/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. All rights reserved. */

#include "Engine/StdH.h"

#include <Engine/Base/CRCTable.h>
#include <Engine/Base/FileName.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Stream.h>
#include <Engine/Base/Console.h>
#include <Engine/Base/CRC.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/DynamicStackArray.cpp>

extern INDEX net_bReportCRC;

class CCRCEntry {
  CTFileName ce_fnmFile;    // the file that CRC is for
  ULONG ce_ulCRC;           // CRC of the file
  BOOL ce_bActive;          // set if the file is now active for CRC checking

  // filename is its name (used for storing in nametable)
  inline const CTFileName &GetName(void) { return ce_fnmFile; };
  void Clear(void) 
    ce_ulCRC = 0;
    ce_bActive = FALSE;

extern CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> _afnmNoCRC;
extern BOOL FileMatchesList(CDynamicStackArray<CTFileName> &afnm, const CTFileName &fnm);

  #pragma once

#define TYPE CCRCEntry
#define CNameTable_TYPE CNameTable_CCRCEntry
#define CNameTableSlot_TYPE CNameTableSlot_CCRCEntry
#include <Engine/Templates/NameTable.h>
#include <Engine/Templates/NameTable.cpp>
#undef CNameTableSlot_TYPE
#undef CNameTable_TYPE
#undef TYPE

static CDynamicStackArray<CCRCEntry> _aceEntries;
static CNameTable_CCRCEntry _ntEntries;

BOOL CRCT_bGatherCRCs = FALSE;  // set while gathering CRCs of all loaded files

// init CRC table
void CRCT_Init(void)
  _ntEntries.SetAllocationParameters(50, 10, 10);

// check if a file is added
BOOL CRCT_IsFileAdded(const CTFileName &fnm)
  return _ntEntries.Find(fnm)!=NULL;

// add one file to active list and get its crc
void CRCT_AddFile_t(const CTFileName &fnm, ULONG ulCRC/*=0*/) // throw char *
  // if not gathering CRCs now
  if (!CRCT_bGatherCRCs) {
    // do nothing

  // try to find it in table
  CCRCEntry *pce = _ntEntries.Find(fnm);

  BOOL bNew = FALSE;
  // if found
  if (pce!=NULL) {
    // just activate it
    bNew = !pce->ce_bActive;
    pce->ce_bActive = TRUE;
    // if crc is given
    if (ulCRC!=0) {
      // force it
      pce->ce_ulCRC = ulCRC;
  // if not found
  } else {
    // calculate checksum
    if (ulCRC==0) {
      if (FileMatchesList(_afnmNoCRC, fnm)) {
        ulCRC = 0x12345678;
      } else {
        ulCRC = GetFileCRC32_t(fnm);
    // add to the table
    pce = &_aceEntries.Push();
    pce->ce_fnmFile = fnm;
    pce->ce_ulCRC = ulCRC;
    pce->ce_bActive = TRUE;
    bNew = TRUE;
  if (bNew && net_bReportCRC) {
    CPrintF("CRC %08x: '%s'\n", pce->ce_ulCRC, (const char*)pce->ce_fnmFile);

// free all memory used by the crc cache
void CRCT_Clear(void)

// reset all files to not active
void CRCT_ResetActiveList(void)
  for(INDEX ice=0; ice<_aceEntries.Count(); ice++) {
    _aceEntries[ice].ce_bActive = FALSE;

static INDEX GetNumberOfActiveEntries(void)
  INDEX ctActive = 0;
  for(INDEX ice=0; ice<_aceEntries.Count(); ice++) {
    if (_aceEntries[ice].ce_bActive) {
  return ctActive;

// dump list of all active files to the stream
void CRCT_MakeFileList_t(CTStream &strmFiles)  // throw char *
  // save number of active entries
  INDEX ctActive = GetNumberOfActiveEntries();
  // for each active entry
  for(INDEX ice=0; ice<_aceEntries.Count(); ice++) {
    CCRCEntry &ce = _aceEntries[ice];
    if (!ce.ce_bActive) {
    // save name to stream

// dump checksums for all files from the list
ULONG CRCT_MakeCRCForFiles_t(CTStream &strmFiles)  // throw char *
  BOOL bOld = CRCT_bGatherCRCs;
  CRCT_bGatherCRCs = TRUE;

  // read number of active files
  INDEX ctFiles;
  // for each one
  for(INDEX i=0; i<ctFiles; i++) {
    // read the name
    CTString strName;
    CTFileName fname = strName;
    // try to find it in table
    CCRCEntry *pce = _ntEntries.Find(fname);
    // if not there
    if (pce==NULL) {
      // add it now
      pce = _ntEntries.Find(fname);
    // add the crc
    CRC_AddLONG(ulCRC, pce->ce_ulCRC);
  CRCT_bGatherCRCs = bOld;
  return ulCRC;

#endif  /* include-once check. */