/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 302 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" %} uses "EntitiesMP/Marker"; class CEnemyMarker: CMarker { name "Enemy Marker"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\EnemyMarker.tbn"; properties: 1 FLOAT m_fWaitTime = 0.0f, // time to wait(or do anything) until go to another marker 3 RANGE m_fMarkerRange "Marker Range" 'M' = 0.0f, // range around marker (marker doesn't have to be hit directly) 11 RANGE m_fPatrolAreaInner "Patrol Area Inner" 'R' = 0.0f, // patrol area inner circle 12 RANGE m_fPatrolAreaOuter "Patrol Area Outer" 'E' = 0.0f, // patrol area outer circle 13 FLOAT m_fPatrolTime "Patrol Time" 'P' = 0.0f, // time to patrol around 14 enum BoolEType m_betRunToMarker "Run to marker" 'O' = BET_IGNORE, // run to marker 15 enum BoolEType m_betFly "Fly" 'F' = BET_IGNORE, // fly if you can 16 enum BoolEType m_betBlind "Blind" 'B' = BET_IGNORE, 17 enum BoolEType m_betDeaf "Deaf" 'D' = BET_IGNORE, 18 BOOL m_bStartTactics "Start Tactics" = FALSE, components: 1 model MODEL_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\EnemyMarker.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_MARKER "Models\\Editor\\EnemyMarker.tex" functions: /* Check if entity is moved on a route set up by its targets. */ BOOL MovesByTargetedRoute(CTString &strTargetProperty) const { strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; }; /* Check if entity can drop marker for making linked route. */ BOOL DropsMarker(CTFileName &fnmMarkerClass, CTString &strTargetProperty) const { fnmMarkerClass = CTFILENAME("Classes\\EnemyMarker.ecl"); strTargetProperty = "Target"; return TRUE; } BOOL IsTargetValid(SLONG slPropertyOffset, CEntity *penTarget) { if( slPropertyOffset == _offsetof(CMarker, m_penTarget)) { if (IsOfClass(penTarget, "Enemy Marker")) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } return CEntity::IsTargetValid(slPropertyOffset, penTarget); } procedures: Main() { InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); if (m_strName=="Marker") { m_strName="Enemy Marker"; } // set appearance SetModel(MODEL_MARKER); SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_MARKER); return; } };