/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

  #pragma once

#include <Engine/Base/Lists.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Serial.h>

#define SDF_ENCODED       (1UL<<0) // this is ogg or mpx compressed file
#define SDF_STREAMING     (1UL<<1) // streaming from disk

class ENGINE_API CSoundData : public CSerial {
  // Sound Mode Aware class (notify class when sound mode change)
  CListNode   sd_Node;        // for linking in list
  ULONG sd_ulFlags;           // flags

  // Call-back called when sound mode changes.
  void ModeChanged(void);

  inline BOOL IsHooked(void) const { return sd_Node.IsLinked(); };
  CListHead sd_ClhLinkList;			// list of objects linked to data

  void PausePlayingObjects(void);
  void ResumePlayingObjects(void);

  // Sound Buffer
  WAVEFORMATEX sd_wfeFormat;     // primary sound buffer format
  SWORD *sd_pswBuffer;           // pointer on buffer
  SLONG  sd_slBufferSampleSize;  // buffer sample size
  double sd_dSecondsLength;      // sound length in seconds

  // free Buffer (and all linked Objects)
  void ClearBuffer(void);
  // Add object in sound aware list
  void AddObjectLink(CSoundObject &CsoAdd);
  // Remove an object from aware list
  void RemoveObjectLink(CSoundObject &CsoRemove);
  // reference counting functions
  void AddReference(void);
  void RemReference(void);
  // Constructor
  // Destructor
  // get sound length in seconds
  double GetSecondsLength(void);
  // read sound from file and convert it to the current sound format
  void  Read_t(CTStream *inFile);        // throw char *
  // write sound to file (not implemented)
  void  Write_t(CTStream *outFile);       // throw char *
  /* Get the description of this object. */
  CTString GetDescription(void);
  // free allocated memory for sound and Sound in DXBuffer
  void  Clear(void);
  // check if this kind of objects is auto-freed
  virtual BOOL IsAutoFreed(void);
  // get amount of memory used by this object
  SLONG GetUsedMemory(void);

#endif  /* include-once check. */