/* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Croteam Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ 200 %{ #include "EntitiesMP/StdH/StdH.h" %} uses "EntitiesMP/ModelDestruction"; uses "EntitiesMP/AnimationChanger"; enum LightType { 0 LT_POINT "Point light", 1 LT_AMBIENT "Ambient light", 2 LT_STRONG_AMBIENT "Strong ambient light", 3 LT_DIRECTIONAL "Directional light", 4 LT_STRONG_POINT "Strong point light", }; enum LensFlareType { 0 LFT_NONE "None", 1 LFT_STANDARD "Standard", 2 LFT_STANDARD_REFLECTIONS "Standard reflections", 3 LFT_YELLOW_STAR_RED_RING "Yellow star with red ring", 4 LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_RED_RING "White glow star with red ring", 5 LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR "White glow star", 6 LFT_WHITE_STAR_RED_RING_STREAKS "White star with red ring and streaks", 7 LFT_WHITE_STAR_RED_REFLECTIONS "White star with red reflections", 8 LFT_BLUE_STAR_BLUE_REFLECTIONS "Blue star with blue reflections", 9 LFT_PV_SPACE_SHIP_WINDOW_FLARE "Pyramid valley space ship window flare", 10 LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_RED_RING_FAR "Yellow star with red ring far", 11 LFT_WHITE_GLOW_FAR "White glow far", 12 LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_NG "White glow star no glare", }; %{ void CLight_OnInitClass(void) { // init lens flares effects InitLensFlares(); } void CLight_OnEndClass(void) { // close lens flares effects CloseLensFlares(); } %} class CLight : CEntity { name "Light"; thumbnail "Thumbnails\\Light.tbn"; features "HasName", "HasDescription", "ImplementsOnInitClass", "ImplementsOnEndClass"; properties: 2 COLOR m_colColor "Color" 'C' =C_GRAY, 9 COLOR m_colAmbient "Directional ambient" 'E' =C_BLACK, 1 RANGE m_rFallOffRange "Fall-off" 'F' =8.0f features(EPROPF_HIDEINPERSPECTIVE), 4 RANGE m_rHotSpotRange "Hot-spot" 'H' =0.0f features(EPROPF_HIDEINPERSPECTIVE), 7 ILLUMINATIONTYPE m_itIllumination "Polygon illumination" 'I' =0, 8 enum LightType m_ltType "Type" 'Y' =LT_POINT, 10 CTString m_strDescription = "", 11 CTString m_strName "Name" 'N' = "Light", 12 BOOL m_bDarkLight "Dark light" 'A' = FALSE, 13 FLOAT m_fNearClip "Clip near" = 0.1f, 14 FLOAT m_fFarClip "Clip far" = 0.01f, 15 BOOL m_bSubstractSectorAmbient "Substract sector ambient" 'S' = FALSE, 16 BOOL m_bRenderAsSmallLight "Render as small" 'R' = FALSE, 17 enum LensFlareType m_lftLensFlare "Lens flare" 'L' = LFT_NONE, 18 BOOL m_bBackground "Background" 'B' = FALSE, 19 BOOL m_bLensFlareOnly "Lens flare only" 'O' = FALSE, 20 CTFileName m_fnmLightAnimation "Light animation file" = CTString(""), 21 ANIMATION m_iLightAnimation "Light animation" = 0, 25 FLOAT m_tmOffsetPhase "Light animation offset" = 0.0f, 22 CAnimObject m_aoLightAnimation, 24 BOOL m_bTargetable "Targetable" = FALSE, 26 BOOL m_bDynamic "Dynamic" = FALSE, 27 BOOL m_bDiffusion "Diffusion" 'D' = TRUE, 30 CTFileName m_fnmAmbientLightAnimation "Ambient light animation file" = CTString(""), 31 ANIMATION m_iAmbientLightAnimation "Ambient light animation" = 0, 32 CAnimObject m_aoAmbientLightAnimation, { CLightSource m_lsLightSource; CBoolDefaultFalse m_bdfInitialized; // set if already initialized once } components: 1 model MODEL_LIGHT_SOURCE "Models\\Editor\\LightSource.mdl", 2 texture TEXTURE_POINT_LIGHT "Models\\Editor\\PointLight.tex", 3 texture TEXTURE_AMBIENT_LIGHT "Models\\Editor\\AmbientLight.tex", 4 texture TEXTURE_REAL_AMBIENT_LIGHT "Models\\Editor\\RealAmbientLight.tex", 5 model MODEL_SPOT_LIGHT "Models\\Editor\\SpotLight.mdl", 6 texture TEXTURE_SPOT_LIGHT "Models\\Editor\\SpotLight.tex", functions: /* Get anim data for given animation property - return NULL for none. */ CAnimData *GetAnimData(SLONG slPropertyOffset) { if (slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CLight, m_iLightAnimation)) { return m_aoLightAnimation.GetData(); } else if (slPropertyOffset==_offsetof(CLight, m_iAmbientLightAnimation)) { return m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetData(); } else { return CEntity::GetAnimData(slPropertyOffset); } }; BOOL IsTargetable(void) const { return m_bTargetable; } BOOL IsImportant(void) const { return(m_ltType==LT_DIRECTIONAL); } /* Handle an event, return false if the event is not handled. */ BOOL HandleEvent(const CEntityEvent &ee) { // when someone in range is destroyed if (ee.ee_slEvent==EVENTCODE_ERangeModelDestruction) { // fade out completely m_colColor = C_BLACK; m_colAmbient = C_BLACK; CLightSource lsNew; SetupLightSource(lsNew); m_lsLightSource.SetLightSource(lsNew); return TRUE; // when animation should be changed } else if (ee.ee_slEvent==EVENTCODE_EChangeAnim) { EChangeAnim &eChange = (EChangeAnim &)ee; // for diffuse component of light m_iLightAnimation = eChange.iLightAnim; if (m_aoLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { m_aoLightAnimation.PlayAnim(m_iLightAnimation, eChange.bLightLoop?AOF_LOOPING:0); } // for ambient component of light m_iAmbientLightAnimation = eChange.iAmbientLightAnim; if (m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.PlayAnim(m_iAmbientLightAnimation, eChange.bAmbientLightLoop?AOF_LOOPING:0); } // if neither ambient nor difuse animation is set, apply direct color change if( (m_aoLightAnimation.GetData()==NULL) && (m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetData()==NULL) ) { m_colColor = eChange.colDiffuse; m_colAmbient = eChange.colAmbient; CLightSource lsNew; SetupLightSource(lsNew); m_lsLightSource.SetLightSource(lsNew); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } // apply mirror and stretch to the entity void MirrorAndStretch(FLOAT fStretch, BOOL bMirrorX) { // stretch its ranges m_rFallOffRange*=fStretch; m_rHotSpotRange*=fStretch; m_fNearClip *=fStretch; m_fFarClip *=fStretch; //(void)bMirrorX; // no mirror for lights } /* Get static light source information. */ CLightSource *GetLightSource(void) { // if never initialized before (happens after loading) if (!m_bdfInitialized.bdf_bValue) { // initialize now CLightSource lsNew; SetupLightSource(lsNew); m_lsLightSource.SetLightSourceWithNoDiscarding(lsNew); m_bdfInitialized.bdf_bValue = TRUE; } if (!IsPredictor()) { return &m_lsLightSource; } else { return NULL; } } // prepare and transfer light source variables void SetupLightSource( CLightSource &lsNew) { switch( m_ltType) { case LT_POINT: case LT_STRONG_POINT: lsNew.ls_ulFlags = LSF_CASTSHADOWS; break; case LT_DIRECTIONAL: lsNew.ls_ulFlags = LSF_DIRECTIONAL|LSF_CASTSHADOWS; break; case LT_STRONG_AMBIENT: case LT_AMBIENT: lsNew.ls_ulFlags = 0; break; } if( m_bSubstractSectorAmbient) { lsNew.ls_ulFlags |= LSF_SUBSTRACTSECTORAMBIENT; } if( m_bLensFlareOnly) { lsNew.ls_ulFlags |= LSF_LENSFLAREONLY; } if( m_bDynamic) { lsNew.ls_ulFlags |= LSF_DYNAMIC; } // directional light cannot be dark if( m_bDarkLight) { if( m_ltType==LT_DIRECTIONAL) { lsNew.ls_ulFlags &= ~LSF_DARKLIGHT; m_bDarkLight = FALSE; } else { lsNew.ls_ulFlags |= LSF_DARKLIGHT; } } // ambient and directional lights doesn't support diffusion if( m_bDiffusion) { if( m_bDynamic || m_ltType==LT_AMBIENT || m_ltType==LT_STRONG_AMBIENT) { lsNew.ls_ulFlags &= ~LSF_DIFFUSION; m_bDiffusion = FALSE; } else { lsNew.ls_ulFlags |= LSF_DIFFUSION; } } lsNew.ls_rHotSpot = m_rHotSpotRange; lsNew.ls_rFallOff = m_rFallOffRange; lsNew.ls_fNearClipDistance = m_fNearClip; lsNew.ls_fFarClipDistance = m_fFarClip; // hot spot for strong lights is 90% of light range if( m_ltType == LT_STRONG_AMBIENT || m_ltType == LT_STRONG_POINT) { lsNew.ls_rHotSpot = lsNew.ls_rFallOff*0.9f; } lsNew.ls_colColor = m_colColor; lsNew.ls_colAmbient = C_BLACK; // only directional lights are allowed to have ambient component if( lsNew.ls_ulFlags&LSF_DIRECTIONAL) { lsNew.ls_colAmbient = m_colAmbient; } lsNew.ls_ubPolygonalMask = (UBYTE) m_itIllumination; switch(m_lftLensFlare) { case LFT_NONE: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = NULL; break; case LFT_STANDARD: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftStandard; break; case LFT_STANDARD_REFLECTIONS: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftStandardReflections; break; case LFT_YELLOW_STAR_RED_RING: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftYellowStarRedRing; break; case LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_RED_RING: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteGlowStarRedRing; break; case LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteGlowStar; break; case LFT_WHITE_STAR_RED_RING_STREAKS: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteStarRedRingStreaks; break; case LFT_WHITE_STAR_RED_REFLECTIONS: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteStarRedReflections; break; case LFT_BLUE_STAR_BLUE_REFLECTIONS: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftBlueStarBlueReflections; break; case LFT_PV_SPACE_SHIP_WINDOW_FLARE: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftPVSpaceShipWindowFlare; break; case LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_RED_RING_FAR: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftYellowStarRedRingFar; break; case LFT_WHITE_GLOW_FAR: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteGlowFar; break; case LFT_WHITE_GLOW_STAR_NG: lsNew.ls_plftLensFlare = &_lftWhiteGlowStarNG; break; } // --------- Setup light animations // diffuse lsNew.ls_paoLightAnimation = NULL; if (m_aoLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { lsNew.ls_paoLightAnimation = &m_aoLightAnimation; } // ambient lsNew.ls_paoAmbientLightAnimation = NULL; if (m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { lsNew.ls_paoAmbientLightAnimation = &m_aoAmbientLightAnimation; } } // returns bytes of memory used by this object SLONG GetUsedMemory(void) { // initial SLONG slUsedMemory = sizeof(CLight) - sizeof(CEntity) + CEntity::GetUsedMemory(); // add some more slUsedMemory += m_strDescription.Length(); slUsedMemory += m_strName.Length(); slUsedMemory += m_fnmLightAnimation.Length(); slUsedMemory += m_fnmAmbientLightAnimation.Length(); slUsedMemory += 2* sizeof(CAnimObject); // 2 of them return slUsedMemory; } procedures: Main() { // fall off and hot spot must be positive values if (m_rFallOffRange<0) { m_rFallOffRange = 0.0f; } if (m_rHotSpotRange<0) { m_rHotSpotRange = 0.0f; } // hot spot must be less or equal falloff if (m_rHotSpotRange>m_rFallOffRange) { m_rHotSpotRange = m_rFallOffRange; } // near clip must not be too small relatively to falloff // (crashes on shadow rendering otherwise!) //if (m_fNearClip<m_rFallOffRange*1E-4f) { // m_fNearClip = m_rFallOffRange*1E-4f; //} // near clip must not be too small if (m_fNearClip<=0.01f) { m_fNearClip = 0.01f; } // far clip distance must be positive values if (m_fFarClip<=0) { m_fFarClip = 0.0f;//0.01f; } // only directional lights are allowed to have ambient component if( m_ltType!=LT_DIRECTIONAL) { m_colAmbient = C_BLACK; } InitAsEditorModel(); SetPhysicsFlags(EPF_MODEL_IMMATERIAL); SetCollisionFlags(ECF_IMMATERIAL); // set model stretch -- MUST BE DONE BEFORE SETTING MODEL! if( m_bRenderAsSmallLight) { GetModelObject()->mo_Stretch = FLOAT3D( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); } else { // set stretch factor of the light (directional lights don't have stretch) if ( m_ltType != LT_DIRECTIONAL) { const float LIGHT_MINSIZE=0.5f; FLOAT fFactor = Log2(m_rFallOffRange)*LIGHT_MINSIZE; if (fFactor<LIGHT_MINSIZE) { fFactor=LIGHT_MINSIZE; } GetModelObject()->mo_Stretch = FLOAT3D( fFactor, fFactor, fFactor); } } CTString strType; if( m_ltType == LT_POINT || m_ltType == LT_STRONG_POINT) { strType = "point"; // set model to light source SetModel(MODEL_LIGHT_SOURCE); // set texture of point light model SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_POINT_LIGHT); } // initialize ambient light else if( m_ltType == LT_AMBIENT) { strType = "ambient"; // set model to light source SetModel(MODEL_LIGHT_SOURCE); // set texture of ambient light model SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_AMBIENT_LIGHT); } // initialize real ambient light else if( m_ltType == LT_STRONG_AMBIENT) { strType = "ambient"; // set model to light source SetModel(MODEL_LIGHT_SOURCE); // set texture of real ambient light model SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_REAL_AMBIENT_LIGHT); } // initialize spot light else if( m_ltType == LT_DIRECTIONAL) { strType = "directional"; // set model to spot light SetModel(MODEL_SPOT_LIGHT); // set texture of spot light model SetModelMainTexture(TEXTURE_SPOT_LIGHT); } if( m_bDarkLight) { strType = strType+", dark"; } // set diffuse light animation if available try { m_aoLightAnimation.SetData_t(m_fnmLightAnimation); } catch (char *strError) { WarningMessage(TRANS("Cannot load '%s': %s"), (const char *) (CTString&)m_fnmLightAnimation, strError); m_fnmLightAnimation = ""; } if (m_aoLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { m_aoLightAnimation.PlayAnim(m_iLightAnimation, AOF_LOOPING); m_aoLightAnimation.OffsetPhase(m_tmOffsetPhase*m_aoLightAnimation.GetCurrentAnimLength()); } // set ambient light animation if available try { m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.SetData_t(m_fnmAmbientLightAnimation); } catch (char *strError) { WarningMessage(TRANS("Cannot load '%s': %s"), (const char *) (CTString&)m_fnmAmbientLightAnimation, strError); m_fnmAmbientLightAnimation = ""; } if (m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetData()!=NULL) { m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.PlayAnim(m_iAmbientLightAnimation, AOF_LOOPING); m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.OffsetPhase(m_tmOffsetPhase*m_aoAmbientLightAnimation.GetCurrentAnimLength()); } // set a new light source with light properties CLightSource lsNew; SetupLightSource(lsNew); // setup background rendering flag if (m_bBackground) { SetFlags(GetFlags()|ENF_BACKGROUND); } else { SetFlags(GetFlags()&~ENF_BACKGROUND); } // set up this light source from the new properties m_lsLightSource.ls_penEntity = this; if (!m_bdfInitialized.bdf_bValue) { m_lsLightSource.SetLightSourceWithNoDiscarding(lsNew); m_bdfInitialized.bdf_bValue = TRUE; } else { m_lsLightSource.SetLightSource(lsNew); } m_strDescription.PrintF("%s:%g-%g", (const char *) strType, m_rHotSpotRange, m_rFallOffRange); return; }; };