos, bShift, TRUE); break; default: break; // ignore all other special keys } // key is handled return TRUE; } // char typed BOOL CMGEdit::OnChar( MSG msg) { // if not in edit mode if( !mg_bEditing) { // behave like normal gadget return CMenuGadget::OnChar(msg); } // only chars are allowed const INDEX ctFullLen = mg_strText.Length(); const INDEX ctNakedLen = mg_strText.LengthNaked(); mg_iCursorPos = Clamp( mg_iCursorPos, 0, ctFullLen); int iVKey = msg.wParam; if( isprint(iVKey) && ctNakedLen<=mg_ctMaxStringLen) { mg_strText.InsertChar( mg_iCursorPos, (char)iVKey); mg_iCursorPos++; } // key is handled return TRUE; } void CMGEdit::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { if( mg_bEditing) { mg_iTextMode = -1; } else if( mg_bFocused) { mg_iTextMode = 0; } else { mg_iTextMode = 1; } if (mg_strText=="" && !mg_bEditing) { if (mg_bfsFontSize==BFS_SMALL) { mg_strText="*"; } else { mg_strText=TRANS(""); } CMGButton::Render(pdp); mg_strText=""; } else { CMGButton::Render(pdp); } } void CMGEdit::OnStringChanged(void) { } void CMGEdit::OnStringCanceled(void) { } void CMGArrow::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontMedium(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); CTString str; if (mg_adDirection==AD_NONE) { str = "???"; } else if (mg_adDirection==AD_UP) { str = TRANS("Page Up"); } else if (mg_adDirection==AD_DOWN) { str = TRANS("Page Down"); } else { ASSERT(FALSE); } PIX pixI = box.Min()(1); PIX pixJ = box.Min()(2); pdp->PutText( str, pixI, pixJ, col); } void CMGArrow::OnActivate(void) { if (mg_adDirection==AD_UP) { pgmCurrentMenu->ScrollList(-3); } else if (mg_adDirection==AD_DOWN) { pgmCurrentMenu->ScrollList(+3); } } #define HSCOLUMNS 6 CTString strHighScores[HIGHSCORE_COUNT+1][HSCOLUMNS]; FLOAT afI[HSCOLUMNS] = { 0.12f, 0.15f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.78f, 0.9f }; void CMGHighScore::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontMedium(pdp); COLOR colHeader = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN|255, "hiscore header"); COLOR colData = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_mdGREEN|255, "hiscore data"); COLOR colLastSet = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_mlGREEN|255, "hiscore last set"); INDEX iLastSet = _pGame->gm_iLastSetHighScore; CTString strText; strHighScores[0][0] = TRANS("No."); strHighScores[0][1] = TRANS("Player Name"); strHighScores[0][2] = TRANS("Difficulty"); strHighScores[0][3] = TRANS("Time"); strHighScores[0][4] = TRANS("Kills"); strHighScores[0][5] = TRANS("Score"); {for (INDEX i=0; igm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_gdDifficulty) { default: ASSERT(FALSE); case (CSessionProperties::GameDifficulty)-100: strHighScores[i+1][1] = "---"; continue; break; case CSessionProperties::GD_TOURIST: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Tourist"); break; case CSessionProperties::GD_EASY: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Easy"); break; case CSessionProperties::GD_NORMAL: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Normal"); break; case CSessionProperties::GD_HARD: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Hard"); break; case CSessionProperties::GD_EXTREME: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Serious"); break; case CSessionProperties::GD_EXTREME+1: strHighScores[i+1][2] = TRANS("Mental"); break; } strHighScores[i+1][0].PrintF("%d", i+1); strHighScores[i+1][1] = _pGame->gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_strPlayer; strHighScores[i+1][3] = TimeToString(_pGame->gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_tmTime); strHighScores[i+1][4].PrintF("%03d", _pGame->gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctKills); strHighScores[i+1][5].PrintF("%9d", _pGame->gm_ahseHighScores[i].hse_ctScore); }} PIX pixJ = (PIX) (pdp->GetHeight()*0.25f); {for (INDEX iRow=0; iRowGetWidth()*afI[iColumn]); if (iColumn==1) { pdp->PutText(strHighScores[iRow][iColumn], pixI, pixJ, col); } else { pdp->PutTextR(strHighScores[iRow][iColumn], pixI, pixJ, col); } }} if (iRow==0) { pixJ+=(PIX) (pdp->GetHeight()*0.06f); } else { pixJ+=(PIX) (pdp->GetHeight()*0.04f); } }} } // ------- Trigger button implementation INDEX GetNewLoopValue( int iVKey, INDEX iCurrent, INDEX ctMembers) { INDEX iPrev = (iCurrent+ctMembers-1)%ctMembers; INDEX iNext = (iCurrent+1)%ctMembers; // return and right arrow set new text if( iVKey == VK_RETURN || iVKey==VK_LBUTTON || iVKey==VK_RIGHT ) { return iNext; } // left arrow and backspace sets prev text else if( (iVKey == VK_BACK || iVKey==VK_RBUTTON) || (iVKey == VK_LEFT) ) { return iPrev; } return iCurrent; } CMGTrigger::CMGTrigger( void) { mg_pOnTriggerChange = NULL; mg_iCenterI = 0; mg_bVisual = FALSE; } void CMGTrigger::ApplyCurrentSelection(void) { mg_iSelected = Clamp(mg_iSelected, 0, mg_ctTexts-1); mg_strValue = mg_astrTexts[ mg_iSelected]; } void CMGTrigger::OnSetNextInList(int iVKey) { if( mg_pPreTriggerChange != NULL) { mg_pPreTriggerChange(mg_iSelected); } mg_iSelected = GetNewLoopValue( iVKey, mg_iSelected, mg_ctTexts); mg_strValue = mg_astrTexts[ mg_iSelected]; if( mg_pOnTriggerChange != NULL) { (*mg_pOnTriggerChange)(mg_iSelected); } } BOOL CMGTrigger::OnKeyDown( int iVKey) { if( (iVKey == VK_RETURN || iVKey==VK_LBUTTON) || (iVKey == VK_LEFT) || (iVKey == VK_BACK || iVKey==VK_RBUTTON) || (iVKey == VK_RIGHT) ) { // key is handled if( mg_bEnabled) OnSetNextInList(iVKey); return TRUE; } // key is not handled return FALSE; } void CMGTrigger::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontMedium(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIL = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.45f); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); if (!mg_bVisual || mg_strValue=="") { CTString strValue = mg_strValue; if (mg_bVisual) { strValue = TRANS("none"); } if (mg_iCenterI==-1) { pdp->PutText( mg_strLabel, box.Min()(1), pixJ, col); pdp->PutTextR( strValue, box.Max()(1), pixJ, col); } else { pdp->PutTextR( mg_strLabel, pixIL, pixJ, col); pdp->PutText( strValue, pixIR, pixJ, col); } } else { CTString strLabel = mg_strLabel+": "; pdp->PutText(strLabel, box.Min()(1), pixJ, col); CTextureObject to; try { to.SetData_t(mg_strValue); CTextureData *ptd = (CTextureData *)to.GetData(); PIX pixSize = box.Size()(2); PIX pixCX = box.Max()(1)-pixSize/2; PIX pixCY = box.Center()(2); pdp->PutTexture( &to, PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(pixCX-pixSize/2, pixCY-pixSize/2), PIX2D(pixCX-pixSize/2+pixSize, pixCY-pixSize/2+pixSize)), C_WHITE|255); } catch (char *strError) { CPrintF("%s\n", strError); } to.SetData(NULL); } } CMGSlider::CMGSlider() { mg_iMinPos = 0; mg_iMaxPos = 16; mg_iCurPos = 8; mg_pOnSliderChange = NULL; mg_fFactor = 1.0f; } void CMGSlider::ApplyCurrentPosition( void) { mg_iCurPos = Clamp(mg_iCurPos, mg_iMinPos, mg_iMaxPos); FLOAT fStretch = FLOAT(mg_iCurPos)/(mg_iMaxPos-mg_iMinPos); mg_fFactor = fStretch; if (mg_pOnSliderChange!=NULL) { mg_pOnSliderChange(mg_iCurPos); } } void CMGSlider::ApplyGivenPosition( INDEX iMin, INDEX iMax, INDEX iCur) { mg_iMinPos = iMin; mg_iMaxPos = iMax; mg_iCurPos = iCur; ApplyCurrentPosition(); } BOOL CMGSlider::OnKeyDown( int iVKey) { // if scrolling left if( (iVKey==VK_BACK || iVKey==VK_LEFT) && mg_iCurPos>mg_iMinPos) { mg_iCurPos --; ApplyCurrentPosition(); return TRUE; // if scrolling right } else if( (iVKey==VK_RETURN || iVKey==VK_RIGHT) && mg_iCurPos=PIX2D(_pixCursorPosI, _pixCursorPosJ)) { // set new position exactly where mouse pointer is FLOAT fRatio = FLOAT(_pixCursorPosI-boxSlider.Min()(1))/boxSlider.Size()(1); fRatio = (fRatio-0.01f)/(0.99f-0.01f); fRatio = Clamp(fRatio, 0.0f, 1.0f); mg_iCurPos = (INDEX) (fRatio*(mg_iMaxPos-mg_iMinPos) + mg_iMinPos); ApplyCurrentPosition(); return TRUE; } } return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown( iVKey); } PIXaabbox2D CMGSlider::GetSliderBox(void) { extern CDrawPort *pdp; PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); PIX pixJSize = (PIX) (box.Size()(2)*0.95f); PIX pixISizeR = (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.45f); if( sam_bWideScreen) pixJSize++; return PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(pixIR+1, pixJ+1), PIX2D(pixIR+pixISizeR-2, pixJ+pixJSize-2)); } void CMGSlider::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontMedium(pdp); // get geometry COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIL = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.45f); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); PIX pixJSize = (PIX) (box.Size()(2)*0.95f); PIX pixISizeR = (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.45f); if( sam_bWideScreen) pixJSize++; // print text left of slider pdp->PutTextR( mg_strText, pixIL, pixJ, col); // draw box around slider PIXaabbox2D aabbox( PIX2D(pixIR+1, pixJ), PIX2D(pixIR+pixISizeR-2, pixJ+pixJSize-2)); _pGame->LCDDrawBox(0, -1, aabbox, _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN|255, "slider box")); // draw filled part of slider pdp->Fill( pixIR+2, pixJ+1, (pixISizeR-5)*mg_fFactor, (pixJSize-4), col); // print percentage text CTString strPercentage; strPercentage.PrintF("%d%%", (int)floor(mg_fFactor*100+0.5f) ); pdp->PutTextC( strPercentage, pixIR+pixISizeR/2, pixJ+1, col); } void CMGLevelButton::OnActivate(void) { PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); _pGame->gam_strCustomLevel = mg_fnmLevel; extern void (*_pAfterLevelChosen)(void); _pAfterLevelChosen(); } void CMGLevelButton::OnSetFocus(void) { SetThumbnail(mg_fnmLevel); CMGButton::OnSetFocus(); } // return slider position on scren PIXaabbox2D CMGVarButton::GetSliderBox(void) { extern CDrawPort *pdp; PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); PIX pixISize = (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.13f); PIX pixJSize = (PIX) (box.Size()(2)); return PIXaabbox2D( PIX2D(pixIR, pixJ+1), PIX2D(pixIR+pixISize-4, pixJ+pixJSize-6)); } extern BOOL _bVarChanged; BOOL CMGVarButton::OnKeyDown(int iVKey) { if (mg_pvsVar==NULL || mg_pvsVar->vs_bSeparator || !mg_pvsVar->Validate() || !mg_bEnabled) { return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown(iVKey); } // handle slider if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider && !mg_pvsVar->vs_bCustom) { // ignore RMB if( iVKey==VK_RBUTTON) return TRUE; // handle LMB if( iVKey==VK_LBUTTON) { // get position of slider box on screen PIXaabbox2D boxSlider = GetSliderBox(); // if mouse is within if( boxSlider>=PIX2D(_pixCursorPosI, _pixCursorPosJ)) { // set new position exactly where mouse pointer is mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue = (INDEX) ((FLOAT)(_pixCursorPosI-boxSlider.Min()(1))/boxSlider.Size()(1) * (mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues)); _bVarChanged = TRUE; } // handled return TRUE; } } if( iVKey==VK_RETURN) { FlushVarSettings(TRUE); void MenuGoToParent(void); MenuGoToParent(); return TRUE; } if( iVKey==VK_LBUTTON || iVKey==VK_RIGHT) { if (mg_pvsVar!=NULL) { INDEX iOldValue = mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue; mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue++; if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue>=mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues) { // wrap non-sliders, clamp sliders if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider) mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue = mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues-1L; else mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue = 0; } if( iOldValue != mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue) { _bVarChanged = TRUE; mg_pvsVar->vs_bCustom = FALSE; mg_pvsVar->Validate(); } } return TRUE; } if( iVKey==VK_LEFT || iVKey==VK_RBUTTON) { if (mg_pvsVar!=NULL) { INDEX iOldValue = mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue; mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue--; if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue<0) { // wrap non-sliders, clamp sliders if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider) mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue = 0; else mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue = mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues-1L; } if( iOldValue != mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue) { _bVarChanged = TRUE; mg_pvsVar->vs_bCustom = FALSE; mg_pvsVar->Validate(); } } return TRUE; } // not handled return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown(iVKey); } void CMGVarButton::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { if (mg_pvsVar==NULL) { return; } SetFontMedium(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIL = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.45f); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixIC = (PIX) (box.Center()(1)); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); if (mg_pvsVar->vs_bSeparator) { mg_bEnabled = FALSE; COLOR col = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_WHITE|255, "separator"); CTString strText = mg_pvsVar->vs_strName; pdp->PutTextC(strText, pixIC, pixJ, col); } else if (mg_pvsVar->Validate()) { // check whether the variable is disabled if( mg_pvsVar->vs_strFilter!="") mg_bEnabled = _pShell->GetINDEX(mg_pvsVar->vs_strFilter); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); pdp->PutTextR( mg_pvsVar->vs_strName, pixIL, pixJ, col); // custom is by default CTString strText = TRANS("Custom"); if( !mg_pvsVar->vs_bCustom) { // not custom! strText = mg_pvsVar->vs_astrTexts[mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue]; // need slider? if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider>0) { // draw box around slider PIX pixISize = (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.13f); PIX pixJSize = (PIX) (box.Size()(2)); PIXaabbox2D aabbox( PIX2D(pixIR, pixJ+1), PIX2D(pixIR+pixISize-4, pixJ+pixJSize-6)); _pGame->LCDDrawBox( 0, -1, aabbox, _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_GREEN|255, "slider box")); // draw filled part of slider if( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider==1) { // fill slider FLOAT fFactor = (FLOAT)(mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue+1) / mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues; pdp->Fill( pixIR+1, pixJ+2, (pixISize-6)*fFactor, pixJSize-9, col); } else { // ratio slider ASSERT( mg_pvsVar->vs_iSlider==2); FLOAT fUnitWidth = (FLOAT)(pixISize-5) / mg_pvsVar->vs_ctValues; pdp->Fill( pixIR+1+(mg_pvsVar->vs_iValue*fUnitWidth), pixJ+2, fUnitWidth, pixJSize-9, col); } // move text printout to the right of slider pixIR += (PIX) (box.Size()(1)*0.15f); } } // write right text pdp->PutText(strText, pixIR, pixJ, col); } } CMGFileButton::CMGFileButton(void) { mg_iState = FBS_NORMAL; } // refresh current text from description void CMGFileButton::RefreshText(void) { mg_strText = mg_strDes; mg_strText.OnlyFirstLine(); mg_strInfo = mg_strDes; mg_strInfo.RemovePrefix(mg_strText); mg_strInfo.DeleteChar(0); } void CMGFileButton::SaveDescription(void) { CTFileName fnFileNameDescription = mg_fnm.NoExt()+".des"; try { mg_strDes.Save_t(fnFileNameDescription); } catch( char *strError) { CPrintF("%s\n", strError); } } CMGFileButton *_pmgFileToSave = NULL; void OnFileSaveOK(void) { if (_pmgFileToSave!=NULL) { _pmgFileToSave->SaveYes(); } } void CMGFileButton::DoSave(void) { if (FileExistsForWriting(mg_fnm)) { _pmgFileToSave = this; extern void SaveConfirm(void); SaveConfirm(); } else { SaveYes(); } } void CMGFileButton::SaveYes(void) { ASSERT(gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bSave); // call saving function BOOL bSucceeded = gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_pAfterFileChosen(mg_fnm); // if saved if (bSucceeded) { // save the description too SaveDescription(); } } void CMGFileButton::DoLoad(void) { ASSERT(!gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bSave); // if no file if(!FileExists(mg_fnm)) { // do nothing return; } if (gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_pgmNextMenu!=NULL) { gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_pgmParentMenu = gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_pgmNextMenu; } // call loading function BOOL bSucceeded = gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_pAfterFileChosen(mg_fnm); ASSERT(bSucceeded); } static CTString _strTmpDescription; static CTString _strOrgDescription; void CMGFileButton::StartEdit(void) { CMGEdit::OnActivate(); } void CMGFileButton::OnActivate(void) { if (mg_fnm=="") { return; } PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); // if loading if (!gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bSave) { // load now DoLoad(); // if saving } else { // switch to editing mode BOOL bWasEmpty = mg_strText==EMPTYSLOTSTRING; mg_strDes = gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_strSaveDes; RefreshText(); _strOrgDescription = _strTmpDescription = mg_strText; if (bWasEmpty) { _strOrgDescription = EMPTYSLOTSTRING; } mg_pstrToChange = &_strTmpDescription; StartEdit(); mg_iState = FBS_SAVENAME; } } BOOL CMGFileButton::OnKeyDown(int iVKey) { if (mg_iState == FBS_NORMAL) { if (gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bSave || gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bManage) { if (iVKey == VK_F2) { if (FileExistsForWriting(mg_fnm)) { // switch to renaming mode _strOrgDescription = mg_strText; _strTmpDescription = mg_strText; mg_pstrToChange = &_strTmpDescription; StartEdit(); mg_iState = FBS_RENAME; } return TRUE; } else if (iVKey == VK_DELETE) { if (FileExistsForWriting(mg_fnm)) { // delete the file, its description and thumbnail RemoveFile(mg_fnm); RemoveFile(mg_fnm.NoExt()+".des"); RemoveFile(mg_fnm.NoExt()+"Tbn.tex"); // refresh menu gmLoadSaveMenu.EndMenu(); gmLoadSaveMenu.StartMenu(); OnSetFocus(); } return TRUE; } } return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown(iVKey); } else { // go out of editing mode if(mg_bEditing) { if (iVKey==VK_UP || iVKey==VK_DOWN) { CMGEdit::OnKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE); } } return CMGEdit::OnKeyDown(iVKey); } } void CMGFileButton::OnSetFocus(void) { mg_iState = FBS_NORMAL; if (gmLoadSaveMenu.gm_bAllowThumbnails && mg_bEnabled) { SetThumbnail(mg_fnm); } else { ClearThumbnail(); } pgmCurrentMenu->KillAllFocuses(); CMGButton::OnSetFocus(); } void CMGFileButton::OnKillFocus(void) { // go out of editing mode if(mg_bEditing) { OnKeyDown(VK_ESCAPE); } CMGEdit::OnKillFocus(); } // override from edit gadget void CMGFileButton::OnStringChanged(void) { // if saving if (mg_iState == FBS_SAVENAME) { // do the save mg_strDes = _strTmpDescription+"\n"+mg_strInfo; DoSave(); // if renaming } else if (mg_iState == FBS_RENAME) { // do the rename mg_strDes = _strTmpDescription+"\n"+mg_strInfo; SaveDescription(); // refresh menu gmLoadSaveMenu.EndMenu(); gmLoadSaveMenu.StartMenu(); OnSetFocus(); } } void CMGFileButton::OnStringCanceled(void) { mg_strText = _strOrgDescription; } void CMGFileButton::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { // render original gadget first CMGEdit::Render(pdp); // if currently selected if (mg_bFocused && mg_bEnabled) { // add info at the bottom if screen SetFontMedium(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, BoxSaveLoad(15.0)); PIX pixI = box.Min()(1); PIX pixJ = box.Min()(2); COLOR col = _pGame->LCDGetColor(C_mlGREEN|255, "file info"); pdp->PutText( mg_strInfo, pixI, pixJ, col); } } FLOATaabbox2D GetBoxPartHoriz(const FLOATaabbox2D &box, FLOAT fMin, FLOAT fMax) { FLOAT fBoxMin = box.Min()(1); FLOAT fBoxSize = box.Size()(1); return FLOATaabbox2D( FLOAT2D(fBoxMin+fBoxSize*fMin, box.Min()(2)), FLOAT2D(fBoxMin+fBoxSize*fMax, box.Max()(2))); } void PrintInBox(CDrawPort *pdp, PIX pixI, PIX pixJ, PIX pixSizeI, CTString str, COLOR col) { str = str.Undecorated(); PIX pixCharSize = pdp->dp_pixTextCharSpacing+pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharWidth; str.TrimRight(pixSizeI/pixCharSize); // print text pdp->PutText(str, pixI, pixJ, col); } CMGServerList::CMGServerList() { mg_iSelected = 0; mg_iFirstOnScreen = 0; mg_ctOnScreen = 10; mg_pixMinI = 0; mg_pixMaxI = 0; mg_pixListMinJ = 0; mg_pixListStepJ = 0; mg_pixDragJ = -1; mg_iDragLine = -1; mg_pixMouseDrag = -1; // by default, sort by ping, best on top mg_iSort = 2; mg_bSortDown = FALSE; } void CMGServerList::AdjustFirstOnScreen(void) { INDEX ctSessions = _lhServers.Count(); mg_iSelected = Clamp(mg_iSelected, 0, ClampDn(ctSessions-1, 0)); mg_iFirstOnScreen = Clamp(mg_iFirstOnScreen, 0, ClampDn(ctSessions-mg_ctOnScreen, 0)); if (mg_iSelected=mg_iFirstOnScreen+mg_ctOnScreen) { mg_iFirstOnScreen = ClampDn(mg_iSelected-mg_ctOnScreen+1, 0); } } BOOL _iSort = 0; BOOL _bSortDown = FALSE; int CompareSessions(const void *pv0, const void *pv1) { const CNetworkSession &ns0 = **(const CNetworkSession **)pv0; const CNetworkSession &ns1 = **(const CNetworkSession **)pv1; int iResult = 0; switch(_iSort) { case 0: iResult = stricmp(ns0.ns_strSession, ns1.ns_strSession); break; case 1: iResult = stricmp(ns0.ns_strWorld, ns1.ns_strWorld); break; case 2: iResult = (int) (Sgn(ns0.ns_tmPing-ns1.ns_tmPing)); break; case 3: iResult = Sgn(ns0.ns_ctPlayers-ns1.ns_ctPlayers); break; case 4: iResult = stricmp(ns0.ns_strGameType, ns1.ns_strGameType); break; case 5: iResult = stricmp(ns0.ns_strMod, ns1.ns_strMod ); break; case 6: iResult = stricmp(ns0.ns_strVer, ns1.ns_strVer ); break; } if (iResult==0) { // make sure we always have unique order when resorting return stricmp(ns0.ns_strAddress, ns1.ns_strAddress);; } return _bSortDown?-iResult:iResult; } extern CMGButton mgServerColumn[7]; extern CMGEdit mgServerFilter[7]; void SortAndFilterServers(void) { {FORDELETELIST(CNetworkSession, ns_lnNode, _lhServers, itns) { delete &*itns; }} {FOREACHINLIST(CNetworkSession, ns_lnNode, _pNetwork->ga_lhEnumeratedSessions, itns) { CNetworkSession &ns = *itns; extern CTString _strServerFilter[7]; if (_strServerFilter[0]!="" && !ns.ns_strSession.Matches("*"+_strServerFilter[0]+"*")) continue; if (_strServerFilter[1]!="" && !ns.ns_strWorld.Matches("*"+_strServerFilter[1]+"*")) continue; if (_strServerFilter[2]!="") { char strCompare[3] = {0,0,0}; int iPing = 0; _strServerFilter[2].ScanF("%2[<>=]%d", strCompare, &iPing); if (strcmp(strCompare, "<" )==0 && !(int(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)< iPing)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, "<=")==0 && !(int(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)<=iPing)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, ">" )==0 && !(int(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)> iPing)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, ">=")==0 && !(int(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)>=iPing)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, "=" )==0 && !(int(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)==iPing)) continue; } if (_strServerFilter[3]!="") { char strCompare[3] = {0,0,0}; int iPlayers = 0; _strServerFilter[3].ScanF("%2[<>=]%d", strCompare, &iPlayers); if (strcmp(strCompare, "<" )==0 && !(ns.ns_ctPlayers< iPlayers)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, "<=")==0 && !(ns.ns_ctPlayers<=iPlayers)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, ">" )==0 && !(ns.ns_ctPlayers> iPlayers)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, ">=")==0 && !(ns.ns_ctPlayers>=iPlayers)) continue; if (strcmp(strCompare, "=" )==0 && !(ns.ns_ctPlayers==iPlayers)) continue; } if (_strServerFilter[4]!="" && !ns.ns_strGameType.Matches("*"+_strServerFilter[4]+"*")) continue; if (_strServerFilter[5]!="" && !ns.ns_strMod.Matches("*"+_strServerFilter[5]+"*")) continue; if (_strServerFilter[6]!="" && !ns.ns_strVer.Matches("*"+_strServerFilter[6]+"*")) continue; CNetworkSession *pnsNew = new CNetworkSession; pnsNew->Copy(*itns); _lhServers.AddTail(pnsNew->ns_lnNode); }} _lhServers.Sort(CompareSessions, _offsetof(CNetworkSession, ns_lnNode)); } void CMGServerList::Render(CDrawPort *pdp) { _iSort = mg_iSort ; _bSortDown = mg_bSortDown; SortAndFilterServers(); SetFontSmall(pdp); BOOL bFocusedBefore = mg_bFocused; mg_bFocused = FALSE; PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); PIX pixDPSizeI = pdp->GetWidth(); PIX pixDPSizeJ = pdp->GetHeight(); PIX pixCharSizeI = pdp->dp_pixTextCharSpacing+pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharWidth; PIX pixCharSizeJ = pdp->dp_pixTextLineSpacing+pdp->dp_FontData->fd_pixCharHeight+1; PIX pixLineSize = 1; PIX pixSliderSizeI = 10; PIX pixOuterMargin = 20; INDEX ctSessions = _lhServers.Count(); INDEX iSession=0; INDEX ctColumns[7]; {for (INDEX i=0; iDrawLine(apixSeparatorI[i], pixTopJ, apixSeparatorI[i], pixBottomJ, col|CT_OPAQUE); } pdp->DrawLine(apixSeparatorI[0], pixTopJ, apixSeparatorI[8], pixTopJ, col|CT_OPAQUE); pdp->DrawLine(apixSeparatorI[0], pixListTopJ-pixLineSize, apixSeparatorI[8], pixListTopJ-pixLineSize, col|CT_OPAQUE); pdp->DrawLine(apixSeparatorI[0], pixBottomJ, apixSeparatorI[8], pixBottomJ, col|CT_OPAQUE); PIXaabbox2D boxHandle = GetScrollBarHandleBox(); pdp->Fill(boxHandle.Min()(1)+2, boxHandle.Min()(2)+2, boxHandle.Size()(1)-3, boxHandle.Size()(2)-3, col|CT_OPAQUE); PIX pixJ = pixTopJ+pixLineSize*2+1; mg_ctOnScreen = ctSessionsOnScreen; AdjustFirstOnScreen(); if (_lhServers.Count()==0) { if (_pNetwork->ga_strEnumerationStatus!="") { mg_bFocused = TRUE; COLOR colItem = GetCurrentColor(); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[0]+pixCharSizeI, pixListTopJ+pixCharSizeJ+pixLineSize+1, apixSeparatorI[1]-apixSeparatorI[0], TRANS("searching..."), colItem); } } else { FOREACHINLIST(CNetworkSession, ns_lnNode, _lhServers, itns) { CNetworkSession &ns = *itns; if (iSession=mg_iFirstOnScreen+ctSessionsOnScreen) { iSession++; continue; } PIX pixJ = pixListTopJ+(iSession-mg_iFirstOnScreen)*pixCharSizeJ+pixLineSize+1; mg_bFocused = bFocusedBefore&&iSession==mg_iSelected; COLOR colItem = GetCurrentColor(); if (ns.ns_strVer!=_SE_VER_STRING) { colItem = MulColors(colItem, 0xA0A0A0FF); } CTString strPing(0,"%4d", INDEX(ns.ns_tmPing*1000)); CTString strPlayersCt(0, "%2d/%2d", ns.ns_ctPlayers, ns.ns_ctMaxPlayers); CTString strMod = ns.ns_strMod; if (strMod=="") { strMod = "SeriousSam"; } PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[0]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[1]-apixSeparatorI[0]-pixCharSizeI, ns.ns_strSession, colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[1]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[2]-apixSeparatorI[1]-pixCharSizeI, TranslateConst(ns.ns_strWorld), colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[2]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[3]-apixSeparatorI[2]-pixCharSizeI, strPing, colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[3]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[4]-apixSeparatorI[3]-pixCharSizeI, strPlayersCt, colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[4]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[5]-apixSeparatorI[4]-pixCharSizeI, TranslateConst(ns.ns_strGameType), colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[5]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[6]-apixSeparatorI[5]-pixCharSizeI, TranslateConst(strMod), colItem); PrintInBox(pdp, apixSeparatorI[6]+pixCharSizeI/2, pixJ, apixSeparatorI[7]-apixSeparatorI[6]-pixCharSizeI, ns.ns_strVer, colItem); iSession++; } } mg_bFocused = bFocusedBefore; } static INDEX SliderPixToIndex(PIX pixOffset, INDEX iVisible, INDEX iTotal, PIXaabbox2D boxFull) { FLOAT fSize = ClampUp(FLOAT(iVisible)/iTotal, 1.0f); PIX pixFull = boxFull.Size()(2); PIX pixSize = PIX(pixFull*fSize); if (pixSize>=boxFull.Size()(2)) { return 0; } return (iTotal*pixOffset)/pixFull; } static PIXaabbox2D GetSliderBox(INDEX iFirst, INDEX iVisible, INDEX iTotal, PIXaabbox2D boxFull) { if (iTotal<=0) { return boxFull; } FLOAT fSize = ClampUp(FLOAT(iVisible)/iTotal, 1.0f); PIX pixFull = (PIX) (boxFull.Size()(2)); PIX pixSize = (PIX) (pixFull*fSize); pixSize = ClampDn(pixSize, boxFull.Size()(1)); PIX pixTop = (PIX) (pixFull*(FLOAT(iFirst)/iTotal)+boxFull.Min()(2)); PIX pixI0 = (PIX) (boxFull.Min()(1)); PIX pixI1 = (PIX) (boxFull.Max()(1)); return PIXaabbox2D(PIX2D(pixI0, pixTop), PIX2D(pixI1, pixTop+pixSize)); } PIXaabbox2D CMGServerList::GetScrollBarFullBox(void) { return PIXaabbox2D(PIX2D(mg_pixSBMinI, mg_pixSBMinJ), PIX2D(mg_pixSBMaxI, mg_pixSBMaxJ)); } PIXaabbox2D CMGServerList::GetScrollBarHandleBox(void) { return GetSliderBox(mg_iFirstOnScreen, mg_ctOnScreen, _lhServers.Count(), GetScrollBarFullBox()); } void CMGServerList::OnMouseOver(PIX pixI, PIX pixJ) { mg_pixMouseI = pixI; mg_pixMouseJ = pixJ; if (!(GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)&0x8000)) { mg_pixDragJ = -1; } BOOL bInSlider = (pixI>=mg_pixSBMinI && pixI<=mg_pixSBMaxI && pixJ>=mg_pixSBMinJ && pixJ<=mg_pixSBMaxJ); if (mg_pixDragJ>=0 && bInSlider) { PIX pixDelta = pixJ-mg_pixDragJ; INDEX ctSessions = _lhServers.Count(); INDEX iWantedLine = mg_iDragLine+ SliderPixToIndex(pixDelta, mg_ctOnScreen, ctSessions, GetScrollBarFullBox()); mg_iFirstOnScreen = Clamp(iWantedLine, 0, ClampDn(ctSessions-mg_ctOnScreen, 0)); mg_iSelected = Clamp(mg_iSelected, mg_iFirstOnScreen, mg_iFirstOnScreen+mg_ctOnScreen-1); // AdjustFirstOnScreen(); return; } // if some server is selected if (pixI>=mg_pixMinI && pixI<=mg_pixMaxI) { INDEX iOnScreen = (pixJ-mg_pixListMinJ)/mg_pixListStepJ; if (iOnScreen>=0 && iOnScreen=mg_pixHeaderMinJ && mg_pixMouseJ<=mg_pixHeaderMidJ && mg_pixMouseI>=mg_pixHeaderI[0] && mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[7]) { INDEX iNewSort = mg_iSort; if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[1]) { iNewSort = 0; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[2]) { iNewSort = 1; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[3]) { iNewSort = 2; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[4]) { iNewSort = 3; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[5]) { iNewSort = 4; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[6]) { iNewSort = 5; } else if (mg_pixMouseI<=mg_pixHeaderI[7]) { iNewSort = 6; } if (iNewSort==mg_iSort) { mg_bSortDown = !mg_bSortDown; } else { mg_bSortDown = FALSE; } mg_iSort = iNewSort; break; } else */if (mg_pixMouseDrag>=0) { mg_pixDragJ = mg_pixMouseDrag; mg_iDragLine = mg_iFirstOnScreen; break; } case VK_RETURN: PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); {INDEX i=0; FOREACHINLIST(CNetworkSession, ns_lnNode, _lhServers, itns) { if (i==mg_iSelected) { char strAddress[256]; int iPort; itns->ns_strAddress.ScanF("%200[^:]:%d", &strAddress, &iPort); _pGame->gam_strJoinAddress = strAddress; _pShell->SetINDEX("net_iPort", iPort); extern void StartSelectPlayersMenuFromServers(void ); StartSelectPlayersMenuFromServers(); return TRUE; } i++; }} break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void CMGServerList::OnSetFocus(void) { mg_bFocused = TRUE; } void CMGServerList::OnKillFocus(void) { mg_bFocused = FALSE; } // -------------------------------- Buttons for player selecting implementation void CMGChangePlayer::OnActivate(void) { PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); _iLocalPlayer = mg_iLocalPlayer; if( _pGame->gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[ mg_iLocalPlayer] < 0) _pGame->gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[ mg_iLocalPlayer] = 0; gmPlayerProfile.gm_piCurrentPlayer = &_pGame->gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[ mg_iLocalPlayer]; gmPlayerProfile.gm_pgmParentMenu = &gmSelectPlayersMenu; extern BOOL _bPlayerMenuFromSinglePlayer; _bPlayerMenuFromSinglePlayer = FALSE; ChangeToMenu( &gmPlayerProfile); } void CMGChangePlayer::SetPlayerText(void) { INDEX iPlayer = _pGame->gm_aiMenuLocalPlayers[ mg_iLocalPlayer]; CPlayerCharacter &pc = _pGame->gm_apcPlayers[ iPlayer]; if (iPlayer<0 || iPlayer>7) { mg_strText = "????"; } else { mg_strText.PrintF(TRANSV("Player %d: %s\n"), mg_iLocalPlayer+1, (const char *) pc.GetNameForPrinting()); } } // ------- Key (from customize keyboard) implementation CMGKeyDefinition::CMGKeyDefinition( void) { mg_iState = DOING_NOTHING; } void CMGKeyDefinition::OnActivate(void) { PlayMenuSound(_psdPress); IFeel_PlayEffect("Menu_press"); SetBindingNames(/*bDefining=*/TRUE); mg_iState = RELEASE_RETURN_WAITING; } BOOL CMGKeyDefinition::OnKeyDown( int iVKey) { // if waiting for a key definition if( mg_iState == PRESS_KEY_WAITING) { // do nothing return TRUE; } // if backspace pressed if(iVKey == VK_BACK) { // clear both keys DefineKey(KID_NONE); // message is processed return TRUE; } return CMenuGadget::OnKeyDown( iVKey); } // set names for both key bindings void CMGKeyDefinition::SetBindingNames(BOOL bDefining) { // find the button INDEX ict=0; INDEX iDik=0; FOREACHINLIST( CButtonAction, ba_lnNode, _pGame->gm_ctrlControlsExtra->ctrl_lhButtonActions, itba) { if( ict == mg_iControlNumber) { CButtonAction &ba = *itba; // get the current bindings and names INDEX iKey1 = ba.ba_iFirstKey; INDEX iKey2 = ba.ba_iSecondKey; BOOL bKey1Bound = iKey1!=KID_NONE; BOOL bKey2Bound = iKey2!=KID_NONE; CTString strKey1 = _pInput->GetButtonTransName(iKey1); CTString strKey2 = _pInput->GetButtonTransName(iKey2); // if defining if (bDefining) { // if only first key is defined if (bKey1Bound && !bKey2Bound) { // put question mark for second key mg_strBinding = strKey1+TRANS(" or ")+"?"; // otherwise } else { // put question mark only mg_strBinding = "?"; } // if not defining } else { // if second key is defined if (bKey2Bound) { // add both mg_strBinding = strKey1+TRANS(" or ")+strKey2; // if second key is undefined } else { // display only first one mg_strBinding = strKey1; } } return ; } ict++; } // if not found, put errorneous string mg_strBinding = "???"; } void CMGKeyDefinition::Appear(void) { SetBindingNames(/*bDefining=*/FALSE); CMenuGadget::Appear(); } void CMGKeyDefinition::Disappear(void) { CMenuGadget::Disappear(); } void CMGKeyDefinition::DefineKey(INDEX iDik) { // for each button in controls INDEX ict=0; FOREACHINLIST(CButtonAction, ba_lnNode, _pGame->gm_ctrlControlsExtra->ctrl_lhButtonActions, itba) { CButtonAction &ba = *itba; // if it is this one if (ict == mg_iControlNumber) { // if should clear if (iDik == KID_NONE) { // unbind both ba.ba_iFirstKey = KID_NONE; ba.ba_iSecondKey = KID_NONE; } // if first key is unbound, or both keys are bound if (ba.ba_iFirstKey==KID_NONE || ba.ba_iSecondKey!=KID_NONE) { // bind first key ba.ba_iFirstKey = iDik; // clear second key ba.ba_iSecondKey = KID_NONE; // if only first key bound } else { // bind second key ba.ba_iSecondKey = iDik; } // if it is not this one } else { // clear bindings that contain this key if (ba.ba_iFirstKey == iDik) { ba.ba_iFirstKey = KID_NONE; } if (ba.ba_iSecondKey == iDik) { ba.ba_iSecondKey = KID_NONE; } } ict++; } SetBindingNames(/*bDefining=*/FALSE); } void CMGKeyDefinition::Think( void) { if( mg_iState == RELEASE_RETURN_WAITING) { _bDefiningKey = TRUE; extern BOOL _bMouseUsedLast; _bMouseUsedLast = FALSE; _pInput->SetJoyPolling(TRUE); _pInput->GetInput(FALSE); if( _pInput->IsInputEnabled() && !_pInput->GetButtonState( KID_ENTER) && !_pInput->GetButtonState( KID_MOUSE1 ) ) { mg_iState = PRESS_KEY_WAITING; } } else if( mg_iState == PRESS_KEY_WAITING) { _pInput->SetJoyPolling(TRUE); _pInput->GetInput(FALSE); for( INDEX iDik = 0; iDikGetButtonState( iDik)) { // skip keys that cannot be defined if (iDik == KID_TILDE) { continue; } // if escape not pressed if (iDik != KID_ESCAPE) { // define the new key DefineKey(iDik); // if escape pressed } else { // undefine the key DefineKey(KID_NONE); } // end defining loop mg_iState = DOING_NOTHING; _bDefiningKey = FALSE; // refresh all buttons pgmCurrentMenu->FillListItems(); break; } } } } void CMGKeyDefinition::Render( CDrawPort *pdp) { SetFontMedium(pdp); PIXaabbox2D box = FloatBoxToPixBox(pdp, mg_boxOnScreen); PIX pixIL = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.45f); PIX pixIR = (PIX) (box.Min()(1)+box.Size()(1)*0.55f); PIX pixJ = (PIX) (box.Min()(2)); COLOR col = GetCurrentColor(); pdp->PutTextR( mg_strLabel, pixIL, pixJ, col); pdp->PutText( mg_strBinding, pixIR, pixJ, col); }