/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. 
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

#include "Engine/StdH.h"

#include <Engine/Graphics/Texture.h>

#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Timer.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Math/Functions.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/GfxLibrary.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/ImageInfo.h>
#include <Engine/Graphics/TextureEffects.h>

#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicArray.cpp>
#include <Engine/Templates/Stock_CTextureData.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/StaticArray.cpp>

#include <Engine/Base/Statistics_Internal.h>

extern INDEX tex_iNormalQuality;
extern INDEX tex_iAnimationQuality;
extern INDEX tex_iNormalSize;
extern INDEX tex_iAnimationSize;
extern INDEX tex_iEffectSize;

extern INDEX tex_iDithering;
extern INDEX tex_iFiltering;       

extern INDEX gap_bAllowSingleMipmap;
extern FLOAT gfx_tmProbeDecay;

// special mode flag when loading texture for exporting
static BOOL _bExport = FALSE;

// singleton object for texture settings
struct TextureSettings TS = {0};

#define TEXFMT_NONE 0

// determine (or assume) support for OpenGL and Direct3D texture internal formats
extern void DetermineSupportedTextureFormats( GfxAPIType eAPI)
  if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) {
    TS.ts_tfRGB8   = GL_RGB8;
    TS.ts_tfRGBA8  = GL_RGBA8;
    TS.ts_tfRGB5   = GL_RGB5;
    TS.ts_tfRGBA4  = GL_RGBA4;
    TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = GL_RGB5_A1;
    TS.ts_tfLA8    = GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8;
    TS.ts_tfL8     = GL_LUMINANCE8;
#ifdef SE1_D3D
  if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) {
    extern D3DFORMAT FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFORMAT d3df);
    TS.ts_tfRGBA8  = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8);
    TS.ts_tfRGB8   = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8);
    TS.ts_tfRGB5   = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_R5G6B5);
    TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5);
    TS.ts_tfRGBA4  = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4);
    TS.ts_tfLA8    = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_A8L8);
    TS.ts_tfL8     = FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_L8);
#endif // SE1_D3D

// update all relevant texture parameters
extern void UpdateTextureSettings(void)
  // determine API
  const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;

  // set texture formats and compression
  TS.ts_tfRGB8 = TS.ts_tfRGBA8 = NONE;
  TS.ts_tfRGB5 = TS.ts_tfRGBA4 = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1 = NONE;
  TS.ts_tfLA8  = TS.ts_tfL8 = NONE;

  // clamp and adjust texture compression type
  INDEX iTCType = 0;
  const ULONG ulGfxFlags = _pGfx->gl_ulFlags;
  if( eAPI==GAT_OGL && bHasTC)
  { // OpenGL
    extern INDEX ogl_iTextureCompressionType;  // 0=none, 1=default (ARB), 2=S3TC, 3=FXT1, 4=legacy S3TC
    INDEX &iTC = ogl_iTextureCompressionType;
    iTC = Clamp( iTC, 0, 4);
    if( iTC==3 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_FXT1)) iTC = 2;
    if( iTC==2 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_S3TC)) iTC = 3;
    if((iTC==2 || iTC==3) && !((ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_FXT1) || (ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_S3TC))) iTC = 1;
    if( iTC==1 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_ARB))    iTC = 4;
    if( iTC==4 && !(ulGfxFlags&GLF_EXTC_LEGACY)) iTC = 0; // khm ... 
    iTCType = iTC;   // set it
  // Direct3D (just force DXTC - it's the only one)
#ifdef SE1_D3D
  if( eAPI==GAT_D3D && bHasTC) iTCType = 5;
#endif // SE1_D3D

  // clamp and cache cvar
  extern INDEX tex_bCompressAlphaChannel; 
  if( tex_bCompressAlphaChannel) tex_bCompressAlphaChannel = 1; 
  const BOOL bCAC = tex_bCompressAlphaChannel;  

  // set members
  switch( iTCType) {
  case 1:  // ARB
  case 2:  // S3TC
  case 3:  // FXT1
  case 4:  // LEGACY
#ifdef SE1_D3D
  case 5:  // DXTC
    extern D3DFORMAT FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFORMAT d3df);
    TS.ts_tfCRGBA = bCAC ? FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_DXT5) : FindClosestFormat_D3D(D3DFMT_DXT3);
    TS.ts_tfCRGB  = D3DFMT_DXT1;
#endif // SE1_D3D
  default: // none
    TS.ts_tfCRGBA = NONE;
    TS.ts_tfCRGB  = NONE;
  // adjust if need to compress opaque textures as transparent
  extern INDEX tex_bAlternateCompression; 
  if( tex_bAlternateCompression) {
    tex_bAlternateCompression = 1; 
    TS.ts_tfCRGB = TS.ts_tfCRGBA;

  // clamp texture quality
  INDEX iMinQuality = 0;
  INDEX iMaxQuality = iTCType>0 ? 3 : 2;
  if( !(_pGfx->gl_ulFlags&GLF_32BITTEXTURES)) iMinQuality = iMaxQuality = 1;
  TS.ts_iNormQualityO  = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iNormalQuality   /10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality); 
  TS.ts_iNormQualityA  = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iNormalQuality   %10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality); 
  TS.ts_iAnimQualityO  = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iAnimationQuality/10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality); 
  TS.ts_iAnimQualityA  = Clamp( (INDEX)(tex_iAnimationQuality%10), iMinQuality, iMaxQuality); 
  tex_iNormalQuality    = TS.ts_iNormQualityO*10 + TS.ts_iNormQualityA;
  tex_iAnimationQuality = TS.ts_iAnimQualityO*10 + TS.ts_iAnimQualityA;
  // clamp texture size
  tex_iNormalSize    = Clamp( tex_iNormalSize,    5, 11);
  tex_iAnimationSize = Clamp( tex_iAnimationSize, 5,  9);
  TS.ts_pixNormSize = 1L<<(tex_iNormalSize   *2);
  TS.ts_pixAnimSize = 1L<<(tex_iAnimationSize*2);

  // determine maximum texel-byte ratio
  INDEX iOQ = tex_iNormalQuality /10; if( iOQ==0) iOQ=2; else if( iOQ==3) iOQ=0;
  INDEX iAQ = tex_iNormalQuality %10; if( iAQ==0) iAQ=2; else if( iAQ==3) iAQ=0;
  INDEX iTexMul = 2 * Max(iOQ,iAQ);   if( iTexMul==0) iTexMul=1;
  if( tex_iNormalSize<=6 && iTexMul==1) iTexMul = 2;
  if( tex_iNormalSize<=5 && iTexMul==2) iTexMul = 4;
  TS.ts_iMaxBytesPerTexel = iTexMul;

 * Implementation of CTextureData routines
  td_ulFlags = NONE;
  td_mexWidth  = 0;
  td_mexHeight = 0;
  td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
  td_iFirstMipLevel  = 0;
  td_ctFineMipLevels = 0;

  td_ctFrames    = 0;
  td_slFrameSize = 0;
  td_ulInternalFormat = TEXFMT_NONE;
  td_ulProbeObject = NONE;
  td_pulObjects = NULL;
  td_ulObject = NONE;
  td_pulFrames = NULL;

  td_pubBuffer1      = NULL; // reset effect buffers
  td_pubBuffer2      = NULL;
  td_pixBufferWidth  = 0;
  td_pixBufferHeight = 0;
  td_ptdBaseTexture  = NULL; // no base texture by default
  td_ptegEffect      = NULL; // no effect data

  td_iRenderFrame = -1;
  _bExport = FALSE;


// converts mip level to the one of allowed by texture
INDEX CTextureData::ClampMipLevel( FLOAT fMipFactor) const
  INDEX res = (INDEX)fMipFactor;
  INDEX iLastMipLevel = GetNoOfMipmaps( GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight()) -1 +td_iFirstMipLevel;
  res = Clamp( res, td_iFirstMipLevel, iLastMipLevel);
  return( res);

// routine that adds one-frame to texture from one picture
void CTextureData::AddFrame_t( const CImageInfo *pII)
  // check for supported image format
  ASSERT( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==24 || pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32);
  if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=24 && pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=32) {
    throw( TRANS("Only 24-bit and 32-bit pictures can be processed."));
  PIX pixWidth  = pII->ii_Width;
  PIX pixHeight = pII->ii_Height;

  // frame that is about to be added must have the same dimensions as the texture
  ASSERT( pixWidth  == GetPixWidth()  );
  ASSERT( pixHeight == GetPixHeight() );
  if( pixWidth  != GetPixWidth()  ) throw( TRANS("Incompatible frame width."));
  if( pixHeight != GetPixHeight() ) throw( TRANS("Incompatible frame height."));

  // add memory for new frame
  SLONG slFramesSize = td_slFrameSize * td_ctFrames;
  GrowMemory( (void**)&td_pulFrames, slFramesSize + td_slFrameSize);

  // add new frame to the end of the previous texture frames
  PIX    pixMipmapSize   = pixWidth*pixHeight;
  ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + slFramesSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;

  if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) {
    // has alpha channel - do simple copying
    memcpy( pulCurrentFrame, pII->ii_Picture, pixMipmapSize*4);
  } else {
    // hasn't got alpha channel - do conversion from 24-bit bitmap to 32-bit format
    memcpy( pulCurrentFrame, pII->ii_Picture, pixMipmapSize*3);
    AddAlphaChannel( (UBYTE*)pulCurrentFrame, (ULONG*)pulCurrentFrame, pixMipmapSize);
  // make mipmaps (in place!)
  MakeMipmaps( td_ctFineMipLevels, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth,pixHeight);

  // increase number of frames

// routine that creates one-frame-texture from loaded picture thru image info structure
void CTextureData::Create_t( const CImageInfo *pII, MEX mexWanted, INDEX ctFineMips, BOOL bForce32bit)
  // check for supported image format
  _bExport = FALSE;
  ASSERT( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==24 || pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32);
  if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=24 && pII->ii_BitsPerPixel!=32) {
    throw( TRANS("Only 24-bit and 32-bit pictures can be processed."));

  // get picture data
  PIX pixSizeU = pII->ii_Width;
  PIX pixSizeV = pII->ii_Height;

  // check maximum supported texture dimension
  if( pixSizeU>MAX_MEX || pixSizeV>MAX_MEX) throw( TRANS("At least one of texture dimensions is too large."));

  // determine physical (maximum) number of mip-levels
  INDEX iSizeULog2 = FastLog2( pixSizeU);
  INDEX iSizeVLog2 = FastLog2( pixSizeV);
  ASSERT( (1UL<<iSizeULog2)==pixSizeU && (1UL<<iSizeVLog2)==pixSizeV);

  // dimension in mexels must not be smaller than the one in pixels
  ASSERT( pixSizeU<=mexWanted);

  // determine mip index from mex size
  td_iFirstMipLevel = FastLog2( mexWanted/pixSizeU);

  // initiate proper flags
  td_ulFlags = NONE;
  if( pII->ii_BitsPerPixel==32) td_ulFlags |= TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
  if( bForce32bit)              td_ulFlags |= TEX_32BIT;

  // initialize general TextureData members
  td_ctFrames  = 0;
  td_mexWidth  = pixSizeU<<td_iFirstMipLevel;
  td_mexHeight = pixSizeV<<td_iFirstMipLevel;

  // create all mip levels (either bilinear or downsampled)
  INDEX ctMipLevels  = GetNoOfMipmaps( pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
  td_ctFineMipLevels = Min( ctFineMips, ctMipLevels);
  // get frame size (includes only one mip-map)
  td_slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixSizeU, pixSizeV) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;

  // allocate small ammount of memory just for Realloc sake
  td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory(16);
  AddFrame_t( pII);

// returns dimension of effect buffers and size in bytes (of one, not both)
static ULONG GetEffectBufferSize( CTextureData *pTD)
  ASSERT( pTD->td_ptegEffect!=NULL);
  PIX pixWidth  = pTD->td_pixBufferWidth; 
  PIX pixHeight = pTD->td_pixBufferHeight;

  ULONG ulSize = pixWidth*pixHeight *sizeof(UBYTE);
  // eventual adjustment for water effect type
  if( pTD->td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) ulSize = pixWidth*(pixHeight+2) *sizeof(SWORD);
  return ulSize;

// initializes td_pixBufferWidth & td_pixBufferHeight
static void InitEffectBufferDimensions( CTextureData *pTD)
  // initialize as default
  PIX pixWidth  = pTD->GetPixWidth(); 
  PIX pixHeight = pTD->GetPixHeight();

  // if water effect type
  if( pTD->td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) {
    // adjust size for water type effect (width or height must be 64)
    if( pixWidth > pixHeight) {
      pixHeight = (PIX)((FLOAT)pixHeight/pixWidth  *64.0f);
      pixWidth  = 64;
    } else {
      pixWidth  = (PIX)((FLOAT)pixWidth /pixHeight *64.0f);
      pixHeight = 64;
  // set 
  pTD->td_pixBufferWidth  = pixWidth;
  pTD->td_pixBufferHeight = pixHeight;

// free effect buffers' memory
static void FreeEffectBuffers( CTextureData *pTD)
  if( pTD->td_pubBuffer1 != NULL) {
    FreeMemory( pTD->td_pubBuffer1);
    pTD->td_pubBuffer1 = NULL;
  if( pTD->td_pubBuffer2 != NULL) {
    FreeMemory( pTD->td_pubBuffer2);
    pTD->td_pubBuffer2 = NULL;

// allocates and resets effect buffers
static ULONG AllocEffectBuffers( CTextureData *pTD)
  // free if already allocated
  FreeEffectBuffers( pTD);
  // determine size of effect buffers 
  ULONG ulSize = GetEffectBufferSize( pTD);
  // allocate and reset buffers (memory walling!)
  pTD->td_pubBuffer1 = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( ulSize+8);
  pTD->td_pubBuffer2 = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( ulSize+8);
  memset( pTD->td_pubBuffer1, 0, ulSize);
  memset( pTD->td_pubBuffer2, 0, ulSize);
  return ulSize;

// creates new effect texture with one frame
void CTextureData::CreateEffectTexture( PIX pixWidth, PIX pixHeight, MEX mexWidth,
                                        CTextureData *ptdBaseTexture, ULONG ulGlobalEffect)

  // determine mip index from mex size
  td_iFirstMipLevel = FastLog2( mexWidth/pixWidth);
  // fill some of TextureData members
  td_ulFlags   = TEX_STATIC;
  td_mexWidth  = pixWidth <<td_iFirstMipLevel;
  td_mexHeight = pixHeight<<td_iFirstMipLevel;
  td_ctFrames  = 1;
  td_pulFrames = NULL;
  // remember base texture
  td_ptdBaseTexture = ptdBaseTexture;

  // allocate texture effect global
  td_ptegEffect = new CTextureEffectGlobal( this, ulGlobalEffect);

  // allocate and reset effect buffers

// this promotes 16bit internal format to corresponding 32bit
static ULONG PromoteTo32bitFormat( ULONG ulFormat)
  if( ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5) return TS.ts_tfRGB8;
  if( ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4 || ulFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5A1) return TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
  return ulFormat;

// returns format in what texture will be uploaded (regarding console vars)
static ULONG DetermineInternalFormat( CTextureData *pTD)
  // cache some vars
  extern INDEX gap_bAllowGrayTextures;
  BOOL bGrayTexture  = gap_bAllowGrayTextures && (pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_GRAY);
  BOOL bAlphaChannel = pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
  PIX  pixTexSize    = pTD->GetPixWidth() * pTD->GetPixHeight();

  // choose internal texture format for alpha textures
  INDEX iQuality;
  ULONG ulInternalFormat;
  if( bAlphaChannel)
    iQuality = pTD->td_ctFrames>1 ? TS.ts_iAnimQualityA : TS.ts_iNormQualityA;
    ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
    switch( iQuality) {
    case 3:  case 2:  ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;  break;                       // uploaded as 32 bit or compressed
    case 1:  break;                                                                   // uploaded as 16 bit (default)
    case 0:  if( pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;  break; // uploaded optimally
    default: ASSERTALWAYS( "Unexpected texture type found.");  break;
    // adjust quality by size
    if( pixTexSize<=32*32 && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
    // do eventual adjustment of internal format for grayscale textures
    if( bGrayTexture) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfLA8;
    // handle case of forced internal format (for texture cration process only!)
    if( _iTexForcedQuality==16) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
    if( _iTexForcedQuality==32) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA8;
    // do eventual adjustment of transparent textures
    if( (pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_TRANSPARENT) && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1;

  // choose internal texture format for opaque textures
    iQuality = pTD->td_ctFrames>1 ? TS.ts_iAnimQualityO : TS.ts_iNormQualityO;
    ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
    switch( iQuality) {
    case 3:  case 2:  ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;  break;                        // uploaded as 32 bit or compressed
    case 1:  break;                                                                   // uploaded as 16 bit (default)
    case 0:  if( pTD->td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;  break;  // uploaded optimally
    default: ASSERTALWAYS( "Unexpected texture type found.");  break;
    // adjust quality by size
    if( pixTexSize<=32*32 && ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;
    // do eventual adjustment of internal format for grayscale textures
    if( bGrayTexture) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfL8;
    // handle case of forced internal format (for texture cration process only!)
    if( _iTexForcedQuality==16) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
    if( _iTexForcedQuality==32) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB8;

  // adjust format to compressed if needed and allowed
  if( iQuality==3 && pixTexSize>=64*64) {
    if( ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB8
     || ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5
     || ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGB5A1) ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfCRGB;
    if( ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA8
     || ulInternalFormat==TS.ts_tfRGBA4)  ulInternalFormat = TS.ts_tfCRGBA;
  // all done
  return ulInternalFormat;

// routine that performs texture conversion to current texture format (version 4)
static void Convert( CTextureData *pTD)
  // skip effect textures
  if( pTD->td_ptegEffect != NULL) return;

  // determine dimensions 
  PIX pixWidth     = pTD->GetPixWidth();
  PIX pixHeight    = pTD->GetPixHeight();
  PIX pixMipSize   = pixWidth * pixHeight;
  PIX pixFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixWidth, pixHeight);
  // allocate memory for new texture
  ULONG *pulFramesNew = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( pixFrameSize*pTD->td_ctFrames *BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
  UWORD *puwFramesOld = (UWORD*)pTD->td_pulFrames;
  ASSERT( puwFramesOld!=NULL);

  // determine alpha channel presence
  BOOL bHasAlphaChannel = pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;

  // unpack texture from 16-bit RGBA4444 or RGBA5551 format to RGBA8888 32-bit format
  UBYTE r,g,b,a;
  // for each frame
  for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<pTD->td_ctFrames; iFr++)
  { // get addresses of current frames (new and old)
    PIX pixFrameOffset = iFr * pixFrameSize;
    // for each pixel
    for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++)
    { // read 16-bit pixel
      UWORD uwPix = puwFramesOld[pixFrameOffset+iPix];
      // unpack it
      if( bHasAlphaChannel) {
        // with alpha channel
        r = (uwPix & 0xF000) >>8;
        g = (uwPix & 0x0F00) >>4;
        b = (uwPix & 0x00F0) >>0;
        a = (uwPix & 0x000F) <<4;
        // adjust strength
        r |= r>>4; g |= g>>4; b |= b>>4; a |= a>>4;
      } else {
        // without alpha channel
        r = (uwPix & 0xF800) >>8;
        g = (uwPix & 0x07C0) >>3;
        b = (uwPix & 0x003E) <<2;
        a = 0xFF;
        // adjust strength
        r |= r>>5; g |= g>>5; b |= b>>5;

      // pack it back to 32-bit
      ULONG ulPix = RGBAToColor(r,g,b,a);
      // store 32-bit pixel
      pulFramesNew[pixFrameOffset+iPix] = ByteSwap(ulPix);

  // free old memory
  FreeMemory( pTD->td_pulFrames);
  // remember new texture parameters
  pTD->td_pulFrames   = pulFramesNew;
  pTD->td_slFrameSize = pixFrameSize *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;

// remove mipmaps from texture that are not needed (exceeds maximum supported dimension)
static void RemoveOversizedMipmaps( CTextureData *pTD)
  // if this is an effect texture, leave as it is
  if( pTD->td_ptegEffect != NULL) return;
  pTD->td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_DISPOSED;

  // determine and clamp to max allowed texture dimension and size
  PIX pixClampAreaSize = (pTD->td_ctFrames>1) ? TS.ts_pixAnimSize : TS.ts_pixNormSize;
  // constant textures doesn't need clamping to area, but still must be clamped to max HW dimension!
  if( pTD->td_ulFlags & TEX_CONSTANT) pixClampAreaSize = 4096*4096; 

  // determine dimensions of finest mip-map
  PIX pixSizeU = pTD->GetPixWidth();
  PIX pixSizeV = pTD->GetPixHeight();
  // determine number of mip-maps to skip
  INDEX ctSkipMips = ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension,
                                       pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
  // return if no need to remove mip-maps
  if( ctSkipMips==0) return;
  // check for mip overhead
  INDEX ctMips = GetNoOfMipmaps( pixSizeU, pixSizeV);
  while( ctMips<=ctSkipMips) ctSkipMips--;

  // determine memory size and allocate memory for rest mip-maps
  SLONG slRemovedMipsSize = GetMipmapOffset( ctSkipMips, pixSizeU, pixSizeV) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
  SLONG slNewFrameSize    = pTD->td_slFrameSize-slRemovedMipsSize;
  ULONG *pulNewFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slNewFrameSize * pTD->td_ctFrames);
  ULONG *pulNewFrame  = pulNewFrames;
  ULONG *pulOldFrame  = pTD->td_pulFrames + (slRemovedMipsSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);

  // copy only needed mip-maps from each frame
  for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<pTD->td_ctFrames; iFr++) {
    memcpy( pulNewFrame, pulOldFrame, slNewFrameSize);
    pulNewFrame += slNewFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
    pulOldFrame += pTD->td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;

  // free old frames memory
  FreeMemory( pTD->td_pulFrames);
  // adjust texture parameters
  pTD->td_pulFrames       = pulNewFrames;
  pTD->td_slFrameSize     = slNewFrameSize;
  pTD->td_iFirstMipLevel += ctSkipMips;
  pTD->td_ctFineMipLevels = ClampDn( (INDEX)(pTD->td_ctFineMipLevels-ctSkipMips), (INDEX)1);

  // mark that this texture had some mip maps disposed
  pTD->td_ulFlags |= TEX_DISPOSED;

// internal routines for texture::read routine

// test mipmap if it can be equilized
static BOOL IsEqualized( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
  // determine components and calc averages
  COLOR col;
  ULONG ulR=0, ulG=0, ulB=0;
  for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
    col  = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
    ulR += (col&CT_RMASK)>>CT_RSHIFT;
    ulG += (col&CT_GMASK)>>CT_GSHIFT;
    ulB += (col&CT_BMASK)>>CT_BSHIFT;
  ulR /= pixMipSize;
  ulG /= pixMipSize;
  ulB /= pixMipSize;
  const ULONG ulLoEdge = 127-EQUALIZER_TRESHOLD;
  const ULONG ulHiEdge = 128+EQUALIZER_TRESHOLD;
  BOOL bEqulized = FALSE;
  if( ulR>ulLoEdge && ulR<ulHiEdge &&
      ulG>ulLoEdge && ulG<ulHiEdge &&
      ulB>ulLoEdge && ulB<ulHiEdge) bEqulized = TRUE;
  return bEqulized;

// test mipmap if it can be transparent
static BOOL IsTransparent( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
  COLOR col;
  ULONG ulA;
  // determine transparency
  for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
    col = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
    ulA = (col&CT_AMASK)>>CT_ASHIFT;
    if( ulA>TRANS_TRESHOLD && ulA<(255-TRANS_TRESHOLD)) return FALSE;
  // transparent!
  return TRUE;

// test mipmap whether it is grayscaled
static BOOL IsGray( ULONG *pulMipmap, INDEX pixMipSize)
  // loop thru texels
  for( INDEX iPix=0; iPix<pixMipSize; iPix++) {
    COLOR col = ByteSwap(pulMipmap[iPix]);
    if( !IsGray(col)) return FALSE; // colored
  } // grayscaled
  return TRUE;

// reads 32/24-bit texture from file and eventually converts it to 8-bit pixel format
void CTextureData::Read_t( CTStream *inFile)
  //ASSERT( inFile->GetDescription() != "Textures\\Test\\BetterQuality\\FloorWS08.tex");

  // reset texture (blank all except some flags)

  // determine API
  const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;

  // determine driver context presence (must have at least 1 texture unit!)
  const BOOL bHasContext = (_pGfx->gl_ctRealTextureUnits>0);

  // read version
  INDEX iVersion;
  inFile->ExpectID_t( "TVER");
  *inFile >> iVersion;

  // check currently supported versions
  if( iVersion!=4 && iVersion!=3) throw( TRANS("Invalid texture format version."));
  // mark if this texture was loaded form the old format
  if( iVersion==3) td_ulFlags |= TEX_WASOLD;
  BOOL bResetEffectBuffers = FALSE;
  BOOL bFramesLoaded = FALSE;
  BOOL bAlphaChannel = FALSE;
  // loop trough file and react according to chunk ID
    // obtain chunk id
    CChunkID idChunk = inFile->GetID_t();
    if( idChunk == CChunkID("    ")) {
      // we should stop reading when an invalid chunk has been encountered

    // if this is chunk containing texture data
    if( idChunk == CChunkID("TDAT"))
      // read data describing texture
      ULONG ulFlags=0;
      INDEX ctMipLevels;
      *inFile >> ulFlags;
      *inFile >> td_mexWidth;
      *inFile >> td_mexHeight;
      *inFile >> td_ctFineMipLevels;
      if( iVersion!=4) *inFile >> ctMipLevels;
      *inFile >> td_iFirstMipLevel;
      if( iVersion!=4) *inFile >> td_slFrameSize;
      *inFile >> td_ctFrames;
      // combine flags
      td_ulFlags |= ulFlags;
      bAlphaChannel = td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;
      // determine frame size
      if( iVersion==4) td_slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight())
                                      * BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
    // if this is chunk containing raw frames
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FRMS")) 
      // if no driver is present and texture is not static
      if( !(bHasContext || td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC))
      { // determine frames' size
        SLONG slSkipSize = td_slFrameSize;
        if( iVersion==4) {
          slSkipSize = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
          if( bAlphaChannel) slSkipSize *=4;
          else slSkipSize *=3;
        // just seek over frames (skip it)
        inFile->Seek_t( slSkipSize*td_ctFrames, CTStream::SD_CUR);
      // calculate texture size for corresponding texture format and allocate memory
      SLONG slTexSize = td_slFrameSize * td_ctFrames;
      td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slTexSize);
      // if older version
      if( iVersion==3) {
        // alloc memory block and read mip-maps
        inFile->Read_t( td_pulFrames, slTexSize);
        for (SLONG i = 0; i < slTexSize/4; i++)
      // if current version
      else {
        PIX pixFrameSizeOnDisk = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
        for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++)
        { // loop thru frames
          ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
          if( bAlphaChannel) {
            // read texture with alpha channel from file
            inFile->Read_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk *4);
            #if PLATFORM_BIGENDIAN
            for (SLONG i = 0; i < pixFrameSizeOnDisk; i++)
          } else {
            // read texture without alpha channel from file
            inFile->Read_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk *3);
            // add opaque alpha channel
            AddAlphaChannel( (UBYTE*)pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixFrameSizeOnDisk);
      bFramesLoaded = TRUE;
    // if this is chunk containing texture animation data
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("ANIM"))
      // read corresponding animation(s)
      CAnimData::Read_t( inFile);
    // if this is chunk containing base texture name
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("BAST"))
      CTFileName fnBaseTexture;
      // read file name of base texture
      *inFile >> fnBaseTexture;
      // if there is base texture, obtain it
      if( fnBaseTexture != "") {
        // must not be the same as base texture
        CTFileName fnTex = inFile->GetDescription();
        if( fnTex == fnBaseTexture) {
          // generate exception
          ThrowF_t( TRANS("Texture \"%s\" has same name as its base texture."), (const char *) (CTString&)fnTex);
        } else {
          // obtain base texture
          td_ptdBaseTexture = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t( fnBaseTexture);
      // force base to be static by default
    // if this is chunk containing saved effect buffers
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXBF")) 
    { // skip chunk in old versions
      bResetEffectBuffers = TRUE;
      if( iVersion!=4) {
        inFile->Seek_t( 2* GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight() *sizeof(SWORD), CTStream::SD_CUR);
      } else {
        ASSERT( td_pixBufferWidth>0 && td_pixBufferHeight>0);
        ULONG ulSize = AllocEffectBuffers(this);
        if( td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) ulSize*=2;
        inFile->Seek_t( 2*ulSize, CTStream::SD_CUR);
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXB2")) 
    { // read effect buffers
      ASSERT( td_pixBufferWidth>0 && td_pixBufferHeight>0);
      ULONG ulSize = AllocEffectBuffers(this);
      inFile->Read_t( td_pubBuffer1, ulSize);
      inFile->Read_t( td_pubBuffer2, ulSize);
    // if this is chunk containing effect data
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("FXDT"))
    { // read effect class
      ULONG ulGlobalEffect;
      *inFile >> ulGlobalEffect;
      // read effect buffer dimensions
      if( iVersion==4) *inFile >> td_pixBufferWidth;
      if( iVersion==4) *inFile >> td_pixBufferHeight;
      // allocate memory for texture effect struct
      td_ptegEffect = new CTextureEffectGlobal(this, ulGlobalEffect);
      // skip global properties for old format effect texture
      if( iVersion!=4) inFile->Seek_t( 64*sizeof(char), CTStream::SD_CUR);
      // read count of effect sources
      INDEX ctEffectSources;
      *inFile >> ctEffectSources;
      // add requested number of members to effect source array
      CTextureEffectSource *pEffectSources = td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources.New( ctEffectSources);

      // read whole dynamic array of effect sources
      FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY( td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources, CTextureEffectSource, itEffectSource)
        // read type of effect source
        *inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_ulEffectSourceType;
        // read structure holding effect source properties
        *inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_tespEffectSourceProperties;
        // remember pointer to global effect
        itEffectSource->tes_ptegGlobalEffect = td_ptegEffect;
        // read count of effect pixels
        INDEX ctEffectSourcePixels;
        *inFile >> ctEffectSourcePixels;
        // if there are any effect pixels
        if (ctEffectSourcePixels>0) {
          // alocate needed ammount of members
          itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels.New( ctEffectSourcePixels);
          // read all effect pixels in one block
          for (INDEX i = 0; i < ctEffectSourcePixels; i++)
            *inFile >> itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels[i];
      // allocate memory for effect frame buffer
      SLONG slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, GetPixWidth(), GetPixHeight()) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
      td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slFrameSize);
      // remember once again new frame size just for the sake of old effect textures
      td_slFrameSize = slFrameSize;
      // mark that effect texture needs to be static
      td_ulFlags |= TEX_STATIC;
    // if this is chunk containing data about detail texture
    else if( idChunk == CChunkID("DTLT"))
    { // skip chunk (this is here only for compatibility reasons)
      CTFileName fnTmp;
      *inFile >> fnTmp;
      ThrowF_t( TRANS("Unrecognisable chunk ID (\"%s\") found while reading texture \"%s\"."),
                (char*)idChunk, (const char *) (CTString&)inFile->GetDescription() );
  // until we didn't reach end of file
  while( !inFile->AtEOF());

  // reset effect buffers if needed
  if( bResetEffectBuffers) {

  // were done if frames weren't loaded or effect texture has been read
  if( !bFramesLoaded || td_ptegEffect!=NULL) return;

  // if texture is in old format, convert it to current format
  if( iVersion==3) Convert(this);
  PIX pixWidth  = GetPixWidth();
  PIX pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
  PIX pixTexSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
  PIX pixFrameSize = td_slFrameSize>>2; // /BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
  INDEX iFrame;

  // test first mipmap for transparency (i.e. is one bit of alpha channel enough?)
  // (must test it before filtering and/or mipmap reduction gets to this texture)
  if( bAlphaChannel) {
    td_ulFlags |= TEX_TRANSPARENT; 
    for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
      if( !IsTransparent( pulCurrentFrame, pixTexSize)) {
        // no need to test other frames if one found that isn't gray
        td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_TRANSPARENT; 
  // generate texture mip-maps for each frame (in version 4 they're no longer kept in file)
  // and eventually adjust texture saturation, do filtering and/or dithering
  tex_iFiltering = Clamp( tex_iFiltering, -6, 6);
  INDEX iTexFilter = tex_iFiltering;
  if( _bExport || (td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) iTexFilter = 0; // don't filter constants and textures for exporting
  if( iTexFilter) td_ulFlags |= TEX_FILTERED;

  // eventually saturate texture
  if( !_bExport && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_KEEPCOLOR) && (_slTexSaturation!=256 || _slTexHueShift!=0)) {
    td_ulFlags |= TEX_SATURATED;
    for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
      AdjustBitmapColor( pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight, _slTexHueShift, _slTexSaturation);
  // make mipmaps
  for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) { 
    ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
    MakeMipmaps( td_ctFineMipLevels, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth,pixHeight, iTexFilter);

  // remove mipmaps from texture that are not needed and update texture size
  if( !_bExport) RemoveOversizedMipmaps(this);

  // do some additional mipmap adjustments if needed
  pixWidth  = GetPixWidth();
  pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
  pixTexSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
  pixFrameSize = td_slFrameSize>>2; // /BYTES_PER_TEXEL;

  // eventually colorize mipmaps
  extern INDEX tex_bColorizeMipmaps;
  if( !_bExport && tex_bColorizeMipmaps && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
    td_ulFlags |= TEX_COLORIZED;
    for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
      ColorizeMipmaps( 1, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight);
  } // if not colorized, test if texture is gray
  else {
    td_ulFlags |= TEX_GRAY; 
    for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
      if( !IsGray( pulCurrentFrame, pixTexSize)) {
        // no need to test other frames if one found that isn't gray
        td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_GRAY; 

  // test texture for equality (i.e. determine if texture could be discardable in shade mode when in lowest mipmap)
  if( td_ctFrames<2 && (!gap_bAllowSingleMipmap || td_ctFineMipLevels>1))
  { // get last mipmap pointer
    INDEX ctLastPixels   = Max(pixWidth,pixHeight) / Min(pixWidth,pixHeight);
    ULONG *pulLastMipMap = td_pulFrames + td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL - ctLastPixels;
    if( IsEqualized( pulLastMipMap, ctLastPixels)) td_ulFlags |= TEX_EQUALIZED;

  // prepare dithering type
  td_ulInternalFormat = DetermineInternalFormat(this);
  tex_iDithering = Clamp( tex_iDithering, 0, 10);
  INDEX iDitherType = 0;
  if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) || !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) { // only non-static-constant textures can be dithered
    extern INDEX AdjustDitheringType_OGL(    GLenum eFormat, INDEX iDitheringType);
    if( eAPI==GAT_OGL) iDitherType = AdjustDitheringType_OGL(    (GLenum)td_ulInternalFormat, tex_iDithering);
#ifdef SE1_D3D
    extern INDEX AdjustDitheringType_D3D( D3DFORMAT eFormat, INDEX iDitheringType);
    if( eAPI==GAT_D3D) iDitherType = AdjustDitheringType_D3D( (D3DFORMAT)td_ulInternalFormat, tex_iDithering);
#endif // SE1_D3D
  // eventually dither texture
  if( !_bExport && iDitherType!=0) {
    td_ulFlags |= TEX_DITHERED;
    for( iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) {
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + iFrame*pixFrameSize;
      DitherMipmaps( iDitherType, pulCurrentFrame, pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight);
  // upload texture if not static and API is active
  // (or, in the other hand, better not - this could cause reloading due to force() after obtain())
  if( !_bExport && bHasContext && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC)) SetAsCurrent();

// writes texutre to file
void CTextureData::Write_t( CTStream *outFile)   // throw char *
    STUBBED("Byte swapping");

  // cannot write textures that have been mangled somehow
  _bExport = FALSE;
  if( td_ptegEffect==NULL && IsModified()) throw( TRANS("Cannot write texture that has modified frames."));

  // must not have base texture with same name
  if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) {
    CTFileName fnTex = outFile->GetDescription();
    if( fnTex == td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName()) {
      ThrowF_t( TRANS("Texture \"%s\" has same name as its base texture."), (const char *) (CTString&)fnTex);

  // write version
  INDEX iVersion = 4;
  *outFile << iVersion;

  // isolate required flags
  ULONG ulFlags = td_ulFlags & (TEX_ALPHACHANNEL|TEX_32BIT);
  BOOL bAlphaChannel = td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL;

  // write chunk containing texture data
  outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("TDAT"));
  // write data describing texture
  *outFile << ulFlags;
  *outFile << td_mexWidth;
  *outFile << td_mexHeight;
  *outFile << td_ctFineMipLevels;
  *outFile << td_iFirstMipLevel;
  *outFile << td_ctFrames;

  // if global effect struct exists in texture, don't save frames
  if( td_ptegEffect==NULL)
  { // write chunk containing raw frames
    ASSERT( td_ctFrames>0);
    ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL);
    outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FRMS"));
    PIX pixFrSize = GetPixWidth()*GetPixHeight();
    // eventually prepare temp buffer in case of frames without alpha channel
    UBYTE *pubTmp = NULL;
    if( !bAlphaChannel) pubTmp = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( pixFrSize*3);
    // write frames without mip-maps (just write the largest one)
    for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++ )
    { // determine write params
      ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
      if( bAlphaChannel) { // write frame with alpha channel
        outFile->Write_t( pulCurrentFrame, pixFrSize *4);
      } else { // write frame without alpha channel
        RemoveAlphaChannel( pulCurrentFrame, pubTmp, pixFrSize);
        outFile->Write_t( pubTmp, pixFrSize *3);
    // no need for temp buffer anymore
    if( pubTmp!=NULL) FreeMemory(pubTmp);
  // if exists global effect struct in texture
  { // write chunk containing effect data
    outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FXDT"));
    // write effect class
    *outFile << td_ptegEffect->teg_ulEffectType;
    // write effect buffer dimensions
    *outFile << td_pixBufferWidth;
    *outFile << td_pixBufferHeight;
    // write count of effect sources
    *outFile << td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources.Count();

    // write whole dynamic array of effect sources
    FOREACHINDYNAMICARRAY(td_ptegEffect->teg_atesEffectSources, CTextureEffectSource, itEffectSource)
    { // write type of effect source
      *outFile << itEffectSource->tes_ulEffectSourceType;
      // write structure holding effect source properties
      outFile->Write_t( &itEffectSource->tes_tespEffectSourceProperties, sizeof( struct TextureEffectSourceProperties));
      INDEX ctEffectSourcePixels = itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels.Count();
      // write count of effect pixels
      *outFile << ctEffectSourcePixels;
      // if there are any effect pixels
      if( ctEffectSourcePixels>0) {
        // write all effect pixels in one block
        outFile->Write_t( &itEffectSource->tes_atepPixels[0], sizeof(struct TextureEffectPixel)*ctEffectSourcePixels);
    // if effect buffers are valid
    if( td_pubBuffer1!=NULL && td_pubBuffer2!=NULL)
    { // write chunk containing effect buffers
      outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("FXB2"));
      ULONG ulSize = GetEffectBufferSize(this);
      // write effect buffers
      outFile->Write_t( td_pubBuffer1, ulSize);
      outFile->Write_t( td_pubBuffer2, ulSize);
  // write chunk containing texture animation data
  outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("ANIM"));
  // write corresponding animation(s)
  CAnimData::Write_t( outFile);

  // if this texture has base texture
  if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL)
  { // write chunk containing base texture file name
    outFile->WriteID_t( CChunkID("BAST"));
    // write file name of base texture
    *outFile << td_ptdBaseTexture->GetName();

// export finest mipmap of one texture's frame to imageinfo
void CTextureData::Export_t( class CImageInfo &iiExportedImage, INDEX iFrame)
  // check for right frame number and non-effect texture type
  ASSERT( iFrame<td_ctFrames && td_ptegEffect==NULL);
  if( iFrame>=td_ctFrames) throw( TRANS("Texture frame that is to be exported doesn't exist."));

  // reload without modifications
  _bExport = TRUE;
  ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL);

  // prepare miplevel and mipmap offset
  PIX pixWidth  = GetPixWidth();
  PIX pixHeight = GetPixHeight();
  // export header to image info structure
  iiExportedImage.ii_Width  = pixWidth;
  iiExportedImage.ii_Height = pixHeight;
  iiExportedImage.ii_BitsPerPixel = (td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ? 32 : 24;

  // prepare the texture for exporting (with or without alpha channel)
  ULONG *pulFrame = td_pulFrames + td_slFrameSize*iFrame/BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
  PIX  pixMipSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
  SLONG slMipSize = pixMipSize * iiExportedImage.ii_BitsPerPixel/8;
  iiExportedImage.ii_Picture = (UBYTE*)AllocMemory( slMipSize);
  // export frame
  if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) {
    memcpy( iiExportedImage.ii_Picture, pulFrame, slMipSize);
  } else {
    RemoveAlphaChannel( pulFrame, iiExportedImage.ii_Picture, pixMipSize);

  // reload as it was
  _bExport = FALSE;

// force texture to be re-loaded (if needed) in corresponding manner
void CTextureData::Force( ULONG ulTexFlags) 
  ASSERT( td_ctFrames>0);
  const BOOL bReload = (td_pulFrames==NULL        && (ulTexFlags&TEX_STATIC))
                   || ((td_ulFlags&TEX_DISPOSED)  && (ulTexFlags&TEX_CONSTANT))
                   || ((td_ulFlags&TEX_SATURATED) && (ulTexFlags&TEX_KEEPCOLOR));
  if( bReload) Reload();

// set texture to be as current for accelerator and eventually upload it to accelerator's memory
void CTextureData::SetAsCurrent( INDEX iFrameNo/*=0*/, BOOL bForceUpload/*=FALSE*/)
  // check API
  const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
  ASSERT( iFrameNo<td_ctFrames);
  BOOL bNeedUpload = bForceUpload;
  BOOL bNoDiscard  = TRUE;
  PIX  pixWidth  = GetPixWidth();
  PIX  pixHeight = GetPixHeight();

  // eventually re-adjust LOD bias
  extern FLOAT _fCurrentLODBias;
  const FLOAT fWantedLODBias = _pGfx->gl_fTextureLODBias;
  extern void UpdateLODBias( const FLOAT fLODBias);
  if( td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT) {
    // non-adjustable textures don't tolerate positive LOD bias
    if( _fCurrentLODBias>0) UpdateLODBias(0);
    else if( _fCurrentLODBias>fWantedLODBias) UpdateLODBias(fWantedLODBias);
  else if( td_ulFlags&TEX_EQUALIZED) {
    // equilized textures don't tolerate negative LOD bias
    if( _fCurrentLODBias<0) UpdateLODBias(0);
    else if( _fCurrentLODBias<fWantedLODBias) UpdateLODBias(fWantedLODBias);
  else if( _fCurrentLODBias != fWantedLODBias) {
    // all other textures must take LOD bias into account
    UpdateLODBias( fWantedLODBias);

  // determine probing
  extern BOOL ProbeMode( CTimerValue tvLast);
  BOOL bUseProbe = ProbeMode(td_tvLastDrawn);

  // if we have an effect texture
  if( td_ptegEffect!=NULL)
    ASSERT( iFrameNo==0); // effect texture must have only one frame
    // get max allowed effect texture dimension
    PIX pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<16L;
    tex_iEffectSize = Clamp( tex_iEffectSize, 4, 8);
    if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) pixClampAreaSize = 1L<<(tex_iEffectSize*2);
    INDEX iWantedMipLevel = td_iFirstMipLevel
                          + ClampTextureSize( pixClampAreaSize, _pGfx->gl_pixMaxTextureDimension, pixWidth, pixHeight);
    // check whether wanted mip level is beyond last mip-level
    iWantedMipLevel = ClampMipLevel( iWantedMipLevel);

    // default adjustment for mapping
    pixWidth  >>= iWantedMipLevel-td_iFirstMipLevel;
    pixHeight >>= iWantedMipLevel-td_iFirstMipLevel;
    ASSERT( pixWidth>0 && pixHeight>0);

    // eventually adjust water effect texture size (if larger than base)
    if( td_ptegEffect->IsWater()) {
      INDEX iMipDiff = Min( FastLog2(td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixWidth())  - FastLog2(pixWidth),
                            FastLog2(td_ptdBaseTexture->GetPixHeight()) - FastLog2(pixHeight));
      iWantedMipLevel = iMipDiff;
      if( iMipDiff<0) {
        pixWidth  >>= (-iMipDiff);
        pixHeight >>= (-iMipDiff);
        iWantedMipLevel = 0;
        ASSERT( pixWidth>0 && pixHeight>0);
    // if current frame size differs from the previous one
    SLONG slFrameSize = GetMipmapOffset( 15, pixWidth, pixHeight) *BYTES_PER_TEXEL;
    if( td_pulFrames==NULL || td_slFrameSize!=slFrameSize) {
      // (re)allocate the frame buffer
      if( td_pulFrames!=NULL) FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
      td_pulFrames = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( slFrameSize);
      td_slFrameSize = slFrameSize;
      bNoDiscard = FALSE;

    // if not calculated for this tick (must be != to test for time rewinding)
    if( td_ptegEffect->teg_updTexture.LastUpdateTime() != _pTimer->CurrentTick()) {
      // discard eventual cached frame and calculate new frame
      bNeedUpload = TRUE;
      // make sure that effect and base textures are static
      // copy some flags from base texture to effect texture
      td_ulFlags |= td_ptdBaseTexture->td_ulFlags & (TEX_ALPHACHANNEL|TEX_TRANSPARENT|TEX_GRAY);
      // render effect texture
      td_ptegEffect->Render( iWantedMipLevel, pixWidth, pixHeight);
      // determine internal format
      ULONG ulNewFormat;
      if( td_ulFlags&TEX_GRAY) {
        if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfLA8;
        else ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfL8;
      } else {
        if( td_ulFlags&TEX_TRANSPARENT) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5A1;
        else if( td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGBA4;
        else ulNewFormat = TS.ts_tfRGB5;
      // effect texture can be in 32-bit quality only if base texture hasn't been dithered
      extern INDEX tex_bFineEffect;      
      if( tex_bFineEffect && (td_ptdBaseTexture->td_ulFlags&TEX_DITHERED)) {
        ulNewFormat = PromoteTo32bitFormat(ulNewFormat);
      // internal format changed? - must discard!
      if( td_ulInternalFormat!=ulNewFormat) {
        td_ulInternalFormat = ulNewFormat;
        bNoDiscard = FALSE;
    } // effect texture cannot have probing
    bUseProbe = FALSE;

  // prepare effect cvars
  extern INDEX tex_bDynamicMipmaps;
  extern INDEX tex_iEffectFiltering; 
  if( tex_bDynamicMipmaps) tex_bDynamicMipmaps = 1;
  tex_iEffectFiltering = Clamp( tex_iEffectFiltering, -6, 6);

  // determine whether texture has single mipmap
  if( gap_bAllowSingleMipmap) {
    // effect textures are treated differently
    if( td_ptegEffect!=NULL) td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = !tex_bDynamicMipmaps;
    else td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = (td_ctFineMipLevels<2);
  } else {
    // single mipmap is not allowed
    td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap = FALSE;  

  // effect texture might need dynamic mipmaps creation
  if( bNeedUpload && td_ptegEffect!=NULL) {
    const INDEX iTexFilter = td_ptegEffect->IsWater() ? NONE : tex_iEffectFiltering;  // don't filter water textures
    if( td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) { // no mipmaps?
      if( iTexFilter!=NONE) FilterBitmap( iTexFilter, td_pulFrames, td_pulFrames, pixWidth, pixHeight);
    } else { // mipmaps!
      const INDEX ctFine = tex_bDynamicMipmaps ? 15 : 0; // whether they're fine or coarse still depends on cvar
      MakeMipmaps( ctFine, td_pulFrames, pixWidth,pixHeight, iTexFilter);
    } // done with effect

  // if not already generated, generate bind number(s) and force upload
  const PIX pixTextureSize = pixWidth*pixHeight;
  if((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects==NULL) || (td_ctFrames<=1 && td_ulObject==NONE))
    // check whether frames are present
    ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_pulFrames[0]!=0xDEADBEEF); 

    if( td_ctFrames>1) {
      // animation textures
      td_pulObjects = (ULONG*)AllocMemory( td_ctFrames *sizeof(td_ulProbeObject));
      for( INDEX i=0; i<td_ctFrames; i++) gfxGenerateTexture( td_pulObjects[i]);
    } else {
      // single-frame textures
      gfxGenerateTexture( td_ulObject);
    // generate probe texture (if needed)
    ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
    if( td_ptegEffect==NULL && pixTextureSize>16*16) gfxGenerateTexture( td_ulProbeObject);
    // must do initial uploading
    bNeedUpload = TRUE;
    bNoDiscard  = FALSE;

  // constant textures cannot be probed either
  if( td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT) gfxDeleteTexture(td_ulProbeObject);
  if( td_ulProbeObject==NONE)  bUseProbe = FALSE;

  // update statistics if not updated already for this frame
  if( td_iRenderFrame != _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber) {
    td_iRenderFrame = _pGfx->gl_iFrameNumber;
    // determine size and update
    SLONG slBytes = pixWidth*pixHeight * gfxGetFormatPixRatio(td_ulInternalFormat);
    if( !td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) slBytes = slBytes *4/3;
    _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TEXTUREBINDS, 1);
    _sfStats.IncrementCounter( CStatForm::SCI_TEXTUREBINDBYTES, slBytes);

  // if needs to be uploaded
  if( bNeedUpload)
    // check whether frames are present
    ASSERT( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_pulFrames[0]!=0xDEADBEEF);

    // must discard uploaded texture if single mipmap flag has been changed
    const BOOL bLastSingleMipmap = td_ulFlags & TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;
    bNoDiscard = (bNoDiscard && bLastSingleMipmap==td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap);
    // update flag
    if( td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap) td_ulFlags |= TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;
    else td_ulFlags &= ~TEX_SINGLEMIPMAP;

    // upload all texture frames
    ASSERT( td_ulInternalFormat!=TEXFMT_NONE);
    if( td_ctFrames>1) {
      // animation textures
      for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++)
      { // determine frame offset and upload texture frame
        ULONG *pulCurrentFrame = td_pulFrames + (iFr * td_slFrameSize/BYTES_PER_TEXEL);
        gfxSetTexture( td_pulObjects[iFr], td_tpLocal);
        gfxUploadTexture( pulCurrentFrame, pixWidth, pixHeight, td_ulInternalFormat, bNoDiscard);
    } else {
      // single-frame textures
      gfxSetTexture( td_ulObject, td_tpLocal);
      gfxUploadTexture( td_pulFrames, pixWidth, pixHeight, td_ulInternalFormat, bNoDiscard);
    // upload probe texture if exist
    if( td_ulProbeObject!=NONE) {
      PIX pixProbeWidth  = pixWidth;
      PIX pixProbeHeight = pixHeight;
      ULONG *pulProbeFrame = td_pulFrames;
      GetMipmapOfSize( 16*16, pulProbeFrame, pixProbeWidth, pixProbeHeight);
      gfxSetTexture( td_ulProbeObject, td_tpLocal);
      gfxUploadTexture( pulProbeFrame, pixProbeWidth, pixProbeHeight, TS.ts_tfRGBA4, FALSE);
    // clear local texture parameters because we need to correct later texture setting
    // free frames' memory if allowed
    if( !(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC)) {
      FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
      td_pulFrames = NULL;
    // done uploading
    ASSERT((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects!=NULL) || (td_ctFrames==1 && td_ulObject!=NONE));

  // do special case for animated textures when parameters re-initialization is required
  if( td_ctFrames>1 && !td_tpLocal.IsEqual(_tpGlobal[0])) {
    // must reset local texture parameters for each frame of animated texture
    for( INDEX iFr=0; iFr<td_ctFrames; iFr++) {
      gfxSetTexture( td_pulObjects[iFr], td_tpLocal);
  // set corresponding probe or texture frame as current
  ULONG ulTexObject = (td_ctFrames>1) ? td_pulObjects[iFrameNo] : td_ulObject; // single-frame or animation
  if( bUseProbe) {
    // set probe if burst value doesn't allow real texture
    if( _pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst<0) {  
      CTexParams tpTmp = td_tpLocal;
      ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject!=NONE);
      gfxSetTexture( td_ulProbeObject, tpTmp);
      //extern INDEX _ctProbeTexs;
      //CPrintF( "Probed!\n");
    // reduce allowed burst value
    _pGfx->gl_slAllowedUploadBurst -= pixWidth*pixHeight *4; // assume 32-bit textures (don't ask driver!)
  // set real texture and mark that this texture has been drawn
  gfxSetTexture( ulTexObject, td_tpLocal);

  // debug check
  ASSERT((td_ctFrames>1 && td_pulObjects!=NULL) || (td_ctFrames<=1 && td_ulObject!=NONE));

// unbind texture from accelerator's memory
void CTextureData::Unbind(void)
  // reset mark
  td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;

  // free frame number(s)
  if( td_ctFrames>1) { // animation
    // only if bound
    if( td_pulObjects == NULL) {
      ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
    for( INDEX iFrame=0; iFrame<td_ctFrames; iFrame++) gfxDeleteTexture( td_pulObjects[iFrame]);
    FreeMemory( td_pulObjects);
    td_pulObjects = NULL;
  } else { // single-frame
    // only if bound
    if( td_ulObject==NONE) {
      ASSERT( td_ulProbeObject==NONE);
  // delete probe texture, too

// free memory allocated for texture (if any)
void CTextureData::Clear(void)
  // unbind texture from OpenGL or Direct3D memory

  // free allocated memory and reset pointer
  if( td_pulFrames!=NULL && td_slFrameSize!=0) {
    FreeMemory( td_pulFrames);
    td_pulFrames = NULL;
    td_slFrameSize = 0;

  // free memory allocated for texture effect buffers

  // release base texture if it exists
  if( td_ptdBaseTexture != NULL) {
    _pTextureStock->Release( td_ptdBaseTexture);
    td_ptdBaseTexture = NULL;
  // free global effect data if it exists
  if( td_ptegEffect != NULL) {
    delete td_ptegEffect;
    td_ptegEffect = NULL;

  // reset texture parameters
  // clear animation

  // reset variables (but keep some flags)
  td_ctFrames = 0;
  td_mexWidth  = 0;
  td_mexHeight = 0;
  td_tvLastDrawn = (__int64) 0;
  td_iFirstMipLevel  = 0;
  td_ctFineMipLevels = 0;
  td_pixBufferWidth  = 0;
  td_pixBufferHeight = 0;
  td_ulInternalFormat = TEXFMT_NONE;
  td_iRenderFrame = -1;

 * Implementation of CTextureObject routines
// copy from another object of same class
void CTextureObject::Copy(CTextureObject &toOther)

void CTextureObject::Read_t( CTStream *istrFile)  // throw char *
  CAnimObject::Read_t( istrFile);

void CTextureObject::Write_t( CTStream *ostrFile)  // throw char *
  CAnimObject::Write_t( ostrFile);
MEX CTextureObject::GetWidth(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetWidth();  };
MEX CTextureObject::GetHeight(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetHeight(); };
ULONG CTextureObject::GetFlags(void) const
{ return ((CTextureData*)ao_AnimData)->GetFlags();  };

 * Implementation of independent routines
#define EQUAL_SUB_STR( str) (strnicmp( ld_line, str, strlen(str))==0)

void ProcessScript_t( const CTFileName &inFileName) // throw char *
  CTFileStream File;
	char ld_line[128];
	char err_str[256];
  FLOAT fTextureWidthMeters = 2.0f;
  INDEX TexMipmaps = MAX_MEX_LOG2;
  CTextureData tex;
	CListHead FrameNamesList;
  INDEX NoOfDataFound = 0;
  BOOL bForce32bit = FALSE;

	File.Open_t( inFileName, CTStream::OM_READ);    // open script file for text reading

		do {
      File.GetLine_t( ld_line, 128);
    }	while( (strlen( ld_line)==0) || (ld_line[0]==';'));

		_strupr( ld_line);

    // specified width of texture
      sscanf( ld_line, "TEXTURE_WIDTH %g", &fTextureWidthMeters);
      NoOfDataFound ++;
    // how many mip-map levels will texture have
      sscanf( ld_line, "TEXTURE_MIPMAPS %d", &TexMipmaps);
    // should texture be forced to keep 32-bit quality even that 16-bit textures are set
		else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "TEXTURE_32BIT")) {
      bForce32bit = TRUE;

		// Key-word "ANIM_START" starts loading of Animation Data object
		else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "ANIM_START")) {
      tex.LoadFromScript_t( &File, &FrameNamesList);
      NoOfDataFound ++;
		// Key-word "END" ends infinite loop and script loading is over
		else if( EQUAL_SUB_STR( "END")) break;

		// if none of known key-words isn't recognised, throw error
		else {
      sprintf( err_str,
        TRANS("Unidentified key-word found (line: \"%s\") or unexpected end of file reached."), ld_line);
      throw( err_str);
  if( NoOfDataFound != 2)
    throw( TRANS("Required key-word(s) has not been specified in script file:\nTEXTURE_WIDTH and/or ANIM_START"));

  // Now we will create texture file form read script data
	CImageInfo   inPic;
  CTFileName   outFileName;
  CTFileStream outFile;

  // load first picture
  CFileNameNode *pFirstFNN = LIST_HEAD( FrameNamesList, CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node);
  inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( CTString(pFirstFNN->cfnn_FileName));

  // create texture with one frame
  tex.Create_t( &inPic, MEX_METERS(fTextureWidthMeters), TexMipmaps, bForce32bit);

  // process rest of the frames in animation (if any)
  INDEX i=0;
  FOREACHINLIST( CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, FrameNamesList, it1)
    if( i != 0) {   // we have to skip first picture since it has already been done
      inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( CTString(it1->cfnn_FileName));
      // add picture as next frame in texture
      tex.AddFrame_t( &inPic);
  // save texture
  outFileName = inFileName.FileDir() + inFileName.FileName() + ".TEX";
  tex.Save_t( outFileName);

  // clear list
  FORDELETELIST( CFileNameNode, cfnn_Node, FrameNamesList, itDel)
    delete &itDel.Current();

void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName, const CTFileName &outFileName,
                      MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit)
  if( inFileName.FileExt() == ".SCR")
    // input is a script file
    ProcessScript_t( inFileName);
    // input is a picture file (PCX or TGA)
    CAnimData    anim;
    CTextureData tex;
    CImageInfo   inPic;

    // mex must be specified and valid
    if( (inMex <= 0)) throw( TRANS("Invalid or unspecified mexel units."));

    // load picture
    inPic.LoadAnyGfxFormat_t( inFileName);

    // create texture
    tex.Create_t( &inPic, inMex, inMipmaps, bForce32bit);

    // no more need for picture - get out!

    // save texture to file
    tex.Save_t( outFileName);

void CreateTexture_t( const CTFileName &inFileName,
                      MEX inMex, INDEX inMipmaps, BOOL bForce32bit)
  CTFileName outFileName = inFileName.FileDir() + inFileName.FileName() + ".TEX";
  CreateTexture_t( inFileName, outFileName, inMex, inMipmaps, bForce32bit);

// reference counting (override from CAnimData)
void CTextureData::RemReference_internal(void)

// obtain texture and set it for this object
void CTextureObject::SetData_t(const CTFileName &fnmTexture) // throw char *
  // if the filename is empty
  if (fnmTexture=="") {
    // release current texture

  // if the filename is not empty
  } else {
    // obtain it (adds one reference)
    CTextureData *ptd = _pTextureStock->Obtain_t(fnmTexture);
    // set it as data (adds one more reference, and remove old reference)
    // release it (removes one reference)
    // total reference count +1+1-1 = +1 for new data -1 for old data

// get filename of texture or empty string if no texture
const CTFileName &CTextureObject::GetName(void)
  static const CTFileName strDummy(CTString(""));
  // if there is some texture
  if (ao_AnimData!=NULL) {
    // get texture filename
    return ao_AnimData->GetName();
  // if there is no texture
  } else {
    // get empty string
    return strDummy;

// check if this kind of objects is auto-freed
BOOL CTextureData::IsAutoFreed(void)
  // cannot be
  return FALSE;

// get amount of memory used by this object
SLONG CTextureData::GetUsedMemory(void)
  // readout texture object
  ULONG ulTexObject = (td_ctFrames>1) ? td_pulObjects[0] : td_ulObject;

  // add structure size and anim block size
  SLONG slUsed = sizeof(*this) + CAnimData::GetUsedMemory()-sizeof(CAnimData);
  // add effect buffers and static memory if exist
  if( td_pubBuffer1!=NULL) slUsed += 2* GetEffectBufferSize(this); // two buffers
  if( (td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && td_pulFrames!=NULL) {
    slUsed += td_ctFrames*td_slFrameSize;

  // add eventual uploaded size and finito
  const SLONG slUploadSize = gfxGetTextureSize( ulTexObject, !td_tpLocal.tp_bSingleMipmap);
  return slUsed + td_ctFrames*slUploadSize; 

// get texel from texture's largest mip-map
COLOR CTextureData::GetTexel( MEX mexU, MEX mexV)
  // if the texture is not static
  if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
    // print warning
    ASSERTALWAYS("GetTexel: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
    CPrintF("GetTexel: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());

  // make sure that the texture is static
  // convert dimensions to pixels
  PIX pixU = mexU >>td_iFirstMipLevel;
  PIX pixV = mexV >>td_iFirstMipLevel;
  pixU &= GetPixWidth()-1;
  pixV &= GetPixHeight()-1;
  ASSERT(pixU>=0 && pixU<GetPixWidth());
  ASSERT(pixV>=0 && pixV<GetPixHeight());
  // read texel from texture
  return ByteSwap( *(ULONG*)(td_pulFrames + pixV*GetPixWidth() + pixU));

// copy (and eventually convert to floats) one row from texture to an array (iChannel is 1=R,2=G,3=B,4=A)
void CTextureData::FetchRow( PIX pixRow, void *pvDst, INDEX iChannel/*=4*/, BOOL bConvertToFloat/*=TRUE*/)
  // if the texture is not static
  if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
    // print warning
    ASSERTALWAYS("FetchRow: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
    CPrintF("FetchRow: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());
  // workaround: make sure that the texture is static

  // determine row offset and loop thru row pixels
  ULONG *pulSrc = td_pulFrames + pixRow*GetPixWidth();
  for( INDEX iCol=0; iCol<GetPixWidth(); iCol++) {
    const UBYTE ubPix = ((UBYTE*)pulSrc)[iCol*4 +iChannel-1];
    if( bConvertToFloat) ((FLOAT*)pvDst)[iCol] = NormByteToFloat(ubPix);
    else                 ((UBYTE*)pvDst)[iCol] = ubPix;

// get pointer to one row of texture
ULONG *CTextureData::GetRowPointer( PIX pixRow)
  // if the texture is not static
  if (!(td_ulFlags&TEX_STATIC) && !(td_ulFlags&TEX_CONSTANT)) {
    // print warning
    ASSERTALWAYS("GetRowPointer: Texture needs to be static and constant.");
    CPrintF("GetRowPointer: '%s' was not static and/or constant!\n", (const char*)GetName());
  // workaround: make sure that the texture is static
  return (td_pulFrames + pixRow*GetPixWidth());

// get string description of texture size, mips and parameters
CTString CTextureData::GetDescription(void)
  // get all parameters
  MEX mexSizeU = GetWidth();
  MEX mexSizeV = GetHeight();
  PIX pixSizeU = GetPixWidth();
  MEX pixSizeV = GetPixHeight();
  FLOAT fSizeU = METERS_MEX( mexSizeU);
  FLOAT fSizeV = METERS_MEX( mexSizeV);
  INDEX ctFineMips  = GetNoOfFineMips();
  INDEX ctTotalMips = GetNoOfMips();

  // print size and mips
  CTString strSizeM;
  if (fSizeU==int(fSizeU) && fSizeV==int(fSizeV)) {
    strSizeM.PrintF("%dx%dm", int(fSizeU), int(fSizeV));
  } else {
    strSizeM.PrintF("%.2fx%.2fm", fSizeU, fSizeV);
  CTString str;
  str.PrintF( "%s(%dx%d) %d/%d", (const char *) strSizeM, pixSizeU, pixSizeV, ctFineMips, ctTotalMips);

  // print flags
  CTString strFlags = "";
  if (td_ulFlags&TEX_ALPHACHANNEL) strFlags+="A";
  if (td_ulFlags&TEX_EQUALIZED)    strFlags+="E";
  if (td_ulFlags&TEX_32BIT)        strFlags+="H";
  if (td_ulFlags&TEX_WASOLD)       strFlags+="!";
  // if there are any flags, add blank before flags
  if( strFlags!="") str=CTString(" ")+str;

  CAnimInfo aiInfo;
  GetAnimInfo( 0, aiInfo);
  CTString strAnims = "";
  if (ad_NumberOfAnims>1 || aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames>1) {
    strAnims.PrintF(" %d(%d)anim", ad_NumberOfAnims, aiInfo.ai_NumberOfFrames);

  // return combined string
  return str+strFlags+strAnims;