/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // MainFrm.cpp : implementation of the CMainFrame class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include #include #ifdef _DEBUG #undef new #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif extern COLOR acol_ColorizePallete[]; FLOAT _fLastNumKeyDownTime=-1; FLOAT _fLastTimePressureApplied=-1; #define BRUSH_PRESSURE_DELAY 0.25f #define BRUSH_PRESSURE_SUB_DELAY 0.5f #define GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(iColor, strColorIndex) \ {char chrColor[ 16];\ COLOR colResult;\ sprintf( chrColor, "0x%08x", acol_ColorizePallete[iColor]);\ strcpy( chrColor, CStringA(theApp.GetProfileString( L"Custom picker colors", L"Color" strColorIndex, CString(chrColor))));\ sscanf( chrColor, "0x%08x", &colResult);\ acol_ColorizePallete[iColor] = colResult;} #define SET_COLOR_TO_INI(iColor, strColorIndex) \ {char chrColor[ 16];\ sprintf( chrColor, "0x%08x", acol_ColorizePallete[iColor]);\ theApp.WriteProfileString( L"Custom picker colors", L"Color" strColorIndex, CString(chrColor));} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CMainFrame, CMDIFrameWnd) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CMDIFrameWnd) ON_COMMAND_EX(ID_VIEW_PROPERTYCOMBO, OnBarCheck) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_PROPERTYCOMBO, OnUpdateControlBarMenu) ON_COMMAND_EX(ID_VIEW_BROWSEDIALOGBAR, OnBarCheck) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_BROWSEDIALOGBAR, OnUpdateControlBarMenu) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMainFrame) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_COMMAND(ID_VIRTUAL_TREE, OnVirtualTree) ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_WM_CANCELMODE() ON_WM_INITMENU() ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_INFOWINDOW, OnViewInfowindow) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_INFOWINDOW, OnUpdateViewInfowindow) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_CSGTOOLS, OnViewCsgtools) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_CSGTOOLS, OnUpdateViewCsgtools) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_PROJECTIONS_BAR, OnViewProjectionsBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_PROJECTIONS_BAR, OnUpdateViewProjectionsBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_WORK_BAR, OnViewWorkBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_WORK_BAR, OnUpdateViewWorkBar) ON_WM_ACTIVATEAPP() ON_COMMAND(ID_CREATE_TEXTURE, OnCreateTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_CALL_MODELER, OnCallModeler) ON_COMMAND(ID_CALL_TEXMAKER, OnCallTexmaker) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY_BAR, OnViewSettingsAndUtilityBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY_BAR, OnUpdateViewSettingsAndUtilityBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE_BAR, OnViewShadowsAndTextureBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE_BAR, OnUpdateViewShadowsAndTextureBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_SELECT_ENTITY_BAR, OnViewSelectEntityBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_SELECT_ENTITY_BAR, OnUpdateViewSelectEntityBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR, OnViewViewToolsBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR, OnUpdateViewViewToolsBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR2, OnViewViewToolsBar2) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_VIEW_TOOLS_BAR2, OnUpdateViewViewToolsBar2) ON_COMMAND(ID_GAME_AUDIO, OnGameAudio) ON_COMMAND(ID_GAME_VIDEO, OnGameVideo) ON_COMMAND(ID_GAME_PLAYER, OnGamePlayer) ON_COMMAND(ID_GAME_SELECT_PLAYER, OnGameSelectPlayer) ON_COMMAND(ID_SHOW_TREE_SHORTCUTS, OnShowTreeShortcuts) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT01, OnMenuShortcut01) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT02, OnMenuShortcut02) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT03, OnMenuShortcut03) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT04, OnMenuShortcut04) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT05, OnMenuShortcut05) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT06, OnMenuShortcut06) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT07, OnMenuShortcut07) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT08, OnMenuShortcut08) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT09, OnMenuShortcut09) ON_COMMAND(ID_MENU_SHORTCUT10, OnMenuShortcut10) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT01, OnStoreMenuShortcut01) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT02, OnStoreMenuShortcut02) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT03, OnStoreMenuShortcut03) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT04, OnStoreMenuShortcut04) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT05, OnStoreMenuShortcut05) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT06, OnStoreMenuShortcut06) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT07, OnStoreMenuShortcut07) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT08, OnStoreMenuShortcut08) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT09, OnStoreMenuShortcut09) ON_COMMAND(ID_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT10, OnStoreMenuShortcut10) ON_COMMAND(ID_CONSOLE, OnConsole) ON_COMMAND(ID_VIEW_MIP_TOOLS_BAR, OnViewMipToolsBar) ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(ID_VIEW_MIP_TOOLS_BAR, OnUpdateViewMipToolsBar) ON_COMMAND(ID_TOOL_RECREATE_TEXTURE, OnToolRecreateTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_RECREATE_CURRENT_TEXTURE, OnRecreateCurrentTexture) ON_COMMAND(ID_LIGHT_ANIMATION, OnLightAnimation) ON_WM_TIMER() ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_FINDER, OnHelpFinder) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP // Global help commands - modified to use html-help //ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP_FINDER, CMDIFrameWnd::OnHelpFinder) //ON_COMMAND(ID_HELP, OnHelpFinder) ON_COMMAND(ID_CONTEXT_HELP, CMDIFrameWnd::OnContextHelp) END_MESSAGE_MAP() static UINT indicators[] = { ID_SEPARATOR, // status line indicator ID_SEPARATOR, ID_SEPARATOR, ID_SEPARATOR, ID_SEPARATOR, }; #define STD_BROWSER_WIDTH 162 #define STD_BROWSER_HEIGHT 400 #define STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_WIDTH 162 #define STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_HEIGHT 144 #define SET_BAR_SIZE( bar, dx, dy) \ bar.m_Size.cx = dx; \ bar.m_Size.cy = dy; \ bar.CalcDynamicLayout(0, LM_HORZDOCK) #define LOAD_BAR_STATE( WName, HName, bar, dx, dy) \ bar.m_Size.cx = (AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("General"),_T(WName),dx)); \ bar.m_Size.cy = (AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(_T("General"),_T(HName),dy)); \ bar.CalcDynamicLayout(0, LM_HORZDOCK) #define SAVE_BAR_STATE( WName, HName, bar) \ AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt( _T("General"),_T(WName), bar.m_Size.cx); \ AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt( _T("General"),_T(HName), bar.m_Size.cy) // test buffer keys, return pressed buffer number extern INDEX TestKeyBuffers(void) { INDEX iResult = -1; if( (GetKeyState( '1') & 128) != 0) iResult = 0; if( (GetKeyState( '2') & 128) != 0) iResult = 1; if( (GetKeyState( '3') & 128) != 0) iResult = 2; if( (GetKeyState( '4') & 128) != 0) iResult = 3; if( (GetKeyState( '5') & 128) != 0) iResult = 4; if( (GetKeyState( '6') & 128) != 0) iResult = 5; if( (GetKeyState( '7') & 128) != 0) iResult = 6; if( (GetKeyState( '8') & 128) != 0) iResult = 7; if( (GetKeyState( '9') & 128) != 0) iResult = 8; if( (GetKeyState( '0') & 128) != 0) iResult = 9; return iResult; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame construction/destruction CMainFrame::CMainFrame() { m_pInfoFrame = NULL; m_pColorPalette = NULL; m_pwndToolTip = NULL; } CMainFrame::~CMainFrame() { // info frame window will be destroyed trough auto destroy object mechanism CWorldEditorApp *pApp = (CWorldEditorApp *)AfxGetApp(); pApp->WriteProfileString(L"World editor", L"Last virtual tree", CString(m_fnLastVirtualTree)); // destroy color palette if( m_pColorPalette != NULL) { delete m_pColorPalette; m_pColorPalette = NULL; } // destroy tool tip if( m_pwndToolTip != NULL) { delete m_pwndToolTip; m_pwndToolTip = NULL; } } int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { CWorldEditorApp *pApp = (CWorldEditorApp *)AfxGetApp(); if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // set same styles for use with all toolbars DWORD dwToolBarStyles = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC | CBRS_TOP | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_GRIPPER; CRect rectDummy(0,0,0,0); if (!m_wndToolBar.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_MAIN) || !m_wndToolBar.LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)) { TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndWorkTools.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_WORK) || !m_wndWorkTools.LoadToolBar(IDR_WORK_TOOLS)) { TRACE0("Failed to create work toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndStatusBar.Create(this, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBRS_BOTTOM, IDW_STATUSBAR) || !m_wndStatusBar.SetIndicators(indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(UINT))) { TRACE0("Failed to create status bar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } // create pane for grid size UINT nID; UINT nStyle; int cxWidth; m_wndStatusBar.GetPaneInfo( GRID_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); cxWidth = 70; m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneInfo( GRID_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); // create pane for mouse coordinate m_wndStatusBar.GetPaneInfo( POSITION_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); cxWidth = 180; m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneInfo( POSITION_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); // create pane for icon telling editing mode m_wndStatusBar.GetPaneInfo( EDITING_MODE_ICON_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); cxWidth = 32; m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneInfo( EDITING_MODE_ICON_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); // create pane for editing mode m_wndStatusBar.GetPaneInfo( EDITING_MODE_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); cxWidth = 90; m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneInfo( EDITING_MODE_PANE, nID, nStyle, cxWidth); if (!m_wndCSGTools.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_CSG) || !m_wndCSGTools.LoadToolBar(IDR_CSG_TOOLS)) { TRACE0("Failed to create CSG tools toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndMipTools.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_MIP) || !m_wndMipTools.LoadToolBar(IDR_MIP_TOOLS)) { TRACE0("Failed to create mip tools toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndProjections.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_PROJECTIONS) || !m_wndProjections.LoadToolBar(IDR_PROJECTIONS)) { TRACE0("Failed to create projections toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndSettingsAndUtility.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY) || !m_wndSettingsAndUtility.LoadToolBar(IDR_SETTINGS_AND_UTILITY) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create settings and utility toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndShadowsAndTexture.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE) || !m_wndShadowsAndTexture.LoadToolBar(IDR_SHADOWS_AND_TEXTURE) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create shadow and texture toolbar\n"); return -1; } static UINT aidShadowsAndTextureToolBar[5] = {ID_TEXTURE_1, ID_TEXTURE_2, ID_TEXTURE_3, ID_VIEW_SHADOWS_ONOFF, ID_CALCULATE_SHADOWS_ONOFF}; m_wndShadowsAndTexture.SetButtons( aidShadowsAndTextureToolBar, 5); if (!m_wndSelectEntity.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_SELECT_ENTITY) || !m_wndSelectEntity.LoadToolBar(IDR_SELECT_ENTITY) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create select entity toolbar\n"); return -1; } if (!m_wndViewTools.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_VIEW_TOOLS) || !m_wndViewTools.LoadToolBar(IDR_VIEW_TOOLS) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create view tools toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } if (!m_wndViewTools2.CreateEx(this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, dwToolBarStyles, rectDummy, IDW_TOOLBAR_VIEW_TOOLS2) || !m_wndViewTools2.LoadToolBar(IDR_VIEW_TOOLS2) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create view tools 2 toolbar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } // set horizontal size to item that will carry CSG destination combo box m_wndCSGTools.SetButtonInfo(0, ID_CSG_DESTINATION, TBBS_SEPARATOR, 128); CRect rect; // get dimensions of item that will carry combo m_wndCSGTools.GetItemRect(0, &rect); rect.top = 2; // set combo's drop down height rect.bottom = rect.top + 100; if (!m_CSGDesitnationCombo.Create( CBS_DROPDOWNLIST|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|WS_VSCROLL, rect, &m_wndCSGTools, ID_CSG_DESTINATION)) { TRACE0("Failed to create CSG destination combo-box\n"); return FALSE; } m_CSGDesitnationCombo.SetDroppedWidth( 256); // set horizontal size to item that will carry triangularisation type combo box m_wndCSGTools.SetButtonInfo(11, ID_TRIANGULARIZE, TBBS_SEPARATOR, 100); CRect rectCombo2; // get dimensions of item that will carry combo m_wndCSGTools.GetItemRect(11, &rectCombo2); rectCombo2.top = 2; // set combo's drop down height rectCombo2.bottom = rectCombo2.top + 100; if (!m_TriangularisationCombo.Create( CBS_DROPDOWNLIST|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP|WS_VSCROLL, rectCombo2, &m_wndCSGTools, ID_TRIANGULARIZE)) { TRACE0("Failed to create triangularization type combo-box\n"); return FALSE; } // set horizontal size to item that will hold mip switch edit ctrl m_wndMipTools.SetButtonInfo(2, ID_EDIT_MIP_SWITCH_DISTANCE, TBBS_SEPARATOR, 64); CRect rectEdit1; // get dimensions of item that will carry edit ctrl m_wndMipTools.GetItemRect(2, &rectEdit1); rectEdit1.top = 2; rectEdit1.bottom = rectEdit1.top + 18; if (!m_ctrlEditMipSwitchDistance.Create( WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER, rectEdit1, &m_wndMipTools, ID_EDIT_MIP_SWITCH_DISTANCE) ) { TRACE0("Failed to create mip switch distance edit control\n"); return FALSE; } // Initialize dialog bar m_Browser if (!m_Browser.Create(this, CG_IDD_BROWSEDIALOGBAR, CBRS_LEFT | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_HIDE_INPLACE | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC, ID_VIEW_BROWSEDIALOGBAR)) { TRACE0("Failed to create dialog bar m_Browser\n"); return -1; // fail to create } // Try to load virtual tree to browser m_fnLastVirtualTree = CTString( CStringA(pApp->GetProfileString(L"World editor", L"Last virtual tree", L"VirtualTrees\\BasicVirtualTree.vrt"))); if( m_fnLastVirtualTree != "") { try { m_Browser.LoadVirtualTree_t( m_fnLastVirtualTree, NULL); } catch( char *strError) { (void) strError; CTString strMessage; strMessage.PrintF("Error reading virtual tree file:\n%s.\n\nSwitching to empty virtual tree.", m_fnLastVirtualTree); AfxMessageBox( CString(strMessage)); m_Browser.m_VirtualTree.MakeRoot(); m_Browser.OnUpdateVirtualTreeControl(); } } // Initialize dialog bar m_PropertyComboBar if (!m_PropertyComboBar.Create(this, CG_IDD_PROPERTYCOMBO, CBRS_RIGHT | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_HIDE_INPLACE | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC, ID_VIEW_PROPERTYCOMBO)) { TRACE0("Failed to create dialog bar m_PropertyComboBar\n"); return -1; // fail to create } // Initialize windows classic tool bar m_wndToolBar.SetWindowText(L"File tools"); m_wndToolBar.SetBarStyle(m_wndToolBar.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndToolBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize work tool bar m_wndWorkTools.SetWindowText(L"Work tools"); m_wndWorkTools.SetBarStyle(m_wndWorkTools.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndWorkTools.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize CSG tools tool bar m_wndCSGTools.SetWindowText(L"CSG tools"); m_wndCSGTools.SetBarStyle(m_wndCSGTools.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndCSGTools.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize mip tools tool bar m_wndMipTools.SetWindowText(L"Mip tools"); m_wndMipTools.SetBarStyle(m_wndMipTools.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndMipTools.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize projections tools tool bar m_wndProjections.SetWindowText(L"Projections"); m_wndProjections.SetBarStyle(m_wndProjections.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndProjections.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize setting and utility tools tool bar m_wndSettingsAndUtility.SetWindowText(L"Settings and utility"); m_wndSettingsAndUtility.SetBarStyle(m_wndSettingsAndUtility.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndSettingsAndUtility.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize shadows and texture tool bar m_wndShadowsAndTexture.SetWindowText(L"Shadows and texture"); m_wndShadowsAndTexture.SetBarStyle(m_wndShadowsAndTexture.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndShadowsAndTexture.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize select entity tool bar m_wndSelectEntity.SetWindowText(L"Select entity"); m_wndSelectEntity.SetBarStyle(m_wndSelectEntity.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndSelectEntity.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize view tools tool bar m_wndViewTools.SetWindowText(L"View tools"); m_wndViewTools.SetBarStyle(m_wndViewTools.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndViewTools.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize view tools tool bar m_wndViewTools2.SetWindowText(L"View tools 2"); m_wndViewTools2.SetBarStyle(m_wndViewTools2.GetBarStyle() | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC); m_wndViewTools2.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // Initialize browser dialog bar m_Browser.SetWindowText(L"Browser"); m_Browser.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT | CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT); // Initialize property dialog bar m_PropertyComboBar.SetWindowText(L"Entity properties"); m_PropertyComboBar.EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); EnableDocking(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY); // We will set default width and height of browser and property dialog bars SET_BAR_SIZE(m_Browser, STD_BROWSER_WIDTH, STD_BROWSER_HEIGHT); SET_BAR_SIZE(m_PropertyComboBar, STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_WIDTH, STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_HEIGHT); DockControlBar(&m_wndToolBar); DockControlBar(&m_wndWorkTools); DockControlBar(&m_wndProjections); DockControlBar(&m_wndSettingsAndUtility); DockControlBar(&m_wndShadowsAndTexture); DockControlBar(&m_wndSelectEntity); DockControlBar(&m_wndViewTools); DockControlBar(&m_wndViewTools2); DockControlBar(&m_wndCSGTools); DockControlBar(&m_wndMipTools); // dock browser and properties dialog DockControlBar(&m_Browser); DockControlBar(&m_PropertyComboBar); //DockControlBarRelativeTo(&m_PropertyComboBar, &m_Browser, DOCK_UP); // We will try to load tool docked and floated positions of all ctrl bars from INI file LOAD_BAR_STATE("Browser width", "Browser height", m_Browser, STD_BROWSER_WIDTH, STD_BROWSER_HEIGHT); LOAD_BAR_STATE("Property width", "Property height", m_PropertyComboBar, STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_WIDTH, STD_PROPERTYCOMBO_HEIGHT); // set font for combo and edit boxes m_CSGDesitnationCombo.SetFont(&theApp.m_Font); m_TriangularisationCombo.SetFont(&theApp.m_Font); m_ctrlEditMipSwitchDistance.SetFont(&theApp.m_Font); LoadBarState(_T("General")); // load custom picker colors from registry GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 0, L"00"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 1, L"01"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 2, L"02"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 3, L"03"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 4, L"04"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 5, L"05"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 6, L"06"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 7, L"07"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 8, L"08"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI( 9, L"09"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(10, L"10"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(11, L"11"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(12, L"12"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(13, L"13"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(14, L"14"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(15, L"15"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(16, L"16"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(17, L"17"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(18, L"18"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(19, L"19"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(20, L"20"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(21, L"21"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(22, L"22"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(23, L"23"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(24, L"24"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(25, L"25"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(26, L"26"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(27, L"27"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(28, L"28"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(29, L"29"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(30, L"30"); GET_COLOR_FROM_INI(31, L"31"); // set distance for brush vertex selecting PIX pixResolutionWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); _pixDeltaAroundVertex = pixResolutionWidth/128; return 0; } void CMainFrame::DockControlBarRelativeTo(CControlBar* pbarToDock, CControlBar* pbarRelativeTo, ULONG ulDockDirection /*= DOCK_RIGHT*/) { CRect rectToDock; CRect rectRelativeTo; CRect rectResult; DWORD dw; UINT n; // get MFC to adjust the dimensions of all docked ToolBars // so that GetWindowRect will be accurate // RecalcLayout(); pbarRelativeTo->GetWindowRect( &rectRelativeTo); pbarToDock->GetWindowRect( &rectToDock); PIX pixOffsetX = rectRelativeTo.Width(); PIX pixOffsetY = rectRelativeTo.Height(); rectResult = CRect( rectRelativeTo.left, 0/*rectRelativeTo.top*/, rectRelativeTo.left+rectToDock.Width(), /*rectRelativeTo.top+*/rectToDock.Height() ); switch( ulDockDirection) { case DOCK_LEFT: { rectResult.OffsetRect( -pixOffsetX, 0); break; } case DOCK_RIGHT: { rectResult.OffsetRect( pixOffsetX+20, 0); break; } case DOCK_UP: { rectResult.OffsetRect( 0, -pixOffsetY); break; } case DOCK_DOWN: { rectResult.OffsetRect( 0, pixOffsetY); break; } } dw=pbarRelativeTo->GetBarStyle(); n = 0; n = (dw&CBRS_ALIGN_TOP) ? AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_TOP : n; n = (dw&CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM && n==0) ? AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM : n; n = (dw&CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT && n==0) ? AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_LEFT : n; n = (dw&CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT && n==0) ? AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_RIGHT : n; // When we take the default parameters on rect, DockControlBar will dock // each Toolbar on a seperate line. By calculating a rectangle, we in effect // are simulating a Toolbar being dragged to that location and docked. DockControlBar( pbarToDock, n, &rectResult); } BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs cs.style = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | FWS_ADDTOTITLE | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZE; return CMDIFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CMainFrame::AssertValid() const { CMDIFrameWnd::AssertValid(); } void CMainFrame::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CMDIFrameWnd::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainFrame message handlers void CMainFrame::OnVirtualTree() { if( m_Browser.m_TreeCtrl.m_bIsOpen) { m_Browser.m_TreeCtrl.CloseTreeCtrl(); } else { m_Browser.m_TreeCtrl.OpenTreeCtrl(); } m_Browser.m_TreeCtrl.SetFocus(); } BOOL CMainFrame::DestroyWindow() { m_Browser.CloseSelectedDirectory(); return CMDIFrameWnd::DestroyWindow(); } void CMainFrame::OnClose() { SaveBarState(_T("General")); SAVE_BAR_STATE("Browser width", "Browser height", m_Browser); SAVE_BAR_STATE("Property width", "Property height", m_PropertyComboBar); // save custom picker colors to registry SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 0, L"00"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 1, L"01"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 2, L"02"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 3, L"03"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 4, L"04"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 5, L"05"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 6, L"06"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 7, L"07"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 8, L"08"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI( 9, L"09"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(10, L"10"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(11, L"11"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(12, L"12"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(13, L"13"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(14, L"14"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(15, L"15"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(16, L"16"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(17, L"17"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(18, L"18"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(19, L"19"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(20, L"20"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(21, L"21"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(22, L"22"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(23, L"23"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(24, L"24"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(25, L"25"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(26, L"26"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(27, L"27"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(28, L"28"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(29, L"29"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(30, L"30"); SET_COLOR_TO_INI(31, L"31"); CMDIFrameWnd::OnClose(); } void CMainFrame::OnCancelMode() { // switches out of eventual direct screen mode CWorldEditorView *pwndView = (CWorldEditorView *)GetActiveView(); if (pwndView != NULL) { // get the MDIChildFrame of active window CChildFrame *pfrChild = (CChildFrame *)pwndView->GetParentFrame(); ASSERT(pfrChild!=NULL); } CMDIFrameWnd::OnCancelMode(); } void CMainFrame::OnInitMenu(CMenu* pMenu) { // switches out of eventual direct screen mode CWorldEditorView *pwndView = (CWorldEditorView *)GetActiveView(); if (pwndView != NULL) { // get the MDIChildFrame of active window CChildFrame *pfrChild = (CChildFrame *)pwndView->GetParentFrame(); ASSERT(pfrChild!=NULL); } CMDIFrameWnd::OnInitMenu(pMenu); } void CMainFrame::CustomColorPicker( PIX pixX, PIX pixY) { // calculate palette window's rectangle CRect rectWindow; rectWindow.left = pixX; rectWindow.top = pixY; rectWindow.right = rectWindow.left + 100; rectWindow.bottom = rectWindow.top + 200; COLOR colIntersectingColor; // obtain document CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); // must not be null if( pDoc == NULL) return; // if polygon mode if( pDoc->m_iMode == POLYGON_MODE) { // polygon selection must contain selected polygons ASSERT(pDoc->m_selPolygonSelection.Count() != 0); // obtain intersecting color // for each of the selected polygons FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(pDoc->m_selPolygonSelection, CBrushPolygon, itbpo) { // if this is first polygon in dynamic container if( pDoc->m_selPolygonSelection.Pointer(0) == itbpo) { // it is, get color as one that others will compare with colIntersectingColor = itbpo->bpo_colColor; } else { // if selected polygon's color is not same as testing color if( colIntersectingColor != itbpo->bpo_colColor) { // set invalid color colIntersectingColor = MAX_ULONG; break; } } } } else if( pDoc->m_iMode == SECTOR_MODE) { // we must be in sector mode // sector selection must contain selected sectors ASSERT(pDoc->m_selSectorSelection.Count() != 0); // obtain intersecting color // for each of the selected sectors FOREACHINDYNAMICCONTAINER(pDoc->m_selSectorSelection, CBrushSector, itbsc) { // if this is first sector in dynamic container if( pDoc->m_selSectorSelection.Pointer(0) == itbsc) { // it is, get color as one that others will compare with colIntersectingColor = itbsc->bsc_colColor; } else { // if selected sector's color is not same as testing color if( colIntersectingColor != itbsc->bsc_colColor) { // set invalid color colIntersectingColor = MAX_ULONG; break; } } } } else { return; } INDEX iSelectedColor = -1; for( INDEX iColTab = 0; iColTab < 32; iColTab++) { if( colIntersectingColor == acol_ColorizePallete[ iColTab]) { iSelectedColor = iColTab; break; } } _pcolColorToSet = NULL; if( m_pColorPalette == NULL) { // instantiate new choose color palette window m_pColorPalette = new CColorPaletteWnd; // create window BOOL bResult = m_pColorPalette->CreateEx( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, NULL, L"Palette", WS_CHILD|WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE, rectWindow.left, rectWindow.top, rectWindow.Width(), rectWindow.Height(), m_hWnd, NULL, NULL); if( !bResult) { AfxMessageBox( L"Error: Failed to create color palette"); return; } // initialize canvas for active texture button _pGfx->CreateWindowCanvas( m_pColorPalette->m_hWnd, &m_pColorPalette->m_pViewPort, &m_pColorPalette->m_pDrawPort); } else { m_pColorPalette->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } m_pColorPalette->m_iSelectedColor = iSelectedColor; } BOOL CMainFrame::OnIdle(LONG lCount) { // Call OnIdle() for info frame's property sheet if( m_pInfoFrame != NULL) { m_pInfoFrame->m_pInfoSheet->OnIdle( lCount); } POSITION pos = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos!=NULL) { CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = (CWorldEditorDoc *)theApp.m_pDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos); if(pDoc!=NULL) { pDoc->OnIdle(); } } // call on idle for combo boxes m_CSGDesitnationCombo.OnIdle( lCount); m_TriangularisationCombo.OnIdle( lCount); m_ctrlEditMipSwitchDistance.OnIdle( lCount); // call on idle for property combo bar m_PropertyComboBar.OnIdle( lCount); return TRUE; } /* * toggles info window */ void CMainFrame::ToggleInfoWindow(void) { // toggle info state OnViewInfowindow(); } /* * shows info window */ void CMainFrame::ShowInfoWindow() { // if it doesn't exist or is not visible if( (m_pInfoFrame == NULL) || (!m_pInfoFrame->IsWindowVisible()) ) { // create it or toggle info state (to visible) OnViewInfowindow(); } } /* * reset info window pos */ void CMainFrame::ResetInfoWindowPos() { // if it exists and is visible if( (m_pInfoFrame != NULL) && (m_pInfoFrame->IsWindowVisible()) ) { PIX pixScrH = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); // obtain placement of selected entities text ctrl' window WINDOWPLACEMENT wpl; m_pInfoFrame->GetWindowPlacement( &wpl); CRect rect=wpl.rcNormalPosition; PIX pixw=rect.right-rect.left; PIX pixh=rect.bottom-rect.top; rect.left=0; rect.top=pixScrH-pixh; rect.right=rect.left+pixw; rect.bottom=rect.top+pixh; m_pInfoFrame->MoveWindow( &rect, TRUE); } } /* * hides info window */ void CMainFrame::HideInfoWindow() { // if it exist and is visible if( (m_pInfoFrame != NULL) && (m_pInfoFrame->IsWindowVisible()) ) { // toggle info state (to hidden) OnViewInfowindow(); } } void CMainFrame::OnViewInfowindow() { // if info doesn't yet exist, create it if( m_pInfoFrame == NULL) { // create frame window for holding sheet object m_pInfoFrame = new CInfoFrame; // set initial size of rect window CRect rectInfoWindow(0, 0, 0, 0); if( !m_pInfoFrame->Create( NULL, L"Tools info", MFS_SYNCACTIVE|WS_POPUP|WS_CAPTION|WS_SYSMENU, rectInfoWindow, this)) { AfxMessageBox(L"Failed to create info frame window m_pInfoFrame"); return; } //m_pInfoFrame->DragAcceptFiles(); } if( m_pInfoFrame->IsWindowVisible() ) { m_pInfoFrame->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } else { m_pInfoFrame->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_pInfoFrame->m_pInfoSheet->SetFocus(); } } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewInfowindow(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bInfoVisible = FALSE; if( m_pInfoFrame != NULL) { bInfoVisible = m_pInfoFrame->IsWindowVisible(); } pCmdUI->SetCheck( bInfoVisible); } void CMainFrame::ApplyTreeShortcut( INDEX iVDirBuffer, BOOL bCtrl) { // if control key pressed if( bCtrl) { // remember current virtual directory into buffer INDEX iSubDirsCt; iSubDirsCt = m_Browser.GetSelectedDirectory( m_Browser.m_astrVTreeBuffer[iVDirBuffer]); m_Browser.m_aiSubDirectoriesCt[ iVDirBuffer] = iSubDirsCt; // mark that virtual tree has changed m_Browser.m_bVirtualTreeChanged = TRUE; } else { // get current directory CVirtualTreeNode *pVTN = m_Browser.GetSelectedDirectory(); m_Browser.m_BrowseWindow.CloseDirectory( pVTN); // try to select directory INDEX iSubDirsCt; iSubDirsCt = m_Browser.m_aiSubDirectoriesCt[ iVDirBuffer]; m_Browser.SelectVirtualDirectory( m_Browser.m_astrVTreeBuffer[iVDirBuffer], iSubDirsCt); // obtain newly selected directory pVTN = m_Browser.GetSelectedDirectory(); // and open it m_Browser.m_BrowseWindow.OpenDirectory( pVTN); } } BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { BOOL bAltPressed = (GetKeyState( VK_MENU)&0x8000) != 0; // alt is pressed BOOL bAlt = FALSE; if(pMsg->message==_uiMessengerMsg) { // if one application allready started HWND hwndMessenger = ::FindWindow(NULL, L"Croteam Messenger"); if(hwndMessenger != NULL) { // force messenger to popup ::PostMessage( hwndMessenger, _uiMessengerForcePopup, 0, 0); } } if( pMsg->message==WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { BOOL bHasDocument = FALSE; POSITION pos = theApp.m_pDocTemplate->GetFirstDocPosition(); while (pos!=NULL) { CWorldEditorDoc *pdocCurrent = (CWorldEditorDoc *)theApp.m_pDocTemplate->GetNextDoc(pos); bHasDocument = pdocCurrent!=NULL; } BOOL bMainFrameHasFocus = (this == CWnd::GetForegroundWindow()); if( !bHasDocument && bMainFrameHasFocus) { static CTimerValue tvLast; static CPoint ptLast; CPoint ptNow; GetCursorPos( &ptNow); CTimerValue tvNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer(); FLOAT tmDelta = (tvNow-tvLast).GetSeconds(); if( tmDelta<0.5f && abs(ptNow.x-ptLast.x)<5 && abs(ptNow.y-ptLast.y)<5) { theApp.OnFileOpen(); } tvLast=tvNow; ptLast = ptNow; } } // if we caught alt key message if( pMsg->message==WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { // get key data int lKeyData = pMsg->lParam; // test if it is ghost Alt-F4 situation if( lKeyData & (1L<<29)) { // Alt key was really pressed bAlt = TRUE; } } // if we caught key down message or alt key is pressed if( (pMsg->message==WM_KEYDOWN) || bAlt) { int iVirtKey = (int) pMsg->wParam; int lKeyData = pMsg->lParam; // get scan code UWORD uwScanCode = (HIWORD( lKeyData)) & 255; // if ctrl pressed BOOL bCtrl = (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) != 0; // if left shift pressed BOOL bShift = (GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT)&0x8000) != 0; // if delete pressed BOOL bDelete = uwScanCode == 0x53; // if insert pressed BOOL bInsert = uwScanCode == 0x52; // if alt+shift+S pressed, we want to engage "Spawn flags" entity property if( bShift && bAltPressed && (iVirtKey=='S') ) { CPropertyComboBox *pPropertyCombo = &m_PropertyComboBar.m_PropertyComboBox; // for all members in properties combo box for( INDEX iMember = 0; iMemberGetCount(); iMember++) { CPropertyID *ppidPropertyID = (CPropertyID *) pPropertyCombo->GetItemData( iMember); // if this is valid property if( (ppidPropertyID != NULL) && (ppidPropertyID->pid_strName == "Spawn flags (Alt+Shift+S)") ) { // select spawn flags pPropertyCombo->SetCurSel( iMember); // update property controls (show/hide) depending upon property type pPropertyCombo->SelectProperty(); } } } // if alt+shift+A pressed, we want to engage "Parent" entity property if( bShift && bAltPressed && (iVirtKey=='A') ) { CPropertyComboBox *pPropertyCombo = &m_PropertyComboBar.m_PropertyComboBox; // for all members in properties combo box for( INDEX iMember = 0; iMemberGetCount(); iMember++) { CPropertyID *ppidPropertyID = (CPropertyID *) pPropertyCombo->GetItemData( iMember); // if this is valid property if( (ppidPropertyID != NULL) && (ppidPropertyID->pid_strName == "Parent (Alt+Shift+A)") ) { // select spawn flags pPropertyCombo->SetCurSel( iMember); // update property controls (show/hide) depending upon property type pPropertyCombo->SelectProperty(); } } } // if shift pressed, we want to engage entity property shortcut if( bShift && !bAltPressed) { CPropertyComboBox *pPropertyCombo = &m_PropertyComboBar.m_PropertyComboBox; // for all members in properties combo box for( INDEX iMember = 0; iMemberGetCount(); iMember++) { CPropertyID *ppidPropertyID = (CPropertyID *) pPropertyCombo->GetItemData( iMember); // if this is valid property if( ppidPropertyID != NULL) { // if virtual key-code is same as shortcut for observing property if( iVirtKey == ppidPropertyID->pid_chrShortcutKey) { // select observing entity property pPropertyCombo->SetCurSel( iMember); // update property controls (show/hide) depending upon property type pPropertyCombo->SelectProperty(); } } } } else if( (iVirtKey == 'Q') && !bAltPressed) { ToggleInfoWindow(); } else { // remap key ID to number 0-9 INDEX iNum=-1; if( iVirtKey == '0') iNum = 9; else iNum = iVirtKey-'1'; if( (iNum>=0) && (iNum<=9) && !bAlt) { CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL && pDoc->GetEditingMode()==TERRAIN_MODE) { FLOAT fCurrentTime = _pTimer->GetRealTimeTick(); if(_fLastNumKeyDownTime==-1) { _fLastNumKeyDownTime = fCurrentTime; return TRUE; } else if( fCurrentTime-_fLastNumKeyDownTime>BRUSH_PRESSURE_DELAY) { _fLastNumKeyDownTime = -2; ApplyTreeShortcut( iNum, bCtrl); return TRUE; } } else { _fLastNumKeyDownTime = -2; ApplyTreeShortcut( iNum, bCtrl); return TRUE; } } } } if( pMsg->message==WM_KEYUP) { // remap key ID to number 0-9 INDEX iNum=-1; int iVirtKey = (int) pMsg->wParam; if( iVirtKey == '0') iNum = 9; else iNum = iVirtKey-'1'; if( (iNum>=0) && (iNum<=9) && !bAlt) { CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL && pDoc->GetEditingMode()==TERRAIN_MODE) { FLOAT fCurrentTime = _pTimer->GetRealTimeTick(); if( fCurrentTime-_fLastNumKeyDownTimeSetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewProjectionsBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndProjections.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndProjections, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewProjectionsBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndProjections.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewWorkBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndWorkTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndWorkTools, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewWorkBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndWorkTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewMipToolsBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndMipTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndMipTools, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewMipToolsBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndMipTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD hTask) { CMDIFrameWnd::OnActivateApp(bActive, hTask); // if application is activated right now if( bActive) { // show mouse while (ShowCursor(TRUE)<0); // if browser is valid if( ::IsWindow( m_Browser.m_BrowseWindow.m_hWnd)) { // refresh it m_Browser.Invalidate( FALSE); } // and all of the application's documents theApp.RefreshAllDocuments(); } } void CMainFrame::OnCreateTexture() { // call create texture dialog _EngineGUI.CreateTexture(); } void CMainFrame::StartApplication( CTString strApplicationToRun) { // setup necessary data for new process STARTUPINFOA siStartupInfo; siStartupInfo.cb = sizeof( STARTUPINFOA); siStartupInfo.lpReserved = NULL; siStartupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL; siStartupInfo.lpTitle = NULL; siStartupInfo.dwFlags = 0; siStartupInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; siStartupInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL; // here we will receive result of process creation PROCESS_INFORMATION piProcessInformation; // create application name to run CTFileName fnApplicationToRun = _fnmApplicationPath + strApplicationToRun; // create process for modeler BOOL bSuccess = CreateProcessA( fnApplicationToRun, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE|NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &siStartupInfo, &piProcessInformation); // if process creation was not successful if( !bSuccess) { WarningMessage( "WorldEditor was unable to run \"%s\"", (CTString&)fnApplicationToRun); } } void CMainFrame::OnCallModeler() { StartApplication( "Modeler.exe"); } void CMainFrame::OnCallTexmaker() { StartApplication( "TexMaker.exe"); } void CMainFrame::OnViewSettingsAndUtilityBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndSettingsAndUtility.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndSettingsAndUtility, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewSettingsAndUtilityBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndSettingsAndUtility.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewShadowsAndTextureBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndShadowsAndTexture.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndShadowsAndTexture, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewShadowsAndTextureBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndShadowsAndTexture.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewSelectEntityBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndSelectEntity.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndSelectEntity, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewSelectEntityBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndSelectEntity.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewViewToolsBar() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndViewTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndViewTools, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewViewToolsBar(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndViewTools.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnViewViewToolsBar2() { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndViewTools2.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); ShowControlBar(&m_wndViewTools2, !bVisible, FALSE); RecalcLayout(); } void CMainFrame::OnUpdateViewViewToolsBar2(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { BOOL bVisible = ((m_wndViewTools2.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); pCmdUI->SetCheck(bVisible); } void CMainFrame::OnGameAudio() { _pGameGUI->OnAudioQuality(); } void CMainFrame::OnGameVideo() { _pGameGUI->OnVideoQuality(); } void CMainFrame::OnGamePlayer() { _pGameGUI->OnPlayerSettings(); } void CMainFrame::OnGameSelectPlayer() { _pGameGUI->OnSelectPlayerAndControls(); } void CMainFrame::OnShowTreeShortcuts() { CDlgTreeShortcuts dlgTreeShortcuts; dlgTreeShortcuts.DoModal(); _fLastNumKeyDownTime = -1; BOOL bCtrl = (GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL)&0x8000) != 0; if( dlgTreeShortcuts.m_iPressedShortcut != -1) { ApplyTreeShortcut( dlgTreeShortcuts.m_iPressedShortcut, bCtrl); } } #define ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( function, index) \ void CMainFrame::function() { /*ApplyTreeShortcut( index, FALSE);*/ } #define ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( function, index) \ void CMainFrame::function() { /*ApplyTreeShortcut( index, TRUE);*/ } ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut01, 0); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut01, 0); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut02, 1); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut02, 1); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut03, 2); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut03, 2); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut04, 3); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut04, 3); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut05, 4); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut05, 4); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut06, 5); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut06, 5); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut07, 6); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut07, 6); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut08, 7); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut08, 7); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut09, 8); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut09, 8); ON_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnMenuShortcut10, 9); ON_STORE_MENU_SHORTCUT( OnStoreMenuShortcut10, 9); void CMainFrame::OnConsole() { _pGameGUI->OnInvokeConsole(); } void CMainFrame::OnToolRecreateTexture() { CTFileName fnTextureToRecreate = _EngineGUI.BrowseTexture( CTString(""), KEY_NAME_CREATE_TEXTURE_DIR, "Browse texture to recreate"); if( fnTextureToRecreate != "") { _EngineGUI.CreateTexture( fnTextureToRecreate); } } void CMainFrame::OnRecreateCurrentTexture() { // there must be valid texture if( theApp.m_ptdActiveTexture == NULL) return; CTextureData *pTD = theApp.m_ptdActiveTexture; CTFileName fnTextureName = pTD->GetName(); // call recreate texture dialog _EngineGUI.CreateTexture( fnTextureName); // try to CTextureData *ptdTextureToReload; try { // obtain texture ptdTextureToReload = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( fnTextureName); } catch ( char *err_str) { AfxMessageBox( CString(err_str)); return; } // reload the texture ptdTextureToReload->Reload(); // release the texture _pTextureStock->Release( ptdTextureToReload); // if browser is valid if( ::IsWindow( m_Browser.m_BrowseWindow.m_hWnd)) { // refresh it m_Browser.m_BrowseWindow.Refresh(); } // obtain document CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); if( pDoc != NULL) { // and refresh all views pDoc->UpdateAllViews( NULL); } } void CMainFrame::OnLightAnimation() { CDlgLightAnimationEditor dlgEditLightAnimation; dlgEditLightAnimation.DoModal(); } // character matrix static char achrToolTip[ 256*82+1]; void CMainFrame::ManualToolTipOn( PIX pixManualX, PIX pixManualY) { CCustomToolTip &ctt = theApp.m_cttToolTips; ctt.cct_pCallback( ctt.cct_pThis, achrToolTip); //ASSERT( CTString(achrToolTip) != ""); if( CTString(achrToolTip) == "") return; m_pwndToolTip = new CToolTipWnd; m_pwndToolTip->m_strText = achrToolTip; m_pwndToolTip->m_bManualControl = TRUE; m_pwndToolTip->m_pixManualX = pixManualX; m_pwndToolTip->m_pixManualY = pixManualY; const wchar_t *strWindowClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( CS_OWNDC|CS_NOCLOSE); if( !m_pwndToolTip->CreateEx( WS_EX_TOPMOST, strWindowClass, L"Tool tip", WS_BORDER|WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 10, 10, m_hWnd, 0)) { // program must never reach this point ASSERTALWAYS( "World Editor was unable to open tool tip window"); } } void CMainFrame::ManualToolTipUpdate( void) { CCustomToolTip &ctt = theApp.m_cttToolTips; ctt.cct_pCallback( ctt.cct_pThis, achrToolTip); ASSERT( CTString(achrToolTip) != ""); if( CTString(achrToolTip) == "") return; if( m_pwndToolTip == NULL) return; m_pwndToolTip->m_strText = achrToolTip; m_pwndToolTip->ManualUpdate(); } void CMainFrame::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { POINT ptMouse; GetCursorPos( &ptMouse); HWND hwndUnderMouse = ::WindowFromPoint( ptMouse); HWND hwndParent = ::GetParent( hwndUnderMouse); CCustomToolTip &ctt = theApp.m_cttToolTips; // if tool tip happened if( (nIDEvent == 0) && (m_pwndToolTip == NULL) ) { if( hwndParent == ctt.cct_hwndCaller) { // if game is on, disable tool tips if( _pInput->IsInputEnabled()) return; ctt.cct_pCallback( ctt.cct_pThis, achrToolTip); if( CTString(achrToolTip) == "") { KillTimer( 0); return; } m_pwndToolTip = new CToolTipWnd; m_pwndToolTip->m_strText = achrToolTip; m_pwndToolTip->m_bManualControl = FALSE; const wchar_t *strWindowClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( CS_OWNDC|CS_NOCLOSE); if( !m_pwndToolTip->CreateEx( WS_EX_TOPMOST, strWindowClass, L"Tool tip", WS_BORDER|WS_POPUP|WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 10, 10, m_hWnd, 0)) { // program must never reach this point ASSERTALWAYS( "World Editor was unable to open tool tip window"); } } KillTimer( 0); } CMDIFrameWnd::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } LRESULT CMainFrame::DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if( message==WM_SYSCOMMAND) { switch( wParam & ~0x0F) { case SC_SCREENSAVE: case SC_MONITORPOWER: return 0; } } return CMDIFrameWnd::DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } void CMainFrame::OnHelpFinder() { CWorldEditorDoc *pDoc = theApp.GetDocument(); // must not be null if( pDoc != NULL) { // if entity mode if( pDoc->m_iMode == ENTITY_MODE) { // if only one entity selected if( pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.Count() == 1) { CEntity *pen = pDoc->m_selEntitySelection.GetFirstInSelection(); CTFileName fnecl = pen->GetClass()->GetName(); theApp.DisplayHelp(fnecl, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, NULL); return; } } } theApp.DisplayHelp(CTFILENAME("Help\\SeriousEditorDefault.hlk"), HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, NULL); } void CMainFrame::SetStatusBarMessage( CTString strMessage, INDEX iPane, FLOAT fTime) { // obtain stop time m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText( iPane, CString(strMessage), TRUE); FLOAT tmNow = _pTimer->GetHighPrecisionTimer().GetSeconds(); theApp.m_tmStartStatusLineInfo=tmNow + fTime; }